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That we ought to add Computer Science as a candidate for fulfilling our language requirement. It is a language just like spanish or german and perhaps in this age more useful. We ought to let that satisfy our language requirement. I will think about that and we talk to our folks about it. To me it is an intriguing, it is animated by a sentiment much like yours. I might suggest on math requirements we put in calculus when we were loosing foot neck and it is great but algorithms should be part of the math. We require four years of math. Doesnt have to include calculus. You dont have to have any particular score. But statistically the single strongest correlation to success was four years of math. Something about the discipline. So kids could dial it up if they are not there already and you might see improvements. The gentlemen here and then here. That way keep the microphone here and we will pass it around. Thank you. This is for president daniels. I am sorry. I am nick farmer. If i can interrut, i think president daniels has a nice ring to it. Interupt [laughter] what percentage of your students are u. S. Citizens . And what percentage of your graduates are working into the United States . How does this inform your thinking about policies that are working and not working in the country today . 85 of your undergraduates and only 55 of your graduate students are domestic. We think i will talk about the undergraduates. We have 30,000 on the main campus. We think we are in the right balance. Internationally we are one of the most diverse universities with 15 and in recent years higher than that percent coming from other countries. I tell students you can learn about the world for the first time you study abroad or foreign trip you make. If you make the effort on the campus you will succeed. We talk about that a lot. I think we are in a reasonable balance point. I hope we will fix policies in this country. I understand it is held hostage to other areas in the immigration area. It is one of those things that people, i think, who disagree about other things, understand we ought to take the smart people who want to come here and stay. We think we keep about 1520 percent of the international students. I am not counting those who stay for graduate school. That would add to it. But those who go into the workforce. Talking to hundreds by now i promise more would stay if it were not so darn hard. And jus to follow up saying this is the most Diverse Community you will probably be in and if you want to learn about a Global Economy look around you. Do you think diversity in and of itself is an asset for a university . Sure. Up to a point but yes. Not to open up another subject but the most important diversity of all is sometimes the hardest to find and that is diversity of viewpoint and outlook. But there are ways to work on that as well as demography. I am going to go over there because i have been on this side of the room. I would like to challenge you on saying your bike trails are not the reason people are going to colorado. I would like to say that. I just went to colorado and look forward to going back. My question is that 43 of the American People cannot afford broadband. I heard this at the new american foundation. We find jobs have to be applied for online and the College Applications are online. The internet is the new telephone. People no longer need to call 911. They need a way to communicate. When you look at that 47 it is like they are not paying taxes and they cant afford broadband. It is very disturbing to middle people. So this is my question we had a recent metro shutdown and people found out they can do their work from home. Women found out they could do their work, whether it is administrative roles from their home because they could not travel into the cities and their employers allowed them to work from home. Do you see in a Digital Economy we can create more roles from women where we can work from home but not lose our pay because we are being just as productive . If we can change the mindset of the current leaders we can create bringing it back to this topic how about insecf you were appointed i am going to be cochairing this new Advisory Board on the new Digital Economy. And one thing we are putting effort into is access to the internet in rural areas. There is certainly a lot of companies that put a lot of time and effort into that as well. It is clearly critical. Your question about Woman Working from home is more complicated because it gets back to the issues mitch raised where there is a tension over whether people who work fulltime for a company from home get benefits whereas if they go to an Office Building they would get benefits. We need to resolve some of those tensions and most of our population has been moving toward cities. So for the vast numbers of the women that you are talking about the issue is less Internet Access and more some of these other benefit, job conditions issues. But certainly access to the internet universally in this country is something we have to pay critical attention to. If you look what china is doing in other countries it is not lost on them. T that is going to be the engine of growth. I will interject because i hope you look at it when you do it. The core of your question is whether place based and being in a place with other people, and we saw the woman who took over yahoo saying quit trying to telecommute. You have to be around physically because people are more productive. Steve jobs felt that way as well. It is somewhat discrimination to think that way. It is a great question. 