Transcripts For CSPAN2 State Of Cybersecurity 20141112 : com

CSPAN2 State Of Cybersecurity November 12, 2014

Cyberspace. It is a vast expanse of cyberspace, the fact that it touches everyone and soon it will touched almost everything and changes how people are going to think about it. When the internet was first built, infrastructure was not connected to it and didnt rely upon it. End users dont worry about the underlying security of the code, only that it worked. Governments didnt understand and didnt see why they should care about it. Nobody particularly care that the technologist set up the internet to be governed in a highly decentralized function outside of government based structures and they didnt incorporate strong security. But not everyone cares about these things, at least to some degree. Governments are waking up to the fact that they really need to care about what happens on the internet and how it works. For all sorts of reasons both good and bad. Companies are waking up to this fact and citizens are waking up to this fact. So as a result, what used to be able to be decided on a purely technological basis by technology experts, or by informal agreements and Major Companies in this space is the focus of a highly political process and that means those that were once easy in terms of internet governance are now much harder. So given how important the internet and cyberspace has become to everyone and everything, its not likely to change anytime soon and we need to take that into account as we build our policy. And lastly the third problem that i would identify for you today stems from the structure of cyberspace itself. As we think about how we have worked to build a cyberdefenses and help counter these threats and cyberspace, the physics and math play a large role. Traditionally somebody like me would stand up and talk about how the is borderless. How there are no boundaries and how information flows freely across the entire globe and that is true. And it allows for driving commerce and much of the value that comes from the internet. And its also a problem because it allows polish attack since like freedom of movement. That includes militia tactics. There are borders everywhere. And different points touched the borders and we are creating more and more borders. I would cement to you that where it lacks is not borders and boundaries but what it lacks is an interior and theres no inside to a network when you think about it. Everyone lives and operates right at the border and touches an edge or border in some way. That reality and that physics of cyberspace has profound and locations for how we organize ourselves as a society to protect ourselves in cyberspace. In the physical world that we have assigned Border Security to the federal government. But if everyone lives right at the border in cyberspace, its not possible to assign Border Security to just one group or element of our society. As a result it means that protecting cyberspace by its very fundamental nature is a mission that has to be shared by all and that makes organizing for cybersecurity incredibly complex because it requires us to do this across boundaries that we have in the physical world made by demand difficult to bridge inside the government and within Government Agencies and among Government Agencies and also between the government and the private sector and within the private sector. So these are the problems, economics, politics, what are we doing to address this . And at one level we have to address the technical issues such as cybersecurity that requires a strong technical knowhow. One of the things weve been trying to do is something that howard mention, its the National Initiative for cybereducation and weve been trying to take that to the next level. Over the last couple of months we have linked this up and the program with the jobs training initiative. What that is designed to do is to look at how we begin to fill the gaps in our work force. Not just the technical workforce but the work force across the board and the different cybersecurity professionals that we need. So that we can actually generate the kinds of facts that we need to do the cybersecurity missions and not on only the government has been that the private sector has as well. So you generate knowledge on the technical side and also on the Financial Systems and law and Business Management and the like. Universities are beginning to react by developing this program, getting Computer Science to collaborate with as the schools and this includes managing cyberspace in the Business World and thats not enough and its projected to grow and we are stuck where we are actually just stealing workers from one another. So what we are trying to do is address that problem by supporting scholarship programs and an effort to drop a heat map of where these jobs are and partner with businesses and others to develop centers of excellence across the country to really increase the workforce that we have available to us. And we are working to address business economics and psychology issues of cybersecurity. That is where the framework and the Court Documents have been talked about that others talked about today comes in. Because the framework really is the industry document. It is built from how industry has to think about and operate in the real world and address cybersecurity as part of their business. The National Institute of standards and technologies led the effort, and it was one that they convene and coalesced with the best ideas out of industry about how to approach cybersecurity not just as a technical problem but as a business and economics