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Different they could be hit with some kind of a fire. That happened to google. They said they were not they were honoring thirdparty cookies that were in fact hacking around with russia racked this. The fcc affirmative laid out under the fact that the communications of book cover them as communications as common carriers, they have to make rules. The ftc never had rules that they didnt have rulemaking authority. Host before we go any further, gentlemen, lets bring Howard Buskirk in. Hes the executive director communications. Guest i want to ask you first of all, what are you concerned for the isps in terms of where the fcc may be headed in terms of this area . I have counseled clients in different areas. If one were to apply with the privacy rules, which were developed in the context of the Telecom Reform act of 1996, which the rules really do not work very well in a world of the internet where you have apps and you have Internet Advertising Company and operating systems, all these different players are involved in collecting a certain amount of information and also involved in delivering services. The broad concern with you that they would be discriminated against him on the one hand they are required under the Net Neutrality border to carry all traffic that goes across their system regulated as a common carrier and required to support all these different entities. They uniquely would be prohibited from participating in the advertising marketplace, which they currently are very small players. The idea they would have to carry the traffic but be unable themselves to obtain any advertising revenue by virtue of information that they obtain by virtue of providing Internet Access service. The isps are very unfair in dealing with a tiny part of the ecosystem that is not a major player in the world of advertising. This should be irrational. Are there questions about how much data they would have to protect in the changing ecosystem, how much data they are responsible for. Guest there is a study that came out by the former privacy czar in the Clinton White house with some other at georgia tech which showed the majority of internet traffic by the end of this year is going to be encrypted so that the content of those communications will not be visible. On the other hand, an operating system would see that unencrypted and would have more information than the isp would. Furthermore, no longer are people access the internet. The average consumer uses 6. 1 devices to connect to the internet and most consumers are using three to five different Internet Access providers that connect the internet every day. The single home isp does not have a unique view of a huge amount of user activity. And if you consider think about it, and if you take your smartphone and connect to wifi which 46 of mobile users are doing for their internet traffic, that information is going to a wifi provider. If you access the internet from home, you will typically have a Home Internet provider. If you access information to mobile device when you are not connected to wifi, your wireless provider will be collecting information and then your work isp provider will be providing Broadband Service at the office will potentially collect information. This is a much more fragmented universe with much of the data encrypted. That study has been disputed by a number of people recently. I think its about 65 is unencrypted and that is talking about the content template is just as significant and just as revealing as the information of what site you went to and how long you were there and sort of tracking types of sites that you visit and have they not targeted on the basis of that sort of information. It is correct that the current rules that apply to common carriers were from the world of telephones and they arent adequate and really dont correctly categorize the kinds of information that should come under the privacy rules but Broadband Access providers. A modest local make it is all about, trying to figure out which things are known as cpn i which is custom proprietary Network Internet program by virtue of someone plugging into your network. The idea is to not ought to use that data for purposes other than completing the map or transaction unless the person gives permission for that to happen. Thats the way it works in a telephone world and it works the same as the broad and Internet Access provides. Host for the average subscriber, why should he carry about the information . Are there other ways than the carriers are monetizing are raising concerns . Guest you get that data. A profile can be put together and you can then be sort of targeted for kinds of advertising that can end up being discriminatory and taken it managed in ways that probably arent entirely fair. While it is true that the internet is more than the Internet Access providers, they are in a unique position in terms of you pretty much have to go through one and it is appropriate because they are unique to recognize that and deal with the data that they gather. We can talk about other questions around the socalled provider, google, facebook and all of that. I believe there could be some rules to put in place there. That is not the subject of this particular position at this point. Host jim halpert. A guest i think you need to look at the internet ecosystem as a whole. For the reasons i describe it is not true that isps have a uniquely broad of user behavior. There is also no indication of the unencrypted traffic that goes through their network and all the places where users are going. If that were the case, that is exactly what internet advertising Business Models do today. It is not particularly hard. It is present in ads you may be interested based on where you are going on the internet. This is how the ad supported Free Internet works today. The isps are tiny players in the world of internet advertising. They are strong selfregulatory requirements. Isps and others in the ecosystem have all made to follow privacy optout rules in a variety of ways that give consumers notice and control. They are absolutely enforceable today. Nothing would change that. They are binding commitments. To break off today a tiny piece of the internet advertising ecosystem and subject the net through rigorous rules that consumers wont understand and to North Augusta the internet and the not irrational urge to privacy on the internet. The fact is given the way that congress is configured right now and the house of representatives that is likely to remain under for at least six years and probably another another 10 after that. There is no legislation applies to the internet. If this one on tiny little piece of the internet ecosystem subject to potentially very confusing rules. What Consumers Want and expect us to have choices about how their information is used, to have clear transparent notice about information practices and have an easy way to optout of practices that they dont want to see being done with their data. Moving to an optin privacy rule, which is technically what john is advocating for its really quite different if you think about what happens with their health information. When you go to a doctor, you have to sign a privacy form every single time you go to a different doctor and effectively if that is what would be happening with the Internet Access service for information to be used for any purpose other than delivery of service. I think that is what johns proposal is. Curiously even other privacy groups. I think that is what we are essentially suggesting. With the isps on and did before we can use the information for purposes other than providing the service, that it should be an optin sort of situation. That is part of the problem right now to talk about all of these selfregulatory regimes in the one based on the socalled notice and choice model, where they explain in the Privacy Policy and people say that is fine. That doesnt work. Who on this table minus the last last time anyone had a policy and sometimes they raise that good my standard line is they breed like they are written by lawyers and the way to obfuscate the situation. We were together in an effort to simplify. Guest yes, we did. And it was fun. Host right now we are in the plaster of an administration. They are looking not a proposal. What is the likelihood they are going to be able to get the notice of proposed rulemaking and still get a final rule and get that in place by the end of the administration. Guest i think it will be interesting to see if they can get that done. I think it is important that they do the notice of public rulemaking as soon as they possibly can. I expect quite soon. That if nothing else raises all the questions and get the record going where people can put in their various views and can earn and if they can come back fast enough with a new rule, that would be great. But can also serve as the foundation for what goes on with the next administration. Guest theres also a good Net Neutrality order created this particular problem to solve other problems, but it created this regulatory cab. May not be upheld in its entirety. There is a decent chance wireless providers in the end, the d. C. Circuit court of appeals is reviewing a challenge to that order and there is a pretty good chance that wireless providers may be ruled to the outside of the Net Neutrality order. If that is the case, we would be an even more fragmented potential role and probably a fair amount of confusion that might slow down the rulemaking. Because we are in somewhat of certain legal ground, within that michelle at the order, we cant exclude a surprise coming from the d. C. Circuit court of appeals and further narrowing the scope of this. All of a sudden you would see for wireless providers, you could see the ftc get jurisdiction again midstream and its possible there will be litigation on this underlying regulatory fact that triggers this rulemaking. So that could interrupt this