Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150425 :

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150425

Bride, the church, marriage is a picture of the promise. Ephesians number five 3132 says for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined and the two shall become one flesh. You dont have to dash buchanans choose to embrace, god designed men and women were you can reject all of that and you can make your own alternative truth, but you cannot exchange what god has spoken and verified in nature, many have tried and history documents that folly. In the past, stating such a position was known as practicing religious freedom and freedom of speech. And thousands if not millions whose faith and conscience will not allow them to respect any decision that fundamentally rejects god his word and the natural order. If majority redefines marriage thousands of christians will respectfully refuse to acknowledge such a ruling has any jurisdiction over their lives. In the spirit of Martin Luther king we will do any attempt to enforce such a ruling isnt just. More importantly our duty to our god will force us to disrespect it. We will obey god rather than man. And our next presenter is an esteemed authority of this country. He is the founder and chairman of liberty counsel and he is the former head of Liberty Law School in virginia it is argued two cases before the Supreme Court in more than 35. Please come on out. Thank you brent. For those that will come at me i asked her to spell your name so that the media will be able to get it. I am founder and chairman of the liberty counsel which is in International Nonprofit litigation education policy organization that we have policies in florida, washington dc, hundreds of affiliates around the country and we also have a major presence in israel. And we are here because of the impending Supreme Court decision. This week i released an article that i wrote and you can read it at stream. Org. Recently it was founded by this man who is part of life international. This is an online media publication. In the article i began to talk about that. In 2009 the manhattan declaration was signed. It was instituted and inspired by chuck colson and codrafted by timothy george. In that declaration and ends with these words. We will fully render what is caesars and under no circumstances will we render this with what is gods. Five years later, that is now here with the impending decision at the United States Supreme Court and as a result of what was about to take ways expected by the end of june Keith Fournier will speak after me, a christian catholic, and me it an evangelical christian, began to codraft this document is called the marriage pledge and we have circulated that among different leaders. Manhattan declaration has over half a million signers and this one here has just been posted online and hundreds more are signing this. Orthodox christians, jews, leaders from all around this country and from various perspectives that do not agree on certain theological issues but unified in this area. That is that marriage is the union of a man and woman and on our watch we will not idly allow them to be deconstructed. Whenever it happens, by experience and history we have known that the government uses the power to collide with religious freedom. That is what happened in our country, its happened around the world and what will happen when we cross the line. We have jewish leaders are to come together and unify around this one issue. But we also have a copy of this here to pass out. We confirm that marriage and the family has been ascribed to the natural creativity. That wasnt created by a legislative act. It was not confined to any particular religion, it was not created by religion, it is not a religious belief. Religion affirms that which is part of the natural creative order just as civil government affirms that as much as it affirms gravity. You may not like gravity. You may prefer it to be able to jump off of a building or quiet. Gravity is what gravity is. You can resist it but its there and part of the natural creative order. The fact that theres part of our natural creative order. Humans male and female coming together for not only unity but procreation and having the best initial cell, the unit on which society is built to raise children and produce those as productive citizens, that is the central structure of humanity that transcends time and generations and geographies. Its not created by any civilization, its part of our natural creative order. As such we have come to a letter from doctor Martin Luther king jr. When he wrote this from the birmingham jail. He was asking the question why do you applause and others who dont respect and it is in conformity to a higher law principle. Those are earthly laws that directly collide with higher laws. And there are other teachings and history and the scriptures. And that includes an unjust law that is not just a law that collides with denominational doctrines or whims of society. Something that collides with the natural creative order for natural law. When we find a law like that it really is no law at all, something that is in collision with a higher law principle. Neither the United States Supreme Court or any civil government has the right or the authority to change the natural creative order. As we have seen a couple of different principles, number one, the court has candidly stated that the only authority that it has is in the confidence of the people. Justice oconnor wrote that it is one of the justification she came for withholding the decision of roe versus wade. That is that the selfpreservation of the authority of this court is at stake. She said because unlike the executive which has the power of the sword and unlike the legislature that has a gator powered to pass laws, this has almost no authority to enforce its own laws but laws upon other situations. So not only in this power but in the confidence of the people. If they lose confidence in the people they lose their authority. And she said we