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They are weapons of war. The family family of the gentleman who developed these weapons said, to his family i did not develop them for people on the street. C i develop them for the military and lawenforcement. Eets. We can have the people o protecting us outgunned. We do not need those weapons on the street. There is only one purpose kill as many people as you can, as fast as you can. Without reloading. Dont tell me hunters need this, that that is a bunch of baloney. The people who want to keep these weapons on the street because they want to sell them. The the vast majority of people support this. Ut we can expand background checks, about 90 of the people support that. Even the majority of an ras member so we can keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. We should prohibit the sale ofm possession of highcapacity and and the bands prevented the centers of Disease Control from researching gun violence. Have you talked to doctors who work in bigcity hospitals . I have. They say we are part pair to go to any warsaw. That is the kind of wounds they see. They tremble at what they see. They more about what they see. Somebody goes out to a nightclub , they hide in the bathroom. They call their mother, and they never see the family again. Uce my state of california has created a new Research Center on gun violence to understand the impact and hopefully reduce them in the future. It should happen at the federal level. 30,000 of our People Killed the year by gun violence. We lost 55,000 60,000 in the vietnam war over a tenyear period. Ive l so im going to close with this, there will always be bad people, i have lived long enough to know that. There will always be bad people. There will always be mean people. But we cannot must not allow them to points in this nation, wherever they are. , there are good people and that is most of america, lets join hands around every line that divides us, race, color, creed, and politics. We must and politics. We must call out the races, the prejudice and the haters. Whoever they are, wherever they are, even if they are in electec office. We have to support those who believe in communities, who believe in Community Policing and not support those who refuse to admit that there is a problem with profiling, just read what senator scott said about his life, about his fears come about what happened to him ask cory booker. Ps. To improve our institution and reject those who inflame fears on any side in which they are found. We must speak out and support those who believe this is the United States of america, not the divided states of america, and we will not allow this nation to be divided by race, color, creed, religion, who you love. I know america and i believe we will overcome. I want to quote john lewis as i close. He was beaten, bloodied and jailed, fighting for civil rights. And he tells this story and i quote i saw those signs that said i saw the signs that said white men, colored men, white white women, colored women, white lady, colored lady. I would come home and ask my mother, father, grand parents and great gran grandparents and would say that is the kay it is. John lewis writes at the anal of 18 i met Martin Luther king junior and these two individuals inspired me to get in the way. To get in trouble. So he writes i encourage you to fight a way to get in the way. You must find a way to get in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble. That is john lewis. We are blessed to have this hero john lewis among us in the congress. We must listen to him because he is right. It is our job to get in the way of prejudice and hate. We may do in in each his or her way. My way may not be your way. But our way is to fight against prejudice and hate wherever we see and our job is to move forward with respect, understanding, tolerance and love. Our founders knew we were not a perfect union. They told us to make a more perfect union. That is your job. I know we can do it. And mr. President , we must do it. I yield the floor. Next on cspan2, Hillary Clinton and a Campaign Stop in illinois. Then a hearing on Sexual Assault on college campuses. Later a police on speech relations for africanamericans from South Carolina carolina tim scott and that is followed by attorney general Loretta Lynch at a hearing at the house jidic jidiciary committee. Our road to the white house coverage continues thursday and friday as the republicans decide the rules for the Convention Next week. [applause] the hard fought 2016 primary season is over with historic conventions to follow this summer colorado. Florida. Watch cspan as the delegation consider the first nomination of a woman ever to head the major party and the ninetyfirst nonpolitician in year. Watch on cspan, lis on the cspan app or get Information Online at cspan. Org. Hillary clinton addresses divisiveness in the country at at the same place where lincoln divided his house divided speech on the parallels of slavery. This is about 35 minutes. [applause] hi. Thank you, all, very much. Please be seated. It is wonderful being back here. It is always a special privilege having grown up in chicago and the suburbs to be here in the State Capitol and especially here in this great Historic Place filled with so much meaning not just for illinois but our country. I am delighted to have this opportunity to talk with you about the state of our country today. Nearly 160 years ago, alincoln gave a speech here that marked a turning point in our nation. The question of slavery was being fiercely debated. Roughly half the states alloweded it, half abolished it, and some people including lincoln believed that until it was gone entirely our country would never be truly united and at peace. So on june 16th, 1858 when mr. Lincoln kicked off his campaign for the United States senate he delivered an address on how slavery was tearing out country apart and that it must go. Some thought that he ended up loosing the senate race because of that speech. But then he won the presidency and some thought it was because of that speech. President lincoln led america during the most challenging period in our nations history. He depended our union, our constitution, and the ideal of a nation conceived in libberty an dedicated to the proclamation that all men are created equal. His laws enshrined those values and protect us today. I am hear in this place today because of the words lincoln spoke all those years ago still hold residence for us now. Remember, he said a house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect, he went on, the union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall. But