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Other urban societies or whatnot. Also, what are the differences between the indians versus all americans, what would you say the is the vantage of us the other way. One question i get a lot, i dont know what if this is one thing you want to know is why dont they leave . Thats kind of the heart of this question and i think there are several reasons behind that. First is that we naturally i think we grow up in a place and its home and we know it is home. And i think thats maybe more the case on some of these reservations because theres such an extreme sense of isolation. Some of these reservations, you fly to rapid city south dakota and drive 100 miles. Theres nothing around, your gps doesnt work, your cell phone might not work and i think unlike, this is one of the things i was noticing because ive done a lot of research on families who live in inner cities. One of the differences between rural andurban poverty i think , in an urban setting in the south bronx for instance, chances are if you are a child, you see people in middle class who get on the subway every day and go to jobs. If you are living on pine ridge reservation, you may not have anyone in your immediate family with any kind of employment. You may not have anyone in your immediate family who is not, has a problem with drug or alcohol use, you may not have anybody who has a high school education. There are all of these aspects of life seem normal to most middle school americans that would seem like life on another planet to some of the People Living in these communities so i think the isolation is definitely one part of it. In terms of the advantages, i think its not as if the People Living on these reservations would immediately say moved to rapid city and find themselves rolling in dough. It still would be, even if you have the wherewithal to leave the reservation, you would still be for instance coming at it with an inferior education so you would be trying to get yourself into a workforce and obviously there be more opportunities for employment but you may not be very qualified for any of those opportunities because of disadvantages you had up until that point. In terms of what rights, thats an interesting question. There are Many Americans who dont realize, americans are american citizens. That is a fundamental thing that when i go around talking to audiences, i think some of the talk that you hear about sovereignty actually has this impact on its audience where they think weight, are you like a citizen of another country . Are you part of the United States . American citizens are american citizens so they could have all these rights. In fact, when you look at it and i didnt get into this too much, because it was supposed to be about economics but the book gets into all these questions about what the actual rights are that they are being denied so for instance, freedom on the press of these reservations is severely restricted. If the tribe does not like what the local newspaper has written about some tribal law that has been passed or what they said about tribal legislators, they will ban or could ban the newspaper from being sold anywhere on the reservation. There have been, and there was just a Supreme Court case this year about the rights of people in the trial courts and there is a question about whether you have been granted due process in tribal court. The association for defense lawyers in the United States have actually written several letters to congress complaining that people who have been accused in certain kinds of cases have not been granted to the right to a lawyer, or a speedy trial. All these things we take for granted and the rest of the courts in the United States as aresident of an indian territory , you might be denied. I think the biggest question, im sorry to go on so long with the answer but one of the biggest questions about the right thing being denied the indians has to do with the indian Child Welfare act that maybe youre familiar with which gives a tribe a say in custodial battles over children so in cases of divorce, in cases of the death of a parent, even in cases where an indian woman might get pregnant and she might want to give her child up for adoption to another family, a tribe will come in and say if you are a child who has a drop of indian blood essentially in you, the tribe could say no, we dont think you should be raised by white family members. We dont think that a pregnant mother should be able to give up her child for adoption to a white family. A lot of these decisions are being made for indian children than they are for children of any other race. Theyre not being, the cases are not being decided in the best interests of the child which of course is the standard for any other case, there being decided on what are the best interest of the tribe. Those are some of the fights i think are really being, aside from the economic rights, the economic freedom, those are some of the rights that american citizens have that a lot of American Indians unfortunately do not watch this and other programs online at booktv. Org. Cspan where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by American Television companies and is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. Now on book tv, author and political commentator nick adams on indepth. Mister adams is the author of several books including the american boomerang, retaking america in his most recent, green card warrior. For and raised in australia, hes the founder of the foundation for liberty and american greatness, an organization dedicated to promoting american exceptionalism. Nick adams, in your most recent book green card warrior you wrote by the time i was 25 i realized i was an american trapped in an australians body. Thats exactly right peter, i really was and im thrilled to be here in the United States of america. Ive been living here now as a permanent resident for the last seven months in about 4 and a half years time im going to become a citizen of the United States of america and a journey that really

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