Transcripts For CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Senate Democrats On Abort

Transcripts For CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Senate Democrats On Abortion Policy 20220914

This atrocious bill threatens the people of kansas, who just voted overwhelmingly to protect abortion rights. It threatens the hundreds of thousands of people in michigan who just signed a petition it for referendum vote to protect abortion and states like mine, which already have strong abortion protections on our books. And if you now republicans have tried to play down there abortion extremism and then trying to run away from the consequences of their extreme agenda and even as patients have been denied prescriptions they need and even if the doctors have enforced to wait until the patients are in danger before they can take action even as healthcare crisis, they have caused across the state lines to disastrous effects Movement Enter despite the empty rhetoric about leaving it to the sake of the truth has been painfully clear, they think they know better than women when it comes to Reproductive Health care decisions read they have shown again and again that they do not trust women to have full control over their own bodies and they are also willing to go after doctors. S, they block the most basic bill like sen. Catherine cortez masto belt who would make sure the people had traveled to other states for legal available care for my bill making sure that the doctors where abortion is legal cannot be punished for doingey their job and over and over and asked her the way of democrats effortss to protect womens abortion rights and it is Crystal Clear why, this bill shows the true republicans positions and they want to ban abortions for everyone in every single state and they want to punish doctors, they want to pu. Them in prison, for doing their job so to anybody who visited state like mine, and anyone who thinks that they are safe from these attacks, here is the painful reality the republicans are coming after your rights and you dont have to take my word for it, the center of South Carolina said yesterday and i quote, if we take back the house and senate come i can assure you we will have a vote on the bill and there it is, it couldnt be more clear that the mega agenda for all 50ta states. Rights s taken away and doctors and regardless of your circumstances and regardless what is best for your health, regardless of your family and your fears we dreams or your future. The republicans want to control your personal decisions. They dont trust you to have full control over your own body and this is horrifying amount of president , when you entered they unveiled the bill yesterday and they also said and i quote, ill make a prediction, you stay o honest we keep talking about it, maybe less than a decade from this will be locked scum this in the future the monument and National Abortion better let me tell you something of the center from South Carolina may not have been paying attention, but the democrats are already talking about this issue every week and every day and every opportunity and women across the country have been with us, fighting for the rights r to abortion and fighting back against the republicans attacks and in kansas, we are seeing it in michigan and i am seeing itng everywhere i go in Washington State i have been talking to doctors and patients and women and men across the country and they are outraged, they are outraged at the republicans wanh to take away their rights. The republicans want to play doctors they went doctors in prison and i am to come i have never been more mad and heres my messages republicans and if you want to go after my constituents rights, if you want to go after womens bodies and if you want to pass the National Abortion vent this extreme bill, youre going to have to go through me because the democrats are going to keep standing up for women, and men across the country who do not want their rights taken away. Thank you and i go before. Connecticut. Mr. Blumenthal thank you, madam president. We are here today because republicans are seeking a national ban on abortion. National ban on abortion. Because are national ban on abortion. If we say it once here, we should say ten times, 100 times. Because it literally, months of go it would have been virtually unimaginable. First, that roe v wade would be struck down. And second that republicans would propose a national ban on abortion. Women across connecticut and the country are scared and angry. And to those who say those fears and outrage are unjustified, all you have to do is read their words. Listen to what they say. They are promising thepe americn people that there will be a national ban on abortion. And to the people of connecticut who think we have a safe haven because our legislature and governor have courageously establish protections for roe v wade. And for women who come to connecticut seeking Abortion Services. And for doctors who depend on our safeguard, there will be no safe haven in this country. None. Nowhere. If republicans go where they explicitly they arehe heading. I trust women with their doctors, and their clergyis and their family to make decisions about when and whether to become pregnant. Whether to have children and when to terminate a pregnancy short of term. I trust women, not the government. Not politicians to make the preeminently important decision. And i promise the people of connecticut, i will not back down. I will not stand for this kind of national ban on abortion. Republicans have said historically, we will let the states decide it. It should be a matter of state Legislature Making these decisions. This a ban on abortion takesnd away power from women and from state. Contrary to their promises over years and years about states rights. But more than a theoretical or hypothetical arguments about the powers of state legislature or the allocation of responsibility in our federal