took such a drastic shift in 1973 that if we now say that we were wrong, the people will wonder what are we doing. And how can we trust you to make these major social shifts. If we cant trust you then we do not accord your decisions the way that they ought to give. And she says even if this was wrong, we cannot we will lose our own authority. The only authority is the fact that people have stressed that it is doing its job system with the rule of law in interpreting the constitution and adhering to the document that they are intending to interpret. And about 230 cases it has overruled itself, saying that the previous decisions are wrong. Let me look at two of the decisions. In the 1800s as Supreme Court justice talked about this colliding with Abraham Lincoln over the issue of slavery and dread scott asked for his rights as a citizen, a black american. He was denied those rights. When the case went to this, he said that theres no justice for you at this high court because we believe that blacks are inferior human beings,. How bigoted and racist is that decision . No one today will defend it. Its not the rule of on now. It was repudiated in everyones minds today. That includes a movement that was taking place around this time. Three previous generations have lower iqs. And so the commonwealth of virginia took care and forcibly sterilized her. She sought justice. But instead of that she got an opinion from oliver holmes. And it was okay for the commonwealth to remove the undesirables among them. And guess what during during the nurnberg trials were not these were put on trial, what tasted they cite to justify what they were doing . You are doing the same thing in america that is called buck versus bell and how shameful that history is. No one will justify that decision that is consistent with the rule block. And if it wasnt the rule of law in everyones mind that it wasnt the rule of law than, those decisions are example of Supreme Court decisions that are contrary to the natural creative order and they were no law than and frankly we are facing another one of those decisions before the United States Supreme Court. If they cant get this right whether or not there is a constitutional right to samesex marriage in the United States constitution, if they cross this line and invent some right for this in the constitution and this includes the United States Supreme Court in the same way that we in history have viewed dread scott and i say this with all due respect to someone who argues before this court that the decision would be an unjust law. We cannot and we will not give it the respect of the rule block. Echoes too far another one that we cannot cost not because we want a controversy or to fight over this issue, we didnt pick this, but we know from history that once a government seeks to redefine the natural creative order of marriage, the first collision is with religious freedom. Because this is a zerosum game this is an issue. If the chickfila founder says i believe that this is between a man and a woman and the mayor of District Of Columbia says you can have this here in my city or district where they are getting kicked off because of this or if a photographer says but i dont discriminate against someone because theyre gay or lesbian, i photograph all kinds of clients and people but i cannot photograph an event, and i dont discriminate against people that are caucasian, but for instance people burning crosses i dont weve not either. And she has been told that you cannot participate in photography. Outlast a 70yearold lady has been friends with one of her clients for nine years. Doesnt discriminate because hes gay but one day he comes and says that i want to to cater my wedding with another man and she says and im sorry, thats contrary to my religious police. But theres another horse down the street i can do a job for you. You would think that that person would understand and the attorney general will come after her to bankrupt her personally and financially with her business as well. This is a zerosum gain. The reason we cannot comply is because we know that this will collide with religious freedom. And there are certain things that we cannot and therefore will not render to the state when they collide directly and unequivocally. So we stand united together in this unity and i want to read the last sentence on this pledge. Make no mistake about a result there are many things that we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural creative order and the common good that this is the line that we must draw. My name is Keith Fournier founder of the common good alliance. I have a path towards a phd and its my honor to stand with all of you and to be a part of this pledge. Pastor, i dont know if dropping it was intentional, but it certainly something that were doing as we stand with thousands, millions the history of the Christian Church going all the way back to the beginning between one man and one woman to use a philosophical term and its the first meeting association. The entire social order built on the family. I stand fully in tradition with my church and the crap untracked classical Christian Christian tradition dating its not just religious but written in a natural and moral law. As with so eloquently pointed out, a law that is written on the human heart and can be known through the exercise of reason. We all know across culturally and across civilizations. It we stand at a point in our history where justices may decide that the natural moral law no longer has a standing in the jurisprudence of the United States. And they would be wrong now, i would only add that the infamous decision of roe versus wade. Close to 60 million of our youngest neighbors with us. So im honored to be a part of this and to stand with other christians and jews and people of faith and goodwill. Making it clear that we will stand for marriage. And we will do all that we can to ensure that the marriage continues as what it is. Only adding one thing to what has been said so far that there is in fact the 2000 year