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Republican campaigns from dog catcher, i was one of the first people on the ground in theeexal caucus cycle. Ive got a pretty aggressive background in politics. You said you organized what is the likelihood of donald trump could win the iowa . It is a tough state, theyve won one since 1988 and there is one reason, we are an aging state, one of the oldest in the unionists are typically the higher the subsidy rate and the more Big Government electorate votes for and we are a major agricultural state. While that has been a tremendous blessing it is also a highly subsidized in history so it is difficult for people running on a message of limited government to win the states with higher turnout than the midterm elections. The republicans nominated a candidate that would say anything or promise anything to win and also somebody that appeals to the voters the more traditional templat candidates e to reach. This is why despite the slight at the last few weeks, one of the last holdouts that sort of withstood his slide has been iowa although you are starting to see the polling change on the asthma also organizationally he is behind and in trajectory is behind that i would give him if it were held today depending thi trendline around the country i would give a 5050 chance to wine which is higher than a lot of republican nominees have had it cominthecoming down the stretche state. E host how are republicansca taking a look in light of the release of other things that stand out from that . Guest theres no question about it and its something i said to my Radio Audience across the country since he became the nominee in may. Dy for we are at this juncture i warned about for many months. If we get down to the end and hk cant win or it looks like hess not going to, there will be a lot of people that say i dont want to be that one guy and the thanksgiving dinner ruining everybodys holiday. Yb so hes not going to win anyway what is the point in voting for him and i think that we are in a danger zone. I think it was an interesting piece along those lines a couple of days ago when you also go out and tell people the system is rigged and i cant win, that is one of the strangest get out and vote and maybe it will work but vote for me and it wont count anyway, i dont accept how anybody gets out the vote. 202 7488001 for all others. I know that iowa has a certain amount of people in the state that are very religious in their beliefs. How does that play with mr. Trump . Er guest i think that he is going to underperform and we started the caucus is that we have to be very careful about throwing around terms. I think theres a lot of liberals in the northeast that think they are catholic because they went to Saint Anthonys school for the day in sixth grade. But they dont know what it means. It is a cultural conformity. Similarly i think theres a lot of people that think they are evangelical because they live in the south and there is a First Baptist on peachtree street and First Assembly on the other side and they went there once onan christmas and easter in a pretty dress but the rest of the sundays they are either at the Football Game on a saturday. This is america after all but the point im making is that religious identity in some sectors of the culture they be sare of a cultural identity. However when you say you were an evangelical isnt like a dominant cultural force. So when a lot of people say they are evangelicals, that is the creed, that is the belief system, its not some sort of a sector of the population or faction and i think you saw this when we had the highest turnout by a long shot if most peoplet thought living in a record turnout was forecasting to turn out to be true into the record firsttime caucus voters turned out to be true that trump would win and he still lost me andnd groups on the ground like the family leader that is be an influential going to churchesha and turning people out but never voted before but to actually vote their values not just from fox news said could win or lose on the mind of people because theyve are getting the most coverage in the media. O its because of some of theings things you just deluded too but he might make up for that by getting a little white voter in the past that may be a republican nominee didnt have the chance to get. So with me a dozen or another. Host coming to us from iowa, talkshow hosts talking about the battleground state of iowa. The first call is eric in delaware. Yoyou were on with the guest ahead with your question or comment. Caller ive been listening for the past few months and come close to understand god is the only answer for this country ane i dont even fear the election. My question is why are evangelicals trying or twisting like pretzels to support donaldd trump but when it comes to Hillary Clinton, she is the devil, shouldnt we try to influence her into christianity and the bible and maybe try to get her to change . So thats my question i just want to know the answer to that. Guest i am glad that this is one of the first questions that came up this morning. One of the things that has been among the most disappointing is to watch some socalled i should say, socalled evangelical leaders on the right just distort, twist, if