Transcripts For CSPAN2 Washington Journal Sarah Kliff And Lo

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Washington Journal Sarah Kliff And Louise Radnofsky Discuss The Future Of... 20170620

healthcare might look like in the united states. to guess, we have a senior policy correspondent and a white house reporter with us. thank you both for joining us. i know that you did not write the story but your colleagues say that there is a planned vote on health care. especially on the senate side next week. can you give us a sense of the white house's role and what they would like to see happen if it does indeed happen? >> right around another timeline, it is expected this week or early next week and potentially a vote on thursday. the white house says that it is not yet aware that it has 50 both the republican supposedly need. they'll have a firmer sense by the end of the week and they are confident things are heading in the direction they want. >> and sarah please give us some information on the confidence. >> the house was charging towards a vote back in march. remember, they were kind of getting ready. paul ryan was saying that there was going to be about. in a very dramatic move they pulled it at the last minute. they realized they did not have the votes and they did not want to put up the spill only to fail. i think we will, it is still an unknown whether we could see a similar situation polite in the senate given out things feel very unknown you know we have not seen that bill, we talk about the various objections had two proposals but i think once we get the bill talk like we said on thursday or friday of this week then we will get a better idea of what issues senators have if there are indeed 50 votes. >> and even if there is a possible vote i don't know if the case is that all the issues have been resolved. is that the case? in if not, what are the sticking points still in the topic?>> i think they're still working through some key issues. medicaid has been a very challenging issue for the senators. there are a number of republican senators that represent states that participate in medicaid expansion and they're quite worried about the effect it will have on constituents. they have a medicaid deal seems to be shaping up. that they are getting closer to the finish line. that is a key area that i am watching. one thing we have not heard a lot about is the tax credits that people get on the individual market. there has not been as much information coming out about how generous doesn't be. remember last week president trump called the house bill a mean bill. we will see about the type of task in it that the senate includes in their version of the healthcare bill. >> thank you for bringing up president trump. when he makes statement like that does it make anything easier? >> -- then behind closed doors apparently the president did refer to some. it could make the senate republicans somewhat easier, it is that supporters are word for the republican party can position itself is making the bad feel better and that will make people that would want to make this portrayed as bad it could help the republicans. and the important thing here is that the senate leadership just like house leadership some point needs to put the bill out there in order for whether to have the votes are not in order for people to coalesce around it if they are going to you know in other words you cannot really count the votes until there is a bill. once you have a bill you really want to move as quickly as possible if you are in leadership in trying to get it across the finish line. you really just want to move to that point and get people to get around this. >> our two guests will be here for the next two hours or to not talk nominally about the senate status is healthcare but the future of the healthcare system in the united states. if you like to ask them questions about this we have divided the lines differently this morning. this is how we are breaking down if you currently have insurance through the affordable care act call 202-748-8000 if you get insurance for the employer 202-748-8001. john ensure call 202-748-8002 and if you pull in another category you can call 202-748-8003. our people okay if they do not get in this case? >> over last two months this was an approach that the white house had over the house bill when it failed they said they were done. they were walking away. then what seems to have happened was that they had a sense actually a win was possible. it was something they could take out and it was somewhat brought them back to the table. right now we do not know how long they're willing to stick with the senate because you do not know if the first try will succeed. if the first try felt it would be unclear. >> on the senate side we are coming up on the july 4th break. they would like a vote before that. they have even talked about shortening that. senate republicans, are they okay with moving on if it does not work? and if that is the case who are the close people to watch in this debate particularly on the senate side?who can make or break? >> i think it is a great question about mitch mcconnell. does he want to deliver on this win or dylan scott said if it fails i can say they tried to do it and move on. but you know you this next week will be instructive in which place they landed in. i think that is the house experience where paul ryan gave a press conference after the bill failed where