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Service. I recently met the Team Delivering this service and doing a good job under the circumstances but they told me the welsh language vote will be available until after the englishlanguage version is available. Can he explain why and when this will happen . As my right honorable friend the secretary of state of wilson to last week this issue was discussed at the job center itself and embrace it with the minister. We are meeting with the welsh language pressure to ensure we develop a service that is appropriate, and grow to the growth of universal credit across the whole of wales. Wales. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. Question why mr. Speaker. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, im sure the whole house will join and contribute to the British Embassy staff were killed and injured in kabul following the horrific bomb attack last week. Our thoughts are with their families and their friends at this time. We will not allow such inhumanity to deter us from building a stable future for the afghan people. We have nothing but admiration for the staff of the embassy, reddish an afghan who worked together at great personal risk to help achieve this. Here, here. This morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I would like to associate myself with my constituent with the Prime Ministers remarks about our brave staff, not just in kabul but, of course, across the world in dangerous places. Here, here. The Prime Minister promised to balance the books by 2015 and to cut the debt this fight punishing the poor swift cut the deficit has rarely been cut, borrowing is greater in the last four years than has been in the previous 13. Doesnt, going to this country desperately needs a Labour Government . [shouting] we have got the deficit down by a third because we have taken tough and difficult decision after tough and difficult decision. Theyve all but one thing in common. Each and every decision was opposed by the party opposite. Mr. Speaker, on monday morning at of the Research Park i thought i heard the sound of a cuckoo which is a mark wilsons we havent reached christmas, let alone spring. Does the Prime Minister agree with me this may be further evidence of the strength of our longterm economic plan . Well, i was delighted to meet with my honorable friend and other mps at the Research Park to talk about the expansion of infrastructure in our country, and particularly the improvements we are going to make to the 8047 which will not just tel help norwich norwich Research Park but actually will help all. On how important that is to make sure that important part of our country also benefits longterm economic plan. Ed miliband [shouting] mr. Speaker, i join the Prime Minister in paying tribute to the British Embassy staff killed in the appalling terrorist attack in kabul last week. Its a reminder of the danger that Embassy Staff and military personnel face on a daily basis. All of our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who died. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister said earlier this year and i quote, will be tied to the politicians that makes the promises and then it says oh, sorry, i didnt really mean it. [laughter] can he recall anytime he might have done that . Let me tell him, let me tell him the promises weve kept. We promise to get the economy growing. Its the Fastest Growing in the g7. We promise to get unemployment down. We have created 1. 8 million new jobs. We promised to make britain a great place to start a business. There are 760,000 more businesses in this country. This government is a government that has made its commitments, kept its commitments and as result we the plan thats working. Mr. Speaker, come to think of the come he might have broken a big promise quite recently. Immigration down to the tens of thousands. No ifs, putts. What did he say in his contract with the british people . If we dont deliver our side of the bargain, vote us out in five years time. [shouting] when he said, did he mean that . Yes, and weve cut immigration from outside the eu by 24 . But with immigration every single step weve taken was opposed by the labour party. They put immigration up as a deliberate act of policy. This government made promises to our tensioners, promises kept, promises on our nhs, promises kept. Above all, he promised to turn our economy around from the mess left by those two. [shouting] throw him out because he broke his promise. [shouting] now, what he ought to be saying that dares is he made a solemn promise and he broke it. Lets turn to another one of those big solemn promises. This is what he said to the nurses conference just before the last election, and i quote. I want to tell you what we are not going to do. There will be no more of those pointless we organizations [laughter] but instead bring chaos. Mr. Speaker, when he said it did he mean its . What we have done is to see more doctors, more nurses, more patients treated. But i have if we are on promises, mr. Speaker, i have a little list. I have a list of his promises. Here we go. Mr. Speaker, he promised, he promised however long it takes, however long it takes. [shouting] ive got all day, and i can do am looking forward to what comes next, and i think he will be, too. Right. He promised detailed plans for a graduate tax. Where is it . He promised an alternative spending review. That was in 2010. Where is that . He promised he would tell us the list of this is people he had dinner with him 2011. Where is that one . He promised to stand up to unions on Public Sector pay. We has he ever done that . He promised he wouldnt let the union run the labour party, and they run it more than ever. [shouting] what he ought to be saying is he made a solemn promise of no top down reorganization of the nhs, and he broke that promise. Lets turn to his promise on Living Standards. The 2010 conservative manifesto made this big promise, and i quote, and economy when standards of living rise steadily. Mr. Speaker, when he said it, did he mean it . 