not outright deceive with the bible means to a culture that is becoming increasingly secular or ignorant of the above of its judeochristian warnings at founded iitfound it in the firsd obviously alienating people with what you actually believe is bad enough but with what you dont believe is just dumb so when they say things like god used really flawed people, thats true but number one we are not god and we dont know the future. He knows how things are going to turn out. We are human beings we dont know what the future is. By the way the other factor with this is often these evangelical leaders will say how come you cant use it more like bill clinton he can only seemingly use people with a magic r. After his name is. Its crediteit is credited to hl righteousness. That is partisan hackery. If you cannot represent christianity into public spherec sphere without compromising it and get out and we have seen way too much of that. Go work for the rnc or the dnc and leave the bible out of it. X. Host from tema iowa. Caller as a mother, grandmother, sister and aunt i cannot believe the women in iowa support a president ial candidate who is so disrespectful ofvo women. To do the voters of iowa think that he will change his negative attitude about women, veterans, mexicans, disabled, minority,m, muslims, all these other minorities that have been called to the front plate is ridicule, and as soon as they elect him president , do you think that he would actually change in his attitude towards women in this country . S guest first it sounds like you did a great job reading off a script, but i actually agree with your criticisms. You have to look at it there is a proverb that says one mans story is true until you hear the other side. Many things that are referenced our criticisms ive made hi on a radio show and explanations as to why i never thought he was going to win. You dont win by shrinking the electorate. Electorate. What the republicans needed to do is hol hold on to mitt romned then add on to it. I thought all along that group to add for suburban voters. Thats the main groups was flipped to win the president ial elections. They have White College graduates and women and a lot of them live in the suburbs so if you cant win those groups youre not winning the suburbs but we also have to remember the first law in physics for every reaction there is an opposite reaction. Im not going to apologize for donald trump. Some of the most leftist callers that low information conspiratorial will have a hard time putting donald trump down more than i already have but you have to realize when Hillary Clinton spends years saying my husband didnt assault these women, my husband didnt by number one enemy is republicans and then she wants to run on the campaign of we are Better Together when she has told christians who believe the teachingteachings about moralitr truth when shes already said if im president im going to sit the government on you on your liberty and freedoms that are enshrined in the constitution. S. It works the other way as well when you pick on groups on the other side you are going to create your own backlash when you call people who just a disagree with you the portables. There are people that support donald trump and just likeg theres people supporting hillarthereis people supportingy clinton that are deplorable because it doesnt know wheninto ideology is part of the human condition but when you make the other side, no. E will s he shouldnt be surprised hes going to see the backlash o against him that hes going to see november 8 but it works the other way as well when Hillary Clinton is told that the key constituency groups you are not welcome in my home, you are not welcome in my administration and i have no interest in thencerns reservations, beliefs or concerns. Dont be surprised when ites creates a backlash against her. She is no saint and that is whyy her negatives are a record high except for donald trump. Illin host john is up next. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I have a question about i havent heard your show, im not from iowa and i would like to know how youve covered the issue that had to do with the quid pro quo thing that was in the news recently and i went out and looked at the documents and was upset with the way fox covered it and making sure what was in the documents the fbi wanted resources allocated a certain way. Fbi was currently also investigating hillarys emails that she had turned over and the classifications. Alloca they said we are not going to allocate the resources. They notified of the higherups and the fbi and that fbi person was fired. What showed up in the news was the opposite of what happened at the state department offered a quid pro quo and in fact they did exactly what they should do which is say no and let them know what was attempted. Host we will get a chanceto to respond to that. That. Nt thereve been two times that Hillary Clinton has suffered in this race. One is during her health scare that i predicted at the time that when we got out of august, the narrative would be the trump come back because these people may or may not be liberally biased i have entered into manya cases they are. But the one thing people dont want to cover is some drama leading up to the debates. The