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This Technical Expertise that can be offered and theres obviously Financial Assistance the United States has offered to those countries that are providing and are engaged in the effort to provide the basic humanitarian need of these individuals that have fled their home countries with widespread violence in their own countries and we are going to continue to engage the eu to discuss additional steps we can do to be helpful in this regard but im not aware of any impending policy changes as it relates to immigrants in that region of the world. Given that the crisis has reached the proportion that has come of these countries are struggling with what to do with them basically so why would the u. S. Not to open up for accepting more of them . Theres certainly capacity in europe to deal with this problem and the United States certainly stands with our European Partners as we mentioned earlier. Officials in this administration understand how difficult these kind of problems can be to solve and they pose unique policy challenges. We do all of that mindful of the significant humanitarian impact. These are millions of lives that will forever be shaped by this experience trying to escape it and i think its important as we lay out these policy considerations that keep those factors in mind that there is a variety of the forms of assistance the United States can offer and we stand ready to do that. According to many of the reports that i have read, there are a lot of leaders in europe many of whom will be participating in the meeting i mentioned earlier who want to figure out a way to do the right thing and they certainly recognize the humanity of these individuals that are in this situation. And beginning with those intentions as they are off to a pretty good start but there is no minimizing the significance of difficulty of the problem. Youve expressed confidence that the administration would get enough votes to uphold the veto. Do you have enough confidence that you could accept them to go along with the deal when it gets to that point . What would have indicated we are prepared to do is make a forceful case that every member of congress willing to hear us out to try to persuade them to support the agreement to prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. They announced that the opposition to the deal before it is even announced and there is the indications that they were not willing to consider the merits of the agreement and to express the purpose in opposition to the democratic presence of the United States and it is disappointing when we are talking about an issue as serious as this one. The president has called this the most important Foreign Policy decision in at least a decade coming up to see that part of the response from public and have been disappointing however we have been encouraged that the democrats have engaged in as they consider this agreement and over the last few weeks thereve been a substantial number of hearings in public under oath. Thereve been briefings to explain in a classified setting every member of congress exactly what is included in the deal and how it would ensure that iran doesnt obtain a Nuclear Weapon over the course and thats an effort that the efforts that we will continue right up until congress votes. [inaudible] is the white house maintaining the end road for any outreach from the perspective is this a chance to get more democrats in the house and senate . [inaudible] spec that is the best part about that. The vast majority indicated they announced opposition to opposition before the deal was even announced. That has not stopped the other Administration Officials from engaging in conversations with republicans in congress. Certainly many republicans in congress participated in the classified briefing. We saw in the Committee Testimony that many members of congress participated in those settings and ask questions despite the fact that they already made up their mind. So that indicates good faith on the part of the administration to make the case to republicans. Unfortunately the case has fallen on deaf ears. There have been as many of you pointed out in the process a substantial number of democrats who were undecided or at least not publicly committed in terms of their position on this agreement. And we sought to engage them and we certainly have been pleased with the significant momentum that weve been able we have been able to build up in support of the agreement. But as long as there continue to be undecided members of congress and senior Administration Officials will be engaged in an effort to make sure they understand the fine points of disagreement and understand why the president believes so strongly this is an agreement that is deserving of the support of the United States congress. Has this been a conversation that the white house has taken a message for anything said to you or anyone else . I havent spoken to him about this particular manner. Im limited in what i can say given the Ongoing Court activity. I would just say on the principle that the success of the democracy depends on the rule of law and there is no public official that is above the rule of law. Certainly not the president of the United States, but neither is the county clerk. That is a principle that is enshrined in the constitution and in the democracy. And its one that obviously the courts are taking. [inaudible] i will get right back to you. Go ahead, john. Bill clinton after he left office talked about rwanda as a threat. The president looks at what happened in syria with hundreds of thousands killed and the greatest refugee along that time do you look back and think what could the United States have done more or what did i fail to do and this has been a pretty profound failure of policy toward syria it doesnt even get to isis but plenty of humanitarian crisis is seen on holding. There is no doubt that it is unfolding and is a genuine tragedy no matter how you measure it and certainly an appropriate way to measure or the millions of people that have had to flee their homes to try to