Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160909 :

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160909

in the community, are you seeing more registration on that end that maybe you as ncla, and the community from those kind of groups and would those increases be happening there? and can you be more specific when you talk about weaker investment? are we talking -- how much money don't you have? how much money isn't the community getting now that was getting before? how many millions is not there? and is that -- did that money evaporate or go to other groups and are they in the community? >> provocative questions for the end. all right. the koch brothers. so, look, it's a free world. right? folks should be courting the latino community itch think there's been investments on that end and libra is trying to educate latino busy a conservative agenda, and that's fine. in terms of how many voter registration is they've done issue don't know because i don't know what their numbers are. but to me, it's -- we are not afraid about having a debate over ideas. that's fine. and we have had libra at our conference a couple year othersing and there was very, very live live debate from folks in the the audience about some of the positions and some of the rhetoric that libra advances and that's fine. we're a diverse community. so people should hear all of the different ideas and make their decisions. so we're not afraid of that. i think that on the investment side, the issue is -- i'll give you a number. in 2012 i think our voter registration and mobilization campaign was around $7 million, and again, not necessarily commensurate with the size of the gap you're trying to close. that's just for us. we can talk about their numbers. this year we were able to raise less than a million and a half to do the work that we needed to do, even though we have the capacity to do much more. the expertise and the track record to do it. >> thank you. that's going to -- we'll wrap it up there. thank you, ladies and thank you to ncrl and janet for hosting this event. thank you for being with us. we have lunch in the back, please help yourself. television will be happy to have all the speakers over there by the step to do one-on-one interviews and thank you again for attending and as the head of communications here, i will be in touch with you through the rest of the year. >> it will -- [inaudible conversations] >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans and independents. >> we're going to win if the education. we're going to win if the the second amendment. we're going to win. >> ahead, live coverage of the presidential and vice presidential debates on c-span. the c-span radio app and monday, september 26th is the first presidential debate, live from hofstra university in new york. then on tuesday, october 4th, vice presidential candidates, governor mike spence and senator tim kaine debate at longwood university in virginia. and on sunday-october 9th. washington university in st. louis hosts the second presidential debate. leaving up to the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump, taking place at the university of nevada las vegas on act 19th. live coverage of the presidential vice presidential debates on c-span. listen live on the free c-span radio app. or watch live or anytime on demand at >> u.s. officials are expanding their investigation into the hacking of state election systems. we'll hear from the heads of the cia and the fbi next on c-span 2. then republican congressmen greg walden talks about the g.o.p.'s house other lex strategy. later, discussion on the latino vote and the 2016 campaign. washington down, friday morning, congressman tom reed will talk about this endorsement of donald trump and the statements the congressman has made on the record saying mr. trump needs to be ryneed -- reined in and then gregory meeks will talk about the latest campaign developments including donald trump and hillary clinton outreach efforts to african-americans and other minority voters as well as immigration and the congressional agenda leading up to the november election. be sure to watch c-span's washington journal live at 7:00 a.m. eastern friday morning. join the discussion. >> fbi director james comey and cia director john brennan were part of a forum on the challenges facing the intelligence community. they spoke about the recent cyber hack of the democratic national committee's commuters. the intelligence at national security alliance hosted this event. [applause] >> okay. so here we are, last panel of the summit. i could say arguably the best but then we've had several other very, very good panels but i think this is going to be a very informative panel. to introduce the panel of the big six directors, join me in welcoming former president and current.of nsp and good friend, allen mccarthy. >> i am really nervous. this is incredible. when i was at -- so great job. so good afternoon, i'm ellen mccarthy the president -- november obvious is a nonprofit research corporation that provides scientific research and engineering with clients in the federal, state and private secretariesors, including the u.s. intelligence commute ear. we're proud to be a premiere sponsor of this summit today. the subject today is the state of national security. thank you again for pulling together all six directors, which i why i'm a little nervous, on stage to share their thoughts on the state of the world or anything else we want to ask you. he. we're fonda to have with is john brennan, the director of nga, robert rahr del low, the director of nsa, mike rogers and the director of nro bete zap, the director of fbi, mr. james comey. and joining us today as our moderator, eric schmitt. and please join me in welcoming this incredibly stellar group today. >> thank you for those introductions and i also want to think you for arranging this event. very difficult to get six of these directors up and i couldn't think of a better time, with all the things going on in the world, in terms of national security and intelligence matters, both foreign and domestic, and of course, all in the midst of a presidential campaign that you may have noticed is going on right now. the way we'll work this afternoon is each of the directors will have two to three minutes to speak briefly about the challenges their agency is facing, then we'll open it up to a discussion among the six -- the seven of us for about half an hour or so and then we'll turn to your questions to wrap up this panel. so, we'll start with on my left, director comey. >> great. thank you, eric, great to be back up here with my colleagues. have six more offer these to do maybe seven. i'm counting on all of them to be here for each of them. i thought i would just use my two minutes to frame the challenges and opportunities the bureau faces through the lens of vision statement we just rewrote for the organization to make it shorter and to capture some of our challenges and students. our vision statement for the next five years is to be ahead of the threat, through leadership, agility and integration. what we mean by ahead of the threat is constantly be asking ourselves how are the threats we're working together evolving first, and constantly asking ourselves what are the things we're not working today that are coming at us and the way we can do that is through exercising better leadership inside the organization and outside, and to the last two pieces which are agility and integration, which i think are illustrated well by the challenge we as a group have had in confronting the so-called islamic state. that threat emerged jest as i was becoming director in september of 2013, we have had had to refocus ourselves as an organization and get much better at working together across boundary lines in the u.s. government but maybe even more than that, across country lines with our counterparts. the isil threat is coming at is digitally, and it's coming at news human form worldwide. at the same time we're facing the problem we all call going dark, which is harder for us with lawful authority to see the threat and understand its. one way we're trying to respond to that darkness is get much better that using human intelligence, using sources and undercovers, and that requires not just these six agencies to work well together but to do that with all of our counterparts. and so we are trying to be much more integrateed within just gov and across boundaries so we divide up the work, don't just do traditional deconfliction but decide the priority, who will focus on which actor and share that information we gain with each other so that we can better confront worldwide threat. we think that's a way of staying ahead of the threat through being more agile and integrating which is our emphasis. i'll slop. >> director brennan. >> it's great to be back here at this event. jim used the word is think most of us use when we talk about agility, integration, b make sure we can respond to challenges of today and in lightning speed fashion. the world has changed appreciably, significantsly, since started the career in 1980 in terms of adversaries we face, the diversity of the threats, the world stage, how it has changed over the course of the last 36 years or so. but on the technological front i think that's where we obtain most of that revolution take place in termites how it as factoid day-to-day lives. the fact we have digital domain that dominates our daily activities and it is fundmentally changed how the intelligence, law enforcement, security services, are able to operate in a much more challenging environment dealing with technologies we face, that's why a number of us are involved in some transformation wall activities throughout our organizations so we can adapt to a new operating environment and make sure that we're able to leverage as effectively and efficiently as possible, all of the capabilities and all of the tools and expertise, all of the opportunities we have so that we're able to bring those capabilities to bear very quickly. and that's why i think what we're all doing is, in the case of the cia, trying to make sure that the next 69 years of our history are going to be as accomplished as the past 69 years in making sure you're ready to deal with the challenges that lie ahead of us and that requires so new approaches, new practices and new thinking in terms of how we're going to certainly in the cia's case be able to fulfill or responsibilities and operate in a broad and clandestine man sore we can provide what we can to help our national security. >> thank you. >> thanks to you for taking time fromyear busy lives. hard to believe it's been a year since we were here. as you heard from john and jim, you'll hear some very common themes. to for the national security agency, ace welcome world around us the challenge wes face, similar to my teammates on the stage choose, you continue to generate meaningful insight in a world in which the a little to do that becomes more difficult. not impossible but more challenges and challenges your work force and your capabilities. much of the underlying technology and the digital world changes at an incredible pace and we have to be capable of working at that rate of change, so that's a great challenge in terms of leadership. how to create a work force that is optimized not just for the challenges of today but the challenges two years from now, five years from it. that has led us at nsa to fundamentally step back, ask ourselves how -- in foreign intelligence missions and information assurance positions, trying to generate insight, how are we going to stay ahead of the problem set. so we have come to the conclusion we need to fundamental hill reassess ourselves. so even at the same time we have this incredible growth mission with an incredible set of challenges to maintain the levels of insight, the work forcing trying to go threw level of change good and we're all trying to do this in an environment in which the resource base is level or decline so all.prioritization for all of us, how we team much more. the three touchstones of the view of the future threats, is about people, integration and innovation. and we have got to get increased able in all -- and capability in all three of those areas and that's what wore focused on in nsa 21 we started the journey a week ago today. on the 31st of august. imenergizeed by the opportunity that presents. i acknowledge change is never easy so there's always turbulence and challenges in doing that. >> mr. stewart. >> thank you, everyone, for being here. it has been a little over three years since dia embarked on its integrated intelligence center. so the challenge no longer is how do be integrate collectors and our analysts, all othursday sops intelligence, that's a done deal at this point. and i can tell you stories about how this unfolded or how we executed operations at the -- during the coup attempt in turkey which showed exactly how the analysts, collectors and all sources of intelligence came together to give us insights into what was going on. but what really sold it to me that we were past the discussion about integration was when the analysts started asking questions like how did we do this before we had an integrated center so that was the ah-ha moment for us. we were well past the discussion about integration. i can't do what i do without the inputs from all the folks here on this stage. the challenge going forward, think, is how do i deliver content to our consumers? how do i deliver content in a real dynamic, integrated way, that makes sense and helps make decisions. sometimes defined the common intel picture. i'm not sure that's the correct term for it. so we claim the term, user defined intelligence picture itch want to bring all the layers of data from all the different entities, put them in one place, make sense of it, help our analysts make good judgments because you we have the data aggregated and then deliver content at the speed of the network, at the speed of the way the world is changing, and to me that's the next great leap. because the way we produce things, the hard copy production of materials, that is delivered a day late, two weeks out, just isn't going to get it the way the world is changing today. so the dynamic delivery of content that's built upon layers of data, that's wrapped around judgments by analysts, i think is the next big step and i'll stop there thanks. >> director. >> my colleagues have raised -- the in-roads known for building the best in space-based collection systems and we spend a lot of time -- we do our own research and development in making sure the systems stay ahead of targets and threats in terms of capability, but recently with been much more focused on ground, and make sure we have the ground capability, and that's to make full use of those space systems we have built and launched. and that means ground systems that can learn and operate at the speed of cyber. not as the speed of human beings making decisions. and that's a big change for us that's a huge change for the community in terms of the way we task and too our business. and there are not only systems that learn and think, but they are systems that can integrate across intelligence disciplines and across domain, between, say, for example, space and air. so that's been a big change for us. the other change for us is watching -- paying attention to resilience across our space and background, architecture. i'll mention what mikes and others have mentioned. we have the people who are the best at what they do, from r & d to development, operations and maintenance, and you talk roe & d, in keeping up with the tarrings and the threats, our folks take great pride in doing from space what people don't think is fob possible to do anyplace. and they not only take pride in that but they deliver it over and over again. thought about that in the strength of my team, and when we did our 9/11 commemoration this morning. folks in the the audience second lieutenants, first lieutenants, who were probably only seven, eight years old, when 9/11 helped and they're so focused on mission today, because even though they were very young when that event happen, they're very focused on making sure it doesn't happen again, so i'll stop there. >> just take everything everyone just said. look, happy to be back. great -- we should do this more often. thank you all -- i have the privilege of directing a very young agency in that we're about to celebrate or 20th year so two fbi directors worth, okay? and a very old profession. and a storied one at that and so the challenge and the opportunity we have is because our discipline, our team, we don't show well alone. we shine when we partner with the teammates here and whether it's jim and his field office in minneapolis, and us connecting our assessments of a somalian refugee flow, or an influx and whatnot and making sure that handover happens, couldn't be proud-under over our imbeds with john at langley doing very sense stiff operations around the world. mike talk about the challenge of going from the cyber domain to digital domain. i like to take it to the logical and physical and eventually geographic domain to try to share and contextualize. vince mentioned the user definedded intel picture. we are the frame to have that understanding in that view, and so we contextualize and illuminate and hopefully amplify as things come together on top of that and betty and i are off together and jointly working with y'all to do the kinds of things betty just explained, because when i was in this business it was with a nice cozy monopoly and we have had very high walls around us and life was relatively simple. very dangerous but relatively simple. now, as has just been explain, the whole worths has changed. the upside of that is this room and us leveraging the talent in the room to make the biggest difference. i'll stop there. -- whether it's coming from criminal networks, governments or other entities, and director comey, we heard yesterday from the defense secretary ash carter speak agent oxford, warning the russians no tot meddle in, quote, our democratic processes. so far the u.s. government has not publicly named russia as a prime suspect in the dnc hack and related cases, even though many in the private sector pointed to strong evidence that the attack began with two competing russian intelligence services. so even if you're not prepared to attribute the attack to russia, can you tell us do you aggrieve with secretary carter there is a significant risk or even an operative plan to effect the american electoral results? >> i'll continue to the streak of not talking about that except in this respect. it's something that we, as a government, and i hope as a people, and i know we do as an fbi, take very seriously the notion that a nation state actor is messing with our electoral process, whether that's to disrupt to influence to show discord to create doubt, and so the fbi's job is to work very hard to understand whether that's going on and what are all the dimension so is we can equip our policymakers and the president with the information needed to decide what to do about it, and so i'm not going to comment on the work we're doing now except we're working very hard on it to try to understand if there is such a thing and