other time that her polling suffered his in the investigation that reached the conclusion. To go back and watch what wasre said in that press conference he basically said Hillary Clinton is guilty of everything you think she is that we are not going to prosecute her anyway. And there are people that have gone to prison for the things Hillary Clinton is accused of doing. I have a hard time believing theres been too many instancest of multiple field offices have gone to the Justice Department requesting allocation of resources for investigations anu have been denied not just one case but multiple and thats something that happened in this race. From the conservative perspective it is a shame that a portion of the republican electorate chose to throw a tantrum and rally around a cold leader and essentially just go with whoever the media threw out as the most likely nominee because as the times reported in the primary, trump received about 60 times more coverage than the same candidates and its a shame because none of these issues are going to be on the minds of the majority of the American People when they go to vote november 8 in about 5 of them already voted if you lookea at the early voting numbers because it comes down to one issue the reason why they cannot correctly prosecute the corruption that is surrounding hillary as much as people dont like her they trust or even less that thbut the reason why they t prosecute the case is because the only issue that is going to decide the outcome is the republican nominee the same. It was between 50 to 75 Million People confirming the entire democratic narrative of the race that donald trump said and he has confirmed about and as much as people think she is corrupt, they are always going to vote for corrupt over crazy. It means they wake up one morning and they are sending Nuclear Submarines because donald trump got trolled on twitter the previous night. They will never vote for crazy over corrupt and that will be the deciding issue two weeks from today. Host colfax iowa, go ahead, good morning. My concerns are a strict constructive things about the constitution when they can interpret one part of the amendment to allow everybody to have guns and they talk about the sanctity of life for unborne unborn but after they are born a strapping ak47s on demand is a goahead. Of those things that dont add up to me. They run on iowa values. Theres not any iowa values connected to the stance that grassley has taken in his role in the senate. Host a toddler isill give hm demanding money ive got my wallet but im married to sisters never actually money in there. As my teenage daughter likes to say, i cant even. Someone please point me to where the tidal wave of the toddlers with ak47s might be so we can give them some safety locks. Host to his point on the senator grassley and the senate race not only whats going on in iowa that the potentia the poter the democratic power. Guest i think it is likely. Theres been one time in history that we have seen a political pl party not survive a monstrosity at the top of the ticket. The reason they survived that i twofold. He was losing it for a lot of Different Reasons than donald trump. Theres a lot of people that admire him to this day and they were still relatively high. The nomination didnt split the party and it threatens to split it irrevocably going forward. The republicans that were led by Newt Gingrich and trent lott made a break and said keep us in control of congress to hold hiss feet to the fire and the American People responded to that message and i would makehe the argument what we saw the next couple of years where we had balanced budgets in terms of the outlays going out in the existing budgets we saw the defense of marriage act and i would say some of the best conservative government we had was the second term of bill clinton working handinhand with the Republican Congress and sometimes nose to nose as the case may be. The Republican Party for whatever reason has chosen not to do that. Theyve chosen not to say vote for us to hold her accountable. C i suspect its because the base is much more split and one of the things we have seen in the racist republicans when they try to stand up to donald trump. Scott walker, bobby jindal, rand paul stood up to donald trump early in the primary they paid a prr terrible price. Go back to the Republican Convention in the vote your conscience speech and then use all thyousaw the republicans plt immediately thereafter. What we dont know what is the reason republicans when they challenged trump are seeing their numbers go down is because we are in the heat of an election and at the base doesnt want hillary to win or because trump is rebranding the party in his own Chocolate Bunny image or its a little bit of both and i dont think we will get the answer to that until afterun november 9 when the smoke clea clears. Host conservative talk show host out of urbandale iowa and the author of the nefarious plot, detroit michigan, david you are up next. Caller good morning pedros a and mr. Deace. Im going to be honest when they announced you were going to be a conservative talk radio host i was about to turn the station to cnn or Something Like that but what youre saying is so true, and the thing about the Republican