Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160803 :

CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings August 3, 2016

If you want coke, you have to go to mcdonalds. Telling a honda dealer that if someone wants in their door looking at their cars they have to tell them where they can also go look at ford cars . Pregnancy Resource Centers have a moral objection to telling women wear they can go to kill their unborn child. I think this law is horrible, its in the court and i would encourage you all to be praying that it be overturned. Pregnancy Resource Centers are outnumbering abortion clinics by three to one in thiscountry. Getting womenchoices , giving them options. [applause] the problem is the abortion industry cant stand competition. And i would say to them when you only allowed one option, you cannot call yourself prochoice. [applause] i and a tremendous admirer of winston churchill. He was the right man in the right place at the right time. Quite frankly, he saved the world. If it hadnt been for his determination and indomitable spirit, we cant know how much of the world adolf hitler would have been able to conquer. To express this countrys appreciation in 1963 president john f. Kennedy made churchill an honorary american citizen, i think welldeserved. But in the book the last lion, defender of the realm, churchill says that hitler was out killing even his teutonic ancestors and not since the mongols came in the 13th century had europe seen such methodical, merciless butchery on such a monstrous scale. We are in the presence concluded of a crime without a name. I read that and i thought, wow. Methodical, merciless butchery on such a monstrous scale. We are in the presence of a crime without a name. Now, i know you are all thinking the same thing i was thinking. That is what we are in right now. Methodical, merciless butchery. 1 million unborn children every year, killed by abortion. Having their arms torn off as they are dismembered, bleeding to death as linens are torn off. Bring straight out of the uterus without medical interest, being vacuumed or suction out of the uterus this is merciless and methodical. Except this crime does have a name and it is abortion. We must do everything we can to stop it read about for us is to elect prolife candidates who will continue to pass prolife laws so that we may months again in this country protect our children, thank you. [applause] thank you carol. Once again, shes given us great things to think about. And now, our Political Action committee director, karen crossed will begin to talk to us about the battle ahead and what we have to do politically. [applause] good morning. Every Election Year brings with it new challenges. And its not an exaggeration to say that this election has been the most unpredictable Election Year of our lifetime. But there do remain constant. Every election prolife leaders take their training on the national right to Life Convention and use it to rally the grassroots troops in preparation for the battle ahead. Every election, we encounter those who are so discouraged with how some races are shaping up that they hide behind their anger and sacrifice the right to vote. And every election, we make decisions that will have consequences for good or ill for generations to come. Yes, in politics we always have to be looking forward, being watchful and vigilant. In a field that is constantly changing but we cant just look to the future. We must also learn from our past, being ever mindful to not repeat historys mistakes. Its no wonder then that ive always been fascinated by history. Raining over the founding of our country, especially those willing to fight the necessary battles in givingup their lives and their happiness. For the opportunity to give us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of our own. I often find this selflessness reflected in the Prolife Movement. We would dedicate our lives writing for the rights of people we will never meet, making sacrifices so that others might live. As prolifers we are constantly on the battle lines. We battle for the hearts and minds of americans. We are on the front lines of the spiritual battle as well. And we find ourselves battling to keep prolife leadership in the United States house of representatives and the u. S. Senate so that we can pass protective prolife legislation that saves lives. We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How many times have we heard these words . Too many of us have become number two the profound history behind them. We forget that these words represented a truly radical idea of the time. They fought on the front lines of history, incapable of knowing theRipple Effect their efforts would have on future lives. But they knew that these ideas, life, liberty , were worth fighting for. Each time you enter thevoting booth , you have a Ripple Effect that will impact the entire country. You will be electing senators and representatives will determine the direction of our nation. And who will decide the next members of our supreme court. You will be electing local representatives who will decide whether your state represents a respect for life or passes laws pray on the vulnerable. Those local representatives who you elect may eventually run for Higher Office and so the cycle continues. Each boat we pass or do not cast will have consequences. You may tire of hearing me tell you that each election is a most important we have ever seen but with each election comes new opportunities, new dangers and fresh faces. Each election is a chance to protect mothers and their unborn children and each election i will sell the call for you to take up your arms and work for political leaders who will represent all of us born and unborn. The freedom to vote and the opportunity to have an impact of this magnitude is a great responsibility we all bear. As we