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Personal charge of his forces and today has been perhaps the most important for him with the key battles of his nomination fight coming to a head. Bob schieffer reports. Bob the president spent a lot of time visiting various state allegations. He went to some of the headquarters hotels and had other dollar legation to headquarters on the 18th floor of this hotel. One of the things you come away with after talking to people here, members of the white house staff is this the ford people seem a lot more comfortable about their vote count. On the other hand, they are 16c thingout this coming up tonight to force the president to name his running mate early. The organization conducted a poll and while it should they would win on the issue, they would probably win on a thin margin. The ford people know when you have a margin that then, anything can happen. Somehowo know that if the reagan forces push that through, there is a good chance it is going to cost mr. Ford some votes. That is why they will be working very hard against it and thats why the reagan folks will be working hard. A crucialis has been day for the presence challenger, Ronald Reagan. The reagan camp is operating on the premise that the actual delegate battle is much closer than most counts indicate. Governor reagan was busy going from hotel to hotel, delegation to delegation, stressing two main things. First, reiterating very firmly that he would not accept a Vice President ial spot on a ford order be the income in this conventions nominee. Reagan said over and over he would go back to the private life, turning out speeches and syndicated news columns, maintaining what he calls his independence to criticize government policy when he thought that was warranted. Second, he has been stressing this rule 16 battle, this is a reagan proposal that would force him to name his perspective running mate in advance of running tomorrow. Reagan has been arguing to delegations that since he has named his potential running mate, senator schweiker, that delegates have a right to know who mr. Ford would choose. This is a point he has been making throughout the day, over and over again. The reagan people think this is a test of strength and a win on this issue would indicate strength in this and think anyone ford would have to name in advance would offend someone and cost him some support somewhere in this convention. With whom i talk think a win by the reagan people on this issue would not automatically mean a nomination for governor reagan tomorrow. However, that a loss might fatally hurt his nomination chances. The people of the reagan camp dont go that far. They have their own delegate headcounts, they are not revealing it and i are not saying whether they see a win or loss but theyd do not appear to be too worried. Walter the reason this is so critical is the balance between the ford and reagan forces when it comes to the balloting tomorrow night is so narrow. Delegate poll,r issident ford at this moment running around 11 votes more than he needs. Our delegate count indicates he has 1141. In other words, he would win it. Still 78 undetermined, but anything such as this rule 16 fight could overturn those delegate counts. Until thee final balloting is actually done. 16 c is going to be a very interesting parliamentary fight. Up, bruceter comes morton will be following it all the way through and will be able to tell us what is happening from the podium. You can tell us in advance what you are expecting. Oure what we have learned queensied market shows break. The ohio state chairman and chairman of the rules committee will read a report on all the rules considered. Thats just take five minutes in and then there will be 30 minutes of debate on Vice President ial 16 c. There will be six unnamed speakers for the ford five. And there aree all sorts of rumors about other proposed rules changes. Those would supposedly get five minutes debate per side each. We will see how it goes. our floor correspondents will be following all of these intricate maneuverings tonight. They can tell us what they expect at the floor. First, roger mudd. Fords agentsnt have been working the floor and they are nervously confident. They say they think they will win by 25 even though it earlier report says they thought it would be about by 10. The biggest argument against rule 16 c as the reagan bandwagon slows down means the door would be left open for a reagan vice presidency and that is the argument you hear in this section of the floor. It, it would lose heighten the anticipation for tomorrow morning. One member of the ford staff president ford should never revealed his selection except in his will. Now to mike wallace. Mike there are two vital delegations here on this part of the floor new jersey and mississippi. Both of them caucus on this item and neither one of them gave the reagan people the support they wanted. In new jersey, 67 votes, 61 according to our understanding against the reagan 16 c amendment. For our for it, to abstention. All along they have said in new jersey there are hidden votes. That is what we are going to see here this evening. 61 out of the 67 against 16 c. The big one was mississippi. They held a caucus this afternoon and voted 31 to 28 against 16 c. Some people say that is fords strength. Some people say the reagan people went along because they did not want gerald ford to nominate Ronald Reagan for his Vice President ial running mate before this came to its climax tomorrow. The fact remains that they voted as a unit and there will be 30 votes cast against Ronald Reagan. Now to dan rather. Dan ive been talking to delegates and its difficult to find a delegate on either side trying to force president ford to name his selection before the nomination. Its very difficult to find anyone on either side of that who believes if the president is forced to do that that he will not name howard baker of tennessee. Chanceschances, bakers jump considerably. The speculation that runs fairly heavily down here. The big delegation to watch is pennsylvania. Is one where if the reagan forces are going to get what they want tonight on this issue of forcing president ford to name his Vice President ial nomination. It indicates they will not be able to do that. We have a rough vote of 85 if thatthe proposal , the reagan forces can win. The nixon people slip of the tongue, sorry to say the ford people were out here early checking out all of their communications equipment. They still have an organizational set up that is much better anything be reagan people have put out. And telephonelkie to medication and a lot of experienced convention people. Have a farpeople less efficient telephone system. As far as i know, they dont have any walkietalkie system at all. The chairman who figures he can deliver all of his 100 delegate votes for the reagan side on the Vice President ial matter was telling his delegates that the session may last well past midnight. Andold them to stick it out snore in place if you have two but do not let your body depart. At the risk of restating the issue does create a faceoff situation between mr. Reagan and mr. Ford, but it is not quite just that. There are a couple of things happening that could muddy the entire outcome on this vote on 16 c. Some ford people say they are going to vote against president ford. They seem to be thinking while they wantto buy ford, to sue the accessories look like before they finish the purchase. And we have heard from some reagan delegates who say they are going to vote against reagan on this amendment because they is anit is unfair and example of the kind of intense pressure and battle being waged on every, if not every seat in hall is this little piece of paper handed out by the Ford Committee that says vote no on 16 c. Oppose the should amendment because it prevents a fordreagan ticket since governor reagan could not consent to the president s Vice President as required by the amendment. Point number 2 it eliminates a consultation with governor reagan for the Vice President hostile nation. In other words, the ford people are saying reagan is not going to win this president ial nomination. Unless you vote against 16 c, reagan is not going to be considered for Vice President , nor will he have a say in the Vice President ial nominee. Walter there are other subtleties in the matter as suggested by dan rather and that is if 16 c is voted tonight, the chances of resident ford naming it tomorrow morning a moderate sway against him any of those who would support people on the fringes is greatly enhanced and that would be a for instance, howard baker, though there are other moderates who might satisfy liberals and more conservatives in the party. So we are all standing aside here for the shootout from the kc stockyards. Nationallican Convention Coverage by cbs news will resume after this message. Walter the session is set to begin 15 minutes from now, the session that will tell whether president ford will get the nomination of his party or whether it will be Ronald Reagan. We will be watching this rules fight tonight and we have some thoughts full it some thoughts. First toesident is choose winning the nomination rather than winning the election and in terms of the future of the country, the Vice President becomes president four out of the last six president s were Vice President s. Of course the ford people would not oppose it. He wants somebody who can help them in the election, but also somebody who could be president if necessary. Tonight,ses the fight what walter and dan rather are suggesting that it would be someone like baker, and inoffensive moderate. Yes. You have to keep in mind this firstrn not out of any for reform. They tell a story about texas about a fellow who had to have a shotgun wedding. You took the onus off his own indiscretion. To turneagan is trying this convention into a double shotgun wedding. He wants to call for the support of delegates to be angered no matter who he chooses. Is thatigh moral tone it must be so. They are talking at the eastman case. Would 10 hours make that much difference . That is the point. People would have 10 hours to react whether they make that choice or not but to react in , theyof investigating could do nothing. It also highlights the fundamental rule of politics, which is reciprocity. President ial leader would be unable to select the loser as his running mate and closing down politics into an ideological view unto and at agent of reconciliation. There is also the longdistance practical matter of future conventions here and you set a precedent. Each of the big blocks of delegates thinking they would have a serious chance to be president , none of them could designate one or the other as Vice President and it would betray their followers. That is a secondary consideration but a real one. If a liberal nominee or conservative announces 10 hours in advance, he is not going to make anyone happy if he chooses a liberal, he runs the risk of making the battle more pitch and enduring and unreconcilable. The selection happening here is more important than what happens in november. No Vice President has ever increased the popular vote by more than 2 . They can bring in an occasional state like lbj with kennedy, he helped to get texas and louisiana. That was a close calculation, him a littlecost bit. I would expect right now that gerald ford doesnt know who he should take for the best interest of the party or for the country. I think he has to find that answer before he does. Walter we will be back in one minute with cbs News Coverage of the Republican National convention. Walter this crucial session of the Republican National convention is just 10 minutes or so away. It is generally agreed in kansas city that the momentum is with president ford. Nearly all of the delegate polls by various news media indicate ford has gone over the top, somewhere around a margin of five or 10 votes and upi, united press new service quoted a reagan aide as saying he has lost it. I dont see how he can pull it off. A Campaign Manager and a very smart political manager. Ronald reagan hoped to hold off by such maneuvers as the fight , possibly a fight over the platform. That comes up tonight. The 21,000 word document that sets how candidates should campaign, what the Republican Party stands for. There are going to be some amendments offered tonight and one would be an amendment supported by reagan forces in the socalled independent conservatives that would in effect criticize the henry foreignr gerald ford policy. That matter will be on the floor if they get these rules things settled before dawn tomorrow. 16 c is the name of the game because that comes up first. We have not had a test vote of this nature in a Political Convention since 1964 when the liberal scranton forces put a platform fight before the convention and lost it. It was proof the goldwater forces controlled that convention in san francisco. Roger mudd is with a georgia delegate who is against the Vice President ial amendment but is going to vote for it anyway. This is the state chairman of the gop in georgia. If Ronald Reagan is going to win on 16 c, hes going to have to get all the votes he can get. Thatia is a reagan state there are some that will not vote for 16 c. Attempt, at as an to notn technique necessarily embarrass the president but put him in a corner to change delegate votes. Reagan sees this and it could be indicative to how it goes. Roger while it is true you dont favor 16 c, youre going to have devote for it . Yes, i will. There are a lot of allegations. Hat are not sound like i am votes, no matter how it comes out tonight is not going to be indicative of the vote tomorrow night. As it stands right now, i believe president ford probably has the edge. The only way the governor probably has a hope of trying to win the nomination is trying to get the president to name his residential nominee. Most of the mississippi delegation remains officially uncommitted on the question of who should be the president ial nominee, but they made up their mind on this rules thing. Mike Gil Carmichael is the leader of the ford forces in mississippi. He ran for governor and almost took it last year. Gil carmichael, 30 votes against Ronald Reagan, how come question mark how come . There was a vote today and it could not help the interpreted as a ford vote. It was a real desire in the delegation to be very fair. 3128. He people voted as a result, you invoked the unit rule. Does that reflect the fact certain reagan people simply went along . Explain the vote. What happened is a decision was made. The ford strength is there and a lot of people did not believe it. Theres a strong support for president ford and a strong support for governor reagan. Room. Ided up in the mark reid voted for 16 c but has committed himself to president ford, so that gives us 32 votes. Seem to be saying is the mississippi delegation could go for president ford tomorrow night . A try. Mike you remember the uncommitted delegate who said she was going to give up the news first. You have now decided in favor of . President ford. Mike you said you were going to get a message from up on high. Is that where you got it . Back i prayed all night last night. 30 votes against 16 c and conceivably a ford majority for the nomination. Walter dan rather is with one of the ford floor leaders who will be watching his delegate closely on these floor fights. Dan what is the strongest argument you have found to use going tole who say im vote for president ford for the nomination but i really want to support the reagan people on this matter of getting out front with these choices . I dont know any ford people who would do that. To locka scheme schweiker in for Vice President. Reagan has his backers. If the convention would force ford to have a package, they vote between it to packages and swiger would be home free. He can be nominated on the floor of this convention in a straight out fight. If this new rule is adopted, it locks schweiker in if reagan wins. If ford wins, it locks reagan out. Why it would prevent ford from conferring with reagan about Vice President because he couldnt do it until after the contest was over. Dan there were three or four members of the delegation trying to convince you that was not true. Did you find that persuasive . At all. They cannot nominate him on this floor. Is the rules to lock him in without a direct vote. Who would run best with him in the brassica . Reagan. And as locked out if they vote for this new rule. Dan do you think theres any chance despite what he said . Yes. Now he would say no. He would probably say no until thursday morning, but at least he can become altered. Past, ive known a lot of candidates who said no and in the morning, they said yes. Dan that is the kind of argument supporters are giving against 16 c. Walter there is a large Movement Among the more conservative delegates here that even if their candidate is nominated for the presidency, they would vote against his Vice President ial choice when i got to that vote on thursday. It seems almost every few minutes since early this afternoon, we got another indication from our delegate count that ford is building his momentum. We just got word from our people keeping track of the delegates feeding them into our computers, a delegate from virginia just told cbs he would vote for president ford. He had previously been counted as having no preference. To 1141. Goes up is just getting underway now. This crucial session of the convention with the trooping of the colors into the hall. Cbs News Coverage of the Republican National Convention Continues in a moment. Announcer cbs news continues its special report, campaign 76. Tonight, the second session of the Republican National convention from the kemper arena in kansas city. This portion is sponsored by the people of Ford Motor Company on behalf of ford and lincoln mercury dealers. Ford wants to be your car company. Oh say can you see by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilight last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright fightthrough the perilous , over the ramparts we watched gallantly streaming. And the rockets red glare, the proofbursting in air gave through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that starspangled yet wave over the land and the home of the brave [applause] walter that was gordon mcrae, popular singer singing the National Anthem this opening session. The invocation will be given to one of my good friends in congress, one of the outstanding members of congress in the First District of minnesota, the honorable al please. Ladies and gentlemen, let me ask you, if you would communicate with god in your own way, let us bow our heads and hearts. Acknowledged, we that you created and planned all in the universe and created us in your image. Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving this evening that you care for us, that we can safely worship you and share with others our belief in you, that we as a minority in this nation can assemble to state our we stand for and select republican choice for president and Vice President. That your presence may infect us. Phyllis through your wisdom of the holy spirit. We have differences of opinion as you know. Help us that we might love each other with the love of christs as we push for what we believe in and who we believe in and while we need your forgiveness, help us above all to be forgiving of others. , may i remind all of us who are gathered here your words to your decide when james and john asked to sit at your right hand and left hand in your kingdom and you said we are to be different. Would be great must be a servant, just as the son of man came not to be served but serve and give his life as a ransom for many. We play we pray in jesus name. Amen. The convention is going to hear some brief remarks on the p. O. W. Missing in action issue from Lieutenant Colonel Raymond Shrum. He retired from the army in 1973 after being a prisoner of war for five years from 1968 to 73 in vietnam. On thursday, the North Carolina considerings honoring him by putting his name into nomination on the Vice President ial ballot. Thereafter, in the early parts of this evening for around 15 minutes or so, there are remarks to be heard from representative Melissa Fenwick and the president of the National Federation of republican women. Then the introduction of former senator connally, former governor connally, excuse me. The presiding officer is a temporary chairman, senator bob dole of kansas. i ask you to take your seats. We have a most important guest. It is my honor to introduce to you one of the greatest americans are generation, no one appreciates how long a single dayss until he has spent in a p. O. W. And communist prison. Colonel Raymond Shrum rum North Carolina spent five years as a pow during the vietnam war. With him was a friend of mine, john done from hutchinson kansas. Mewould be emotional to tell for me to tell you that he had himself engendered in his fellow prisoners. Silver stars, two to legions of merit, three purple hearts and two awards in the combat infantry badge, it is the greatest honor to introduce colonel raymond trumps and mrs. Shrum. [applause] [applause] senator bill, distinguished , as i, fellow republicans stand here before this convention and our lord and savior jesus christ, i pray that you will bless the men and their families of whom i are about to speak. As you know, my background is largely that of a career soldier and for at least the past two years, a small businessman. As you will immediately become aware, im neither a politician or a speaker. Claim a cherished and priceless title, the most important in these United States, i am a private citizen of this republic. [applause] with your permission tonight, i shall exercise not only the rights and privileges of that citizenship, but, more importantly, some of the responsibilities that go along with the title. Simply to speak to you about things that are on my mind and in my heart concerning the condition and direction of our country. Having spent five years of my life denied the freedoms i once took for granted, i came to realize just how precious those freedoms really are and, today, i cherish them beyond words. [applause] i attribute my homecoming 23 basic things faith in god, faith in my country, faith in my fellow man. Is altogether fitting and timely in this year of our 200th anniversary as the greatest republic of all time to reaffirm ourselves to the preservation the bracing principles with this country was founded. America is the only country in the world that knows the true cost of freedom and that cost can only be measured in human life and personal sacrifices. [applause] regardless of your feelings in and mine on the vietnam war or how it was conducted, what is more important is how to resolve the last chapter of the vietnam war. How to obtain the release of the remaining men still being held and the return of those who died so that they may be properly buried. [applause] as a typical, average american, i do not understand the intricacies of the world politics, but i am learning fast. Individuals to Political Office with the fervent hopes he will protect their lives and liberties and love america as much as we do individually and collectively. That personal gain and quest for political power will not be the overriding decision when hard decision must the main on our half on our behalf. However, my efforts on behalf of our prisoners of war and missing in action has given me pause to are the where patriotic leaders in our country who will take a stand on behalf of the men they asked to serve serve . Asked to [applause] , in this great and free nation of ours, there are many wives and children and parents keep alively love to their hopes for a loved one listed as a prisoner of war or missing in action. Only god knows how many men are trying to stay alive on memories of such a love . Know the status of over 1000 men listed as missing in action. This country and endorsed our nations commitment to its allies. That endorsement was not accomplished merely by a signature on a hill but by personal sacrifice of life and freedom. Of thethey enjoy any rights and privileges we often take for granted and for which they were willing to pay the ultimate price. Must there endorsement be nationalo support our interest. Matter ofhat this dedication to duty is becoming the in saying and is a fearsome not in deed. As a matter of national integrity, we are morally bound to a complete accounting and recognition of these lost men. [applause] are we the American People going to allow the leadership of these of this country that committed these men to be forgotten . More and ever before, we must return integrity and moral commitment to our government. [applause] the democrats did not consider a platform for prisoners of war or missing in action, however, i noted with great interest last month that the democratic anvention got a draft not draft leader from the vietnam war was an elected delegate and asked for opendoor amnesty and was nominated as Vice President as Vice President of the United States of america. , butps i am a prude frankly, i do not want to draft a leader or deserter to have anything to say or speak for me. [applause] resolved today, now, that you will rededicate yourself to the cause of the National League of families and and the anguish of these rave men and their families. Is the humanitarian way, but more importantly, it is the american way. [applause] some of these men died in my presence and i can assure you not one, not one ever lost his faith in his country, in his god, or in you, his fellow man. [applause] poor is the nation that has no heroes. Shameful is the one that having them forgets. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. [applause] walter Lieutenant Colonel pf, for five years, a prisoner of war in vietnam. The convention will now hear from a congresswoman from new , on thebut meanwhile floor, all of the talk is about the big fight to come tonight on rule 16 c that would require president were to name his Vice President ial running mate no later than tomorrow morning. For more on that fight on that rule change, here is morton dean with Margaret Heckler from massachusetts. A reagan andis ford fight and most conservatives are siding with reagan. Congresswoman heckler is a moderate and she, in general terms, agrees with the reagan position but you will not be voting on that position, why not . I dont require i dont agree with the requirement that the president select his nominee but i do agree it in the Public Interest to have all president ial candidates suggest to the press and to the public the names of their potential running mates. I feel that would be a reform and focus on the vice presidency. I agree in part but not with the specifics of this. I think this is a political gimmick by a shrewd but desperate Campaign Manager and not a real reform. Morton if you say the people and the press should know the type of men or women being considered for the vice presidency, why not agree with the idea of having mr. Ford name his man . I think that would be disastrous. The advantage of having the public and media know who the isdidates are thinking of that it would allow the exposure of these candidates to public view, the scrutiny of the press, the scrutiny of the public with ben bring out the reflections on connolly which came out and were helpful. I do feel the question of selection goes too far and ties the president ial candidates hand and makes him refer to the convention instead of the body politic. Morton but you would like for there to be some kind of arrangement or rule where the man running for president says i am considering the following individuals . I do. I feel that kind of reform would be in the Public Interest and give us an idea of who the Vice President ial hopeful might be. Morton i want to put you right on the hot seat. If this was a ford measure as opposed to a reagan measure, you might be voting differently on this . No, i really would not. This does not represent the American People in its totality and if i were to vote for that proposition, i would be saying this convention is representative and the president ial candidate should reflect the needs of the convention and should go out to the convention and get the delegate strength and use that as a tool in choosing a vice presidency. Morton congresswoman heckler of massachusetts. Republican national Convention Coverage will continue after this message. Walter how do the reagan forces look on this crucial fight on 16 c tonight . One of the people who can tell us is mike wallace and he is with the reagan news secretary. He is with kathy mackie of nbc and she is talking to him. Shes has been with Ronald Reagan since virtually the beginning of his political career. Very savvy, no california knows california politics and National Politics and has read in on 16 c. Lets have a conversation here if we can. Were you surprised at this point in time . Hoping t i think we have a chance to go with it. Mike could you look at camera seven. The ford people have been putting out literature saying vote no against eckstein c. They are suggesting people oppose 16 c because it prevents the ford and reagan ticket because he did not consent to be the president s Vice President as required by the sears amendment. That is a phony issue and they didnt know it. It clear hegan made would not accept the vice presidency. It has no validity at all. Mike it is limited consultation with governor reagan for the Vice President ial nomination. That is a fact. The man is hardly going to call in Ronald Reagan and say i want to name a Vice President. I want your advice about all of this, but i cant do it on account of 16 c. True. Thats not if gerald ford wants to call the governor, im sure he would take his call. Excuses. Most of the ford people admit this is a good proposal and the only thing you are saying is dont do it this year because it might affect us. People across the United States are saying its a good idea why change the rules in the middle of the game . Lets take our time and understand better how to choose a Vice President ial candidate . Not in the middle of the game. We have been trying to figure this out without contradiction, people say this is a good way. The fact is it is a good way and mike youre only way at this point and you know it. I think were going to win on the platform issue and i think were going to win tomorrow night. Votes. He bottom line is is it going to carry and if so, by how much . Asi would never be so dumb to give you a count. Getting the are not votes you hoped for in new jersey. Mike senator case has just told me 62 out of 67 votes in new jersey are going against 16 c. You need these votes and you just dont seem to have them. Votes going to7 vote for 16 c. Walter that floor fight is not far away and when the floor fights begin, not only are they going to be on the floor, some of it will be in the periphery. To strategy, the directions the delegates and delegate hunters on the floor is run from the trailer area just outside the hall. Jim mcmanus is out there. Medications called trailers or in military parlance, command posts. The one behind us belongs to president ford. The security is so tight that these are checked every day for the chronic bugs and telephone wiretaps. That anyone from washington, d. C. Got to worry about anything like that. He trailer behind us now belongs to Ronald Reagan. The general sits here in the equivalent of a broadcast anchor booth. A are marked button by button for each delegation and to keep track of the proceedings, a andriy of television monitors. Area coordinators man the telephones along the walls and these boots. Contact in constant with their counterparts on the arena floor, each responsible for five state delegations. In this case, kentucky, North Carolina, tennessee, virginia and west virginia. This is a conference room. If governor reagan and mrs. Reagan come here, this is where they will spend their time. Ready reagan forces get to do battle on the convention floor, this is the place from which it will all be directed. Walter president ford facing a challenge to nomination from his party, the first such of an incumbent president since 1912 is gaining momentum this evening. He has added a delegate and another delegate until now most of the media polls show he. S over the top cbs news shows he has 11 more votes than he needs but any of that could be upset and one of the test votes comes on rule 16 reagan sponsored rule that would force president ford to name his Vice President ial candidate by tomorrow morning. The leader of the reagan forces here is from nevada and he talks about what he expect on this rules vote. How does the 16 c fight shape up . From this moment, it looks good. I was worried about the mississippi delegation but the last word i had a little while ao was it will break down on 1614 basis. We can hold it in on that basis, i think we will win this fight tonight. What kind of headcount do you have . Headcounts ont the assumption it would rake out even. It is going to be terribly tight but i am confident we are going to win this. What would the loss mean to the reagan nomination chances . It would be harmful but how harmful would depend on the extent of the loss. Inside 10 votes, i dont think it would mean that much but i cant emphasize this is a test vote for the reagan people. This could be the shootout. Walter earlier today, they had scaled down the estimate of the first ballot reagan strength. The Campaign Manager for reagan has been saying 1140 votes on the first ballot, enough to win, but today, he was saying it would be under 1130 on the first ballot. An indication that some confidence has been shaken, but it is all going to come out in the wash. Some indication of it on this vote on 16 c tonight. The rule 16 c fight, there may be an effort to strike down rule 18, a fordsponsored the 19at would require states where the delegates are theged to vote according to results of their primary campaigns, to votes that way and not to do fact. This was aimed by merrily at North Carolina where the delegates are reagan delegates, but according to the way the vote went, most of them will have to vote for ford on a first ballot. There was some talk they might not vote that way and vote for reagan instead and hence, this defensive move. Move into the platform fight after the rules matter is settled, assuming it is settled early enough tonight for this session to go on to a platform. There is some talk that it is possible that the rules fight could go on so long tonight that they would have to go into a daytime session tomorrow to get onto the platform before we move to the balloting for the president ial nomination. The Campaign Managers dont really want to do that. It is costly to have a session in the afternoon. One problem they have got is that they use the city buses to transport delegates from their convention hotels, some of which are quite a way out of kansas theyto this arena and cannot get the buses in the middle of the day when they are used on their normal city routes , so there is a problem involved to thating the schedule degree. The Republican National Convention Coverage on cbs will resume after this message. Walter in a very few minutes now, the convention will have presented to it the report of its Credentials Committee. The chairman of that is john mcdonald, the Iowa National committeeman. There were no fights in the Credentials Committee. Re were several challenges there is mrs. Ford outside the convention hall. Have you been listening to the reports and how things are going so far tonight . Ms. Forde yes. I have the tv on all the time. Your son told me that he thought the president would get 1200 votes on the first count. What do you think about that . Ms. Forde thats a lot. Are you enjoying kansas city and the convention . very much so until i just tripped. Back to you, walter. Walter somebody handed me a card that she had a fall out there. Did she have a fault . What she did is she was coming out of the car and down this ramp, which is behind me all of the reporters, including yours truly said mrs. Ford, mrs. Ford, and as she looked at us, there is a steep incline and she fell but the secret service men and members of her family grabbed her and she says she is fine. Walter i just had that report and we had to clear it up. We cannot leave it hanging that way. Im glad she is all right. She is on her way into the hall now. The head of the Republican National federation National Federation of her public and women just completed her remarks and just before she arrived, the chairman of the Credentials Committee is about to give his report. There were some delegate and no fights will be brought to the floor as far as we know and they are scheduled the time for protesting has passed so delegate list will be approved without any problems, we expect. Robert dold is presiding, lets listen in. To make every effort to clear the aisle. There will be important business conducted in about 10 seconds. The 2259 republican delegates at this convention are middleaged, white, male and welltodo. Average age, 48 years. 