Transcripts For CSPAN2 Today In Washington 20121025 : compar

CSPAN2 Today In Washington October 25, 2012

The percentage of women voting has been larger than it used to be. But it is still a very big question in this election, and has been, about how many women will vote. And in particular, the case for single women. [inaudible] i do feel very strongly theres a lot of women, and majority of women dont really understand what that act has done for them. And this administration has not used that, to really say this is what i did for you, with this act. Obama talks about [inaudible] the assumption ever and understands it and i think thats a false assumption. I just wonder what you thought of that. I cant say that i followed all of the ways the Lilly Ledbetter act has been used, but i was involved in a debate just a couple weeks ago that wasnt in the context of the election particularly, but about whether or not the ledbetter act was important at all and whether the paycheck fairness act, which we take things a step further, was a good idea or not a good idea. And there are those who are claiming that it was, as i said, just to tweak and not important. And they just dont ever get into the details of whether ultimately what it really means is you have an actual right that can ever be enforced, or is it just something written on a piece of paper thats meaningless. Thats really what the ledbetter act boldly and meant, ultimately meant. To our current laws on equal pay have real force and meaning. And so i do agree that there is not enough understanding of how central and important it was to pass that law, number one. And the second thing i will say is that there is misinformation that clouds the understanding and makes the job of informing people all the more important. I just heard an anecdote yesterday, someone said to me my husband pointed out one little detail in the Lilly Ledbetter act which made me feel is really useless. So theres that kind of thing going on also. Do we have any other questions from the for . I thought it was really helpful to explain to our Upcoming College students are with us today about the difficulty that College Students are having in voting, especially if they are away from home at school. Well, there are several different approaches in different states they can affected the ability of College Students to vote. One is how easy it is to register, especially if youre now in a different state or in a different part, you know, your location is not home anymore. And youre going to be voting at school rather than at home. You have to register based on where you are living. Now, there has been a. Host make registration easier to do now, there has been registration issued to do and it has happened the same testimony as long as possible up to the time of voting. And some of these state restrictions that start to be passed started to require specific ids. In pennsylvania there was a specific id requirement that was not the same as the id that students got from their colleges and universities. So the ids that they had as students proving youre living in the dorms, or where ever in their school locations, the state wouldnt accept. Now, that kind of technical id requirement has been set aside but that come in pennsylvania, but that is an example. Although the courts set it aside do so much confusion about what counts, what doesnt count that there is where the people will not know for sure that they actually can vote without those new impediments. And second is making sure that you do register within the timeframe that is allowed, and that can very depending on the particular state and location. And the third is to make sure that the voting booths are going to be made available in a variety of different locations, in a fair way. Sometimes, particular parts of cities or areas in states have very few Voting Machines compared to other areas. So the lines are much longer. So then it becomes much more difficult for people to be prepared to vote by staying in line for long periods of time. And these, you know, there are many different strategies that can all operate by themselves or together to make it much more confusing and difficult, and just seem like isnt really worth it, whats it going to mean to me anyway . And, of course, for students we can get into issues around student loans, affordable education, whats happening to state colleges and universities, twoyear colleges, public support for them, both on a state level and federal support. These key budget decisions about supporting student education, those are essential for students and, of course, as well as the job market when they are graduated from school, and what kinds of policies are out there. One of the big problems for women was when, with the budget constraints, so many Public Sector jobs were being contracted and even layoffs, teachers and social workers and others who are largely women losing their jobs. The women were hit in the double whammy way. They lost their jobs for the kind of services they were providing, and they lost the services that women in particular were dependent upon. So this affects student country in students and education for directly. [inaudible] the media could always do more, thats for sure. Theres a lot, a lot about the horserace aspect of these races, who is there, what is each poll show . Is at 1 , 2 3 . How does it break down . And those are interesting, but for people who want to have the facts that help them decide how to vote and whether its worth it to vote, those horserace story still get you very far. And demean and that kind of thing, you know, thats all very interesting but it still doesnt really help people sort through what they need to know. So i would say that whether its to really take the time to explain what the ledbetter decision really was about, or what the Affordable Care act really does