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One thing i want to say is there has been an inclusive form of government which is the sunnis in the north and that is one part of the problem that lets park that for a moment. Lets turn to the iraqi army. Trained by the americans fully equipped brought up to their Numerical Strength very strong and gets fled at the first sign of trouble. Are we being naive in believing that you can meld different tribes, different cultures given the 600 year culture of the region region into one force and expect them to take home an opposition for which a large part of their own army is recruiting . First i dont agree with your introduction and description. Do you think the army did while . No im saying they are not as strong as you are suggesting that they were. This was back in june before they drop their guns and ran. Im saying when they did drop the guns they were full strength, wellequipped and trained by the americans and equipped over period of years and yet when the first sign of trouble they ran. That is to gloss over the leadership that was looking after the scale of the iraqi forces by maliki himself. He was actually running the show perhaps because he was concerned about their own power, their own authority. Therefore the good sunni leaders and others who operated under a structure which you and i are very familiar with and have both served, that was removed. Not only was it removed but also the support element was removed from maliki requesting that end. Therefore the fact that these generals were directed to malikis office and when it ca came, when the attack actually came in when the orders went out there to coordinate activity and that is why many of the generals werent sure what to do to provide mutual support. Not only that they were serving in the sunni area themselves and perhaps a complex environment led to the forces themselves crumbling much faster and perhaps we would have anticipated. We bring this down to an issue of leadership more than trying to meld a united force out at different ethnic religions and cultures. What general allen is seeking to do is to create a National Guard which actually does work on exactly what you are implying. There is a myriad, complex tapestry of ethnic groupings and each area available to develop its own National Guard but that is what the americans are now focusing on and that is i think what is best suited for that particular country. See that okay and finally it appears that the u. K. Is offering little or no assistance to the isf. Is there any plans for that to change . I would agree with that at all. Where involvement abstracts which is assisting the Ground Forces in iraq. As you will be aware there are tornado sorties and combat missions have taken place. We are also providing intelligence gains that is needed. And its also part of the coalition. You may want to see the british flag that we are doing what has been asked of all of us in that there is more to be ousted the Iraqi Government wants us to do more we will certainly consider it. We are part of a 60 Strong Coalition and i think we are doing as much as we can do but we will certainly consider any request to do more. Thank you. Welcome. Minister can i just raised to the committees attention my registered member centrist. I have a Family Business in iraq and kurdistan as well as i cochair the party group 4k rgb. Thank you very much. Minister, one of the first countries to offer help to both the Kurdistan Regional government and to the baghdad government was iran through the revolutionary guards. In the battle against isi think this was the frontline we were told across from kirkuk all the way to mock more. Do you welcome the engagement with the revolutionary guard in the battle in iraq and irans gifting of military equipment to the kurds . We are told they delivered heavy artillery and ammunition from ammunition warehouses in baghdad. Im going to invite edwards to say a couple of words on a longterm relationship because he is very familiar having served in the region. I would simply say sometimes we do look at iran to the british spectrum of advanced. We perhaps forget that there is a strong historical and geographical relationship between the kurds and iran. I think the thirdlargest ethnic grouping in iran are the kurdish themselves and therefore there will naturally be a synergy and an interest. We are aware that the revolutionary guards deployed in the diyala province and we have always kept an eye on what was happening there. This was at a huge time with change taking place with isil pushing them as i mentioned earlier. It obviously is a decision for the Iraqi Government but i believe its best for iraqi whether they be southern iraqi or Peshmerga Forces to liberate the country and provide that security. I think the only thing i would add is the Iraqi Government have made it very clear that they dont want Foreign Forces of any kind on this soil. I think its better and we agree with them for iraqi troops to liberate their country from is isil. We all saw the curious way in which the Southern Army came from noble fame. To stop the flow and the advance of isil isil and perhaps i think we are pretty clear here that while britain and iran might if you like share a common interest, i, and challenged in confronting isil and iraq too, the bad, and challenge stops there and becomes a sort of iraq that iran would want to see is very different from the sort of inclusive iraq that his government would want to see that the krg would want to see and we would want to see. If you look at the track record from syria which is sort of a militia forming. In fact what suleimani was doing was going around the shia militia in organizing the shia militia in baghdad to fight isil and the way in which the militia behaved is being pretty patchy to put it mildly. Thank you very much for that. I think we will get back to talking about the peshmerga later. Minister are you satisfied the current allied military strategy against the Islamic State in iraq is working or are you resigned to a longerterm with all that entails in idps not being able to hold the spectrum who have held late prospect of them returning to their homes . Let me take it from a literary context. Please be patient. We need to see this as a longterm operation if not from the state of warfighting but the stabilization and peacekeeping perspective. We are in the early stages of that. This will take a lot of time. Thats not to say there may be other ways that can be done but the strategy at the moment which i think a story 11 is to allow the iraqi Ground Forces to liberate in Anbar Province to push isil back from where they came from. I think we need to recognize the ad campaign we are operating as providing a vast umbrella of support. The americans are providing in the british as well not just with i start the counterieds and a myriad of other support coming from the region. We are seeing successes but it is indeed going to take time. The idp is an interesting aspect. I spoke about this with the American Ambassador and general allen and i pose the question who you have in mind to be the mayor of mosul and fallujah . When the cities and towns are liberated who is going to be the head teacher. Its something we are not thinking about immediately. Nobody thought about them or seem that way in 2003. That is why we ended up as liberators to occupiers because it didnt really change what i mentioned earlier at the fact that we felt disenfranchised and you also have yazidis and others who are worried about retaliation when people come back once isil forces are pushed back. They were scared no doubt about it. We need to make sure there is bad that assurance that there is an infrastructure capability. One thought that was being considered is actually as soon as the town is liberated and moving that refugee camp straightaway to the oscars so not actually forcing them back into their original homes because they may not trust their neighbor. He ransacked her home or push them out because the wind of change suggests the sunnis were on a roll and they felt obliged to support with isil was doing. Basically its outside of town so they start to go back to work or indeed move back an ontime tribute band of saying theyre at least its a new community which is very close to where they were before. Thank you. We clearly have very deep knowledge of the situation on the ground. Would you say rather than a debaathification in 03 and 0404 we need a truth and reconciliation process to take place . The truth of the reconciliation process was appropriate and designed, mean there has been a number of models not only in south africa but rwanda and so forth. Very clearly there will need to be some method in which communities can come back together and deal with the horrific hostilities that have taken place with individuals choosing to take up arms simply because they got caught up in a horrific war. Thank you very much. I think most would agree minister that our campaign alone is unlikely to defeat isil. What we need are troops on the ground and politics. Can i suggest to you that with very little progress on the politics side with very little progress getting the iraqi army up to speed this is going to be a long