97 are white. The convention now is more than two to one, male. Off, moretes are well than half of them earn more than 35,000 a year. Here is chairman john mcdonald. The officers elected to serve at that time were as follows. John c mcdonald, chairman. Sylvia hermann of maryland, vice chairman. Of the district of columbia, secretary. Which were held on august 9, 1976 in kansas city. Three contests represented. In turn, the reports of these contest were presented to the Republican National committee, sitting as the committee of the whole, pursuant to the rules for final action. No appeals were taken to the Credentials Committee in any of those cases. In five states, changes with reference delegates are requested and were approved. A letter request for changes in the delegation was denied. In addition, due to a printing omission, the notes which states that and i quote, opposite each was inadvertently left off of the state of florida. In all the proceedings of the credential committee, we were advised by the assistant to the general counsel and further utilized the services of the executive director of the contest committee. Moves thattee now the temporary rule of delegates amendedt 16, 1976, as in relation to delegates and corrected in the case of florida, a permanent role of the convention, thank you. The delegates get here on the lowing basis, each state in addition, atlarge delegates state andd, and the national elections. Road business is the presentation of john finally, John Connolly was planning a rousing speech. There comes mrs. Ford to her box. She is being assisted to the box. Y her daughter mrs. Ford with sean stevens. There is jack, the older son, oldest son. He had a rough time before the new york delegation. Delegates said they wanted to bring a couple of speakers before the caucus as well and finally, the state chairman for new york decided to settle the whole thing. As susan ford came into the box, with them is tony orlando, the musical star. Nancy reagan is not in the hall yet. Last night, we were privileged to see some of the more unusual scenes of any Political Convention. Nancy reagan was getting applauded from the crowd and at that point, mrs. Ford arrived and we had a challenge match for the first lady and wouldbe first lady, as the crowd divided its attention between mrs. Ford and mrs. Reagan, dividing their cheering as well. You could have had a meter on voteuse and gotten a straw to how support with an reagan and ford would stack up between reagan and ford would stack up. , ladiess and gentlemen and gentlemen, thank you very much. Temporary chairman robert dole getting the attention of the convention. We just saw the credentials of these delegates. It was there was a test book on credentials that gave the convention of that year the first indication that Dwight Eisenhower was her would beat the old party leader, robert cap of ohio. Georgiaals of texas and that were put before the convention and the eisenhower now we will test vote tonight on a roll change. First, we were here from John Connolly, former governor of texas, former cabinet member of the under the nexen administration. He has been preparing a speech. Excite speech that could the convention, possibly influence it. Which direction remains to be seen. He is a ford supporter. The texas delegation voted is a reagan delegation. Reagan having swept the primary. John connolly would like to get the Vice President Vice President ial bid, although he has not said so many words. To have he would like his chances with his speech, tonight. Have that opportunity because we had the help of mrs. Williams. I have had literally hundreds of phone calls and telegrams across s country saying it here if we if the Republican Party has a heart, it is because of mrs. Williams and i wanted you to thank her. Thank you very much. Our next guest will be introduced by a delegate from rhode island. Attorneyspecialist general in that state. The present mayor of providence, the honorable vincent he is the first public and mayor republican mayor of providence in modern history. 35 years old, lawyer, federal process reader prosecutor. Thank you very much. By fellow conventioneers, the name i have about to bring to the attention of this convention is a man familiar to you all, but prior to filling that responsibility, i will like to address myself to mr. Carter, if he is watching. Cianci, mayorcent of providence, rhode island. Carter, i am not an italian, but an american who is proud of my ethnic background. When you refused to see the delegation last month, you hurt me and offended all of my ethnic friend. Let me remind you that the greatest source of manpower for the building of this great nation came from the 23 million foreigners who emigrated to our shores in search of a better opportunity. From them comes the rich variety of cultures that characterize our american way of life. Treatedlong, have been as both a statistic by Democratic Political machines that stifle their hopes, laugh at their ambitions. For too long, we have been seen by sociologist and urban planners as figures on a graph or spoken of in economic terms. Our great Republican Party has seen fit to recognize the needs of our neighborhood by including our particular interest in this years platform. This grand old party will rekindle the American Dream for the greekamerican, the polish and armenian american, for the theyfrench and either live in or came from the neighborhoods of this great country. Our republican ranks contain many of us who are proud that we come from emerald hill and providence, from the streets of the north end of boston or from texas, because it shall be from the cities and neighborhoods of the east and the west that republicans, independents and even democrats with names that i, they are the ones that will help us with the big win. The man i call your attention to is one of us. They grew up among the polish, mexican and czechoslovakian community. He has the unique interest in special understanding with the heritage of this nation and the peoples from the many lands who made it so. This credentials are long and familiar to you all. He was the secretary of the navy, the secretary of the treasury, a man whose wisdom and judgment has been sought by four president s representing both parties. Ofnever forgot the friends his childhood and while he served as governor of texas, he personally conceived and supported creation by the state of a magnificent institute of texan cultures which depicts an honors the 26th ethnic groups that help will that great state. It is my pleasure to introduce to you now, a man who knows how to pronounce it alone americans and how to pronounce the word friend. Ladies and gentlemen, the former governor of the great day of texas, the honorable John Connolly. John connolly introduced by vincent cianci. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Mayor vincent cianci, mr. Gentlemen,. Dies and in the hot summer of 1776, a band of patriots convened in philadelphia, to undertake a task for which they were given little promise, a deed which seemed insurmountable. Against entrenched opposition which seemed impregnable, they met together and made it together, contended together with one another. When those deliberations were done, they brought forth together a new nation which has changed the course of human history. Of in this historic summer ,976, other americans representing their countrymen in every region and state our meeting together here in this nations heartland, facing a challenge no less formidable than that which confronting the first americans. Long,t all odds which are against opposition which is strong, we are here to take up the challenge of changing our nations course. Changing it away from a reckless and senseless course, which threatens both our and our principles. Changing in ways that will preserve americas values and continuing greatness. As we meet here, we present to our fellow americans full and open view of all of our countrymen, we are debating together, contending together, deciding together. Conceal, noims to plans to hide, no goals to obscure. When these deliberations are done, we shall go forth united elect clear goal, to to elect a republican president which a majority of Americans Trust towards the majority of for which the majority of americans stand. Cause, ands a proud a just cause. It is also an urgent cause and it is to that urgency that i will now speak. Across the decades of this troubled century, the tragedies of freedom have often been wrought but the failure of free people, to face the clear and compelling evidence of their freedoms parol, time and again, free men and women have seen the encroachments upon their lives and weakness abroad. Seeing all of those signs and are waiting, still hoping, trusting that what they might truly see, would somehow be changed. At this moment in history, there is an urgent need for all concerned and caring americans to a knowledge the meaning, the clear and unmistakable meaning of what is apparent to us all. I know, you know. There is not a segment of the American Population which does not know that we are living under the reign of government run amok. Idealistic goals cannot secure the reality that drastic change has come over the nature of government in this land, that every station in this society from the citizens who suffered poverty to those who enjoy plenty, government is feared and distrusted. Where once americans could rejoice that there is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, today there is widespread and growing question whether it is now any of those things. What has changed . What has gone wrong . Questions, wee must look to the very beginning of our system, a system brought into being for us two centuries ago. The founders of this nation designed a system of three sound symbols. First, that it should be a system of checks and balances, deliberately designed to prevent factionalism or partisanship from gaining control. They further conceived our system as one in which the representatives of the people would be first and only, accountable to the people who had chosen them to serve. Third, they also envisioned that under this system, the power of high office, the power of the presidency itself would be entrusted to leaders known and tested in the national leadership, readers thoroughly proved in the crucible of power before themselves being entrusted with power. Principles that i believe that all americans should measure the choices which they must make in this year of crucial decisions. Let me explain what i mean and why this is so important. Nationeks ago, the watched and listened as the delegates of the dark Democratic Party met in convention in new york city. Through those proceedings, americans heard speaker after speaker boasting of their party as the party in control of the american system, a local government, of state government, of the congress. Democratoundation, the arbiters built their case, arguing that they should be given final, absolute and total ofinion over all the powers the system by control of the executive branch of the federal government as well. I believe that is an argument that the allamericans must view with grave alarm. I say to you, it is long past time that we must awaken to the reality that our system is in danger of losing the very balances which assured its success and our personal freedoms. Net not any lifetime, not in the lifetime of the republican itself ublic years,of the last 44 almost one fourth of the life of this nation, it is the Democratic Party which has exerted control over both houses of congress. During that time, not a lot has been enacted, that a Government Agency created, that a single tax dollars spent by the government except by and with the vote of the democrat majority controlling that congress and the record of those is a record from which the democrats cannot escape responsibility. Years, itthe last 44 has been the Democrat Party who has absolute domination of the congress which is relentlessly stoking the fires of inflation that are consuming the savings and earnings and hopes of americans of all ages in this country. For 40 years, it has been the Democrat Party, through its control of the congress which has built the federal bureaucracy ever larger and directed the agents of that bureaucracy to penetrate deeper into the conduct of all persons of this nation. It is the Democrat Party in congress at every level which has unleashed upon the people the curse of government which careens about so clearly out of control. Which thee party people of this land want to all dominion over their lives and liberties . Is this the party which the people want to hold all power over them without a republican president in the white house willing and able to exercise restraint . You know as i know that the answer is no. Only must we keep a republican president in the white house, we must devote ourselves in every district to the task of restoring the balance in both houses of the congress. Who are the people that must leave this charge . Hereedicated republicans in this hall, tonight, you must help lead the charge. Challenge is made demanding upon us all but a direction in which the Democrat Party is being moved by the factions now gaining ascendancy. Our Founding Fathers recognized that as this system must have its checks and balances, it must also function on the principle of accountability, the accountability of elected representatives to those whom they are elected to serve. The democratic arbiters of secure the reality at the party moves relentlessly to seize control of every segment of this system, so its controlling segments have moved to conquer this basic pretzel of accountability principle of accountability. The true object of those forces was laid bare for all of us to see. Not only did they seek to elect a vetoproof congress, a congress barred from any restraint by a republican president , but they also undertook to make all democrat representatives accountable, not to the people, but to the partys own narrow caucus and its leadership. , itword you will recall went forth from every state and district, that henceforth, positions of leadership and influence within the party would be denied them unless they marched in lockstep with a with the commands of the caucus, rather than answering to their own conscious, police and constituents. I submit that this is not the way. The greatness to which we want to return, but against this background, we see the works of the recent Democratic Convention. At that convention, the Democrat Party of today finally closed the circle. It nominated and submitted, as a manrtys candidate manown, a man untested, and wholly subservient to those factions which are tightening their control over that party and the nation. Of this choice, every american, whatever his or her past loyalty must surely pause and question. Do you want to entrust the leadership of this land for the next war years to a man of whom you never heard one year ago . Are you willing to place at the helm, a commanderinchief who may not move where he intends to steer the ship . Never in all the years since america came to occupy a role in world responsibility and leadership has any party ever asked the American People to give their vote to a candidate so little known, so little tested, so little fruit as the Democratic Party nominee of 1976. So little proved as the Democratic Party nominee of 1976. Let me remind you, in the big leagues of world leadership, they rarely play softball. What this country needs and must have is more leadership born in a republican revival. We need more Republican Leadership to come to the aid of a deceased president of the deceased president of the United States. Leadership begins with honesty, with candor and with we are not going to try to dupe the American People. The average american knows that we have problems in this changing world and is willing to face up to them. We must tell the American People that we cannot promise them cheap energy because the days of cheap energy are over and the sooner we face that fact, the better off we are. The Republican Party must say to america, but there are going there is going to be great pressure on our capacity to produce food and water because of the expanding world population. We must face the fact of the present population of the world is expected to double in the next 35 years. We must tell the American People that the future may not be all sweetness and light, because it probably will not be. Only 20 of the people in this world live in relative freedom. The other 80 live under some form of tyranny and some of those tyrants are sworn to destroy america. It is time we face that hard fact. We must tell the American People that government cannot give cradletograve security because it cannot. We must tell them that we cannot forever live beyond our income of the nation because we cannot. We must convince the American People that those who tell us that government can do these things are cruel deceivers, playing on our hopes and dreams, and they are false prophets who learned only our scorn who merit only our scorn. We must tell the American People that we are living in a dangers in the dangers of a changing world. We are no longer selfsufficient that we can continue to be wasteful or extravagant. We represent only 5 of the worlds population, yet we consume almost one third of the worlds robin chew reels. We must tell the American People that we have seen the end of an era of abundance and affluent and now face cyber sacrifice. People must understand that political promises of impossible achievement and only in bitter disillusionment. We do not talk about problems only, lets keep in perspective some of the things that are great. Most importantly, we are at peace with the world, a piece brought about by our republican administration. No american boys are dying on battlefields any place on this earth and for that, we should all be grateful. We still proudly wear the mantle of leadership of the free world. We are still in it most powerful nation on earth and we use that. Ower for peace and prosperity almost 88 million americans are gainfully employed, the highest ever. We as a people enjoy the highest standard of living ever attained in recorded history. We have house more people and house them better, we have clothes more people and better than any people since the beginning of time. It is also not enough just to reflect on our good fortune. To carry on a revival, we must lets that the Republican Party will lead the people in this nation to new strength. We should talk first about boosting national security. We must remain number one in the world in military strength, whatever the cost. To carry on a revival, we must pledge of leadership the new economic strength and expanding job opportunity and security. The miracle of this nation has been a remarkable Economic Vitality of our system and we must do battle with those who would stifle it, dismantle let or would nationalize it. To carry on a revival, we must pledge to get the federal government offered the backs of the small, so that businessman, the craftsman, the family farmer, lets give a every freedom working man in a 1 because it affects wages and job security and new job opportunities. Standry on a revival, we for an end to deficit spending. We must and deficit spending and that hurtsnflation most those who can afford it the least. Know