state violence. The United States has worked effectively added substantially to and substantially to offer support to the nations that are very the most significant load to try to meet the need of those migrants. In many cases they were legitimate refugees and the United States is the biggest donor donor a few of two mandatory and assistance in response to this crisis. And i think that is indicative of our countrys values and the nations concerned about this situation. Weve also been clear that it was precipitated by the failure of the president s leadership in syria and his willingness to carry out attacks against innocent civilians using the military firepower of his own country to do so is despicable and something that we have condemned and we are actively working to try to find a solution. Going back to the beginning of the crisis there were calls inside the administration as well as outside for the muscular response to what was unfolding long before the rise. Does it weigh on the president s conscience that the United States didnt do more to prevent what we are now seeing unfold . There is a bias among many observers that assumes that more robust or muscular engagement if you described it would have had had to raise hopes of preventing this humanitarian atrocity. Theres not much evidence to substantiate that claim. You certainly could make the case that might have led to the outcome or hastened the departure of the president , but that also would have subjected the United States to a whole host of more significant risks including more significant outlays of the funds to fund the war in serious and it certainly would have put tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of american troops in harms way on the ground in syria. So theyve made policies in this area area that are difficult but the primary interest is the United States. That is his responsibility as president but there is no denying that trying to prevent or at least mitigate widespread and significant in humanitarian situations is also in the interest of the country and thats why youve seen a substantial humanitarian assistance that has been offered and thats why you see the United States worked for years even against very difficult odds to try to bring out a diplomatic resolution to the concept in syria. I would concede on the front and not a lot of progress has been made in that regard it certainly is not an indication that the United States has turned a blind eye to this desperate and tragic situation. Said the president is confident given what we are seeing now in the difficult decisions that he made in the last several years regarding syria were the right ones . Or confident even now that he made the right decisions . A story and will have an opportunity to look back and i think they probably will to evaluate how the decisions that were made by this administration and of return of the tragedy turned out and what impact they have on the National Security and what impact they had on the humanitarian situation. People have ample opportunity to judge. Its understandable to want to sort of evaluate essentially the sort of playbyplay and analysis of the decisions and im not sure that its fair to the president but people will have an opportunity to take a look back at the impact of the decisions that were made and the frankly the impact of some of the decisions that did not result for example in the deployment of American Military personnel and to discuss the impact on the National Security interests both in the region and around the world. In the world of the pacific and asia next to the president will be here shortly with vladimir putin. Has the president considered perhaps that may help the president in discussing issues with and about mr. Putin and how they may result together some of the concepts that are going on that are disturbing . You are talking about two large and influential countries that have their own relationship and there are some situations in which russia and china havent been able to coordinate effectively with the United States to advance the mutual interest of the countries. The United States, china and russia are all a part of the talks with iran. That is an indication that our interests can be effectively advanced by the preserving of those important relationships. Obviously, there are mutual interests between russia and china and im sure that is what garnered the most attention during the conversations between the two World Leaders. Do you think that the secretary of kentucky should be in jail . This is a decision to be made by a federal judge and so i was not from this Vantage Point secondguessed those decisions. Again there is a rule of law and principle the principle to the rule of law is central to democracy, and its appropriate in this instance for the federal judge to determine the best way to enforce the law. I just want to ask now that you have reached this threshold is it your view that takes care and that is the only book you have to worry about or do you expect you might have to deal with it again when it actually comes time for this action . Because we will have to make the same [inaudible] i think that its unclear at this point. What we are confident of mao is that the base on the public commitment that we have seen from more than one third of the United States Senate Congress will not be able to succeed in an effort that was championed by many republicans in the congress to kill this International Agreement with iran to prevent them from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. That certainly is good news. But, what we are going to insist iran is that they follow through in terms of unplugging the agreement and once they begin to do that, the United States and the International Committee will also need to look up to our end of the bargain and that will be critical to ensure that this agreement holds together. It will be a very difficult case for someone to make although i have no doubt that someone will make it in the context of the president ial election that its somehow in the interest of the United States wants this agreement begins