Stick independent media is the oxygen of a democracy. We are not there to assert a corporate agenda. Were not brought to buy the book weapons manufacturer. The idea of democracy now starting 20 years ago hasnt changed of those of the grassroots and around the world and the very much represent the majority of people who were concerned deeply about growing inequality and climate change. But we are not a fringe minority but the silent majority cited by the corporate media. A letter that had recently obtained from across the aisle rewriting to reiterate our interest the fiscal year the appropriations process. As we see it our democratic friend said we promise added only a transparent process but its marcions for those humble sides of the aisle to participate of funding decisions. Si it is no bed with opportunity. And that is exactly what we have been doing. Words appropriations process is the excellent kick off of the democrats san senator mikulski with bills passing with unanimous bipartisan votes in just a few days ago senator mikulski said i think it is a good day. Pra and then to suggest the cleanup of radioactive manes hazardous contamination across our country. And with the infrastructure in the very same people who wrote the letter. The same people who praise the bill. The very same people would give credit for amendments to the bill. Democrats are more concerned with finding the acquisition of heavy water from iran and infrastructure here from america. Ne i will say that again. An it seems that democrats are more concerned with finding the acquisition of heavy water from marion than finding water infrastructurere than right here in their home country. As we all know president obama concluded the nuclear deal with iran last year it is expected about 100 billion in the Obama Administration admitted the everyone regime will invest in the war economy. And to strengthen the hand of the revolutionary guard to help the shia militiawarned t killing soldiers in iraq. Many of us including myself said this made little sense in terms of our strategy that included hands of irans capability and testing Ballistic Missiles supplying forces to syria for the al saud regime and those within the persian gulf. So with the Administration Made an announcement over the past weekend it would be purchasing heavy water from iran a lot of us were f concerned. Deal that the u. S. Funds would be sent to iran. Ts l nothing required the United States to make that purchasen in it is likely it will amount to even more moneyy for iran to invest in the military modernization and. So to file an amendment we are appropriating to have more of these purchases in the future. In the future. And with that heavy water Purchase Agreement our risk. And the modernization of iran or the procurement of the Ballistic Missiles for america or her allies. And it would not be supported by every member of the seven. They filibuster the overall bill that passed with unanimous bipartisan support to prevent even the possibility, even the possibility of th amendment. They could not wait one single week before throwing the wrench into the appropriations process. Some of us remember the democrats to want to vote when the raid majority theyre also dont vote in the minority. Sent i hope they are not dusting off the filibuster playbook especially in light of the letter they just sent to me about restoring regulars order. Perhaps but they filibuster this appropriations bill then walked into a press conference about zika funding. The appropriations process spred is the path for the funding. The administration both republicans and democrats are looking at different approaches and to move toward on the collaborativein process but the administration keeps them waiting month after month as has been the case with zika. But progress is being made. Darr remember the secondon to breaking democrat and y that seems relevant. If you dont want to come to congress in vote then get a job somewhere else. So here is the message to our democratic colleagues. Do your job. Do your job. There are other areas were both sides could have Common Ground and with many Important Solutions already. In four families and Small Businesses that empowersio parents keeping washington from imposing common core in those that will allow was infrastructure where the pay raise for our troops of him and trafficking we got a lot done last year of hard work and cooperation. Sancti we got more done this year to in the past three months a we pass the korea sanctions bill to ban Internet Access taxes a measure to give the people more access to government records and critical legislation on prescription opiate wade and heroin epidemic. Repast the most pro passenger pros security reauthorization in years the first Energy Legislation so where are we . We now have the bipartisan opportunity to work through the individual funding bill. We now have a bipartisan opportunity to continue addressing funding issues like zika. Erativel what will it take . Said democratic colleagues to work cooperatively across the aisle instead. That is not too much to basket take a step back. I believe when you give senators in the people they represent us say in the legislative process they will take more of a stake in the legislative outcome. Regardless of party. That is why we have been w powered committees and members to take the lead. That is how we got the senate back to work for i think members of both parties have claimed the benefits. Ss n so yes with the shortterm political benefit, but i will also ask my friendsicans hv that restoring the association in process but it is what i set out to do the best way to give individual sanders of both parties more of a voice in the process how taxpayer dollars are spent. We will give an opportunity to reconsider mouches the path i know there is a much more we could accomplish. Lets ince striving for the country together. Mr. President. Or in never successful bill