Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160222 :

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160222

To lobby. Thank you, sir. What is the difference his winged democrat and a socialist . What is the difference . Betty Wasserman Shultz refused to say. Can you tell me what the difference is . I think traditionally there have been major differences between socialist and the democratic party. The role of government. More specifically. We are at the end. If you want to talk afterwards. There has been a major major difference, as to the role of government, at the role of the private sector. I mean, i think liberal democrats like myself have dedicated ourselves to try to make the Free Enterprise system work, to change it, to make it more responsive to the needs, to find a blend between individual initiative and ingenuity and innovation and the role of government. To find the right balance. Socialism has traditionally had a different balance. The u. S. Senate is back in session today after the president s day recess. Table gavel in at 3 00 eastern starting with annual reading of George Washingtons farewell address is delivered by delaware senator chris koontz. At 5 30 eastern you will see the senate vote on president obamas nominee to be the new fda commissioner. Live coverage on cspan2. Tomorrow members will debate bills, travel by terrorists or fighters to the u. S. And you will watch that live on our companion network cspan. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf delivered the annual address on his eighth budget called the General Assembly to come to a budget agreement and address the states 2 billion budget deficit. Just under half an hour. Governor, it is all yours. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you, please. Thank you. Lieutenant governor, leader corman, leader reid, members of the General Assembly. Members of the judiciary, members of the cabinet, recognized the auditor general, the attorneygeneral, the treasurer, and my wife frances. [applause] most importantly, my fellow pennsylvanian its. This will not be an ordinary governors budget address. Usually this speech is an opportunity to lay out and the bishops agenda for the year ahead. Under ordinary circumstances i outlined my 2 cousins 1617 budget proposal, a proposal full of ideas to move forward. New measures to impose every child in pennsylvania, it starts before kindergarten and goes all the way through college. In public and private sectors to create jobs and grow our economy. I talked about the new innovation that can build on the progress we have already made to modernizing our State Government so it works better and costs bless. I talked about long overdue steps we can take to lead the commonwealth fulfills promise of equal opportunity. The legalization of medical marijuana. Raise the minimum wage, criminal Justice Reform that will bring fairness to the system and save tax dollars. I can give that speech. Not under these circumstances. My fellow pennsylvanians, our commonwealth is in crisis, a crisis that threatens our future. Today i want to be clear with each member of the General Assembly and every pennsylvanian about the actions we must take to resolve this crisis and the consequences we will face, all of us, if we dont. First let me be very clear about the nature of the problem. The problem is not republicans in the General Assembly and i dont see eye to eye. After all pennsylvanians are used to seeing political leaders disagree strongly. In 2014 the people of pennsylvania chose divided government, democratic governor, republican legislature. I doubt anybody was surprised by the turn out that we had, different priorities. This crisis is not about politics at all. Pennsylvania and now faces 2 billion budget deficit. That is not a democratic factor or a republican fact. Is just a fact. It is a fact supported by standard and poors, an independent rating agency. They agree pennsylvania faces a massive structural budget deficit that will only continue to grow if we fail to address it responsibly. This deficit isnt just a cloud hanging over pennsylvanias longterm future but a time bomb ticking away right now even as i speak. If it explodes the people in this chamber, if you allowed to explode, pa. Experience a fiscal catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen. Please understand we are not talking about the longterm budget projection. Pennsylvania failing to meet its basic obligations, and we are talking about pain that can be felt across the commonwealth. If the General Assembly, a responsible plan to solve this crisis every pennsylvanian, every pennsylvanian will suffer the consequences and those consequences will be real. They will be immediate and they will be severe. Three quarters of pennsylvania homeowners will see there too high property taxes skyrocket. A top member of this body would stand up and propose a tax increase on property taxes, property tax increase, he or she would be booed off the floor by democrats and republicans but in fact that is exactly what will happen if we do not act. We have seen this played out for the last four years. Since 2011 School Districts have been forced to increase local property taxes by 1. 