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A happy, healthy and hopeful child, it takes the family. It takes teachers. It takes clergy. It takes business people. It takes Community Leaders it takes those who protect our health and safety. It takes all of us. [cheers and applause] yes, it takes a village. [cheers and applause] when Hillary Clinton and uses the term it takes a village what do you think she means . She starts with the family. To raise the child which quickly moves beyond with a network of people of institutions of values teachers, neighbors, busines ses, employers and even of course, politicians as you see here in that clip she says to raise the village you dont just the deaf family for a of president you need a village. Claman hearing actually a very strong message of what she tries to put out today stronger together. This is the Newest Campaign message. She has had quite a few but she is trying to send her populist message and it is interesting to hear what she had to say compared to where she is today. Is that consistent . And it is consistent on one level but it is a little bit archaic. What does Hillary Clinton made when she says it takes a village. And not as crazy as you think i am she comes in on the 90s that i am not sure i of the centrist a democrat dianne trying to update the of the Democratic Party after the reagan years but they dont know where hillary fits this is after the failure of Health Care Reform her attempt to be copresident to say i am one of you. With cultural sensitivity and there are three pillars of the market she talks about government and for 60s liberals talk about family and capitalism that was a revolutionary. Just a few weeks after the book was published to given the era of Big Government is over speech that was a big moment to declare as she did in the book i am a moderate. We have conservative values that we are mostly moderates that is the message to take a village that surprisingly eupepsia real streak of social conservatism and the story. She did have to reintroduce herself because in the thick of the health care fight this was her tale of food she is a and wanted to portray. Some said she was so rejected over the Health Care Debacle she was traumatized. She wanted to show she could really be a first lady. In 1993 nobody knew what she was talking about. That is hillary branding and her attempt to does it give to the people to say we can have a conversation together the clip you showed is the 96 convention speech. That is nine months after the book was published and came back to it takes a village when she launched her president ial campaign without a 2016 campaign. If people finish the sentence for her. With the conspiracy Glass Ceiling but bill clinton has the warmth toward the touched. Lets take a look at june june 132015 announcement. They reject what it takes to build a economy. An inclusive society. It is called the village. That has a place for everyone. My values and the lifetime of my experience has given me a different vision for america. To be measured by how much the wealthiest americans have but by how many children climb out of poverty. In a recent review of it takes a village you wrote wrote, it often is coated coated . Yes. She talks about the small nonprofit groups of initiatives but she very much comes back to him you need the family medical leave act or the crime bill. Or the Vaccination Initiative she is trying to thread the needle because she will not give up to praise the successes that the Clinton Administration has had or was pushing a at the time but at the same time she tries to localize them when possible but throughout the book you see a lot of praise that people would conventionally called Big Government, a Big Government initiatives and some have come back to bite her with this campaign. But what she is doing is very typical of the Clinton Family this is something they do with a foundation they believe to bring everyone together they dont believe government can solve everything they can come together to form a solution so this is very clintonesque and a continuation of the of what they believe in. To say families are good and of course, is bad. Sexual promiscuity is a problem in for a long time that was conservative talk to say i can take back that value and one of the things that you see is the difficulty to be hillary trying to find her identity it is a problem because people say who are you . She is hillary she doesnt even need a last name but she is constantly adjusting and changing and people dont trust that which is very strange because when clinton does it it is okay you do that all the time that when she does it is a problem and then it is added sexes and that becomes a likability question that i have written about why . She hit on that last week in a speech where she said people dont trust her. She knows this is she is trying to gain the trust back but is probably one of the biggest questions over her candidacy why cant she get there . And that is something she has to work towards. I think if you did a souls scan of bill and hillary her soul would be more pure but she has a harder time because it is the group off message and makes it difficult for her to be a politician says she always conveys ever to be that politician and clinton in a moment he makes that i contact so completely you can lose any lives of the honesty even been donald trump and questioned her faith but she strongly believes in the west and principles that she is a Public Servant and will do good and when donald trump questions her faith you dont have to look very far to see the origins. There is of area in the book talk about the influence of her church had on her when she was young the constant attempt at redefinition there was a famous incident where she was the first first lady who had as a graduate degree in talking about being a professional she said i could have stayed home to make cookies and had tea parties but i chose to exercise my professional capabilities long before my husband was in public life but in in it takes a village she a koch apologizes and not entirely but said teacups in thin the tempest to say yes i have plenty i have served hundreds of cups of tea but i should not be judged by my cookie making dirty serving abilities but she did now realize that the time when she made those statements that people would interpret those as judgments on their own life choices. Cc this effort that comes across of little defensive. First