campaign. Therein lies the danger because the air campaign on its son could become counterproductive. There is concern that the longer the ad Campaign Goes on the more perhaps the sunnis are going to feel persecuted and perhaps get civilian casualties could rise. Therein lies the prospect of it being counterproductive. What is your view of that and is there are plan b if the politics and the army dont click in fast enough . You are very patient to see as i think everybody is, to see iraq liberated. But i dont agree with your premise that somehow there is simply an air campaign. Theres an air campaign which we are involved with but we are just one small part of the larger jigsaw and as i say i went to pains to say that the iraqi army is being retrained. Americans are very much involved with that. We are doing our part as well. If we need to do more we obviously will consider that but its important we dont make the same mistakes we have done in the past compounding by putting Ground Forces, troops on the ground who then could end up making the situation worse. We have to get this space and we are seeing evidence of iraqi armed force successes but it will take time. Yes its absolutely right we could move nato forces in their thank you for one have a record of being absolutely reticent about it. So are you advocating because i would say there is no appetite in this country and if i may finish sir there is an appetite to support the strategy which is to give the space to the iraqi forces to develop the skill sets or rather reclaim the skill se sets. One thing they have spent a lot of time doing is fighting but to coordinate that so they can regain their ground for which they can then continue. To clarify i wasnt suggesting nato forces in talking about the iraqi army. You still havent answered the question with respect to argue a live to the danger of airstrikes alone over time becoming counterproductive when it comes to sunni minoritys . I dont agree with your premise. There is arterial capability and infantry arterial capability in infantry and so forth. Therefore maybe i misunderstand the question that you are looking at it through the lens of international perhaps kinetic contribution here and that is i think a false premise. Until we get the iraqi army pushing forward because we know theres no substitute to boots on the ground. Until you get to that point essentially we are all lined on airstrikes and maybe artillery as well but essentially airstrikes. As the Foreign Office a life in politics on the ground alive to the danger that this could become counterproductive at the time . Theres a real danger that airstrikes without iraqi army pushing back could become counterproductive . I cant go further than saying their successes happening. We are seeing the iraqi army hold their ground. They are not able to push back as fast as we would like or they will eventually be able to do but they have thwarted the attack by isil. It will now take time for them to go from a defensive mode into offense at the met will simply take time. We have to allow the patient for that to happen. There is an angst that we have been using drones out there without giving way without giving away any operational capacity is that a large part of your operation or small part or in microscopic part . Is one element. Its one element but from memory im sorry, its smaller than the number of flights that have happened subsequent smaller than the number of terminator flights and there have been 2200 of flights in the number of drone strikes is in the single figures. Could i say they appreciate the way which asked the question. It may make sense not to probe. Otherwise we are giving too much information away. Thank you. I am chair of the royal party group on iraq. I also have a Long Association with the kurds. So i would like to ask you, after the iso eventually is driven out to the kurdish arab border areas by the peshmerga do you see the need for some sort of International Peacekeeping mission to keep order and to defend, and reprisals which you touched on here . I go back to the point. Firstly can i pay tribute to the work you have done. I know youve been very focused on this and supportive of all the borders and not just the kurds. The fiscal protection that needs to come you are quite right in saying there needs to be a sense of security. The National Guard program has been put in place which allows from a tribal perspective a connection, a local connection between those who know the security capability and those who live there so you do not bus in those from another part of the country to another part in order to provide that. That is where i think we went wrong before. So i wouldnt at this stage consider introducing International Peacekeepers are in any form of that. Its not something thats being discussed at the moment. Im glad you put the record straight about the iraqi army. I think it has been criticized unnecessarily and it didnt just run away. They were factors where there was no clear command and i think its important to put that on the record. Going back to minority groups displaced from their homes, traditional homes, the syrians, and the man danes and so on. Many of those i think may not want to return to their homes because of fear of reprisals. That may not be realistic and we will need some kind of assurances and protections. Some years ago prince of the yazidis and enclave just for the yazidis so that feeling has been there for some time to fear him protected now so more of course. You pose such an important question and its worth perhaps just reflecting on what part of the world we are dealing with. Mesopotamia the land between two rivers is called. This is the birthplace of so many religions that have actually lived in relative peace for thousands of years whether it be christians or a whole variety of religions that stem from this corner of the world. They have lived together in peace. They can do it again but we shouldnt overestimate how horrible they world now feel visiting the number of refugee camps this is exactly what they were concerned about him that is why the Iraqi Government must be inclusive and ensuring that they are represented politically but also protected physically using the correct makeup of National Guard. Do you think people like the yazidis mania comb were rescued have they got all the assistance that they need at the moment and is there any attempt at all and ive asked this could question several times in the house and what is happening to the ucd women . We were all shocked when so many of them are kidnapped. There were reports they were being sold on the open markets. It appeared that it was the peshmerga themselves and particularly peshmerga in syria that help the yazidis more than anybody else. Indeed it was the peshmerga and impact a particular wing of the peshmerga that was able to come in on mt. Sinjar and provide support in their time of need. Many of now moved away and found refuge mostly in Northern Iraq. You are absolutely right there is a huge concern about the plight of the women. This is one of the reasons and in fact i have traveled was just into Northern Iraq we visited a number of refugee camps and she made a further commitment of additional funds. Britain is one of the largest donors and if you have any figures we can provide in Northern Iraq to assist in this very area. But is there any information . I keep asking that question over and over again. What information do we as a British Government have about those ucd women . They seem to have sort of disappeared. We will check on that you now but i dont think we have got very much. As the minister said the peshmerga themselves not just the ones who got them off mt. Sinjar but then the evidences as one would expect they were the most affected people in tracing the 3000 or so does seem to have disappeared. We are not getting for what its worth an urgent request for further assistance for the yazidis at the moment. Without at all wanting to underplay what the yazidis have gone through. The pushback we are also getting from kurdish and iraqi groups is dont just concentrate on the ucd women. There are lots of other women who have been taken hostage and worse by isil too and so its a question of trying to trace the mall rather than just concentrating on one. The u. K. Humanitarian aid to the krg as a whole 23 million of which some was dedicated in 4 million from memory was dedicated to specifically protection of women. Could i say we have not adequately answered your question. We will get back with this investigation. Im going to iraq very soon and i will make sure i put this on the agenda and we investigate that further and get back to you. Thank you. I do understand is the kurdish womens minister of affairs during our visit told us in some cases they were trying to buy, they had bought some of the women. To liberate them . Yes to liberate them so one of those women were being back into their own families despite what happens and if that is the case we need more information. Thank you. The kurdish Regional Government is planning to run plebiscites by the peshmerga as soon as the situation has been stabilized. How are these elections being run . The key word there is disputed or disputed areas. Firstly i