to be implemented for the United States to unilaterally withdraw and undermine it, that would not be in our best interest and could lead to the opposite of the desired outcome. But that is a little way down the road. What we are focused on right now is allowing the congress to take the vote in the process that they supported and played out earlier this year in the context of the legislation and we are hopeful that after that we will be able to begin implementing the agreement which again will start with iran taking all the serious steps to curtail the Nuclear Program including reducing the stockpile in a variety of other things. If it comes to the sanctions sanctions is it your expectation that he would have thought people with you would have the people with you on the early checkpoint . Scenic my understanding, and we can have some of the experts in the legislation had a conversation with you but my understanding is that the vote that the congress would take when they return from their august recess would be related to that president exercising his authority to waive the sanctions and that is something that he does have the authority to do. This would be the vote on leaving those sanctions and so i would not anticipate that is what will allow us to move forward. The president will not waive the sanctions until they are taking the serious steps to curtail the program that weve discussed as codified in the agreement. That once iran has taken the steps to begin offering the sanctions release it wouldnt require an additional act of congress. It would be the president using the authority that the congress had previously given him to weigh out the sanctions to the part of the International Agreement from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. A poll click i have three subjects. I want to ask you a question [inaudible] [laughter] thats not necessary. [laughter] could you give the official tally now that it might be different from what we had . I dont have a private tally to share with you. The one we have the most confidence in his the tally of the public commitment and someone informed me before i came out here that i senator warner had a support for the agreement that would bring the number to 35. [inaudible] that may have occurred in the last few minutes but that is the number that we are tracking. As i mentioned in a previous discussion about this, we put anybody that knows anything about about the counting of legislative congressional votes counted counted a lot more stock in the public commitment and a private one. Are we still on the same numbers . I dont have the latest tally. Somewhere in the 70s. I havent gotten an updated number on that. The one reason we have continued to have the confidence in the support and the support that we think we can build in the house is that the first week in may we got those that indicated there was a final agreement was produced that looked like the agreement about what that was the political agreement that was developed that would be supportive of it and so obviously the individual contexts would evaluate the agreement that gave us some confidence that we would also be able to sustain the president ial veto in the house. The other thing is i think we are up now just three or four House Democrats who didnt sign the letter said that an indication we have positive momentum as well. They have not all indicated publicly that their final vote would be. Theyve indicated that they were likely to support back in may. Second subject. Where does the separation of church and state fall in this issue of traveling down the [inaudible] this is something that the court will weigh in on. But as i mentioned earlier i think the issue thats at stake right now and i think that as you know this has already been expressed by the federal judge is the question of the rule of law and every public official in the democracy is subject to the rule of law. That applies to the president of the United States and it applies that applies to the county clerk in kentucky as well. Add that as a fundamental principle of the democracy and in terms of how that applies to the specific case, that is something that the judge will have to decide and i would not secondguess. [inaudible] how does the Administration View the questions about the email . Blank obviously, i do not have a lot of insight into that persons decision about their testimony. That individual is a private citizen and so i would refer you to him or his attorney. For a better explanation of the decision. Democrats on the hill are not surprised that he was testified. People are saying that they shouldnt have done it. [inaudible] this individual is not a valid wiki or private citizen. So i would refer you to him for his decision out how to cooperate. The Chinese Government announced they would be [inaudible] i wonder if you have any reaction on that in the Regional Power to you have any reaction to that in a different direction . I know there are a lot of military analysts that would take a look at the situation and have observed that while china has signaled the intention to reduce the number of troops in the Peoples Liberation army by about 300,000, there is however a corresponding increase in the investment and equipment and technology that they believe would strengthen and enhance the capabilities of the military. So it seems that this is consistent in the kind of reforms that china has previously announced in the past and its part of the strategic Decision Making the commander of chief anywhere in the world has to make. Add obviously thats a decision for president because the president to make that he announced yesterday. [inaudible] do you have a strategy for what you would want to hear from them or the evaluation of currency and the purview of the secretary as in the previous meetings that will take the opportunity to impress china to pursue the financial reforms, increase the Exchange Rate flexibility and move towards a more market determined Exchange Rate system. Theres obviously more that we believe china can do in this area and we believe that that would not just benefit the