Transcripts For CSPAN3 American History TV 20140817 : compar

Transcripts For CSPAN3 American History TV 20140817

partners to showcase the history of casper, wyoming. to learn more about the cities on our 2014 tour, visit the website. we continue with the history of casper. this is american history tv on c-span3. >> this is the natrona county high school annual, our senior year of 1959 when dick and i were classmates. along with lynn, we were all in the same class together. the first one we will look at is a picture of dick and lynn coming down the stairways at our junior-senior prom. that happens to be a picture when we were all juniors. this next page is a picture of dick when he was a junior also. right there. that is dick. that was the group of individuals from our class picked to go to the conference every summer they had at the wyoming state fairgrounds. he was picked for that. some of the better students, higher grades, boyd state is state is what it was actually called. they had girls state also. lynn on the next page, that happens to be a picture of lynn when she was getting ready to go down to girls state. i moved here starting in the eighth grade. that is when dick and lynn were both moving in around the same time. we all met at the first of that school year and knew each other for the next five years. we would all go to the same parties and dances. they never dated until they were seniors because everybody kind of co-mingled with everybody else. it was not like it is today. they were very popular, of course. lynn was the baton twirling in -- twirler in front of the high school marching band. everybody knew them. the school was not that big. this is the student council page. dick happens to be right there. he was our class president. down below is pat ellis. this is lou, who was an interesting figure in the u.s. military. he went on and made a military career. this is paula barry. the next thing we can take a look at is the beginning of our senior year. this was our class officers at that time. dick is back in here is a class officer that year and so was this young lady. these two are new class officers. this happened to be our two class sponsors. looking back, you can see where he was geared for where he did finally go. at the time, i did not know as much as i ran around with him that he was interested in politics. i think he got into that in college. he was always a class leader. he was one of the alternate team captains in football. we rotated that position. he was always one of the leaders. this is dick cheney's senior class picture. i would guess at that time, dick was probably 17 years old. maybe 18. this next page happens to be some of the seniors, some of the football team. not all seniors but some seniors. in this picture, that happens to be myself, lucky enough to get in there with those guys. this is dick cheney over here. this is tom, who was one of dick's good friends he went to college with. they went to yale together and both moved back to wyoming together. this is joe myers who ended up being secretary of state for the state of wyoming and state treasurer. he and were long time political friends. after high school, dick and lynn went off to college. they went their separate ways. dick went to yale. they kept in touch. he did not like being there and her here. he did finally transfer back to wyoming and finished his college career down there. that is when he went into the political circles. we stayed in touch with each other and would see each other at class reunions. once in a while, we would get together and go fishing in the summer or something. kind of ironic, in two weeks, we have our 55th class reunion coming up. as of right now, dick and lynn will be there. >> throughout the weekend, american history tv is featuring casper, wyoming. our local content vehicles team recently traveled there to learn about its rich history. learn more about casper and other stops. you are watching american history tv, all weekend, every >> 200 years ago on august 4, 1814, british soldiers rallied -- just outside washington dc the victory left the nation's capital wide open to british forces who marched into the city and burn down the white house and the u.s. capitol. you can learn more about the burning of washington during the war of 1812 this thursday from anthony pitch. live coverage starts at 6:45 p.m. eastern. more about the burning of washington next saturday, august 23, as we take you live to the waterfront park for a panel discussion on the events of 200 years ago. that is live at 1:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv 3. c-span >> a panel of history professors traces the evolution of slavery as depicted in film since the 1930's. drawing examples from films like mandingo, amistad and 12 years a slave, panelist discuss how film makers have framed the idea of slavery.

Related Keywords

United States , Washington , District Of Columbia , Natrona County , Wyoming , Reunion , United Kingdom , American , British , Paula Barry , Joe Myers , Pat Ellis , Dick Cheney ,

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