Transcripts For CSPAN2 Prime Ministers Questions From The Br

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Prime Ministers Questions From The British House Of Commons 20160629

alone small children. the >> border. questions to the prime minister. mr. alistair carmichael. >> thank you: mr. speaker. the whole housework and join in condemning the horrific terrorist attacks. thoughts and prayers that those killed, injured and their families. as yet there are no reports of u.k. casualties, but working urgently with authorities to establish. i spoke to president to express condolences and our persistence. details still emerging that we stand one entered the time against barbaric acts they had this week marks the battle of islam and there's a national two-minute silence on the morning. the tea party memorial near the battlefield and pause to remember the sacrifices of all those who fought and lost their lives in the conflict. the speaker had meetings with colleagues another is in addition to make it a fetish for for their meeting later today. >> office in fact istanbul. can i also have my -- [inaudible] he is not done it alone and it's right we should technology from the famous and public services. before he goes, will he obtained to one matter when he was in a position he described as doing enormous model damage to the model authority of our country and that is the involvement of security services and renditions. now that the tps are not going to prosecute and so forth, will he -- will he reinstitute, reconstitute to who we can know what was done in our name and authority. >> first of all, connecting the right honorable gentleman for his remarks. i'm proud to serve this country and the first prime minister to get to make sure i fully looked into his constituency. that would be a rendition issue. the police investigation into these cases the tps recently concluded insufficient to prosecute. i think there are very few countries in the world that would've had such an independent investigation into an issue like this. i think the right approach i finish in the report of what he was able to do if the ioc has agreed to look at these issues and they should continue to do so. thank you, mr. speaker. at my right honorable friend has seven or has current event at 7:30 this friday, we will start the process of commemorating the anniversary. will my right honorable friend join me in thanking all those involved in organizing the forget never project who has done so much to ensure that young people learned the lesson and forgetting our challenges, will he join me in encouraging everyone to remember, salute and commemorate those who made the ultimate sacrifice? >> assert nature and the honorable friend in commending all those organizing these important events, particularly his constituency that event happened on the country. it's important not only because they are supporting slaughter of 57,000 people killed or wounded on the first day of this battle, but also so many people learned so much about their own family's involvement and in many ways there is a link between the current events we discuss and what 100 years ago the same portion of peace and security and stability and it was actually last night the european union french president actually mentioned the commemoration and how proud he was to get together never sacrifices all those years ago. >> jeremy corbin. thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to echo the words of the prime minister concerning the 36 who died in the 100 injured in the file terrorist attack. i am sure that our services will be doing everything they can to assist those affected. i would also like to thank him for referring to the memorial on friday and i look forward to being with him there at the memorial service of those who died in that dreadful battle. i think, mr. speaker, it would be appropriate if we pay tribute to patrick mayfield who died last weekend. he was the driving force behind the town is a declaration in a 293 that deadly to the first cease-fire and i think the relative peace we have now in northern ireland is in part thanks to him and his successor for all achieved. >> mr. speaker, what people in the country are worried about is the extra insecurity to the new standards, jobs, wages, pensions following the e.u. referendum. we have heard uncertain words about the future of major companies in britain which has been here a very long time. what means has a chance i had with major companies to try to stabilize the situation? >> first of all, he is right to mention patrick grady did play a huge role in delivery of the peace process. he was also a brilliant attorney general and someone who viewed a belief in public service in the national interest than with a kind and goodly man and i was very sad to hear of his passing. i did send a message to him by his wife shortly before he died and i know many people in this house want to send good wishes to his family. the leader of the opposition asked for conversation we have a business at what a business and what preparations were made to do with economic challenges we face. we are in a strong position to meet these challenges because we pay down so much deficit appears stronger strong growth and job creation that i don't belittle about the consequences will be difficult. there are going to be some choppy waters ahead. i don't resolve many warnings they made during the referendum's campaign would not offend a better way through this way through this. we messed up with his assistant reassure them about the ability there is today the strength of the british economy. the business secretary has met with a range of businesses already. tamara had the meeting amid business advisory group and i'm inviting other companies to data including seamens who played a huge role in the british economy. what we need to talk about his reassurances about stability we can get now. the fact that our circumstances to change until whidbey the european union and i want to hear from them as they draw up the blueprints for britain's future position with europe about what they think would be the right