all no other issue is more vital to the stability and wellbeing of this nation. The time has come for the Republican Party to lead the fight for our constitutional amendment to prohibit deficit spending except in time of war or national emergency. Most importantly, the Republican Party must tell america that we are dedicated to the rekindling of the spirit of the individual. Government was must provide many Vital Services and we must be placed to see that those services are provided efficiently and effectively. Government did not build this nation. The relentless spirit of the individuals built this nation and if we are to face the challenges of the future, we must once again encourage the genius of the individual, not the paternalism of a Central Government which imposes mediocrity and conformity upon us all. Fashionedng fathers his system of rights and privileges which assured life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the common man, but they also fashioned a system founded provide on our personal freedoms and a Free Enterprise system of commerce. It was that climate of opportunity that produced an uncommon man named Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham bell. It was that climate that produced an uncommon man named towards washington carver. Out there in america, tonight are countless more young minds that can become uncommon men and uncommon women. We need those individuals blessed with extraordinary genius for the future of america and the future of this world. We must rekindle that genius and a system that rewards it. Can theamerica individual store as high as his talents and personal dedication take him, without the shackles of cast or class caste or class. There are those who would nationalize our economy and reduce all of us to a massive down that wayt lies a dull cloud of conformity, smothering our people and resources in reducing life hopeless despair. Sound that way, beyond the laws of Economic Freedom lies the laws of all of the freedom. We enjoyed those freedoms longer than any other nation in history and we tend to take those freedoms for granted. Listen to one of the worlds great spokesman for freedom. Us, he says of us, you have the impression that democracies can last, but democracies are islands in a river of history and the water is always rising. Let us pause and think about us and whataying to we think of the freedoms we enjoy today, lets remember the immortal words of timers engravedfferson deeply in the magnificent magnificent marble of that memorial. I swear eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. I do not know, i do not know how long this nation of personal freedoms will last, it all depends on you and our determination to protect them and our courage to defend them. All we do know is that most no society, no nation has remained number one forever. The pharaohs of egypt created a society of marvelous architecture and engineering, but that civilization was covered with the sands of the desert. Greece saw one of the greatest periods of mankinds time on earth, but that golden age passed. The roman legions congress the known world and brought civilization and order, but the faded intopire obscurity. The dark ages dissented upon the world and with the passing of the dark ages, the great colonial powers rose that ruled the world for 400 years. They discovered, colonized, educated, but the end of world war ii saw the end of the great colonial powers and leadership felt for the first time on the United States. How long will we have it . Only you and i can say. Civilization, this free society of america will exist, i do not know. I only hope that when the time comes to write of our labors in this great republic, historians will not say of us that they did , they wanted comfort and security more than they wanted freedom and in the end they lost, their comfort, security and their freedom. I hope that our records will be deeply engraved in the minds of all that although that up until the very end, we were still trying, we were reaching beyond our grasp, we were still daring to expand the horizons of human ,reedom and human opportunities seeking to broaden our system of social justice and enrich the , resistedll people with every fiber of our being the oppressive hand of an allpowerful central and dominating government and we had an abiding faith in an almighty god and that there is more good than evil in man. Thank you very much. John connolly is the former governor of texas. Cabinet member for both johnson and nixon, he turned from democrat to republican in the Nixon Administration and is a favorite of many members of this convention for a Vice President ial nomination, almost equally strongly opposed by many members of the convention. He was acquitted of excepting a bribe to influence an increase in milk price supports and there he is on the that watergate tapes from the white , but members of the House Watergate Committee that voted for impeachment have said that republican members did not think he should be on a republican ticket for that reason and he is quite a controversial figure and is said to be one of the strongest members in the Public Appeal and in negotiating capabilities. Turning from democrat to republican is not the only member who is made that switch, Andrew Johnson did it, Abraham Lincolns Vice President. From southond carolina was once a democrat, and we can also name Ronald Reagan, who was once a democrat that is now a challenger for the wii republican nomination, and self. Others like john lindsay did it the other way around, rum republican to democrat. The late senator wayne morris was a republican, then independent, then democrat who won reelection under all those banners. Now we are coming to the point after the official photograph which they are about to take this convention proceeding, of the rules committee report, and then that test vote will come on socalled rule 16 c, a reagan effort to demand that president ford name his life president ial running mate by 9 00, tomorrow morning. Our chief delegate counter has done that job for us for a long time no and has been taking an informal poll and says it appears the vote will be a straightreagan vote forward reagan vote ford reagan vote. 10indicates that he has votes than the majority of this convention. It should be pointed out that for the president ial nomination, it takes a majority of all the delegates for a vote on the rules change that would take a majority of those voting, so that figure may not be we dont really know what that until we know how many actually vote, of course if it goes over 11 30, it will have to be considered a victory. The connolly supporters in the convention are continuing a demonstration for their man. Connollyrts that john had been told by president ford that he was no longer under consideration as a possible Vice President ial running mate because of ford. He was denied it he has been told that, but there seems to be some evidence because of strong sition he is also not viewed with as much favor. There is some talk that connolly was hoping to get Ronald Reagan to suggest to president ford that connolly would perceive happen. E that will the connolly demonstration was turned into a ford menstruation. Ford demonstration. Ladies and gentlemen. Would you please take your seats . Anybodys seat, but please sit down. Bob dole is the temporary chairman of this convention. Gavel. G the there seems to be no particular reason for this demonstration at the moment. The leicht last big effort before they get to the rules committee vote, but bob dole seems to be very. Eluctant gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, with egates please be seated will the delegates please be seated . Will the delegates and alternates on the balcony please be seated . Will the delegates and alternates on my right please be seated . Will the delegates and alternates please be seated . Thank you very much. Your special attention is needed at this time. Your attention is needed at this. Ime will the delegates and alternates please be seated and will our guests in the back . Lease be seated running music to try to leave finally try to bring a close to this demonstration and groups are all shouting for their particular candidate, is it has been used to try to call the convention in the past. Will the delegates and alternates please be seated . I remember in 1972 we had a distinguished speaker, governor John Connally and im proud that he is now republican. I remember in 1972 when i was chairman of the publican party, the most exciting event was taking official photographs. I can see from this audience and from the enthusiasm here, that you may have other things in mind. In any event, the time has come to take the historical photograph of this 33rd 33rd republican convention. If all the delegates and alternates would look to my right. From you refrain may set a record and you may also receive a photograph. If we can do that for 30 seconds, we will take the official photograph. Look toward the we would like you to know that we are not taking the official photograph, but the official photographer is right above us here. Coverage will continue after this message. Cbs news continues its special report campaign 76. Tonight, the Third Session of the Republican National convention from kansas city. This portion is sponsored by the people of Ford Motor Company. D was to be here car company. Mike wallace can tell us what is going on. We told you earlier that they floated this morning. There was aainst redline in the paper today that something that infuriated at the number of people here in andmississippi delegation the alabama delegation. Now, they are asking for a caucus. They want to go off the floor and hold the caucus and break the unit rules. There has been a fight going on. Shall we or shall we not leave the floor to break the unit rule . Just can you explain fight ishat this about . They are taking a vote now to see if the mississippi delegation wants to caucus. You dont want them to break the unit rule. That is not the question. We agreed on one thing, then we got here, and now we disagree. Times, doesit three anyone want to break the unit rule, and the answer was no. Three asked for a caucus times yesterday, and did not get it. At the drop of a hat, now they got one. Why do you want to break the unit rule . We think this is a ballgame tonight. We can adopt a on the floor of the convention. This is a ballgame. Theas it a headline in birmingham paper and the fact that president ford is going to what putort strip to this in motion. I dont know what started it. Thatd you hear them saying roger morton shot his mouth off and they called today that they have no intention of getting in the campaign . They said that . Yes they did. Are you indeed off for going on a caucus . No. The reagan people who will caucus . It seems that way. Maybe some other people will go with them. A convention,ver democratic, or republican the rules Committee Chairman of ohio, the chairman of the ohio state committee is now making his little talk before presenting the rules. Talk about the fairness of the rules procedures of the Republican Party based on a partisan view. While he is doing that, dan rather has been covering the leaders. A report on the progress that they are making on the rules fight. Are talking a good game. The sense here on the floor, whether the pennsylvania is slipping away. Pennsylvania is probably as good of an example as any. Right now, the delegation chairman figures not the delegation chairman. I stand corrected. He is the leader of the four forces in this delegation. What you see is the portrait of a politician at work. And tensionowded between the reagan and others not in pennsylvania. Not in pennsylvania, but the point is this we are friends, and we are unified. We will elect the nominee. So you hope. The point is this. Indications were perhaps there , forcing thevotes wifedent to name his resident of choice. Our own poll is that as many as a votes are in the delegation. Overall, the floor is away from the regulates reaganites. They have been saying that we are going to do better on the platform. It strikes me that they may have a point, that may be easier for the reaganites. At that either case . [indiscernible] they think they can do just as well on the platform . Mrs. Reagan, i think, is coming into the hall, setting off another demonstration. The chairmant as rules committee was getting to part of the rules concerning vicepresident shall nominations. We will have a break here for this demonstration for nancy reagan. You get the impression here that the wives of the president ial nominations are awns ord like p perhaps like queens in a chess game. Her arrival was for maximum. Mpact just before the vote even last night, the arrival of mrs. Ford seemed to stem an overwhelming demonstration going on for nancy reagan. They have chosen this moment for nancy reagan to strike up a dance with mrs. Ford. Coverage of the Republican National convention will continue in a moment. The timing of arrival of distinguished persons is not a new art, of course. It has gone on for a time. There was only one occasion when a candidate for the nomination appeared in the hall before the vote. ,hat was the declared candidate back in 1956. They appeared in the hall in the spectator seats with his father. He had to was that. Ave someone bring him of course, it did break precedent from the stephenson people, naturally. When connolly finished his speech, they burst into a round. F applause it was hard to tell if John Connolly was getting the applause or if reagan was getting more support. Connolly thought it was the. Atter in thebute divided here hall. People sitting on their hands. Connolly is a very controversial figure in the party. Dan rather is on the floor with roger morton. Roger morton just came on the floor to visit with the delegation. I understand they are considerably upset about a quote attributed to you. I said in the interview that we were not going to write off anything. I believe the president , when he georgia. Ted, can claim the mississippi delegation is going to float all the way tonight on supporting the position of the president ial nomination of their choice. They should not be they shouldt because i think the south is republican country. Obviously some states are easier than others. I believe strongly that wrote lukens republicans can take all southern states. I do not think it will. I think the mississippi delegation will hold fast. Forou are urging the you go a northerner. I have always been a bigger fan. I dont see any reason wise to change. Have you been supporting dan evans . No, i have not. Have you talked to anyone in mississippi about the situation . No, i have not. That theely believe president can take all of the southern states. Obviously, some are easier than others. I said i would not write off anything. What did the headline say . , it had a . About writing off the south. I dont think they will write off anyone. What did they say to you . I have not gotten through. Talked with john them. I did not read the whole story. Im not writing off anything. I am a southerner myself. Have you got to mississippi yourself . I have not. Can we walk over there with you . Lets go get this straightened out. Right over here. Rogers morton came on the floor we will try to go over to the mississippi delegation to straighten out something. It is going to take a few minutes to get over there. Here. So crowded down he is concerned about this feelsion and genuinely there has feels there has been a misunderstanding. Anytime you talk about a delegation with 30 votes, as mississippi is under the rule now, i can understand why they would be concerned about getting ened out. Ht i excuse me. Try to get him over here. He knows a lot of people. He wants to stop and talk with people on the floor. The people in the yellow hats, Rogers Morton is trying to talk to one of them now. Hes getting the feeling that this baby a little larger than he originally thought. He fell down and broke his ribs. Right this way to mississippi. He has had second thoughts about the operation. He is going over to discuss the. Atter with the floor whips both of them are in close contact with the senator, the. An in control on the floor he said he wanted to talk to them privately. He does not seem to be in any great hurry to get over there to talk frankly about it with walter. Best thing for us is to perhaps catch up with Rogers Morton went he gets over the. Mantopped to talk now the in the red hat, another senator. Riffins floor operatives ok. We will be keeping an eye on you and listening to you. We will pick you up when you have something there. Meanwhile, on the convention floor, the chairman of the rules committee is finishing the formal report. Cbs News Coverage of the Republican National convention will continue in a moment. They are now reading the amendment for rule 16 which will get down to section c in just a moment. Take a listen. Case shall the call of be dispensed with. The candidate shall not exceed 15 minutes. By thomasoffered. Urtis adds a new section [applause] it was an unruly convention tonight. Uley have not gotten to the ro e that makes them unruly. Seated . Ou please be ladies and jen them in, this is the most important business that affects the outcome of anything that happens here, if anything. Proceed with the reading of the amendment. In fact, i will ask him to reread the amendment. Amendment offered by thomas. Urtis of missouri all persons seeking to be nominated for president under sections eight and be above shall announce to the convention and file with the secretary a declaration stating who he or she will recommend to the convention as the Vice President ial nominee. [cheering] this declaration shall be filed with the secretary of the convention by 9 00 on the day for which the domination for president is held. This declaration shall state the persons name and that he or she has agreed to accept the nomination. No delegate or alternate shall be bound by any commitment of any kind, public or private, to support any president ial candidate who does not file such a declaration. [applause] that is thereading minority clerk. I will only ask that you listen to me for 30 seconds. Im going to brief the agreement between the ford and reagan forces. All those that asked to participate shall be heard. Conclude theird interviews in the aisle. I would ask that the isles be cleared and they will be cleared. I would ask the media to please retire to the rear of the room. There are many delegates who cannot or to spate because you are there. [applause] will the sergeant at arms please cooperate, or will the media please cooperate . Will all those in the aisle of themoved to the rear arena. All those to my right, all those to my left. We want to get on with the important business. The delegates have a right to be