Party is that theyga have so much baggage of hypocrisy. Im working on a Doctoral Program and i say all this because a lot of people like myself we could be swayed republican but we stayed away from the Republican Party because of the hypocrisy. Let me say this just real quick how can you be prolife and then when the baby comes, you do run away from the baby or there is no type of programs. To me you ar are pro death andt me say this real quick i got a chance to visit when i was going out on the obama campaign. We went to knock on doors andwa view those things and the people in iowa were so nice. The whit i thought the white people there were just so different and you can validate that. Thank you for what you have to say. Go host appreciate the call. Go ahead. Guest first of all, i appreciate the fact rather than stereotyping me, you heard me out. We need to be careful. Y stereotypes on both sides obviously are not critical belie thinking. What you said is i cant believe how much nicer a white people are and i understand why you would see that and the Historical Context for this is one of the problems we have is a culture. Why am i a conservative . Im a conservative because i want to conserve things. History has shown what is best for the human condition. Te life they celebrate life and dont cheapen it is whats best for the human condition and either become a parby theway, part of s getting people in opportunity to protect themselves. The debate about gun violence isnt about guns but violence. When the cops show up and someone is doing an Armed Robbery at the bank do want them showing up with forks or guns and when someone walks into your home and you live in a Rural Community and the police are 50 or 20 minutes away to you want your elderly grandparents in that situation to be defenseless or to be able to defend themselves. The caller is correct we are guilty of a huge level of hypocrisy and heres why that is more than anything else and both sides are guilty of hypocrisy. How many times have we seen video of Leonardo Dicaprio and his salvation by recycling buddies shoving about some carbon emission conference where they all took suvs on the way there and doubled their footprint come its my favorite country that both sides are guilty of the hypocrisy. But im concerned about what we do that plays into the stereotypes the last caller had. He said im successful, im a college graduate, and what i hear him saying to me is i dont want my money wasted. I want the opportunity that ive earned to be maximized. Thats why hes open to the message. Do the question then becomes how do we win him over i think weve operated under the 1970s andds 1980s mindset for too long. Majority out there, if we use a few buzz words, they come rolling out of pews and corporate offices and vote republican. The reality, this is not the same culture. Give funny to hear trump the same law and order speech Richard Nixon gave at the 1968 convention, 50 years ago. Richard nixon barely won 50 that, won the popular vote by a point and the Electoral College because he was able to win california. Candidate, rdparty George Wallace sweep the south. That message trump was run og tis 2016. Ayed in 1968 we actually need to try winning we need to try Winning People like the last caller over as opposed to assuming that we have a majority sentiment in the country that we dont have. How how do we win them over, solutions. For example when the issue of guns come up to hear republicans and conservatives say i believe in the Second Amendment. Thats great but a lot of people dont really know what the constitution says, dont agree with that and dont understand it. So all the are arguing about i believe in the Second Amendment the liberal saying i think its a bad idea that we have a tragedy where young person got a hold of that is gone and burned his brains out, we need to ban guns we dont have tragedies in the home. T liberties are talk about solutions, conservatives are talking about this i can promise you. Ss solutions beats values in any ve argument,. E, it doesnt matter if the solutions are bad and the valleys are good, solutions are always going to trump values, pardon the pun, in an argument. We need to make a point in terms of not values, but we need to state our values as arguments. For example the reason why think its a good idea to have the Second Amendment is the first of all the young woman who is walking by herself on a collegeh campus where were concerned about rape culture and things or that nature and i am the father of three daughters, or two daughters, sorry. I my. My daughter to defend herself and shes probably going to need something stronger than mace, particularly particularly if the other persons arms. I want my grandparents in a s rural area and the police cant do there for 15 minutes and are suffering home invasion, i want them to be able to defend themselves. Im into solutions not just having a values argument. My mom was 15 years old when she had me. She got pregnant at 14. I have a government cheese and its not that bad. I had reduced lunches as a kid. We had food stamps. Theres a. Theres a difference between having a safety net and a welfare state. We are 20 chilly dollars in debt not counting unfunded liabilities and mandates to keep the entitlements