answer. thank you, mr. speaker. the credit rating agencies have cut the u.k. credit rating back to aa from aa plus. the chancellor promised a aaa rating. what has been made to this downgrade in terms of firing cost and the risks to pension fund. >> the leader of the opposition is right that the credit ratings by one agency had been taken down by several points and another has put us on watch. the answer is the cost of the exchequer and the taxpayer will depend on what happened to the interest rates in the market at which the can borrow and is absolutely right to draw attention to that. as i said, maria druggy come ahead of the ecb confirmed this last night. all of the warnings if we voted to leave the e.u. they would be difficulties in our own economy and growth rate and instability in markets. readers dean does things. we are well prepared in terms of the reaction of the bank of england and the treasury. there is no doubt in my mind is a difficult economic times. we can cope with them. >> jeremy corbin. >> ever run across this house should be concerned that the indications from investors are less good pregame current jobs at risk. what the prime minister consider suspending the chancellor's physical rule, which is in effect preventing investment in taking place? >> i don't believe that would be the right approach. what business needs to hear, what consumers and investors and people concerned about our economy want to hear is we have taken huge steps over the last six years to get the budget deficit down, to make it a check to destination for investment. they want those things to continue. of course if we do see economic difficulties, one of the ways we have to react to that is make sure that our public finance is in our economy remains strong. we should have taken all the steps the last six years to get the deficit down to see us get onto a more difficult path. i don't think it would be right to suspend fiscal rules. there are three phases. the first of the volatility we see which the bank of england and treasury must cope with. the uncertainty about the future status was referring to an an end as fast as possible by examining the model semi-success is choosing which one we should go for and then we need to bear in mind the long-term damage to the british economy that the european union. for my part we are the closest possible relationship in terms of trading with the european union and that something discussed and debated in this house as well as by the next government. >> jeremy corbin. thank you, mr. speaker. this week there has been more evident that it is increasing. monitoring group showed lasted for days allowed the attacks and abuse from stocks and boosted to decline can ask the prime minister what monetary system he and the home secretary had in place, what reports he's received and what extra resources are going to communities targeted in these racist attacks taking place. >> i agree with the bridal general men. these attacks are appalling and they need to stop. everyone in this house and everyone on all sides of the referendum debate utterly condemns them. that is not what we do in britain. i reassure the prime minister's countries such as romania, poland and the czech republic at the meeting that we had last night. we do monitor these attacks and the secretary gets regular reports. i could tell the house will publish a new action plan tackling hate crime to step up our response be reminded steps to boost reporting of hate crime in supporting victims. new guidance to prosecutors and racially aggravated crime and new funds for protective security measures are potentially vulnerable institutions and additional funding to community organizations to tackle hate crimes. whatever we can do, we will do to drive these appalling hate crimes out of our country. >> jeremy corbin. >> i thank the prime minister for that. last thursday was the rejection of the status quo that isn't delivering. there's another 10.5 million people living in poverty in britain at 300,000 in the last year. 4.5 million people in england and wales alone are an insecure work in two thirds of children in poverty are living in households where used one adult is in work. the prime minister has too much love. will you see the one nation legacy and without one nation legacy be the scrapping of the bedroom tax, depending of the contract and can't claim that the cut of universal credit. >> were i would agree us of course we need to do more to tackle and spread wealth and opportunity, but to try and pretend that last thursday's vote was a result of the state of the british economy is complete. the british economy as incomparably stronger than it was six years ago. we all have to reflect on our role in the referendum campaign. i know the honorable gentleman says i would hate to see them when it's not trying. >> mr. speaker, government figures released yesterday show the number of children living in poverty has jumped by 200,000 in a year to a total now for 3.9 million children in this country is living in poverty. does he not think he should at the very least apologize to god and failed by its government and do something about it so that we do reduce the levels of poverty in this country? >> if he wants to do with the figures, but they give them to him. income inequality has gone down at the fastest rate since 2001. there are 300,000 fewer people in relative poverty since 2010. half a million fewer people enough so the poverty since 2010. looking for excuses about why he and i were on about the referendum. frankly he should look somewhere else. i have to say to the honorable gentleman he talks about job insecurity and my two month ago. and maybe in that party's interest is that they're not in the national interest and for heavens sake, go. [cheers and applause] thank you, mr. speaker. jeremy quinn. thank you, mr. speaker. while media attention seems to be focused elsewhere, all of us in the south that can teach you have problems they need to be addressed. for weeks and weeks, mike fisher is to be struggling with the impact of unofficial industrial action on a rubberized. over who gets the press a