heard. Fore presenting arguments and against the amendment have the right to be heard. I asked those on my left to leave the aisle. The sergeant at arms being an theinted post to convention. They hired guards and ushers. They are now moving out into the out the request that the isles be cleared. Most certainly media representatives are out in the aisle, there are still an awful lot of delegates. The seemed the moving voluntarily, but the delegates, not so quickly. For cooperating. Will the sergeant in arms please clear that ill . Aisle . This will be the first time that ive ever been to a Political Convention where the aisles havebeen been cleared. That precedes television. Delegates seethe what is happening or hear what is happening . Ladies and gentlemen, i will now read the agreement. The chair wishes to advise of the procedure weevil follow in the order of business. I would ask the guest to please withhold any audible conversation. The delegates are entitled to hear the debate. The delegates have a very important decision to make them want to make it objectively. Hall who may be in the standing, seated, or otherwise, please bear with us for a while. Thathair will first state this procedure was mutually agreed to. Debate will limited to 30 minutes which will be equally divided. They may use their time as they see fit. When all the time is elapsed, the question before the convention will be on the order of business. If there is no objective to the procedure, we shall proceed. The chair now recognizes to lick it tom curtis to open debate. Tom . Former congressman from missouri speaking for the reagan amendment. Ladies and gentlemen, we have the opportunity to improve and strengthen our partys procedures for the selection of a Vice President shall nominee. Even more important, we have the opportunity to demonstrate to millions of our fellow citizens or watching that we republicans are wise enough to learn from recent painful experience. This evening, our party should commitmenting moral to the principles of openness and complete trust in the American People. You, my fellow delegates, are the representatives of the people of this convention. They are watching and waiting for you to decide between politicsnd candor, and as usual and new responsibility in the national interest. Believexplaining why i the proposed change in 16 is necessary, i wish to offer my credentials of parliamentary and campaign procedures. During my 18 years as a congressman, i served as ranking republican to reorganize and modernized the rules of congress, a job, i might add, that still needs to be done. In 1964, i served as acting mayiamentarian, until last 21st, i was chair of the federal. Lection commission i ask the president to not reappoint me. Finally, i am the fellow who ran against tom eagleton in the senate in 1968. We recall how his hasty selection for the 1972 democratic ticket led to a fiasco. As usual, the democrats have talked about reform, but have stay ae anything for political beauty parade and and an empty crusade for the news media. 1972, our own partys role 29 recognizingommittee reform in this area has been proposed. Our proposal is responsive. Constructiveus and proposal made at a time when our party has compelling reasons to their public witness to the desire for reform. The changes unite political practicaleory with political reality. It satisfies the needs for theory by recognizing the of vicece of the office presidency. Procedures,agic including the use of the secondhighest office. Franticnates the postman might scramble of the delegates to find out something chosen. E man secretly most important, and in the to dial of the delegates right to know. In theirhem who failed responsibility to choose a ticket that would win the election and governed the nation according to a strategy and philosophy known in advance. Lets consider some of the practical effects. Delegates canthe reject the Vice President ial choice, but the big change is the power of the convention is now real. Under our proposal, the president ial candidate retains his professional freedom to choose a compatible running mate. He is not constricted in any way in his selection. He can choose his team as he pleases. He must tell us in advance who is on the team before expecting us to join him. Our proposal requires that the president ial candidate trust the delegates and take them into his confidence before they cast a vote. The proposed change adds only one day, 24 hours, to the decisionmaking progress. Process. I believe a sharing of the decisionmaking responsibility mustir because delegates share the longterm consequences of the candidates decision. We have a right to discuss for a day when the effects of the decision could be felt for years to come. I say we recognize the problem we have had for years. We have seen and felt its effects. Now, it is time for us to act responsibly and constructively. Now is the time for all of us to join in picking the best team in follow it to victory november. I reserve the balance of my time. Yield toairman, i minutes of my time to the delegates from wisconsin. She will be speaking against the amendment for the fourth position. Delegates, i am from wisconsin. Read this amendment, and , inderstand it, therefore emphatically oppose it. [cheering] [applause] reason the reasons for iss lastminute amendment political opportunism. [cheering] now, i believe it is time to really tell it like it is. Is for one time, one place, and one candidate. Not for prosperity. Furthermore, none of you not one has participated in the choice for the Vice President shall candidate who is designated by governor reagan. Must speakhat we honestly about this issue. The only reason for this proposal is to minimize or ofset the political mistake nominating the senator as their nominee. Ladies and gentlemen [cheering] [applause] as paul harley, chairman of governor reagans home state, it reagan delegate. As he put it, the reason for this proposal is misery loves holiday. Come wenteeches to the coverage resumes after this message. The governor of california speaking for the proposed rule 16. She said she is reminded of of bridegroom who is about to be buried on wednesday night, but wednesday morning has not decided which girl to take for his ride. And we do not know who is invited to the wedding. It is of fine importance for our Republican Party that we know in advance who will head our team at the top. We hope you will have we will have your support for the good of the Republican Party. Thank you very much. Delegation,ssippi deeply divided on the reagan and crd issue and the issue of 16. They are now caucusing off the floor of the convention in one of the trailers to hide the convention hall. We certainly have not seen this at a national Political Convention since probably the 1964 convention when this party , when the divided goldwater forces and the more party orces of the this is an agreement by both parties. Those on each side have a right to be heard. Those supporting and those against the amendment. I trust you will keep that in mind. Everyone walking to the podium is nervous to start with. Highyield two additional ofutes of my time carly hawaii. I would appreciate you get for your attention. I am the delegate from hawaii. Nationali on the Convention Rules subcommittee, assigned to a consideration of Vice President ial nomination reform. Years, i havewo served on the role 29 committee and the rule of the National Committee before serving as your vicechairman chairwoman on the roles of this convention. During my tenure, we have fully discussed all of the Vice President shall Selection Process proposals. Many different proposals worth presented. Some had their, others did not. However, none of the proposals were presented without careful and adequate deliberations, study, and debate. And, there have been no proposals made for purely partisan political forces. This amendment, visit are the Reagan Committee last week, is nothing more than a lastminute political maneuver. [applause] i would liketes, to tell you that this proposal has been rejected, not only. Nce, but twice it has been rejected by the rules committee of the Republican National committee and the rules committee of this convention. And, it was rejected by a resounding margin. Withproposal is tampering the institution of the vice presidency. First of thebe the two Major National republican parties to a doctor reform, and must be after thoughtful consideration. Has had little thought. Benefit onlyned to one candidate. It is not a constructive vicepresident should process, and for this reason, it should that was carla cori of a white. The committee to did turn down proposition. That is why it has come down on the floor as an amendment. I yield an additional two minutes of my time to the distinguished chairman from arkansas. Mr. Chairman, fellow delegates, i came from arkansas to join in in this convention to do two things. To nominate the next president and to nominate the next Vice President of the United States. I tell you, i think we have the two best candidates running in america today. Reason, i am opposed to. Ule 16 c my reason is basic and simple. It disenfranchises greed and disenfranchises you. Many of you know, because i e with you there is something going on in the new york delegation. We are trying to find out. They seem to be chasing some floor. Eant off the by thee being escorted guards. Has beenork delegation having trouble all day. The reagan people in the delegation are complaining against treatment by the dominant forward forces. They insist that they be heard when they are before the caucus. They caused so much fuss, they forced john young to these, the only way to get order in the new york caucus. Our reporters, as you know, were asked to leave the floor. This is one of the difficulties of not having access to the floor. We cannot find out when Something Like this does happen. The guards are keeping some of the press from going down to the new york delegation. We hope we can get an answer. Bob dole, trying to get order again. Was a delegates please take your seats . There were two problems here. One, someone with a utah credential came and ripped the phone out of the socket. We have another problem. The guards will not permit as newspeople on the floor. We are really being shoved around. They claim that senator dole has ordered them to clear the aisles. Can you explain what the problem is. A little bit of ruckus. Why are the newspeople not being allowed on the floor . We are being allowed now. Let me walk down and see what Richard Rosenthal has to say. Xcuse me the gentleman from utah was escorted off of the floor. I cannot hear you. I cannot understand you. We will be able to talk to him in just a moment. Tell us what happened. Drama he took the floor phone, and another one of my phones. He was a reagan fan. I think he is a vicechairman of one of those delegations. Then, what happened . What reason did he give . Something to do with a sign. I think they got him. Did you get your phone back . No, look at it. I have to have it, it represents a lot of states. Which phone . Phone. Hite cord it connects to the trailer. My other phone is damaged too. I cant do anything. Thehat is the story from new york delegation. Ofhone ripped out, and a lot pushing and shoving. Certainly, when the aisles are cleared of delegates that fored the aisles, it makes orderly procedure except for when there is news. When there is news, unfortunately the media cannot get to it. Ago was the problem moments. Is waiting for the up beforebe cleared he works on getting order again and back to the debate on r ule 16 c. To recap the situation for you, this is the major vote of the 31st republican convention. Balloting founding of the president comes tomorrow night, this is it. It would require the president ial nominees, those seeking the nomination in the name of the Vice President ial candidate, in the morning before the balloting, tomorrow morning. Mike . They are just having a friendly meeting. Look where they are having it. You see where it says, cbs that is ourts, office. Theone offered them facilities of the cbs trailer. They have been there for 1015 minutes. Theyre basically the reagan people in the mississippi delegation. What they want to do is break the unit role. They the facilities voted 3128 to go wih president ford, not Ronald Reagan on 16 c. Then, they go with ford, not reagan, on 16 c. Then, the story about Rogers Morton saying the president would not pay that much attention to the south, that upset a good number of people. It turned out they decided they wanted to caucus. The four people in the mississippi delegation refused to leave the for. They did not want to caucus. They have been in there talking. We have a couple of operatives inside. They dont know that. We will find out from the mississippi delegates when they get out what happened. Mike. Nk you, cant you demand to go in and use your phone . Ice suggested my office, my desk, that i would be an impartial observer. They did not buy it, but they did not recognize those who are inside. That discussion going on down on the floor about the new york delegation quite a little fuss. Nelson rockefeller has a phone was torn out by the utah delegation man. Maybe that is true. They told dan rather matthew . E. At happened in ther they try to take a vote of the people in there, but not everyone was in there. There were 22 or 23. 21 people were in there and said they could not vote unless they had all the delegates. Wolfs son. Erry , they had 28 before, they are sure they can get 31 now. I tell you what. If you will come down here, we will find out what kind of reporters we have. What would you like to know . Like to know what happened inside, around my desk. Vote on 16 cut the close all across the country and in mississippi. There are a few more floats to passn order for 16 c. Now, the mississippi olled onon will be pulle whether or not to vote on this particular issue. Delegates will vote. If we come out from under the ule, then the delegates olled. E pu i understand. Have the forward delegates agreed to this procedure . Not all ofthem, them. Poll themthem individually. Could those 15 votes in mississippi make that much of a difference . Beenat is what we have told. There are some in the ford camp and some in the reagan camp who voted one way or the other. You found it cool . We thiank cbs for the use of it. Marty surveyed all the delegations and reported 16 votes against 16 c. Now, nelson rockefeller. The viewers can i borrow this for a sec . Up. Rnor, stand you have a disconnected phone. Peopleave the telephone with the greatest efficiency and the most tremendous speed. I have to give them back so they can put it in. Can you tell us what happened. What did you see . Who did it and what happened . Somebody came by, no one if youand told him that h did not get the sign back, he would rip up the phone. Frome saw you take a sign a man, a reagan signed. He handed it to me. A little light side. The Vice President wants to get out of here, and he cannot unless we get out of here. Cvs helping. And, walter, back to you. The coverage will resume after this message. Cbs news continues its special report. Campaign 76. Tonight, the Third Session of the Republican National convention from the kemper arena in kansas city. This portion is sponsored by the Ford Motor Company. Ford wants to be your car company. Now, again, walter cronkite. On 16 c continues to go on. Cdelicate spoke against 16 and used the argument that it would foreclose Ronald Reagan being the Vice President ial nomination on the ford ticket. That got a lot of cheers. Right now bob beckham is speaking for rule 16 c. He says they are being promised a connolly in the south. Eastern delegates are being told it could Elliott Richardson or a u. N. Ambassador. Lets go to the floor of the convention. Thank you fellow delegates. A as i started to work on the rules committee i found myself in quite a minority. Beckham finished his arguments. My First Impressions of rule. 6 c were my own i want to share with you my First Impressions. That i thought was unfair, and i want to tell you why. Not aize politics is game, but the principles are the same. Lets take the simple game of checkers. Probably many of you have play checkers before. When we play checkers, we know we can play one of two ways. We can play that you have to take your jump or we can play that you dont have to. Going to how we are play before we start the game. I will admit, sometimes we decide we have to take the jump and we have to get to a place where he decide not to take that jump. A we made the rules before we started by started the game. It is the same way in politics, we need to decide what we are going to do before we start the game. Much for reform in the way we choose our Vice President ial nominee. Not right now at the middle of the game. Not at this late day near the end of the game. In those have won political elections which i have in, and i wanted to ask you, dont know what i would have done if someone would have changed the rules in the elections in which i was involved. I dont know if i would have won the office had someone changed the rules near the end of the game. You into ask those of the arena who have run for office, whether it be governor, commissioner,c what would that have done to you if someone pulled the rug out of your feet in change the procedure near the end of the game a . Game . I dont think you would have liked it either. I want to share with you to lines of a little poem that is a favorite of mine. I have to live with myself, so i want to be fit for myself to know. I want to ask you to think about the fact that you have to live with yourself. Can you really be fit to know if you change the rules at the end of the game . Thank you. A reagan delicate but she is against the reagan rule 16 c. Just barely turned 21 years old and was elected to the South Carolina statehouse. Mr. Chairman and fellow of the vicehe role president in our system of the old politics style of selection by a few brokers in a back room. A major participant in our government and a partner in the administration. And each of our last three were first Vice President. Because people recognize the importance of the office they are given greater scrutiny to our choice for the second spot. And they are demanding that the two parties find a better way to select our Vice President ial candidates. It,democrats didnt provide we can. Giving the delegates the right to know. The right to know the alternatives before they make their choice. Year, wheren this they are seeking to nominate the strongest possible campaign team. Of the second to name on the ticket. Ensure nominees are fully considered by this convention and kerry are the carry our party forward. We have heard much frederick, answer toconcern or the basic question, why should the candidates not take the delegates