Global Economy that actually benefit the longterm and china as well and this raises an issue about some congressional activity as well. You will recall earlier this summer both houses of Congress Passed currency legislation traded for smith legislation that would give additional tools to counteract the unfair currency policies by china or anybody else. And it serves as a good reminder that for all of the steps that the administration has taken, theres more that we would like to see in the congress, to again while it isnt uncommon for us to read antichina News Releases from the members of congress or the occasional place in the wall street journal the fact is there is a tangible thing that members of congress can do to enhance our leverage when it comes to confronting the unfair currency practices and so we are hopeful that congress will once again take up this legislation and reconcile the differences between the house and the senate and put it on the president s desk desk decided he can get to the work of using the tools or have been available to use as necessary to ensure that we are doing all we can to protect u. S. Workers. Several president ial candidates have talked about china. Apropos of the wall street journal article that i mentioned earlier. I wonder if Vice President biden talked about the World Leaders and they questioned whether there was so much dysfunction and im wondering what youre hearing from the republican candidates weighed down on the president s discussions to be questioned whether it would expand beyond. Two that i would see this a couple different ways. First is obviously you would anticipate in the president ial election a robust debate about Foreign Policy. After all the American People will be making a decision about the wisdom of turning over the keys to the Foreign Policy to one of the candidates but is standing up there on the stage. So, there is a legitimate debate to be had about which direction the Foreign Policy should take. And there is a response ability on the part of the individual candidates to explain exactly what they would do as the president of the United States when it comes to managing our Foreign Policy. At the same time, whats not constructive in some ways can be detrimental to the interest of the United States are members of congress putting their partisan affiliation or political interests ahead of the National Security interest of the United States. And i think one pretty good example of that is for partisan political reasons announcing your opposition to the iran deal before its even been presented for the consideration, so obviously where the current date falls along those lines is in the eye of the beholder and i think legitimate people could draw a line or people of good faith could legitimately java line in different places. But the president i think over the next year will certainly be interested in trying to make the opportunity to advance the interests in the International Committee. At the end of the year the United States would continue to lead the world to respond to the threat from Climate Change and take steps to cut carbon pollution. A lot of progress has been made into that as a testament to president obamas leadership in the United States of america but we certainly are going to need for that effort to succeed to see other countries follow the lead and we are optimistic that they will. We are during the final drafting stage of the plan and they said yesterday that they had the surveyors. They also said that there is a potential for the site could be considered and i wondered if that is something that you are looking at as a potential place to hold. There are a couple of sites that have been inspected by Administration Officials with an eye towards whether or not the facilities would be appropriate for detaining some inmates that are currently held in Guantanamo Bay. I dont have any information about the individual sites that may be under consideration. But, you know our goal has been to find a responsible way to transfer all the detainees from Guantanamo Bay and that means continuing our efforts to find appropriate places with appropriate measures in place but it may be necessary to transfer some individuals to the United States and our present system has already demonstrated tremendous strengths. There are already dozens of convicted terrorists that are held in american prisons on american soil breakdown including some of the places that have been visited by the survey team so United States of america has the capacity to solve this problem and what we need now is the political will from the members of congress to allow the administration. I dont have any information to share about what options are being considered at this point. President obama got back at 9 00 [inaudible] hes got meetings with his staff this afternoon but given the flight last night the president isnt working a full day today. Vice President Biden is coming back to the white house for some kind of meetings. Do those involve the president clicks i not aware of what meetings on the schedule and im not aware hes planning on attending the meetings. Are you aware of the report about the va and what reaction does the white house have in particular some of the wait times for the veterans continue to be extraordinarily long. There is a list according to the report that had some 800,000 veterans still seeking care more than 300,000 names on the list were deceased veterans. What is your reaction and given the president s listening to back in arizona and some of the other things he has done since then additional staff how satisfied is he and how satisfied should the American People be with the progress that has made in trying to shore up this devastating problem . Click it is a testament to the ability of the secretary and the determination of others in the va that we have made important progress reducing the times making sure that we are keeping our commitment to americas veterans whove served their country so proudly. The president has something to be satisfied until every veteran is getting access to the benefits you deserve and