button. but my right honorable friend condemn this in the strongest possible terms and help resolve issues? >> right honorable friend is right. a crucial part of our economy. i condemn actions that disrupt the public and passengers will not take the rap for that reason unnecessary disruption. the performance has been on except both and passengers deserve better. the house will be providing more generous compensation to passengers affected by the latest strike and will be in further details, too. >> on the terrorist tragedy in turkey, we join with the prime minister and the leader of the official opposition in their condemnation and sending condolences to the people of turkey. mr. speaker, strong majority voted for scotland to remain in the european union. first, minister sturgeon is in brussels today where he's meeting with the president of the european commission and the president of the european parliament. yesterday was a standing ovation in the european parliament when the case was made to protect scotland's place in europe. what will the u.k. government do to protect scotland's place in europe? >> first of all, let's rethink the right old gentleman for what he says about terrorist attacks and how we should stand together on the issue of the united kingdom's future in a relationship at the european union. we need to negotiate the best possible deal for the united kingdom and the closest possible relationship and that would also be the best possible deal for scotland. that's what we need to focus on and what needs to be done >> on the contrary, yesterday the scottish parliament passed a motion across the parliament including the labor party, scottish liberal democrat integrates a law mandating to have discussions with the u.k. government, other default administrations come and e.u. institutions and member states to explore options for protecting scotland's relationship with the e.u. scotland's place in a single market and social employment and economic benefits that come from that. every party in the scottish parliament voted for that except the conservative party who abstained. when will the conservatives finally join with all other parties in scotland and protecting god's place in europe >> the best way to secure scotland's place in a single market is for the united kingdom to negotiate the closest possible relationship with the european union conclusion that be the closest relationship with a single mart. our membership of the european union and the u.k. membership and that is where we should take our negotiating services. >> thank you, mr. speaker. market traders make a huge contribution to our local economy. with that in mind about what my right honorable friend called with me literally thousands to stop council going ahead with its plan to all those three-day market. >> would join him in paying tribute to all the hard work market traders across the country have provided. i know how important these markets are. i hope the council will listen carefully to matt honorable friend's campaign to make sure the historic market is not less altogether. >> justin matters. thank you, mr. speaker. at the prime minister will recall my constituency is part of the referendum campaign. we voted to leave the e.u. to keep those jobs in this country. we recognize their responsibility but i would ask the prime minister if he can ensure it is early tax of general motors are given the reassurance needed that motor vehicles will be able to be exported to the e.u. at a competitive price. >> the honorable gentleman is right with the story of the automotive industry over the last decade has been a remarkably positive one. 150,000 people directly employed. 300,000 people in the supply components industry more of which has been coming on shore in recent years. but we need to do is secure the best possible deal for britain to make sure we have access to the market because so many companies come the general motors included and toyota, one of the reasons they've invested is because of access to the market. i would urge general motors to make their voices heard in the weeks ahead. thank you, mr. speaker. yesterday a former member of my staff was verbally abused outside shopping on monday because of the color of his skin. he was chased down the road voted out the people -- [inaudible] >> mr. speaker, can ask the prime minister to reiterate the commitment this morning to do everything in his power with the evil hatred and create the e.u. should not be used to breed racism and the opposite of an opportunity for more international rather than european union. >> this country we have many imperfections but we do have a claim to be one of the most successful multiethnic democracies anywhere on earth and we should do everything we can to safeguard that. the clearest possible statements from all our political leaders you've heard today that should go on hearing. we want action by the police, by the prosecuting authorities. the laws are there for people to be prosecuted. we will strengthen the guidance of the way i suggested, but we should not put up in the country. >> does the prime minister satisfied with the arrangement with prior access for service families who died in iraq given that mr. blair has had months to prepare his pr defenses given that tsa and the relevant passages. what are the parliamentary arrangements for secure prior access so this house can properly expanded the finding and developing views concerning the future suitable accommodation for mr. blair? >> what i would say to the right honorable gentleman is first of all in terms of numbers for service personnel families, we have made sure that they are not going to face the cost that they originally were in terms of accessing the report. double check the details of the time they get to access the report. the parliamentary processes again i can put in so they're absolutely clear about what kind of statement will be, how much time people will have to will have to including the leader of the opposition study the report and of course other right honorable gentleman. i remember how important it was having some access. as for those