what are the dimensions of it, and what are the intentions and motivations and tools they use, but for ropeses i hope you understand i'm. no going to talk about a pending matter. >> as far as you know, have the state election systems been tested to see how they would hold up to so much an intruder or skills of a foreign state? >> i'm not an expert in general but especially with respect to those systems, my understanding is that we have in a way a wonderfully resilient, because it is incredibly disseparate and dispersed and run at the state local level, system for voter registration for voting, and i know that the fbi and the dhs have been making sheer sure we're equipping our state and local partners with the information they need to make sure that the lock is thrown and the dead bolt is thrown on their systems. don't want to say more than that >> is it a state function, the responsibility to do this? >> it's a state function. our constitution commits to the states the running of our elects even for federal office, but there is an important roll to play for the federal government, first for those who may have indicators of compromise to share those with state and locals, whether in the election sector, the financial sector or some another path our country, and an important role for dhs to play in using their expertise to equip folk's how to make sure the door looks are on and the dead pot is thrown. >> you have dressed this as the sessions in as spend do you agree with secretary carter in terms of the danger posed by some foreign entity, perhaps russia in medsling in the democratic process. >> i think i said at as spend the fbi has investigative responsibility for this and has jim comey mentioned, that is ongoing. we as an intelligence agency are trying to make sure we understand what the capables are, what the potential is, in terms of any foreign actors that might try to exploit and manipulate our systems here at home so this is one of the things we are continuing to work with our partners, making sure that fbi and homeland security and others learn what it is that we learn so it will help them as they fulfill their responsibilities. >> are you surprised by the breadth of some of these measures we're seeing, some of the apparent hacking attempts. >> i think all of us on the stage have talk about the concerns we have about that digital environment, that cyber environment, being summited by adversaries, hackers, individuals who are going to try to get into systems and networks, some you who are going after usth it because they wore fork nation states and others because they're trying to steal copy rights, individuals trying to get in to disable for destroy just to see whether or not they can do and it this is one of the thing wes all have to emphasize, the important of working as a nation to make sure that we have the ability to protect our systems, our networks, from these types of intrusions and efforts to destroy. >> i should probably add as we're talking about thicks often times people lump together our internet connected voter registration systems around the country and our voting systems. the beauty of the american voting system is that it is dispersed among the 50 states and clunky as heck. it's not exactly a swift part of the internet so it's hard an actor to reach our voting processes and i'm sure there's curses in that, but there's a blessing in terms of reduce thing risk of a hostile actor being able to touch the voting process in the. >> be tampering with voter registration lists to influencing -- >> the actual vote counting in this country tends to be kind of clunky, and in way, that's a blessing because it makes is more resilient and farther away from an actor who might be looking to contractual down a fiberoptic cable, and it's some woman nailed sally and joe and the pull out the punch cards and that's hard to reach. >> the chads hanging there. >> right, right. there's a lot of pain there but there's a lot of beauty. >> people often said that the most important thing is to establish a high cost for anyone who launches cyber attacks against the u.s. has china, for instance, paid a high price for the op espionage? has russia paid a price for the theft of white house and e-mails and have they paid a price, might we not be talk about the dnc hack. >> guest: if your look at china we have been able to conclude a dialogue between the two nations which led to an agreement which came out since the two presidents met here in was in which an grandma on a broad cyber framework, things that would do not be done. that's positive develop. still continues to be a lot of ongoing dialogue at a nation state level how to get to a place where the concepts of deterrence and idea of behavior, what is acceptable and not acceptable are better snood and readily adopted. the reason i texas i don't think any of us are comfortable with the current situation and the thing -- >> the current situation? >> in terms of the level of cyber activity, the kinds of activity we're seeing in our nation, the kinds of activity we're witnessing elsewhere. the thing i keep trying to ask myself is so what is it that could helpmentally chang the dynamic -- change the dynamic and shape where we are now. many have come to the conclusion there is not a significant price to pay for aggressive actions and i don't think that is in our best long-term. >> help us inside why that's a continuey towing around the russia effort. clapper quoted the presidenting a says, the experts have attributed this dnc hack to russians and add the rescue hack our systems all the time, not just government but corporate and personal systems. the "new york times" reported intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that the russians are behind this. would you dispute that -- >> i dispute "the new york times"? >> it's not just been reported in "the new york times." it's been reported in many media outlets. this is the view of the ic. the president seems to be signaling this through, saying this is what the private experts are saying. >> i would remind people this is a much broader policy dialogue. we're intelligence professionals would nor policy professionals. we attempt to generate insight to characterize activity that helps inform the policymaking process so our political leaders can make -- and our military commanders can make smarter decisions. what you have seen is there's not a one-size-fits all. where we are today, there's no one sites all approach to this. so we look at every situation on the basis of the particular merits, the objectives and the actors involved and we make a case-by-case decision. which is one reason why you saw what we did in response to the sony hack is very differently than others since then. >> and we want to make sure that as we're trying to figure another what is going on that a nation state doesn't know what we know. they may not believe "the new york times." they may not know whether united states you've got is right or not and we are not willing to confirm that. >> i'll pitch to another area. counterterrorism. and general stewart, want it to talk to you. this is an area where ate least own ground there have been some very tangible¢s in the fight against -- tangible successes in the fight against the islamic city, the shrinking of territory they control in iraq and syria has been drama. even affiliates in like bra and nigeria and afghanistan -- liberia and nigeria and naves taking hits put you said that taking mosul is an extensive operation and not something i see in the next year or so. do you stand with the timeline now and if so why not. >> we're cooking up to about that year when if made that statement. the conditions were not set to take mosul. the forces that were necessary to take mosul were not able to do that. i think we're getting close. we pushed isil out of a good bit of the territory and now starting to isolate mosul. i would imagine that the operation will unfold sometime in the next two or three months. but it is not an easy operation. urban war fighting is not easy dismiss -- and this is a large city that has had two years to prepare to defend its position. so, it is not going to be an easy fight. going to be a multidimensional fight and fought at various levels and if ans a very stare is willing to stand and fight in an urban environment and you're at least limited to fighting -- the casualties you can impose it is going to be a long and difficult battle as it unfolds. >> some are saying we might even see the main offensive against mosul start by the end of this year. is there in kind of a counter-intough tut naught da jane in succeeding too quickly on the ground before, say, the next follow-on element 0 government of governor of governance and humanitarian effort. >> absolutely. it is always -- let me rephrase. we have done fairly well in winning the battles. not always done well in winning the wars because we have not had the things in place to rebuild and create conditions for success after the fighting has end. so, yes, we could in fact execute operations, be successful, and not win the --y, are you worried that iraqis and other partners helping. the will not be prepared once there is success in mosul in the coming months? >> yes. >> director brennan, in an interview in the most current issue of the west point's combating terrorism center's publication, you said of the remaining foreterrorist fighter in iraq and syria that, quote,ing to the not killed in the fighting will present a challenge for our governments for years to come. what did you mean by that? and what does isil minus its caliphate? if it's shorn of its state, as what form does it take and how dangerous does it remain, for how long? >> i think it will remain a presence in iraq for quite a while to come, even with the battlefield reverses it has suffered, and i agree that we are going to continue to see this momentum and most of the territory will be taken away from isil. but we still have al qaeda in iraq, which is where isil came from. was able to be reduced significantly down to several hundreds and they were able on the re-eemerging. so i do think this phenomenon of isil, whether we're talking about in syria and iraq or the other countries where the franchises have cropped up are going continue to be a problem for the local governments because they're going to go into a number of areas where the government doesn't have control or is able to project force. but you also have foreign fighters that have come into the theater that will either stay and fight and die trying, or they will try to return to their home countries. now, some of them may be rehabilitated and some of them may see they were on the wrong path, but i do think a number of them are going to remain a challenge for the united states as well as for other governments, for a number of years to come. >> what's the ability of governments whether in europe or north frequent to track returnees? >> i think the european countries are doing a better job of the past year or so, and in light of the tragic attacks in paris and belgium and other areas, it's tough for the european union of 28 countries, with 28 different legal systems and over 50 or so security law enforcement and intelligence agencies to interability and to have an architecture both from an it perfect and from a mission perspective but i must say they have demonstratessed a strong willingness to do that and increasing ability to do it. i think the key is going to be having a an international architecture and as jim was eludeesing, to in in the united statesey node to heather stayed and local arctic tour and international architecture responsible for tracking individuals, either intelligence or security 0 responsible for borders to share the information and be able to act upon intelligence, and that's the key, intelligence is not an end in itself. itself is an enabler. i do see that there is increasing capability among these different governmentsed we're working with but it is very mixed in tomorrows of the capables as well as the progress that they're able to make. >> director comey, the last one on terrorism. wanted to did what you believe the impact of this military success in lands far away, iraq and syria, will have here in the homeland? should we expect to see more isil inspired domestic strikes like in san bernardino or orlando and that's the fbi doing along with domestic partners to prevent that? >> i agree very much with john the threat i believe will dominate the next five years for the fbi will be the impact of the crushing of the caliphate, which will happen, but through the fingers fingers of that crue going to come hundreds of hardened killers who are not going to die on the battlefield and will flow out maybe to other places of met metastasizes sis a fuming number will flow to eastern europe and being quid for those, the paris, brussels type attackers, flooding into western europe and trying to take the fight their maintain isil's cred in the local jihad world with dominate our lives and helping our european parter ins share information better among. thes and with us is critical. at the same time i think isil will start to lose its ability to attract travelers because the caliphate will be crushed and i think to produce the slick kind of propaganda that allows them to motivate screwed up people to engage in acts of violence but that's going to stay with is. at the same time we're facing this going dark fem you we can -- phenomenon where we cannot see these people and the way they're communicating. so working very hard to get our people, whether sources or undercovers in places where they can see the communications of either those radicalizing in place or those talking about looking to bring the fight here. >> why 0 into the slick propaganda efforts by reduces. >> it require facilities and people and some oater of bureaucracy and at your geography shrink, their media machine will gradually be degrades of the next few years. >> director snap and car dill low i didn't mean to leave you out. your agencies don't get as much attention that's should i want to pivot the -- as we have a new argues, what you're organizations are doing, thinking about the challenge, where you have a formal transition team in place. telephone us about, in more detail than in our opening summaries how your organizations are adapting to these shifting threats we have just talked a little bit about here in the first few minuteses and what if any types of changes, reorganizations that your organizations are going through now as we have said we're right on the eve of the 15th 15th anniversary of 9/11 and kind of to assess what is working and what is not working in your real. >> i'll start. we have always responsibility lot of time trying to kind pace with targeted and threats the big change is what we see in space threats and we have meat a lot of progress over the last several years with that focus on space resilience and we would certainly hope that focus -- it's ban focus of the white house -- is a focus for the next administration as well. we're performing our responsibilities quite well. we're doing very well in r & d and in acquisition. we're not re-organizing like some of my colleagues are. i think we're well structured an an organization to move forward in the area wes need move forward in. >> as one of the agency directors who doesn't have a tv show or movie or something like that, you're right, we do spend more time either reintroducing -- can be a good thing, the. we spend more time either introducer reintroducing our capability and if i can build whan what life was like in our closed environment and what it need to be in the demanding, agile jeremy that has been discussed here today, i see the opportunity of transition being just that. so, where you could redefine, i'll say, the value proposition in a way that might be hindered by the past, and i mean that in a good way. this success of the past can sometimes keep you from making the next innovation. i'll go back to the audience and say that sometimes perhaps -- this is why betty and i are working close toward -- we may not have been as open the commercial application as we had been in the past or the commercial solution or the academic engage independent a way i know we are now. so i see those opportunities coming. quite frankly issue think it's the necessity of the mission that's going to drive us forward. there's demand signal and, let's face it, adversary signal that commands we make these changes. so i see the transition as nothing but an opportunity. >> this is an important topic so i want to go down the road here starting with general stewart, if you can touch on this for your organizations as well. people who are watching, listening to this today, are think can about what the leadership of your agencies are thinking about no just in the next 12 months, transition into a inside administration but the come can decades. >> i talk about the great challenges. we all know the great challenges. can talk about the shrinking budget. we all know about that ump if i could give maybe two things i would love to know from the next administration, first thing is, a bit of advice. be ready nor world as it,-not the way you's like it to be. it is -- while you may be aspirational in what you's like the world and how we enter act as powers -- interact as powers we're in a state now, and you have to be ready to deal with that state. >> so putin says you're a good guy you have to be wary of that? >> he said i'm a good guy. but suppose you said that about others but i try not to follow it. but be ready for the world as it is. and then help me understand what most important for the next administration. if it's all about daesh, that's fine. we can re-organize for daesh, but there oar threats and challenges in the the world. and help me understand what the most important parts-and then stick with those priorities. make the big things the main things the main things things tt distracted and i can organize our agency to immediate the requirements so a long as i understand the needs and where our interests lies and ready to deal the world as it is, not the way i'd like to it be. >> general rogers, as you talk about your agency could you also address the issue of the proposal separate the nsa job from cybercome? that will be a decision before you leave or this administration leaves. >> as we look to hurt for me, what i want to understand from the incoming team is tell me what your expectations are, what your priorities are, what you value ex-insayings you're countering on to generate and help inform your policies and priorities. >> what i would want to attempt to convey to them is, the rate of change for all of us is so high these days, is new people come back in the government with a new team you can't assume because it was this way when is was last in government, it's the same way it is now. so one of my desires would be let me walk you through what our strengths and capables are and where you can have strong expectations and where you need to be more realistic, give you a sense for the challenges see in coming in terms of ability to generate insights you're look path and you feel you need to meet the priorities, in terms of the basic struck fewer for us right now. i'm both the commander of the cyber command, and i'm also