he declared obamacare was the law of the land. and like louisa said it seem like they were about to move on. then two months later they passed the bill. i take everything with a grain of salt at this point in terms of how strong the commitment is to repeal. in terms of owners who are genetically limited to cruise. you have two moderate senators important to this. murkowski from alaska and susan collins from maine. these are to them that are quite concerned about the medicaid cuts in the bill. for pushing for more generous medicaid funding. on the other side of the caucus you have more conservative senators like lee, rand paul, ted cruz who are pushing for more aggressive cuts. and you can maybe lose one side of the spectrum but it is a difficult balancing act trying to get everyone in the republican party to coalesce around the same bill. >> remind us of the way this will be voted upon. how many votes will be needed to get this bill passed and how - give us a sense of the blow-by-blow how it will be done. >> any 50 votes moving through the senate.they are using a very wonky process called reconciliation that we have all got in familiar with they only need 50 votes.they do not have to get to the 60 vote majority required to overcome a filibuster. because they only have 52 members in the chamber and do not expect any democrats to vote for it. they are going that route. the only need 50 votes because if they do have a tie the vice president can come in with the tie-breaking vote. and obviously we have a republican vice president who will support the bill. so we do not fully know how the debate is going to unfold. it seems like there will be some timeframe in which senators can offer amendments, we do not know how long that will be here last night during the democrats talk of on minority leader chuck schumer was present mitch mcconnell. when we have at least 10 hours to debate this? mitch mcconnell kept saying that would be sufficient time. he wouldn't really commit to an amount of time. so parameter of debate are not clear right now. >> and do we see a direct hand of president or vice president calling and talking to members about this? >> not right now. this is a strategy that they set an early may. using assurance woes to drive home the message to senators that they have no choice but to book for healthcare bill fast. in order to prop up the markets and somewhat coincidentally, this wednesday is one of those major federal filing deadlines for rates and participation information to come in from a number of states. a number of red states in particular. and so that is expected to be one of the turning points this week in the discussion. that said, the white house was willing to get involved right at the end to get folks across the finish line where they felt they could be helpful on both first attempt at passing a bill and second successful attempts. it is something that can happen again depending on where the senators come down. in some ways giving the - all senators on the republican side of the ones you need to watch. they're all dealmakers. and they understand that and mitch mcconnell understands that. >> we have some calls were about to be. the first is from william from new york. he is insured under the - >> good morning. the future in healthcare has to include the repeal of obamacare because for irs self employed people they literally have been thrown under the bus. we used to have health insurance that we knew our doctors. now my family is a family of three. we have an $11,000 deductible. we pay $600 a month and we go to a medicaid clinic. all of the doctors do, we don't even see doctors anymore. we see nurse practitioners. it is a nightmare for self-employed people. we just got a rate of premium, my life had to have a mammogram $650 in advance. so we literally have lost their - our health insurance. so when you hear about them talking of preserving obamacare, the democrats through self-employed people under the bus. we have no health insurance, we just have enormous deductibles. and our coverage right now is pure medicaid. the difference because we work is that we pay for it. whatever republicans do, for self-employed people it will be better than what presently exists. because our family has lost our health insurance for $20,000 before we have any coverage. and what we do have is medicaid. it is absolutely atrocious and you have to work to replace this. >> host: thank you for sharing your story.i am sure this is not the first time you've heard this argument. >> you will hear the president talk about the victim's of obamacare with storylines very similar to this where people talk about higher premiums, higher deductibles, narrower networks. >> good afternoon before i get into with the president is going to continue to do to advance the weekly start i want to shine a spotlight on two of his biggest legislative priorities. tax reform and repeal and replace of obamacare. by the end of the day but the vice president and speaker of the house will have both delivered remarks to the national association of manufacturers about why it is so critical that we come together and quickly deliver significant tax reforms to the american people.

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United States , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Maine , Alaska , Mitch Mcconnell , Sean Spicer , Dylan Scott , Ted Cruz , Paul Ryan ,

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