into their confidence. Why should the decision be announced to any event on thursday. Why . Why should the vice presidency continue to be a decision of the backroom . It has been argued the right to know amendments would include us as delegates from making our own choice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our rules provide the majority of the delegates will use the nominee, all section 16 c will do will provide that the Vice President ial preferences will be disclosed to the candidates. It has been said one candidate made a mistake. Perhaps that is so. To know is whether the other candidates are going to make a mistake. If he does, i want to know that when i can still do something about it. This rule change assures deliberations will be conducted, so we have all the necessary facts. Republican, a political reform. And i urge your support. That was Richard Durham speaking for the reagan position. The former congressman tom curtis for the rule. On 16 c. Vote either for Ronald Reagan or president ford as this years candidate for presidency for the Republican Party. I am bob griffin of michigan and im not running for anything this year. Despite our differences, being emphasized with such great enthusiasm, i have been impressed and i think most americans who watch our proceedings have been impressed with an underlying spirit of goodwill that does prevail at our convention. We believe strongly in our points of view and we believe good republicanism to be dedicated to our points of view. I found it to be true on one basic point. Regardless of the personal choice for president , we all know and believe we must unite with our convention when it is over. Frankly, i see it as a basic divisional divisive proposal. To adopt rule 16 c would drive a wedge of division in the party and indeed would make it more difficult. The unity that we know we must achieve. If he is nominated, and i think he will be. President ow whether ford will ask Ronald Reagan to be his running mate or not. I want president ford to have that opportunity. I believe governor reagan when he says he is not interested in running for Vice President. I know he means it. And im sure he will continue to feel that same way tomorrow morning at 9 a. M. I also know and believe governor reagan should the in a position to change his mind on thursday it should be in the interest of the party or the nation. I see no merit in a proposal that will have the effect of locking the senator in and locking governor reagan out. I can also say with some fordrity that president would like to at least consult doh governor reagan and will so before making his final decision. Such consultation on such an important decision ahead of the two groups of our potty of our party would not be right and important but in achieving the unity we must achieve. I say it would be foolhardy to cast away such an opportunity to achieve unity. In a real and important sense. We must have unity. And the photo know on section 16 c. Senator griffin made a point with some of the more conservative reagan supporters. Not only preventing the nomination of Ronald Reagan as Vice President , but it would lock him as a president ial nominee. Many southern conservatives. To dumps likeed her from the ticket. Is tom curtis, one of the sponsors of this program reagan amendment this program reagan amendment. This oh reagan amendment. The final speech will be ready here. The time is come to vote on the amendment. I recognize the delegate from idaho. Pursuant to rule 15 of the great state of idaho, demanding a roll call. Im supported by the great sovereign states of new mexico, texas, oklahoma, california, alabama, and arizona. A majority of delegations is required in order to get a roll call vote. They can in an orderly fashion slowly return. The chair will recognize the delegate from new mexico. The state of new mexico stands in support of the state of idaho. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california. In the Great American tradition california probably concurs. Got a little ahead of himself. States to do that and that is what theyre going for right now. We concur and recall for the rollcall. Delegates from alabama. Pulled in their individual states and voted in five states. We do call for a rollcall. The great state of arizona supports 16 c and demands a rollcall. Will it delegates please take their seats . We are about to vote on a very important matter. Will those being interviewed please go into the back room. By our cvs news delegate kolkata we have determined president ford has 1140 votes. As we go through this with you cant of those have shifted over on rule 16 c. We will report that to you as we go down the role of the states. He acknowledges the vote and it will be recorded. The chair will resolve any discrepancies in the vote before the secretary proceeds to the next delegation. The secretary will now call the role. And may we please have order. This is tense call right now. You can imagine what it is like in ford and Reagan Campaign headquarters. Ladies and gentlemen i expect your courteous attention. While i call the roll so the voice of this convention can be recorded. Alabama. To the great state of alabama votes 37 votes yes. The alabama delegation is 30 74 reagan. Interrupt, let me ofin request the sergeant arms again clear the aisle on the righthand rear of the right. Wallace sergeant at arms procedure clearly ill . A yes vote in support of the amendment. To thete means support Committee Opposition to the amendment. Particularly in the new york area where it has been all ladies and gentlemen, but please have your attention . Alabama, 37 votes. Them 37 votes yes. The alabama delegation stands firm for reagan. Alaska. 19 votes. Stateam chairman, great of alaska votes two votes yes, 17 no. That is the position of alaska is expected to take. Arizona, 29 votes. The great state of arizona c. Es 16 in favor of 16 arkansas. 27 votes. Arkansas counts 17 yes, 10 no. California. Arkansas votes as expected. Here the california votes. California, 167 votes. Note in hand,ght california probably votes 166 yes, one no. Ford has picked up a total now of three votes. Mr. Chairman, colorado counts 26 vote cs, five votes and no. That was expected according to our delegate cold. Now ford having picked up three votes beyond margin we have showed forth, that is a majority for him. 35 votes no. The position as expected in connecticut, no change in votes there. Connecticut, 35 votes no. Delaware, 17 votes. 16 votes no. That makes his net game horrible so far. The district of columbia, nations capital, cast 14 votes no. Florida, 66 votes. At this time we have not finished counting. [inaudible] madam chairman, the state of georgias 38 votes cass 38 votes and three extensions. [applause] votes. Ia had 48 own delegation is voting for reagan. The Beautiful Island of qualm casts four votes no. Madam chairman, votes one yes, 18 nos. One i, 18, no. The great state of at a health is proud the great state of idaho is proud to cast votes, yes. Votes. Inois, 101 yes, 79 no, andn tw two abstaining. Of onenois is a loss vote. 27 votes inasts favor of the amendment. 27 votes against the amendment. [applause] so indiana, reagan picks up quite a few votes over what had been anticipated. Ndiana has nine votes pledged 45 pledge to reagan. It is almost even. Chairman, our vote is 20 to vote yes, 79 know, and two at staining. [applause] illinois we show on our vote tonight, what the new york poll shows a kdown, 18 votes yes, 18 votes no. Yes, 18 no. Going on reagan for this particular vote. Madam secretary, the sovereign state of kansas cast sovereign state votes no. Casts 48 kentucky, 37 votes. Ofthe bluegrass state, home fast cars, and beautiful women, 26 votes yes. [applause] no, onecky, 27 yes, 10 chosen to pick up one vote for each side, they split for kentucky. Chairman, louisiana cass 34 votes yes, six votes no, one extension. [applause] louisiana, 31 yes. Maine, 20 votes. State of maine casts five votes yes, 15 votes now. [applause] that was expected there. Our committed total cumulative total the state of maryland casts eight votes yes, 35 votes no. [applause] the two. Picked up massachusetts, 43 votes. The commonwealth of massachusetts casts 15 votes yes, 28 votes no. In other words, the way the vote is going down to massachusetts is that neither side is seeing a particular advantage in the voting. Just a moment. Michigan casts 29 votes yes. [applause] 55 votes no. [applause] this is following precisely poll. S. Delegate it would indicate that he will win nomination tomorrow night. Madam, chairman minnesota , five, yes, 13 no. [applause] up three votesed there. Ford picked up three votes there. Mississippi, 30 votes. There is that difficult state of mississippi bound by the rule. They passed. Mississippi passed. Their apparently they have not decided. The delegation almost evenly split. Madam, chairman, 30 votes yes, 13 no, one extension. That one extension was lost from the reagan forces. Know,souri, 30 yes, 18 one not voting. 20 votes. , secretary, montana, the big sky country, casts 20 votes yes. [applause] that is a solid reagan state. According to our computer, ford has picked up 10 votes. Nebraska, 25 votes. Yes,braska, both 18 seventh know. [applause] that was as expected. Importance of this is that our cbs news delegate poll, these delicates reporting a most exactly that way means a ford victory on this vote. 15the state of nevada casts votes yes, three no. Thatagan picked up two on one. , 21 votes. Shire mr. Chairman, the Granite State casts three still cap three votes yes. New hampshire as expected. , 67 votes. Ey mr. Chairman, before i thatnce the votes, i asked the microphone be left on to that one member may request, as he as asked to do, the right to have a delegation close. Castsairman, new jersey four votes yes, 62 votes no, and one abstaining. New jersey, four yes, 62 votes no. I respectfully request that the new jersey delegation be that would be over the cbs delegate poll and give them 13 more votes. That itot expect according to the rules, the new jersey delegation has asked for a poll of the delegations of each member of the 67 members in the new jersey delegation, called by name. The district of new jersey the computer shows president ford has picked up 13 votes, reagan nine. To 10. Re show 11 david votes no. Millicent fenwick. Fenwick votes no. Thomas kane. Kane votes no. Although votes no renaldo votes no. This is a senator. Thomas baluchi. Baluchi votes no. Republicans and not have to face his problem until 1952. The entire Convention Comes to a standstill. There is practical, political reason. If it is felt by any member of the delegation, some of the voting contrary. This is a means of exposing them to the people back home. It will be reported. [indiscernible] this is a means of flushing that out publicly. There has been an accusation made that when this became a popular procedure, the Democratic Convention in 1952, it was the first televised convention. People wanted to get their faces on television. There might have been something to it. Convention 1972 said there was the people and the convention or tired of the procedure. That is why they dont poll publicly anymore. Anne flint votes no. More cbsl be back with News Coverage of the national convention. And this poll of the new 67sey delegation for the delegates and their names are being called asked how they voted. Trying to explain once more because it is confusing. We are trying to tell you as they go along statebystate here, we have a cbs news delegate poll. The poll of all of the nearly 3000 delegates of the convention asked to how they stand on the bases of the poll, we have seen as of tonight, president ford has 1141 votes for the nomination. That is 11 more he needs for the nomination. We are taking a poll of our delegates proreagan and balancing that against the vote. Is poll of the delegates being almost precisely. We are able to tell us the gift of the new jersey delegation now that president ford pasty forces are winning president fords forces are winning. They are voting for ford or reagan. Reagan forces are going down in the seat. Both sides said it was a critical vote. The new energy the new jersey poll is think they are coming. End ofe coming near the the new jersey poll. Peter. Peter votes no. He felt the modifications he felt the ramifications were going to shift the emphasis. They tried to ship edifices now. Up until the early evening, this was a crucial vote. Nicolas . They are calling on all those to vote. What happened here is that new jersey came to this convention with 60 delegates favoring ford. Four favoring reagan. And three not committed. The four voted for reagan. Three who were not committed went over to reagan. Arcane reasons were in that region where the particular delegates came. Know it is different down there accepted its former ispeard there except it warmer here. You offered a theory that this may be it. This may be the test vote. Would gos, the heat after this and everybody would relax. The only roll call vote of the night. There is no way to dont that, but it is a possibility. That, the rollcall is growing pretty smoothly the rollcall is going pretty smoothly. This seems to be going along. Going along pretty smoothly. Both of us and others have speculating he was not exploring every avenue because he knew he did not have the votes. , doing work for us on this convention, just called me to correct a report of mine. I said i did not think there was a vote poll of republican delegation back in 1952. He reminded me of the new jersey delegation did a rollcall in 1968. Dan rather is with the North Carolina leader right now. In the delegations of North Carolina has unrelated delegates. [indiscernible] you are a man for a reputation of straight talk. What does this mean for Ronald Reagans chances . They put all their muscle behind it. If they lost by a substantial margin, what that substantial margin is, whether that is 50 or 100 is not for me to say. Certainly, they put all of their eggs in that basket in one basket and it would look awfully bad. At this vote, what is it show they missed . I would rather you take the i did not havee anything to do with this decision of putting all the eggs in one basket. I thought it should be on an issue of principle instead of a rule like this. Organizersher reagan began to shift her emphasis. Do you think you can win the platform . I certainly do. The you have a better chance on the platform . Absolutely. All we, we have seen reagan principles put into the platform and the four people come faxing four people collapsing under the issues. Moralityt just say the platform, how can we be against it . Has a deal been cut . If it has, i do not know nothing about it. I would not be surprised. I hope they do vote with us because it is what the Republican Party stands for. I hope we go out of here with principal rather than was just procedures. Mike wallace reports on that mississippi delegation. I dont know how they are going to vote yet. They have decided to cast their 30 votes one way or another. For the ford position. A new jersey vote, the poll of delegation has been completed and will be going on with the rollcall next to new mexico that is almost evenly divided. It is exactly evenly divided according to our cbs news poll. Favorxico delegates forward. Favor ford. We will see how they vote on rule 16c. Require president ford to name his Vice President ial nominee tomorrow morning. Excuse me. I was confused a moment ago. Voting all for reagan, 21 votes. I am reading my charts. That is where i got it. Talk and if i cannot read, maybe i should get out of the business. 21 votes for new mexico. All of the delegates and new mexico are for reagan. Roger . Roger this is bob michael. If i can interrupt you for one minute as you turn off your headquarters microphone. Mr. Michael, can we do some television were . Is this all over now for reagan . Michael we are running right on target. I am barry pleased with account i am very pleased with account. The state of florida will be what our original count would be. Onmississippi, depending what they want to do if they want to give us those 45. You dont think you need mississippi . The way we are going now, we probably wont need it. It would be nice to talk in those terms. It is a significant victory for our side. There is still some people who vote differently. All right. Ok. They are talking about the new jersey vote now. I, 20 votes nay. York, 154 votes. Madam, secretary new york, the great empire state, casts 20 votes yes, 134 votes no. [applause] there were six uncommitted votes in the new york delegation. , onlyy that vote comes up one of them went to the ford position. His margin is increasing. Madam, chairman North Carolina, the home state of italy graham and senator jesse helms [laughter] votes for 51 yes, threeina, no. Half of them in for tomorrow. Votes yes, 12 votes no. North dakota, six yes, 12 no. Reagan picked up one. Ohio, 97 votes. Votedam, secretary ohio no. N votes yes, 90 votes , seven yes, 90 no. Oklahoma, 36 votes. Madam secretary, oklahoma probably cast 36 votes yes. [applause] that was as expected. That is a solid rake in state. So North Carolina, reagan picked up 25 votes almost. Hasadam secretary, oregon 14 votes yes, 16 votes no. Yes, 16 no. 4 this is going closeddoor cbs delegate poll. Them, chairman keystone state says 14 votes yes, 89 votes no. So it is six uncommitted votes in pennsylvania. Reagan has picked up one. Ford is five. 89, no. Puerto rico, eight votes. Madam chairman, puerto rico, we vote eight votes no. That was as expected there. Statesinvariably in the where there were uncommitted votes, the majority has gone for the ford position tonight. States 19 votes no. Island, 19 votes no. States arolina, 13 13 votes. Ofmadam chairman, the state South Carolina cast 25 votes yes, 11 votes no. The one a committed delegate there in South Carolina went to the ford position on wool 16c. South dakota, 20 votes. Madam secretary, south dakota probably cast 11 votes yes and nine votes no. As our poll indicated, south dakota would split. Tennessee, 43 votes. The greatretary volunteer state of tennessee 17 ay. 26 nay, five reagan votes in tennessee switched over to the ford position on this particular vote. I will explain that tennessee vote a little bit later. That is one of the states that has a trojan horse principle. Texas states with reagan on the 14c. Texas, 100 votes, ay. Utah. 20 votes. Ay. Tah cast 20 votes, that was as expected. Vermont, 18 votes. The stateretary of vermont casts 18 votes no. [applause] ormond, 18 votes, no. Vermont, 18 votes, no. Votes ay, 15as 36 votes no. The one ford vote in virginia went over to reagans position. Sunshine gem casts four votes no. Virgin islands, casts four votes no. Washington, 38 those. Madam chairman, washington casts 31 votes yes. Seven votes no. President ford is 31. A big test vote on role 60c rule 16c. West virginia casts 12 votes yes, 16otes 12 votes votes no. That was a pickup for reagan in west virginia. It is still close enough so mississippis votes can make a difference. Mike wallace says they will go for ford. That was as expected. Reachlmost puts it out of for reagan. Madam secretary, wyoming votes no. Tes aye, 8 the uncommitted votes in wyoming went to the ford position as well. As you see there, even with 30 more votes from mississippi, which reagan is not going to not going to win it. It would appear president fords forces have rallied at this Crucial Point of the republican convention. President fords forces to control this convention. That vote has to be counted in there as well. Florida, the great sunshine state, casts 38 votes no, 28 votes yes. It. Fficially that does officially. They do not have all of the votes counted as yet. There, you see the vote. There it is. The ford and the reagan forces this is a critical vote. The platform changes, but it appears the ford people have the votes. 