the director of the nsa, the intelligence leader, running a large intelligence organization, and i've been very public about things. believe in the long run the right thing is to keep these two aligned but to separate them. as cyber chant obtain more capacity and ability, the demand on signber command's time and resources and capability just continues to grow. you've need two people full-time folk cussed but need to keep these closely assigned. >> will that happen before the administration closes shop? >> don't know. that's up to them. >> director brennan you have been through one transition before. what is going on at the cia that you want people no know about internally? >> well, we're aware there's a presidential eplex in november. -- presidential election in november. >> good intelligence. >> that's the plan. and we are preparing, as we have done previous administrational changes. we have set up a president presidential transition office so we have the materials and briefings ready for the incoming team where we can tell them what our capabilities capabilities ad analysis, clandestine collection, covert actions and lee anson relationships making sure the incoming administration knows.exactly what we're doing, what they're inheriting. but the other area that i am very concerned about is also is going to be a transition at the helm of the intelligence community. director of national intelligence, jim clapper, who i think all of us agree is the epitome of what a director of national intelligence should be. he is an icon within the intelligence community and his intended departure i think is one that i think concerns us all because he has been master philadelphia in terms his orchestration and secrettization of the community, and having the support we need and at the same time allowing to us carry out or statutory responsibilities. to jim clapper's departure is one that something that is concerning to me, but the same type of presentation to the new administration, doing that to the new director of national intelligence so he think forward what we need to be able continue to do to keep the country state. >> well you stay on. >> i have a daily contract with this president and the next president and my wife. >> in that order? >> that's a good point. my wife, the president, the next president. i have the best job in the world, and bar none. this is truly a tremendous honor. somebody who started his professional life at the cia to have the honor of being referred these director of cia, i can't think of a better job. so this is my last job in government, which is a rather liberating feeling know i will not halve to go through the character building experience of a senate confirmation. it is liberating. >> director comey, you're going to be in this job for a while. >> stuck in a dead-end job. [laughter] >> i'd like to give some portions of my job to a codirector, so i don't have to do them. but i won't get so lucky. we will working as john has on a transition briefing project since march because we think, given the scope of the bureau's responsibilities and the number of new people, whether u.s. attorneys, or other parts of the intelligence community or presidential appointees at the white house or in defense depth or supplies else we want to make sure they understand the threats a we see them and understand the scope of the bureau's responsibilities and work. most people who come to understand just how broad our national security and law enforcement responsibilities are and what that can bring to the fight in term's intelligence gathering, threat awareness and threat mitigation is extraordinary and we want to commune that not in a good way. >> i'm going to init up to questions now. we have a little bit extra time. want to start the q & a with director sapp and cardillo. pouf biggs is the gap between information technology personal specialists and that you have and how many you need. maybe you can each take a crack at that. >> i'd rather follow you. okay. how large is it? too large. let me tell you what we're doing about it. one thing we have evolved is we have come to understand that the way we've built systems in the past, developed applications, the we way have brought -- not agile, not responsive enough and not tombly. so we're short. -- shortening the cycle by creating the ability with our operational capability. we call them rapid feedback teams. small groups of dedicated analysts. i.t. specialist, dat scientists, computer programmers that work on a problem set. so an intelligence outcome. and as they're working on that technical capability they're getting the immediate feedback from the analysts about what is working and what is not. so that's become a quick turn back into the application. we're doing that at the unclassified level, and we're more and more being fouled because some of the demand signals. like the president's -- the work in arctic we releasessed but doing at the classified level, too the question is how quickly can we scale that from the small attempts the large teams and some it a components of the budget but we're doing it as quickly as we can. >> we don't do data science. we do scientists, but when you talk i.t., the -- lots of data from space so the ground problem is tough. we have to do a lot of ground processing to make that data make sense to analysts. ey used to halve our oregon i.t. and processing capable because it wasn't out there. now it is. the commercial has caught up with and surpasses what we need. so we're doing more from building our own and developing our own to actually buying commercially available service so we other would rather but our money into the payload capabilities. and the e the specific algorithms. the computer power is there for us to buy and that is a commercial service we can take full at advantage of and will take advantage of in the future. >> general surety there have been serious allegations that they're delivering plately skewed also. what is the i. t. leadership doing to assure leaders are not signaling what analysis is to be produced? >> okay. this is my first questioning last year. i'm not going to comment -- suppliesingly, -- so many folks about either comment on the investigation or take action against the individuals that if the allegation is brought against them, before the investigation has been done. and working my tail off to not do that. having said that, we have put in place a number of things to look at analytic integrity across the enterprise. we have revised our training effort to do the basic analytic training for the entire work force. it will take us a while to get there. we are doing product line reviews and revamping our training so we are doing the thing thatwith will strengthen our analytic trade craft over the next several years, then the third thing i'll comment on is how --ing it has been for know watch the entire intelligence community, the defense intelligence enterprise, subjected to the idea that across the enterprise we're not able to render judgments without being influenced by policy or politics. so even if the allegation proves to be true, in this one case, it is not universally so. we've got great young men andwoman who are working theirtails off today to deliver the best insight is from the data they receive and absolutely ininfluenced by politics and or policy and those who have an inclination they know the answer before the question has even been asked. we got -- [applause] -- we'll continue to work on tradecraft, continue to provide opportunities for our analysts s and in the field their judgments are not valued. to ombudsmen and we'll get better as a result thereof this process. >> director brennan, can you expand on how the intelligence sharing relationships with both traditional and nontraditional foreign partners will need to progress to counter future threats, whether they be isis or some foreign state actor. >> well, think we have seen over the last several decade an expansion of the intelligence relationships. liaison partnerships around the globe. in some respects with the threat frommed a kyle -- al qaeda and isil there are even broader attempts to bring in other country services, intelligence security services because the isil, daesh, phenomenon, does affect a much broader swath of the globe than al qaeda did. so there's keen interest in the part of a lot of countries and so when you look at our interaction with russia, even though we have lot of differences in terms of policy and discussions that are ongoing, there is a -- an interest on the part of the united states and russia to work together closely on the counterterrorism front. same thing with china and other countries. so whether or not it's tourism, proliferation, organized crime, instability, there are a lot of reasons for governments to be able to work closely together and the more interaction there is among intelligence and security services i think there's better opportunity and more potential for governments to have a shared appreciation of what the landscape looks like as well as what the options are that we can collectively pursue. so, i do see the growth of the liaison front being something that is part of our profession and that's why i include our liaison relationships among our five core mission areas. >> just picking up off the broader theme, several questions from the audience on sir syria. you have described this as perhaps the most difficult challenge you faced personally in your career. one of the questions here is, what is the biggest intelligence challenge in trying to deal with syria? is there a plan to stablize the problems? >> well, syria is the most complicatessed issue i have faced because there's so many internal actors and external actors involved as well as inherent tensions among the goals and with our partners. so, what i see happening in syria, obviously, is almost systemic of the challenges we face in the region where their at lo's animosityies between groups and weaknesses in terms of governments abilities to address security challenges domestically. a lot of very weak institutions of governance through the middle east, south asia, africa, that allow these terrorist organizations, extremist grews to grow and develop because of the disenfranchisement of so many parts of society. so, even though we are able to reverse some of the battlefield excesses of icele and syria and iraq, i think that the challenges that a lot of those government ins in the region will be facing in terms of political rear forms, economic reforms, social, religious tensions, second sectarian conflict. this is much nor sim county of the landscape overall. >> director comey, a number of questions on this front, too. do you thing islamic leaders and organizations -- what responsibility too you think islamic leaders and organizations have in stemming radicalization inside the united states and what is the fbi doing to help facilitate that? >> the same responsibility as leaders, as parents, as teachers, as any other group might 1/2 trying to keep young people, troubled people, from moving in a direction that's going lead to death destruction, and the good news is they feel there's no muslim way feel about your children or christian way to feel about your children or jew wish way to feel about your children. we all feel the same way and our interests are aligned which leads to very productive relationships. people do not want young people in communities of any sort going in a direction that's going lead their death or the death of innocent people, and so it's one of the reasons we have been so keen not to let public discourse, which is often messy in a democracy, and wonderful, chill those relationships because we need each other. we need the help from those communities and they need our help. they need information from us. things to look for from us. the good news is, it's in a pretty darn good place. >> this is an audience participation as well as the panel participation. races your hand if you have had personal information stolen over the internet. all six of you. nobody? okay. now, briefly explain their position on ending encryption. >> want to take a shot? >> i love strong encryption. i love end to end encryption. joest, if have instagram constant with nine followers, all immediate relatives and one serious boyfriends of my daughter itch don't want anybody looking at my stuff. don't want anybody looking at my banking information, my health care information. it's a huge part of the bureau's amt ability to protection the american people i love encryption. i also care deeply about public safety and those are crashing into each other, and what i mean when i say we need to have an adult conversation is we need stop demon nicing each other, stop saying it's impossible, you want to destroy this or that. and sit down and say, our values are in conflict that we all share. what could we do? what could be do? and is there a piece of this problem we can start with and see if there isn't a way to accommodate those two values? my great frustration is people don't realize that absolute privacy has never been a feature of the american life. the bar gab our found issues struck was your stuff is private unless the people of the united states need to see and if oversight, demonstrations of probable cause and warrant, they can see it. we're moving to a place where we are going to a place -- a lot of places we are already there --y huge swaths or of lives are private but there's significant cost for that phenomenon a public safety perspective. want the american people to either say that's a great idea-want to be absolutely private, or not. we need figure out what to do about that to reconcile to opt nice the two values but can't be about bumper stickers or twitter, tweets, demonizing. we have to recognize we share values and figure out what we want to do about it. >> i would echo jim's comments here ump i've always been struck by -- at its heart america is a state of can do, and you can't bet to can do and can't innovate if you can't even have a conversation. and the real estate environment we found offers for a variety of rope wes find ourselves in today, this has become such a charged emotional issue that we're not really having the die explosion -- dialogue of what is possible. do -- gee don't have to be constantly yelling at each. my first comment. lots of things we can do teaming with each other at a much lower level, smart people can sit down and say, what's in the realm of the possible. think in the end we'll have two conversations. one conversation is what could we do? that's a very technical, engineering, what's in the realm of a legal framework? the second question that its important part of the conversation is what should we do? and those are two related but very different conversations, and we need to have both of them here. ask yourselves what could be do? and perhaps also, as a nation, we need to sit down and talk about what should we do? because there is this conflict and we have to knowledge there's tension, this tension between two fundamental imperatives for us as a nation and we as citizens need to decide what is that right balance. >> thank you. i'm not sure who might want to answer this. how do you see the addition of big data and artificial intelligence augmentation of analysis as opposed to trying to replace analysis? the i cri needs intelligence -- how do you see your agencies being able to create fundamental change together to better the i.c. as a whole? >> if i could -- this is for us, big data is for us. it's the heart for us. so as we look at the problem, this it not a binary solution. it's either human analysis or artificial intelligence. the thing i'm interested in, in artificial intelligence, and machine learning, is that helps you get to steal to address global problems. at the same time you have to ask yourself, how does that fit and where is the human dynamic in this? i see that in our foreign intelligence mission that this is particularly significant for news the area of cyber defense. because if you can't get to some level of everyone or machine learning just were the volume of activity you're trying to understand win you're trying to defend networks from activity of concern, if you can't get to scale your always behind the power curve and you can throw all the manpower you want against the challenges of information assurance and cyber defense you're not going to humanize your work force. it's got to be some combination of the two. >> we have joined -- we're joining the club that might just described because we come from an era in which our access was quite limited and you could arguably attempt the human centered approach to answer questions. we're long past that now. and every day our data is larger and larger. i think most of our solutions down the road -- not that we won't continue to rely on betty and scienceties to create wizardry in pace, will be on the ground he we use the data, model it, print, connect it, bit the way, this -- thank you for bring upping the dni and jim clapper. we're all now part of the eyesight team, and through his and stephanie's strong encouragement, of course, but quite frankly we're already seeing the benefits of it because our data is now being exposed in ways it never could before, and if we just had humans going after it, it would just be confusing. so it's the algorithms that betty was talking about that will solve it. >> i'll just pile on. we built something called sent sentient which is a learning ground machine that we set up initially in a lab environment and is now operation, and that got more visit for more across the intel and the dod community that any system we have ever built. that is the only way, again, a ground system that learns based on input from the analysts and keeps pace at machine speed. the only way he'll get after fleeting targets to have that machine work for us and not have people have to do somethings that again people just don't move at those kinds of speeds. so that's crate control. >> clapper said the nro is building 27 of -- -- he said most of them are in the green but there are exceptions. how many are not in at the green and are the primary problems cost, schedule or both? ... this is a question for both general stewart and brennan, do we have sufficient military analyst an intelligent analyst as well as tradecraft to deal with the threat by russia and china and specifically on russia, to russian made a close range in her step of the american aircraft on wednesday. this is one of a series of recent potentially dangerous incidents. what's the significance of this and how should a more general u.s. audience perceive these kind of incidents before between the u.s. and russian armed forces? [laughter] >> no we don't have enough analyst. that is a period of time when that was the only game in town. the other challenges were missile. now we find yourself faced with threats, a whole host of challenges. we now spread all that analytic effort across the big challenges so we have not grown the analytic force, we've just grown the problems. there isn't enough and there will probably never be enough and that's why some of the things that we are doing, i just mentioned with big data analytics, those tools will help us. there is still that human dimension about what it all means and i'm not sure the machines