Transcripts For CSPAN3 American History TV 20160221 : compar

Transcripts For CSPAN3 American History TV 20160221

what do you make about all of these past challenges from the well --mr. bush: senator? well, we shall cans and unfortunately, he ran an ad that equated need to bill clinton and he trust and -- and he questioned my trustworthiness. i am saying that you can debate issues, but whatever you do, don't debate my integrity and .rustworthiness to bill clinton that is about as low a blow that you can give in the republican party. larry king: and that is what you got mad about to fight back. mr. bush: i stand by my ads. when i say i'm spending all my surplus on the tax cuts, and he says that is not true, i'm going to define what reality is. larry king: senator mccain, is that true? mr. mccain: let me tell you what happened. iran and added he ran an ad, and i was eat up and he said he was called clinton and called clinton-like in south carolina. you have seen it, turn on the radio,turn on the unfortunately, now pick up the telephone. but let me tell you what really went over the line. had an event and he paid for it and stood next to a spokesperson for a fringe veterans group. that fringe veteran said that john mccain had abandoned the veterans. now i don't know how you can understand this, george, but that really hurts, that really hurts. and so five united states senators, vietnam veterans, heroes, some of the really incredible heroes, wrote george a letter and said, apologize. he should be ashamed. he should be ashamed. to the whitead house rewind, airs on sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span3 on "american history tv." announcer: every election cycle, we are reminded as to how important it is for citizens to be informed. >> we have to track the government while this happens. >> there are a lot of c-span fans on the hill. >> my colleagues say they saw you on c-span. this ensures that people outside the beltway knows what is going on inside it. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] all began, "american history tv" is featuring greenville, south carolina. as hunting lands for the american indians, this now runs through greenville. " covers "city tours this and it will air all weekend on c-span3. them complained about not knowing very much about their history in greenville, the history of black folk in greenville. schools,rted that in the only chapter that they had on black people is that they were slaves. that they were slaves and they wanted to know where they could find information, if they could go to the library or get some information on jesse jackson, but they knew nothing about the early history of blacks in greenville. greenville is a typical southern town and black and white basically. thecall the 1940's and 1950's when there were families of asian descent, maybe one or two or three families had come into this area from one of the arab countries. and they normally lived in the neighborhoods close to black neighborhoods in greenville because they, too, were discriminated against to some degree. but greenville was filled at that time with the kinds of bigotry that most of us have learned to live with and accept. that timele during either place and they stayed in it. and we as children coming up, it too, knew our place and was the way things were and it was the way things had always been. i can recall as a child, hearing stories about willie earl, who youngl young -- who was a black man who was lynched after being charged with stabbing a taxi driver in the road. the lynching took place right in greenville. i remember hearing everybody talk about what happened to willie earl. children with think of being afraid of anything, we with thick about what happened to willie earl. but as we grew older, for some reason, that fear left us because if you can be a young snatchedyoung woman out of jail without the benefit of a trial and brutally lynched, what is it to be afraid of? so when the civil rights movement broke out, many of our parents tried to put fear in us by telling us how dangerous it was. and we realize that it was danger, but that danger didn't bother us. what bothered us was the possibility that we, if we allowed things to remain the way they were, that we, too, one day could lose our life. the bible says if you save your life, you could lose it, but are you willing to lose your life for the sake of what is right, then you will save it. so we were spontaneous in this e civil rights movement. first, not many activities were covered by the local television station, which was channel 4. there were accounts of it in the newspaper. otherille, as well as the cities in south carolina, did not get the attention of bernie birmingham, alabama or other cities. but this quickly spread from to columbia, which had allen university and benedict college, morris college, and even with pretty at southn orangeburg carolina university and then into charleston, s.c., and that movement came together, although first, itntaneous at involved into an organized movement of young people. it was at that time that i was actually, believe it or not, at the age of 15 elected to state president of the college chapter of the naacp of the whole state of south carolina. ourwe began to coordinate efforts as a state. we were given an attorney that worked with us, who later became ry, and, matthew j. per he worked with us on cases that could be filed, if there were arrests, he handled it. normally we had donald james sampson, who was an attorney and another local attorney who handled those cases. it began to take movement and evolve into a statewide movement that began to garner some