is called do no harm. You can even see says she loves to tell a story where she comes running into her mom and she said get out to provide not letting back into you deal with it. But she says and i hit him back but azine t. Levin she was to be called and more cautious as a result there is a certain tragedy who she really is isnt there bader first memoir is much more on this the second is deadly because she didnt want to offend. Host if somebody picked up the 1996 it takes a village, would they recognize Hillary Clinton . Go lot of it is of who she is but the parts that our murky lot of that is society has changed and that applies to the 90s and a big way but there are things her faith is a big seller she mentions family but you concealed metal clips as she had to bite her lip a little bit to keep their marriage together. If you are in an uncomfortable situation there are all these other things that seem very 20 years ago. And maybe thered be a different take on the societal pressure. She judges people who get divorced in a very direct way she says that just means and tell the going gets rough so she holds up that relationship that is that before the big scandals of the late 90s to say we found ways to bite your lip with that atmosphere of respect we had to lcd bin that commitment. Is a cultural critique it is so much this tulsa for the 50s looking at america to make it more domesticated. And talk about unfashionable she talks about the backlash of hollywood with the music videos in to be sensitive to that to save the day are living in a fun house and under to buy it. Because africanamericans to say theres something wrong in this country in synthesize them with conservative values to fix the world. It is not surprising as refuge for the present as the blind ourselves to the continuing involving presence of the village of our lives to talk about the nostalgia of merchants is very decisive to say we will not go back to this world. First it wasnt that but at the same time she criticizes is kids today for not recognizing the sacrifices and the advancements of their elders of clinton and a generation of entering the workforce that transform the role of women and she feels of little hurt that people dont remember that they take this for granted so at the same time she wishes there was more for what they accomplished. I was struck she talks of the idea of a Nuclear Family but then pauses to let the announcement video last year ended is a very progressive look of a single mom that has to do her best and day gay couple and talk to Hillary Clinton back then as the Nuclear Family i think the less singlefamily is it doesnt mean there would be any less successful if they have any ideas. In reality that past is not sold pictureperfect africanamerican children growing up in a segregated Society Women whose life choices were circumscribed ask those to picked up in a perfect picture house of the desperation. And is trying to say we miss that period and one of the things that is next to Hillary Clinton is the big heavy glasses, she hasnt gone to hillary to the Hillary Rodham clinton to say i am not that radical. I am not a hippie. It is a very complicated and subtle message if it is red or blue or write and left it is trying to have that but the challenges right now 2008 she thought she could reach out to white males the tissue is running against a black male but right now i think she tries to say when she wins super tuesday to talk subregion not to single women are africanamericans but how she reaching out to the donald trump voters . That will be a challenge for her because she has to win pennsylvania or michigan in the white male voters in that is her beak spot it was problematic as first lady and only through the of clinton, through Monica Lewinsky could reach out to but in 2008 she could reach out because what happens now . And there was some secrets that could help her to find that cultural conservatism that trumpet points to. One of those secret secrets is families count there was good times back then with a whole question in donald trump i will make america everybody else grey began. Hillary clinton says . That there is silence but we are still great. That doesnt work. What she wants to do is find power for the past and also with the synthesis of the goodness of a president because he is all about rejecting and the challenge for a politician to say this will resonate to create a new future. If you were donald trump would you read it takes a village . I would but i dont think he will. It gives you a sense of where she was and how far she has come or maybe inconsistencies in between but it gives up a good portrayal of who she was back then and who she is. If the arts of the deal is tromps foundational document it takes a village is absolutely clintons i might donald trump with it takes a village uc tension in grappling you see her groping for the synthesis of herself but with the art of the deal trump is trump he is just a bigger version of himself and in this book hillary is wrestling in this campaign she has a moment when she is asked are you a progressive . She said yes. But i like to get things done so that suggest a mix of ideology and pragmatism that is what you see in this book. She talks about salt solvents key message. She was not going to be his protege but the way of trompe is that the reader say how could be embarrassed . How can anyone called lessons from this . We are good at gotcha to make America Great again we have to know what you stand for. When we were riding in our book we went to college and phoenix because she rises and falls here she is again how did she make a comeback . Her father always said had to dig yourself out of this one . She says that quite blank and it speaks to kushs to make her way back up to portray herself and in that sense. Rand goes on to say this image of being a shovel to dig yourself out to use that backhoe and she will not pull herself up and cry but says that is over. Looking on. She doesnt wallow very much looking into the future and will try to pick them up speaking have both written books you are working on your second what was that process like . A very complicated question. We spent one year on the first book talking to her closest advisers by the end i had eclipsed it would have cracked a part of who she was baileys try to dig deeper to find out who she is. And to keep it tightly held she is who she is she has been in the spotlight for so long it is a way to keep