will ever be able to truly tell us what it all means. we need people to do that. with regard to russia's activity lately, whether it's russia, soviet russia russia or russia in the 21st century, we are always have a russia that believes it should be used as a great power. a great power will compete with other great powers and we will have to find ourselves bumping into each other where our interests collide and i think that's probably the norm rather than the exception. director brennan will clean up. >> the answer is not always that we need more and more more. we need to make sure that we are working as effectively and efficiently as possible. i think that's what a lot of us are doing. we are trying to make things more efficient. how that analytic engine is going to help empower other parts of our mission as well paired whether it's a question of the additional tools that we have to bring to bear, i've seen the evolution of technical fronts in my career, when i started in 1980 we didn't have pcs. we had electric type riders. i had to color code things to show the correlation between data set. there are a lot of challenges and issues here as we try to think about the framework that could be put in place to take advantage of the tools, the expertise, the people, i have seen the great impact that data scientist can have on our business because we are overwhelmed in many respects with so much data, not just which is collected by intelligence capabilities and organizations but also the open source world that is just overwhelming and how do you make sense of it. >> here are couple related questions. to what extent does our intelligence analysis affect global warming and specifically the intelligence community and military, how can they address this as more of the arctic comes available to exploration and how much are we working with our partners to mitigate future russian. [inaudible] >> much more than we have been. we do analysis on the effect of the fact of the rising temperatures. you mention the additional access to the arctic region. when the president made the first trip, the sitting resident beyond the circle, he directed directed us to work with the national science foundation to create the data set that didn't exist before. this is the geographic data set, both a alaska and the arctic. we didn't deliver it to a secure facility, we put it on the world wide web. whether that's working with the office and science technology, our commercial partners or that is a new area for us of course. you get to the point where it's to now all of our interest because that creates more than just an environmental issue, obviously a human train issue, it creates opportunity for some of those bumps in the road or those places where our interests can overlap whether it's a national resource contest, think of what were seeing now in the south china sea, we can see that scaling in the arctic at some time or if its ownership issues, either way you can frame the picture and you can understand what's going on and inform the policymakers what their options are. >> we will end with one last question that deals with looking at war. it has been said that the i see needs members that go into the private sector to gain new experiences in cyber and bring that experience back into the i see. as someone who's done this, i can say there's no dedicated pathway into the community for intelligence officers. what would you suggest someone with experience do? i leave that open for everyone. >> i'll go first because i want everyone to know. there's a button that says engage, what it is is it is an avenue to do what you just prescribed there. we have positions available where we will take on an industry partner, essentially as a government employee they will be vetted et cetera to get government experience. likewise, we have talent available that we will send out to industry because we want the same experience. this has been available for about four months now. it has spiderwebs around it. if we were advertising it incorrectly, please try again, we are trying to do what you just said. one of the premises is that we have got to create a construct where people can go out in the private sector and come back and we can bring people from the private sector that don't have a previous experience in the intel community but they have insight and knowledge that would generate value somebody who laughed and wants to come back to us, you are seeing more more of that. >> we hire from everywhere we have folks who go work for industry and exchange programs. people come in for a while and get government experience and go back to industry in the same thing vice versa. >> i spent 25 years and found it invaluable opportunity to learn about the private sector and until they understand some of the challenges we have are not all that on similar, it was very, very educational and enlightening to me. like others, there will be an unprecedented need for a partnership between the public and private sector if we are going to help to secure. [inaudible] i think it it needs to be the wave of the future. i think in the u.s. we can set the path for how this needs to be gun done. >> i want to thank the panelists and thank you for your interest. that will wrap it up for us. >> up nest on c-span2, they talk about the gop strategy. then a discussion on the latino vote and another discussion on gun violence. >> louisiana governor will be on capitol hill to talk about the recent floods in his state. he will be joined by several officials and a fema official. will have live oversight from the committee tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. eastern here on c-span2. congressional lawmakers including senators tim scott and mr. langford will speak at the summit. we will have that live on c-span three starting at 8:45 a.m. eastern. later in the day, more from the summit including republican presidential nominee donald trump. the afternoon session gets underway at 205 eastern on c-span2. >> this weekend book tv brings you 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. here are some of our programs for this coming weekend. saturday night at nine eastern, nadia lopez talks about starting an inner-city middle school in her book the bridge to brilliance, how one sensible in a tough community is inspiring the world. she gained national attention when she was featured on the humans of new york website that went viral. then at ten, "after words" former u.s. atty. general talks about his life during the george w. bush administration in his book true faith and allegiance him of the story of service and war and peace. he is interviewed by brett kendall. >> there has been several and moores written and people's perspectives have been out there and i thought it might be important to add mine for my son's sake but honestly there's been a lot written and said about me. some it's true and some of it's not true and i wanted them to get my perspective about the events that shake me and affect their lives as well. >> sunday at 745 eastern, five eastern, cartoonist discusses his new book huge, 30 years of dunes very on trump. he uses donald trump as a character in his comic strip. he speaks at -- gregory malvo on the positive and negative aspect of studying abroad. go to book tv for the complete schedule. >> congressman greg walden spoke about the 2016 campaign and about having donald trump at the top of the gop ticket. he chairs the national republican committee. this was held at the national press club. >> good good morning, i am the 109th president of the national press club and i would like to welcome our guest, mr. walden. we have had a lot more visits from the modern time by the legislative branch. thank you for being here sir. we have a good number of senate members who have been here. we have chris murphy here later today. previously we have hosted the chairman of the democratic national campaign committee so it's good to have you congressman to counter the message that he was giving here before. thank you for joining us and now i will give the microphone to the newsmaker committee member bob. >> thank you tommy for honoring us with welcoming the event. i'm bob weiner, the event coordinator and we are proud to host today, greg walden, chair of the national republican committee who will outline the strategy, agenda, messaging, targeting, voter outreach outreach and the ability to keep the majority in the clinton trump context issues. he was selected by house speaker john boehner to chair the committee in november 2012 and was reelected unanimously in 2014 by the republican caucus. he serves on the energy and commerce committee and chairs a subcommittee on technology. our friend tom curry who is here said this is the largest majority from 1928 and katie morton, the communication director points out that's when babe ruth was playing baseball. that tells you the context of the 60 vote majority that congressman walton helped engineer. he represents the second congressional district and served in congress since 2009. the district is the largest geographically with 20 counties and includes medford as its biggest city. tommy mentioned that a similar national press club maker with the ben ray lujan was held here on july 12. just some fun facts, his ancestors came by wagon train to oregon. he was a dj and he is an amateur radio operator and i can't resist because w70q i. [inaudible] i want to thank and note that been lasky, if you would raise your hands, they will have the roaming microphone. please use the microphone and identify yourself to ask questions about your organization and i also want to thank, as i mentioned, katie martin and andrew malcolm and the national press club staff and the a/v team. a lot of people help make this event possible and congressman, i believe i haven't forgotten anything so the floor is yours. >> bob, thank you very much for the kind introduction. tommy thank you for your presidency here and including me and giving me the opportunity to share some remarks. you are right, i am a licensed radio operator like you are. there are a lot of pretenders on capitol hill that pretend to be hams but we are fully licensed by the federal government. i appreciate the opportunity to be here today. as bob mentioned, this is is my second term of chairman of the nrc see and presided over with a terrific staff and the biggest majority since 1928. we knew going into this the turnout would be different and the competition would be different and it would be up residential turnout which is obviously a different makeup of the electorate. we knew going in with the biggest majority since 1928. we knew that before election day or on election day. the process began the day after election. we did not wait until year after or six months. we believe coming through the history we have seen over time that investing in david and the general and analytics was the key to our future success. we've proven and special elections in 2014, we believe going into 16 we have we have the right makeup of what the electorate will look like. the united states is never static nor are our analytics. we feel very strongly that we will maintain the house majority this election cyclecycle, being presidential, is a little more volatile. we feel very confident that we will maintain the majority. i know my friends, he is on my telecommunications subcommittee and we do a lot of work together but we have these other jobs on our off time. i was here and they said they think they could win 60 or 70 and maybe 70 or 80 after the republican convention. my rebuttal to that is simply show me the list. if you look at the list, you get down and along the way they failed to recruit anybody again. i think it was a bit of a stretch to say they were going to get to 60, 80 or 40. our members are in very strong shape. in the last three weeks we have been pulling district after district. i would say as a footnote here, we do not run statewide other than wyoming and alaska and a few single-member states. we run in district so the data you often see is statewide data. we care about what's happening in the competitive district. we were out there surveying in these districts and i can tell you if you look at the 24 most competitive districts that we've polled in august collectively, the generic ballot is 40 - 41 favoring republicans. that question is would you vote for the republican or democrat for congress in your district. we lead on the generic in the district. on the compilation of the congressional ballot, these are actually the head-to-head. if you compile them, republican candidates lead 49 - 39 over the democrat candidates in these 24 districts. presidential ballot, trump trails by two. presidential image, trump 38, 58 unfavorable, clinton 48 - 56. there is distinctly something different happening below the presidential when you get into the congressional district. this is probably not news to you. they can go in their districts and do their job and have their own identities in their district and if the members have been doing what they needed to do or are, whichever it is, then they have their own image and their own following and their own support base. : something to talk about positively. everybody knows we were not big fans of obamacare. the same is true for energy and poverty in america. it's all in here. on the agenda how to solve america's problems which by the way is how we get elected. finally, paul ryan. i know there was speculation when he was considering the speakership that somehow he would be incapable of raising significant funds the case he may not work some days and he was fully equipped to raise money. he has said a record for any sitting speaker over the course since he's been the speaker of transferring $30 million to the nrc see. that's an enormous record. we feel good about where we are apt and i'm confident we will hold of the majority and welcoe your questions. >> how big of a concern to you have about the impact especially the electronic version. hispanic my question is about mr. trump is the fourth district of utah where mr. trump is not popular at all i eight of you cn respond to the comment yesterday that she believes there is a chance that the democrats will take the house. hispanic i appreciate the question and i see now how the perks of being president of the organization as you can get the question. one, th the data that i assuredr that the 24 competitive races showed that mr. trump and mrs. clinton are not popular in the districts. we are not seeing a significant down ballot affect at this point in time. there've been folks on the other side have made th that have madm all they have to do is type your number to donald trump and it's game over. i'm not seeing empirical data that shows that in terms of how they operate in the campaign because i think american voters first of all are a lot smarter than that and understand that the person they are voting for in their house district is somebody they know and it's clear that presidential candidates are running for their own office. where is the data, we are not seeing that. as for the leader pelosi's comments i would draw your attention to the sites in the 2010 on the day of the election she said we are on pace to maintain the majority of the house of representatives. that was the morning of 2010. they lost 63 seats an in the 12, she said that it was aimed reach and very doable but we ended up with the second since world war ii coming of the biggest majority in 2010. >> have them produced a lis prot and show me the data. >> you mentioned obamacare and mitt romney said after he lost on fox in a clip that he played because of the benefits for obamacare and constituency for it you mentioned that you would fix and replace it. what would you do now but it just came out that there is the lowest uninsured in 30 years and there are lifetime benefits, millions of kids covered, pre-existing conditions covered. what will you do to replace it that will not take away from the 20 million new people that are insured? >> it would draw your attention to better dot gop and find a host of proposals to address the issue of affordable healthcare. clearly what we have is not affordable healthcare. in my own state it was announced a day before yesterday that the medicaid expansion will put the state into a $1.3 billion hole in the next so you'd have continuing costs rising that i don't think were fully anticipated. i remember when the state took on its obligation. i quizzed the governor and his people and he thought they would see the cost savings, not any kind of increase now multiple years later we see 1.3 billion. we fully support making sure people that have pre-existing conditions continue to get coverage. there were lots of agreements leading children's day, 26 stay on their parents insurance makes sense but you can create a competitive marketplace across state lines that would produce the kind of competition the new electronic technical age has given us for all kinds of other products and services that have dramatically empowered consumers to drive down price and expand competition in the market where we don't see much competition so i would tell you there are lots of ways when i was in the small business for 21 years we provided 100% insurance for the people that worked with us. i never had the ability to compete. we were in a small town and you have maybe one other option and all i did is throw a dart at the budget board to figure out how much my premiums were going to go up. now people may have coverage but if you have to wait o lay down e first $5,000 in a deductible before coverage kicks in and of the median average income in my district i believe is 35,000, what kind of insurance do you have. there are problems we need to come together to fix them so that access to health care is affordable. i can't resist this with both of you there. there was only one major party presidential nominee that was a licensed radio operator. you've noted just before what were thought to be targets of the democrats never materialized with some spin opponents. i spoke just yesterday to a lady from lancaster county pennsylvania, a republican who tells me that the open seat the congressman is giving up is now in play in the democratic national committee and the super pack is backing the democrat who won the nomination for the open seat. that was on the screen for more than a century. did you see situations popping up in the final two months of the campaign that you have to work with? >> you've been reporting on politics for a generation if you will work couple of generations. there's all these seats that come into play and go out of play. we believe very strongly that he is in very good shape and will win that seat. this is the seed for those of you that don't dig deep into every seat and every location. the best thing we want is for someone to retire because now you have an open seat and a new race that we know we have to pay special attention and we will. but when you look at the recruitment failures around as you mentioned, this is the democratic seat and they are left with a candidate who already lost the district by double digits in the last cycle. if you look at the michigan eight, melissa gilbert, star of little house on the prairie faltered so badly she dropped out and then they had to hustle