system, this law will have destructive and catastrophic consequences forve millions of women. It will impair the everyday lives of women and families across america. It u is not just a womans issu. It is on all of us you say we will not back down. We will not stand for a nationa. Ban on abortion. It is part of a tireless and seemingly Boundless Campaign against womens rights. But these attacks on reproductive rights and personal freedoms, no no limits. Remember first, republicancontrolled state legislatures moved to outlaw abortion entirely. Forcing women suffering from atopic pregnancies to bleed out in hospitals. And refusing to care for child rape victims. Now republicans are moving forward with plans to ban abortion everywhere under any circumstances. They are pressing a womans right to make her own personal healthcare decisions. Sometimes a decision made during a devastating medical diagnosis. Out of her hand. Putting those decisions into government hands. And make no mistake the 15 months, all of the technical stuff that republicans invoke does not take away from the fact is a National Band that will eviscerate connecticuts laws. Congressional republicans will decide whether or not women can access this vital healthcare. Eliminate access to Abortion Services the Dobbs Decision is called devastating consequences for the loss of Reproductive Services in some states have caused a Ripple Effect for Healthcare Providers across the United States. Which prove for anyone who doubted that banning Reproductive Services does not stop women from seeking those services it adds additional barriers and danger. In fact its unnecessarily put their lives at risk. This bill would place a ban onry abortion across the country. It would include new york, massachusetts, not just connecticut,ar delaware, go acrs the country and pick those states where these rights have been protected. When i was in the state legislature and then as attorney general, i helped write the law that incorporates roe v wade in connecticut statute. And now connecticut hasnt moved to be on that statute a safe haven. But all of it would be gone. All of it would be over written by this law. Americans should have no doubt about where republicans stand now on this issue. They want to punish women. They want to punish doctors. They will do it at the state level. They will do it at the national level. No state, not Even Connecticut is essay from this threat. They are coming after our laws in connecticut. They are coming after women in connecticut and men who believe in the rights of women. Its a matter of constitutional and personal freedom to make these decisions. Protect the rights of womenab seeking to make their own personal decisions about their Reproductive Health and consultation with medical wproviders. I will fight tooth and nail this effort and any other effort to seeks to control, criminalize dehumanizing women, making this on the Healthcare Providers compassionately giving them care. The American People are in our corner. The American People whatever they may think about abortion and their own lives for their own family, for their daughters, wives, others they support the rights of those women to control their own health care decisions. It is an intensely personal decision when it has to be made. Sometimes the threat of life. Something going horribly wrong in a pregnancy is the reason for it. I will continue to fight for all in connecticut who believe in this fundamental right. It is the matter of our constitutional dna beginning with griswold versus connecticut which laid the groundwork for the right of privacy. In which is the underpinning for that constitutional freedom. And all of us i hope will reject this effort to ban abortion in the United States. Thank you madam president i yield the floor. The senior senator from nevada progress madam president , in june as we are hearing the Supreme Court struck down a roe versus wade reversing nearly 50 years of law that recognized a womans a fundamental right to productive freedom. We also know Justice Kavanaugh concurring opinion repeatedly insisted the courts decision would return the issue of abortion to the peoples elected representatives in theti state. But, this was never about states rights. Really, to my right wing colleagues who want to restrict a womans fundamental rights, we know that because now they are pushing for a National Abortion ban. Yesterday, as we have heard senator graham introduced a strict National Abortion ban with criminal penalties for doctors who provide critical care. If itif passes, this bill willab preempt the laws and states across the country where abortion is still legal. Im good thank you. Including my own state of nevada. And nevada, our voters approved a ballotot initiative in 1992 enshrine a womans right to choose in our state laws. What happened to my colleagues claims of respecting the rights of states to make that decision . Apparently it was not enough to pack the court was Supreme Court justices that would vote to deprive women of the rights they have held for 50 years under the guise of states rights. Now, when far rightdi republicas disagree with the stick like mine, they plan to impose their own laws. The current legislation introduced by senator graham stops the people in prochoice estates, like mine, like nevada, from choosing to protect the rights of women. At the same time it leaves in place a structure abortion fans in 14 states. But these far right republicans are effectively saying now is antichoice states, you are free to choose however harsh you what you are abortion bans to be. But you prochoice estates, youre out of luck. Whatever the voters want and yours states really does not matter. We are going to impose our own laws. Look, i looked at a 1990 we work to codify it roe versus wadeca because we know that it is impossible to walk in another womansw shoes. We know that each woman, this is an important decision for each individual woman to make