yourself intact she is almost afraid to show that side of her everybody talks she is so funny behind the scenes and so warm her aides talk of an uncle was dying she was the first to call. But you seldom see that side of her publicly it is more behind the scenes. As a historian am trying to understand did you interview her . I dont need to because talking about aging of clinton where did she fitted to the administration or the 90s . It is easy and hard there is so much information just a colorful character lively and thoughtful there is so much hatred around clinton. There is so much tension around her you have to cut through the activity what had she data what is the impact of the American People . It is a powerful force and to be nominated to be the Vice President the questions are knu be tough enough . Hillary clinton has pulverized those questions. They dont even ask them any more. But also a sense of her grit and intensity. Spirit that was part of the challenges in 2008. They didnt want to expose gender as a historical nature of that candidacy you hear her talk about it so much more or greece the fact she is the first female president so to the end of the campaign she struggled with that at her dining room table why she needed to use a ball of these people in she has done the opposite and that is fascinating to watch. That is like her concession speech. And when she clinched the nomination after california california, she had as Video Montage introduction and it was all about the historic gender driven aspects of a campaign. And i wanted to pick up on what day mentioned about the controversial nature and when the book came out it was in the middle of they wanted to ask about or the billing records from the arkansas law firm that was the big controversy she was subpoenaed before a grand jury the book got lost. But in the first memoir she tells a story that after she testifies for a grand jury jury, one other juror is approached her with a copy to sign and she would autograph her copy and the juror was dismissed. She had a big Barbara Walters interview, the first thing she asks her is why is there always a mess going on around you . And it was a struggle because she tried to redefine herself and the book got lost. She is a serious person she loves to play a the role of the moralist they have this ability to file to fall into the whitewater and email message possessor point take some responsibility what is going on you cannot see how you are perceived and there is a backandforth with the irony that with Hillary Clinton we can take bad negativity turning it into something positive purpose zero it takes a village is a cliche and wins a grammy. [laughter] now dash yes to testify before the grand jury and says i went on the diet and lost 10 pounds through worry but she will survive you get that sense of survival but also that mystery that is convinced of the righteousness that they dont see that all the time and she falls into these moral buses messes. As a book critic what is it like to read you books on Hillary Clinton . We counted over 150. Its hard to choose. You dont know what is worth reading. But it is so much. Is a blessing to have all this material but also the deluge and the same as books of obama. She has been in the public eye for a while but would obamacare there was an onslaught from every aspect of his life. Some are entirely partisan summer fall with a longer time horizon. Ims sucker for this kind of stuff i love reading political books. Host you brought this up but, amy, it is Hillary Clinton take on gender . She does and she doesnt. Civic mediations a embraces. She is pushing the idea is of equal pay and child care which is a huge issue right now. That is pretty insightful but most people pay a crazy amount of money on child care. I am one of them. And but they have to make decisions but she had to leave her child in the car all day although it is an extreme example but the decisions that women have to make that they need the support network around them. And what they try to push to day like child care or equal pay you see the beginnings if she is thinking about politics and running the feelings along the way to make that grow but i do think she embraces is within when in but is avoiding the feminist word but once again she has the dance she wants to show she is modern but she doesnt want to be handcuffed and she runs into a lot of static they did not like that yankee feminist coming down and part of that backlash was to have contempt for anyone not to in though work world and here she was to show love and support for women who are at home in that makes it difficult. And does that in a the walkie way. It isnt a theory or argument that more about Health Insurance and child care and she did knowledge is it is controversial with the floodgates of guilt and disagreement to talk about child care. Is a statement of values but very much through the prism of actionable policy. At one point that i could relate to your lois thinking about your children you are at work in the home you think about the work that you left behind. She goes on to say she doesnt use the term juggle any more because somebody said when you juggle he will drop something. Despite the resurgence of extremism is singing the song the lerner lessons by overdoing it with every single problem has a government solution we cannot go to the Rush Limbaugh way. And you have to feel his presence in the book then dash president presence to say yes we will use government is smart and a balanced. And in the context of Civil Society of the market. Is the competing strands of government that is the gratitude for what government has done with the deep skepticism of government and tries to place herself in the center. And replace is being a moderate which is fascinating during the campaign were she has been pushed hard to the left. She writes that she supports capitalism is she has to walk a fine line particularly in the primary when they tried to peg her as ago will street and will still have to work on the general election but that is another question that looms over her what dishy plan to do to cater to the supporters that are antibig bank that will be something a lot of them want to hear. She wrote in times of profound an overwhelming social change like the present however extreme views holdout the appeal of simplicity by ignoring the complexity of our collective circumstances offer a scapegoat if they provide a viable path away from the cold war