30 years ago everyone said as the internet began to appear and televisions became bigger that people wouldnt go to movies anymore. People want to be in groups. So it is not just being demanded. That is what this form and marco report is about. People like being together. Anyone with the name walter is called on early. Thank you very much. I am walter and from december of last year i served 13 years as a county supervisor in arlington, virginia and now i am in the private industry trying to earn a living. But as the levels of local, state or federal government were mentioned, it struck nee me a bit because a lot of action is taking place and arlington may not be the best example of the country because we are Technology Driven with the pentagon there and things. But there is a digital divide. It is not confined only to the heart of america but it may replace manufacturing jobs because of a trade agreement or whatever issue that is involved. The skills for technology really are for everybody. In areas where we have a great deal of diversity like the washington metro region a lot of folks are being left out that are probably described as being in the service industry. Folks who want to have a cup of coffee and they wanted someone who smiled and gave their change. What do you say to folks who say vocational training, Quick Technology certification might exp expedite you higher into society and more knowledgeable Technology Skills down the line. When they talk about the Workforce Development they usually talk about high paying jobs and it usually requires a high level of vocation. But a lot of people, immigrants, only have a high school diploma. So it is not confined to one segment of the country or population but all over in general. What suggestions or advice would you offer . Anyone want to take that . I think that is what skill code is about. Employers are not going to look for a specific generic document but what is the aggregation of skills i am looking for in this job because they will get a better price for it. If it is less expensive to get two or three certificates and a badge and you learned this the employer gets someone better suited, happier in the job, and less expensive. That is what skill full is about. Getting employers and potential employee together much closer and rapidly. And what mitch is doing is really extroaordinary incredibl. In the past it was based on seat time and not skills acquired. What mitch is doing at purdue and poly Tech Institute is giving people certificates at whatever pace they can pick them up to achieve certain skills in a diplomabased curriculum and that is happening more and more. Arizona State University is doing a lot of online teaching where people can pick up, at their own pace, the things they are trying to learn and demonstrate they have gotten the training and the learning that is provided by that. And i think there are a number of Community Colleges that are grappling with this. How do they move from being seat time to certificate or diplomabased because the Graduation Rates is staggering low in Community Colleges. So if they can give people achievements along the way for the investments they are making. We are also trying to get people who have had college, ran up the big debt, but dont have the diploma to show for it the way to show they have the skills on the skillful platform. They took statistics or coding so they can demonstrate they have skills that are in demand in the workplace and finally feel proud as well as economically satisfied feel proud of what they learned because a critical part of the equation is having americans believe in themselves and the country again. And believe their skills are valued. That is a critical part of what we have to achieve. Yes, maam . Hi, Nicole Turner lee, i am at the multi culture telecom resource counsel and i am affiliated with arizona State University s. T. E. M. And women of color program. My question is this. We talked about the knowledge economy and this has been a great conversation. But how do you reconcile explicit and implicit bias that exists in institution particularly for people of color or people who are disabled or seniors . The knowledge economy doesnt look like those folks. How do we begin to think about the conversations of disparity and push it past the skillsbuilding face and into shifting institutional par dimes so they are more accepting people once they obtain these competency. At the end of the book blink that is an antedote that talks about in 1892 every tuba player was a man. And then this woman went and did the blind audition because the son of the first violinist anyway, everyone goes go home you are it. And she had a long ponytail and everybody freaked out and there were lawsuits. It is a wonderful image of what happened. And now every symphony has blind auditions and now it is almost 5050. I think that should be on every system. In the court system the defendant should be offered the right to not be seen by the jury because they have tattoos on them or whatever. And certainly when applying for jobs. Technology helps us too with this. Helps and hurts. Yes, way over there. Yes, i am Stephanie Berry and i am retired from government. My question is how do we create a new labor force to go against hard problems like in in fustrucker . It seems like we could match advances in the Digital World but i havent heard much about how we push these companies to find that new thing that brings in a lot of people to take on the hard problems we have right now . Well, i think it is coming. Your car is going to talk to the road very soon and other cars. The infrastructure we build will be smart in a way we never imagined. No bigger believer in the infrastructure in the room than i am. True believer this is a major issue within the country. Two things. We ought to not overestimate the degree of employment that comes with it. The employment affect of infrastructure is the second factor after it is there and businesses take advantage of it. So i think you will see pont new investments. If you want to talk about a place where Public Policy gets in the way of progress this is it. It is easy to talk about Building Infrastructure but try to go do it. And spend eight years in a statement checking to see if someone can find an arrowhead somewhere. You talked about Infrastructure Spending and College Tuition free. As a governor, how do you calculate return on investment . Whether it is creating Free Community college or a new internet systems so that you know whether it is costing society or benefiting society . You do your best. Every investment involves a leap of faith. When you are building roads, bridges, broadband, or pipelines for the long term you have to imagine things that are not even