2 billion all because of our irresponsibility right here in harrisburg. In the last year alone 83 School Districts increased property taxes above the index because harrisburg did not produce a responsible budget. And another 175 contemplating additional tax increases this year for the same reason. This tax shifting is not sustainable and it will only continue to squeeze families and seniors if we do not stop passing the buck on local communities. Meanwhile even as pennsylvanians pay more they will pay less on the State Government. Far less. For example, it is already thread after years of underfunding at the state level taking a ruinous hit. Thousands of teachers will be laid off. Guidance and career counseling will be handed pink slips. In all, more than 23,000 education professionals would be immediately yanked out of schools. Across pennsylvania already crowded crowded classrooms even more so, class sizes balloon by 30 to account for teacher layoffs. The consequences will not be evenly distributed. Classroom crowding will be more severe, for schools that the least afforded. All across our commonwealth children will receive less attention, less instruction, less opportunity to gain skills we all need them to have for the 21st century. Technical education, those programs will be cut. Special Education Programs will be cut. Head start programs cut. Tens of thousands of pennsylvania children will lose access to free kindergarten depriving them of the Early Childhood education we all know is key to their future success. This is not a threat. This is not political posturing. This is simply what will happen if this crisis is not resolved. This is the reality teachers and parents and children in our commonwealth will face if the General Assembly does not act and the damage will not be limited to our schools. And face devastating cuts. We will lose 200 million in Services Including Prescription Drug assistance and communitybased services. Pennsylvania seniors who defend done that assistance will be forced to pay more out of pocket. Some will choose between paying for groceries and paying for the medicine that keeps them alive. These are our elderly parents, these are our neighbors and counting on this money to pay for the medicine they need. If we dont have a budget we cant help. We will lose 180 million in assistance for People Living with Mental Illness or intellectual disabilities. These pennsylvanians are the most vulnerable among us and they are counting on our help for full lives and contribute to their communities but if we dont have a budget, we will be denied significant opportunities to improve their lives. We will lose 40 million of state funding for child care and forfeit another 50 million in federal a total cut of 90 million. That is hundreds of thousands of working parents counting on our help to have some peace of mind and ability to earn a living upon which they can raise their families. If we dont have a budget, 211,000 pennsylvania children will have nowhere to go. 11. 5 million funding in Domestic Violence shelters and refreezes, survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault rely on these safe havens to have somewhere to go in the midst of unthinkable pain and unspeakable terror. If we dont have a budget those shelters and Crisis Centers have to shut their doors to people who need them. Critical programs such as these make a three quarters of our Human Services budget. Simply put the commonwealth of pennsylvania cannot meet its obligation to its citizens if the General Assembly does not meet its obligation to pass a responsible budget. My administration will always strive to tackle fraud, not be as efficient as possible in government operation even these harsh cuts that were talking about it you are talking about will harm single mothers and seniors on fixed income and those down on their luck. Even those cuts will not solve a mathematical crisis. Anyone in this chamber claims to simply cut our way out of this mess, we have and also increasing rate, just ignoring the math. They are also ignoring history. If we dont have sustainable Revenue Sources in our budget the result will be billions of dollars in new property tax hikes at the local level. Pennsylvanians need to prepare for these consequences. I dont say this with any joy whatsoever. Someone in harrisburg has to tell the people in pennsylvania the truth about the mess we are in. Before i ran for governor i ran a business and in challenging times i know you can be fiscally responsible. They are closely linked. You cant ignore the problem or wish away. Take pride but how the program rose, you wont be in business for very long. Pennsylvania businesses dont have the luxury of pretending their problems that exist. Needed to pennsylvania family sitting around a Kitchen Table trying to make ends meet and the truth is neither do we in harrisburg. Lets be honest about where we are and how we got here. After all this fiscal crisis did not appear from out of nowhere. This was no act of god. We are in a whole, we dug ourselves, right here in harrisburg. If the consequences i am describing sound familiar it is because pennsylvania has been building up to this moment for years. For years our leaders have tried to balance our state budget on the backs of our children and our schools. When i took Office Pennsylvania ranked near the bottom of the country in percentage of state level k12 investment. Burden of funding our schools fell on local communities and that in turn meant but huge spike in property taxes for pennsylvania homeowners. That is a bad way to solve budget problems although it is a great way to create an education problem. We were left with tens of thousands of teachers laid off, crowded classrooms across most of the School District and that was just part of the problem. Even cute cuts to education were not really enough to balance the budget but instead of finding a Sustainable Way to deal with the real deficit, harrisburg chose to paper over the problem with a series of budgetary gimmicks. Maybe you can get away with that for a middle while but sooner or later the rent comes due. The folks in harrisburg fought this sleep of and was a real longterm solution to the budget problem and the only people they were fooling are themselves. Because nobody else bought it. Three major ratings agencies, standard and poors, each