is that pertinent today. Uc e the moderates dilemma how do i not come across as a prank . During the speaker of the house a good Irish Catholic fighting Ronald Reagan would say how can you say that . You fought in world war ii because we have government she cannot and do that against Bernie Sanders they are pushing her because she wanted show in moderation is not from juggling it is from a passionate commitment to the American People that requires complexity but also the deeply committed to core values what will she fight ultimately that leads to a trustworthiness to you find her corps in the book . I think she says very deliberately this is the book reflects my values by wrote it takes a village because wanted people to see what i truly believe without being mischaracterized or misquoted, she is telling us this is the set of core values of love to see what is in her soul and in her heart i think this is as close as we are likely to get to real Hillary Clinton gore and as close to her manifest the she always ever happens. Because it is after the Health Care Reform debacle despite what her problem starts emerging it is it 2forthepriceof1 you will run health care bin to goes back to the drawing board to say well educated person starts to write a term peak paper about lucretias and then pass to sanitize it to decide who she wants to me. But again they are just like pigpen with fat cloud of controversy. When you are first lady and your date is scheduled to start to finish you will hire a helper she hires a ghostwriter you read biographies autobiography in she acknowledges that but what happens is in big colleges page to say it took a village to write it takes a village issue doesnt specify any one the fact she doesnt specify this particular woman that worked so intensely shows that clintonesque insensitivity and insecurity and sloppiness because it is so important the issue will not even share the spotlight a little bit of a little gratitude would have gone a long way but it pops up. Hillary clinton is being disrespectful and as a plagiarist the you have to say to what extent with her culpability . And just give them a little bit of credit. Many people have helped to complete this one sometimes about knowing it i will not even attempt to my knowledge individually. She leaves somebody out. Important person in this is someone she has corroborated with many notable figures on books in this manner so wouldnt have been very unusual and it in historical memory would have diminished this as a Hillary Clintons statement. She has had ghostwriters in the next couple books her speechwriter helped her to write her last book rand hard choices and she has gone out of her way to recognize the people that help in that endeavor and as an author i can say it is quite an endeavor. Many politicians do this some give way to match freedom and power to the ghostwriters and dont do much of the work themselves there was a reagan story he was asked about his memoir is said it was great to that he didnt have a huge role in. [laughter] for what i am understand it was almost he was interviewing the book out of clinton to have these long conversations she would draft material bin she would edit but for a politician it is legitimate so what is the missing gene . Why they need to say it was totally my project and what is the inability to with knowledge others . I will say she is very much a student at the state department she sat with people who could explain to that she wants to learn more she isnt the politician who just needs talking points. She wants to know all the options and her aides feel that they tell a baby to come prepared the tissue will want answers and she will spend time clipping newspapers and say look into this and report back to lung dash report back she will actually follow up on them. So that is something at the state Department Somebody complained a shower issue and they really wanted to shower at the state department it seems like small details and insignificant but houri looking at that shower issue . Will we put in the showers . So she follows up even though it would seem inconsequential. They made fun of the fact he was an engineer and in charge of the white house Tennis Courts that he was micromanaging a politician has to know what to Pay Attention to we havent spoken very much about bill clinton but he is a genius to do the whole market have that touched and Hillary Clinton who was raised get ahold should be the First Female Supreme Court chief justice that was no in the 50s she was known as sister frigidaire and is now in the biggest political game the fall and her inability to balance that to be too much Margaret Thatcher is the challenge it in one of the campaigns she said i am not a natural politician like my husband it was a great human moment for she said something that Everybody Knows but just her acknowledgment to suggest that there was some imperfections and vulnerability is and self awareness what a terrific moment but how deal with in a the presidency . She says i am very good at governing stickier is in the parents were she writes my strong feelings about divorce and children have caused me to bite my tongue more than a few times to think about what i could do to be a better wife and partner my husband has done the same we have worked hard at our marriage with a great deal of Mutual Respect we are blessed with chelsea that it solidifies our commitment in from the very beginning talking how bill went to lamonts class and was lost in bill reading stories to clinton at night and there is a funny story living in the Governors Mansion chelsea lead Curious George and he was a leading cocoanuts she wanted a coconut so they buy one but they have no idea how to open the coconut finally they take it outside to be dead on the driveway of the Governors Mansion there all these humanizing stories about bill. And that is why he signs the family medical leave act they connect personal anecdotes as a way to humanize baby she uses in the nonsense but you do get some elements to be part of the village. At the time she was so headed and protected that this coconut anecdote was interesting to me to see to portray chelsea as a child and how she grew up and realistically looking at him she was and at her age and never really knew her that going back to read that gives a glance at the family dynamic theres also a story about hillarys mother who had that child said she and her younger sister were sent crosscountry alone by their