26 Million People having their taxes cut. 3 Million People order, order. Both the questions and the answers must be heard. The Prime Minister. Twentysix my people have had their taxes cut. 3 million of the poorest people have been taken out of income tax altogether. And minimum wage has been increased for the First Time Since his great recession, and a people who have been in work for a year are seeing a 4 increase in their pay. They bankrupted our economy. We know that mrs. Browns boys was a comedy. Mr. Browns voice was a tragedy shot back. Mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker, [inaudible] what he ought to be saying but then is he made a solemn promise to improve losing livingston and his broken. What about is because promise of all on the deficit . In october 20 and he promised, in five years time we will have a balanced the books. When he said it, did he mean its . We promised to cut the deficit. Its down by a third, and in a moment, in a moment or two we will see the progress that has been made. And, obviously, i cant reveal whats in the chancellors autumn statement. That wouldnt be proper, but i make this prediction. I make this prediction, mr. Speaker, order. The answers must be heard. Prime minister. I make this prediction. In a moment or two he will be looking as awkward as we ate a bacon sandwich. [laughter] if were going to talk about if we are talking about predictions, let us remember his predictions. He said our policy would lead to the disappearance of a million jobs. Wrong. He said it was a fantasy the private sector would create the jobs. Wrong. He said we would choke off jobs and growth. Wrong. The fact is they told us there would be a lost decade. They told us it would be a double dip recession. They told us there would be 1 million more unemployed. They have been wrong on every single economic issue. Hes failed every test he set himself. And the thing about this Prime Minister is used toward breaking promises into an artform. And as the election approaches the thing the british people know about this Prime Minister is that when he says it, he doesnt mean it. [shouting] what a contrast. This is a Prime Minister and this is a government that is turn our economy around, sorted our public finances and got the economy growing. And no one, no one in this country will ever forget that they are the people who sold the gold from who broke the economy, who bankrupted the nation, and still they sit there completely hopeless and unelectable. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. The city of york is truly benefiting from the governments northern let economic plan, and the government is rightly investing in transport infrastructure across yorkshire. With that in mind with the Prime Minister agreed to meet with me at a delegation of local businesses to discuss their campaign which is synced with high levels of congestion as a serious barrier to for the Economic Growth for our city . I think my friend is right. I know what a problem this road can be. The point is that Infrastructure Investment to unlock a growth. Thats why money we announced the biggest Roads Program in a generation, including 2. 3 billion pounds for major roads in yorkshire and the northeast. Im happy to arrange a meeting between him and the transport secretary to discuss this, but he will know we do have substantial plans to upgrade the junction where traffic on the northern ring road gets on and off to the a 64 and we believe that will make a real differen difference. Does the Prime Minister intend to the ball income attacks to Northern Ireland scotland in tandem, or in contrast, has he already decided to veto the Deal Coalition tax to scotland it does because we are implementing the Smith Commission and thats what the should be implemented. In terms of Northern Ireland the chancellor will set out our position in a moment or two, but lets be clear about the very big differences there are between Northern Ireland and scotland to Northern Ireland having a land border with the republic and having had all the difficulties and troubles. And him shaking his head in that way shows how little scottish nationalists actually care about the rest of our united kingdom. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. 56 years ago, Simon Winfield digby, then honorable member for west dorchester made the firstly for improvement summit in the south. The fact is that this government care for management of the economy, the Prime Minister was warmly welcomed once again this week to announce 1. 3 billion pounds investment in stonehenge. With the Prime Minister now reassure the people of the southwest that we will not have to wait another 56 years for it to be delivered to . I can certainly make that commitment. I was one of a number of people who made their way to stonehenge this week to see how important this will be. It would be a total of at least 1. 8 miles. Its part of an overall plan to create that expressway all the way between the m3 an and in fie and down into cornwall to make sure we really improve this absolutely vital road network. Asser stonehenge itself i think it will make sure this extraordinary monument also has the setting and the attention that it deserves. Mr. Graham jones. Thank you, mr. Speaker. At 20 old constituents was brutally murdered in 2007, kicked to death in the park by a group of males simply being part of a subculture. She was a victim of hate crime. Indications this tragedy continues today. Will the Prime Minister meet with the foundation to see the actual work they do and do everything he can to ensure that there is a clear message that there are no exceptions to hate crime . I remember the absolutely tragic case of the girl he talks about, the way, upholding what in which she was treated and beaten. And im very happy to look at what meeting i can arrange to make sure that an agenda of how we combat hate crimes in all its forms is properly addressed in our country. This week 40 banks and Building Societies issued a joint declaration to do with a multimillion pound crimes courier fraud or people are called by criminals, posing as Police Officers or Bank Employees and asked to hand over bank cards and pin numbers to assist in fraud and course. I have been working with the Alzheimers Society to build a scheme to protect the most moldable in society from this. The ministers are committed to discuss it. Will the Prime Minister help the vulnerable to do the same . I will certainly make sure ministers if necessary meet with him and the group is talking about. It is important we deal with all of these issues wherever they come from a. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The 2010 conservative manifesto promised an economy where not just our standard of living for every squalid of life rises steadily consistently. Why didnt lash of wages grown by the smallest amount since records began . I must say how delighted i am the metaphor in the years finally the labour party wants to debate the economy at Prime Ministers questions. I feel this is a golden day for us. It if we can talk about the 1. 8 million jobs that have been created. It means we can talk about the fact that for those a bit and work for a year there seemed to pay go up by 4 it means we can talk about how we have lifted the basic Rate Threshold to 10,500 pounds and take a three moving people out of tax. All of these things are helping to make sure that millions more of our countrymen and women of the dignity and security of a job and the ability to provide for their families. Thats whats happening in britain. The economy has been turned red from the disastrous situation left by the labour party and thats something the whole country can be proud of. May i commend my right honorable friend the debate which was kicked off in Westminster Hall this point by right honorable friend from neon valley about the catastrophic decline of the see past stocks across the whole of northern europe, and how we heard that successive governments have been trying to persuade the eu for decades to address this problem . Will he undertake to put the entire weight of the government behind the collapse of the sea bass jobs or to address this at the European Union and fishery policies and sixmonth . My honorable friend raises an important point about see past stocks but also about fish were probably. There had been under this government some real improvements in the way fisheries policies work in the eu with a greater level of devolution and when you keep pushing it forward to make sure that our fisheries and earth stocks can recover. Thats the only way to make sure this is a longterm sustainable industry. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Will the Prime Minister please explain why the government has followed almost 4 billion pounds more this year compared to last year the same time . And does he request his firm promised to balance the books by next may . The reason this government has had to borrow a lot of money is that we inherited the biggest budget deficit in the world. Yes, it was picked was 11 of our gdp when we came to government. Weve already cut by a third. We will hear in a moment or two how we are now getting on by would like to highlight something to shout chancellor said this week. He said he would be tough on the deficit and tough on the causes of the deficit. And he is one of the causes of the deficit. I think we just found the first ever example of Political Associates him. Thats okay to some. Order. Order. Order. We all know what the Prime Minister meant. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Order. I understand the house gets excited but order. I think he will scarcely be able to hear himself let alone anybody else will have a chance to hear him. Let the honorable gentleman to be heard. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I would like to thank the prime mr. Simpson for all the help that he has given to all the structure increase in securing our direct Train Service which starts later this month. Its a vital boost our inward tourism and inward Business Investment infrastructure. Will be take advantage of us not being connected to london to come and visit the wonderful new university that we are creating in our beautiful town . I look forward to the opportunity of visiting if i can. Let me be clear. I meant to say masochism. Im sorry, mr. Speaker. Normally [laughter] normally with the shadow chancellor, normally the shadow chancellor, i say he likes to dish it out but he cant take it, but after is what i think he might like taking it as well, so there we are. [laughter] weve learned a lot of interesting things to be. Its magnificent whats happening in the you look across the country there been improvements to 400 stations including kings cross. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The Prime Minister said his economic pause would eradicate the deficit in this parliament. All the complexity is after four years, taking down by a third. The last few months its been going up. Wiki except that the big fall in real wages since the election is the last part of exploration of why his Economic Policy has fallen so far short on a central objective . Only after four years of never mentioning the deficit, and opposing every single spending cut weve had to me, suddenly there seems to been a damascus like a convergence and suddenly theyre all interest in the deficit. At me give them a bit of lesson. We have had to make difficult decisions cutting some government departments, some by as much as 20 . Every signal decision opposed by the party opposite. And in terms of whats happening with wages as i just said, to recent figures out sure people didnt work for over a year are seeing pay increase of 4 . We are helping everyone in work by cutting their taxes. In the end the only way to sustainably raise Living Standards or to grow the economy, create jobs and cut taxes. Three things were doing. Three things labour would never do. This morning more people went to work than ever before in history of our nation. Is the Prime Minister aware that in dover on it is followed by 37 , thanks to our welfare reform, thanks to our longterm economic plan . Why would we ever return to where we were less than five short years ago . My honorable friend is right. In dover the claimant count is down by 24 since the election. Across the southeast the number of people employed in the southeast is up but almost a quarter o of the. We have record levels of employment. At the same time as this increase in employment weve also seen the pay gap between men and women, particularly under 40 come reduced to the lowest ever level. So we are seeing a strong and solid recovery but as the chancellor will explain in a moment, theres no room for complacency. Weve got to stick to the longterm economic plan and deliver it. Is the Prime Minister proud of the fact that in this parliament, this government has added 430 billion to the national debt, which is more than all the labour chancellors of the exchequer did for centuries . He cant blame labour for that figure spent all, yes, i can. [shouting] we inherited the biggest budget deficit in britains peacetime history. The labour party had the longest and deepest recession in a century. That is what we were delivered. Since then we have turned the economy around. We got 2 million private sector jobs. Weve cut the deficit, seven and 60,000 or businesses operating in our country and we have the Fastest Growing economy of any g7 or major european country. That is an economic record that no Labour Government could ever match. [inaudible] turning around the lives of many disrupted and troubled young people but its a shining example of the big society. Does the Prime Minister understand, does the Prime Minister understand my deep concern for the decision of hmrc to insist on a draconian a codification of the rules on its new building will result in the academies closure of . First of all i know what an important job the boxing academy does. It is run entirely by volunteers and the know how hard my honorable friend works for his constituents but we will look carefully at this case as he might know. Unfortunately, zero reading on Construction Services is very limited and doesnt apply to buildings used as sports clubs. The h. R. Mc are willing to discuss flexibility on arrangements to pay the vat bill. But i will make sure is discussions take place rapidly between my honorable friend and hmrc to see what can be done. Mr. Speaker, cancer which for no and with fast growing cancer in particular, time is of the essence. They Cancer Treatment target in england has been missed for nine months, over 15,000 patients waiting more than two months to start treatment. Doesnt this prove yet again you cannot trust the tories with the nhs . I shared the honorable ladys concern about how rapid our Cancer Treatment must be, and that is why im proud of effect under this government an extra 460,000 people, more per year, are getting Cancer Treatment, are getting referrals. There are around seven key cancer targets and were meeting all but one of the. I have to say to the honorable lady, that is quite a contrast with wales where the labour party has been in control of the nhs for the last four years, where they havent met a cancer target since 2008. Its no good shaking your head. It is her party whos in charge of the nhs in wales and they are letting down Cancer Patients day after day. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Following the threat of the legal challenge, to scrap their processes before approving drugs for rare condition. It is affecting a couple hundred children in the country concluding a sixyearold in my constituency. Will the Prime Minister today instructed secretary of state for health to reestablish the highly specialized commissioning service attended approved the drug to introduce children get the drugs that they need immediately before a new process is put in place of . Im happy to discuss that issue with the secretary of state for health. As he knows where the procedure for licensing drugs when it comes to cancer drugs we have the additional benefit of the cancer drugs on but im happy to take away the point that he raises and discuss it with the health secretary. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister promised the british people that his government would eliminate the deficit and significantly reduce immigration. Y. Why has he failed the british people on both of these counts . If i could sum up the labour Party Approach seems to be this. We created an enormous problem and weve come you today to complain that you have included up fast enough. That is really the extent of their intellectual analysis of britains problems. I have to say it is quite ridiculous when you realize they left us with the biggest budget deficit since the war, which were started to get on top with and we will make more progress. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Given the Record Number of Small Businesses of today, and given [inaudible] and the saturday Small Business saturday in what the right of orphanage with me in encouraging everyone to shop local on saturday as well as making Small Businesses a priority and a longterm economic plan speak what i actually agree with my honorable friend. We now see a Record Number of Small Businesses i in our count, a total increase of 760,000 over this parliament. Small business saturday is an excellent event where we can boost Small Businesses and draw attention to the work that Small Businesses do. On friday will kick off this event with a Small Business smas theyre in downing street and its a good moment to make sure that Small Businesses are benefiting from all the changes we have made such as the cut in the jobs tax or businesses and charities of 2000 pounds, abolishing National Interest contribution for under 21 year old with the employed them, doubling the Small Business regulate and cutting business taxes Small Businesses as well. We respect what you do in terms of creating the jobs, the welcome the prosperity that our country needs. Thank you, mr. Speaker

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