people who could be criticized in the report, he will know that there is a process where letters have to go out so people have a chance to respond to what is in the report. that is entirely independent of the government. i haven't seen it. that is spent out the bad to report under long-standing conventions. i shall put that in my letter to the right honorable gentleman. >> moving toward cheerful matters, with my right honorable friend educate the house from his six years as prime minister on how in terms of their country's reputation and success he would compare the undemonstrative competence in dignity of angela merkel with the theatrical and comical antics that silvio burse gunny. [laughter] >> well, fortunately neither of the people he's talking about our candidates in this election, an election i will stay firmly out of. i was given lots of advice on becoming prime minister. one of them is not to go to a party and that's one bit of advice i took. >> i think the prime minister for giving us an exercise in democracy. [shouting] >> border. the honorable gentleman will be heard. it is about us and displays that he will be heard. >> the prime minister giving a class or it's great exercise in the period we should recognize that although we won, it was featured on the people voting. does the prime minister agree with me that they now need to come together to achieve any of post-e.u. national consensus whereby we have close links with our friends and allies in europe while reclaiming our soveignty. >> let me thank the honorable gentleman for making the point that there were people with a deep sense of patriotism on both sides of the argument. i also agree it is time for an our country to come together. i think he is right we now have to work very hard on what the alternatives are. the referendum campaign are now real alternatives and i think one of the roles the government can play in the next few months is to set up the different blueprints, the canada blueprint, the norway blueprint and look at the cost and benefit the people can make an assessment now that this is a real choice rather than hypothetical one. >> serb roger gale. >> i know that all the members of parliament would wish to be associated with the attribute paid by patti mayhew. he was a scholar. he was a gentleman and he was a great friend to his younger colleagues. mr. speaker, there are hundreds of thousands of ex-tight united kingdom citizen living around europe who did not vote in the referendum. many of them are utterly. they live on u.k. pensions and u.k. benefits. will my right honorable friend seat to ensure that his successor defends their interests? >> first of all, let me add to what he said. he was a wonderful man in the republic servant and i know he meant a lot to my honorable friend and many others. on this issue of british living overseas, i think we should reassure people that until britain leads the e.u. there is actually no change in the status. one of the things they can do in the coming weeks is to go through these issues very methodically and work out what might change in the different areas to give these people a certainty about their futures. it's important that we do that. >> london is the greatest city in europe. that time [shouting] >> i've been listening to the honorable gentleman for 25 years that i want to continue to hear him. >> of prosperity and tax revenue as vital for the whole united kingdom. london voted remain. does the prime minister agree with the mayor of london, is a berliner that landed needs to remain in the european single market and needs default additional powers to deal with the problems towards the boat last week. >> i certainly agree with the mayor of london. not only the greatest city on earth but make its voice heard in these vital negotiations. obviously, there are many vital industries in london, the financial services is actually the capital not only at the u.k. 's financial services, that europe's financial services and securing the best possible access to the market is going to be a very important challenge in these negotiations. london should have its voice heard. this is a u.k. negotiation, but we should listen to the nations, but also the cities and regions as well. thank you, mr. speaker. that take this opportunity to pay tribute to his premiership and the many achievements of his government. of which we can be proud. may i also commend his condemnation of their racist attacks that have been reported from all over the country and would he take this opportunity also to condemn the ridiculous and revolting behavior of a certain nap in the european parliament and make clear that he does not represent this country and he does not represent -- >> people are adding their own take on these matters. the honorable gentleman has the floor. i don't need any help from the national party -- [inaudible] the honorable gentleman will be heard and that is all there is to it. thank you, mr. speaker. he does not represent this country and he does not even represent the vast majority a traffic and law-abiding people who voted the than the referendum. >> first of all, let me think my honorable friend for his country were and congratulate him for the role you played in the campaign and people should judge them by the remarks they made. i made clear what i felt about the appalling poster in the campaign. i think the motive was absolutely clear and everyone can see what he was trying to do. thank you, mr. speaker. my constituency for substantial amounts of e.u. funding. the leave campaign promise the funding would continue without the european union. does the prime minister agree that if he loses a penny piece of its funding under his successor that will be a groups betrayal. >> it is the case that well thought the whole thing that it is this year he is e.u. funds. i think that throughout the camp came, is that though with a note though, i would do everything i can to make sure we could today to help disadvantaged region. obviously it's very difficult for anyone to get carried teeth because you don't know exactly what will happen to our economy in the event to