think had the peshmerga not done what they did when i so advanced in the summer there is a possibility, probability that kirkuk couldve gone the same way as mosul and fallujah. There is also in the constitution, there is a recognition that there should be some form of referendum. I understand article cxl if memory serves which allows the people of kirkuk to determine their future. I think without getting too involved in this, we believe the complexities of this is in a way where is, when there has been such a churn of people and so forth how do you actually recognize established electoral districts for example and who qualifies to vote . I think this needs to be done with a consensual process. Its certainly part of the process but it needs to be inclusive so people feel involved and is seen as fair and therefore can last. Should be run by an International Body . While thats a very good question. Its something for the iraqi people ultimately to operate and should they request assistance from the community im sure that assistance will be forthcoming. Thank you. There were so quick headline for saying we didnt have a strategy to protect the middle east but this was very much in Northern Iraq. Can one have a strategy to protect christians a broad . I would hope and edward you may have thoughts on this but i hope there were guarded via strategy which is inclusive of christians. We have a set of human rights values. We have a set of governments values that we believe in and support ethnic minorities and so forth. If we stop being pacific about anyone in particular you can ask the group and demand one as well. Therefore there needs to be something which is all encompassing which recognizes that in the same way the kurds themselves are actually the largest minority population in the World Without a country themselves. Therefore the same question could be posed for them. Im sure wont be long. Could i ask you about received from the Kurdistan Regional government. What was the key governments respond to that . And i throw that back to you and ask if you could elaborate to specifically on what they requested a . They have them had that heavy machine guns and we saw that but they really wanted to go furth further. I believe they were formulating a request to the u. K. Governme government. The defense secretary visited recently and certainly as its been covered by the media we have given a number of weapons system on 40 heavy machine guns which also, training as well. They are actually quite complicated weapons to fire,. 50 caliber. The regiment has gone on to help with the training. I have a little bit of concern here and i express this carefully. This has been their hour of need. Theres no doubt about it. The peshmerga were up against it and the world responded by providing Weapons Systems and some training to make sure that the line could actually be held. We are now in a situation whereby they are now quite likely wanting to bolster their capability but we ourselves have been involved in taking munitions from romania and bulgaria which we have airlifted in fact. They used warsaw pact standard rounds at some point and we ended up transferring those across. They now have a regular drumbeat of airplane landing providing more Weapons Systems. My worry is and that i will just share this with the committee that this is in a tough neighborhood through the peshmerga which itself is made up of, split into two with a political wing as well, those political wings were at war, civil war in the 90s and yet there is an awful lot of weapon systems coming into the country itself. As i say i have no problem with the fact that we are arming them. What i would encourage them by have said this and have been very frank with the kurdish government is it needs to be transparent. They need to make sure these weapons are in place so they are not disappearing. Worse Case Scenario lets take a look at libya. Not saying we would end up that way but is so flush with weapon systems that is difficult. Everybody feels the need to own and its about three times the population of actual Weapons Systems. I would just say on the army of the peshmerga but i would like to see upgrading the transparency, the capability and the accountability of the peshmerga to the kurdish government and i think they understand that as well. Britain stands ready to support in that request. That said as i say we have provided a number of weapon systems and most importantly counteried training which is one of the things that they have requested. I am ready to answer any further request that calms britains way. You mention the peshmerga. Are there any other conditions for support for example they perform at the peshmerga . Im not aware of any conditions as such but as i say ive been frank with the peshmerga and the government itself to say this is your hour of need and we recognize that but also we are seeing all sorts of containers, around from around the world. Also anybody that is served in the armed forces will be aware that you need to have a standard set of equipment which are forces then become familiar with rather than ad hoc bits of kit which come from nato standard or warsaw pact or indeed chinese weapons system. They can become very confusing if the long term you want to have a strong capability. In terms of the two factions i think there is quite a consensus that that needs to perform the test and theres an element of conditions. I absolutely agree that is what we have been encouraging them to do. You have the Peshmerga Ministry and the peshmerga is answering to the government than any particular party. And dont forget theres a third party that hasnt been mentioned a grand party. Are they going to now want their own military . Thats not the direction we want to see. Thank you for that. If i could not the lease with john stanley sitting here and that is to say that all of our gifted equipment we asked to be used in accordance with International Humanitarian law to be used to meet the urgent operational needs including defense of civilian populations not to be stockpiled to remain in iraq and not to be sold or transferred to third parties and may god assurances back from the kurdish Regional Government that they would observe those requirements. Thank you. Do you feel that the e. U. And nato have played a fair part in supporting the peshmerga . I think this is something that the foreign secretary raised last week in brussels at the Foreign Affairs council and he has asked for it to come onto the agenda for decembers meeting, decembers meeting so the e. U. Itself would be obliged to address this to satiate their the more that can be done . From the nato requirement i think the whales stomach came out with a statement of memory serves. I may have to write you with the details of that. Its essentially nato was looking at how best they could contribute to the iraq and Syria Mission if you like overall with respect to training but also coming back to the earlier part of the discussion whether there were ways in which we could use ordination mechanisms that exist within nato to ensure a proper sensible division of labor in terms of who supplies what. We are trying to use the capabilities obviously anywhere would be the case. Smack if i may shortly at there needs to be Iraqi Armed Forces as well. Im pleased to see that they have come together. That needs to happen more so theres a synergy that needs to take place and theres also whats happening in kobani as well. It requires a different kind of training as well. They are taking the fight to the enemy as such. There will be equipment and training. That is actually where i want to go. We seem to be happy that the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga are fighting to liberate kobani from i. S. , the caliphate. They seem to be happy that the americans are bombing the fascist jihadist caliphate but we dont seem to be willing to do anything about it ourselves. Can i declare an interest as somebody who tabled an early motion of the 500 last week. The title is labor solidarity with kurds but of course all parties to give con solidarity to the kurds in syria as well as iraq and also i went last year with the Kurdistan Group to erbil and i wanted to declare that as well i guess. Can i ask you is there not some level of absurdity in a position whereby we know that the heart of this organization is iraq. They are carrying out beheadings from aleppo or its outskirts. They are trying to seize the areas which are currently under the control of the pyd, the syrian kurds. And yet we have got this selfdenying position that somehow britain is not going to be involved in syria. Would you agree with me that this is a logical . I wouldnt for a number of reasons. If i could just qualify why i think i disagree. Following on the same chapter that john barehanded. , two tracks that are very close to each other that looking at the prism of saying whether there should be unilateral capability to destroy isil somehow we should be with iraq and syria. That is a logical conclusion to draw. You do forget we are part of a coalition. The americans general allen has requested us to participate. Its not that they are short or have too many targets and require british airplanes to participate in a campaign. They