28 votes no. Votes. Issippi, 30 mississippi after much no. Ternation 30 votes that is the way it is. That vote. End of [indiscernible] an important vote. There might be only a few in the hall that do not believe this was a critical vote and the crisis has now been passed for the ford forces president gerald , who did not run for the 1972 will in 1970 or likely be the nominee for the 1976 election. That the first major battle of this convention is over, we have thoughts think that that must represent the high point for think ney wouldnt you think . Stage, thee second schweitzer being the announcement. It seems like the last thing they have up their sleeve. Conventionore the opened, reagans assistant said pointedly, they were calling in the spanish armada they are bigger, but they do not maneuver very well. Tonight they have what seems to me to be very convincing pulling, they have put the house in order and he an withstand this what he was able to withstand was this very ingenious gambit. And it was. But dont you think it was just a gambit . Eric theyton delegates. Many it was pretty hard to vote against it. And then they did turn things around. Even if the ford if theyd lost this, wanted to vote against schweitzer, that is a privilege. Harding, who was going to be the a mane, really wanted from wisconsin as his running mate. The convention turned around. At i remember reading about it. But this looks like it. I dont see quite what they can do from now on. Because the fight on the , the morality and Foreign Policy for example i do not expect it, do you . Going to be very hard. Forough there will be some the four people to take because it is a kick in the pants. Think,f the defensive, i to ford and kissinger. Just let them go. Are looks like what they fighting about. Bill it shows how much of a cleavage there is between the east and the west of this body. Only a few people for the ford position. In the midwest, with 175 voted for the reagan position. Voted for the445 reagan position. One 56 for ford. In the west, 366 versus 84. You can see that this is along the lines of the sun Belt Division we have been talking about this week. Eric [indiscernible] to talk about this whole new regional switch in this country politically, the a change west from the old days with the interventionist east. The whole thing has changed. Do you have any further thoughts on this . Ford, where were would you think you would have to choose a Vice President from . Eric it all depends, i suppose on who runs with carter in the south, you . Think they can cut very deeply into his strategy. But they probably do think it will weaken the west. He does not have to pick a safe, inoffensive person. He can pick someone with the idea and the capacity to be president and take his chances. My impression of these people in the convention is assuming ford is nominated, Ronald Reagan from people may not raise money for him, but they will vote for am because he is conservative man, much more so than carter. The president has quite a lot of flexibility on what he can do. There was passion, but it was goodnatured hostility. They are not in geared at this moment the way they were in 1964. I dont really believe those polls that indicate if ford is nominated [indiscernible] they probably will vote for the conservative position. Why not . Trouble than would be organizing a campaign and raising the money. Lets turn this back to the anchor booth and walter cronkite. Has justhe convention approved the rules now, and that , that requires8 the delegations from 19 states to vote as latched and not as the delegates themselves might wish in their own individual choices. The Republican National Convention Coverage by cbs will resume after this message. Cbs news continues its special report, campaign 76. Tonight, the coverage of the Republican National convention from kansas city. By ford Ford Motor Company. Ford wants to be your car company. Now walter cronkite. Walter the reagan forces lost your tonight in this auditorium in kansas city and it looks like the Reagan Campaign for the presidency may be very near its end. A test vote on the rule changes have failed, a vote the reagan forces brought to the convention floor, and the question is what will they do . Will they continue to fight on the platform or will they give up at this point . There is an indication leslie stahl has. Come in, leslie. Leslie walter, youre absolutely right. I am standing here senator Strom Thurmond was just over here, going over the Foreign Policy language so there will be no fight on the floor. The ford people are eager not to have a fight on the Foreign Policy front. What language have you written in . I noticed you marking off the buzzwords so to speak. I would not confirm that. Leslie i saw you do it. I do not know what a buzzword is. Leslie i saw you mark out the word day time. Is that right . No, its not. Mark out i saw you the word detente. Are you willing to seek a compromise, senator . Senator thurmond i am willing to talk to members of the committee. I am not a member of the committee. I have been able to talk to them to see if we can make a few changes to it. Leslie we know that there are conservative members of the committee who want stronger length which are a what is governor reagans position . Senator thurmond i dont know. Leslie you dont. [indiscernible] leslie well, i am told that he did. [laughter] we have a lot of strong conservatives on the Foreign Policy committee. Leslie this proposed language is really an attack on kissinger. Is that the way you read it . I read some implications of attack on the nixon Foreign Policy as carried out by kissinger and on the ford Foreign Policy carried out by kissinger. Yes, i do. Leslie thank you very much. Walter, we may not have a fight on Foreign Policy after all. Thank you. Approved donjust rhodes, the congressman from arizona and the minority leader in the house of representatives, as the permanent chairman of this Congressional Committee and they are singing his praises right now before introducing him to the delegates, most of whom already know him. He is likely to be the majority speakerf that is the of the house of representatives and he is campaigning for that job. Which means he is campaigning house ofublican representatives next year. Now we have the chairman of the four campaign for the presidency. My guess is you are rather delighted man know that you have gotten over this test vote. We are really excited about it. I think it is a real victory for the president and really a victory for the Republican Party. Mending the rules in the middle is a very difficult thing. We just heard some others suggest they will not compromise on the Foreign Policy plank, that they will continue with different language and some of the matters. Do you think it is all over . I dont think you ever ought to think that. I think you better fight everywhere. The delegate count is very solid. Did your president ial candidate delegates work out the same on this press vote . Very close. Closer than you would think. Lineied to cross the between the two candidates, but its very close. Walter are you concerned about any particular plank . Drafted a weekst or so ago, that they would take out a bit . I think it was in the rules committee. I think it was in the rules committee. It was very significant. I thought it showed a strong position. Walter do you see me boobytraps and the road between this time tomorrow night . You dont think the platform will cause any excitement . The platform i dont think this one will, and i think the is a good platform. About these amendments. There is an awful lot of talk by your forces that 16c president foreclosed ford from consultation with him or inviting them to be the Vice President ial candidate on this ticket. Do you think of reagan as a Vice President ial possibility . I certainly would not excluded. I think its very important. This is been a long primary. It has been a close primary. A tremendous number of republicans involved. And i think it would be very president fordor to discuss the candidate before he makes his final decision. Walter [indiscernible] i think he intends to do that. [indiscernible] i would love to. I dont know. I think the process we have gone through is very fair. And we certainly have input from many, many people. And we believe the polls taken. Doesnt have to go to a moderate, moderate right to bring the Party Together now . This is a pretty close split for an incumbent president here. Reagan came awful close in this anpaign, and that indicates awful lot of people who are more conservative even then president ford, who is not a raving liberal. As far as the capacity to run, to be the president of the United States is number one and the president would like someone compatible with him and i think he has in terms of his philosophy, he is trying to get that done in the country, and that is the way i think it will probably come out. What about the former governor . I certainly would not exclude anyone. Walter i think i have got about all im going to get out of you. Youre not going to get any more. [laughter] walter we will see how the delegate count holds up tomorrow as well. I think it will. Walter thank you. Shortly before the reagan forces went down on this critical rules chief reagan the supporters, senator jesse helms of North Carolina do you have enough delegates . Know. R holmes i dont its possible, of course. Does it concern you . Course, itms of does. Things appear to be going the wrong way, but the ballgame is not over. Yet. Ve the ninth inning what you going to do in the ninth inning . Senator helms everything we can. What do you think about them saying we want Ronald Reagan for the vice presidency . Senator holmes of course my good friend in the senate said that and he knew better than that. It works a lot of times. In the confusion of the convention floor, people do not always think exactly straight. If they stopped at to put on their thinking caps, they might have voted differently. What if the reagan delegates tried to stampede the invention and get a draft going for mr. Reagan . Helms ive got to take Ronald Reagan at his word. He says he is not going to accept any offer that may come to him for Vice President. His exact words to me as late as yesterday were, no way. I assume that is his position. [indiscernible] said,r helms like i there is trouble in river city. I would not be leveling with you if i said i just came from a jubilant trailer. But back to the drawing board. Walter senator helms is one of the socalled independent conservatives. Senatorbuckley, the from new york state, the president ial candidate here for he says that they have been in talks, though senator helms has flatly denied it there might be a walkout. And he was against a vice on the reaganpot ticket. He still has the capability to cause a lot of interest at this convention, to put it mildly. There is considerable passion here by continuing to bring before thers convention. Its very difficult to do that from the floor. For instance on the platforms, the only thing that they can do, where they got 25 percent of the votes for the platform committee, they satisfy the rules of the convention. The only thing they can do is try to strike the platform. They might try to do that, try to create some passion, but it seems the fire has gone out of the reagan forces with the loss of this important vote. One of the important things to consider although jesse helms brought up the matter of people so they could preserve the possibility of reagan being named as a Vice President ial candidate with ford, as we go down the vote tonight, it turns out the vote followed precisely the lines of for fordelegate count and for reagan. Thethere was no subtlety in casting of any votes in any of the delegations. The vote was absolutely solid. We have to take the indications ism that that president ford almost certainly the candidate of this body after tomorrow night. The Republican National Convention Coverage from cbs news will resume after this message. Road to the white house rewind continues with more from the 1976 Republican National convention with gerald ford accepting his partys nomination. He presented himself as an honest and calming force in the the office, following resignation of Richard Nixon two years earlier over the watergate scandal. President ford went on to lose the general election in the presidency to democrat jimmy carter. Our coverage comes from nbc news. This is about 40 minutes. Delegates and alternates to this republican convention, i am honored by your nomination and i accept it. Applause]d president ford with gratitude twootal will do when win a great victory for the American People. We will wage a Winning Campaign ,n every region of this country from the snowy banks of minnesota to the sandy lanes of georgia the sandy plains of georgia. We concede not a single vote. This evening, i am proud to stand before this Great Convention as the first incumbent president since dwight d. Eisenhower who can tell the American People america is at peace. Tonight, i can tell you straight sound, thistion is nation is secure, this nation is on the march to full economic recovery and a better quality of life for all americans. I will tell you one more thing. Where the issues are on our side. I am ready, i am eager to go before the American People and debate the real issues facetoface with jimmy carter. [applause] [crowd chanting] president ford the American People have a right to know firsthand exactly where both of us stand. I am deeply grateful to those who stood with me in winning the nomination. I have served the party all of my adult life. I respect the conventions of those who want to change in washington. I want a change, too, after 22 long years of majority misrule. Lets change the United States congress. My gratitude tonight reaches far , throughis arena countless friends whose confidence, hard work, and in selfish support have brought me to this moment. An exception for my wonderful family . Mike, jack, steve, and susan, and especially my dear wife betty. We republicans have had some tough competition. We not only preach the virtues of competition, we practice them. But tonight, we come together not on a battlefield to conclude a ceasefire, but to join forces on a Training Field that has conditioned us all for the rugged contest ahead. Let me say this. ,rom the bottom of my heart after the scrimmages of the past few months, it really feels good to have ron reagan on the same side of the line. To strengthen our championship lineup, the convention has our next Vice President , senator bob dole of kansas areas of kansas. With his help, with your help, the help of millions of americans who want freedom preserved, prosperity shared, and pride in america, we will win this election. I speak not of the republican victory, but a victory for the American People. You at home listening tonight, you are the people who pay the taxes and debate of the laws. You are the people who make our system work. You are the people who make america what it is. It is from your ranks that i come and on your side, i stand. Ford Something Wonderful happened to this country of ours the past two years. We all came to realize it on the fourth of july. Together, out of years of turmoil and tragedy, wars and riots, assassinations and wrongdoing in high places, americans recaptured the spirit of 1776. We saw again the pioneer vision of our revolutionary founders and our immigrant ancestors. Their vision was of free men and free women enjoying limited government and unlimited opportunity. [applause] mr. Ford the mandate i want in 1976 is to make this vision a reality, but it will take the voices and the votes of many more americans who are not republicans to make that mandate binding and my mission possible. I have been called an unelected president , an accidental president. We may even hear that again from the other party, despite the fact that i was welcomed and endorsed by an overwhelming majority of their elected representatives in the congress who certified my fitness to our highest office. [applause] mr. Ford having become Vice President and president without expecting or seeking either, i have a special feeling toward these high offices. To me, the presidency and the vice presidency were not prizes to be won but a duty to be done. [applause] mr. Ford so tonight, it is not the power and the glamour of the presidency that leads me to ask for another four years. It is something every hardworking american will the challenge of a job well begun, but far from finished. Two years ago, on august 9, 1974, i placed my hand on the bible, which betty held, and took the same constitutional oath that was administered to george washington. I had faith in our people, in our institutions, and in myself. My fellow americans, i said, our Long National nightmare is over. It was an hour in our history that troubled our minds and tore at our hearts. Anger and hatred had risen to dangerous levels, dividing friends and families. The polarization of our political order had aroused unworthy passions of reprisal and revenge. Our governmental system was closer to stalemate than at any time since Abraham Lincoln took that same oath of office. Our economy was in the throes of runaway inflation, taking us headlong into the worst recession since franklin d. Roosevelt took the same oath. On that dark day, i told my fellow countrymen, i am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your president by your ballots, so i ask you to confirm me as your president with your prayers. [applause] mr. Ford on a marble fireplace in the white house is carved a prayer which john adams wrote. It concludes, may none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof. Since i have resided in that historic house, i have tried to live by that prayer. [applause] mr. Ford i faced