i do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. The challenges we face today do not approach those of lincolns time. Not even close and we should be very clear about that. But recent events have left people across america asking hard questions about whether we are still a house divided. Despite our best efforts and highest hopes, americas long struggle with race is far from finished. In just the past week we saw black men killed by police and five Police Officers killed by a sniper targeting white police. There is too much violence and hate in our country. Too little trust and Common Ground. It can feel impossible to have to conversations we need to have to fix what is broken and despite being the richest country on earth we have too much economic inequality and that also undermines the foundation of our democracy. Lincoln understood that threat, too. He deeply believed everyone deserved in his words a fair chance in the race of life. He saw it as a defining feature of the United States and believed it was vital that hard working people be free to enjoy the fruits of their own labor. It is one of the reasons he was so strongly against slavery because it violated that entire notion and as president he took pains to use the tools of government to create more Economic Opportunity for americans at every level of society. So too must we fight inequality and create opportunity in our time. Not just for some americans but for all. So i come today as a mother and a grandmother to two beautiful little children who i want them and all of our children to grow up in a country where violence, like the kind we saw last week doesnt happen again and where the American Dream is big eno h enough. I am here as a candidate who is deeply concerned about the divisions that still hold our people apart and our nation back. I believe that our future peace and prosperity depends on whether we meet this moment with honesty and courage. That means taking a hard look at our laws and our attitudes. It means embracing policies that provide justice for all people and Standing Firm against any attempt to roll back the clocks on the rights and opportunities that so many sacrificed so much to secure. And all of that starts with doing a better job of listening to each other. We need to listen to the families whose loved ones have been killed in police inrotundadainrotundcideninciden. Alton sterling and Philando Castile are just the most recent. We remember laquim mcdonald killed in chicago and sandra bland who group in illinois who died one year ago today. Time after time no one is held accountable and surely we can all agree that is deeply wrong and needs to change. And yes, we do need to listen to those who say black lives matter. Too many black americans, especially young men, feel like their lives are deposable and they worry every single day about what might happen. They have every reason to feel that way and it is absolutely unacceptable. Everyone in america, everyone, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Surely that is something we can all unite behind. We need to acknowledge the five latinos who also lost their lives in Police Incidents last week. Their stories didnt get National Media coverage but their families and communities are mourning too. And at the same time we need to listen to the dedicated principled Police Officers working every day to rebuild the relationship with the communities they serve and protect. Our men and women in blue put their lives on the line every day to keep our us safe and keep our democracy strong. Remember what michael krol, michael smith, brent thompson, and patrick zemripa and loren were doing when they died. They were protecting a peaceful march. They were cloaked in authority making sure their fellow citizens could exercise their right to protest authority. There is nothing more vital to our democracy than that. And they gave their lives for it. David brown, the Dallas Police chief, said that when it comes to overcoming systemic racism and so many other problems in society we ask too much of the police and too little of everyone else. I think he is absolutely right. This is our problem. And we all need to Work Together to solve it. We also need to listen to the families crying out for relief from gun violence. President obamas trip to dallas yesterday was the 11th time he has spoken to a city in mourning after a mass shooting. The wrong people keep getting their hands on guns and not just any guns military weapons like the kind that the dallas killer had which allowed him to outgun the police. And the vast majority of gun owners agree we have to come together around common sense steps to prevent gun violence. If we are looking for Common Ground this is Common Ground. And i hope that we will from washington to springfield to everywhere across america come to agreement about that. Now i understand that just saying these things together may upset some people. I am talking about Police Reform just a few days after a horrific attack on Police Officers. I am talking about courageous, honorable Police Officers just a few days after officerinvolved shootings in louisiana and minnesota. I am bringing up guns in a country where just talking about comprehensive background checks and getting assault weapons off the street gets you demonized. But all of these things can be true at the same time. We do need criminal Justice Reform to save lives and make sure all americans are treated as equals in rights and dignity. We do need to support our Police Departments who are trying to get it right and honor the men and women who protect us every day. We do need to do more to stop gun violence. We may disagree about how to do these things but surely we can all agree with those basic premises and i hope and pray the past week has showed us how true they are. Now these are the issues on many of our minds right now and if we stop there that would leave us with plenty of work to do. So i wish i could say that was everything that we must address. But these events are taking place against a broader backdrop of fear and anxiety. So i think we have to face all of it. We do need to make sure our economy works for everyone not just those at the top. The changes that have broiled or economy over the past few deck apeds are not just numbers on a page economist study. They are forces families are dealing with up close and personal every day. Not long ago i met with factory workers in illinois whose jobs are being sent abroad and heard how painful the consequences have been for them and their families. I have talked to workers across the country who have seen good jobs lost to technology