dont. What they need from us and what we are providing is intelligence gathering. We are able importantly to to provide data and theres also the legal aspect of that which i think the committee will be well familiar with it. We are in iraq because of invitation of the Iraqi Government therefore there is a legal step that we would have to go through. Americans are able to justify it through their attorney general and not only that but that the Prime Minister has made it clear that were we to advance to include syria in the manner in which you describe it would require a further vote in the house of commons and that takes us into a whole other world as to whether or not that would be successful. I can understand the political reasons and im not asking you to say the government could act but surely if the americans think its legal to be bombing isil inside syria what is the ambition of the u. K. And do we have different legal standards for the u. S. . You are saying why are we bombing if the americans are bombing . I for the americans are doing the bombing thats required to reuse their to focus on areas where from a coalition perspective there is a need . Okay, all right lets try a different level. We have given support in terms of nonlethal equipment to the Free Syrian Army. The freezer in army as far as i understand it is not engage directly in many areas where it will there was fighting against isil. It may be fighting the alnusra front or it may be fighting against the assad regime but from what i understand and you can correct me if im wrong for people in syria who are actually fighting against isil are the syrian kurds. Why dont we give assistance to the Syrian Kurdish forces who are actually engaged in fighting against isil . First lets go back to the Free Syrian Army. You are right Communications Equipment medical equipment and so forth its can be of service to them. They are providing protecting the space mostly in the north. We are also providing support to the police in that area as well. That sits next to humanity since the board humanitarian support into as many parts of syria as a whole that we can actually get into. The question i go back to is what is our contribution to the coalition itself . You are wanting us to jump ahe ahead. Yes you are. If we are prepared to support some syrians against isil but i want an explanation as to why we are prepared to support the Kurdish Peshmerga and the americans supporting the prd but why are we ourselves must providing support to the syrian kurds and their existential fight which they are engaged in an kobani and elsewhere . Again i go back to the legality of it. Theres no legal case for them to do that. The people that are actually doing that in gaining support from us and we have been through this in a previous question is the peshmerga. They are moving to kobani and moving to turkey. They are now taking on that fight themselves. I dont understanding the argument of that legal case. Can you clarify that . As i say when we first looked at the senate may well be that we return to this when there becomes another vote there has to be legal justification for us to be able to enter syria without their permission. Im not asking about syria. What is illegal objection to us providing support as we have done to the Free Syrian Army to the pyd or other kurdish opposition to isil and the assad regime . Im not aware of it in your classroom with uid. In fact in order to ask for that. Im not clear what the illegal objection would be if we are prepared to support a Free Syrian Army quite weird not prepared to support the kurds. The list that i read out involving the lowlevel communications flak jackets and things like that. We are able to do this but its not harming enough sense. Okay, a further question. Is it our priority to defeat isil in syria or to remove the assad regime in syria . The International Coalitions objective is to militarily defeat isil. We then need to create space in order for sunni, modern sunni engagement to take over that space. That is the objective. Now that will of course involve operations on both sides of the border itself. We are taking one particular aspect of that which i mentioned earlier. A flawed and he is aware of this, is actually contributing to the success of isil by creating the space and denying moderate sunnis the ability to have a voice. Because there is no voice they have gone against him and he mentioned this as an example of that. Assad himself is somebody that we believe has caused this and therefore that is wide it isnt a choice simply because there are too adversities among country that is so binary we need to switch from one to the other. Since isil is not a great threat we suddenly need to support assad. So let me be clear you are saying the priority is to get reprisal and we all accept that this is not going to be immediate. This is a longterm process. That presumably means that whereas two years ago the government was talking about the eminent aim of the assad regime we are now a visiting assad in some form controlling for years or perhaps longer to come. I will return to this in a second. The answer is no we are not in me to think that if you like the first concentration should be against isil but the effect of that mustnt be that we thereby strengthen assad. While we fight with others isil the flame of the Syrian Opposition is sort of extinguished and therefore we have to be able to do both concurrently. We have i think also recognize that in syria you cant have simply a military solution. There needs to be a political process going on as well and one of the things we are doing at the moment is trying to reactivate that political process which paused that dear the failure of geneva to to get a sense of the Forward Movement and to underline despite all the International Discussion around this that we cant see a future for syria in which assad is a part after everything that has happened. So how do we end we as part of the International Community move both the military if you like intervention for it but also the military part of it but also the political as well which goes handinhand. Theres no doubt what is happening in syria is complex and its multifaceted and also unpredictable to some extent. What is happening is that perman isis perspective there is a thorough fair people from around the world that continue to join the forces of isil. The same cannot be said for assad and his officer class in particular has been depleted and therefore there could be a moment in the future where there are some Big Decisions to be made for the people under the assad regime as to whether they still believe they should continue supporting him. That is a very important moment to recognize when it will be and how the International Community will respond. If we were to take assads regime that space which warlordism is taking place its not dead. Its if the patient, do we want that patient to die completely and for assad to be able to run and the criminality empty vacuum of power been filled and not just by isil but a few and all the others or do we want that patient to remain alive enough that we can actually have infrastructure and the state capabilities there for whether the Syrian Coalition government or indeed others alawites and sunnis who no longer believe their future with assad variable the 10 move forward rather than having the state collapse completely which i think would be terrible for the entire region. Thank you. The present estimated figure of the terrible number via sliders in syria pashtuns in iraq. The figures very. Its 20 to 30,000. Does very but as i just alluded to they are currently continuing to be replaced sadly because many often from around the region are joining forces in being trained in small numbers. Anything between 20 and 30,000. So you reject that the British Governments figures are understating the number via sliders . Im not sure quite what you mean. Do you mean those britons who have choose and chosen to leave here . The number via spiders in reports recently to be in the media the British Government stated figures are massively underestimating the number. Im not aware of an exact figure. Ultimately its a combination of military capability and insurgency and therefore there isnt something we can lean on. These are estimates. I understand that but not talking about marginal difference. We are talking about a quantum number of differences. I think in terms of sixfigure numbers rather than five figure numbers. But think what he is referring to is this security adviser an ak lg alleging of 200,000. He was directing his ire at the americans as much as anyone i think. I have to say we dont support that in the terms in which he said it. I think the point he was trying to make is that the socalled Islamic States control an area that is the third of syria or a third of iraq. This includes some several Million People and how could such a small number of fighters control that . The first thing we wanted scott to analyze is the structure. Its got what they call the tip of the sphere which people who do this sort of fighting. That is probably a figure in the thousands and then you have the people who come in afterwards. Then you have the great mass to go along with the great