as well. Host john simpson, for folks working on trend watching this at home, what is the conversation . Guest i think it is important because if it goes through the way many of us in the privacy community would hope it goes through, i think it will mean consumers will have more choice and control over the data gathered about them. I think thats an important thing. Most people want that. You look at various polls taken in there is great concern by the average person about their privacy on the internet. Guest i think what this means is really whether consumers are going to be asked to optin when i signed up for Internet Service in the middle of a service contract, which is something that like the Health Care Privacy release that you sign, consumers are going to be ready or to onto that. I think it is better to have very clear notices to consumers and ready control where consumers can go and choose to optout consciously optout of different services. Or use of their data. Much on his advocating is a default rule for a consumer first of all will be asked to check the release so information can be used. I dont think that actually brings the same degree of thought is very clear short notices and ready consumer controls. Google, comcast and other Companies Move to providing this consumer control over uses of consumer data. I think you get to too much the same place. Guest i would want to have a clearer explanation of what it is they want to do with your data before you optin information. Do you think it out to be an optout . Thats probably where we are. We talked about being part of the process before in privacy. Would it make sense to get everybody in the room, consumer advocates and Public Interest groups and have a big discussion about this in agreement on rules and dont obviate the need for the fcc to impose regulation . I think actually that probably would not work. I would agree with you it would not work. John and i try to work and i devoted a lot of time and effort to a process where a set of short form notice i might should be developed so consumers could make choices about whether to use a mobile lab. What i found in the process as the number of the privacy advocate really didnt want to tackle that problem and didnt want i dont think were that interested in this after being a broad consensus agreement because they had other things that they wanted. On the other side, the Business Community was concerned about being very prescriptive. In the end, a code was put forward an apple, but very, google have all moved to do slightly different types of short form notice. In the end, that gets consumers, to require that its consumer that gets consumers who place of receiving short form notice but maybe not the exact way it was agreed to on the face of the code, but it got them to the same place. On the other hand, consumer advocate didnt want privacy rules in different places. So they wanted to push for bradley addressing that. Its much harder to come up with deals of very broad questions. Its easier on narrow questions. This took about a year. I think the process that would take to yield an agreement on the whole universe would be feasible, but it takes several years and i dont think regulators are going to wait for data. I think the multistakeholder process as they call it may sound good, but in order to really get something done, you need to have a formal ruling and that is what this particular thing that is coming up with eve. There is a big difference between a bunch of people sitting around the room vested in computing entry is trying to come up with something in his third of the green i think a formal rulemaking is a much better way to go. I think our experience shows that. Guest in this situation it is what is on to happen in the limited amount of time left in this administration i dont see unmediated effort to come up with it in a short period of time. Host are we going to see a big fight on this . Things are breaking down politically what they did over Net Neutrality with the Republican Commission very close to some of these rules and the Commission Majority really wanted to move forward. Do you see this sort of mirroring Net Neutrality before the commission . Guest i think this is a little bit more complicated an issue from a Public Policy perspective. There is a very strong argument that for the fcc to move forward, doing something would be arbitrary. Theres a strong argument that Internet Access providers they should not be able to do things that thousands of other players that the internet ecosystem are doing with regard to advertising for Broadband Service over Broadband Services. There also are legal questions here that are pretty complicated if indeed the net be shy with the rule is struck down as to wireless providers. All of those things may create even more i think a more supple political alignment at the fcc and i am hopeful we will work towards finding solutions that really a practical, consistent and clear to the numerous and based largely on the ftc framework. I am not sure that is what will happen, but that is the framework that applied previously. The fcc could then enforce it with much stronger penalties with the very aggressive. Again you question whether thats arbitrary because other images are not subject to that. Whatever final set of rules would resolve and be enforced to the service vigorously and nice question about that. So there is a middle way here and im hopeful the commissioners when i think about this and look broadly at the internet advertising market, and which are tiny players and they will decide doing something closer to the ftc framework makes more sense. Host john simpson, find the word today. Guest i agree that is a complex issue. Im not sure it play out exactly the same way. We will get a better sense of that in a few weeks i named one of rulemaking is so bad. It is a complex situation. Host john simpson, former journalist with consumer watchdog where he is the privacy project director. Jim halperts lawyer with dla piper, covers privacy and cybersecurity matters. Howard buskirks executive Senior Editor of communications. Next, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders speaking at the 2016th legacy dinner in columbus. They each give speeches to the group on sunday. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] 8 00 ive got to get to, so im going to be very, very brief. Let me begin by thanking all of you in ohio, to ascending marcy kaptur to the United States congress. I have no mercy for decades. Nobody in congress has stood up for the American Worker as opposed to disastrous trade policy is more vigorously and more effectively then south to kaptur at thank you, ohio, first ending her to the congress. [cheers and applause] now we just came from a great rally. We held here and upon this with about 7000 people out. This is similar to the rallies weve been holding all over the midwest in this country. The American People, working people, young people want into the political process. The Democratic Party has to open the door, welcome those people in and create a party that stands for working people in this country. [cheers and applause] this campaign is about ending a corrupt Campaign Finance system that allows billionaires to buy elections. Together we are going to overturn Citizens United [cheers and applause] to gather, we are going to end republican voter suppression. [cheers and applause] to gather we are going to create a country and a political system in which we have one of the highest rate of voter turnout, not one of the lowest rate. [cheers and applause] together we are going to end the rate economy. [cheers and applause] it is not acceptable to me and to the American People that the top one 10th of 1 now owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 . [cheers and applause] so maybe, just maybe the time is right to create an economy that works for all of the come and not just wealthy campaign contributors. [cheers and applause] maybe, just maybe it is time to end our disastrous trade policies nafta, casca, npr with china until Corporate America that day better start investing in this country, not just in china. [cheers and applause] maybe, just maybe it is time to raise the minimum wage in this country to a living wage 15 bucks an hour. [cheers and applause] and maybe, just maybe it is time for the United States to try the rest of the industrialized world a care in the health care to all other rights. [cheers and applause] and maybe in time to take on the Insurance Companies and the Drug Companies who are ripping off this country every single day and pass a medicare or Oral Health Care system which will Lower Health Care costs by thousands of dollars a year for middleclass families. And maybe it is time to address the reality that in America Today we have a broken criminal Justice System. That we have institutional racism and were going to have to reform that rope in the criminal Justice System and end institutional racism. [cheers and applause] this campaign is about creating a political revolution. It is the understanding that no president , not Bernie Sanders or anybody else can do it out loud, then waited millions of people to jump into the political process in a way that we have never seen in recent history. The bottom line when we stand together with black and white and latino and asian americans, gay and straight, people born in this country, people come into this country. By the way take on the billionaire class and yes, we will have the power to create a government that works for all of us, not just the 1 . Thank you all very much. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to this page, former governor and u. S. Senate candidate, Ted Strickland. [cheers and applause] hello, ohio democrat. [cheers and applause] thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. I am a proud ohio democrat because we are on the side of working people, people who just want a fair shot at success, people who want a chance to build a middleclass life for themselves and their families. Im talking about people like steel worker, the teacher, the smallbusiness owner. These are the kinds of people that i grew up with. These are the kind of people that i have spent my entire life fighting for. And these are the people that i will defend as the next senator from ohio. [cheers and applause] but you know what, those of us in this room know its not always easy when the Great Recession threatened to destroy the American Automobile industry. Some people said just let it die. But we didnt give up. We fought for our futures. We fought for working people and tanks to senator Howard Buskirk and round, ohios Congressional Democrats and president barack obama, we save this great industry in that is now providing 850,000 jobs for ohio families. [cheers and applause] in just 20 months after that Recovery Plan passed, i had the privilege of writing off the Assembly Line in the very first chevy cruz produced at the lordstown plant. [cheers and applause] and the people who worked in that plant, they were really proud of what they had done. People working on the Assembly Line, that is the side that ohio democrats are wrong. But you know, there is another side, my friends. In fact, theres a whole different world. It is the world of the millionaires and billionaires and the washington insiders the most powerful special interest groups. It is the world that senator robb portman comes from and it is the world he is fighting for in washington. No wonder that senator portman said that the auto rescue was a lousy deal. A lousy deal for ohio . The death of the American Auto industry, note that wouldve been lousy. They wouldve cascaded across our state and across the nation, that would have been lousy. But the Auto Industry is just one example of rockport mens failure to stand up for ohio. Lets talk about trade. Nafta, kafta, trading nation for china. Congressman portman, u. S. Trade representative portman and now senator portman says yes, yes and yes. When he and i were both in the house with this job killing trade deals came up, i voted no, he voted yes. In fact, rob portman has been a cheerleader for the worst job killing trade deals that have ever been proposed and that is why i say rob portman is the best senator that china has ever had. [cheers and applause] so can we talk about retirement . Senator portman thinks we should privatize Social Security. Just take our safety net, turn it over to wall street. What could possibly go wrong . He also wants to pasteurize medicare. Let the seniors go out on their own and negotiate with the big powerful Insurance Companies. Who thinks thats a good idea . And he also wants to raise the retirement age . Now let me explain something because clearly the senator would have no way of knowing this. The human body the human body isnt meant for seven decades of hard labor. My brothers spent most of their lives finishing concrete. It is really hard work and when you are still finishing concrete into your 60s, your back is bent, your fingers on our old and your knees are shot. Imagine telling a 66yearold concrete finisher, woman or man sorry, buddy, that the millionaire republican senators with baby but soft hands have decided that you are just too young to retire. It is outrageous. [cheers and applause] we are not going to let that happen. Issue after issue when rob portman has enforced with the choice between the people and the powerful, every time he does the wrong thing every time. Portman stood with george w. Bush to rip away overtime wages for 6 million American Workers. He stood with paul ryan and supported the largest cut in the pell grants in the history of the program. And when rob portman had a chance to overturn Citizens United. He voted to protect a shadow corporate interest to buy control of our country. That last decision was probably an easy one for him. Because millions for the koch kh brothers and has dark money buddies have already spent millions against me. You know, think of this. For what it cost those washington power brokers to buy senator portman, and they couldve purchased a picasso. By the way, do you know the difference between rob portman and a picasso . Let me tell you. One depicts everything in a skewed, warped and distorted manner and the other one is to painting. [laughter] like so many ohioans, i grew up in a workingclass family. Hard work and struggle were part of our lives. When people have a decent job that provides for the family, the system works. People have hope in the American Dream lives. That is why my agenda in the senate is to work for working people. People who punch the clock, people who struggle to pay their bills. People trained to pay for college, people worried that retirement is a luxury they can never, ever afford. So that is why i am going to fight for a middleclass tax cut. I will stand up for fair overtime pay, make sure women receive equal pay for equal work and that women can exercise control over their own bodies. [cheers and applause] and i will fight to expand pell grants and make Higher Education affordable and i will fight to reform the criminal Justice System and be ever aware that throughout ohio and America Black lives do matter [cheers and applause] and that is why i will protect the rights of workers to form a union and bargain for higher wages. But let me tell you what i will not do. I will never shirk my constitutional duties and insult the president of the United States by refusing to even consider a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy occurs. [applause] but senator portman senator portman is putting the interest of the washington power brokers and his own Political Party above his duty to ohioans and our country. Now in fairness, i think he has an explanation for his position. Portman says that the president shouldnt do his job because it is the last year of his last term. Well, using that logic, perhaps senator portman should just step down now. [cheers and applause] because, senator portman, this is the last year of your last term. [cheers and applause] not those of us who have gathered here tonight know what is at stake in this election. We care about ohios heart and ohios sole. Rob portman is washington bought and sold. That is why i am winning this race. You know there is a long road ahead and we cant let up. So i am asking you tonight to fight harder than you have ever fought before. Go out there and type for the neighbor who needs Health Insurance. Type for the auto worker who has a job that needs to keep it. A couple of further rate has to right to marry a person of their choice. Go out there and fight for a clean environment. Fight to make college affordable. Go out there and fight for ohio because when we fight for ohio, we are fighting for america and weve got to be in the fight. Thank you. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the stage, the chairman of the ohio Democratic Party. [chanting] i am not her. I am sorry. I am not she. We have heard from one great president ial candidate, one great senate candidate. We have another one on our way. Before we get to her, i just want to first of all and neglected in my first part of the program to thank my beautiful wife wanda who is who is here with me tonight here at puts up a whole lot as they do this. Thank you. Let me also just share and thus wont take very long. But i actually think it is appropriate that we at the ohio Democratic Party that the National Media and ohio set the record straight about one thing. If youre like me youve been watching the republican debates and you have been watching this different is that they and i hope at some point it occurred to you what occurred to me. Who is that man from ohio and what did he do with our governor . We have someone from ohio who was a governor that says i have been hotter it. I have been the adult in the room. So we are in ohio and the National Media is watching. Is that weve all received received the last five years . I will ask you a couple questions. Do you think it is moderate at our government and attack workers even more fiercely than scott walker did in wisconsin . Is that moderate . But he did that, didnt he . How about Voting Rights . I talked about john houston. You can write a law casebook on Voting Rights voting last the past five years. John k. Sake send everyone. If that moderate . He also signed the worst gerrymandered map in the history of ohio. Schools. But this governor has done to schools and our state is a disaster. [applause] in 2018, we will elect the next governor on the schools issue alone because of what theyve done in our schools in ohio. Under her leadership, ohio schools ranked fifth in the country in 2010 under Ted Strickland and now they are ranked 23rd. That is not moderate. That is not effective. That is disqualifying to be the president of the United States. We have given away millions of dollars to forprofit Charter Schools that are destroying our kids educations while wasting millions. That is not moderate, is it . The economy of our state, this is one of really want to focus on what our friends from the National Media. Are you seeing and ohio miracle . Now we have seen some good things happening. But i have watched john kasich for five years take credit for the barack obama recovery as if he did it. That is all he talks about. He was against the outage of that saved all those jobs, wasnt he . But john kasich has led the same trickle down economics that never works in washington and hasnt worked here. Even though weve seen some benefit from the National Policies firm Sherrod Brown and our congresspeople and president , ohio has not seen a miracle. We are in our 38th consecutive month of trailing the nations job recovery. John kasich went to michigan last week and said im going to do in michigan wouldve done in ohio. Their recovery is better than ours is. Our wages are lower than they were in 1984 and it is because of the trickle down economics, regressive