and making, for example, there are, if you have to buy insurance on individual market as a woman right now, if you go as an individual to buy insurance, i am proud to say the National Law Center issued a report which demonstrated each Insurance Companies charge women more than men for the same insurance, excluding maternity coverage. Now, the Affordable Care act, when it comes fully into effect, will have a limited to that practice. Many people have no idea that that practice is still rampant in the individual market, and there are plans now to give people money to go buy insurance for themselves on that market. Where maternity coverage is virtually not available to buy in many states, for many women. Where, if you can get insurance, you have to pay more as a woman. We have shown that in some policies in some states, a young woman, excluding maternity, has to pay as much as 85 more than men, a young man of the same age. A 40 year old woman who is a nonsmoker is charged more than a 40 yearold man who is a smoker. Again, excluding maternity. And the extra charges very wildly. So you can see its actually early pace. Some companies charge 20 more, some 30 more, some 60 more, 85 more. That cant be actually early pace. Thats just complete arbitrariness. Thats yet another thing the Affordable Care act would bring to an end. At how many people know about it . [inaudible] i happen to think, surprise, surprise that the National Womens law center is a great resource, both because we do have boiled down some these key things on fact sheets on a variety of issues. With eight different issues with some details, and then our website nwlc. Org also has report. A report on preexisting conditions and how women before the Affordable Care act really lost out on the ability to get Insurance Coverage at all let alone have to pay for it, let alone not have maternity coverage, et cetera. So we have a lot on the budget. We did a report just released last week on childcare services. 27 states, where is child worst childcare available forever, and the availability for lower income families has been miserable. So we didnt have room to get worse. So at a time when women desperately have to go to work, the cruelty of drying at these childcare resources to those families, let alone what it is doing to the children is mindboggling if we are thinking about investing in the future and building a stronger country. Thank you so much for really enlightening us. The Womens National democratic [inaudible] id like to mention that there have been articles in the Voting Machines. Thereve been articles about how you should use [inaudible] because the voting machine can be changed. There were some cases where [inaudible] i remember that. So you should get paper bow its and you should remember that even though ohio now can have voting up until the and, i think it was the attorney general ruled that the hours where you can go will be shortened. Now, that really does affect, particularly minoritys who are taken by the churches on weekends, or people who just dont have any other way to get there. So there are a lot of these things going on. People just need to be alert and understand the stakes, and it may take some effort to be sure that you can vote. But the most important thing is to exercise this very precious right that we have in this country, and for that i commend all of you for your efforts and engagement. And thats what we need to see replicated all over the country, regardless of, again, where people decide to come out at the end of the day, what we have is a one person one vote system that we have been proud of. And it is each of our duties and responsibility to take advantage of that opportunity, as hard as some of the hurdles may be in the road that shouldnt be there, but regardless, there are ways of overcoming them. And this is an important election to do that. So thanks again. [applause] what he just said is not true and we cannot let briefly speak we needed a better job of explaining your own record because youre messing up my record. Apparently youre looking at somebody else. It is a shame. The people of the state of florida are tired of using one thing to them and then going back to washington, d. C. And voting with barack obama 98 of the time. We are tired of that. They want you to look them in the eye and tell them what youre going to do for them instead of what you going to do for barack obama. Is that the only line that you have memorized . [laughter] are you going to own up to it, senator . Let me tell you that violence against women, for you not to have produced it in the house where we were trying to produce in the senate is just here we are in 2012 and it is true, you voted for [inaudible] [talking over each other] as forcible rape. It seems to me that rape is rape. With less than two weeks to election day follow the key house, senate and governor races on cspan, cspan rated and at cspan. Org. All this month and until election day cspan is bring you coverage of debates for the house senate and governors races. Today and the house Senate Debate between senator Sherrod Brown and his republican challenger. Live coverage from cincinnati starting at 7 p. M. Eastern on cspan. At 8 p. M. , i was Fourth District debate between steve king and his democratic challenger, christie vilsack. Shes the wife of a culture secretary tom vilsack pic well bring it to you live courtesy of Iowa Public Television on csp cspan. Third Party Candidates for president debated in chicago. Cspan is asking others what the impact of third parties. Heres some of what you have to say. A breath of fresh air to hear a different perspective than just one or the other, the red or the blue. And as far as wasting votes, i just want to say anyone voting the party is a wasted vote. Not to. A wasted vote is voting for someone who is not voting at all. Youve got to