and who keep being told to get more training even though that doesnt lead to a good new job on the other end. These economic disruptions have stripped too many people of their sense of security and dignity and that can have devastating consequences. We have to ask ourselves why are drug addictions and suicide on the rise in parts of our country . That is not just about economics. It is about something deeper that is connected to economics. A sense of dislocation, even a pessimistic behavior about whether america still holds anything for them or cares about them at all. That is why i pledge that in my first 100 days as president we will make the biggest investment in new, good paying jobs since world war ii. We need more jobs. You can support a family on especially in places that have been left out and left behind. From coal country to Indian Country to inner cities to every place that has been hollowed out when a factory closed or a mine shutdown because everyone in america deserves that fair chance in the race of life that president lincoln described. I realize our politics have contributed to the sense of division that Many Americans feel right now. Someone now in the middle of a hard fought campaign, i cannot stand here and claim my worrisome actions havent sometimes fuelled the partisanship that often stands in the way of progress. So i recognize i have to do better, too. I am running for president with the belief we need to face up to these challenges and fix them in order to become a stronger, fairer country. In times like these, we need a president who can help pull us together not split us apart. [applause] and that is why i believe donald trump is so dangerous. His campaign is as divisive as any we have seen in our lifetime. It is built on mistrust and pinning american against american. It is there in everything he says. It is there in how he wants to ban muslims from coming to the United States and toyed with creating a database to track muslims in america. It is there in the way he demeans women. It is there in the picture pushed by neo nazis. And the months he spent trying to criticize the citizenship of our president. Last night in an interview he said he understands systemic black people against bias because he said and i quote even against me the system is rigged unquote. He went on to say i can relate to it very much myself. Even this, the killing of people is somehow all about him. It is there in his proposals on immigration. He says he will round up 11 Million People and kick them out. He has actually described a special Deportation Force that would go around america pulling people out of their homes and workplaces, pulling children out of school. I got a letter from a mother the other day who said her adopted son asked her with a shaky voice with President Trump would send him back to ethopia. When kids are scared by political candidates and policy debates it is a sign something has gone badly wrong. We see it in the violence that donald trump encouraged at his rallies and the strange things he has said about the violence that will occur if we dont lect him. He said if he doesnt win in november we will not have a country anymore, america is not going to continue to survibe. I do not know what he is talking about. Survive. [applause] i do know we dont need that kind of fear mongering. He has taken aim at our most cherished institutions. He wants to revoke the citizenship of 4 Million People born and eliminate the bedrock principle that if you are born in america you are a citizen of america. He said a distinguished america born in indiana, a judge, cant be trusted to his job because his parents were mexican. He called him a mexican judge over and over again. He knew the judge had been born in indiana. But it was a cynical, calculated attempt to fan the flames of racial division. It was designed to undermine the faith of people in our judicial system. Why would someone running for president want to do that . And that is not. He said as commander and chief he would order our troops to commit war crimes and insisted they would follow his orders even though that goes against decades of military training and the military code. He has banished members of the press who he doesnt like. Is there any doubt he would do the same as president . Imagine if he had not just cable news and twitter to go after opponents but also the irs or for that matter our entire military. Given what we have seen and heard do any of us think he would be restrained . And he has shown contempt for and ignorance of our constitution. Last week he met with House Republicans in washington to try to assuage their serious concerns about him. One member asked whether he would protect article one which defines the separation of powers between congress and the executive branch. Here is the answer he reportedly gave. I want to protect article one, article two, article 12. Here is the thing. There is no article 12. Not even close. That was a serious question from an elected representative and he d d did not care enough to answer it seriously or he didnt know where to begin. Even the most staunch republicans were alarmed by that and we as well should be. The very first thing a new president does is take an oath to protect and defend the constitution. To do that with any meaning you have to know what is in it and you have to respect what is in it. [applause] i do wish donald trump would listen to other people once in a while. He might actually learn something. But he made it clear that is not his thing as he said he only listens to himself. This man is the nominee of the party of lincoln. We are watching it become the party of trump. And that is not just a huge wath for our democracy. It is a threat to it because Donald Trumps campaign adds up to an ugly, dangerous message to america. A message that you should be afraid. Afraid of people whose ethnicity is different or religious faith is different or were born in a different country or hold different political beliefs. Make no mistake. There are things to fear in this world and we need to be clear eyed about them. But we are each others country men and women. We share this miraculas country. This land and heritage is yours, mine and everyones willing to pledge allegiance and understand the solemn responsibilities of american citizenship. That is what indivisible means. That big word that every Grade School Student knows. That we are in this together even if that is not always easy. So lets think better of each other. Lets hold together in the face of our challenges. With our kids about how they need to act. [applause]

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