mass, the numbers to sustain. The incidental evidence that its difficult to get hard facts on all of this but is the number of people who actually for example run the i. S. Administration in mosul is very small in all these other places. By any standards this figure of 200,000 books massively inflated. Also there are many tribes that simply have chosen to put their hands up and say i support isil. They have come through my neck of the woods and come to the tigris window river. I am happy because they seem to be on the winning side and they seem to be the winning side. Do you include those numbers as well as fighters were supporters if there is a gray area when you count those numbers up . This is actually, does the government agree that within i. S. Areas in syria and in iraq the i. S. Is trying to carry out effectively and force additional fighters from men that are quite young, adolescent boys . I think it is fair to say that is what is happening. Theres a sense of fear that isil uses in order to force individuals who perhaps with intent to fight. Britons have had some vets have returned or come back to your. Ive actually said they were monitored and that they were seen not to continue to fight with the same level of energy they would actually be killed or somehow persecuted so you are absolutely right. I think theres a massive amount of fear and brutality that isil is using in order to contain the ranks. Thank you. At the moment the consulate is. [inaudible] does that allow Optimal Service . When we arrived i have to say i shared my surprise that we had arrived at the consulates location. What is fair to say is where things were in june, where the kurdish region was going in june were where we are today. I am pleased there are reinforcements coming in to bolster the numbers. I have to get back to you with more information on the location. I dont know please would commit ourselves to new building but there is a question as to whether that is the right location for it bearing in mind the increased involvement and commitment where having to Northern Iraq. There is an undertaking for a new building that is supposed to open the second part of next year. There is a plot of land and there was and still is an existing plan to build a consular general that would have been adequate to the circumstances to isil onslaught. Why was that taking so long to get off the ground because we were having a number of issues with the authorities about land use getting the necessary utilities fight in them permission to build and so on and so forth. It became clear after everything that happened in june and july and august that looper going to go into a spike of activity. What we were trying to judge is where is the new normal going to be for 2016 and 17 onwards so what sort of building do we need that would be adequate and we were pretty sure what we are going build in 2013 and 14. There is no agreement in the office for the consulate in 20 2015. Have you seen that is not the case . We cannot physically meet the timetables. Hold on if i may. The timetable to complete a new consulate building by the summer of next year was became impractical seven or eight months ago and that timetable was going to take another six months or nine months but the point is that the buildings it would produce now are no longer large enough for what well need going forward. What we are trying to do is urgently work out what sort of the new building we would need and are the present facilities adequate . No they are not and we recognize that. Sorry, let me get this clear. It has never been stopped . That timetable to achieve that by 2015 is no longer practical for reasons ive explained. From seven months ago when we couldnt get the necessary permission to begin with. Why did it take so long to look at particular building and know they are talking about [inaudible] can you understand local politicians and how they proceed in the United Kingdom on this particular project . You make a good point. I hear that loud and clear. I would like to take at all editions judged on our investment in a relationship not just on the building itself. If i may investigate further and if i can i will commit to explain what is happening with the plans. Bearing in mind today there is an increased number of size and the combination that has grown from what was it before because we have upgraded the number of staff that will be working in Northern Iraq. We saw the germans but the they building. We were told about it would where they are. Can you advisers this is the case that your committee is up and running . The joint Ministerial Committee that was supposed to be set up by kurdish politicians . Has it been set up . When he was here in may we agreed them that we would set up this committee. Not surprisingly the kurdish government have favored it since then and when we have seen him in a krg simms when he was there a month ago we agreed that there was something we needed to press ahead with. Just to clarify that has not been started yet . B it not has not met for the first time. [laughter] can you update us as to whether the work with the Kurdistan Regional government and Public Service delivery. We are actually trying to endeavor to strengthen relationships. This is something that britain actually does very well and indeed there is training now taking place. Have they met, im not sure. Absolutely i got the flavor of it. In various ministries we are working in order to improve the governments transparency and accountability. Encase the business of print is as large as it could be. It is what the vision 2020 was raised in the last question was raised in this one as well. They ask why you asked the question . Y. The why asks the question . Because its the job of this committee to exercise the policy. That is no doubt. Britain has the largest number of businesses operating in Northern Iraq than any other country and that is why i asked. We are in a strong position but obviously we want to be able to do more. Let me give you more detailed answer. We picked up the vibes that it was not as strong as it could be and other companies, corporation for Mother Companies were active. Our travel advice the u. K. Checked the Erbil Airport to name but three. As i say there exists a huge footprint. The burden is very wellestablished group in Northern Iraq but also certainly not least with hydrocarbons. There has been in the oil and gas industry there has been difficulties because of the Licensing Agreements and the approval of baghdad which is why some companies have chosen on basra and the oil fires and work down there and not gone anywhere near the bill because of the differences. We see companies being able to do both and not feeling they have been as i say we are looking to take more businesses out. U. K. Ati will be bringing more businesses to erbil in order to introduce them to the opportunities that are there. In particular sectors that we want to invest in or are indeed investing. Im aware its health care of the structure and legal and financial services. Direct air links . Is something that needs to happen. There is a note on this or remember which i need to familiarize myself. There are some issues to do with british being able to check on the air side of the erbil terminal. If we can get these sordid than from a british perspective we are keen for direct talks to happen but if that requires it to will be asked to pick this up. If they are asked issues to do with certification of standard of security from a british perspective which of course once there is a confirmed by hope and the airline but abridged airline in particular will pick up the fight in erbil. I appreciate as much as ever but in this committee the importance of direct flights. Other plans to review the travel of vice . Its constantly under review. Its something i personally have to sign up myself. I will take a look at it from this committee. We have to bear in mind what we are dealing with but i hope it has been proved that i am very keen for british presence to flourish in iraq in Northern Iraq and certainly for the kurdistan region to do as well as possible and for britain to participate in that. There is a possibility of reducing the threats and the travel advice i certainly will engage in that. Going back to frank rorys question about Regional Government. I and i think other police once the financial difference was between erbil on baghdad that we have made and they have made Good Progress on this there is a possibility that there may be an independence referendum in kurdistan. Do you think thats possible . I think theres an awful lot of work to be done in other areas. Im aware that this is something that the people of kurdistan want to purchase great i think its also in the constitution as well to be considered. I believe this is a difficult neighborhood and i do believe the government believes the country is stronger by having the influence of the kurds in baghdad and i think the integrity and security if not prosperity is better pursued with the country remaining as it is. Perhaps it was pointed out to me and i [inaudible] do you want to come back . Thank you richard. Minister, the nation of iraq was an artificial construction. The reality is that the people of kurdistan would