going for the next severals. Decades. We cant afford this. More people are on food stamps than the entire pie place and of spain. This is not the way to grow prosperity and have College Degrees like the caller caller just said actually become profitable and fruitful in a society. De were engaging the very Economic System that we defeated in the cold war. Were trying to to implement them here. The reason why im a conservative as im trying to conserve things that are value. I want to see the colors investment in the college education, i want to see it payt off. Er, ca theres a difference in a welfare state of a safety net. Lets go to lancaster, california. Go ahead. Caller hello. This this is glenn. Heres what i think its crazy. We had terrorists watch our state department through and cropped Hillary Clinton. And you expect the American People to let that into the white house . We have pandering with the press like you, it is sickening. Ng when our American People goingou to take our country back . We are not behind a rope to press line. Where is this woman band lately . She goes out and barely has and doesnt has a press conference, she provides the question that the press ask her. She is correct, she should have been in jail a long time ago. She lies to mothers and fathers and people she did not even send anybody to help on that on h oclock call. Its disgusting what is going on here. With mouth here just babbling on. He should be be speaking out for the American People. We will let him respond. To guest first well, i think we have learned over the last few years that we need to be very careful about saying people whoo dont agree with us are not the American People. We dont like it when obama doesnt trust. My bible says to love yourdonti neighbor as neighbor as you love yourself. I dont like it when he doesnt toss, i dont i dont like it when Hillary Clinton does it was. Im not good to have two other people. Thats get even, thats not justice. The callers. The colors complaints but Hillary Clinton, is listening to my democratic counterpart in the last segment and i listen to Bernie Sanders caller after another making the exact complaints about hillary being corrupt and dishonest that we just are from this caller. Its not something unique to some right wing nationalistic french like some sectors of the liberal media want to fantasize about it. The reality is the only reason this election is reasonably close since the republicans dominated, the only reason hes within five points is because the democrats nominated the woman who is the face of for the washington cropped are chrissy. She is its symbol, its mascot. She is the first chair. Many of the complaints he is lobbying are shared by majority of americans thats why they gave this crazy comment, donald trump, her friend, voter, daughter, supporter, who supports all most all, who supports the most all of the ideas and defended her post benghazi. These are the positions trump had until lastwhonar v year. Hat the reason why they gave this fraud, man trump as much time to make the cases they did, they s didnt want to have to vote to for her. They believe she is corrupt as the call call for yo just pointed out. Did ever alas, i wish i could change it. I did everything i could. Im not rush limbaugh, im not sean hannity, i dont have the platform they do. Lion they chose to shield for donald trump and i wish they want of. I wish we wouldve had a candidate that couldve prosecuted the issues that this caller raised in front of the 70 Million People in a National Debate and didnt have the moral peccadilloes and all the other stands and scandals that trump is associated with. I wish we didnt have those things. Thats why spent two years my life missing time for my kids trying to have someone come out of these Iowa Caucuses who coulc be a candidate. Thats why did everything i could for ted cruz for almost a year. So we wont be in this position. But other people decided they wanted rating. Other people decided they wanted to sell books. T other people decided to build a hoand. Because of that you will be said madam president for the next four years. Classifies the voting are voting strategy who are you going to vote for . It is a symbolic vote at this point for me. I wont vote for him. So im trying to ascertain what symbolism i think sends the message that i want i want to send. Im down to three people at this point. Down to carol castle, the Constitution Party constitute, mauling, or i may just write in judge roy moore i think is a mans man man and patriot that we are lacking in this country. E our guest for the next couple of minutes talk show host out of iowa, richard from fargo, north dakota on the line for others. You are on. Go ahead. Ca caller thank you. Mike question is, i went to a a couple of Cruise Events in the northwest part of your state. He has a a dedicated group of followers and supporters. I just wondered what you think the chances of supporting him in 2020 are after he decided to endorse trump . I personally when he did it i just pictured bruce to poke him or slap him and say what are you doing. Essenti i want your opinion on that. Thank you. Guest for people who dont know who bruce is hes essentially cruises bodyguard. Overall a pretty swell guy. Bala you know what, i love