mother and the message that she said held the you dont get divorced and so one of the things she has said throughout her career as we have had epson downs but they say we are to people in love with each other we may break each others heart but that story shows as we have a deep commitment to maintain the marriage. With chelsea they say were not base solis yuppie couple but it shows that children dont come with an instruction manual. With the sheer incompetence as a young mother. To breast feed now i understand as the father of four kids how difficult that is but with that first year of marriage or the first year of life but nevertheless it is something the way she tells those stories and was raised to be intellectual and the feminist now with to help others to do that. Going back to the mother going across country mrs. Clinton also talks about the fact that relatives out there or a cousin helped her mother to step bin in. That is the village staying in it is a cliche but to create that is amazing think about the insight that requires and the platform that she has the she said in a powerful way because of the 1990s they answered questions as they didnt even know what they had to ask who are we and where do we go . Riposte sexual revolution were post civilrights now where do we go . But it is way more popular in the polls because it showed americans didnt want to be so lonely the what is more welcoming than a village . Bespeaks but values and life in tradition but also the real world. Did you read it takes a village . Ive read pretty much everything you imagine. Getting a sense of the family dynamic for the most part she struggles and does try to present herself as human in that is overstriding to answer food is Hillary Clinton . We talk about how she tried to make choices she was a young lawyer and had to go to trial in chelsea was sick and clinton bill clinton was a way traveling and what did she do . People can identify with this today i can identify with that but it does give more of a glimpse it was the most real of all of them that she has written i read it with interest and again recently that the connection of what she tries to present today that cohesive part how that comes together. Do you agree this is the most real of the of clinton books . Yes i would that is a statement on the quality of it takes of village especially hard choices i think living history what people wanted to know how she responded to them Monica Lewinsky scandal bin she tells the story hard choices is hard to read but it takes a village is not she moves through a lot of material and so i would say the other books suffer greatly in comparison. But with living history a think we all try to get at that. She does express getting angry we didnt want to see the but end up pantsuit clinton everybody wanted to relate to that feeling of what did you do . She does have for more realistic moments in living history but a do think this is the most real portrayal. I read it with the much more critical eye at the time i had a stack of speeches of her interviews comparing nasdaq to what i thought i was reading in it takes a village was disconcerting because i really felt she had taken a lot of heard ideas and passion and put them through a blender to make them more palatable to the American Public that she wanted to be more complicated coming up with a book that was very first lady like to say there is something very safe and cautious but then her first memoir because that is compared to bill clintons long them more in the third book partway says she replicated the book that clinton had written in those of the people that read it from cover to cover. With the review of it takes a village from 1996 it looks like a book and feels like of book but it isnt it is a real action pamphlet or stump speech a 300 page press release imagine her in the Old Executive Office building 15 women and one man what is he doing there . And helper so numerous and will not even attempt to read knowledge and individually the object is to reduce her manuscript this is a big job because being on the offensive to be offended is now the culture. 1996 . I think what he says there sadly applies to almost any book by a politician with continued political aspirations all of these should be regarded is the extreme as propaganda. If this is her core . And unless for herbie that is as far as we get so i complete the understand what that we view said i do think it is applicable to most political books if you measure in that universe is suspected it is more revealing. Isnt that more honest . Because then you say there is more of that substance is because the context has shifted in a different periods of history it is controversial all now on Popular Culture and hollywood that we feel were seeing more threedimensional. When politicians become increasingly but in the overtime as an author trying to get people to talk about how things came together it is like pulling teeth and we encounter that this time so in that sense that is really thinking she had written that book today would not be as revealing. Were now in the age of twitter with a candidate so the streets of 140 characters reveal more but inevitably it will show of who you are. Senior whitehouse correspondent but also coauthor of the hrc state secrets to me on in 2014. You mentioned you are working on a sequel . It picks up where we left off we left off she is running. Not quite. We believe that she is. [laughter] we wrote the book always assuming she would run the that is why i should govern the secretary of state but we picked up there to tell the story because dishy figure out what went wrong what did she learn and what lessons are applied in retell the story from there . And the big question is does she win . Of course, we will know the answer the book comes out but how did she get there she did it issues is where did it go wrong . When this is scheduled to come out . Early 2017. Your coauthor . Jonathan alan. Who was he with the first time . Politico am bloomberg. Polarizing the of first lady why did he say you shouldnt use the word polarized . When the campaign for started they wanted that were antifeminist but i do think it is a compliment it isnt gender based. Is there a dog whistle . Maybe a little bit we have come so far yet i feel we have regressed but yes yes, it is seen as a word that it is a taboo and it is interesting and dont see it that way but yes. Mac what i would say is the one thing that i want to read