with her doctor, with her loved ones about her health care about her family planning. [inaudible] any of us be imposing our beliefs, our experiences, our religion on someone else. That is what this isad aboutot thats why nevada voters voted to codifying give women the right to make this decision. Right now we are seeing some politicians once again declare that they know what is best for every family in this nation. They want to force the state of nevada, and other states like nevada to eliminate womens freedoms pretty voters in my state boat to legally protect the right to choose that nevada women have had for 50 f years. Ive been saying for months now, some of my colleagues would never be satisfied with just overturning roe. They would not rest until there was a National Abortion ban. This bill shows every american the not just womens rights are under attack but so is the democratic process in states like nevada. If we do not have an abortion ban on the books, our state rights dont matter. That is just unacceptable. We cannot let our nieces, our daughters, our granddaughters grow up in a world where they have fewer rights than we have had in the past. So, i for one will keep fighting back. Because this is about a fundamental right for american women in the will of the people in states like nevada to make this decision help and vote for the right of women to choose. So thank you madam president and i yield the floor. Madam president brickwork senator from hawaii. On the extreme far right Supreme Court overturnedhi roe,y republican colleagues lauded the decision claiming a womans right to an abortion should be left to the states. But now, they are admitting what we knew all along. This was never about states rights. This has always been about republicans using their power to control women and our and bodily autonomy. Despite the fact the vast majority of the American Public supports reproductive freedom and despite the fact voters across the country overwhelmingly voting to protect this freedom. Republicans are pandering thata a really good word, pandering to the extreme maga base. Now introduce a nationwide ban on abortion after 15 weeks. Why 15 which you ask . That is with the senior senator from South Carolina who introduces legislation said where he feels comfortable at. So, applicant senator attempting to restrict the bodily autonomy of women across the country because that is what he feels comfortable at. It is not enough that overturning of roe had created fear, and confusion all across the country. We now have the introduction of a nationwide abortion ban further adding to the chaos. This is not some sort of hypothetical debate or hysteria is some of my republican colleagues have claimed. If republicans take control the senate we now know what they will do. They w will work to pass a National Abortion ban. Which would mean in my own state nof hawaii, which was the first decriminalize abortion. Even before the roe decision. We did this in hawaii in 1970. Voters in states pushing back against the radical legislators and exercising their rights to bring abortion to the belt including states like kansas and michigan, this bill would overrule their efforts. But of course to add to their utter hypocrisy in states like texas, or mississippi want to be more restrictive. Even more harmful to women than a 15 week bayonne that would be a okay according to the senator from South Carolina and has allowing republicans to regain control of congress would be catastrophic. Not only for women but for our oentire country because when we women cannot control but we do with our bodies of course this impacts our families, our communities, our economy. So at this november people are going to have a choice. Do you want to let extreme magay republicans tell you what you can and cant do with your own body . Or do you want to hold theseg politicians accountable for pushing their far right extreme agenda and perpetuating the chaos, confusionea and fear that women, families, communities and our healthcare professionals. Lets not forget all the doctors out there wondering how they can provide the kind of care but t they are trained to do right now. How they can do that on the face of this kind of ban in so many states across the country. Not to mention a nationwide abortion ban. So the chaos experiencing across the country following the doms decision is only multiplied by this nationwide abortion ban bill. Talk about government overreach. I hear my colleagues talking about how it should be states rights or the government should not be telling us what to do. The word hypocrites does not even go far enough to call them out on what they are doing. This is an outright attack on women in this country but that is how i see it. That is how more and more women on those who support our right to make decisions about her own bodies. That is how we see it. And why . Because that is what is happening. Madam president , i yield the floor but clearly this is a literally a call to arms and ouc country. You have the floor. A senior senator from oregon for. Madam president i come to the gfloor to discuss the new grana tilegislation to create a natiol abortion ban. Now the centerpiece of the senators argument is that senator graham once our country to believe National Abortion ban is a moderate proposal, his wrwords. Wrong, wrong, wrong. A moderate bill would not institute criminal penalties for doctors providing lifesaving medical care. That is what this socalled moderate bill does. A moderate bill would not take rights away from american women no matter where they live. That is what this socalled moderate bill does. Eight moderate bill would not create a presumption of womens and guilt by requiring them to report a rate or seek counseling before they get an abortion. This socalled moderate bill does that too. So just think about that last point. If you are trying to assess our colleagues

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