thats what hes given to the leadership in the va and while theyve made important progress we are certainly grateful for their efforts and a skill that theyve used to make the progress no one is going to be satisfied until we can ensure every veteran can get timely access to the Health Care Benefits that they deserve. Has the white house given any thought to having the president come out and deliver the remarks to the American People about the value of life and im speaking specifically to the socalled wives matter movement. In many cases violently as the white house given any thought to that. In a the speech you will recall the president talks about the husband or wife to welcome their home at night after they complete their shift and that is an indication. Its worthy of ours respect and praise and the president is deeply grateful to the lawenforcement officials across the country who do that every single day. The president i am im sure you saw this earlier this week on the flight out to alaska had the opportunity to speak with the widow of the sheriffs deputy who was killed last week and apparently in an ambush. But its one that theyve heard the president become the largest stage. The Government Shutdown press, whats happening now if the clock is ticking and there is concern across the board but this is a strong possibility. We continue to be concerned that we havent seen republicans accept the democratic offer made in the congress to set down to try to negotiate a bipartisan resolution to the apparent to budget impasse that has been reached in congress. Republicans have the majority in the congress and said it is incumbent upon them to show some leadership here for a change. We are hopeful that when the Congress Returns from their recess but they will senator mcconnell or his designee and the speaker and or his designee will sit down and engage with democrats in congress in the discussion about the most effective way for the security interests and priorities to make sure that the economic priorities are funded and to make sure that gets its done in a responsible way and on time. That is a tall order and that is why we were so disappointed. The republicans have put off the talks for so long but hopefully they will get started as soon as they get back. For any steps that have been taken by the administration to prepare for a shutdown i refer you to the office of management and budget that has the function. As we get down to take the appropriate steps to prepare im not aware that weve begun taking so far but you might check. Lastly russia was involved in battling isis. Are you aware of the reports that they may be in beijing in an obvious enemy and if that is the case is this something the white house supports . We are aware of reports that they may have deployed military personnel and aircraft to syria and we are monitoring those reports quite closely. I will just say as a general matter any support to the regime for any purpose, whether it is in the form of military personnel and aircraft supplies, weapons or funding if those destabilizing are counterproductive and the United States has worked on the International Coalition of countries to take on isis and we certainly would welcome russia and support the conservation to that effort. And we are trying to welcome a diplomatic transition and the Political Leadership in syria. We certainly would welcome russia into that effort as well. The nfl ruled against. My guess is that people are either Patriots Fans or fantasy football owners that had the wisdom to get a steal. Its not a very late in the drafted that draft did that was a smart idea on the part of [inaudible] i did not. But my guess is that theres a lot of good nature going on in fantasy football even before the season started. There are activity problems in the consternation [laughter] but i digress. You mentioned the president influence used in the International Community and the Climate Change aspect. But beyond what you said on the question about the refugee crisis, what does the presidency as the role . The first thing that i would say is make sure the United States continues to offer significant support to those countries that are very much of the weight. Theres been a lot of attention about the refugees that have fought in europe. But we know that there are other countries like jordan and turkey that are alone with hundreds of thousands of refugees themselves and the United States will certainly continue to serve those countries as they try to meet the basic humanitarian needs of the people in desperate situations. And i think that you could expect the United States into the Obama Administration to lend the Technical Expertise as we try to confront this significant challenge. And the United States is going to continue to be committed to an effort to bring about an end. That is a poll worker and its not something that is going to happen anytime soon. But it certainly is part of what motivates the assembly of the Broad International collusion to take the fight to isis and its part of what motivates the United States to engage in the International Process to try to bring about a peaceful political tradition when it comes to the leadership. The refugee part of it as you know have growing International Pressure particularly when you read a european newspapers on David Cameron and on the uk to change the position in germany in a rare move to allow the investor to be critical not to take the refugees calling them to do so but if you are publicly or privately at some point they be the president feels that more direct intervention may be necessary at the time. I did mention i think last week that the president did have an opportunity to talk briefly about this issue with chancellor merkel in a phone call last week. Im not aware of any other calls the president placed to discuss this in the last week or so. I certainly wouldnt rule out that kind of engagement moving forward. This is a significant problem that youre dealing with and the United States stands with our allies and partners as they confront this difficult challenge. [inaudible] i dont know that hes