be of the vote and our economy does face challenges. they will be a matter for my successor as we leave the e.u. to make good on what they said at the time. >> mr. speaker, i pleased to announce we have chosen the entry as the winning card. but the prime minister congratulate the 207 children -- >> order. i want to hear about these people who rightly should be congratulated. let's hear the honorable lady. >> while the prime minister but the 207 children who entered the competition with innate design and what he agreed to present the card to her majesty? >> there are many ways in which members of parliament are able to interact in a more human level of their constituent and guided them to the birthday cards and christmas cards is the next one idea. someone did a christmas card sent a leading presence out of the back of a season in team which i thought was excellent but some felt carpet bombing rather than handing out largess. that's a very good idea to share her majesty would be delighted to receive them. the thank you, mr. speaker. the region was set to receive 180 million pounds through 2020. much of that money is now at risk. those leading the campaign did give guarantees to lose out as a result of brexit. we know those promises were worthless. whether prime minister join with me in urging his successor to ensure the sheffield city reach a compensated for every pound. >> obviously as we negotiate our way out of the e.u., all range of decisions have to be made and what future governments do is help our universities, health science is. we continue to support farmers. he was going to be a challenge but we will judge for ourselves about whether we have our money to do this because we left the e.u. or less because of the impact on the economy was something we won't be able to judge for ourselves in the years ahead. >> mr. speaker, thank you. earlier this morning the supreme court's ruled against the right to return to their homeland. i know my right honorable friend will be pleased that shortly i won't pester him much more on this issue. might i suggest a fine legacy of his premiership might be to allow these british citizens to return to their homeland. >> what i can say to my honorable friend of the national security council has been considering this issue. we look at alternative options and the costs and benefits of the various means we can do and will be making an amount than in the coming. thank you, mr. speaker. it has been described as a rare picturesque rejected by the heritage in april. at the five projects, all five are based in the south of england. but the prime minister's support the renovation of the fantastic though? >> it is a beautiful bill and his sister town that he represent in terms of the fund, he's been a little unfair focusing on the last five projects. more broadly he will find, for in it, the museum received a grant of 13 million. it is i believe balanced across the country, but i will look further about the general pointed specific issue of this town hall. >> james perry. [shouting] the >> there are a number of e.u. nationals in this country and working hard, paying taxes entirely logistically. but result in the prime minister give them. >> first of all, the first to do is to praise the contribution they make to our country pay 50,000 e.u. nationals working in nas. 50,000 working in our care sector, look sector, looking after elderly since they country is the end of their life. many working in education. as i said exhaustively on monday, obviously we can say that all rights are guaranteed as were members of the european union. in the future we will have to make sure, and i have heard members of the camp and make this point that people already here, people already studied, people working class have their right to access guaranteed. we can't say that now. we have to say that as part of the negotiation sure to take place. >> prime minister, can i join the attributes? if the prime minister agree whatever the disagreements about the european union. i am a party of her in a union that really matters is the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and the serving of the utmost importance that works and stays together. but is it time to make sure your many times in office? >> first of all, let me thank the honorable gentleman and a greeting that keeping the united kingdom together as a not so paramount interest for our country because of the decision made about europe, we need to have exhaustive conversations between officials in whitehall and northern ireland have strong relations with the republic of ireland to keep the benefits of the travel area as the honorable gentleman has always supported one blue team and one day i hope you will support another blue team. there we are. thank you, mr. speaker. members of the single market river for decades, many businesses are deeply embedded in supply chains and customer relationships across the e.u. does the prime minister agree to any future deal with the e.u. must include access to the single market? >> my honorable friend is absolutely right. the term access to the single market has many potential different meanings. obviously, countries outside the e.u. have access to the single market. sumpter trade deal presenter world trade organization rules. the best access is to be a member of the single market and that the country has to decide what the next prime minister will decide is the sort of access we want, what are the costs and benefits of having the access and we'll talk about that in a moment when i give my statement on the european council. >> the prime minister will be aware consulting and staffing unions as we do share the work force and the company has approached the u.k. government to receive support from the u.k. export finance. from the 40 billion pounds on his only received a guarantee to the value of one of his tracks. will he commit to meet with me to discuss this perilous situation and was support his government can provide. >> i'm aware of the announcement about further job losses and this is obviously difficult time for workers in families. i understand the scottish and