Transcripts For CSPAN2 Panel Discussion On Political Parties

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Panel Discussion On Political Parties And Elections 20161222

rights war naacp and ongoing struggle for justice. which supreme court ruling do you think had the most significant impact on the ability of african-americans to vote? >> i think the very first one, wynn versus united states who struck down the grandfather clause and the reason why is because the grandfather clause was something on its face basically said if your grandfather couldn't vote, you couldn't vote. however, it was the very first voting rights case brought by the naacp before the u.s. supreme court and it was their first victory and spurred them on to realize that the right to vote should be up there with criminal justice issues and economic issues and housing and the very first case so you see that the n achlt achlt krchaacpt 1915 case and to the last few months naacp is still fighting voting rights cases and the one that got them on the path and so important to law the foundation for future voting rights for african-americans. >> historic past past and you were able to vote for the candidate of choice. it was because they thought this person represented their ideals up until the barack obama administration. what are some of the challenges voters face a. given the time in the democratic primary one ratio has been there the entire time. that was something pivotal to undermining and 18 hundreds and 19 hundreds and now the election of 2016 so many people because they have a convention or think they can't vote speech of all citizens have the ability to vote? >> i think that it's to understand if we want to be the exceptional people we claim we talk about american exceptionalism but right now we are unlike any other country in some ways which democracy and other countries so we have to really want everyone to vote. it's exercise that right to vote and the other part of this is going to the future we are looking at a nation that is going to be the majority minority. people of color in the voting booth and are we going to be so fearful in the apartheid state where people actually control the voters of color it's going to be an interesting future and power and i want all voters to exercise their power. they don't want to be part of the system because they don't want to be cheated is well everybody to the international spy museum, im the former historiai am the formerhistorial

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