about her now is the 2008 campaign. It takes a village is published in 1996. Living history, covers a more conventional memoir and gets us through her time as first lady and when she either has just one was running for senate. In hard choices it picks up after the great unpleasantness of 2008 when she becomes secretary of state. The one thing that i want her to grapple with. Its the very beginning of how she comes to terms with meeting obama. [inaudible] what i would love to read and with the presidency and even if she loses this campaign, its probably next book coming that will deal with it. I would love to read about 2008. How she thought about that campaign, how she thought about herself in that campaign, it was her time. It was supposed to happen. Who is this obama guy . How dare him. That is what i would love to read. That is what is missing so far in the Hillary Clinton auto bibliography. Carlos, we did this with Donald Trumps, the art of the deal, of the deal, last week or two weeks ago, you are participating in this program as well, is there a different dynamic to this discussion then there was to donald trump . Analysis and realtime. I think in both cases we are minding these books that were written decades ago for insight into the in a candidate today i think with it takes a village we are more inclined and i think i may be a function of the book, may be a function of the panel, we are more inclined to look for ambiguities in the contradictions in Hillary Clinton and to wallow in them. In it takes a village, in the art of the deal i think it is much more who donald trump is and how the way that he presents himself is potentially going to translate into both his campaign and how he would govern. We are more likely, we see more inclined to draw straight lined mine with donald trump. Maybe that is greater simplicity, i dont know what it suggests. With Hillary Clinton it all seems like it is digging in say gain and meandering. Which makes her perhaps less of a character. Thats also the mystery of Hillary Clinton, who is she. Many people believe that we cannot guarantee health care to all because of costs. In fact a sensible universal system would, as in as in other countries and up costing us less until we are willing to take a look at our Healthcare System and commit ourselves to making Affordable Care available to every american, at the village will continue to burn, house by house. Burn. Healthcare is always going to be seen as Hillary Clintons baby. It was her pet issue as first lady, something that she talks about now she fully embraced obama in 2009 and was a cheerleader behind the scenes in the summer of 2009s when other cabinet secretaries have their priorities and they wanted their things she sort of said this is our time, we controlled those houses lets see this moment and then there is a famous portrait of her hugging the president of the day passes or the day after it passes. So it is always going to be seen as her issue. And so is the great failure 1994. It raises questions us to what type of leadership can she bring. It was a huge failure and yet now she likes to bring it up she brings it up in the campaign to say basically i was into that before it was cool. She says i i fought for healthcare and i have the scars to prove it. This book is when there were no scars yet. The wounds were very fresh. Thats why she brings it up in such vivid language. But now that she fought and failed it is held up as his badge of honor. When that shows that it says something about her judgment, but her vision, even if it was at the time a huge failure that completely shook her. There not sure shes going to win reelection. We look at history from the past. In 1995 theyre not sure, bill clinton doesnt even look at 50 of the popular vote so this is a moment of a real downer. Its a real loss. Its one of the reasons why she runs into the intellectual monastery writing this book because of the healthcare failure. Gil troy, i share my husbands belief that nothing in the First Amendment converts our Public Schools into religion free zones or requires all religious expression to be left behind at the schoolhouse door and that indeed religion is too important in our history and heritage to keep it out of our schools. This is part of hillarys conservativism, bill clinton and barack obama understood that the only way democratic president can be elected in the wake of the 1960s in the wake of the reagan revolution is if you believe in family, paper, blake. Theyve tried very hard, not to get upstaged on questions of patriotism which is the play, questions of faith which is religion, and on family with the clintons and barack obama they try to emphasize in terms of our children it was a great tragedy of the bill Clinton Administration. So its a rhetoric that they give. So bill clinton about values and families, bill clintons weaknesses with women led to it being a mockery. But that commitment to space is very important. It comes from a very big part of Hillary Clinton. Also theres a division in the 1960s we tend to talk about that as radical lefties. Hillary clinton fought the radical critique but she was no libertine. Compared to what was going on in the 1970s she is that good girl from illinois, that good religious girl that former goldwater girl. For her faith, church and family even if she was excited by it. Were still fighting about the 1960s at the end of the day. Donald trump, Hillary Clinton it is a fight over who is the baby boomer, was at the george w. Bush, mitt romney baby boomer, Donald Donald trump or was at the Hillary Clinton, the shaky wearing, anti vietnam, bill clinton baby burner boomer. Amy, ultimately though what schools need most from the village are high standards to live up to. Some people disagree claiming that even voluntary standards interfere with local control permitting outsiders to determine what children are taught. I strongly favor promoting choice among Public Schools as much as the president s schools initiative. That is an interesting thought. Something that seems a little i dont know should say the same thing today. If you had been Bernie Sanders would you read this book. Probably. And he probably probably did as opposed to trump, i would think that he probably would have picked it up. Here he is fighting for one of their biggest discrepancies or fights right now is basically over free collagen he really wants to make this a thing going forward. I think thats one of the reasons he