around in august and find somebody else to run. if you look at new jersey number three, the candidate lost his primary to a perennial losing candidates that have $600 cash on hand. there was one where we spent -- or macarthur did spend millions. if you look at martha i'm not even sure they laid down any money. good ohio where they were spending millions as late as 2012 on the ohio seats. i don't believe they've laid out a single byte this cycle were last in ohio which you know is going to be a competitive presidential state. so as we look around the country there will be some takes. there always are in this business but i would much rather it be us than them. >> thanks for the data for the intro. >> can i ask you about two different situations. one is the libertarian candidate, this fellow in the race in new york 22 can you discuss the effectiveness on that and other races and also the funders like randy perkins in floridacan you identify where they are helping or hurting? >> you have to look at each of the races because in each one a certain third-party candidate can vote for the republicans or another they put from the democrats so you have to drill down race by race and i can't get each one in that case. i can say in the seat where you arscenes whereyou are talking aw york 22 that both candidates are really wealthy i think and the independenindependent is one ofy clinton's major contributions, so my gut tells me if you've got an independent is a clinton supporter in the district that we now know supports donald trump, i'd seen the data don't you have two people on the left not one and then to underwrite antwo on theright and we alwaysn the left in a three-way race. in terms of the funding, randy perkins made a lot of money and he's been under investigation and had to testify in congress for how he made his money and that's pretty interesting when you are allegedly taking advantage of the victims in how you do your business that is a e topic of campaign as you know. so the quality of the candidate, the character matters a lot. money isn't always the overriding decision-maker. if it were, then the edge they had against us in the last cycle would produce a different outcome than the record majority we were able to do so is the quality of the candidates and i would say for whatever set of reasons, the democratic committee failed to do good recruitment throughout almost the entire cycle and that left them with weak candidates in the race is, and they are struggling to try to create races now. when you are doing that you aree bound here away and it becomes harder and harder. >> there's been a lot of discussion about the strategy the republicans used arguing that bill clinton shouldn't be given a blank check the democratic congress. we've already seen speaker ryan and fundraising e-mails use the blank check argument. are you planning on using that strategy either in the continued fundraising e-mails or television advertising and when do you think that would be the most effective strategy? >> we are not in the habit of forecasting the e-mails were campaign strategies. but i would tell you this i think americans are concerned when you look at where the former speaker is in the polling. the notion that we could go back to the day that brought about this huge uprising in america in 2010 where there was no check and balance is clearly an anathema to the center-right americans. they want some sort of check and balance against the liberal take away so peaceful that play out in 2010. every cycle is different. remember the difference here that's important. after the big waves and 94 in the first time since 40 years there was no redistricting until you got to 2000. then the most recent came in time in 2010 when literally the next cycle, there was redistricting and one of the big stories you've all covered with this enormous wave that played out at the legislative level. so, the state houses became more republican just in time to walk in the districts that were advantageous for maintaining the majoritthemajorities of the dyne different in terms of the number of seats that are at play this time, but in terms of messaging, it is a bold message for our districts and members to talk about do you want complete one-party democratic rule because again we just got through that, and i think the answer is no. >> despite the tightening of the polls is it true that more members than usual are running away from the republican presidential nominee? >> i think the other question is how many of them are embracing hillary and nancy pelosi? we are asking members that now are you going to vote for nancy pelosi for speaker in these competitive races. i think that is a valid question to ask. if you get out to nebraska, they've made a career trying to avoid the person he's sharing the campaign with. you will find members will do what they believ believe, and wh the beauty of the voters in that district believe and run the races and so everybody's going to do their own thing. >> mr. chairman, politico, thanks for being here. you mentioned that you have done polling in the 24 battleground races recently. do you know how many of those clinton is leaving and what is your advice to the candidates and the districts like that? >> the data is a compilation of them all and of the members are leaving their opponents and in some cases overwhelmingly. so i've seen those where trump for clinton leads but that being said members are strong. are we going to have competitive races, of course. i'm not going to stand here and tell you we won't have competitive races -- is that the president and? you can't come off the biggest majority since 1928 and not expect to have some competitive races. we know we have those. but it's very limited that are the hypercompetitive i would call them and so i feel very good about where we are at. >> do you have any particular advice to the candidates where clinton is leading from? >> i would say first of all, give the voters a reason to vote for them. that's part of what you have to do. voters expect to get solutions or at least proposed solutions from the people asking for their vote and so i think go talk about what matters in your district. it's one of those you get in a district like mine and it may be the threat of a monument being declared, that is an 80 to 90 plus% issue. you get other parts of the district that need the safety and somewhere else it's something else, forest fires are always big in the last. there's so many issues that are important on the minds of the voters and what we try to do is help the candidates identified with those issues are in the district. we have seen races decided over the city council when they raised the toll on the bridge because that's what really mattered to those voters and that's how we go in and win the races. we don't look at it and say it's only natural if you support the nominee or whatever. okay. you've got to deal with all that. but the bread and butter is issues that matter at home locally. >> i'm from the "washington post." >> i didn't want to ignore you. stick to draw a threa the threah a couple things you talked about, you talked about the polling at this point and a lot of times particularly presidential years the voters don't start paying attention on tour right about now after labor day and that's when the messaging kicks up. i wonder if you are worried at all as it is kicking up it's also the time when congress is about to have a fight about spending and that's the kind of thing that will be in the back of their mind as they are starting to look at the candidates. how do you message against that and do you worry they are good to start to change dramatically with the push is coming out now? >> very good set of questions. when it comes to the polling itself, we have a much higher confidence level about the quality of the polling and certainly we had coming out of 2012 if you recall i believe governor mitt romney and his team believe we are going up election night to win and we were all shocked. that caused a deep dive review of what went wrong with. you got it wrong, we paid for it lets figure out what went wrong. we've got a lowe found a lot ofd made the changes. we've been able to pressure test those so we be the first of all the quality of the data are pretty good. second, timing matters. in august it matters because this is the first wave of messaging that helps you lead the first wave in the end. this will not be the only time obviously and it won't be the only messages we put out so we will adjust accordingly as time goes. it's a snapshot looking backwards in the rearview mirror if you well and so we realize we have to continue to look and dive and figure out what's going on. we will continue it so it's not static. third, the issue that always matters and what happens here in washington matters but i don't think it would be enormous news to americans that congress has a fight over spending. it probably won't make many places around the country but it's something we need to get our work done and that we will address in the conference tomorrow and we would like to have as the speaker said yesterday low drama september, get work done and finish up. we have major work to finish. we will get it done. >> dallas morning news which means i'm asking about the district 23 race. since i last asked you about this we had the address and the hispanic republican kind of i don't want to say give up but that's basically what happened. when we look at the majority hispanic district, how do you insulate him from the attacks this week democrats have been doing it for a while an and it seems worse now when he has another republican in his state agreeing. >> i think the voters in his part of texas now have got into note the very effective legislator. he is not only done well legislatively but he's worked his district hard and they know him and what he's about and what his views are and they will distinguish between his and where there is disagreement with others so i feel good about where he is. he's been very effective that's not only the campaign last time that the campaign this time. he's a much stronger shape going in this time than last time even with a presidential model dynamic in terms of the electorate so we are watching that. we are invested and have more on the republican side invested in that race and the democrats have. he's not exactly the most aggressive campaigner. he has a rap for being a little lazy and that's not just me. that's what i've picked up from people. i think will has shown an energy level, commitment and accomplishment record of passing bills and getting things done that puts him in very strong shape and is the one race in texas in the house seat so i am very bullish on where he is. >> it's well known donald trump doesn't have much of a field operation. i think there is only one field office right now. i'm wondering are you concerned at all what the effect is going to be on hand giving voters and what is the nrc see doing to get the voters out on their own outside of trump tax >> that's a good question and i would say the first answer is yes. we are concerned about the voter turnout. we always are. preceding that is the voter identification and data because the enormous investment in, but the investments dwarfed significantly by the investments that the republican national committee have put into the data and don't hold me to this because i don't know all of what they are doing, but they have had a game going on for a long time in competitive states. we talked about it and over the last several years he wanted a party that didn't just show up and then go away for the next four. so where the presidential campaign may not have the same level that you would normally expect, the rnc has been in the states with field offices doing a lot of work a campaign manager might come in to do. i've seen some day that there were if you take trump, rnc, clinton and the rnc because it's been really bad financial shape up until probably the last month or so. there was some level of competition going on in terms of the ground game. going forward we will invest. we have been investing in the ground game all along in the parking structure. >> [inaudible] spinnaker the affect is minus three or four. i know not all of them are in play but -- it certainly brings them into their holes host of other seats on the get out the vote operation that doesn't exist. >> you are presuming the only one is linked to the presidential campaign which is a false assumption because every one of our plan for every one of our campaigns has their own built into it so we know where there are other resources and where there are and. so you are having to supplement. >> you could say that but there was no presidential get out the vote campaign going on in 14. we know how to do get out the vote and we know where we are needed. our campaigns built that in from the beginning. i look at these things having been through various campaigns. some were tough. i don't want to rely on anybody else. i want to be self-sufficient, but scouts in me, he prepared. with the structure in each of the campaign campaigns is how te self-sufficient and if you get extra help, great. but we didn't have any of that last time and so i would argue we have more of it out there now and consistently more than we've ever had. we are coming in and of the campaigns arthecampaigns are cof there's more help, great. but then you also have to look where are those numbers and i would assume a lot of the field operations werfieldoperations we called ohio where they don't have a competitive race and i would suggest going around and looking our day in california with a huge field operation, probably not. and so florida, yes but how many races are there in florida, only a couple. so you have to also do that to say where they are giving their investment, how much does that affect our races, in summitville and senate won't. we want to be self-sufficient. >> kimberly with the national journal. what are your plans for after the cycle and can you plan to endorse anybody running for the chair? >> my focus has been like a laser on the next two months to make sure we do everything possible to have as big of a majority as possible, so that is literally how unfocused this time and how i was focused when i led the campaign in the house and i felt like if people have extra time to divide up i've got other work for your hand. and so, having said that, i think it's no secret in this town that i would very much like the chair of the energy and commerce committee. i am not alone in that. in denver obviously and in the past cycles there've been when the chairmanship has opened there's always been a bit of a competitive race but my focus remains on this very, very important job to make sure we have as big of a majority as possible and do everything i can to support the speaker and mccarthy and others so that's where i'm focused. as for the chairman that will be a decision by the conference. i think it's important for me to stay focused on this job and not be involved in that effort at this time. >> you mentioned kevin mccarthy. how much damage did this do when he said what he said that it was political that we did the investigation? >> i will let others determine that. i think what he said was taken out of context for what he mea meant. >> okay. right behind, over there. >> actually come over here but either way. we can do both. and i do want to say by the way to everybody, questions, please from the media and club members. if there's other spectators but i. >> elizabeth from the energy intelligence. her question was a good segue assuming the gop holds a majority in the house and you become the chair and also assuming that clean power plant is forever stalled in court and hillary clinton is the president -- this is a good scenario -- people have said her negotiating skills, would you be willing to sit down with her or listen to what she had to say and come up with some sort of climate legislation that you would feel comfortable with? >> i'm not today going to talk about what i may or may not negotiate with somebody who may or may not be president and may or may not -- i think my record in service in the congress is that i've always been open to sitting down with other people on other sites of the iowa to figure things out. we've done that legislation in oregon, i've worked on telecom issues on a bipartisan basis we got the auction going on now in the spectrum and clearly, i'm opei amopen to having discussiot future energy policy. you will find a celeb that detailed a better way as well. we need an energy policy to make america competitive and the cognizant of its effect on the environment. i would welcome a white house that would be more engaged with congress in a positive way than this one has been and i think even my democrat colleagues in the moment with express similar frustration about the lack of engagement. i remember when i was a freshman, bill clinton was president the last two years i was invited down as a freshman on the committee that i cared about trade issues and he was very engaged and i would look forward to obviously a republican president with bodily engagement to be a willing and active partner to make change for america. >> would issue most would you like to see accomplished in that engagement? >> we have a whole host of issues. if you look at the poverty agenda paul ryan has championed for probably two decades or more about how to lift people out of poverty, that's something we can find support on. i would like to see if we don't get it done this year, and i think we will come and finish the work fred upton has so incredibly glad on the 21st century tours. these diseases, 7,000, 5,000, we have the cures they don't check your party registration before they check you down. we all have family members have suffered from diseases where there are no cures so i think the work that fred has done with the white house, i commend the white house and th the president 21st century tours matter. matter. if tim murphy's work on mental health reform, extraordinarily important for the communities. so i began to do roundtables and you hear the pain and suffering and we hear we have to fix the programs or at least make sure they work. those are all important things. the world is changing dramatically and i chaired that committee there would be a lot to do in that as well and of course america's great growth in the energy sector and i think we have to put that in the context of its international effects that can be positive in pushing back on the regimes and countries that are not always pleasant with their neighbors that control the energy so i think that we could have a really solid energy package and healthcare really matters dealing with the problems with the affordable health care act t it's not very affordable for families. there are lots of these issues we need to come together as a country to find common ground and move forward. >> abby livingston, texas tribune. you are watching billions of dollars go out the door right now in the advertising. the chair man wants to replace the one of the issues is reducing or cutting member dues. does that worry you given the context right now can the funds be offset by other forms of fund raising? >> that's a really good question. i would want to see