taxes, attacks on local governments that have bottomed out and really hurt our communities while giving tax breaks. Our governor has defined a planned parenthood. Is that moderate . He has made us like texas when it comes to the right to choose in ohio. We all saw the video for jim overfilled, didnt we . Why is she famous . He fought kasich all the way to the Supreme Court and won his case. [cheers and applause] the point is this election is about all the candidates on the other side. But here in ohio but i dont want anyone, any democrat, moderate to conclude from the last six months of reform is that our governor has been a moderate. It is just not the case. As beginning the 2018 and this is what so important. I dont think its going to be president. I dont think he has a path. But we need to say to every ohio and in 2018, are you tired of eight years of trickledown economics . Are you tired of attacks on Public Schools and attacks on Voting Rights . Do you want to end the funding of planned parenthood . If you believe a novice things, whatever happens to john kasich and this election, when the democrats running for governor that site eight years have been long enough, its time for democrats to lead this great state. [cheers and applause] thank you. Now that is all i wanted to say. Onto our next speaker. Lets get it done. Thank you very much. [applause] [chanting] [chanting] [chanting] [chanting] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage u. S. Senator Sherrod Brown. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] thank you, ohio democrats. Thank you, joyce, cedric and she let thank you for joining us at the congressional black caucus. Special shout out as others have done, and to so many of us that came to congress and we always will remember the time he sat in the gentleness that he brought to his job but is always a commitment to justice. I also like this because i got to sit with my wife connie and my daughter melissa and the crown. Elizabeth showed me pictures of our five monthold granddaughter, caroline. The first time she sat up as yesterday. The reason i bring that up is she doesnt really send pictures very often to their daughters grandfather. Maybe she will start doing that more since i am saying it in front of 3000 people. [laughter] to Ted Strickland, already. I know about this because i know what the forces of darkness dead in 2012 and my race when they spent 49 set in a record of any race in the country of negative ads. Theyve already as of march spent 10 million to the Koch Brothers and allies against Ted Strickland, yet still leads in the polls over rob portman which tells us everything. [cheers and applause] to my friends at our democratic candidates, hillary and bernie, welcome to the most important state in the union this tuesday and the most important state in the union and the first tuesday after the first monday of november. Some years ago when i was running, a guy from connecticut said theres a race for ohio. Ohio will win for democrats in november. Thank you to bernie and hillary are running a race that makes democrats proud, a race about issues, a race about principles. Of course watch the republican grade school fight and then watch the two adult talk issues and about the future of the country. And also, look at the difference while republicans are busy trying to disown their front runner for actually they are trying to disown their two front runners, democrats are proud of both of ours. [applause] thank you today that pepper. I saw his mother crazy here who i know is so proud of her son. Thank you for putting in front of us as volunteers and employees at odp. I know how hard they work. I see them a lot all over the state. I know what they did in 12. I notated and 14. Its incredible the energy of these young and sometimes not so youngs staff and volunteers bring to the table. Special thanks special links to the waitstaff. [cheers and applause] can work, as you know it progressive democrats, we always honor our leeway sure nurse, especially when waitstaff has paid so much less than they should be. [cheers and applause] if you visit my office in washington at the hart building, youll see a sign under my name that says that Senate Office was occupied by barack h. Obama for 20052008. All of these people come by and i like to think they can buy to take a picture of my sign, but i think they probably didnt. It is a privilege of course to serve in the office of the senator from illinois in those years. It is also such an honor to serve with the first africanamerican president of the United States. [cheers and applause] now, you know, you have watched this republican debates. It is a little bit like watching a car accident. You kind of rubber mac. You kind of got to watch these debates and you cant believe youre wasting your time doing it. Listen to the tone and listen to what they say. Most importantly, but back in january 2009. They go where we were. Our economy was in a freefall. We were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month. Today barack obama put his right hand up, we lost 800,000 jobs that month and the next month was that much better resume now. The adult industry was on the verge of collapse. The zip code my wife and i live in cleveland, and the zip code in 2007 had more foreclosures in any zip code in the United States of america if you can believe that in ohio, cleveland ohio. Think of where we were. After the auto rescue and recovery act and as we date. Frank and the Affordable Care act, we had 72 36 years straight months of privatesector job growth, 14 million new privatesector jobs. [cheers and applause] gas prices are at an historic low. More than 600,000 600,000 ohioans have Health Insurance now. Many of them for the first time in their lives. [applause] and as we saw in the video, jim oberg of cell and proud iowa and now Marriage Equality is the law of the land. God bless america. [cheers and applause] and dont forget the adult industry. Republicans told us to let the Auto Industry go bankrupt. Republicans called it unamerican. As Ted Strickland said, some unnamed republicans caught a lousy deal. A current republican president ial candidate, the one that is zero for 22 in the state happens to be from ohio. He said this is throwing good money after bad. We rescued the Auto Industry this past year. New records. 17 million new cars sold in the United States. [cheers and applause] and i would add, connie and i and will drove down 71 today in our Jeep Cherokee made into video. Is a chevy from youngstown. I tell you you cant drive a better car in the world than ones made right here in ohio. [cheers and applause] of course, we have a long way to go, im not going to do a litany of the struggles we have, our paychecks dont keep up. Retirement security, i met with a group of teamsters today and auto workers that are scared to death that pensions will suffer major cut ifs congress doesnt do the right thing. All of that is so important, yet Washington Republicans cant still convince Washington Republicans to do their jobs. They shutdown the government in 2013 when they shut down congress and the federal government and the administration and they are trying to shut down the Supreme Court in 2016. Think about that, they think barack obama was elected to a threeyear term. Think about this, this is something my guess is barack obama is only the second president , Second Democratic president since the civil war, only the Second Democratic president since the civil war to have won a majority of votes in this country twice. Only Franklin Roosevelt and barack obama. So theres no there is no question that he had a resounding mandate for a second a second, not three, not three and a half and not three fifths of a term but a fouryear term. Now, watching the other side in these debates reminds me of stories. Its a story that ive told to a number of you before but i just want to repeat it thinking about donald trump, ted cruz and marco rubio and thinking about the cast of walker and all of these people that have shall we say disappeared in the history [laughter] january 21st 2009 the tradition is the president after being sworn in goes to the national kathedral, theres been a National Prayer since george washington. Reverend chosen fbi new president of the United States, obama, first woman to deliver cermon. One evening a grandfather was teaching his young grandson about the internal battle that each of us as human beings face. There are two faces, excuse me, two wolves, he said two wolves struggling inside each of us the old man said, one wolf is vengeance, anger and resentment and selfpity and fear. The other wolf inside is the compassionate and fatefullness and hope and truth and reason. The old man stopped, the grandson said, grandpa, which wolf wins, the one that wins is the one you feed. Now, we know which wolf we know which wolf republicans have been feeding in these debates in these rallies in chicago and kansas city and st. Louis and cleveland and dayton. This is the reason for donald trump. We know that republicans have dog whistled about race for 50 years and now they are shocked when donald trump starts barking. [cheers and applause] now, tonight im proud to stand with a person who says we shouldnt be building walls, we should be knocking down barriers. [cheers and applause] yesterday i was in acorin and i was on stage with William Jefferson clinton and i looked at him at one point he was probably because of the ohio primary and i turned to him and i said, no offense, mr. President , Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person in my lifetime. [cheers and applause] and she is. And he smiled and laughed and clapped and i think he meant it. So here is what it is about hillary. I trust Hillary Clinton. I trust Hillary Clinton to fight for children and families because she has done that all of her life. [cheers and applause] from her early days from the Childrens Defense Fund to her time in the senate leading on