way of going off of what started as diffuse threats potentially driven not by states, the smaller groups or individuals. >> zach baig, defense news. you mentioned fiscal constraints. given at a time purpose programs can be difficult to explain come are you concerned the agency may face disproportionate cuts in the future? sr is outlining projects in an effort to demonstrate the value. >> my job is agency leaders to demonstrate our value. the answer to your second question is nothing we do it darpa inside of our own four walls the city though. but ms. finney don't is when we engage with a broad community of performers, but also supporters. our leadership in the pentagon, and the administration and people in congress. part of our job is to expand the role we play in this world. if you look historically, you will find part of the reason for our success has been extended. among many decades in which there's been strong support in republican administrations and democratic administrations in time somebody just were tightened in acetate. i think it is because i'm really thrilled in fact there is a strong and clear to broadly about how important is to take a slice of our investment and make these bets on ideas that could be transformative that could give a step toward incapability. in the complex rather than in today, we need would darpa does more than other and if you look at the support we get in the department and on capitol hill, certainly reflects that. >> joe marks from executive magazine. talk more about challenge is and whether that's been affected by sequestration. >> particularly the use of challenges has been a new mechanism for us to engage with the community. that's new since i left in the 19 years i was gone and it's been a very interesting addition to the mix of a radio. sequestration affects our budget. it doesn't speak to the mechanisms by which we operate and so will continue to look at price isn't as challenging as as tonight is the best indicator of job do will continue to use this mechanisms. we have some very interesting stuff in the pipeline. stay tuned. >> thank you for the last round. [inaudible] two questions. one, inas the hub of i.t. technology. if your agency having a cooperation with the indian industries. china has been ceiling or technology day by day, every day. so what are you doing about this? thank you. >> what is pat name in india to me is part of a much broader globalization of technology and technical capability, which i think is great for the road and poses interesting challenges for the united states and some great opportunities. part of how we think about that at darpa is for each of our programs to think about were the best creative assets are around the planet for the object is we have. we do a small amount of this point of work that happens outside of the united states, usually because we found unique capability that is particularly valuable and will continue to look as we go into new areas. [inaudible] to me that is part of the cybertopic we've been talking about more broadly and today we are in an environment where we are proudly penitentiary we do face a host of cyberthreats. darpa's role is to get us on a different path when you look at the problems come as hard to imagine a future where we get cybersecurity and or control. it's not going to happen overnight but some thing that we could make a contribution to. >> i think that's all we have time for. thanks, everyone. >> a hearing on implementing the new health care law >> to bcm is meant to help a visitor relived the first eight years of the 21st century. decision-making process that i went through as president. we hope the museum inspires people to serve, want to serve their community or serve their country in some way. >> we really didn't want to be a school. we wanted to be a two tank. i don't know if there's a lesson manner. i do not live in a different direction with the component from which programs would emerge. >> now, here and on implementing the health care love. house members heard testimony from the obama administration at the health care exchanges were on track to begin enrollment on october 1st. a full implementation of the health care love on january 1st of next year. this is a little more than two hours. [inaudible conversations] >> the subcommittee oversight and department of health and human services management of the affordable correct approach in one, 2014 deadline for full implementation. deputy administrator and director of the center for consumer and insurance oversight, otherwise known as i/o. it is responsible for the affordable correct many changes to the market. they certainly have their work that will finally take place and on that day americans have been promised the plans two new exchanges. the american people have been promised good coverage that is affordable. remember the promises made to pass a bill by any means necessary. we see many stories about an penny.or shortages that companies face a mother to continue providing coverage. the decision is related to another promise that will surely be broken at the level lower cost. they have noted it is currently preparing the federal exchanges that will cover 26 additional states along with a partnership of exchanges to operate the seven other states. i hope later today about the progress made in noting this exchanges. these are parts have indicated should seek additional funding. this is troubling considering a substantial amount of time name for ms exchange exchanges and we have yet to begun. today expect to provide a full accounting of where it stands with regard to the fed is operated exchanges and those from the partnership with states, including whether it's a chain program. since passage, committee has had the funny being used to implement the law. most recently. they will assist the public in singapore by my care. considering we've also heard funding from many different projects were concerned it was rated as a piggy bank for slush fund to hide the problems i hope you'll address the potential of reutilization that has become so common that the "washington post" has dented incredible shrinking prevention fund. the consumer groups and those who received insurance companies from the navigators. to recognize to have the reality with those who have been selling for many years they have some expertise of value. we have bystanders were placed to ensure we are paying groups choosing orphaning drives. someone with experience where someone without experience stands in front of the line from hiring. this only scratches the surface of that two duties and and responsibilities of sub 10. i hope we discuss the ability to determine whether health insurance premiums increase. how the insurance companies with obvious concern for americans. obamacare has concerned with supporters of law that there were tax credits and subsidies available on the 80% of the public will qualify for those subsidies. i hope will hear from the witnesses today that the other 92% can expect. i'd like to recognize the ranking member for an opening statement. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome to you, mr. cohen. thanks to the affordable carrots, tens of millions of americans who would otherwise be uninsured will receive health insurance for the first time. americans enjoy projections for the worst abuses of the insurance industry. carburetion island in a lifetime limits that cruelly cut off coverage for folks when it's needed most. the time to implement them is their fact. citizens will be able to sign-up for health insurance to federal or or state american bases. standing up for coverage should be easy, is a complicated over the next three months. not because of any flaws in the law and is a new approach that would coverage nationwide and is always difficult. the cbo has printed good overall consumer cost will put down once marketplaces are implemented. it worked great in massachusetts and in that romney, that we have to educate nice to people about the marketplace in advance. cciio states have set up data systems to manage the process. i am super glad you're doing this oversight and we need to hear from mr. cohen not today, but as we go through the summer about how the agency expects to address those challenges. we should conduct the oversight with an appropriate perspective. i wish when the naysayers for some young healthy people particularly young and that they can also put this into per perspective by understanding the tax credit on out-of-pocket cost was sharply lower overall cost for these individuals and millions of other americans. i wish folks i premiums for young man could add to that perspective the women of all ages who will pay lower premiums and won't be discriminated against simply because they're female or millions of americans who received dramatically better and more dependable insurance coverage. the obama administration is having for big spending money to make sure citizens understand the new law. i wish they would take the perspective to remember the bush administration did the same thing, hiring plans to spread the word about3 thing, hiring plans to spread the word about medicare and spending $300 million on a public relations campaign for medicare part d. i voted against the medicare part d bill because it didn't allow negotiation by the secretary of hhs to lower prescription drug costs. even i voted against it, i had town hall meetings throughout the district and i had internet training to help my constituents figure out how to sign up for it. we need to have that kind of bipartisan cooperation as we implement exchanges, the national state level. i hope we take that appropriate perspective and i hope we can develop the perspective is the affordable correct is implemented over the coming months. in january 2006 we implemented the medicare part d program, "time" magazine described the initial nightmare of implementation, noting the results of the moment comes singers. in vermont, implementation of the loveless described as a public health emergency. those problems are almost forgot until today. ultimately the part d program got off the ground and even those who initially voted against a bill like me took a stake in it at worked to fix the problem. the biggest problem, the doughnut hole was eliminated by the affordable care act. so i think as usual there's a lesson to be learned in this history. i hope the implementation of the affordable characters to play. i certainly hope more smoothly than the implementation of the medicare part d. i'm not naïve enough and it should be to think it will be completely wrinkle free. what i do hope business problems provides we can work together to identify and fix instead of using it to score political points because we all have a stake in providing quality affordable health insurance coverage for all americans. i hope this hearing in our future work on the subject represents an effort by everybody to truly work together to implement this law. i thank you for the hearing and i yield back. >> we now recognize the chairman of the full committee for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. today's hearing continues to be a gross oversight of the obama administration's implementation of the health care law. since the passage we have had cciio before the committee three times in a covert promises made about the affordable care acts didn't quite match up with reality. 2011 we learned a cciio was granting waivers to individuals that come naisbitt would face large premium increases or coverage because of obamacare. we also found through the implementation of early retirees reinsurance priam, cciio handed millions of dollars to corporations and government. even more troubling is the fact the early retiree plan on through the $5 billion allocated so quickly that it actually stop accepting applications in may may 2011. within two years who for the program is supposed to end. this is the cinematic money given the preexisting condition insurance plan. this bill has been a lot of delay now for some three years for mere eight months away from the full implementation by all accounts doesn't have its act together. it doesn't bode well the last week that in the san architect wendy hhs secretary he sees a train wreck coming. will the exchanges be ready? mothernd proseof a lake or? coverage you can keep their? will young adults who afford higher cost? the alarm bells over how obamacare one folder getting louder by the day. costs going up and insurers warning about small business is our struggling whether they can provide employees of coverage. patients need certainty. employers need certainty. i hope hhs will always show us what they are doing to implement the law by the deadline. last week the committee marked a bill that targets prevention and public health fun to give money to those who need it fast. americans of preexisting conditions were promised coverage by supporters of obamacare only to find the program was closed to new applicants a few weeks ago. preexisting condition insurance plan is that russian accent will. it unacceptable and we look forward to that though. i have the balance of my time to dr. burgess. >> i thank the gentleman for yielding. thank you for coming to our humble