Transcripts For CSPAN3 Book Discussion On For God Country An

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Book Discussion On For God Country And Coca-Cola 20160409

They stay relatively cold, longer. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast let me introduce my other books really quickly. Book,s actually my latest not the new edition of coke. This is a wonderful childrens book, silly sadie. You can find all of this at my website, which is my name. Jokeis a far joke fart book did this is a history far joke book. This is a history of coffee. Mirror, as mirror, history of meares mirrors. Japans tipping point, which is recent. I went looking to see whether they were really doing a lot about Renewable Energy after the meltdown. And one more, lets see, victims of memory is probably my most important book, it is about the repressed memory of the dimmick the epidemic of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Wanted to open this 1985, and i from presume if you are interested in cocacola that you know what happened in 1985. They changed the flavor of cocacola and to the entire world went insane. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast it is really amazing. I cannot think of another product that people would have gone so busy work over. Ezerk over. E b i started the book with the change. I talked to the company about with the drink meant to them, not so much the taste of it, but what it meant. I will read a few of the leaders letters that the company was kind enough to let me have. A file of letters that people wrote to them in 1985. I am a very heavy coke drinker, i do not drink coffee, tea, water, i drink nothing but coke. I always have a glass or can of coke. Always. I have now to find something to drink that i cant tolerate. Can tolerate. It will not be new coke. Changing coke is like changing the american dream. Millions of dollars worth of advertising cannot overcome years of conditioning, or in my case, generations. Old coke is in my blood. Until you bring old coke back, i am going to drink rc. [laughter] i do not drink alcohol make alcoholic beverages. My only vice has been coke and now you have taken that pleasure from the. My dearest from me. My dearest coke, you betrayed me. I knew that our love affair was over. It is just amazing. I wanted to start off with that introduction. The question is, how in the world did that happen . How did a drink that was 99 sugar water, to represent the United States of america to many people. And come to mean so much and have so much power in the world, including in politics, the environment, and now they are being blamed for the obesity epidemic. How did this happen . I will try to take you through a march through this. I am sure that i cannot cover everything. Please, make little notes about questions you want answered and i will try to answer them. Cocacola was invented in 1886 by this gentleman, this is the only known picture of him, john pender tim. He was born in 1831 in georgia. He became a pharmacist and he was a doctor. He was a Patent Medicine maker. He was convinced that he would make his fortune. He made things like extracts and costs soar up cough syrup and other medicines you have never heard of. So he was not a very good businessman. He would make money and give it away. He was also in the civil war and he was wounded and i believe that is a reason he became a morphine addict, with many civil war veterans did become. He also had, of course, ready access to it as a pharmacist. Although, it was perfectly legal and so my 14. Until 1914. In 1869,to atlanta determined to make his fortune. In 1884, 2 he had it years before he invented cocacola, because he made a drink that was an imitation of this worldfamous drink. It is called van mariani. If you had been alive, everybody knew about it, you would have known about. Moved tomariani had paris and was making his bordeaux wine with coca leaf. It had a healthy portion of alcohol and cocaine. And everybody thought that cocaine was a wonder drug in the 1880s, including sigmund freud. And he had endorsement from the likes of queen victoria, thomas edison, and the pope. He loved van mariani. So naturally, this is such a popular drink that many people imitated it, including john. He created a drink called french wine coca. Andit was clearly a ripoff in interviews with the atlanta constitution, he said as much. But he said, mine is better. I have made a superior product. I want to read you from one of ,he ads for van mariani because french wine coca, part of me, to give you a flavor of his style of advertising. I will try a americans aret the most nervous people in the world. All who are suffering from any nervous complaint would want to use the delightful remedy, french wine coca. Any afflicted with trouble, mental or physical distance a joshing, gastric irritability, etc. Is quickly. By thewine cured line. Wine. Literary men, bankers, ladies, all who are in secretary employment you have nervous frustration, irregularities of ae thousand, he require stimulant will find wine coca invaluable. Coca is the most wonderful invigorate her of the sexual impotency,will cure etc. When all other remedies fail. He went on and on about this drink and he was selling it like investors we guess what happened, sam jones came to town and he was a preacher who convinced everybody that liquor was evil. So atlanta was one of the first cities that voted to go dry. There was a vote in november of 1885 and to give people time to adjust to this, it was going to take effect on july 1, 1886. So john frantically tried to figure out how he could modify french wine coca to make what he called a temperance drink and that is what cocacola is. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast he kept the coca leaf. He added a lot of sugar because it was very bitter. Ola nut. T c ola this is a popular drug that contains caffeine. And this is the formula for cocacola, the new when i have in the third edition. This is the reason you should buy this book and have me autograph it. This is in the handwriting of Frank Robinson, in early partner of john. And when Frank Robinson took the drink to handler and convince him it would occur his headaches. Would cure his headaches. We did it. If you look over where it says cocacola flavor, doesnt that look familiar . Hero out the famous script and he he wrote out the famous script and he wrote cocacola. It had cooking and caffeine. Found thedy has ever recipe for french wine coca and there it is. I just wanted to show you what these were. These are real plan. This is what a coca plant looks like. May take a leave and they import it from peru. Ize it. Cocaine in the 1920s and had a little bit of cocaine. And i took this picture when i was doing research for inside the outbreak. I bought one of these from a beautiful young woman and to do ed it and spit out immediately. It is incredibly better. I know why he added a summit sugar. To children. E this this is in 1894. It on aertised calendar. They put it on things that you had to look at a lot. They gave away free matchbooks with the cocacola logo on it, fans orrs, or japanese calendars. Early on, they had wholesome nicelooking women although this one looks strong. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast it was a delightful summer and winter beverage, they sold it in winter, specific for headaches. It was at the same time a medicine and a soft drink. And it was served in Soda Fountains with carbonated water. And around this time, Frank Robinson wrote in a letter and said, women keep contacting me and saying, would you please stop with the medicinal advertising. Just advertise it as a refreshing drink, because we do not want to feel like we are sick to drink it. He began to get that idea and gradually they began to change the advertising. This is one from 1905, 2 years after they took out the cocaine. And they are still advertising it with little children. And children all healthy and happy drinking. Ocacola let me mention why they took out the cocaine. Cocaine had been a wonder drug in the 1880s, but gradually it became clear that it was an addictive drug that was a real problem. The reason that they really took it out was that cocacola was a very southern drink and there were rumors that black people were drinking too much cocacola, getting high on the cocaine, raping white women and murdering their bosses. This was in newspapers i found at the time, i am quite convinced that is one of the main reasons that they took out, from racism. Why they removed the cocaine. This is another one showing a kind of rx, prescription for students and brain workers, it is supposed to make you smarter. As the drink was quite controversial, even after they , thethe cocaine out company decided to try to make it a patriotic beverage. Here you can see uncle sam pulling a coca out of the white house Soda Fountain. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast midnight it did not do them any good, because this man hated cocacola and he was kind of like the route nadir of his day. His day. Nader of he got a peer drug pure food and drug act passed and would be the first head of the fda, or what would be known as the fda. He got the government to sue cocacola in 1911, which almost put them out of business. One of his complaints was that the caffeine was an added ingredient that they were trying to promote to children. And coke barely survived the lawsuit. I hope you will read the chapter on it. One of the things that came out of that was they were never to show children under the age of 12 years old drinking cocacola in an ad again and as far as i know, they never have. Here is harvey wiley in the 1912 Good Housekeeping article warning the public against the gremlins of the cocacola. That is what a coke glass look like. Handler, he always wanted to have wholesome women and no over sexual appeals, kind of just sexual appeals. This was a bottler in chicago that showed a prostitute who was very happy and tired and satisfied, that is what it says underneath. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast and you can see the empty coke bottles. He did not like that, but he took the idea. Coca early on realized that they should have sports celebrities advertising the drink. Robert woodruff who took over was very good friends with ty cobb and convinced him to buy into it. Fortune. E basis of his and it should have been the fortune of my father and his father, because my grandfather bought cocacola stock and then sold it month later in order to buy a house. Unfortunate. [laughter] mr. Pendegrast this was an ad from 1922, showing the relatively new at that time, hobble skirt bottle, or the contour bottle. What happened was, coke had a contest in 1915 to select a bottle that people would recognize, a blind man could recognize in the dark or you know, that anybody would know was cocacola. The reason they did this was not for advertising but for legal purposes, they wanted to sue people who were imitating them. Classichat is how this bottle was created. By the way, the bottling began these9 in a big way, when two chattanooga lawyers said they want to bottle it. The owner said, i do not want it bottled, it is not a good product, the bottles blow up. But i tell you what, i will give you the right to bottle it across the United States, but you need to use my syrup. That created an incredible franchise bottling system and it also created tension between the bottlers and the Company Forever more. And numerous lawsuits came out of that and youll have to read the book to find out what they were. So, during the depression Robert Woodruff worked with an ad man and between lee them, they came up with some of the best and most classic cocacola advertising ever. Robert woodruff said no more defensive ads, we will not say, it is not bad for you. And we will not worry about the fact that the government sued us and the army band it from army bases in 1907, we are just going to say it is a wholesome product and a wonderful kind of affordable luxury. And during the depression, this is a great thing, for only five cents you could get yourself a little cause that refreshes pause that refreshes and it was a wonderful ad line. Pause thate refreshes became a tagline. And these are the whole some beauties that if you like cocacola, they would love you too. Here is a serving tray, things that you look at or use all the time, they were good at that. This is