like to have independence at some point. Theres no doubt about that. Is it not time for the u. K. To think about how in the longterm the region can change the boundaries of nations and be recreated to ensure that there is more stability and that there is more ability to create strong relations longer term than the instability which i dont think would ever be resolved . I think i can only repeat what i just said. Its our view that the country, the kurds have a pragmatic approach with the shiites and the sunnis in providing collective transparent integrated government in baghdad and that is why it believed the country itself and not only that but the region itself from a security perspective and an Economic Perspective and so forth is better matt by the country staying as one. I understand that point and is a very valuable points that as time goes on is it fair to expect the kurds to tie themselves to an artificial construction in which they dont feel part of when they have proved themselves there is a successful state independent of that. Surely we should give the people of kurdistan the right to have selfdetermination as they would anywhere else in the world of . You actually answered your own question in the sense that anywhere else in the world can follow the wonderful example that we had not long ago here in scotland. I was done with the consent of the entire country. I think it was done in canada which had a result and i support anywhere in the world who wishes to pursue testin testing in a pf the country that they independence russian honor. Certainly the consent of the rest of the United Kingdom that scotland would be independent eventually. Are you saying there mightve been a different answer . We obviously allow government to make its choice. We are going down a side road here. And a dangerous one i might say. My point being very simply the people of kurdistan and the kurdish region of iraq what criteria if the u. K. Government were to support what criteria would there need to be before such a decision is made . I think we are moving into a hypothesis here pay would be dangerous for any government to start billing parameters to do what might or might not take place if a particular part of the country wanted to seek independence. I cannot stress that this is a tough neighborhood. The kurds are a powerful influence and force a powerful stabilizing force on iraq as a whole and the counters are stronger for it. Our week in sidney possibilities for the principle or are there circumstances you can see in the future that are maybe not in the kurds interest of the u. K. Interest to allow separate states to evolve from the ashes of what we are seeing in the middle east . I invite you to ask the same question many times the though perhaps in a different way but im afraid its going to be the same answer. The country is far stronger in a solid iraq. Yeah thank you. Thank you very much. A motion from myself this house formally recognizes the genocide against the people of iraq and the government alastair did not oppose the motion that we could have further meetings to look at this. The governments position remained the same and it is not the government to decide whether genocide has been committed in this case. Do you think the governments policy may damage the standing of the u. K. And kurdistan . Will would be your response to that . Firstly i think in the horrors of war this monstrosity should never be forgotten and im very grateful to the london high representative who took a delegation, a british delegation to the memorial. It is currently moving as the noises to go to those locations and learn about the arrested history and important we do not forget and we learned from it. What happened in 1988, it is for the criminal courts, a judicial matter im afraid to use that term genocide rather than for any government. The criminal court has made that clear. Theres something called the roman statute which actually means understand anything predating 2002 from when the criminal court was actually established you cant go back in retrospect and use that judicial term itself. They have their reasons for coming out with that line looking to events that happened once the court was established. With that said i think its important that we mark and indeed my predecessor attended the event last april. I certainly would hope to do so next year and its important we do not forget what happened back in 1988. Further your to your earlier side and mike gapes and your confusion about traps our job is to scrutinize the government. Having said that we have obviously trained the question as broadly as possible taking into account regional assessments. In that vein, when it comes to the defense of kurdistan and the people of kurdistan against isil we havent really touched upon regional allies and what more could we do to actually encourage a broader approach and greater support . What is the British Government and what is the west doing to encourage more Regional Support to achieve our overall objectives given that we accept airstrikes and we dont want to the western troops on the ground . Firstly the military aspect of it and i repeat what i said before. We are part of a wider equation and is there further request for example to participate in syria then they will be taken on board and if required so will be it. We have to remember we have to take the nation with us on this and have the support of the nation which is why the Prime Minister brought this to the parliament in the first case. You ask a very important question but i dont think you ask enough because i think its actually easy to do militarily in the insurgency but you wont actually defeat that vacuum can be quickly refilled unless another ideology recognized accepted ideology that everybody else except. I think not enough is done to discredit isil or delegitimize its ideology. In answer to your question of i think there is more that can be done is for the region itself. Its the moderate seau voices to offer to save their islam is a peaceful region. This isnt who we are. This is not what you should be listening to. And pursue a different ideology, different one which will see peace in iraq and and syria. Is a fair point and you have to take on the ideology as well as the force on the ground with the immediate threat when it comes to kurdistan and this is the purpose of this inquiry is the isil threat in front of th them. You have sort of sidetracked the question. Coming back to military support, coming back to any other support when it comes to the point of ideology is there any more regional allies could do to help in taking on the isil on the ground . I would say the strategy at the moment is allowing this case for both the peshmerga and indeed the Iraqi National forces is working. I would say that the air campaign is providing what we need to hold back i sold and iraq itself. I think syria as has been exposed here is a bigger chance no doubt about it but in what we are seeing now the strategy is working. So they are not needed is what you are saying, regional allies support on the ground . I didnt say that. The strategy is actually working. What then could be done, what we dont want to do iraq doesnt want to see any other country bringing in and putting boots on the ground because that would compound it themselves. Pushback that ideology and provide that security environment for the country to move forward peacefully. Having said that there is more military capability and training and that can come from a variety of resources. Germany has just brought in some more equipment antitank Weapons Systems and so forth. Recently i would like to see more done as well. Minister, you mentioned the idea as far as i assist concerned the ideology is certainly there but isnt also helped by the fact that i ask of considerable financial made available. Obviously they have taken over banks and the like to get currency as well. Isnt the equation in terms of winning over a population making sure that people may not like the ideology of but nonetheless are prepared to live under its . Erase important point. There are many certainly that are tolerating it because they feel they have no other choice in this goes back to the situation that developed under a slot where the sunnis were not given their free space and therefore they ended up rallying around the flag which ended up being extremists. That complicates the challenge that we face. Do you think that challenged his insular that we cant win this without help on the ground . I think you oversimplified what is happening on the ground as far as what we are doing to contribute. It is not simply an air campaign taking place. There is a multifaceted approach in order to take on the capability not the least in supporting indigenous Ground Troops to deal at stake on the fight themselves. How long you think it will last . I would like to speculate but i should perhaps caution in expecting anything in months or years. I think this is going to take a number of years in the same way that al qaeda has an ideology that remains with us and in fact there is this competition we are seeing between the isil and a few at the moment. It still remains with us even though the leader itself was killed in pakistan a number of