look to the Upcoming Supreme Court nomination, perhaps the greatest responsibility we in the political field have right now is to ensure we have a Prolife Senate that will confirm prolife nominees and block judges who would entrench row. There are a lot of races we will need to work on to accomplish this task but i know that our with this information you will go back to your communities and rally the necessary troops to see this through. As we discussed these set races i will be talking a lot about the nations largest Abortion Provider, planned parenthood and the extreme proabortion pack that only works for democrat women who support abortion for any reason, emilys list but i dont like repeating myself on going to give you your first and easiest task in the upcoming battle. That you need to wake up because i need your help. When i say planned parenthood , you say the nations largest Abortion Provider. Good job. Okay. Next, when i say emilys list , you say the extreme proabortion pack. Nine. This year there are 34 u. S. Senate seats up for election. Okay. I think we need to go to the next slide, yes, thank you. Can democrat seat and 24 republican seats, all of the democrats up for reelection are proabortion. According to political reports, eight of the 10 democrat seat are currently safe while 13 of the 24 republican seats are vulnerable. Democrats need a net gain of five seats to regain control of the senate or for if they win the white house. In order to maintain prolife leadership, we cannot afford to lose any prolife senators in 2016. And the Senate Elections will be top. Please do not fall into the trap of thinking that if you dont live in one of those states that this election does notaffect you. Remember, we are all in this together. And we need to support each other regardless of our location. If you are nowhere near a race, find out how you can support your colleagues via social media. Reach outto your friends and family who may live in different locations. Never stop looking for an opportunity tomake a difference. We are all responsible for these races and for the future of our country. So with an eye toward how you can make an impact in the battle for us, lets review the most pressing set races we face in november. Just last month many of us breathe a sigh of relief when prolife senator marco rubio announced he will run for a second term in the senate. Editor rubio as voted prolife on every occasion. [applause] following the august 30 primary, rubios opponent will likely be either proabortion representative alan grayson or proabortion representative patrick murphy. Who is so extreme on the life issue even voted against a bill to care for babies who are born alive during an abortion and he voted to continue funding planned parenthood. The nations largest Abortion Provider prolife congressman joe will face former attorney general Catherine Cortez master for nevadas open seat or in commerce and voted for the pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and he voted to defund planned parenthood. The nations largest Abortion Provider. In contstaeschylus ported by prochoice america and emilys list. The extreme proabortion pack. In New Hampshire prolike senator kelly ayotte who has a 100 percent prolife voting record is being challenged by abortiongovernor maggie hassan, another candidate supported by emilys list. The extreme proabortion pack. In ohio, ron corbett is facing a challenge by former proabortion governor ted strickland. Portman has a 100 percent prolife voting record while strickland had a dismal voting record in congress, voting against the prolife position nearly 80 percent of the time over 10 years. Strickland has been endorsed by planned parenthood. The nations largest abortion supporter. Actually is facing a challenge like katie mcginty, another candidate from emilys list. The extreme proabortion pac. In wisconsin prolife senator ron johnson case faces former senator russ feingold. Senator johnson has a 100 percent prolife voting record. In contrast, former senator bible supports the current policy of abortion on demand and voted against the partialbirth abortion ban every chance he had. And hes endorsed by planned parenthood. The nations largest Abortion Provider. North carolina prolife senator robert byrd is facing a challenge by former assemblywoman this deborah ross, a candidate supported by emilys list. The extreme proAbortion Provider. In arizona congresswoman and kirkpatrick, i candidate from emilys list. The nations extreme proabortion pack. The extreme proabortion pac, is challenging prolife senator john mccain. Senator mccains prolife record contrasts greatly with kirkpatricks who voted against the pain capable legislation and voted to fund planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest proAbortion Provider. Darrell glennis challenging proabortion senator Michael Bennet in colorados senate race. Michael bennet voted against the pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and has been awarded a 100 percent lifetime rating by planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest Abortion Provider. Prolife congressman todd young will face former congressman darren hill for indianas open senate seat. Todd young has a 100 percent prolife voting record while barron hills is a mixed record on abortion. Including boats to continue running planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest Abortion Provider. Senator really blunt, a prolife leader is facing a challenge by proabortion secretary of state jason who had a 100 percent proabortion voting record on the misery house of representatives and finally, in iowa, prolife senator chuck grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee is facing a challenge by proabortion former Lieutenant Governor patty judge. Senator has a 100 percent prolife voting record while patty judge is so extreme