children Health Insurance plan and i trust Hillary Clinton to fight for human rights and Voting Rights and womens rights. [cheers and applause] from her time in alabama as a civil rights worker when she was 25 to the work she did as our secretary of state on behalf of women all over the world and womens rights. [cheers and applause] and i trust, i trust Hillary Clinton on trade and manufacturing. Im leading in the senate as you know, im leading the opposition to the Transpacific Partnership and i think we are going to defeat it. I wrote a book on trade so i dont come to this issue lightly but i trust Hillary Clinton on manufacturing and trade, she has the best Manufacturing Policy of any candidate in this race and i know and i know that what Hillary Clinton is proposing on trade a special trade prosecutor unpress accidented in our country tripling trade enforcement by putting on more trade investigators, unprecedented in our country by coming down hard on currency that china has manipulated for years and what shes doing on rules of origin and what that means for the American Auto industry. I trust her on this because i know what she will do will fight for american jobs with a different trade policy and tax policy and Manufacturing Policy. [cheers and applause] its my honor to introduce on monday afternoon, i usually go off to washington. Because of that this week, tomorrow, im going to the board elections in cayoga county and im going to cast my vote for the next president , americas first female commander in chief Hillary Rodham clinton. [cheers and applause] wow. Thank you. [cheers and applause] hello, ohio. Ohio democrats. Thank you. It is thank you. Thank you, thank you so much. It is great to be here with so many friends and leaders like governor Ted Strickland, the next senator from ohio if all goes well in his election. My friend and former colleague senator Sherrod Brown, theres no greater fighter for ohio, for jobs, for fairness, congresswoman joyce, thank you for having us here in your district, congresswoman martia, from friend from cleveland, marcy great fighter, congressman tim ryan and honorable bettie. Thank you for sharing the ohio Democratic Party. [cheers and applause] thank you, county executive. John of cincinnati, mayor paula of toledo. [cheers and applause] it is wonderful standing up here looking at this great array of democrats. Earlier joyce visited two other great ohio democrats john and anni glenn who send you their warmest greetings. And to all the state and local leaders who are pouring your hearts into building the Democratic Party across this state, i thank you because we need to elect democrats up and down the ticket in november. [cheers and applause] if i am fortunate enough to be the democratic nominee and to be elected president , i will be your partner, we will work hard every day to keep the ohio Democratic Party strong and to bring back state parties across america because together we need to build a future where every american has the chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential no matter where you come from, what you look like or who you love. [cheers and applause] now, i have to say the stakes in this election keep getting higher. While the rhetoric keeps sinking lower. In a democracy like ours, of course, we are going to have differences, but what we are hearing from donald trump is Something Else entirely. Lets just tell the truth about whats going on here. Donald trump is running a cynical campaign of hate and fear for one reason, to get votes, hes encouraging violence and chaos to get votes. He is pinning americans against each other to get votes. Donald trump says he wants to round up millions of latino immigrants and kick them out of the United States, a nation built by immigrant, he wants to ban all muslims from the United States, a country founded on religious freedom. He supports torture, advocates killing the wives and children of our enemies and had to be told that these are war crimes in violation of international law, our own laws, our most deeply held principles and our constitution and after stoking every fire he can think of, trump encourages his supporters to beat up anybody who disagrees with him. Literally punch them in the face and then offers to pay their legal bills. Now, at our best americans have rejected degogods and fear mongers, you dont make America Great by getting rid of everything that made America Great in the first place. [cheers and applause] now, you and i know donald trump is not who we are. Now, of course, we can criticize and protest, mr. Trump all we want but none of that march ifs we dont show up at the polls. [cheers and applause] if you want to shut him down, then lets vote him down. [cheers and applause] and then lets raise up a Better Future for ourselves and our children. My campaign isnt about building walls, its about breaking down all the Barriers Holding people back and building ladders of opportunity and empowerment. [cheers and applause] its about helping people find good jobs that pay enough for families to live on and to rebuild the middle class, a good job is the difference between keeping the lights on or not, replacing outgrown clothes or not or keeping your home or not but its also about dignity and pride, knowing that youre doing your part and getting rewarded for your hard work. Most of all, a good job is about taking care of the people you love. We all want our kids to have better lives than we did, but without a good job giving your kids good choices and opportunities gets a lot harder. So if youre doing the same jobs your parents did, but for less money and fewer benefits, if youre going to every job fair sending out resumes, getting retrained but still cant find a job that pays enough to raise a family, if you saw your parents make that good living, working hard, working so hard every day and now you can can only dream of such a life for yourself. It is no wonder Many Americans are concerned, frustrated, even angry. Thats why the test of this election has to be whether we can actually create goodpaying jobs here in america because the good jobs of the future are either going to end up in asia or europe or here and i will tell you, we not only want them, we will make sure they end up right here in ohio and the rest of our country. [applause] now, Anyone Running for president owes it to you to come up with real ideas for how to do that, a credible strategy designed for the world we live in now and im just very grateful that leaders like sherred brown have looked at my plans have and said this is the kind of manufacturing plan that we need. Thats what i am going to be working for and over the past week or so weve had some great arguments and debates in our campaign and i appreciate what has been said, the difference between senator sanders and i debating and disagreeing about issues is that we are both presenting ideas, the other side is presenting insults that take us nowhere. [cheers and applause] this campaign has to be about the future not the past. And look, i want to be very clear. I know theres been a lot of discussion in the last week or so about trade and id like to take the opportunity tonight to set the record straight, to every worker in ohio and every worker across america, let me say this, if i am fortunate enough to be your president , i will stand with you and i will have your back and i will stop dead in its tracks any trade deal that hurts america and American Workers. [cheers and applause] now, i oppose the only multilateral trade deal that came up when i was in the senate, casta, i thought it was bad for american jobs, i fought for american manufacturers against chinas cheating and when it comes to the Transpacific Partnership i did wait to see what was actually in it and then i opposed it because i concluded i couldnt look American Workers in the eye and say, this deal will raise your wages. So thats why ive said we have to oppose the tpp. Now i respect those who oppose all trade agreements, every single one, i respect that. That is an opinion and certainly one that people have every reason to hold, but i have to tell you, trade when its done right can help thousands of Ohio Companies that are right now exporting billions of dollars worth of products and creating goodpaying american jobs in the process. After all, we are not even 5 of the worlds population, so if we want the American Economy to grow, we have to figure out how to sell to the other 95 . So while we cant shut our borders to trade, we can and i will demand that we have fair trade and as level a Playing Field as we can create. [cheers and applause] you see, i think we need a president who is not just oppose to trade, we need a president who knows how to compete against the rest of the world and win, win for america and win for American Workers. [cheers and applause] right now the most urgent trade issues we have are with china, the biggest rulebrakier out there and let me tell you, i know a thing or two about going toetotoe with the chinese. I did it as senator and as secretary of state and i will do it as president. We need to stop china we need to stop china from dumping cheap steel. Thats not a new opinion for me, when i was a senator i went before the trade commission on behalf of steels companies and Steel Workers in new york because i could see both the company and Steel Workers were paying a big price and we need to strengthen trade rules to prevent blatantly unfair practices like weak rules of origin that put our car makers at an unfair disadvantage and i have also proposed a trade prosecutor and as sherod said enough investigators so that we should be on the issue immediately. It should not be up to companies and unions and workers to bring trade complaints t United States government should be leading the way to protect against unfair treatment. [cheers and applause] we also have to take stronger action against companies that are shutting down american jobs and sending them out of