vote your conscience, vote for the candidate who really speaks the truth. Last time in 08 i voted for the libertarian candidate because i just couldnt stomach obama or mccain. And what happened, obama got elected this time. Im not taking any chances. Im voting for romney because im sorry, i can relate to the third Party Supporters now, but lets get realistic here. A third party vote, most of them are conservative. Lets face it. A third party vote is a vote for obama so you better vote for romney. I started off voting for obama and was going to be voting for obama, but after watching this debate i feel like there was more common sense in the first 30 minutes of this debate and there has been the entire main street fiasco. So i would be voting for the independent. I will support Kerry Johnson. Im between Kerry Johnson and Jill Steinberg of the choice to choose rocky then i would probably choose rocky because i like his template that i didnt understand or know him until this debate. People that are voting for the third Party Candidates are just taking away a vote from either democrat or republican. And theyre just wasting their time doing it because it will be one of the two in office. Ive learned more and ive heard more of my questions have been answered with a third party. It was really sad though, the democrats or republican party. These guys got the money and the third parties not got a chance to voice your opinion and i wish it was able to sit down with romney and obama and get some these questions that i just heard. As we follow the candidates on the road to the white house, watching engage with cspan. Tuesday nights indiana Senate Debate between state treasurer republican Richard Mourdock, his democratic challenger congressman joe donnelly and libertarian candidate andrew horning. The Cook Political Report has the race as a tossup. Welcome to the campus of Indiana University southeast in new albany, indiana. Were here for the second of two debates featuring candidates for the u. S. Senate from indiana and the debates are sponsored by the Indiana Debate Commission. Im dennis ryerson, retired editor of the Indianapolis Star and ill be modeling tonights debate. Candidates will add to question presented to the commission by indiana voters. Tonights debate is being carried live on radio and television stations throughout indiana and also is being broadcast live nationwide on cspan. The Indiana Debate Commission is a nonprofit Nongovernment Organization dedicated to expand opportunities for voters to hear candidates views on issues of importance. To learn more go to our website, indianadebatecommission. Com. The Debate Commissions motto is putting voters first to all of the questions that came from voters throughout the state. One of the voters is in attendance tonight if youll be asking the question of his own. I will be asking questions on behalf of others. Each candidate was one minute to answer most questions and will try for 30second rebuttals as long as we have done. Midway through the program will take a patron history with a sequence bark from the famous lincolndouglas debates of 1858. After the candidates take part in that segment will return to the voter questions and then we will end with a final general question in which each candidate has 90 seconds for a closing statement. We want to maximize time for candidates to present their views so in that regard weve asked the audience to avoid disrupting outburst. The candidates are Richard Mourdock, republican. Andrew horning, libertarian, and joe donnelly, democrats. Thanks for being with us tonight. We will begin with one minute Opening Statements beginning with mr. Mourdock. Mourdock good evening. Just 14 days until very important election. And the fact that its important here in india cannot be outweighed by the fact that its important actually because it may well determine the majority in the United States senate. With 14 days to go, one thing is clear and with such as a record behind him, my opponent, mr. Donovan has a clear track record of saying one thing and heading in a different direction by the time he is serving in office. Is a fiscal conservative he says and yet he supported stimulus. He supports expanding. The fact is you need to know about who the other candidates are and quite simply, im a geologist, unlikely as it may seem. Five years ago i was asked to join governor daniels team and i did my part during the tough days of the financial downturn to make sure indiana live within its means. Weve kept the state going, weve been apart indianas comeback. We look forward to taking hoosier commonsense principles to washington. Moderator mr. Horn. Horning thank you all. I wont belabor the point. I dont need to say too much about the twoparty system, but what if you had to say is most people agree with me now more than they grew with the other guys. The guys that are most likely to vote for. What are most of the time is andy, your odds are not good. So what want to talk about is first of all, they odds are were in a very special country to we that someone liberties we have thrown away. All nations fall sooner or later. We dont want to go with odds. We want to fight the odds. In fact, i think right now what you see is an opportunity to do something that all of us wanted to do for a long time. You can say no to all of the above and vote for something other than the twoparty system. Thats the option im putting on. I will talk more specifically about what constitutionalist is in this race and what that means. What you all need to know is there something we need to deal with before we get to ideology. That is weve got a crony Network Running the country. Donnelly thank you much and i appreciate the chance to be here with my friend. The question is who will be a strong independent voice fighti

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