problem. The great strength of the framework and my view is that its not in fact a coke will, if you open it up and try to run your firewall, you will be sadly disappointed because thats not what the framework is. Its really how you think about cybersecurity is an issue and its rooted in how businesses have to manage risk. In taking this Risk Management approach, the framework recognizes that no organization can spend unlimited amounts of money on cybersecurity. But it enables a business to make decisions about how to prioritize and optimize cybersecurity in the light of the risks that they take. And it also provides a common lexicon and vocabulary to talk about cybersecurity and a Common Foundation for communication between businesses and their suppliers and the business and the government. So to that end it provides a new way for us to talk about cybersecurity and to communicate and deal with it in a new way. And i think that that is where the framework will go. And i have often said that the other great strength of the framework would be when businesses and others figure out ways is the framework that we never even dreamed of when we belted and to me, that is what we are driving towards today. And of course there are other ways we are trying to address the problems among the political problems in the physics problems and we are trying to address them through information sharing efforts and many of that has dealt with these and im almost sick about talking about this even though i see familiar faces. And its one that we rarely address because we really do have to move more information among companies and between companies and from the Government Back to the private sector. So we have started to see traction in this includes these models coming out of dhs and providing a Technical Foundation for information sharing. And we have to continue to do more. That is where the administration is very much focused on. Earlier this year the department of justice and the federal trade commission issued guidance indicating that antitrust should not be a barrier to cybersecurity information sharing between companies. This is a big step that helps narrow the scope of work. But theres still more that we need to do and we are continuing to look at what the options are within the administration to support information sharing and we also need to support the passage of legislation in congress. And i hope you will have a chance to hear that from senator feinstein later today that we are working closely to get that legislation over the finish line. Another area that we are working on to address some of these psychology and business aspects of it is in the Consumer Financial protection space. With many falling victim over the last year and millions suffering from credit card and fraud identity, we knew that we needed to take steps to make stronger more secure technologies available to safeguard data. Two weeks ago the president signed an executive order directing the governments lead by example and securing transactions and sensitive data. This will provide consumers with more tools to secure their financial future by assisting victims of Identity Theft and improving the government Payment Security and accelerating the transitions in the development of nextgeneration Payment Security tools. And while there is no Silver Bullet to guarantee the state of security, the executive order implement security measures including credit and debit and other cards in lieu of those simple magnetic strips. And those available on consumer atm cards as well. The president is calling on all ticklers to join the administrators and to drive the economy towards a more secure standard to safeguard Consumer Finances and reduce the chances of becoming part of Identity Theft. We also need to announce the white house summit on cybersecurity and Consumer Protection that will happen later this year to promote partnerships in innovation. It will bring together major stakeholders on Consumer Financial protection issues to discuss how all members of our Financial System can Work Together to further protect American Consumers and their Financial Data now and in the future. Another big area that we have been working on is something that howard mentioned as well, which is the National Strategy for cyberspace. And this is the administrations effort to kill this as a primary security method. We are serious about improving our cybersecurity, we have to kill off this password. Its a terrible form of security and yet we have been unable to move past it for over 30 years. So this comes back obviously too funny of Technical Solutions to do this and what happens is we cant always crack the technical ones, liability, networking, and other things. And so the goal that we set up to tackle those parts of the problems and to fund a pilot efforts to get over those nontechnologies to proliferate more across the echo system. Im excited to report that soon we will have those that will come to fruition and i think we will start to see over the next six months to a year is the technology rolling out and becoming much more widely available. And that includes a great example of the way we can make us more secure and the partnership, which has really started to show results and now we are positioned to build on that momentum as we push to accelerate progress within the federal government. And finally i would be remiss if i didnt mention federal governments own house. And this includes across various agencies and one of the things that we are focused on is improving the cybersecurity across all of the different areas. We are working hard to promote that