Transcripts For CSPAN3 American Artifacts 20150927 : compare

Transcripts For CSPAN3 American Artifacts 20150927

>> was enough principally for unitedrpose that nation's gross. listen to the lucid words of a great man. mr. john kennedy, who declared mankind must put an end to war. or war will put an end to mankind. words are not needed to proclaim this institution. menices that the blood of and unheard-of sufferings lead to slaughter and frightful ruin that unites you. which must change future history of the world. no more war, never again wore. ar. peace, it is peace. ii served fromul 1963 until his death in 1978. up next on reel america, october 4, 1965, pope paul vi's visit to the united nations, the first to visit the united states and the first to address the general assembly. >> all of the nations, even the smallest, even those that do not sovereignty,full falselye that have been robbed of it, will need full equality. in the united nations organization. i hope that the united nations will ever remain the supreme peace and justice. to plant the seed of freedom, longing forividuals a better future. [applause] >> next, author christopher kolakowski talks the fall of richmond. and the decision by confederate leaders that led to the surrender at appomattox. he draws comparisons between appomattox and a battle in world war ii, to show how general grant and lee influence later military leaders. american emerging civil war blog hosted the event. it is about 50 minutes. in norfolk, virginia, he saidthis spring, that the only thing that is equitable to the event he is overseeing would be a presidential library. he said that is a really significant kind of thing, but when you think about what

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United States , America , American , John Kennedy ,

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