u.k. governments have been working closely together over the past couple years as part of the partnership action pick my right honorable friend is also keeping a close eye on the situation and i'm happy to arrange a meeting between him to talk about what more can be done. >> statement, the prime minister. thank you, mr. speaker. with permission of that to make a statement on yesterday's european council. this is the first council since britain decided to leave the european union. the decision was expected and we begin discussions about how to ensure a strong relationship between britain and the countries of the european union. before the discussion on britain, a number of other items on the agenda. i migration the council noted the very significant reductions in illegal crossings from turkey to greece as a result of the agreement did with turkey in march but it expressed continued to turn up at the central mediterranean reared and determination to combat people smuggling by bolivia. britain plays a leading role with h. and s. enterprise and i can tell the house today would also be deployed to stop the flow of weapons to terrorists, particularly in libya. i made up, secretary general stoltenberg gave a presentation ahead of the summit and the council agreed to meet for nato in the e.u. to a together in a complementary way to strengthen security. there are important commitments on the digital single market including the e.u. residents will travel to the digital content they purchase or subscribe to at home. the economic situation president of the bank gave a presentation in light of the outcome of our referendum. private-sector forecasts discussed included estimates of a reduction in eurozone growth between .3% 10.5% over the next three years. one of the main explanations as to predict a slowdown in the u.k. economy given our trade with the euro area. president drug he reassured the council the ecb has worked for many months to prepare for insurgency and in the face of volatility, institutions will monitor markets and act as necessary. returning to the main discussions about britain leaving the e.u., the tone of the meeting was one of sadness and regret. there was an agreement the decision of the british people should be respect. we had positive discussions about the relationship we want to see between britain and european partners in the next steps leaving the e.u. including issues that need to be worked through an attachment for trickery and article l. let me say a word about each. we were clear while britain is leaving the european union, we are not turning back from europe and they are not turning backs on us. many counterparts talk warmly about the history and values our country shared in a huge contribution britain has made for peace and progress in europe. the prime minister described how the data helped to secure the independence of the country a century ago. the czech prime minister czech prime minister paid tribute at a home or persecution. many countries of eastern and central europe express the debt of soda bread for standing by us suffered under communism and supporting them as they join the european union. the president talked about the visit he and i will be make you later this week to the battlefields were british and irish soldiers fight and die together for the freedom of our continent and defense of the democracy and values we share. the council was clear as we take toward the agenda of britain leaving the european union, we should want to have the closest possible relationship we can in the future. this should include the strongest possible relationship in terms of trade, corp. and security, something that only becomes more important in the appalling terrorist attack in turkey last night. as i said on monday, customer to implement the will of the british people, we have a fundamental responsibility to bring our country together. we will not tolerate hate crime or any attacks against people in our country because of ethnic origin and i reassure the european leaders concerned about what they heard was happening in britain. we are proud multifaith multiethnic society will stay that way. the next steps leaving the e.u., first a lot of reassurance until britain believes we are a full member. we are entitled to the benefits of membership and full participation until the point at which we believe. we discuss the issues which will need to be worked through. i explained in britain there is great concern about the movement of people and challenges controlling immigration as well as concerns about the issue of sovereignty. explain how these had come together. many european partners were clear that it is impossible to have the benefits of membership without the cost of membership and that is something the next prime minister is going to have to work through very carefully. on the timing of article l, there wasn't a great clamor for britain to trickery to straightaway. while there were one or two voices calling for this, the overwhelming view was that we need to take some time to get this right. everyone wants to see a clear blueprint in terms of what britain thinks is right for future relationship with the e.u. as i explained on monday we are starting to work straight away with which will be led a new permanent secretary, oliver robins picking up but examine options and possibilities setting up costs and benefits of the next prime minister will have all the information they need with which to determine exactly the right approach to take and the right outcome to negotiate. the decisions that followed included the trickery are for the next prime minister in the council understood and was back to back. i don't get the secret i have discussion in brussels frustrating but despite that we can be proud of what we've achieved within a greater focus on job growth, cutting the e.u. budget real terms for the first time, reducing the burden of red tape on business for building common positions on issues of national security such as sanctions to stop iran getting a nuclear weapon, standing up for russian aggression in galvanizing other countries to help with the beat