in few. The value of infrastructure, and now i think i can say this with some authority, is what comes along after and you cannot always predict that. It is like when they built the internet to connect the university computers. We swept the system we had and algorithms for what were based on the safety, convenience, and economic advantages. You have to be modest enough to know these could be estimates. You should try to proceed based on logic that gets at your question knowing some will work out better than you imagined and some you will put there and where is everybody. Anybody in the way back i am discrimina discriminating . Mark with the National Governors association. Thank you for being here, governors. You have done great work with us. Governor daniels you mentioned the k12 system is the best investment to address the problems in the nation. What ways would you address w k workbased learning to better link the world to the Education System . That is a great question and like Everything Else i dont pretend to have an answer. But things we are doing at purdue is starting a high school of our own in inner city indianapolis. It is a mirror image of this poly Tech Institute. I confess seeing if we can contribute something to a High School Education that does exactly what we expect we imagine a number of graduates will go straight from high school to work. But the number one objective honestly is to go back t Something Else we talked about before. The pool of first generation and minority students when are even remotely likely to succeed at your university, in our state, is heart breakingly small. I am tired of waiting on the k12 system. This high school, if we can make it work, and we never started a high school so i dont know. But if we can make it work, the one rule i established is in every diploma of every graduate there is a direct admission to Purdue University because we cannot wait anymore. Every year at this time i check and the total number o africanamerican graduates in the state of indiana at the purdue median, and we are a land grant school, we have high standards but we are not a highly selective school, we want to be the opposite. We were put there as someone mentioned to open the doors of Higher Education beyond the elites. And in every year i have been there it has been a low three digit numbers. Just at your median. That is the whole universe. I am not going to tell you how many are young men. And so we are going to try to jump into the deep end of this pool. Yes, i think we can, i hope, contribute thinks or learn things that will speed young people to employment. But it is really aimed at trying to have a University Community that includes more people of lowin co lowincome and first generation. Last quick question. I am sorry to see a couple other hands but i am trying to be fair. Brian wright. Thank you. We have heard about the lack of wages or the wage growth issue. We talked about the issue of student debt a little burdening young people. We heard about folks who are 40 and 50 above. What do you say as the economy works forward, the Industrial Revolution moves forward, and this idea of a data mining royalty . That is when we are data mined, our personal data is mined, ought there be a royalty assessed against it and the funds contribute to Something Like the alaska fund that was launched by republicans for alaskans so each year the check is cut to those folks based on the amount of data they mine . Zoe . It is such an interesting question. I was recently with leading mit researchers and a bunch of people from silicone valley talking about what the Research Agenda should be. And i put on the table why dont you take a hard question. Forget the stuff people suggest to you that, you know, how many people are going to work in the gig economy. Take a hard question, which is ur question, and whether or not people should benefit from the value of what they provide from the internet system relative to what they get from the free goods or the facts they can use these services for free . There is a really right field for new understandings that can lead to new policy decisions and business decisions. I will let both governors have a quick last word, too, if you want and then we will turn it back to walter. Thank you, walter and zoe, for creating this platform. Before i get home and my wife yells at me i want to point out i am a strong supporter of hillary clinton. When i said president daniels it was in contrast to the primaries. This is one of the key issues this country faces; how do we more rapidly connect kids with the skills . Not necessarily the knowledge but the skills they will need to succeed in life. I think skillful and what marco is working on is apprenticeship and i think that is a huge part of it. My son is in a Public School are longer days but no homework. Loves it. We have experiments like that all over the country. One thing that just strikes me is our own citizens and else i read, Young Americans are complacent about giving up the data. If you tell them we will give you ten cents that is fine. But we havent thought about that enough. Probably ought to be a matter of free choice but ought to make sure it is informed and i dont deal informed to know what the implications are when i let somebody look through my personal data. That is one of the new elements in this new economy. I want to thank zoe. It has been amazing how since you have taken over marco you have been at the forefront of every important issues. And arthur brooks, those of us who work on think tank row, we look for authors who have moral compass and thanks to all you did. Thank you. Please watch for more conversations on this incredibly important topic. We will have ongoing functions about helping people earn what they deserve. This is the ultimate goal of the center. As this comes to a close, the u. S. Senate is about to gavel in following the weeks break for spring. They will offer speeches until five and then work on a bill to combat the threat of corporate trade secrets with a final vote expected at 5 30 live eastern. Now we take you to live coverage of the u. S. Senate here on cspan2

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