christian history. Not only do i stand with these names but on the shoulders of others and this is not the first time in its history that we have entered into a culture that has rejected the natural moral law turned against god. What we do as christians . We try to infuse once again like 11 in the low bed elevates all humanity no matter what the religious police. It is one that we cannot obey just as the apostles cannot stop preaching. What will that mean . I dont know. But i do know this. God is going to time. Truth is going to try and. Finally ingratitude catholic friends, Orthodox Christian friends and jewish christian friends come i want to thank you for having the courage to stand together. This is the Silver Lining in this cloud and we are being brought together. Not just to protect ourselves this is not about protecting ourselves, but we love this nation. Not only am a member of the clergy but next year i will have been married for years and i have ive grown children and im baptizing my seventh grandchild. I want this to continue and it was routed by the founders in this very christian tradition rights come from the creator and they are endowed and they cannot be taken away by civil government be a judiciary, legislative or executive. And i thank you very much. [applause] hello everyone. My name is janet boynes. I have a ministry to help men and women leave a life of homosexuality and im based out of minneapolis and now i live in texas and i also enjoy helping churches have a better understanding how we work with those that are in the churches that struggle. I believe in compassion with compromise. We are not going to compromise the gods. We have an understanding why the gay communities do not want someone like myself because we have the opportunity to debunk everything that they are saying. Cnn, today msnbc, good morning america. If i come on the show they think that i will tear down their belief system. My goal is to debunk everything that they are saying to be true when i know that it is alive. We have tragically watched our nation cave into homosexuality propaganda. More and more people believe that homosexuals are born that way and we know that that is a lie anyway. Homosexuals have successfully made inroads into Hollywood Television public schools, university, government the president of the United States, and now our churches. Homosexual marriage has grown in america and reality which is currently being litigated in our nation Supreme Court as a potential set civil right. We know that this is not a civil rights issue. The color of my skin is an unchangeable characteristic. I cannot change from black to white. But i did live a homosexual life for 14 years and then ive been out. We know that its possible due to the power of jesus christ. If samesex marriage becomes the law of the land no one can even imagine or project the ramifications of this decision is going to have. I know from personal experience that homosexuality is a lost identity that is rooted in emotional brokenness, if samesex marriage is a projection of gods design for how to raise our children. When we reject reality we harm her children. And i grew up in a family of seven kids with four different fathers and i understand what its like not having a dad because of all of those forefathers. Every child deserves and once a father and a mother. Is critically important to their sexual development. In the 14 years that i have lived as a lesbian, i saw firsthand that there is no substitution for the rule of the father and mother in this place into the health and wellbeing of our children. I know this to be true because when i was in a homosexual life with a woman that had two children i tried to fill the role of a daddy. And at that time i realized that i was not equipped nor capable of being a father to these girls. More and more children and family members and friends those that were never predisposed are now experimenting sexually trying out homosexuality and becoming hooked, those that seek help may soon discover that theres no longer any help out there. Activists and their attorneys are pushing to ban any kind of ministries such as the janet boynes ministries that help people exit homosexuality. Their goal is to indoctrinate our kids and to silence us. Their greatest fear is men and women like myself who have walked away from that life and soon it may become illegal to even have this kind of minutes he. Who knows how much longer we will have do we are doing today. Unless we act now. We must be bold. I thought about what president obama said in his inaugural speech. You have allowed gays and lesbians into the white house, you sat down with them you heard their voices and i challenge you as you listen to what we have to say. I pray that our courts will opt for traditional marriage so that god will continue to bless this great nation. The United States of america. First of all im honored to be here. I stand here brokenhearted because i never thought id see the day when the United States of america are holding to a biblical worldview that subjects you to ridicule it is important to remember that christians didnt invent marriage as a response to the gay rights movement. And the idea that this is something that is motivated by bigotry, hatred, and long before there was any such thing as a gayrights movement. And no matter how much we express is one woman dead as a customer came in and demanded that she provide a floral arrangement for a wedding and she put her hands on his hands and said i love you, you have been coming here for years, but i cant do that. She was still his friend. But he was asking her to break her commitment to our lord and savior, jesus christ. And we follow a long line at for those who surrendered everything including the 158 children. And there were kids that were not renounce their faith in jesus christ under threat of beheading and murder. I want to make. One is. Frankly. I am frustrated by this. This idea that homosexuality is like enand anal guyed by the bl

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