our country, we need to get results when we talk about this. Here is what i will do, if companies ship jobs overseas, we will make them get back the tax breaks theyve received in america that they have taken from city, state and federal taxpayers and if companies try to move headquarters to a foreign country to skip on tax bill, we are going to slap a new exit tax before they move headquarters before paying fair share of taxes and we will take that money and put it to work in the communities that are being hurt. We will stand up for American Workers and make sure no one can take advantage of us, not china, not wall street, not overpaid corporative executives, but we cant stop there, ive layed out a National Strategic to create good paying manufacturing jobs and i think that is the most important way to judge what someone will do for manufacturing. I am i am the only candidate with a plan to help create millions of goodpaying jobs, jobs in infrastructure, jobs in manufacturing, jobs in clean energy, jobs in small business. And when i think about what we can do, i know that we can have a manufacturing and i know that we have more work that we can possibly imagine repairing infrastructure, so i am going to do everything i can to save and create jobs. And by the way, you heard sherred mention the Auto Industry. Now, look, theres been some debate back and forth on that, theres no doubt when president obama came into office we were in the worst financial crisis since the great depression. And the Auto Industry on the bripg of bankruptcy and you remembered the republicans said, let it go, right . They didnt want to lift a finger even to help plants and workers in their own states. So what were we to do . I was still in the senate. In december both senator sanders and i voted to rescue the Auto Industry but it failed. We couldnt get the republicans to support it. A month later we faced one of those hard choices that forced you to govern in reality and it was this, there was a bill that mixed money for the auto rescue and money for other bailouts. Now that was not an easy vote. And i respect those who voted against it, but i will tell you this, i voted for it, the president elect, the president elect obama asked us to vote for it. I decided it was more important to save the the Auto Industry and save the economy and i am so glad we did. They just had the best year that theyve had in decades. Ohio factories, ohio supply companies are doing so well. [cheers and applause] so my friends, america is a big complicated country facing big complicated challenges. We cannot afford a single issue strategy or a singleissue president knocking down barriers, knocking down barriers means we cant just talk about economic inequality, we also have to take on racial inequality, we have to face up to the reality of systemic racism, you know its real. African American Families face discrimination, they have just a fraction of the assets and wealth of white families. AfricanAmerican Families suffer in the Great Recession. We have too many dying, shot and killed while playing in a park, we have to put an end to the fears of immigrant families who are laying awake at night listening for a knock on the door even after theyve lived and worked here for years and we have to stand up for unions and labor rights. [cheers and applause] and i have to thank you, ohio democrats, because when the chips were down you did not let governor kasich drought out the voices of ohios Public Servant by weakening their union. [cheers and applause] now, lets stand up for all unions nationwide. [cheers and applause] because when unions are Strong Families are strong. The middle class is strong and america is strong. [cheers and applause] and dont forget the Supreme Court appointments will help determine what happens to so many issues and we cannot let america have a republican congress, a republican president , and a republican Supreme Court. [shouting] knocking down barriers means making sure all of our kids get the education they need to succeed in the 21st century economy. I believe our schools deserve more tlc, teaching, learning and community. [cheers and applause] and ive layed out a plan so all kids could benefit from a good teacher in a good school no matter what zip code they happen to live in. [cheers and applause] knocking down barriers means finally guarantying paidfamily leave and equal pay. [cheers and applause] it was a sad day for ohio when john kasich defunded planned parenthood here. And make no mistake, if a republican win it is white house we will see that happen nationwide. Ive spent my career fight to go even the odds for people who have had those odds stacked against them. Im not offering promises i cant keep or plans that dont add up. We all need to do our part, all of us to build the kind of future we are fighting for to give every american the chance to really pursue his and her dreams because then and only then can america live up to its potential too. Now, if you need a little inspiration let me share something that inspired me. I want you to hear about a young woman from worthington, ohio name sarah canal. She wrote me of how excited the four women excited, great grandmother, mossie vote, a great name. She dedicated her life as the u. S. Army as a wife of an officer. She believes our country needs a commander in chief that can lead. End the epidemic of gun violence and keep our families safe. [cheers and applause] and then theres little merit, just started preschool. Shes the ultimate reason to vote. Sarah says our hope for the future is a nation that can reward love and kindness instead of hate. That can reach out to help others over fear, that our kids can grow up understanding that not only are all things possible but its our job and our responsibility to take these possibilities and make them a reality. I cant think of a better way of explaining what we stand for in the Democratic Party. Massi, gretel consider are here with us tonight. I had a chance to meet him. They are who we are fighting for. Their family and millions of families who never stopped working, who always are looking to make life better for themselves and for their kids, make that a reality. I know that if we are determined and committed, if we are confident and optimistic, we can deliver on those possibilities. I want to be a president that gets up every single day and thinks about what i can do to help the struggling and striving americans. What i can do to help our children and our grandchildren. What i can do to make it absolutely clear we are going to produce more good jobs and rising incomes. And we are going to be who we should be, consistent with our values. We are going to reject hatred and fear. We are going to decide that we can do better together. That is my hope for our country. I hope you will join me in debt. I hope you will be there with me. I hope i can turn your vote in the primary on tuesday. I hope i will be your democratic nominee. I hope we will fight against whatever the republicans put out in our way, and i hope we will win to continue the progress to move into the future with hope, optimism, and confidence, that americas best days are still ahead of us. Thank you and god bless you. [cheers and applause] [chanting] next, marco rubio rally with supporters in the villages, florida, ahead of tomorrows florida primary. This event took place yesterday. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. [chanting] thank you. These are nice, arent they . And historic. Thank you very much. I worsened with a few weeks ago they made fun of me. Remember that . These are nicer so these are great. First of all thank you parents honor to be in the presence of these incredible heroes and men who served our country in uniform and kept us safe. One of them of course is my brother who was in the Army Southern special forces but also these other men who were fantastic and can attest to that of us i that of us i know its powerful and im its powerful and im listening and im grateful to the. And its great to be with all of you on the eve of this very important election. Matches for florida but important elections for our country. What is this about . Most elections are a choice between a Political Party and another Political Party spent i hate to tell everyone the truth marco rubio is trying to steal my girlfriend last night. He doesnt look at me in the same way anymore. [shouting] [chanting] hes a little bit better looking than me. That is true buddies trying to steal my girlfriend. Thats the truth. [chanting] im fine. Ill stay. Let me just state. Hes probably going to steal yours, too. [chanting] i didnt even win new hampshire. [laughter] [applause] all right. Thats all right. [shouting] left not spent im sorry. I dont know. Im still looking for the hidden camera. [laughter] [applause] so anyway [laughter] most of these elections are choice between candidates or Political Party, but im sorry, i dont know. But this election is really a referendum. And i used to say this election is a referendum on america and its identity. Its a referendum on our identity as a nation and as a people. I think we need to go one step further. This election is also a referendum on what needs to be a conservative. What it means to be a republican and more importantly, a conservative in the 21st century. Conservatism [applause] conservatism was defined for me growing up. I grew up in an era where Ronald Reagan was the president of the United States. And by the way, it is not a coincidence that today you have multiple people in the Republican Party in their 40s and early 50s who are leading our country and leaving our conservative movement. So, for example, last night governor nikki haley of South Carolina spoke at a dinner, a supporter of mine. Shes fantastic. [applause] Susana Martinez in new mexico, bobby jindal who just finished a year as governor of louisiana, scott walker of wisconsin. Tims got in South Carolina, great senator. The list goes on and on. Why are