subcommittee. of course my interest in cciio predated after the affordable care act passed. i didn't get a hearing on that in the minority that was good enough to come to my office and talk to me at least. mr. larson has been in a couple times and you've been before us one time before. it's been very, very difficult to get information and the basic budgetary information. the ranking member says we have to be in a posture of working together. it's difficult to do that. one of the most basic questions remain unanswered. we've got october 1st coming fast, five months away and it seems there's more and more questions about readiness of your office and indeed the administration to get the answers people want. you yourself went to the insurance -- american health insurance plan conference this month and is prudent to not assume everything will work. i agree with that. i think we have this committee need to hear from you where are the concerns, where do you see where do you see the lights blanking on the dashboard? letter you're doing to prepare yourself for an agency in sender for that day in october that johnson i vibe goes online on the federal hug that may or may not exist to be a lot of sign-up for programs. senator rockefeller said it pretty well the other day. people are going to get a bad impression and it's going to stay with them. the references to part d are reasonable to make. remember that they have been after two years of preparation. you've had three years of preparation. six weeks of terminal turmoil could turn into many more weeks or months or years of turmoil when this program is unfolded next year. the application process is lengthy and complex. people are asked to estimate whether they think their employer will provide insurance next year, with their earnings will be next year. these are tough questions that need answers and we hope we get some today and certainly we'll be adding additional questions in writing them. they are allowed. thank you for being here today and look forward to answering questions. >> now recognize mr. waxman for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. the republicans on this committee and our health subcommittee hasheld five hearings since december on the affordable care act. each of these five hearings repeats the team expressed when they opposed the bill. they certainly never expected this to be. republican members can't accept the health reform is working and is now the law of the land. they opposed it from the beginning until the day the president signed the bill into the insisted there's no chance of passing. until the supreme court ruled a constitutional, republicans said it's not constitutional until the day present upon the >> did, they insisted american people would vote them out of office to overturn this law. none of that happened and now they call it an oversight hearing because they predict how these terrible things to happen in. they are not predicting. they are wishing bad things to happen. this is not a hri to be constructed. it is a hearing to attack the love and hope that it doesn't work. the affordable care act will go fully into effect in americans to not worry about their ability to get affordable high-quality insurance. republicans say the implementation is not going to go smoothly. implementation of any new big program has its kinks, but the affordable care act is proceeding on schedule and it's been a remarkable amount of good for people. over 3 million adults now have health insurance. over 100 million americans have received free preventive health benefits, more than 6 billion seniors have saved six by $1 billion in the medicare part d drug program. beginning next year, tens of millions of americans who would otherwise be without health coverage will have dependable quality health insurance. my republican colleagues say people want certainty. certainty if there is no affordable care act is millions of people would be discriminated against because they preexisting health conditions, because they offer a risk to the insurance companies. they have to pay more money for their care. they have the certainty of knowing insurance companies would do everything they could to keep them from getting coverage if it's going to cost the insurance companies money. that's what we wanted to change. republicans still oppose the affordable care act. they are not taken a construct of approach and say what company do to make this law in its implementation work more smoothly. they say what can we blame people who supported this law about problems that may come out. i am pleased we have at this hearing today again gary cohen here in december and certain incident question being addressed today. the center for consumer information and insurance oversight has made huge progress in implementing the affordable care act. success doesn't change the opinions of my colleagues on the republican side of the aisle. it makes them even more determined to the person and they can criticize. today on the house floor, we are going to vote on the bill that they produce because under the affordable care act we have a high risk pool for people with preexisting conditions who are waiting until january to buy health insurance without being discriminated against, without being charged more money because of preexisting conditions. we have spent $5 billion on a program to help people with preexisting conditions to be in a high-risk pool. we ran out of money. republicans still finding them out of money for everything the government does because they support the idea sequestration happening and we running out of money and all sorts of places for the government has an obligation. but we've run out of money for the preexisting pool, preexisting medical problems pool until the last few months of this year. the republicans suddenly concerned about people with preexisting conditions decided to make sure funds have enough money to go on the rest of this year. they find it by taking away the public-health prevention funds until 2016. makes no sense whatsoever. we are happy to support continuation of the preexisting tool to the end of this year. certainly we could have found a better funding source and republicans have denied the opportunity for any other source to be offered on the house floor today. you have to question how sincere they are about wanting to help people in preexisting conditions, how sincere they are wanting to see a smooth implementation of the bill now but it is flawed. they want this bill to fail. they want to go back to the time of millions of people had no chance for insurance. that's a certainty they want to offer