many tough problems. I probably made some mistakes, but on balance, america and americans have made an incredible comeback since august 1974. [applause] mr. Ford nobody can honestly say otherwise. And the plain truth is that the great progress we have made at home and abroad was in spite of the majority who run the congress of the United States. [applause] mr. Ford for two years, i have stood for all the people against a votehungry, freespending congressional majority on capitol hill. [applause] mr. Ford fiftyfive times i vetoed extravagant and unwise legislation. Fortyfive times i made those vetoes stick. [applause] mr. Ford those vetoes have saved american taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. I am against the big tax spender and for the little taxpayer. [applause] mr. Ford i called for a permanent tax cut, coupled with spending reductions, to stimulate the economy and relieve hardpressed, middleincome taxpayers. Your personal exemption must be raised from 750 to 1,000. [applause] mr. Ford the other partys platform talks about tax reform, but there is one big problem. Their own Congress Wont act. [applause] ford i called for reasonable constitutional restrictions on courtordered busing of schoolchildren, but the other partys platform concedes that busing should be a last resort. But there is the same problem. Their own Congress Wont act. [applause] mr. Ford i called for a Major Overhaul of criminal laws to crack down on crime and illegal drugs. The other partys platform deplores americas 90 billion cost of crime. There is the problem again. Their own Congress Wont act. [applause] mr. Ford the other partys platform talks about a strong defense. Now, here is the other side of the problem. Their own congress did act. They slashed 50 billion from our National Defense needs in the last 10 years. My friends, washington is not the problem, their congress is the problem. [applause] mr. Ford you know the president of the United States is not a magician who can wave a wand or sign a paper that will instantly end a war, cure a recession, or make bureaucracy disappear. A president has immense powers under the constitution, but all of them ultimately come from the American People and their mandate to him. That is why, tonight, i turn to the American People and ask not only for your prayers but also for your strength and your support, for your voice, and for your vote. [applause] mr. Ford i come before you with a twoyear record of performance without your mandate. I offer you a fouryear pledge of greater performance with your mandate. [applause] mr. Ford as governor al smith used to say, lets look at the record. Two years ago, inflation was 12 . Sales were off. Plants were shut down. Thousands were being laid off every week. Fear of the future was throttling down our economy and threatening millions of families. Lets look at the record since august 1974. Inflation has been cut in half. Payrolls are up. Profits are up. Production is up. Purchases are up. Since the recession was turned around, almost 4 million of our fellow americans have found new jobs or got their old jobs back. This year, more men and women have jobs than ever before in the history of the United States. [applause] mr. Ford confidence has returned, and we are in the full surge of sound recovery to steady prosperity. Two years ago, america was mired in withdrawal from southeast asia. A decade of congresses had shortchanged our global defenses and threatened our strategic posture. Mounting tension between israel and the arab nations made another war seem inevitable. The whole world watched and wondered where america was going. Did we in our domestic turmoil have the will, the stamina, and the unity to stand up for freedom . Look at the record since august, two years ago. Today, america is at peace and seeks peace for all nations. Not a single american is at war anywhere on the face of this earth tonight. [applause] and applause] mr. Ford our ties with western europe and japan, economic as well as military, were never stronger. Our relations with eastern europe, the soviet union, and Mainland China are firm, vigilant, and forward looking. Policies i have initiated offer sound progress for the peoples of the pacific, africa, and latin america. Israel and egypt, both trusting the United States, have taken an historic step that promises an eventual just settlement for the whole middle east. The world now respects americas policy of peace through strength. The United States is again the confident leader of the free world. [applause] ford nobody questions our dedication to peace, but nobody doubts our willingness to use our strength when our vital interests are at stake, and we will. [applause] mr. Ford i called for an uptodate, powerful army, navy, air force, and marines that will keep america secure for decades. A Strong Military posture is always the best insurance for peace. [applause] mr. Ford but americas strength has never rested on arms alone. It is rooted in our mutual commitment of our citizens and leaders in the highest standards of ethics and morality and in the spiritual renewal which our nation is undergoing right now. [applause] mr. Ford two years ago peoples confidence in their highest officials, to whom they had overwhelmingly entrusted power, had twice been shattered. Losing faith in the word of their elected leaders, americans lost some of their own faith in themselves. Again, lets look at the record since august 1974. From the start, my administration has been open, candid, forthright. [applause] mr. Ford while my entire public and private life was under searching examination for the vicepresidency, i reaffirmed my lifelong conviction that truth is the glue that holds government together, not only government but civilization itself. [applause] ford i have demanded honesty, decency, and personal integrity from everybody in the executive branch of the government. The house and senate have the same duty. [applause] mr. Ford the American People will not accept a double standard in the United States congress. [applause] mr. Ford those who make our laws today must not debase the reputation of our great legislative bodies that have given us such giants as daniel webster, henry clay, sam rayburn, and robert a. Taft. [applause] mr. Ford whether in the nations capital, the state capital, or city hall, private morality and public trust must go together. [applause] president ford from august of 1974 to august of 1976, the record shows steady progress upwards toward prosperity, peace, and public trust. My record is one of progress, not platitudes. My record is one of specifics, not smiles. My record is one of performance, not promises. [applause] [cheers and applause] [applause] president ford it is a record i am proud to run on. It is a record the American People, democrats, independents, and republicans alike, will support on november 2. [applause] president ford for the next four years i pledge to you that i will hold to the steady course we have begun. But i have no intention of standing on the record alone. We will continue winning the fight against inflation. We will go on reducing the dead weight and impudence of bureaucracy. [applause] president ford we will submit a balanced budget by 1978. We will improve the quality of life at work, at play, and in our homes and in our neighborhoods. We will not abandon our cities. We will encourage urban programs which assure safety in the streets, create healthy environments, and restore neighborhood pride. [applause] president ford we will return control of our childrens education to parents and local school authorities. [applause] [cheers and applause] president ford we will make sure that the party of lincoln remains the party of equal rights. [applause] president ford we will create a tax structure that is fair for all our citizens, one that preserves the continuity of the family home, the family farm, and the family business. [applause] president ford we will ensure the integrity of the Social Security system and improve medicare so that our older citizens can enjoy the health and the happiness that they have earned. There is no reason they should have to go broke just to get well. [applause] president ford we will make sure that this rich nation does not neglect citizens who are less fortunate but provides for their needs with compassion and with dignity. We will reduce the growth and the cost of government and allow individual breadwinners and businesses to keep more of the money that they earn. [applause] president ford we will create a climate in which our economy will provide a meaningful job for everyone who wants to work and a decent standard of life for all americans. We will ensure that all of our young people have a better chance in life than we had, an education they can use, and a career they can be proud of. [applause] president ford we will carry out a farm policy that assures a fair market price for the farmer, encourages full production, leads to record exports, and eases the hunger within the human family. We will never use the bounty of americas farmers as a pawn in international diplomacy. [applause] ford there will be no embargoes. We will continue our strong leadership to bring peace, justice, and economic progress where there is turmoil, especially in the middle east. We will build a safer and saner world through patient negotiations and dependable arms agreements which reduce the danger of conflict and horror of thermonuclear war. While i am president , we will not return to a collision course that could reduce civilization to ashes. [applause] president ford we will build an america where people feel rich in spirit as well as in worldly goods. We will build an america where people feel proud about themselves and about their country. We will build on performance, not promises, experience, not expediency, Real Progress instead of mysterious plans to be revealed in some dim and distant future. [applause] president ford the American People are wise, wiser than our opponents think. They know who pays for every campaign promise. They are not afraid of the truth. We will tell them the truth. [applause] president ford from start to finish, our campaign will be credible. It will be responsible. We will come out fighting, and we will win. [applause] ford yes, we have all seen the polls and the pundits who say our party is dead. I have heard that before. So did harry truman. I will tell you what i think. The only polls that count are the polls the American People go to on november 2. [applause] president ford and right now, i predict that the American People are going to say that night, jerry, you have done a good job. Keep right on doing it. [applause] [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting] president ford as i try in my imagination to look into the homes where families are watching the end of this Great Convention, i cant tell which faces are republicans, which are democrats, and which are independents. I cannot see their color or their creed. I see only americans. [applause] president ford i see americans who love their husbands, their wives, and their children. I see americans who love their country for what it has been and what it must become. I see americans who work hard, but who are willing to sacrifice all they have worked for to keep their children and their country free. [applause] president ford i see americans who in their own quiet way pray for peace among nations and peace among themselves. We do love our neighbors, and we do forgive those who have trespassed against us. [applause] president ford i see a new generation that knows what is right and knows itself, a generation determined to preserve its ideals, its environment, our nation, and the world. My fellow americans, i like what i see. [applause] president ford i have no fear for the future of this great country. And as we go forward together, i promise you once more what i promised before. To uphold the constitution, to do what is right as god gives me to see the right, and to do the very best that i can for america. God helping me, i wont let you down. Thank you very much. [applause] [cheers and applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] road to the white house rewind continues. An unusual step, former governor Ronald Reagan to speak at the podium. The was a narrow margin of the delegate vote. As a gesture of inviting thengovernor reagan to speak, with the hope of unifying the party. President ford went on to lose the general election and the presidency to democrat jimmy carter. Our coverage comes from nbc news, and the voices you will here are from David Brinkley and John Chancellor in the first few minutes. This is about 15 minutes. President ford appears to be asking Ronald Reagan to come down and join him. Reagan is still sonic autographs and might not even be able to see the president. He is shouting into the microphone. Announcer 1 would you come down . Said the president. Announcer 2 come on down. Announcer 1 they just gave the standard to reagan and the alabama standard to schweiker. Announcer 2 you cannot see him in his box. Senator schweiker is still there. So he may be going down the hallway. Announcer 2 senator dole, Vice President rockefeller. Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Dole. That is mrs. Dole there to the left in the light dress. We are waiting, i am sure, for governor reagan to appear. Reagans are and the just about at the platform. Of the hear the cheer crowd. [cheering] this convention is full of things we have never two before, including these appearing together. Announcer 2 a switch of 59 votes, standing there. 59 votes. \ as the president said, they will need every vote they can get. The picture you see is designed to do that. Announcer 2 mr. Ford everybody in this great auditorium tonight, we are all tremendously pleased and honored to have ron reagan and nancy reagan come down. [cheers and applause] honking] all a part ofre this great republican family, and we will give the leadership to the American People to win on november 2. I would be honored on your behalf to ask my good friend governor reagan to say a few words at this time. Applause]d [horns honking] [applause] governor reagan thank you very much. Mr. President , mrs. Ford, mr. Vice president , mr. Vice president to be [laughter] reagan the distinguished guests here, and you ladies and gentlemen. I am going to say fellow republicans here, but also those who are watching from a distance, all of those millions of democrats and independents who i know are looking for a cause around which to rally and which i believe we can give them. [applause] governor reagan mr. President , before you arrived tonight, these wonderful people here when we came in gave nancy and myself a welcome. That, plus this, and plus your kindness and generosity in honoring us by bringing us down here will give us a memory that will live in our hearts forever. [applause] honking] governor reagan watching on television these last few nights and i have seen you also with the warmth that you greeted nancy, and you also filled my heart with joy when you did that. May i just say some words . [applause] reagan there are cynics who say that a Party Platform is something that no one bothers to read, and it doesnt very often amount to much. Whether it is different this time than it has ever been before, i believe the Republican Party has a platform that is a banner of bold, unmistakable colors, with no pastel shades. [applause] governor reagan we have just heard a call to arms based on that platform and a call to us to really be successful in communicating and reveal to the American People the difference between this platform and the platform of the opposing party, which is nothing but a revamp and a reissue and a running of a late, late show of the thing that we have been hearing from them for the last 40 years. [applause] governor reagan if i could just take a moment. I had an assignment the other day. Someone asked me to write a letter for a time capsule that is going to be opened in los angeles 100 years from now, on our tricentennial. It sounded like an easy assignment. They suggested i write something about the problems and the issues of the day, and i set out to do so, riding down the coast in an automobile, looking at the blue pacific out on one side and the Santa Ynez Mountains on the other, and i couldnt help but wonder if it was going to be that beautiful 100 years from now as it was on that summer day. And then as i tried to write let your own minds turn to that task. You are going to write for people 100 years from now, who know all about us. We know nothing about them. We dont know what kind of a world they will be living in. And suddenly i thought to myself, if i write of the problems, they will be the domestic problems on which the president spoke of here tonight, the challenges confronting us, the erosion of freedom that has taken place under democratic rule in this country, the invasion of private rights, the controls and restrictions on the vitality of the great free economy that we enjoy. These are our challenges that we must meet. And then again, there is that challenge of which he spoke that we live in a world in which the great powers have poised and aimed at each other horrible missiles of destruction, Nuclear Weapons that can in a matter of minutes arrive at each others country and destroy, virtually, the civilized world we live in. And suddenly it dawned on me, those who would read this letter 100 years from now will know whether those missiles were fired. They will know whether we met our challenge, whether they have the freedoms that we have known up until now will depend on what we do here. Will they look back with appreciation and say, thank god for those people in 1976 who headed off that loss of freedom, who kept us now, 100 years later, free, who kept our world from Nuclear Destruction . And if we failed, they probably wont get to read the letter at all because it spoke of individual freedom, and they wont be allowed to talk of that or read of it. This is our challenge, and this is why here in this hall tonight, better than we have ever done before, we have got to quit talking to each other and about each other and go out and communicate to the world that we may be fewer in numbers than we have ever been, but we carry the message they are waiting for. We must go forth from here united, determined that what a great general said a few years ago is true. There is no substitute for victory, mr. President. [applause] \ announcer road to the white runs every sunday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, and we will feature conventions back to 1948. This is American History tv, only on cspan3. Announcer in may, president obama confirmed he and his family will be staying in washington, d he leaves office, staying in the kalorama

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