a Norman Rockwell picture of a wholesome freckle faced boy drinking coke. He looks close to being under 12 years old. This is during a time when the u. S. Was urbanizing quickly and even then, cocacola was harkening back to a mythical past. Very good at doing that. Still very good at it. They could not show children drinking it, but they did want to get children to drink their drink from an early age and to become loyal to it and literally, addicted to it. The letter to represent their drink than santa claus. Ad features a wonderful artist, featuring santa claus in 1931 and they are still going on, as you know. And it really to find defined the way that we think of santa claus. Up until then, some were that and jelly, but somewhere thin and tall. Forever more, since it would look like this and prefer cocacola. And when i was growing up, we had a cute little Cocacola Santa claus by the fireplace. Remember that . With a tiny cocacola. And mom and dad, would you stand up . Just for a moment. [applause] my dad made part of his living by making display racks for cocacola and he helped me with introducing me to many people when i was First Reading the First Edition of the book. During world war ii, that was really, this is just beyond comprehension they exempted cocacola. One pearl rock harbor happened, woodruff said we will provide cocacola for our fighting men no matter where they are, for only a nickel. It was a great patriotic gesture, but it was also a brilliant marketing move. As a result, cocacola was deemed a morale booster for the troops. Overseas cocacola men dressed in Army Uniforms with t. O. On their shoulders, technical observer it stood for, this is a civilian essential to the war effort. Many of them fixed airplanes, but these guys set up bottling plants behind the lines to get to the troops and it really was a morale booster. I have all of the letter that will not read now, but i will what they really meant to them in the trenches. It set them up after the war with, everybody knew that coke was a g. I. Drink. Pepsi was screaming bloody murder all this time and they did not get the same treatment. I thought that this was a funny ad, a cartoon, congratulations you are the 100th soldier who has posed without bottle of cocacola, you can drink it. At the same time that cocacola was the patriotic drink, which you know, it is amazing it had become this after the u. S. Government had sued them not long ago the 30 years before. Inside not popular see germany, this is a 1937 iner of cocacola news and the head ofd that was putting germany a cocacola logo next to a huge swastika. It was shocking. Himself,was not a nazi but he had to go along to get along. All that chapter cocacola because for him it was cocacola over everything. He was sent to a concentration camp himself, because he refused to join. And he came up with fanta. And that is what the company used later on to go into fruit drinks. After the war, cocacola was watched for international expansion. This is a cover from Time Magazine in 1950, says world and friends love that american way of life. Coke had become a symbol of the american way of life, for good and bad. The communists, they spread rumors that cocacola would turn your hair white overnight, that it made you impotent, that it was awful for you. And nonetheless, coke persevered in the so it was almost abandoned in france. The mineral water makers did not want it. I have a chapter in the book cocacola colonization. Coke was very good at doing advertising on the radio and when television came a long, they jumped on board. They sponsored are the and harriet, the perfect American Family to drink cocacola. With little ricky doing so also. At the same time, Robert Woodruff did not like change. So he did not want to change from the one drink, one size, one price. It was a 6. 5 ounce bottle for a nickel and that is all there was. Pepsi had come along during the depression and that pepsi and a 12 ounce in a 12 ounce beer bottle and they had a jingle that said, pepsicola hits the spot, 12 full ounces that is a lot, twice as much for a nickel too, pepsicola is right for you. It was a low quality drink or people,le for cheap but it sold a lot of pepsi and coke receive refused to match them. Nobody at cocacola would say pepsi, they would say the imitator. They would not even name them. Finally they broke down and they came out with a king size coke and finally with sprite and with a diet drink. Although, i do not want to offend people, even though many people love tab. Everybody likes something and then they become used to it, even though it may taste like kerosene. [applause] [laughter] hadpendegrast so, cocacola never addressed a huge market, the africanamerican market was very big for cocacola. But they only showed black people in ads as domestic servants throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Here, in the 1950s, they showed sugar ray robinson. This was in a publication for blacks, said they had separate but equal ads. It was not until the 1960s when they were basically forced by the Civil Rights Movement to not ads,show blacks in their this is a real thing ad, but also there is in a credible story in the book of Charlie Boone thed charlie first black sales rep they had and what they went through together as a team in the 1960s with Death Threats and people dumping food in their laps in restaurants, etc. Two cocacolas credit, Robert Woodruff was the one that said, when Martin Luther king jr. Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, you will go to the dinner in honor of my mother king. And when Martin Luther king. And when he was killed, cocacola helped pay for the funeral and to make sure that atlanta did not blow up the way the country was. Thing been an interesting , there was a racial determination lawsuit not long ago that cocacola finally settled, but there have been racial issues right along. , is real Thing Campaign think was brilliant. Hippiested to appeal to and they wanted to appeal to the old generation at the same time. And the hippies were looking for authentic things, you know. They wanted to do their thing and to be real in terms of authentic. So this ad

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