there so many young 40 something year old leaders and the conservative movement . Who is the young upandcoming liberal democrat leader . Bernie sanders, yeah. [laughter] what we have in common . We grew up in the era of reagan where Ronald Reagan defined what it meant to be a conservative. And you said what is a conservative, your mindset Ronald Reagan. What was Ronald Reagan . He was a leader who understood the challenges in this country. He became president after jimmy carter. We have challenges in this country but heres what he didnt do. He didnt go to americans and say i know youre upset at the direction of our country and im going to make you even anchor and make you more frustrated so youll vote for me. He didnt do that. He said i know you are frustrated i know you were angry and this is whats causing your anger and frustration, and heres how were going to fix it. When we fix it america will be better than its ever been. That was conservatism. [applause] and it defined a movement for a generation. And by the way, it worked. At help turn this country around the its where the phrase morning in america came from. They had an impact on entire generation of americans and an impact on the way the 20th century ended. I can say in full confidence that if Ronald Reagan had not won that election the soviet union might still exist. The world would be a very different place. That is the impact of one election in 1980 and would have on this country. Now we being asked to choose once again what it means to be a conservative. There are troubling trends. First of all the are those who believe conservatism has nothing to do with principle, its attitude. How angry can you get . How offensive can you be . Out loud can you speak . That is not conservatism. Conservatism is a set of principles that have surfaced nation for two centuries, the principle of limited government, that we have the federal government thats supposed to be small. Its not supposed to be involved in an aspect of our country. The principle we have [applause] in the principle that we have a constitution that defines the powers of government and limits been. A constitution that guarantees that government exists not to decide our rights but to protect them. [applause] the principles of a free economy and Free Enterprise. The idea that our economy works best when individuals have the Economic Freedom to go out and put their dreams into action. And to the principles of a Strong National defense. Not because we want war but because we dont. It as history has taught us a painful lesson time and again. That weakness as an enemy of peace, and strength as an ally of peace. These principles backed up by real and serious ideas, that is what conservatism means. When our nation has been in trouble for over two centuries, it has largely been what it has abandoned those principles as it is an over the last several years under the current president. At a time or a lot of americans are hurting, i understand they are. You know what i understand . Because these are members of my family. These are people who i know, not just things im reading about in a book or things ive read about in a magazine article. I have people in my family who are firefighters and teachers and nurses and they live paycheck to paycheck. They live paycheck to paycheck. If their car breaks down next week and its not a they are in a lot of trouble. If their refrigerator stops working and have to buy a new one, take a big problems. Either air conditioning to under and they have to buy a new unit, i dont know how they will do it. They are in big trouble. They struggle every day and they are not, these are professional jobs. They went to school to be a nurse. Went to the academy to be a firefighter. They went to school to be a teacher. They are struggling. I know people are frustrated that i know people who are angry. They work hard, pay their taxes, pay their mortgage on time and they know someone else is gaming the system get some analysis is that im not going to pay my mortgage at all, then the bank will work with me to lower the payments but they make their payments every month and their bank will not work with them. [applause] they know someone who has decided im going to act like if i have social anxiety, so i can get longterm disability even though im not disabled and now they will pay me to stay home and i will make some extra money under the table and cash. They are gaming the system. [applause] and they get frustrated and they say enough is enough. Thats where leadership matters. Thats where leadership steps forward and says you have a right to be angry at all about and we are going to fix it. What we see instead is a new brand of leadership which is no leadership at all. Which assessed the people get angry, you even anchor and lets take it out on these people are lets do this. Its everybody alsos fault that things are going wrong, and the result is we are not a nation where people hate each other. We are now a nation where we are no longer apparently capable of debating serious Public Policy without concluding that the person who disagrees with you is evil. [applause] this cant continue. Do we really want to live in a country where americans hate each other . Where people are incapable of talking to an issue . Thats why we have elections to other countries fight civil wars over this stuff the other countries put a lid glued in jail bound to lose the election for political retribution. In america the worst thing thats what happened if youre running for office is they run a nasty commercial about you. But look, im passion as anybody else because no one running for president , no one running for any office in this country more passionate than i am about the things i believe in. But i as a human being as a christian, a fellow american and capable of think just because you dont agree on the tax rate does not make you a bad person. Just because you dont agree with me on how big our military should be or where we should be engaged does not make you evil. There has to be room for us to disagree on these things, to debate them. Thats why we have elections. If we continue on the road we are on right now we will fracture at the seams. We are now seeing images on television we havent seen in this country since the 1960s. Images that make us look like a third world country and im not excusing these protesters. Some of these are professional disrupters. Im not talking about this gentleman today. I have no idea what that was but i thought it was a practical joke, i didnt know. [laughter] but some of these people are professional disrupters. They get hired, they get paid to be rude and nasty. Im not excusing the bottom also not excusing the fact that youre the leading contender for president telling people in his audience ohagan punched him in the face, i will pay your legal bills. That is wrong if our kids did it. That is disastrous of the president does it because the words of the president have consequences. [cheers and applause] they have consequences. They have consequences. We have to get rid of this idea that just because you are polite it makes you politically correct. Political correctness is a term that gets thrown around very loosely. Truth has to be spoken. You have to be willing to speak truth but i believe you can speak the truth in a dignified manner. I believe that is critical that comes to being president of the United States because your words have consequences. When you are a candidate your words have consequences. The responsibility of the presidency is extraordinary. You do not have the luxury of just sing anything you want for anything that comes to mind. Whether thats true in society, it is most important, it is both all true in a position of that imports. So im here to tell you i am running for president because while i know we have real challenges i believe we can solve every single one of them. We have to do it. It wont happen on its own. We have waited too long but we can do it. We out began. Americans have proven for over two centuries we can do anything. For over two centuries americans have proven that no challenge is too big for us. We put a man on the moon. We have liberated nations. We have won two world wars. We have cure diseases. We invented the internet. Not al gore but america invented the internet. [laughter] [applause] we can do anything. Theres nothing we cant do we set our mind to it. But we have to do it now because we are running out of time. [applause] and that is fine thats what im here to ask you for your vote. When im president we will return to follow the constitution. The constitution cannot mean whatever you want it to me. If the constitution means whatever you want it to mean, it Means Nothing at all. It Means Nothing. If it means whatever the people in charge of that moment think it should mean, its a meaningless document. You become a nation of men instead of a nation of laws. [applause] the constitution means what it originally meant, and if you want to change the constitution you have to go get it amended through the amendment process on article v. Theres some amendments i would love to see term limits on congress in the constitution. [applause] but you cant have a prescient assessment ideas are so good i am so wise that im going to ignore the constitution get my ideas supersede the constitution and thats what we have now. We have a president that ignores the first amendment, or at least wants to. He believes it no longer protects the right to live out the teachings of your faith. When i am president we will follow the first amendment. [applause] and that means people will have a constitutional right to say nasty things about me and you will have the constitutional right to live up the teachings of your faith at every aspect of your life and of your business. We will respect the Second Amendment. A Second Amendment that says that you the constitutional godgiven right to protect yourself and protect your families from killers, from