years ago. Forgive me for not being present. Its worth remembering president obama when asked along he was going to take he said Something Like two or three years so there is some corroboration across the atlantic. I was glad to know that mr. Roberts was in agreement with me. Im sure he is quite pleased as well. My question is this. How do you far do you think success would be in made easier if there could be serious disruption in the black market for oil in which isis is profited considerably . For oil is being bought by assad himself there is an awful lot going through on the black market itself. There are enormous borders with jordan and turkey and so quick. Its difficult to ensure that their pleas. Theres also hostagetaking as well. Isil has many lebanese hostages but for much lower levels of payment which keeps the money coming in as well. They are paid off because they are much smaller amounts but theres also sadly many individual donors from around the world that continue to fund this ideology and found isil. One of the reasons the u. N. Security Council Resolution took place is because, to prevent individuals from any country in breaking a law that you can start individuals in the states themselves by continued to Fund Terrorists and islamists. I understand all of that but i should ask a more direct question. Is there any action being taken to try to disrupt the black market . They are our number of signs without giving too much away. I understand. I think you said in an earlier committee which looks to this us well, we are trying to disturb the oil. Im content to deal with that think you very much. Thank you very much indeed and its really helpful to us when we have these sessions like this where we can speak open freely and get the evidence that we need. Lets also take keep it to ourselves that thats okay. Im afraid i cant assure you of that. Thank you. I think one of the places where we are headed right now it to me that its scary to me is that especially at the lower tier schools in the big five, as they struggle to build buildings to compete, as they struggle to catch up i think we could see a purge of nonrevenue sports in order to focus more money on the sports that matter financially the most. I think thats a trend we are going to see in the next five years and i dont think thats good. I think if we go down the road of paying football and mens basketball players as the agents would like us to do and i have plenty of friends who are travelers including my little brother, we are going to be put into a situation as a series of enterprises that will be forced to make that exact decision. The nonrevenue sports are going to get eliminated and you will see schools asked to go from 16 sports as a minimum to compete down to 12 and i have sat in meetings with those conversations that happened and thats bad for the country. Thats bad for olympic sports. Thats bad for opportunities for people to get out of lesser environments and get to the university and have a better outcome in life. Host Congress Returns on monday for a 10 day sprint to the finish of the 113 congress and niels does whiskey joins us from capitol hill. Lets talk about the deadline of december 11 to get the budget bill done that spending bill. Where do we stand too . Guest well as we head into and through the thanksgiving weekend negotiations are ongoing between house and senate. Subcommittee chairman and meg you members are getting various bills completed. The last i had heard was that there is a meeting scheduled for december 1 of the toplevel negotiators on both the house and senate side and trying to get the final details ironed out on some of those bills. Now of course the potential problem is even if the work product of the committee gets completed then there is the sort of Political Considerations that need to be had as to whether or not that theyll actually makes it to the floors of both the house and the senate. Certainly that may be complicated particularly in the house by what they decide to do in response to president obamas executive actions on immigrati immigration. So the committee is trying to create a product sort of separate from the political situation in hopes that it actually makes it to the floor. Host i understand the House Minority leader has said nancy pelosi has said that she is not going to, republicans shouldnt count on democrat supporting getting a spending measure passed especially if it includes something dealing with immigration. Guest this is the socalled crime of this approach which is generally an omnibus spending bill funding most of the government for the rest of the fiscal year but that it would somehow in a way that is not yet defined carve out funding either for Homeland Security or immigration programs in particular to try to avoid funding effectively the implementation of the president s executive action. Had. That is a separate debate for a legislative debate that should be tied to this appropriations bill. En is true it is difficult to do through the regular process. Garett is a reality of the government were to shut down to say there is no deal by the 11th of december that some of them will go on according to obama is president joe action president ial action. Even that gets complicated. To go on the more persistent the lawmakers were like to do. The tax extended package reports late in the week there is that package developing in the house and the senate and the president will veto that. What do you know, of that . Circulating a rattled the misgiving was between the Senate Majority leader and House Republicans end up whitehouse ended is the intention to veto. They have gone back to the drawing board. But that is a native it said deal is reached to quickly make it plaque back to the floor but also it is that kind of measure people tend to get more opposed to it. Host talk about the contentious nominations headed for the senate floor well is spend time as the wraps up the session . Rather than before it resets with congress to become the majority that would be a taller order. So the democrats try to get as many done as they can. Host read more at world called viacom. Thank you for the look ahead. [inaudible conversations] please rise for the national anthem. [applause] please send gentleman please welcome the chairman michael weiser. [applause] years should know that she is not only a talented performer an artist but also a talented fundraiser her connection to the National Conference on citizenship is working here and you may have heard the terms of franklin project. We appreciate your efforts on our behalf thank you for bringing your talents to our stage once again. [applause] i am a significantly less talented. [laughter] we are partnered to please to partner for the shares conference please stand up people from america dead university. [applause] thank you for being here. This is the fall break for faculty and most administration is that the retreats some students have joined us that we appreciate the partnership of American University like the National Conference on citizenship is a chartered organization to the center for Community Engagement was over 2,000 undergraduates students that volunteer every year. We learn by doing. There is more than 7,000 hours to do that freshman experience and it connects students with a Diverse Communities of the d. C. Metro area. Please join me twos sank a you for hosting this conference. [applause] also i our conference Title Sponsors their generous support allows us to close this engaging even and to develop a worldclass programming also apply to welcome the Apollo Education Group and all others who have contributed to the success of this conference. Please join me. [applause] ncoc is called with a congressional charter to have a specific engagements within advanced citizenship to facilitate action by our partners around the country. As the mandate of the charter this is the seventh conference i have the honor to chair for over 70 years we have been convening and it has played an important role. Governors, a Supreme Court justices, president s have all shared their views on important issues including desegregation and the role of government. This year we will shot in daylight the on the subject of economic equality. If you have not already i encourage you during lunch to walk through ncoc history. There is a serious up posters on display in the long hallway. It does it interesting job to tell the history of ncoc and also of Civic Engagement in the United States since 1946. Our summer interns brought that to life this year. The conference aims to live up to that legacy connecting empower act is the fever. The hope you will strengthen connections and strengthen ideas that empower us to take action. But the process of being together and engaging one another a and taking what we learn into our daily lives could have meaningful impact of the quality of citizenship. This is every year in an important meeting. Of late to take a moment to recognize my partners in this effort, my fellow directors of ncoc to give up their time and their resources and of their good hearts. 