written was taking in dealing with the bullet and sierra leone. we've shown how much more we haven't common with neighbors and allies and friends to share fundamental values. it's a poignant reminder well poignant reminder while we would leave the european union, we must work together for the security and prosperity of people for generations to come and i commend this statement to the house. >> jeremy corbin. thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to thank for the advance copy of the statement and the e.u. council summit. i was very pleased to take a more conciliatory tone in relation to european neighbors and nigel barash did in the european parliament yesterday. as we negotiate our exit, the people rely on a government to facilitate the positive transition as possible. if we are to achieve this, we must proceed in a concert of indecent manner. i look for to join in the prime minister and the commemoration on friday. this right to emphasize the role in negotiating agreement with iran to secure the support for actions that the ebola crisis in sierra leone. i thank the prime minister for that. yesterday the prime minister said at the summit that in order to strengthen the relationship, european leaders would have to offer the u.k. more control over immigration. the threat of losing access to a single market means we'd already see a negative effect on investments in business in this country. on monday, the prime minister said access was impossible. does the prime minister now believe that written can negotiate an unprecedented deal. can he spell out more clearly what further discussions were held in this area. this is an issue in which they made to be an open debate. dare i say an open straight talking debate but absolutely fails much of the referendum campaign. the prime minister's state in the house on monday that article li not be triggered until it accessories in place. i heard fraser said about the views of other leaders at the summit, when does he expect article lii b. triggers so we will know what the negotiating timetable is. as i raced to my response to the prime minister monday, we in the house have a duty to act in the national interest to ensure the best agreement for all of our constituents. as the prime minister feel without the structures in place for the house to debate the alternatives and lead a discussion in our community, there is the risk of leaving britain in a state of paralysis at a time when people need clear answers to concern. what he also appealed to tell us any further thought about the role of default governments in future negotiations with the european union. we see today the first mr. scott in creating her own separate negotiating group has started talks with the e.u. and it appears the minister of gibraltar is doing the same also. what conversations has the prime minister had with the first ministers and scott and anne wilson what legal advice is received on separate negotiations by default administrations and indeed overseas territories. i welcome his commitment and we will continue to play its part in operation sophia. last week's vote to leave the e.u. means this country is currently in an unstable position. the next steps we make we take our most important and must be taken with care. we have a duty not to reshaping rebuild an economy for the future. one that protects social employment rates and builds policies on trade, migration, environmental protection and delivery country in which prosperity we create is shared by all. i urge the prime minister whoever his successor may be that when the economy needs now is a clear ground for investment , not further austerity cuts to public services. that's the chance to put forward yesterday. i also asked the prime minister in his successor when my time to look at the suspension and determination of his mouth even more good fiscal rule. i thank the prime minister for the assurance that same condemnation he gave of recent attacks and abuse wherever they occur in this country and i join him in that. we all need to calm our anchorage and time across all price of this house condemned the arrest of racism within our society. lilly also reiterate absolutely his assurance to european union nationals working here, providing support and health service in so many other services that they are welcome and that they remain welcome for the work and contribution they make? our country is divided so we must heal our division. our economy is fragile so we must begin to rebuild it. our duty is to now move forward in a calm manner to build a new relationship with europe and build it written that works for everyone in every part of this country. >> prime minister. >> me think of right honorable gentleman for his odds in the way he's gone about it. constructive is the correct word. i was pleased that the discussions last night did not get off to a tone of european union countries demanding that set of actions. britain's arguing there is a mature and calm understanding that we need each other. we need this negotiation to proceed well. we need to have a good outcome in our interests. i think it's gotten off on the right foot and i'll do everything i can weather in this job are as a big bench mp to make sure we keep the strong relationships with european partners as for going to need to. on this issue of immigration versus single market, he is right. this is frankly the biggest and most difficult issue to deal with frankly whether you're in the european union as we've been arguing for changes or whether you're out of the european union tried to scare the best possible access to the single market. my answer to the problem was to bring in the welfare restrictions that i negotiated, which were incredibly tough to negotiate. i'm sad this has now fallen away because of the referendum decision. there's no doubt the next government will work hard at this and i personally think that access to the single market and strength of our economy is the single most important issue they have to deal with. on the issue of article l, it's a matter for the next prime minister in a very good reason for that, which