the mass on how that would really work, because i know how much our members step up and help us and it's overwhelming, and i know it's a heavy lift but they also understand we are a team and they realize if you want to be in the majority or expand the number that you have to expand so i've been overwhelmed by the support we get from the conference and from the leadership. anytime you have a cutting that is pretty dramatic you have a plan how you will make that up and if you can make that up elsewhere i would say let's go do that now because we can use the extra 20 or 30 million that would open. so that will be the key. the members who would rather not have to do all this fundraising it's probably the least popular thing for about 99% of the members but it's also what you have to do to grow your majority cannot be in the majority, set d the agenda to solve problems for the country. >> more questions? >> uab a good moderator. >> i've had a little experience. >> can you talk a little bit about -- i know you don't get involved in primaries, but the race in new hampshire tuesday, obviously he's had a lot of ethics problems and they called for him to re-sign. would it be easier for you in the fall if he were to lose the primary? >> i'm not going there at all. we have said we would support the nominee coming out of the primary. frank has been a very solid legislator especially on the financial services committee and has worked hard. when any member has issues it's up to them to go back and explain them to their constituents. frank has put a lot of time and effort into doing that and as you may or may not already know we have laid down several million dollars. i don't know the exact number because we want to hold the seat. if we ask them who their nominee will be going forward i we anticipate that would be frank. >> on another one of your potential successors talked about what they do and backing incumbents aggressively. what do you think of that? >> there's different organizations and they only have a handful that are up at 333 that's basically in the cycle, 33, 33, 34. we don't have that luxury. if you start getting into primaries and how you pick and choose, i think our resources are best spent being on offense debating democrats and maintaining and gaming where we can cycle in and cycle out the majorities omajority so the foct placed on the general elections. it's not that we don't work with our incumbents. we have a hold challenge in the primary to work with us and obviously they have access to everything else. so we just don't spend money and the primaries. >> back to where we started almost. >> tonight comment on the jack martin's race in new york and the judge ordered there to be a primary in october. can you talk about the disruption affected the destruction and what's your assessment of that? >> it's a bit of a bizarre ruling. the disenfranchises are the men and women in uniform that those overseas potentially because of the timeline which is very disturbing. as i understand i spen spend enh nights at the holiday inn i could tell you that there was a long period of time when objections could have been raised. there's questions about the integrity of the signatures on the petitions. i know that's being contested. i think it's a peculiar set of circumstances that many months after the primary all of a sudden the judge steps in and says we have to have another primary because he should have been on the ballot even though the state said he shouldn't have been, so that sets up an october something he proposed primary and then into the general i don't know what's going on. it's interesting and i think both disappointing and disenfranchising. we are fully invested. this will be one of the circumstances. there is money down there and i've been in the district. we are all supporting jack alson and well throughout the progress. by the way on the seat it's only a d+ one. this is a pickup opportunity so i don't know if that's -- i won't speculate why we are having the primary that we can win that seat and we will. >> some people, albeit no republican running has actually endorsed gary johnson and richard hanover is retiring and said he would back hillary clinton. is there any evidence in any of the polling that republicans might gain if they vote for their nominee and endorsed a libertarian nominee gary johnson? >> not that i've seen. >> useful but today he asked on national tv [inaudible] >> about a side note, we haven't seen that. it's interesting, we have seen in the race of the house democrats supporting and contributing to her campaign so you do get some crossover from here and there every once in a while. with that -- >> can we get one final question and then call it an enormously helpful and wonderful events you've done for us. to get to the news of the day, will there be a continuing resolution, will it be december were going to march, what is the conference think and what will the impact of the if there is this debate over a shutdown on the congressional races? >> we don't know. i don't know the answer yes becausyetbecause they haven't ht discussion. the meeting takes place tomorrow and as you know he's been faithful to his commitment to the conference to peace with the decisions that would come from the membership and not the top down. i think that he said that publicly and we will have that discussion. we have work to do. with that, thank you for coming out and i'm glad to share a few comments with you. [inaudible conversations] hillary clinton tries to solve his wounds. the headline of politico and reporter of louis nelson joining us on the phone. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> let me begin with the press s avail itself earlier today, by after nearly nine months did she agree to take the questions like this? >> it seems like the pressure has been building at least the last few week's and even older than that. they've begun sending out e-mails every day about hiding the number of days since the last conference and over the last couple of days she started traveling on a bigger airplane and she's been taking questions from the press. it's a natural extension of that and a bad number two, she was eager to get back out. she wanted to come back and say a few things and get a couple things out there after donald trump got to clos close the nign nbc and msnbc. >> was this to make sure that her message and words were driving the discussion tonight? >> i think that it was an attempt to get back on the offensive, on the positive note neither candidate looked especially. he appeared to all those she seemed very on top of her facts and figures they were not comfortable on the stage so it seemed like this morning her decision to hold this conference was an effort to have last nig night. back-to-back half hours on the so-called commander-in-chief that they are getting a lot of questions on the e-mails in the server, confidential and classified into tops the information did she stop the bleeding were raised more questions? >> i'm not sure that she's done either one. that's something to make sure she isn't intent on stopping but it's one of the stronger talking points and speaks in the campaign. trying to wrap this up and put it behind on the campaign trail the fbi released all of these investigative notes. there were a lot of fresh detailed questions that have come out that reignite the use of the e-mail server like yo yoo him oahammer to destroy what va- blackberries and things on the server that reignite the concerns they've been reduced to rubble for big she jumped on today. have we heard more from the campaign on that statement? spinnaker earlier this morning that general retired lieutenant general the closest military advisor was considered a dark horse candidate. it came up in an interview that he was absolutely right the generals had been reduced under president barack obama and in one sentence seems the -- linksm seamlessly. basically there's a disconnect between the whitthere is a discn president obama and the military that they are not able to do some of the things they could be doing to the islamic states so that's what the trump campaign said and one of their surrogates in that remark hillary clinton and th her campaign manager both came out this morning in the sort of impromptu press conference her campaign manager in the interview on abc this morning both said this was insulting to the military. >> louis nelson following the clinton and trump campaign in reaction to the forum that took place last night thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. it was a pleasure. >> even before the second plane hit i went down to the office floor below mine and took the stairs down to check. when the second plane hit a new is simply this wasn't an accident. >> u.s. admiral and majority leader tom daschle, gary walters, former white house chief of sure and the major f-16 pilot in district of columbia air national guard. >> flight 93 isn't in the vicinity and able to prosecute an attack at that point in time so we need to get back and make sure we can play the short game now so when we returned back, that's when things began on the one hand to settle down because flight 93 wasn't fair and as we discovered later the passengers on that flight were heroes. >> we will tour the visitors center of the resting place of the 40 passengers and crews whose actions prevented the al qaeda hijackers on september 11 from crashing the plane into its likely targets the u.s. capitol building. >> flight 93 memorial represents a lot about what makes america a fantastic country in that on september 11, 2001, the people that were on board flight 93 were everyday ordinary people, citizens of the globe and it shows that you can make a difference no matter how big or small and no matter where you're at. >> for the complete schedule, go to >> now a discussion on the latino vote in the 2016 presidential campaign hosted by the national council today this is about one hour and 15 minut minutes. >> good morning everyone. iam president and ceo of the national council and the clr. we are delighted to host what we think will be a very important discussion as it relates to the presidential elections. on behalf of an clr i want to welcome you to efficiently to today's briefing on the dynamics of the latino electorate and how that is shaping the 2016 election. perhaps i don't have to tell some of you how different this election has been or has filed. there's been nothing conventional or conditional about this year so much that might have been expected but perhaps lost in the roller coaster ride has been the fact that what was expected of its latino voters would be playing a pivotal role if in fact happening. what we diwhen we did expect ise fastest growing group of voters in the community that has already made headlines in 2012 are poised to make a difference. as i have said often, the road to the white house runs right through the latino community. what we did not anticipate is the extent that the community would be the face and in many ways the target of the most prominent issue of the campaign, immigration. and frankly not enough attention has been given to the impact that this will have on the community into the vote. that's why we are hosting today's forum. the panel of experts will address the growth of the vote. we expect at least 2 million more to vote in 2016 van in 2012. we will discuss how the community feels about the election and the top issues. finally, we will also talk about the ways that we are working to make sure that their voice is heard in this election. it is not about partisanship, it is about participation. there are still too many who are eligible but yet not citizens registered to vote and nearly half of the latino potential voters, about 44% are millenni millennial. and each year, nearly 1 million more latino citizens turned 18 and become eligible to register and vote. these are important factors that need more attention. our voice will only continue to grow stronger but it will not happen solely on its own. it will take a good deal of work, effort and focus. but we do have good news for our fellow americans. the more than 55 million in the country are maturing into a political force for good. for anyone who cares about good schools, safe streets, healthy communities, a better economy, sound immigratio,some immigratie sound immigration policy is a were a strong and inclusive society, the growth should be a welcomed development because those are the issues that moved our community. so i'm very pleased to kickoff the panel and start by introducing our moderator who then will address the panelists. fernando is the washington correspondent for the univision television group, an emmy nominated journalist, he's covered capitol hill, the white house and the federal government for more than 15 years. in 2014, the huffingtonpost listed him as one of the top 40 latinas in american media. prior to joining univision, his other experience includes working for cnn and spanish, the associated press and the correspondent for national television of chile. it's an honor that we have him deserve today as the moderator and now i will turn the program over to him. >> thank you for your kind introduction and being here with us today. what's been a long and interesting cycle, welcome to the panelists. we've been doing the national election cycle so i've seen how this particular has raised the interest of people particularly in the hispanic community and other minority communities as well. the rhetoric we have heard so far during the primary season may be since a year ago has been what many have called offensive or toxic. some candidates are not focusing on issues that are. how many of the voters will turn out to vote and in what state? >> we know the projections that this could be a historic turnout but they are a little short. then we also know there is millions more that are eligible and to have not done so will they turn into enthusiasm to try to want to participate some candidates more than others motivating them to. these are some of the topics we will discuss today. we will talk about what is needed in the final months as we approach the voter registration deadlines. it shows the issues related as we near the election and finally the vice president of politics and national campaigns will talk about her organizations work to engage the vote. i am an immigrant kind who also because i didn't grow up with all these devices i'm a digital immigrant. so, follow me. >> we just want to make sure that everybody has the correct slide. i think we have a couple. anyway, if anybody is interested in the handle. thank you for being here. i thought it would be important even because in this day and a age. in the white house and many state and local races there's still a lot of misconception in the community and particularly as we head into the hispanic heritage month, if you pay close attention you will hear some of those because of the nature of the debate there's a broader perception that all our immigrants and with that most of them are undocumented and that fuels all different kinds of things including the cries of voter fraud. so i thought that it would be good to start with some of the basics. some are united states citizens. it is the demographic change in the country and giving it through thgetting itthrough thef immigration, the reality is that majority is a citizen community. and of those under 18 bits 93% and that is part of what is fueling the future growth of potential latino voters is that very young contingent that is coming up. it doesn't matter what you look at we are a young population. to make sure just like w they he a place in the marketplace. the latinos are going to play a pivotal role that it's not just in the states that normally think about and about list keeps growing so in many ways what we are seeing unfold like arizona, colorado it's other things to come in the states. in 2012 they are casting a ballot and grew by 18% nationally but that was 26% growth between 08 and 2012. in florida it was 18%. in north carolina by 39%. in pennsylvania, 19% in virginia 54%. and for those of you interested in looking at those numbers and the social economic indicators for latinos in each of the states you can see the fact sheet for each in the publications section of the website that will give you the population numbers, voting growth numbers as well as health education employment housing and other areas so anyway, what's mentioned anbothmentioned and io emphasize is we are seeing a contradictory environment given the light of that growth and that is it's taken a negative tone towards the community but also we are seeing the weak investments in what we consider as nonpartisan organizations as a key factor in growing the latino vote. and why are people paying attention to the vote. it is episodic as we are trying to change and i think just at a glance of a show you even though we still have gaps to close it has been growing faster than the sum of their american counterparts and so where are the gaps? this is when i try to update every election that shows very clearly one of the things that's important about what happens so if you look at the red line and the green line that is the vast majority of resources in the cycles that are spent in mobilizing the register voters. people go to mobilize the outreach to the latino community that's what i would suggest is that that completely misses the picture in terms of where the opportunity as those that are eligible to register and in addition to the 12 million currently, there is an average of 18 every year. i would want you to take away this number. among the latinos that are registered, 80 to 82% of them vote in a presidential year. that's why the challenges closing registration gaps. it's a little bit different but since we are in a presidential i want to make sure i highlight that. there's too much in this graph. it's going to be available online but this is just to give you a taste of the different states that are -- but people are talking about this year and what happened to the victory in 2012 and who is in play but the most important part here again is that i am most people think about latinos when they think of certain states it's important to look at what are the states that have the fastest growth in latino voters and even though the numbers are small, they will continue to grow and therefore politicians can choose to continue to ignore this population at their own peril. in terms of the work we are trying to do and because the community is young and many people are first-time voters or may even be the first voter in their family, we are trying to create a number of different strategies that can meet people according to their sensibilities whether that is the traditional method of going door-to-door and having those conversations which is still the most effective to providing people the tools to empower themselves and putting the access to registration in the palm of their hand but also because we are a younger community to work with schools possibly have a big push coming up in a couple of the back-to-school high school senior voter registration where we are partnering with schools across the country to make sure they are eligible and get registered. in doing a number of different experiments