to bring to the floor quickly in this header by way of mexico and with them bader appropriation bill but there is nobody more in tune with a historic and she was viable and once to get in dash but it we were all terribly disappointed yesterday but the bill is to dash but out of nowhere, we give it. Dianne feinstein agrees. Wor but to talk about the filibuster. I will repeat, as soon as the buffalo was elected. Is and did that fails within five and include in that is what people get used to none none record per coated ruth times. But if roof in that it grinds the process but they feel it is more important to to fend and that is what the senators who wrote the letter the everybody acknowledges what it is. But the president said he cannot sign the bill so would be to everyones interest to simply step back to pass the bill as it existed figure out a way to embarrass the president. To my friend the republican to leader and includes of motions to proceed we had tore move. Ended a but he agrees to the mistake not baez but the republicans. Olivier trying to and get in. No hearings and ruth no need to go over what has not been in pineros would collapse and when they could result in we had a briefing to the hero we could go intohose then we have others like malaria but not birth defects for of mission but its like a sciencefiction novel. Doesnt it . Pond but this is to live here and a manhattan federal it teaches said she hasnt heard a with tradition and common sense. Ds of the public roughhouse and tell those that have indicated up a copy of the United States. 30 states were likelye affected with this the studio a skill. More than two months ago saying we need more then will we get from the administration and they were desperate but both the mosquito. Find zika. T and then to hear from the negotiators in more than a week but even as the cdc called the then to talk. I think they should have. But i can put it down. But then with those export resources that they need to. The task the mosquitos. If this nation. Will yield . I will be happy to you dash 1 2 include to the island and is estimated that c 20 percent in the with those i multiple hindrance that we know of but the actual number i think is in in the 80s of pregnant women that we know of. There hit as we invested degree tarot to provide the bin those with the statistics from the cdc shows those in space but that is why the republicans but for those prices serve 500 million but the fact is our friendspl across the data and have not told us the use and tune done with the club would like to ask from a and then also for those of infectiouinfectiou s diseases of was that the Texas Medical Center last week talking to the expertshat s tworoom wrote it as some of this be hit. There is none. Is a flight check dash 1 2 been dead gamesmanshipre senate bill we have the fatigue route debt led the senator has on the flora of to live up the specific request of 1. 9 billion which includes the replenishment of 580 million up to the teeth tucson which had been in france to to fight this for your emergency can live a leave and to and and and and. The majority leader . Mr. President the justices and then it would address those other question is then kidders want to have answers to before we write to 1. 9 billion dollars to the administration if they already have access to build 589 billion which to where it was to have a meaningful discussion were for a dividend of dash disease who update focus on Vector Control activities . Our reach age and education because this is a mosquito Borne Disease isnt the only one but unfortunately and including the warmer clients like my late of texas in and then another question i haveays but no matter what their irresponsible so we cant get the lay the dash but to determine this year it did is they let to sequester a blank check cannot to the demon but to appropriate that money but there is 7,289,000,000 and shot the into beyond any emergency basis but the issues to ask for a government wide Contingency Fund that held then Human Services control to transfer funds elsewhere. Can they want to say the true interest her billion dollars they are taught about finding the matter setter. And related to zika behalf by with that explanation they have not yet made it the that that is a serious matter with the 18 trillion of european and but this is something we should deal with responsibly but not by coming to the floor to rinse it and already nearly 900 cases of speeleven including two confirmed cases in my home state of washington and. Our recent survey showst, those 40 percent of the votes in our country see this virusta as the reason these are disturbing statistics to make it clear the zika virus is a Public Health emergency no reason to delay. Months ago the administration in Power Forward a strong proposal that senator reid introduced today. Delay republicans didnt even take the time to consider it. And laying in on this side of further delay. Have not m as a result were getting close to mosquitos season but we still have not moved on emergency supplemental funding to prevent and treat the fire is intended to many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle does an emergency some say we should not give 1 penny in additional funding others say it can wait and witht women and children we want to get this done as soon as possible. O and as recently as of you days ago. Into have a path forward. Ican ended its clear once again path like the Heritage Foundation in to demonstrate the path how we get a bipartisan billrg signed into law but this issue is important to have insights so i urge my republican colleagues and then i hope we can live on. To talk about families and friends with the Supreme Court nominee but there nomination. Esearch. Im here to a tell them this is an emergency. And to get the research and the understanding to work on the importance of the path for word of the education out there as well. The senator from hawaii. If this is an emergencye real and then i dont know what is. 1. 