has an endorser yet and is Still Holding on. She had her people think it is a pipedream. So, yeah yeah. Are the folks she endorsed she endorses school uniform, she knocks teachers and administrators for just caring about their budgets. Public school teachers, she has things like george w. Bush which is the biggest obstacle is low expectation. So thats george w. Bush one. And it recurs in this book. It is just interesting to see what they placed her at with the centrist position it with the wars in the 90s is very much ahead of step with where the party is today and where she has had to go in this campaign. What scary is a politician was changed everything in 20 years or a politician was changed nothing in 20 years. Again you want that balance. That is an argument she has to make. Hillary clinton has to get up and explain that by being in the public eye for decades she is going to have certain things that do not mesh in the 2016 campaign that meshed in the 1996 campaign. She has to explain what the rationale of the runthrough line that is kept are going. What and why she change. Otherwise she is she is going to get got shields to death. Are their Core Principles in this book in this book. Apps only. I think it goes back to those three ideas i articulated which are freemarket, she police and premarket she believes in family, she police and government. She wants to figure out how to make those three work and mesh. In mesh. I do believe if she becomes president that will be her challenge. I think if she were to write, we could probably write now use that book as a text for writing the inauguration address that she wrote for 2009, and which is probably already writing for 2017. The fundamentals are there, the nuance might change but the basic Hillary Clinton formula which is understanding the power and the beauty of the 1950s in understanding racism and sexism, the insanity insanity of the 1950s and trying to find a synthesis. Applying the lessons of the 70s and 80s and then trying to find a synthesis is the formula that these rather successfully in the 1990s and that they would want to apply in the world today if the campaign wins. Amy will start with you. This is Hillary Clinton on book tour in 1996 for it takes a village. She appeared on cspans old book notes program. The stakes the stakes have been raised on the partisanship, there so many people who should be for they aim, they dont dont get the facts, there quick to make outrageous statements and judgments about other people i think the press feels it has a vested interest in trying to stay ahead of whatever is going on so they get out there nobody can say that they were behind the curve even though a week or two later it proves out to be not to be very important at all. So that both the nature of press coverage and the decreasing meanspiritedness of the partisanship, understand why it has occurred. It has been a mutual relationship. It is not one side or the other small. No not say that, it is the level has been raised on both sides. I just dont think its good. I dont think its good for the country. People scream at each other and accuse each other of things. You look at that clip and all you can the quiz where we are now and how that applies to today. And donald trump and if she could have watch that, im curious to see what she wouldve saved today because we have changed in such a crazy way, you have donald trump who is the most probably the most unconventional candidate and oppose her and throw everything at her. I know theyre prepared for. They were prepared for prepare for from the beginning and they thought that any candidate would do it but hes taken it to a whole new level. So watching her say that right now is humorous i think. Doesnt also say that is 20 years years old, that the press is not change. The press still wants to be the first with the story the press still wants to get out there and look for the ticktock of the campaign. Its true, its one of the reasons that she admitted a few months ago that she doesnt really care for the press corps, she wants to talk to the local press and its something that president obama does as well when they talk about their specific issues and doesnt want to talk about the larger issue of the story of the day if you will. To be something very real so much as been set in this campaign about Donald Trumps relationship with the press. But Hillary Clinton puts her finger on something that people talk about a liberal bias or conservative bias in the media, the real biases the identified more accurately the bias with the conflict. Whatever side happens to be on and that is not gratuitous, some of the most interesting things that political reporters can focus on is where the conflicts are within, not just between parties but within a minister parties. Thats when policy debates get flushed out. I think its not to say that the media thrives uncovering conflict is both true and not always bad, sometimes thats the job. I think the what youre seeing in this campaign is that the magnitude worse than what she was dealing with them and at the time she probably thought it was horrific. I was think it so much of fun to write this book in the 1990s is because the 1990s was in venting today. The leadership, theres a historical line going back to andy jackson in Abraham Lincoln but what you really see in the 90s is the rise of the blogosphere, and the collapse of a nation press corps things do get uglier, and things seem to get out of control. You can see the template being built an hourly making it worse. The other thing i think is interesting is that you forget, the Clintons Clintons came in and its this yuppie thing, air generation of reporters that has now welcomed this generation of politicians and they run into whitewater and a Health Care Debate and really negative coverage and they are furious, i call the Clinton Administration the angriest demonstration sense clinton. Despite the fact that the generational peers, theres a major in the 1990s which appears to be childs play today but is playing out right then. You speak to clintonites and you say well they were jealous of us, theyll talk about the bias and everybody has their theory and they say well its because theyre conservative and the obama people say its because their races. People who work in the clinton and Obama Administration theyll tell you that there president is a story and steps back and say whats going on here. Theres a sense of the part of people within the