downgraded the credit of total of 5 times over the last five years. Credit has been downgraded three times in the last two years alone. Each time each time the rating agencies have explained that the downgrades are a direct result of these little tricks pennsylvania has employed to avoid facing the reality of its fiscal situation. Harrisburg doesnt take the budget seriously, folks to rate our debt dont take harrisburgs seriously. Today because of years of budgetary irresponsibility the commonwealth of pennsylvania is considered among the least creditworthy states in america. This is embarrassing. But embarrassment is not the only thing because our credit has been downgraded so much we pay a higher Interest Rate on the 17 billion of debt that we have. This is going to eventually cost us an extra 139 billion a year. If Interest Rates dont keep going the. That is 139 million a year that doesnt go to improving our schools. It doesnt go to making our Business Environment more competitive. It doesnt go to reducing our taxes. It is at 139 billion penalty that the people of pennsylvania pay for harrisburgs fiscal irresponsibility. That is how we got here. It is why when i took office last year i propose a different kind of budget. Instead of shortchanging our schools i proposed historic commitment to education beginning to restore the 1 billion under the Previous Administration making new investments in Early Childhood education and community college, increasing state share of funding for Public School and directing more of that funding to the districts that needed it most. And instead of using sleight of hand to avoid dealing with the deficit by propose a series plan to balance the budget and set us on a more sustainable course. No more gimmicks, no more quick fixes, new approach in harrisburg, fresh start for pennsylvania. I expected that republicans would not agree to everything in my proposed budget. What i didnt expect was what i got. The budget was evenly balanced. Incredibly the budget they sent me relied on the same gimmicks, quick fixes that had gotten us in trouble in the first place. In that case, june 32 budget, 1. 5 billion worth of optical illusions that would have made our actual budget problem even worse. If you were running a business and took a budget like that to your banker you would be laughed out of the room. Pennsylvanias creditors dont have a sense of humor about this sort of thing. Neither should we. While i was disappointed with the republican proposal i wasnt discouraged so i came to the table ready to talk, ready to negotiate. Ready to compromise. It took months of bargaining, took some painful sacrifices from both sides but in the end all our work paid off. We had deal. We had a compromise budget that worked at which members of the Legislature Last year including some of the things i wanted, not everything but had historic investment in our schools. Included some of the things the republicans want but not everything, including changes to our pension and liquor systems and i continue to believe we should solve these decadesold problem this, taxpayer savings and stability in Pension System and we need to bring the liquor system into the 21st century. These improvements by themselves are not magic bullets and changes in these programs will not mitigate the consequence to continue to acknowledge the basic problems we face. It included a republican priority is the most important of all, most important of all the compromise budget balanced. It solved the financial problem. Passing it into law would diffuse the fiscal time bomb and sent us on a more sustainable course. It passed the senate, the majority of democrats and republicans and had bipartisan support in the house. Of the remainder was of final vote before i could sign it into law and we could move forward. I was ready, House Republican leadership walked away. They walked away from the table, without holding that final vote. They still have not held that final vote. I understand the frustration you almost feel looking at this huge mathematical problem but yelling it will not make it go away, wishing will not make it go away. We need to do what is right for the people of pennsylvania. We need [applause] we need a budget. Because we still have a budget crisis. The fiscal time bomb is still taking. Our teachers still hear it, our parents here it, creditors definitely. You need to hear it. The time for games is over and now is time to finish the job we should have finished last year. Democracy entails disagreement, compromise is hard. We had those arguments, we worked out our disagreements, we reached a compromise. Republicans and democrats sitting in this chamber right now, sat at the table with me and did the hard work to find common ground. We had a deal and House Republican leaders walked away. Only in harrisburg could that be seen as an acceptable way to do business. I am not interested in the inner workings of the Republican Party or politics. This isnt about politics. This again is about mathematics. So here is what is really frustrating. Some Republican Leaders bailed on our agreement i was handed another budget where the numbers and that up, it would cut 95 million from our schools, a budget that would zero out funding increases for institutions of Higher Education and worst of all budget that still did not balance. And it was a 2 million hole. Some folks in the chamber. I can agree index if we can disagree about the importance of education. I get that. I can except we can disagree about the proper role of government and securing a more prosperous future for our commonwealth and i can accept the we wont get everything my way. I cannot accept, pa. Cannot afford another irresponsible budget that ignores th

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