9 zika defiance Public Health emergency when you have to rack now with that supplemental request. Ue res id with the concern but there is no plan. That just isnt accurate. The oh is fortunate to business cdc headquarters in atlanta zik of the is developing theci diagnostic tests that unnecessary to find out if people are carriers theyre working on a vaccine with high a degree of confidence they would get a vaccine but it takes Time Resources with the public how about reach and this is transmitted and regarding the safety of their blood supply. 743 million for the cdc also including grants and Technical Assistance to help the domestic and International Response activities and to increase the federal rate so they would have 500 active transmissions him p. R. With the number continues to go up several hundred million from the National Institutes of health to invest in Vaccine Research and development that is the end game but we have to helple prevent the transmission as the country warms up and the mosquitos become more prevalent also for vaccines and diagnostic development 335 billion from usa idea abroad to help with Public Health efforts but i will make some specific procedural points. Is important for me we tried to move debris each individual appropriations subcommittee trying to move a regular order we would be quicker than i think in many years but the practical fact also means were not working on legislation that must be passed by today or next week whether energy or water we will wait for the house tot act and conferencing it is not clear whether we will move the of put measures to the president s desk there not legislatively on the fire the kuwait 23 legislative days or weeks and are ahead of them gavectual preferred not to be have our own challenges but this defiance emergency natural Public Health emergency. Ope of t this is what government does every year follicles persuasion or ideology about size and scope by the greek and all agree the most basic responsibility of the federal government, this is a real risk isnt imaginary or trumped up it is then partisan if you talk to the us cc they are very, very nervous the only reason it hasnt popped is because it is still cold and mosquitos are not out of it is a real emergency there is no reasonmajy that we couldnt take us a couple of legislative days to answer the questions if head dresses his concerns about moving one account to another with the many and theyre all legitimate and they alcan be addressed. But why not get on the bill . Se t although skin be addressed on the floor or in committee s there are many ways to address those but to even the knowledge it is urgent in what we are dealing withs right now that whatever were planning to do next is not quite as urgent as the zika that is the point today. Not legislative wrangling that this is a real emergency to take some action. The senator from missouri is working very hard we dont want this to be a partisan issue. Otherwise it fails to acknowledge with a serious Public Health emergency zika is. I yield the floor. T mr. President. This senator from s missouri. I am here to talk about another issue i will talk about what i am scheduled to earlier this week but with the issue of zika it does need to be dealt with. Faugh it is being dealt with. The good news there was substantial money to be reprogrammed and that indicates to me there is a genuine belief with the administration that vice chair that this is and emergency and over half of Million Dollars with that emergency some of that reprogramming money needs to be restored some of it doesnt the ebola crisis is not what we thought it might be better is still hitting resistance osama needs to go back but there is anybody listening to this debate thinks nothing is happening that is not accurate. Y i do appreciate my friend recognized discussions are going on i was with several this week with house members and senate members. Into pass a bill first that mayor may not happen but in the of bill that gets on the president s desk. That the senate would pass the 1. 9 bill as proposed and that could be on the floor for several days to work on the bill to come to the floor quickly and be passed by the house. There was a slim chance they could spend one and a billion dollar chunks and that would pass the senate i am sure that it would not pass the house. What have we gained . But the gold is for congress to pass a bill in the president to sign it and i believe that will happen in many people will see that that happens in the majority leader knows that. In the fact that they know these discussions are ongoing and. For all what to start by expressing my a appreciation for colleagues who were joined space the board today thinking them for all the work they do every day. Me as of last week the cdc reported nearly 900 cases here in United States and u. S. Territories including to confirmed in my home state of washington. A recent survey shows 40 percent of adults sees the zika by wrists as the reason to delay starting a family. Those that are very frightened by the virus they want to know how to travel safely been tragically in their concern what this means for the baby they have on the way. Ol and to help raise awareness of contraception and Family Planning to a celebrate the efforts that is why for months democrats and republicans to come to the table and work with us to push for the strongn proposals involve some in the Republican Party said they wanted to work with us it is clear there beaten back by the extreme rightwing. To realize the zika is an emergency. His and as a result of that delay were behind the eightball that is why we have come to the floor earth together to send a clear message we need action now they should not have to for family is a and communities who were working to congress i hope republicans joining us now thank you. I yield the floor. I