on abortion that she issupported by emilys list. And planned parenthood. [crowd] the nations largest Abortion Provider. Good job, guys. [applause] as you can see, there is a lot at stake for babies and their mamas in the senate in 2016. Moving on to the house of representatives, if you look at the screen you will seethe current list of competitive house races. Democrats need a net gain of only 30 seats to take proabortion control of the us house of representatives. The battle of majority control of u. S. Senate and house will have sweeping implications for the future of the Prolife Movement. The loss of the prolife republican majority would be devastating to life issues. I began this morning by talking about history and the importance of reflecting on where we have been so as not to repeat themistakes of the past. A radical idea in the 1700s that we all have the equal right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness carries us through our actions today. But today we make history of our own. Today we make choices for future generations to reflect upon. While will they look back in 300 years at our choices and deride us for staying silent in the face of evil . Will they admire our diligence in protecting the weak and the vulnerable . Will they wonder why we didnt do more. Number no they wont. That last one is off the table, we will do all we can. [applause] we will fight with our last breath for those who cannot speak for themselves. As long as there is violence and injustice of abortion there will be those of us who stand against it and work to protect all of our unborn brothers and sisters. Abortion is the ultimate human discrimination and we will not stay silent. [applause] the late ellie we sell, and auschwitz survivor told us to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all and in every battle there are soldiers and in every soldier needs their marching orders these are yours do not stay silent do not be discouraged allow fear to guide your steps the mistakes are too important and every voice will be needed to ensure the senate holds. We must hold the senate you must hold the senate. If you leave here today and do nothing, we will fail you must take this information and you must reenergize your troops at home who werent able to join us today. When the grassroots marches on we will succeed and with our success will come a culture that makes good on the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Thank you. [applause] thank you karen. And now, i would like to present to you or the next speech, doctor. I hesitated a moment because he gives us information in a slide slow also and he is as many of you know he was a professor of mathematics and he understands the figures and they are very important to us to understand also because they tell us how we can succeed and whats happening out there. Doctor david osteen. [applause] for it is god who works in us both to will and to do according to his good pleasure. You shine as lights in the World Holding for the word of life. You shine as lights in the World Holding for the word of life. Those words written almost 2000 years ago by st. Paul as he was inspired to write at absolutely described, spoken to and spoken about many, many good men and women through the ages who have fought against evil and certainly there are no people that more aptly describe and and speak about menu holding for the word of life and you have had success youve heard about the challenges facing right now lets reflect for a moment on what you have done there are 600,000 you are baby killed today annually in the United States that at the height of theabortion epidemic. [applause] think of that, think of the blessings you have how many people have actually saved the life and for your work, your sacrifice , your faith, your saving lives. Today when you go home. Despite having the administration rage against us and the billion dollar a year Abortion Corporation called planned parenthood raise against us, we are continuing to make progress. Four more states this year bad dismemberment abortion. [applause] two more states stop abortion when the baby could feel pain. [applause] now, the proabortion forces are reveling the victory they had in the supreme court. They are energized and they plan to move forward. It is said before they on this in the courts, they hide behind judges , they dont like legislators but think what they want. Think what they are overjoyed about and it says something about proabortion. What they won was the right to operate clinics so shabby that they cant meet the standards of otheroutpatient surgical centers. They wanted the right to have socalled doctors who are so bad they cant admitting privileges in a hospital, what a great victory. We got the shabby clinics, we got the worst doctors. Thats the proabortion movement but they are so energized they think they are going to defeat us this year. Because they believe there should be and they do, they do this, more abortion clinics were abortionists were abortion and you have been making abortion where, not as rare as it should be, million kids in here are still dying but you have been , i dont know, Hillary Clinton is not happy, bill said he wanted abortion rare, i hope hes happy. We are trying to do it. Now they mention taking away the height amendments. And we want to talk a little bit about that. And im going to come back to that. They think they are going to use your tax dollars to pay for abortion they are already getting planned parenthood is getting hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars annually anyway but they want directly to pay for abortion well, were going to stop them. It is no accident theProlife Movement has been able to pass this legislation because as i said before , those who have had the pleasure to meet with th

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