terrorists, from whatever may threaten you. [cheers and applause] we are going to respect the tenth amendment process of government power resides largely in the state, and the reason why it should reside largely in the state is because the states are closer to get on the federal government is. If you have a problem with a state law, you know your legislators. I see kerry baker is a. I thought i saw dennis baxley. Wheres dennis . A great friend of mine and great state legislature. Hugh gibson, my good friend. We served together. Trust me people found us. They didnt like something goes going on, we dont from them. Go try to find a bureaucrat at the department of education. Go and try to find someone at any federal division. They are so far removed. The federal government was never supposed to be this big. It was never supposed to be this involved. What i am president wel will fw the tenth amendment and return power to the states. [applause] and im going to prove it. On my first in office im going to prove it. Because of my first day in office on going to repeal every single one of Barack Obamas unconstitutional executive orders. [cheers and applause] the second thing is we need to get away from this idea that people always ask when a prescient how are you going to create jobs . Because i love to hear a politician say i created 3 million jobs when i was the governor. Really, you grew government by 3 million employees . No, no, private sector. You have nothing to do with it. Thats the private sector create jobs. If you live in the villages that means you are probably pretty successful in business. You know you did to wait or even if you and deployed somewhere and worked 40 years, the government didnt create that job. The private sector does. Its not some magical formula to its straightforward. Someone has access to money. They borrowed it. Someone lent it to them come some invested it, they say the, maxed out their credit card, whatever it may be, someone got ahold of someone and they said with this money instead of buying bars of gold for putting it in a coffee can or living in the bank, with this plan on going to start a business. In the business works. Then they take the money they make from the business and said i believe so much in this biz ongoing to grow it. So they start businesses, grow businesses, hire people. Thats what grows the economy. What is our job in government . To make america the easiest place in the world for people to do that. Thats our job. [applause] when i am president what im going to get to support policies that make it easier for the private sector to create jobs. Thats what i have a serious plan to fix our tax code. Its a disaster, unless. On my website and youll see. Its not talking point. Its a real plan. Thats what i have a real plan to roll back federal regulation. Regulations kill jobs. Every penny yet to spend complying with regulations is a penny you cant spend to hire someone. But thats why the real plan to balance our budget. Thats wh what i thought plan to save Social Security and medicare. [applause] we talked about this at the debate the other day. My mom is on Social Security and medicare Social Security and medicare so volatile that one, simple, if its bad for my mom im against it, whatever the change is. Heres the great news. I dont have to make any changes to my mom Social Security or medicare. Anyone who is 55 or older, nothing has to change other than to make it better. But i want to be honest. We have to stop lying to 45 year old like myself. My cel cell so scared as i could look the same as my parents because it will either be bankrupt or we will have reformed it. The reforms are not outrageous. Right now according to current law im supposed to retire when im 67. Thats 22 years away or 21 years away. I would have to retire at 68 instant. I will be honest with you, if i was to in the said i would be one of the youngest people there. [laughter] instead of 67, someone whose twentysomething years away from retirement will have to retire at 68 if i want my full benefits. Made a lot of money because i was able to get possession of general pattons boots and i might keep them, which, of course, i wont but lets say i made a lot of money. My Social Security check will not grow as fast as i as a gross person who made less. Im a multimillionaire. Im not not that i think if i were. Medicare, for me could very well be the option of taking and medicare money and using it to buy into private plans that i like better. That already exist. Its called medicare advantage. It works well for my mom here is that too much to ask of my kids who are 10 and eight and 16 and 13 and dont even know what medicare and Social Security is and are decades away from retirement . Is that too much to ask of me in exchange for saving these programs . In exchange for not having to change them for people who on the note was my mom cant go out and get another job. She cannot go out now and start working at 85 years of age. If we change to benefits. Let me tell you, if we dont use anything to accommodate when that will happen. The program is running out of money because for years they stole money out of it. For years they were taking money out of the program and using it to Fund Everything else and now they find themselves in this fix. Where youve got two workers for every person that is retired and the math doesnt add up and doesnt add up the middle and pretending nothing is going on. This is reckless. This is driving at that we will leave Young Americans with over 20 trillion in debt by the end of the obama presidency. This is immoral. What generation has ever done that . Usually in politics when you touch this issue they start running for commercial. Marco rubio is going to take away her cell so secure and medicaid. No, im not. Do you know is going to take it away . The people who close their ayes and say lets leave it the way this effort and we can fix it through fraud and abuse. I wish. [applause] i wish we could. You deserve better than that. An issue i approach personally through the ayes of my mother who was on those programs. And paid into those programs the anatomy for a favor. That was her money. All those years she worked at kmart, all those years she worked as a maid in las vegas them every two weeks when the paper there was a thing in this episode we took this money out because when you retire we will give it back. Its her money. But they already spent it. Now weve got to figure out a way to save it so it never happens again. Will ask something of my generation. Guess what. I dont think having to retype i get when im scheduled is too much to ask me out everything my mom and my dad did for me and for my family. [applause] and in you want to rebuild the economy . Fully utilize your Energy Resource the content has blessed america with natural gas. We dont fully utilize that . We have coal. Weve been blessed with oil, fully utilize a. You what to do solar, biofuels, wind, renewables, lets lead the world in all the. This is nuts if we dont fully utilize. Nuclear energy, very clean, she. We do it better than anyone in the world. [applause] you ought to reintegrate Free Enterprise can get rid of obamacare and replace it with my plan that puts you in charge. [applause] we are going to go back to limit the government can rebuild come reembrace Free Enterprise. Is the one thing a president needs to spend most of his or her time on. Keeping us safe. The world is a dangerous place. I talked about reagan in the cold war. The cold war was a dangerous time. Didnt know it at the time but it was actually balanced out because of the soviet union and the u. S. Had enough weapons to destroy all life on this planet 10 times, 50 times over. But guess what, neither one of them wanted to die. The soviet union didnt want to die and we didnt want to die so they never use and we didnt use it and we cant do it. Now we have people that love death more than we love life. Weve got a big problem. You have a crazy sociopaths lunatic in north korea with Nuclear Weapons. This guy is not just we are to come these crazy ideas Nuclear Warheads and longrange missiles and he is the son of a dictator. The sons of dictators are unpredictable. Theyve never been punished. Theyve never been turned down for a day. Theyve never been told no. They were never put in timeout by the parents. I have no idea how this guy is going to react under stress but he has Nuclear Weapons. Chinese communist party is out of control. Theyre taking over the most important shipping late in the world. They are building up their military. They are catching up to us and their technology because they steal it and then they make it a little better. Then youve got Vladimir Putin so institute in the middle east. Again the leading candidate for president in the Republican Party. Com says hes a strong leader but its easy to be a strong leader when you control the court, control the press, when your elections are rich. Its easy to be a strong leader when you have all that. Hes not a strong leader. [applause] there so strength about that. These authoritarian because hes not accountable to anybody. Hes taking advantage of obamas weakness. These those instability in the middle east and in europe. Then you have iran governed by a radical shia cleric the ayatollah as a religious figure. Hes not a king. Hes a religious figure who believes he is calling is to trigger an apocalypse so that this messianic figure comes out. Thats what he believes is well in the world. We just gave him 150 billion so he can buy or build a Nuclear Weapon one day. Then radical jihad is our only spreading across the world. Isis has affiliates in over a dozen countries. They are a public. They are a sunni movement. They are spreading ever. So what has this president down in the face of all this . He is guiding our military. Who said golf . [laughter] i would have no problem with them golfing if he rebuild our military. Thats a strongd,

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