formed a specific opinion on this. Obviously the members of the eu and other countries in europe even those that are not members will have to determine what they can do to deal with a problem that is now present on their shores. There is no defining a significant problem and i think what we all would expect is that it would be solved if the countries of europe were able to work together. We are the host of a show [inaudible] i heard. Weve been crossing the country and meeting americans from all walks and asking them the most important issue going into the 2,016th elections. I want to ask you for the next four years what do you think is going to be the most important issue in the country . Let me answer the question this way. The priority that the president placed when it comes to his domestic policy agenda is expanding Economic Opportunities for the middleclass and the middle class and the president does believe that that should be an issue that should be carefully considered in the next election and i feel pretty confident predicting to you that it will be. The president has put forth his own specific agenda for how we can do that. Thats everything from raising the minimum wage to making sure we get equal pay for equal work into the progress that we have made it is an important part of this and we also need to understand that the challenges posed by the more integrated Global Economy are going to place a premium on a better educated for Skilled Workforce and thats why the president believes that we need to be focused on education reform and job Training Programs and other ways we can make sure that young people in the country can give the skills and education and training that they need to compete and win the Global Economy. In the Global Economy. And so the president has made his views known on the topic pretty clear and i think that he has made it clear that this is a priority to him that it will be up to each of the candidates in 2016 to make their own case about whether or not they think this is a parody and if it is, i think it is, then what are they going to do to ensure that this kind of Economic Opportunity is shared by americans not just those at the top but by americans all across the country. Who has the best shot right now . The candidate that is able to put forward the best plan for confronting this challenge is likely to win the vote of the presidency. Does the administration have any evidence that russia is conducting the operations . I dont have any evidence to share with you. All i can say is we are certainly aware of the press reports that this affects in the United States and that they are concerned by the reports. If it were to be true [inaudible] i think what it would be is destabilizing and counterproductive end of the reason for that is we have acknowledged that the reason isis has been able to take root in syria and spread is that theyve been at able to spread and his failure to manage the country effectively and to ensure that they were governed to the will of its citizens had chaos and instability and they capitalized on it and we have seen terrible violence not just on the part of isis also on the part of the violence on the part of the regime as the president claims the power. That is why people refer to this. Its a terrible tragedy. There are millions of innocent people who are tragically affected by this leadership. What the president has prioritized is the International Community to take aggressive action and to destroy isis and to mobilize the International Community to support a political transition and they are taking the leadership in syria and leaving the country and it reflects the will and ambition of the people. They are significant challenges in the tall orders and neither of the solutions is likely to present themselves tomorrow. The United States will continue to be aggressive advocates to this kind of solutions. And that is the kind of responsibility that you have when youre the most influential powerful country of the world. I just want to go back to the question you dont the troop announcement but they also unveiled the Ballistic Missile to the u. S. Carrier [inaudible] about the view and its attitude towards the rest of the world. My observation would simply be that the military parades almost always feature a military equipment on display. So i havent heard of any independent analysts were the weapons that were on display. Yesterday the military in china but those that try and get it traveled with the president earlier this year to at least show the military hardware and this isnt an uncommon thing around the world. We continue to make it clear that the interest in the South China Sea for example are enhanced if the military confrontation is avoided and diplomatic resolution is pursued and that is what we have encouraged and we believe its in the individual National Security interest of all of the countries involved in that region of the world but certainly in the best interest of the Global Economy that we are going to continue to encourage. Jordyn . I just want to get your reaction. The Obama Administration was working closely. The United States respects the decision of the president to submit his resignation a today we commanded the people and their institutions for the manner in which they dealt with this crisis and continue to underscore our support for the democratic and constitutional institutions to read additionally we support the succession steps being carried out in accordance with the constitution and instead of being ready to work with the Vice President in his new capacity the United States will continue to support democratic process including peaceful general elections that are scheduled for september 6. We also continue to support the effort in corruption and impunity including the work done by the ministry and the commission against impunity in guatemala. Theyve worked to the vendor relationships in latin america. In no small part because they can trace their heritage back to the countries. In the corruption to the Vice President do they have any plans for that . We would anticipate and expect