cybersecurity is not just an extra center but his core and fundamental to be able to execute this and that in fact it is a enabler not just for the department of defense and department of Homeland Security, but for the department of the interior and the department of housing in a urban development and health and Human Services and every kind of agents or you can imagine. Including to all of the agencies across the federal government so they can do this. So as i mentioned cybersecurity is an inherently hard problem for the reasons i cited and probably more. But as a result we have made some progress as a community over the last two years and this includes the landscape in fundamental ways. He started to do things like the framework and start to address cybersecurity is a business problem. And address the underlying psychological Human Behavior issues that are present. We are starting to realize that we have to build the partnerships to address political issues of cybersecurity and Work Together to address the physics and math and makes it so hard. So this includes one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and i actually am at root an optimist and i do believe that we can actually solve this problem and make cyberspace safer for all of us. And cybersecurity theres no such thing as done but only better. We need to focus on making progress in this includes working with all of you to make it more secure. Thank you very much. [applause] i think that it has been indicated that i do have time to take questions. Im happy to do that. Everyone is in complete silence. I guess you are off the hook. [laughter] on the next washington journal, the Washington Examiner discusses the lameduck session before the end of the 113th congress. And then women in politics and the impact elections had in public office. And erica fry looks at how this littleknown industry is hoping to treat ebola patients. Washington journal is live every day at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. On thursday, the longestserving republican speaker will join us on washington journal to discuss the 24 to Election Results and how republicans will cover in the 114th congress. You can watch us live on cspan. Soon after 2015 student camera video competition is underway open to all middle and High School Students to create a documentary on the three branches in you, showing the legislation and Judicial Branch has affected you in your community. There are 200 cash prizes totaling 100,000 for a list of rules and how to get started, go to studentcam. Org. Back to the u. S. Chamber of commerce cybersecurity summit. We will look at protecting public and private cybernetworks. This is just over one hour. Okay, welcome back to the chambers are at annual cybersecurity summit. Up next we have a great panel for you and matthew is going to be moderating this panel. Thank you very much. I hope to leave the Cybersecurity Working Group and we want to discuss how cybersecurity works in your lives. We are using a few words in part for the framework process, to start the process and they hadnt been involved in that space enough space for many of the folks in this room helping them improve what they are already doing. Either way its very important. We want it to remain flexible and dynamic. The other thing is that we have three panels. The first is about the framework and we also have an International Panel that will follow. And we want other governments around the world look at the framework and to consider using it. We have an effort in the u. S. And what we want is to have other governments looking at the framework and using them because we have companies here and Many Companies operate globally. The standards and best practices embodied in the framework support transcending borders. For those that are operating in one or more countries, it is costeffective, Smart Securities are trying to look at it that way. And their panel we will have a second discussion that allows businesses to talk about the frameworks and the interdependencies that they are dealing with some of the challenges and opportunities. Just a quick snapshot as to why this panel is what it is and where it sits today. So we thank you. And so do to my left i have crystal. And then we have Sean Franklin with American Express and then we have the u. S. Department of Homeland Security and vhs and David Velazquez follows. And of course we have kelly welsh with the department of commerce. As many of you are aware theres a group that has been very involved to help to coordinate this process and the framework as well. So if i may, let me start off with a general awareness question in the me turn to you, pol, if i could come in to have you give your self introduction. Thank you. As mentioned earlier this morning, dell is transforming to offer a series of solutions for our clients and Public Sector as well as private sector clients having to do with cybersecurity. I gets everything from this, which we would love to see the death of the password and to be able to help our clients with that. We are working on a variety of policy issues as well as Technology Issues in the cybersecurity space everything from supply teams, integrity, devices that are on this desk or in your pocket, on the way back into security intrusion prevention and a Broad Technology spectrum for cybersecurity. Excellent. Sean franklin with American Express and i want to thank matt and the chamber for putting us on its pleasure to be here, especially with a panel of everybody. Im responsible or cyberintelligence at American Express and my playgroun

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