attention. robinson came to greenville, he was denied access to the waiting room at the airport, and out of that insult, because here you have a baseball great at the level of jackie robinson being refused the use of the waiting room, and out of that, we had a march on the airport on i believe it was january 1, 1960. yeah, but we organize that march on the airport and we marched from springfield that discharge located at that time on mcabee avenue and the new church is still on mcabee, and we had hundreds and hundreds who came from all over the state and locally to march on the airport, and after that very successful march on the airport, that was when the sins began to occur. case -- the sit-ins to occur. the peterson case happened after that. students came home on summer break, they were arrested at a five and dime in greenville . there were about four of us who are arrested who were underage, under the age of 16. and we were consequently removed from the city jail and taken to the youth detention center. we were kept at the youth detention center for one week. days, but it was seven days that we were kept there, and it was no fun. but we didn't stop. 16, i was i turned back on the trail again. but that particular case, arab attorneys -- case, our attorneys in use decays from the united states supreme . and the arrest of people on the from there removed record, so our names were not listed because we were under age at the time. the other case i was waslved in in columbia where students rallied from all protest thete to fact that the south carolina house of representatives at that time had passed a bill that gave police officers the authority to forst individuals disturbing the peace, even if it was on state property. so immediately, we decided that on thed have to march capital. that was back in march of 90 six he won, i thick it was march, a could have been march of 19 six 1961, i thinkh of it was march, it could have been march of 1961. downeds of students came from the state and students from columbia and morris call -- morris college and south carolina state university. clyburn,congressman jim clyburn was arrested, he was one of the ones arrested during that particular march on the state capital. in jail kept us overnight and that next day when ,e were able to have visitors who wasn't there but are faithful youth advisors. they stay there all night, even though we were released at that time. but we had some wonderful adult anders in the movement there is so much to be told and sometimes i'm hesitant to even talk about the civil rights movement because the history of the civil rights movement, like a wild,tories, is like that always flies away. you can't put your fingers on it or your hands around it because what i found is that when you are a part of something as life-changing as the civil rights movement, everybody wants to be a part of it, everybody wants their little niche in history. if they marched in one march, they ran the civil rights movement, or they were a leader in the civil rights movement. that i canere those recall in greenville who were a part of the civil rights movement from the beginning to the end. those that did leave and come back, you know, the college vacations, that those who really made a substantial contribution and who stood on the battlefield until as we used to put it, victory was won. staffcer: our cities tour recently traveled to greenville, south carolina to learn about its rich history. learn more about greenville and other cities on our cities tour by going to stour. watch american history tv, all weekend, every weekend, on c-span3. >> i am still trying to decide which candidate to support. i am trying to decide between the governors who have executive experience or some other candidates alike ted cruz -- candidates like ted cruz and marco rubio. >> there are more than 5 million americans willing to step forward and serve in americorps, the peace corps, and other programs. announcer: monday on "the communicators," gordon smith, groupent and ceo of the of broadcasters talks about the top box market. >> i respect that the chairman is looking at something. chairman wheeler is, if nothing credit, his great fostering competition, and he is looking at one of the real cost centers in the paid television industries. so i understand what he is doing that. >> i am saying, ok, who is the new gatekeeper? amazon, google? if it is one of those, the question i have is, right now, we have tough negotiations with directv and satellite or dish, or with comcast and cable. time warner, you name it. those retransmission negotiations are happening all the time and 99.9 percent of them and without any difficulty at all. but they are paying for the contents. so, if it goes to a new set-top box with a different gatekeeper, i guess my question, putting my broadcast hat back on, is, how about my copyrighted material? will they sale as on that? do they have no responsibility for what they then will take from broadcasters? >> watch the communicators monday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. >> he describes how members of congress in the early 1800s bonded across party lines. for tobacco use, social clubs, and living together in boarding houses. however, leading up to the civil war, the friendships and alliances disintegrated, revealing the sectional divisions and national politics at the time. his class is one hour. prof. balcerski: welcome everybody. it is me, your professor. i'm excited to offer an election on the political culture of the antebellum congress. the outline, we start with a review of the party system.

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