administration that the level of criticism and the level of conflict is out of control. In a sense people are watching and there is a new level of power that the press has post watergate. In each of 24 7 media that has people unnerved. We need to get a handle on a vision for america that i dont think either Hillary Clinton or donald trump can articulate. Were going to go back to where we started. Well start with gil troy this time. In the few minutes we have remaining, if you picked up, it takes a village today would you learn about Hillary Clinton and would you learn what her politics in 2016 are like . I think if you picked up it takes a village today you learned that she was more trustworthy than she is often given credit for. I think you learn that heres a person who thinks, who struggles which is a good thing for politicians, and is really trying to understand how modern america and learn from the past and forge a new future. She is someone who understands many of the challenges and believes that a dose of liberalism is tempered by conservativism and cultural sensitivity could actually do the job. Is that how she campaigning in 2016 . Thats how she is campaigning some days. I have a hard time getting a sense of her because i think she goes back and forth. I think that well start seen in the general election move toward that. My guess is the more we get closer to november eighth, the more well hear it takes a village in her speech of the less well hear Bernie Sanders and 21stcentury progressivism. I believe when they do the numbers they will see they need to play to middle america, they need to place a White American males, the need to play to ohio, pennsylvania, michigan, other swing voters. That book today has a pet show potential to appeal to them. I think you do learn more about Hillary Clinton reading this book. I do not read it back it when it came out. I only read it over the past year. I got a sense of her that i had not seen in her memoirs were even in her public appearances. As i mentioned earlier she is someone who grapples with things. Im optimistic about it from a big force because i think so much of this campaign is going to be about who she really is a more about her not being donald trump. So when you have this outlandish, unexpected a lot of it is going to be defined against that. Unfortunately that means hillary herself will remain as she has been for so long actually think is a little bit of both. I think we are going to hear more that. I think youre going to see more of that was stronger together which we have seen before. She has made her way through quite a few slogans and messages. This one is a pivot to the general, think we do hear more of this broader thing it takes a village. Im sure she will reset those words. I do think a lot of it is, i did learn something about her a few years ago when i read the book in preparation for my book and also recently when i reread it, it sort of does give you a sense, window into who she is in answering the larger question of who is Hillary Clinton, think its something she needs to continue to do in the lead up to the general. She has to make that, she has to answer that question a little better. I think she and her aides are aware of that at the moment. Amy, senior White House Correspondent and coauthor of hrc, state secrets in the rebirth of Hillary Clinton. Carlos is the book critic for the Washington Post and associate editor of Nonfiction Book critic. Gil troy, is a history professor and visiting washington as a visiting scholar. He is is the author of several books including the age of clinton, merrick and the nineties, Hillary Rodham clinton, polarizing first lady, and mr. And mrs. President from the treatments to the clintons. Thank you all thank you all for being on book tv. Thank you. Heres a look at books being published this week. Commerce madero i said talks about his tenure as chairman of the committee on oversight and government reform. Income a watchdog. In the end of White Christian america, public religion institution ceo robert jones discusses the political implication of americas changing demographics. Retired army general criticizes the Obama Administration form policy and outlines how he thinks the United States to combat terrorism and the feel the fight. In almighty, Washington Post reporter dan zach examines the stockpiling of Nuclear Materials in the u. S. And warns against the continuing dangers that atomic weapons pulls around the world. University of texas is sociology Professor William kelly discusses ways to reduce criminal recidivism focusing on behavioral modification in the future of crime and punishment. Into the secretary, former state state Department Diplomat Mary Thompson jones examine some of the over 251,000 wiki be that to better understand the work of u. S. Embassy. Look for these titles in bookstores this coming week and watch for the authors in the near future on book tv. One of the big changes with the way america operates in the 21st century as with contrasted is that the founders, remember remember and george washington, he advised against entanglement. He says were going to look out for ourselves and take advantage of gods gift. Roosevelt comes along and in the postworld war ii moment not only is she advocating for the u. S. To get involved with this United Nations and the whole idea of a Global Community but she is also advocating for something called the universal declaration of human rights. The con kind of rights that we celebrate, and individual entitlements if you will that go beyond to prevent are not just american ideas, their ideas that we should promote, advocate, celebrate to the world. So i set the example in the book when boko haram kidnapped all those young women and took them out and how that starts an internet sensation a among young people but you can go get those young woman back. But thats an exercise in the kind of values that we have in our culture today and the idea that we think we have every right to say to the world, this is the way you treat people, this is the value of human life, this is Eleanor Roosevelt living through this moment, so Eleanor Roosevelt in terms of universal declaration of human rights in terms of the United Nation in terms of global consensus about what is right and what is wrong, i dont think i will note that when Hillary Clinton began her campaign she began at a park that honors Eleanor Roosevelt

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