is before you go into the tunnel of the article l negotiations which have a two-year time limit from the one to have made the best possible preparations for the blueprint you want to achieve at the end and do hope the other european countries understand that we are shooting for. you said no negotiation without notification. i don't have that excludes discussions of the new prime minister can have with partners or indeed that the institutions that we continue to get up on the right foot and that is the stronger price i would give to them. in terms of the institutions that had deputy first ministers in northern ireland, continue to do so. i want my voice voices to be heard loud and clear. this is a u.k. decision made by the united kingdom government and united kingdom parliament and it has to be done in that way. i'm what he said about racism, we should all reiterate statements lead reiterate statements we've made to e.u. nationals here. thank them for their contribution, say the rates are guaranteed in the e.u. would work even harder i am sure for all contenders in the conservative leadership campaign and make clear that they want to safeguard the rights of people who work here instead to hear from the european union for the future. finally, what he says about the fiscal rule, does fail like a stuck record. whatever the problem, whatever the issue come the dancers were fired, more spending, more taxes and more debt. you don't get investment in the stew of economics ability and you don't have economic stability if you don't have a plan dealing with your debts and deficits. this has been proved the world over 30 favorite countries like venezuela. i would argue not to go down that route. >> sir william cash. thank you, mr. speaker. my right honorable friend quite rightly has referred to trading corporation with the european union. we've always argued from the side. when my friend give us some further talking about very precise blueprints and is also talking about alternative models. will he give us an absolute assurance that in charge models are blueprints will be exclusively based on the assumption that we are repealing the european act of 1972. >> they are leaving the european union, so surely that must be the case. i have not seen there are only four or five blueprints and britain has to follow any one of those. obviously we can try and amend blueprints and have norway plastered our a- or a better trade deals and canada. i think what is important for colleagues in the house to understand is there are fundamental questions about whether you want full access with a single market and the price he might have to pay a return to that or whether you're satisfied to have lasted all access another compensating advantages. the more we can attach facts and figures, the more people can make an informed choice. thank you, mr. speaker. since the prime minister has returned from brussels for the first time in 40 years, member states and the rest of the e.u. are still there discussing the future of europe. by the prime minister not a brussels, scotland's first tourist in brussels. his comeback to protect scotland's interest in europe in reserve our places in europe. she's not what the president of the european commission and the president of the european parliament. also meeting with one of the key european negotiators on the prime minister of belgium. the first minister is also spoken and will be meeting of diplomats from other e.u. member states. nicola sturgeon as soon as a mandate from the scottish parliament including the labor party, but both democrats and the scottish green party. an expert group has been established with nice protecting their place in europe including imminent diplomat, economist and constitutional experts. these include the european court of justice, former british ambassador to nato, former economic adviser to the european commission and the under secretary of the commonwealth office. all of us need to work through for ways to protect the relationship at the european union. our place in the single market and the social employment and economic benefits that come from that. as the prime minister, mr. speaker, whether the prime minister race accounts of menace areas. did he even raised scotland at the council of ministers? did he say scott wants to stay in the european union? did he say that gibraltar wants to stay in the european union? did he say that london wants to protect its important position in europe? when are we going to get some leadership on this from the u.k. government or is he just going to stand by and watch england leave the european union and england declared independence from the rest of the united kingdom. >> yes, there is a meeting of the 27 other members of the european union this morning that that was always going to happen if we were going to make decision to leave because as we must prepare a negotiating position, they want to prepare their spirit of the thing is that caught off on a very reasonable, fair and constructive basis. what i featured the right honorable gentleman, i'm glad the first minister of scotland is having these meetings. it's always useful to meet and talk with european counterparts. at the end of the day, the best way we secure the best possible access for scotland in the single market is for the united kingdom to negotiate as hard as they can as one and answer very specific questions about whether i talked about how that last night. yes, i did. talked about this parliament, scotland. the way we manage to last nights meeting, we took a bit of a cue from what happens in this house as i sat out what i call the result of the referendum was and why. i set out what i blueprints and united kingdom seems would be. i explain how different parts of the united kingdom voted adult 27 other members of. at the end of the dinner, i answered all their questions than i do in this house when mr. speaker as fully as sacred. a little bit of british parliamentary practice was introduced and it's a good way of doing things. >> very good for the european council as well. ..

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