not just the Vice President for the next government that is elected in the september 6 election will continue to implement the kind of reforms that we believe are the best for guatemala when it comes to fighting corruption and impunity. Okay. I will give you the last one. Two topics. One there is a democratic vacancy coming up and i just want wanted to see if there are any status updates and is there any timeframe for that now . I dont have any personal announcements at this point. We continue to be mindful of the Important Role that the securities and Exchange Commission play in enforcing the certain critical parts of the economy to ensure that everybody is playing by the rules. But i dont have any announcements in terms of the president s decision to fill the vacancy. She had opposition from senator warren and others for having the political revolving issue with the legal clients does the president agree with that . Im not aware of the specific complaints that have been aired that we can certainly take a look at it and if we have a response, we will get back to you. What are the qualities that are important in the fcc . In general when the president announced his decision to nominate and to lead that independent agency. Its somebody that had a good working knowledge of the law, and we are also looking for somebody that has a willingness to stand up to the powerful interests. That is what we are asking them to do on a regular basis. It is responsible for the conduct of the Financial Institutions of the world and so a willingness to protect the interest of the broad economy and all across the country will be an important criteria. Obviously, we will be in a position to talk about that once the president has made a decision about who he believes will be disappointed. The other topic is a Vice President at a fundraiser yesterday you reported im not a populist Bernie Sanders is doing a hell of a job does that also requested the white house. The president has in the past spoken in the United States senate. He the last several months as all of you have noted has been able to attract a large part of the democrats. That is a good thing for the party. And the president is pleased that there is some enthusiasm and excitement on display about a variety of candidates on the democratic field and that is going to lead to a robust debate and strong candidate and democratic party. And last if the Vice President chooses not to pic i dont know. The Vice President or the president elect as i said before i dont know if the president will offer an endorsement of democratic primary. If he chooses to do so he will announce it at that point. The Vice President s calculations will feel a little bit different right now but i dont know at this point whether or not if he were to decide not to run whether or not he wouldve made a decision to publicly endorse one of the candidates. Thanks everybody. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] as you heard mentioned among other items the new jersey democrat cory booker has become the 35th senator to agree to support the iran nuclear deal. He said in a statement i nonetheless believe it is better to support a deeply flawed deal from the alternative is worse. The vote in support of the deal that the United States must recognize to make the deal work we must be more vigilant than ever in fighting the aggression. Earlier today and before he announced his possession the senator sent this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt do what you feel in your heart to be right where you will be criticized anyway. With the senators support that means 35 democrats are in favor of the agreement. We also occurred during the White House Briefing the senator agreed the virginia senator mark warner and josh earnest agreed that senators may announce soon that he supports the deal and will confirm that when we hear from his office. Right now though there is no republican support. A r. Opposed and ten are now undecided. The senate is expected to begin debate wednesday return on tuesday, september 8. And we will have live coverage of course on cspan2. More live coverage of the discussion of the military challenges for the u. S. And britain. The minister of the states for the armed forces will explain and answer questions here at the Olympic Council in washington. It should start any moment. As we wait for this discussion to get underway about the u. S. And uk military developments and military relations, we have just learned from the virginia senator mark warner that he is in support of the Nuclear Agreement and released a statement from his office he says i believe in supporting the joint comprehensive plan of action negotiated between iran and the United States, united kingdom, france, germany russia and china is the best option for advancing the goal of keeping iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon grade while i believe there are several areas of concern in the agreement, the choice i ultimately had to make is between accepting an imperfect deal facing the serious ramifications. Again that statement from senator mark warner, democrat of virginia said about the total number of the Senate Supporters is 36. The senate is now five shy of a 41 the 41 needed of having enough support for the potential filibuster to block the that would block the vote on the disapproval resolution of the deal. Still buying a senators are undecided. The Senate Returns next tuesday at 8 p. M. On september 8. We will have live coverage when they begin debate on the iran nuclear deal. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] the [inaudible conversations] again pictures from the Atlantic Council here in washington, d. C. As we await the discussion on military challenges for the u. S. And the uk, the minister of state from the armed forces will explain and answer questions again here at the Atlantic Council. It should start in just a moment. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] good afternoon and welcome on behalf of the Atlantic Council. Its a great honor for me t

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