80 directors please stand and be recognized. [applause] i have one partner and with ncoc i have two excellent executive directors now that contribution to this civic health of our nation has broadened and deeper into the work on service is a revolutionary approach to National Service opportunities has led ncoc into new territory. When we have of partner each day you are encouraged i get a call right tech stored email that reminds me that the future is there. Iran to it inspires me. The passion for Civic Engagement is inspiring. Please welcome our executive director for ncoc. [applause] thanks for the introduction please join me to thank michael for his commitment and leadership for to ncoc. [applause] also michael and his wife to leave as well as tom and gail and phil for their sponsorship of this conference. This year we invited a number of partners to design the events happening this afternoon so captains please stand and be recognized. Dont be shy. There in the audience. Ncoc mission is to strengthen civic life in america. It is very good to be with all of you to data ways and means that we do that together. It was once said that music is the space between the notes and community is also the space between people. How do we fill that space . With trust . Support . To be reached across the divide to work toward common problems together . Volunteer . And though . Engage with the government . Panthers are critical because we know when people are in gauged families are stronger. Individuals are more employed in schools are better government is more responsive and critical needs are met and it is this sort of activity we find that civic life. Said talk about strengthening civic life this is what we talk about. To make the space between people vibrant and alive. When that happens we have strong civic health. Over the past eight years will lead of movement to call attention to the civic health of the country with many of you we have issued over 30 reports around the country basically telling the story how well communities are doing. But those are catalyst across United States and the Census Bureau that we put out that data every year as part of volunteering and civic life. But that is the important element we also hope to create the civic 50 program. It calls attention to the top 50 Community Minded companies in the United States. Theyre strengthening their brand increasing capacity to recruit to employees in retain them. Theyre critically important because a lot of companies are turning more and more people want to work for an employer who cares about the community and does something to match that. We are thrilled at ncoc and the points of light and bluebird bloomberg is continuing this program. [applause] ncoc has also taken lead in the movement precisely because we want to have an impact in our communities. With that initiative of the National Service alliance we are proud members and i want to recognize our partners from the franklin project. And a service station and thanks to them to be here for the members of the line hands. To dramatically increase the Service Opportunities. Whole lot more people want to serve them there are positions but the second thing is with the citizenship that the ncoc calls for its charter. If people arent engaged in any way very engaged in other ways if you volunteer then you vote. National service is a multiplier. And they tend to be very active and also go into the Nonprofit Sector. So of course, all of the work would be easier if schools could embrace the Civic Mission . That was the goal of Public Schools we have been proud of that campaign and end to support their guardian of democracy. But later today we will have some its into all four of these areas with the captains to talk about the work you are doing to challenge us and each other. How we should do our work differently and connect to empower each other so we cant be stronger for it. That is our Mission Today i am thrilled we are a part of that. At this time i want to introduce marcie the director of Community Service and age right here at American University in addition to teaching american studies and government class issues critical to fulfill the commitment to Community Based learning. She is a strong advocate for in teaching students in services to coordinate departments across the campus to support increased Service Opportunities please join me to welcome morsi. [applause] good morning. Great to have you all on our campus. On behalf of American University at want to welcome you and congratulate the groups that organized this the Conference Agenda looks excellent and very much aligned with the importance we place on Student Engagement and civic and community issues. American university has a Strategic Plan to put great emphasis on this work that one of our goals is to act on values through social responsibility and service in rehab a vigorous commitment to this city of washington d. C. The university decided to go further and we concluded we need campus wide outcomes to define what students should do by the time they graduate. Among those outcomes agreed upon one is actually said vicki engagement and it states that the au graduates will have knowledge of respect for society and the environment to demonstrate an appreciation of the role of the individual to act with a sense of responsibility and to social justice. The history is rooted in and commit to sicking cage and remained a that commitment and as stated earlier the university was chartered by an act of congress in 1993 and established to train and support Public Service. Au is number three among mediumsize universities with 43 alumni currently serving as peace corps volunteers. The past year was fellows pursuing careers and among the most politically active than the country according to Princeton Review as though my office has the privilege to an opportunity to be the campus of the for organizing and monitoring differ forms of service and civic kinkaids ran. The extent Student Learning beyond the classroom to enable students to apply the wording to reallife situations that are tackled every day by our eagerness Nonprofit Sector and we are lucky in washington we have communitybased organizations in the National Organizations and international and public offices. Among the signature programs are freshmen Service Experience which just celebrated his 25th Year Anniversary and we invite students to begin their College Experience by going out into this city to look at 50 different sites throughout the city to do two full days of Community Service to learn where there will be living the coming years that is a great way to start your education. And each year anywhere between 550 or 700 students participate in that program. Have an alternative preprogram over winter spring and summer break it is hidden an alternative to typical cancun they play to leadership role key leadership roles because they design and deployment a social justice strep domestic or international their right and approved a proposal so we have 13 trips planned one group will be going to u. S. Mexico border to learn about immigration how the legal system is addressing thousands of miners in Central America and other loco 27 cisco and another will focus on the healing and Community Development in rwanda. But the program that grows the most rapidly is communitybased learning also called Service Learning some colleges actually require it is the academic courses that extends classroom learning through meaningful involvement with a Community Agency three nonprofit or a school for a planned collaboration all stakeholders benefit by meeting course objectives to address community identify goals. So that is important so as we speak we have 47 different courses that they link the course lectures and discussions to the issue faced by residents. Class is as varied as Public Health third world cities and the american constitution is over 100 organizations. Developing partnerships were both sides benefit the theme today of the impact inequality is central to what students are exploring. So what are they growing and why is it important right now . Millenials students want to be actively engaged and theyll learn more from hands on experience that connect to peoples lives not just what they read about in the theory. The tension is the big buzz word and studies have shown us there is a correlation between involvement in communitybased learning and practicums so that is critical if we pay tuition somewhere and students exposure to the Nonprofit Sector opens their eyes to the great opportunities these places offer when they graduate and looking for jobs so we offer them the world of where you can work the have many students working in d. C. Public schools and in that agencies with which they have collaborated as undergraduates. So for me personally it is gratifying because my own personal history elias with the schools in washington d. C. And the Nonprofit Sector were worked 25 years before i came to au 10 years ago. We believe nonprofit agencies public offices and schools shensi as collaborators to problems faced in areas like education, health, housing immigration employment and the environment today a few. We can become educators and problem solvers to gather. On behalf of the university at welcome you and afford to hear how this conference helps us all. Thank you so much. [applause]

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