ted cruz like a brother. Were good friends but my job is to call balls and strikes more than make friends. T i thought his decision too endorse trump before the nbc video and a lot of other thingss we have now come out come i thought it was i said so at the time and i said it to him at the time and i set it on the show, i think its the worst politicaled miscalculation that i have seen someone i like make in recentt memory. If its not the worst is a close second to marco rubio doing the gang of eight. If marco rubio never stands up at that podium with Chuck Schumer and john mccain and goes for amnesty, we we are never in this position. Asting to marco rubio is coasting to the nomination and is probably leading the selection by eightt to make ten points as we speak and looking at a historic victory. Thats a much i think cruise that made up miscalculation with the endorsement of september. Charlie, the talk show host in wisconsin has a potent same. Trump corrupts and absolute. We come out of this election the amount of people who came closely into his orbit that are going to come out of this election with more integrity than they began is going to be a really small, minuscule, microscopic level. T, i wou so when he cruises talent any of his conviction he is still a senator, still able to fight for conservatives on the issue we care about. I would not write him off. I think he has made his task in 2020 tough for. Imagine knowing what we know now in the way trump has imploded the Faith Campaign hes running. Hes doing any vent in dc. Hes putting money in virginia which hasnt been competitive since hillary put tim kaine on the ticket. I think when the election over, mark over, mark my words, i want to challenge your audience. Mark the tape right now. When this election is over, somebodys going to go through the disclosure of the Trump Campaign and find two things. One, theyre gonna buy the number one expenditure of the Trump Campaign was him reimbursing himself and his interests. Two, i think they will findig there is uncanny alignment ofon where trump spent money and energy and where trump owns properties. Mark my word. I think think youll see that when the election is over. Knowing what we know now ted cruz to be sitting in the 1976 reagan seat seat right now if h had an endorse trump. But he made a big boy decision and now have to pay the price for it. He is still going to be one of the best options we have. He is going to have to win back a portion of his base that he disappointed prior to that. Just a few more minutes with our guest. Shawn, with modesto california. Im a big fan of your show, i found it after trump rose. Gra and im pretty much done with the Republican Party now. I dont even call it the grand old party anymore. I think its a grand old party is dead pretty i think the Republican Party is going to walk long for little while. Im wondering what you think about a new party and what challenge it might face from conservative media, about 40 of which is republican leader and outright peddlers that probably prefer democrats in office because they make more money. We have about two minutes. Rt whenever ive been asked question in the past my answer has always been i like to see what a second Party Looks Like first. I think its clear that given where were at the next essential to pinpoint on the right. When youre looking at is a schism. I dont think therell be healing of all these people working going forward. The question that remains is the Republican Party in its currentv incarnation is no vehicle, no vessel for conservativism. The question becomes can it be radically remain the way it left us remake the Democratic Party after the 60s. They took it from the left and center working class party into a fully left us ideological progressive party. Can they do that or the Republican Party . If not youre going to needru another vehicle vessel. S too many people have corrupted themselves. Sean hannity spent eight minutes on a show last night extolling the virtues of the integrity of the national enquirer. I think it into this. I didnt get into it to be called names or have my thtivations questions. In order to defend the virtues of the publication that every time ago to to the supermarket counter talks about great aliens probing rednecks and trailerk ns parks. Why if were going to actually do something righteous and worthwhile i will put up withlo the crap. If not i think theres a lot of people like this last color, what is the point. I think this is the argument that is going to be happening on the right about 12 01 a. M. Starting november ninth. Talkshow host and you can find out more information about him and his program at theing pr website, thank you for being part of our program today. It was an honor, they give her have me. I appreciate it. Coming up on cspan two, a discussion two, a discussion on Small Businesses and religious freedom. A couple of u. S. House debates after that, first up candidates ameen zakkar district, after that the colorado six. Now, a look at whether Small Business owners can refuse service when it goes against their religious belief. Hosted by Alliance Defending freedom, this is one hour. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]

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