to make sure that we are able to do the registration more effectively as we continue to see the investments get weaker so that we are able to grow the electoral voice of the community as well as in terms of accountability and issue of campaign. a little bit more information about the work at the tools we are creating to make sure people have access to the information they need. and what i would say to close is that this is no surprise we said this i think since 2014 the latino vote will continue to grow. i think it almost goes without saying that every cycle we voted in record numbers compared to the last cycle will hold true. we want to make sure that grows faster given the number of people who are becoming eligible for the other thing is a lot of people talk about the growth of the electorate in terms of partisan interest. that means it goes blue or red or whatever and this is what i would say to that. that is a choice that the parties make. this is the choice to parties make and leave latinos with. there is no outreach if there is no meaningful progress on issues the community cares about. that's what creates the decision for the voter whether they go one way or another. so it's not like they have a democratic gene of some kind. it's what are the choices they have and so when it comes to that i would see the trajectory we have seen since 2006 is where the latino voters are concerned, republicans seemed to be their own worst enemies, sorry, and the democrats best friends. but the reality is if there is not a change in that, republicans will be facing a shrinking base and democrats have an opportunity for an expanding base but they haven't sealed the deal. because at the end of the day, candidates matter, issues matter, and meaningful outreach is essential and i think the perfect example of that, the perfect political playbook for anybody of any party was the race of 2014 where it leane lead in terms of outreach and taking positions that spoke to the community where he could have just leaned back because he was running against a candidate that was making offensive statements about the communities that kind of sounds familiar. but if he had just rested in his goals i think everybody looking at the margin of the race now said that he would have lost and that is a playbook other candidates regardless of their party should follow. so i look forward to the conversation and your questions. >> g 20 i was wondering if you could try to explain you're saying that there wasn't the investment or can you go over that one more time fax >> as all of you that follow political campaigns now, a lot of the money that gets spent in the political campaign is adds any number of other things, targeting the voters suppose suo parties and candidates reach out to is a narrow slice of the country. and what i would say it's even among latinos that have a strong voter history when we have done polling in the past, we have seen from that is that even the outreach into the information they get from parties is not the intensity that you would assume among others so what does that mean? with a population that is adding so many new voters every cycle, with a population where so many need to become registered, those are not the areas where political campaigns invest and that's where the vast majority of resources for. so the voter registration has normally been left up to the good samaritan approaches of any nonpartisan organizations and resources for that have been weak and getting weaker which is a high concern for us and i think of other communities for a couple of reasons. for us, because we have a big registration gap to close and i think in general because of how many americans we are seeing not voting so we need to made sure we don't let folks who are eligible missed that conversation, so that's the gap. >> and going back to the topic >> i was asked to remind you all if you have questions, if you would speak inthewould speak ine because cnn is reporting. i want to look at the state of the racstate ofthe race where ts are today in terms of their issue priorities and be with the candidates and parties and their sense about the importance of the contest and a little bit on outreach. so, these results are data that almost a week ago last friday from a national survey that we did with 3,729 latino registered voters across the country. we asked the question what is the most important issue and first on the yellow bar, we gave it a.q.. what do you think the congress and the president should address, produced his immigration, second as the economy, third as healthcare and the anti-latino or anti-immigrant discrimination. this is an open-ended questions othat we record the first two answers people give because people often in the volunteered responses say it's education and healthcare so we record the first two. immigration ranked first and then healthcare third. of those three are commonly in the top three. usually education is in the fourth spot but we usually see economy and immigration in the top two escalating back-and-forth. anti-immigrant and anti-latino discrimination have perked up more and more since we started. we've been asking the question a long time but since about last summer this is the second time we have seen it suggested something that we've observed. then the second question we ask when we just say what are the most important issues economy is first of 36, immigration is second, healthcare and terrorism, national security were tied at 14. with respect to the views of the favorability with candidates, there is a favorability among 68% but have have a favorable a 29%, 74% of the negative view with 21% and the positive so they are the two most disliked candidate so it's not true she is viewed pretty favorably and has a 68% have a positive view of her and that's quite the opposite compared to trump so i would be mindful of those narratives speak about with most americans think were most working class, most latinos are working class americans. among those that have an unfavorable view it includes those who might otherwise think are available to republicans so it includes 74% of those that do their interviews in english, 73% so it's more cultur more culturo become a 68% of the self identified independents and 56% we know have been the most reliable national origin voting block for republicans. >> with respect to the presidential vote when we asked the question a couple weeks ago, 70% said they expect they will vote for hillary clinton and 19% said they expect a vote for trump, 4% another candidate in only 5andonly 5% undivided and d they don't think they are going to vote. so this is what it looks like when reality has a partisan bias. it's not undecided, it's not close. she's ahead by quite a bit. and again, among the constituencies we know in the past they've been either swing voters were more reliable republican voters. again, two thirds conducted interviews in english and more than two thirds of the us-born, 53% of hispanic voters will tell us they voted in the past and she is winning the majority. something about those voting for george w. bush when he hit the mark in the low 30s or 40s and she is also winning with cuban-americans with 50%. the presidential candidates are the standard bearers for their party. we asked do you think donald trump or hillary clinton has made the party more welcoming to latinos or hostile or do you think that the fact no effect. the red bars are the response about trump and blue is the response about clinton. 10% think they've made the party more welcoming to latinos and 70% think he's made it more hostile and 16% say no difference. 58% think that hillary made the democratic party and 10% more hostile and i want to say about 25% no difference. among those that think he's making the party more hostile include four out of ten self identified republicans, 42% say he's hurting my own party. 61% of cuban-americans, 62% of prayer gop voters. this is not a gender perspective commits similar among men and women, 70% of latina. this is also not about a culture he should cut 74% are third generation plus and think that he is doing damage to the party in this community. and with clinton, she's actually doing well with segments of the latino electorate. 60% think that she's making the party more welcoming to hispanics broadly and that's important because the output of their male counterparts by about five to 7%. among 44% of those that voted for republicans in the past, they think she's making the party more welcoming to latinos and 25% of republicans one out of four can see that she's making the democratic party more welcoming to latinos. we asked hispanic voters thinking about this election do you think it's more important that you vote in this compared to the last election in 2012, and 76% said they think that it's more important than the last, 19% said the same and then the last one was more important. so 76% think there's something different about this one. then in a different way we ask compared to the last election would you say you were more enthusiastic, 51% say they are more enthusiastic and 31% say they were more enthusiastic and 25 and 18% about the same. we expected the gap of 76%, more importantly but only 51 are more enthusiastic and that his enthusiasm sort of implies something positive and there is a lot of negativity and hostility leveled out at the electorate so they may not feel enthusiastic about the tenor of the race but feel that it's important. when we ask what's different, then it makes it more important so we followed up with the two thirds into said it was important. we asked what's more important this time. the ones in the yellow bar start with more importance and the green. no matter if it was more enthusiastic or more important, it was important for them to stop donald trump so that was an open-ended question are important so that he doesn't need america to become a more racist country and it's important to stop the discrimination against latinos, so that's sor that sort of respd then the second at 25 is up 25%y that it's two separate hillary clinton and then the smaller share gave a combination of trump and clinton about 15% gave those responses. when people say this is different, here's one way to quantify it and how it is different in the psyche to the hispanic electorate. last, we know the community is engaged and we ask how often asn they are following news related, 41% say they are following it every day and another 37% say they are following it several times a week. we ask how muc asked how much te personally engaging in terms of talking with their friends whether it is posting online or liking things on social media, engaging in conversations with people in real life, 24% so one out of four say they are talking about it every day and another 34% say several times and then 22% say it a few times a month and about 20% say that it's ra rare. .. >> bob. >> i excited to do be here and the key saying is both the latinos were told years ago we are strongly rooted in the digital strategy and this is bearing some fruit now because we have a following of young people that they trust we can bring them tools that is a multipronged approach one thing that was said very clearly in the presentation best to come fast and early what we found with the electorate and even with my past life working with my boss in the senate about folks not being reached out to or if they are registered voters participating in elections but not hearing from the campaign's they are done we are about building movements and community power and that takes time and investment and understanding of our community one of the things that we've learned early is that although pure to appear is the best approach you telling your college roommate or friend to go vote that is why as we develop a strategy and technology we have found a celebrity voices and the digital influence gives an added voice within the added chamber and added voice and you really need folks food can draw upon the pulp - - pop culture references into feel a little more acceptable but they just don't hear that from politicians who don't always move the dial for our community. second think about social media with the information that hopefully we have digested but just to reaffirm what we know that is the amount of time that young latinos spend online behalf those that day over index online to of those are on social media so in addition to traditional of reach efforts not to star leon social media but by a scheduling your post to maximize their reach to the young latinos who are at college those that are not made need to see the message again tonight when they are off work so think of that digital strategy in naval listed way that doesn't just keep in mind those that will already be getting the information samara else. i like to point to that as well as making sure even our parents who may not be native to on-line strategies that also are testing and sharing on space will dash bes book and in that is critical. if. [laughter] and the other quick datapoint to pullout is similar to what we did with american women and working on this effort as well talking about young latinas and what they care about and how all important for immigration is an opening close-up to conversation but for those that at drop-off in that they care about considerably and will care about and one of the things we took away from this is that paid family leave was one of the most important topics for the young latinos in some said why is that? they were really surprised especially to because they were young women. we do have young parents in our community so paid family leave is one and remodel our programs over our sister organizations around the leadership development programs that recognizes young latinos are the leaders in their homes, as translators help '02 college may be the english is not as proficient such recognize that on a personal and that they are the gatekeeper information with those policy areas that perhaps you don't see with college affordability or equal pay and some of those with different graphics that were on line with the young latinos. >> we're happy to provide this separately. >> kelso more big picture we think of hispanic heritage month that it colleges through voter registration day of the co-founder and organization that when you create a moment or day the especially those innocuous to it you can create a lot more engagement so the latino community are hosting hispanic harris tinge month -- harry tisch month of recall of the community to register to vote as a collective effort and to make sure the entire community has several opportunities to maximize the participation. we will be calling on our entire partners through the last minute to keep mobilizing. of many of these are happening now because we are getting close to voter registration deadlines around the country many are none through late october and finally i have to talk to our commitment to voter modernization and technology we have a focus tightly on figuring out how we create efficiency in access through technology so with that ever in is we just launched an android version a couple weeks ago and there is a standing technology that cuts on the front end to pre-populate the voter registration form and it is really important because the work that we do if you radically campus or health center and the need to grab people as they're going in quick week to reach back out to them once they have registered as well clear prod the those of require testing and partnership and to say at all wrapped up with that the debate is special that our electorate is your own and these challenges are unique and we welcome that fought partnership that will be required to make an impact on this community in the example i like to use just like the first person to go to college needs a lot of counseling and mentor shepherd that is why the work is important and the work of the sister organization. >> i want to kickoff this discussion with the overall theme of the motivation and enthusiasm of the latino vote. fit if we remember the last great drive for voter registration if i am correct , 2006 and 2008. as a result of the sensenbrenner bill in congress that attempted to criminalize the status of the undocumented for immigrants in the state's he may remember those huge margins in many cities las angeles and even here that translated into an enormous voting of registration become a citizen drive to what is lacking right now? we have been covering this issue their rhetoric is there more than a year. many of the efforts to register voters cast guarded tightly enough as in previous election cycles. so maybe there's not enough investment blacks for talk about having action for hispanic heritage month but are we too late? what is going on quick. >> pdf. >> i would say much like the rest of the american electorate something that is unique to wait until this late to pay attention or to register and handle we are looking at i cannot give the exact numbers but if we were to examine participation rates january through june compared through 2012 there has been an uptick. and i project once again. redo work every single year. and it is constant creating those moments that would have spent a recognizable. and with calls to action on top of them. >> i think those that our eligible it is almost as big as those that are voting. there's a number of things that are contributing to that that we as of country cannot put a lot of weight that those citizens are registered. with the coming of age we see those gaps. but the silver lining is we are getting creative to figure out how to have that access. but n2006 and the years that you referred to there are three vectors converging and won the citizenship. also significant number of people that our ready eligible to become senate -- citizens. it was going to be raised exponentially. and with that anti-rhetoric at the time and that access to voter registration coming together so those three things came to get there right now there is a lot of work but it is small in comparison so that is what is happening of. [inaudible] please identify yourself and your organization. >> i am with the hill. i want you to go into the future so apart from the demographics what were the three main factors that led to the latinos becoming a political force? looking to the future and to counteract that growth in the future. did you don't see those politicians in indiana. and going after the ukrainian vote. >> as you become an important part is in large part because of numbers but actual contest when they were decisive look at 2012 if you take out the latino elector it in colorado and california the republican candidate would have one so they do get attention but it there are many other races. but what helped make them more naturally visible is at one point both parties are vying for their votes with the increasing number of candidates and not always the profile as well as far as the national media narrative so we don't share a border with germany it was never part of america that used to be mexico so there are things that we are inextricably tied particular with mexico or puerto rico is also a place where we have a long relationship. with third-generation latinos and then if you can play defense. depending on their heritage they may not be thinking about it allot but if i don't let that go them probably will be defensive and pick up on thank you. i don't foresee that happening with a latino population. also because of the shared border. there are others but i will stop there. >> i know you don't want to seem that you are too partisan but one can only wonder to get that hispanic vote when this of personality for immigration and what that was like with the decisions and what is obama doing for hispanics? >> i would push back on the notion doing badly. but really that is pretty good you are talking about election day we still have i expect it goes up. because you only have a two-party vote did not scenario and those who said they would not go and the other issue in is asking people about their enthusiasm that they are less enthusiastic to say it is not about where obama was but and he had already announced right before and right after and then doesn't have that benefit but then to become very unpopular incumbent but if you recall if two-thirds of latino voters he won almost all of the primaries 65% of the hispanic vote and adding on to that later but there isn't evidence she was trailing far behind to suggest measurably different >> maybe indirectly is a rapid non-partisan that this community benefit frankly the electors across the country would benefit when both are equally and aggressively and one of the comments is if they continue on this road. scheerer. but if neither side has sealed the deal with that outreach and how consistent going forward. so little in the back step by wednesday and everybody -- i would like to say everybody talks about the elections but if you look at the boat performance with the governorship you will see latinos have long exhibited a sweeping nature to their vote based on all reach assistance you see a lot of examples of that that was by what the parties were doing starting to see a deeper embrace with anti-immigrant and anti- latino rhetoric. >> if you started with a real clear politics with that enthusiasm can be reached, we are surprised fed hasn't done much but i am struck by what he said actual registration citi to do stuff that the local level because you are a specific voter for the group . with the senatorial committee democrats hillary clinton in campaign and but they have done our there 60% that they have not then communicated? are there any better or worse? for there is such an opportunity with key states like virginia more than 50% i am just amazed to hear you say those registration efforts are so weak. have any done better than others. >> the one thing i was saying is we don't coordinate with those folks and lately we have been hearing got clinton campaign and this is of perfect example like we have been saying for years. and it was then one of the slides. alleys to name national contest is not the battleground california or texas and things are shaking up and texas. with those congressional candidates or those running at the more local level for our reach. this party is just simply abandon those states sometimes. but the others is that if you look at the state's with latinos are growing fastest fastest, because their numbers are several small and the tendency of campaigns if i were a political consultant that five or 10% cable might hit the population and less of margin is razor-thin which means it comes very late. so what has to do with that and general candidates try to look at how it is cooked and slices of they can win. if you look at obama a 2008 who looked at the shape of the pike and would not give them a winning equation. >> so do save 60% use survey that you reach out for not targeted yet by the clinton campaign? nt is save those obama efforts quick. >> i am not surprised because over half of hispanics with in texas and california and they are not competitive. add other large latino populations states like new jersey or new york or illinois you'll have more noncompetitive places that have larger latino populations florida and nevada colorado you do see higher latino rhett -- registration because people are talking and more often the case that the parties are vying for their votes if you rent california or new york is a different game so that number is not surprising. i would actually be looking at your singles numbers in florida or colorado would be more problematic. >> >> was the obama campaign in more aggressive to reach the 2012 voters or 2008 them this year? >>:the registration side it would suggest that there was early. >> but there is more interest in voting with the registered voters greg. >> with your polls it shows they are more interested because of donald trump but there is less effort made to register them. >> right. >> you talk about the of millennial s will those schools impact? and then what will they do for those and internet access? >> those are great questions . most recently working with young people on college campuses across the country to organize on their campus and surroundisurroundi ng communities we have people in florida, kansas, texas, neva da, arizona organ - - oregon. so we have different chapters absolutely one them to organize on campus to say one to make sure in the latino community that they are organized but for others to say there is space for us we want to create that space to be involved and get more education and similarly we ask puerto rico reach efforts especially for those from smaller communities or that don't get a lot. what about those who are not online? that is a great question. first of all if you don't have a mobile program you don't have a program in terms of an on-line not reach. that is why it is important to build a strong taxing programs you may not be able to get all minor download the applicant you can get a text from a friend asking you to volunteer or come to raleigh or registered to vote. and you want to make sure you're still reaching traditional media television or radio we know as we scale up that is very have the digital models to allow for those deficiencies to be made more quickly. >> she called you told. >> she called the traditional media. [laughter] >> with those technology components the idea is even though the college rates are improving many are still not going straight to college want to make sure high-school senior level that is happening. but we invest because we don't see voter registration as something that should happen when to work with the schools every year they can register their eligible seniors before they graduate like it is a rite of passage you'll be registered when you get your cap and gown. >> univision has a strong digital component. one of my colleagues is sitting there we have a app. [laughter] talk a little more how tarnished the republican brand is and the prospects lasting beyond 2016, h. donald trump for hurt the republican brand it is projecting into the future but you did not go there can you elaborate i am from mcclatchy. >> part of the reason i don't want to project is because i am hopeful. fifty-one to see the republican party fight hard for the latino electorate and we have seen some of that, under bush diminish again about 45% in his second term. that battle of ideas in is important for any electorate but that said i think there is serious damage to be done and some of the of work that is alluded to shows whenever it is getting tarnished it is unjust with that particular candidate and that hasted to with the death of the nature of those remarks. but if it was in his previous run it was clear he was carrying some weight of the tarnishing of the republican brand. i don't think republicans have reached the point of no return but i do think their own analyst will say this is very extreme and to come back world take these herculean effort. >> i think this new congress will give an opportunity. >> absolutely right. at the end of the day latinos want to see progress on issues. the economy and jobs progress this is huge. what happens is shaped by the action of the parties they have an important year where republicans can show the progress can be made on these issues. >> last question. >> history shows that once that seed is planted it is very hard to bring up the ethnicity and they don't stop how can the new congress mitigate that quest bypassing comprehensive reform to those that are affected by the immigration system. >> that is an important first set because that is ready eyes are in sylvia mentioned the ethnic notion whether they become just like everybody else or not not, and generally speaking want to see themselves as part of the american mosaic we're not interested to be isolated and a separate but we are not immune to being targeted to be isolated and a separate. so one of the important things with this electorate can play a moderating role in politics based on the views of government and entrepreneurs ship and self-reliance and that is why both parties should be courting more aggressively to make sharp one more. >> nbc news we have seen about investment so wet that kind of investment with the g.o.p. in the community chiusi more registration on that end coming from those kinds of groups? and kenny be more specific about weaker investment. , a chinese don't you have for is in the community getting now but it was before? did evaporate to other groups have it? >> what provocative questions for the end. with the koch brothers it is a free world. they should be courting the latino community there is investment on that end and they're trying to educate the latinos about the conservative agenda. that is fine in terms of how many i don't know because i know exactly what their numbers are but we're not afraid to have the debate over ideas. that is fine and they have been to our conference a couple of years ago and there was the very, very lively debate from folks in the audience from the positions and the rhetoric that libra advances we're a diverse community asian hear ideas and make decisions we are not afraid of that. but on the investment side side, and the issue is in 2012 voter registration campaign was around $70 million not necessarily a commensurate with the gap we tried to close. but this year it was less than 1.5 million even though we have the capacity to do much more and the expertise and the track record. >> thanks to our guests and to be with us. we have lunch in the back. pci spee5 in [inaudible] i immediately recognized he is selling tickets to the amazing to headed woman if because he was the dominant force started to ask about him including his competitors and people for work for him and they all said he doesn't know anything about the casino business.gressional speefive. >> welcome to the national press club. my name is >> will come to the national press club my guess is crass murphy from connecticut cable consumers c-span audience you can also follow the action on twitter.r. this a felon's survivor and senior reporter fromga investment news the washington correspondent for the star-ledger a former press club president and organized today's luncheon. national spokesperson for mom's demand, kate deputy editor at roll-call. former connecticut post it porter and now free-lance journalist. freelance editor and commander of the american legion post number 20. leg [applause] taking a moment of personal privilege double-a-2 welcome the appearance of dallas said airport or in roanoke foolish shot and killed along with the cameraman little over one year ago during elisha ought. please stand to be recognized. [applause] thanks for being here. a filibuster is designed to block a vote on a piece of i legislation but chris murphy had a different goal with the 15 hour filibuster in june the objective is to allow those on measures to was require all gun purchasers t to be subject to background checks it can make purchases at gun shows and onlin eventually the real leadership agreed and the filibuster and did. remade his point and he has continued. in philadelphia he spoke at the dnc and raises the issue again this fall with the white house and congress. one of the most vocal supporters of gun control emergd the gunmen began shooting atoc sandy hook elementary in hisun home state killing 20 children and adults. piece served in the state legislature before winning the seat in the house ousting incumbent nancy johnson. please welcome to the national press club senator chris murphy.. [applause] >> thanks very much. mr. president and also to the national press club for hosting this wonderful lunch clb today as i wrote in the guest book i feel like i fule finally made it. my first maiden trip as the speaker of the national press club i want to join in your acknowledgement of the parkers or add the knowledge meant on this issue and to those that our up part of this at this table today andea all the work that they have done with me and others to for the issue of gun violence. i want to ask your forgiveness as i delved into prepared remarks editinges that our important by look forward to answering your questions. december 14, 2012 and today that everybody recognizes, a day for me that forced dash political career that was 14 years old to change course. i was standing on a train platform in bridgeport connecticut getting ready to take my four year-old and one year-old boys to york city to see rockefeller placer i got a call of the shooting then i got another call that there were kids involved and that i was there a few hours later atot the firehouse adjacent to the school with $0.20 of parents when they were told their children were laying dead on the floor of the first grade classrooms. sometimes in this business o you can pick the issues that you were gone and other times when the issues pick you. before that day quite frankly working on this issue was not at the top of my political priority list cited not represent any cities of the epidemic rates of violence but it is my singular focus now because focuhe wake of sandy hook looking at the catastrophe of gun violence in america and the inability to explain gun our exceptionally high bubbles with any data points . in nearly four years the o carnage has not abated the mass shootings the homicides are as common as raindrops. and now they see the assault weapon or those improvised explosive devices stopping dangerous style military assault weapons is the biggest thing we have to combat terrorism. to i was curious and i still furious in three years ofma almost daily a bloodshed congress has done absolutely nothing to prevent them up -- the next massacre with terrific levels of yet violence congress has not done a single thing. but it will not make progress and this is why they are talking past each other. here is the essential problem center to left theen conversation about guns in america is the mechanics of how they are regulated or flow into the hands of law-abiding citizens would should be legal or illegal and then to reduce the number of crimes is starts with the concrete details of the law. and those to have that political spectrum. day and has nothing to do with the gun laws and abstract. laws a pdf liberty and freedom and resolution five and that isib a prism to the foundingr principles of our nation the debate starts and ends in the abstract of the big ideas. the debate . is did the clouds with the right or left are in the weeds if we start off on different planets it is hard to find room we can all sit down together. and i want to spend some time increasing anti-government the second is an economic model werepu smaller amount of people are buying guns a much larger quantities. before the first african-american president is hot style to government not an efficient or overreaching but just and it is an opera there is a lot not to like and just picking up that dominant media narrative. they're not excited for the private sector and then just to cover that dysfunctional story line that national tendency with that hard-line anti-government rhetoric. right we were taught nobody hated the government more as the founding fathers that they took up arms neighbor willing to die for their government and then to cast off their oppressors of the founding document of this new nation the story line goes there wrote a section they assumed that it wouldld return with the private right that is not an unfamiliar story line so if you want to prove you are bonafide then advocating for the right of the people to take up arms against the government is the claim of the realm so is the of hallmark issue not surprise anybody that they are absolutist the one that as a means to see how much theyey truly hate the current government and to be honestarac at the core of american mythology running through those romanticizing deals sto if. even if this subconscious those may not endorse that insurrection but none of less to find that eat those compelling and gas to enshrine of right to bear arms but equally important defense against terror tierney but that is the first amendment with free-speech and freedom of assembly but to show you how far the second amendment debate has drifted, there is no movement insisting that the lives banning child pornography yelling fire in a crowded theater is a slippery slope and whether a local dens lawsuit or our understanding of the first amendment guarantees that continues to revolve changing social norms.ogy and unlawful search and seizure those that play out these are important and government into everyday lives as they do come down on either side of this question but that is not true with each one i heard my constituents talknn about gun rights parroting the recent words whose said the don't have the right to keep and bear arms because of the bill of rights rather they said so because the to right to keep and bear arms is intrinsic to our very beings that we are endowed by our creator. my point is if it's naturally in their need to be more extreme to undermine f the legitimacy of governmentnt that is the nature of the government party pet the second position is changing the economic model that number is dropping everyhe single month meaning the gun industry is relying on a smaller group of gun ownerslyinn with expensive weapons so that simple solution is to sell more weapons to race smaller market how do we do this?how do y we convince people there are only a few in addition to hunt but to protect yourself also make them a collectible that has turned the collecting into a the other prohibition is the same revolutionary theorye and that the industry that is a fantasy contract that they need to arm themselves against out of control government. . . on the new positioning the illegitimacy of the wall or the government as a means to protect us all from harm. but if they lose space in the p ability to protect the public safety or national term will be to the massive private firearmso ownership. the veto undermine the importance of guns and how else can you explain the transformation of the positioning of background checks in 1999 the nra was plowing the laws of congress pressing for an expansion of background checks. the industry provides a sizable chunk of the gun lobbies financing changed. that's a complete refusal to engage in the conversation on gun policy because we comprise the notion of th that the heartf american freedom and liberty as the unrestricted right to stockpile arms in the case of emergency against the government

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