Transcripts For CSPAN2 Hearing Examines Border Security Tech

CSPAN2 Hearing Examines Border Security Technology August 23, 2017

Again or what it will take to secure the borders in the primary responsibility of the agencies by witnesses today. Border patrol is our Operation Force between cdps opposite Field Operations jobs to facilitate trade and travel to keep people from entering our country at the ports of entry. Air and entry. Aaron arenas for supporting unit which provides air and Maritime Interdiction support operations on the ground. All three of these security components rely heavily on technology to accomplish their mission. Technology is a Crucial Force multiplier in a multilayered approach of the right mix of infrastructure personnel and Technology Use for at least 20 years now. Instead of focusing solely on the gadget and gizmos than the many repeated failures weve had, import and to think strategically about the decisionmaking process for illicit purposes. Distracting the process by leveraging technology will help custom Border Protection that is the allocated funding to secure the border in the longterm. Today i want to take a hard look at the Role Technology plays in helping to predict, deter, protect and find the interdict illicit activities along the southwest border. The ideal goal of the nations Border Security effort is difficult to measure accomplished bad actors from crossing the border at their best defense. Security postures are both individuals may decide to smuggle three busy port of entry. Essentially predicated on two things. First, the perception across the border is a costly endeavor and second the likelihood of success as well. If we cannot successfully deter illegal behavior by communicating message but inhospitable place, then we have to shift to detection, surveillance and interdiction. As were the rules Technology Becomes indispensable with a rugged and remote nature of the border. Terrain, prevalence of roads and other infrastructure on both sides of the order and security posturing in any given area should inform the tools we use to surveilled the border. These tools are critical for what is commonly referred to as Situational Awareness. A basic requirement is to gain operational control. Cameras, night vision devices, motion sensors, radar, xray devices and other surveillance equipment has become essential. These technologies enhanced agent and officer safety with content monitoring of difficult to access areas and enhanced criminal activity. Aviation asset as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles equipped with advanced radar capabilities have refined our understanding of a significant threat along the border and how to reposition assets and vulnerabilities shipped. I understand Border Patrol continued to pilot tactical uavs and the potential to revolutionize the way we cannot Border Security operations at the field agent level. I look forward to the Funds Congress has provided for this particular effort. A secure border if the outcome American People demand regardless of what we all take together. Congress has repeatedly asked one question. What will it take to gain the control of the southwest border . The answers we received have been limited or unsupported by requiring process. In short, they been insufficient. Congress expects the Border Patrol office of Field Operations and air marine to identify and justify technological needs required to secure the border. So far the Border Patrol has been involved in capability gap analysis process. A scenariobased exercise to weed out tactical reasons as in the technological budget process. It will increase her chances of apprehending dangerous individuals and interdicting Illegal Drugs like an event in all the costs so much death and pain for fellow american citizens. Thank you for being here to discuss the ways we can use technology to secure nations border and look forward to the witness testimony. The chair recognizes the substitute ranking member, the gentleman from california for an Opening Statement. Thank you, madam chairwoman. U. S. Customs and Border Protection severs to enhance Border Security with the use of technology. Ranking member ballot cant join us today due to some other commitments. Over the past several years, weve seen Technology Used to improve Situational Awareness, enhanced security and improve legitimate commerce across our borders. While secretary kelly and many lawmakers in Congress Talk about the value of technology to better secure borders, we remain concerned we are not utilizing technology to its fullest benefit. We know the new Trump Administration has prioritized physical barriers our technology to secure the border. President trump ran for office at the promise to build a wall to stop undocumented immigrant and curb drug smuggling. While experts before the committee have told the command that a border wall will not accomplish either one of these goals, earlier this month the Appropriations Committee approved 126 billion for continued construction of the border wall. While we allocate billions in the border wall, that may not work, i am hearing stories of many Border Regions not been able to talk to each other using their existing equipment. Some of these folks tell me they can see each other two to 300 yards away yet they cant use the walkietalkies into me that is just a sad testament to the situation we have with the rest of the existing technology. With limited resources for technology on the border, its important that customs and border get it right when it comes to procuring testing along the border. The department of Homeland Security has for years attempted to deploy various kinds of technology to the borders with mixed results at best. Identifying, acquiring and applying the right mix of Border Security technology isnt easy, but weve got to get it right. A million here, a millionaire translates to a billion here and a billion there and those dollars we can only spend ones. Those are very precious taxpayer dollars. We know about the border processors and illicit changes from day to day in our technology and tactics need to evolve along with those changes. This is another reason a primary reason a border wall in my opinion is not a solution to Border Security challenges. Remember, we have to borders and we have two oceans. American borders are different geography, terrain and climate. Given dhs poor track record in seemingly unending shift to physical barriers or technology, i remain concerned about her Border Security and Technology Deployment. I would like to hear it today cvp justify why wholesale physical infrastructure plan would be modified to been deployed strategic ecological assets along the border. As secretary kelly has said here numerous times, the border rather pointed a multilayer defense system. I also hope to hear from iga a witness today about their examination of the bps metrics to measure the performance of border technologies and whether dhs procurement and Acquisition Management processes are sound or still need to be improved. Also in light of the massive Acquisition Management resources that would be needed to be dedicated to constructing a physical law, i would like to know how they will manage existing Technology Contracts as it shifts to focus on personnel demand. I hope we can refrain discussion how cvp can position it Technology Programs for success in this environment of scarce resources. I think the witnesses for joining us here today and i yield back my time. The gentleman yield back. Other members are reminded Opening Statements may be submitted for the record. Pleased to be joined. Mr. Todd holland. Prior to becoming commissioner, mr. Owen served in various roles within the office of strategic trade and most recently director of Field Operations los angeles seal office. Mr. Scott . Began his career in 1986 and currently serves as accurate acting deputy chief. Mr. Locke was the chief of operations divisions for the u. S. Border patrol. Dennis jay mussolini serves as director of operations for u. S. Customs and Border Protection during operation division. Mr. Micheline he began his career in 1985 where he served as an agent and a pilot prior to becoming the acting executive of operations he served as direct your of the Northern Region in mr. Beck a gamblers director of the u. S. Government accountability stop his Homeland Security just to see security just distinguishing these jails work on Border Security, immigration and securities management transformation. The full written statement will appear in the record. The chair now recognizes mr. Owen for five minutes. At one. Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today alongside her colleagues in the u. S. Border patrol and aaron bean operations to discuss the role of cbps opposite Field Operations in detecting and other dangerous materials at our ports of entry. Smugglers use a wide variety of tactics for concealing drugs and other contraband through the ports of entry. Officers really find drugs concealed on individuals, hidden inside vehicle seat cushions, castings, dashboards, tires and within packaged foods, Hygiene Products and checked luggage and Construction Materials transported on commercial trucks. This past weekend cdb officers in laredo seized 147 pounds of cocaine hidden in the gas tank of a commercial bus. In dallas, officers intercept three internal carriers of heroin and meth setting. All three us citizen females traveling together and had entered through the pedestrian links. Yesterday in brownsville, cdb officers seized 118 pounds of meth ketamine field and tires of a passenger vehicle. These are three reallife examples of the fact that officers address every day. To counter the full range of concealment techniques we incorporate robust cargo, commercial conveyance and vehicle inspections at our ports of entry including the use of nonintrusive perspective or nii equipment as well as Radiation Detection technology. Technology is deployed for our nations land, sea and ports of entry include largescale xray and gamma ray Imaging System as well as a variety of portable and handheld technology. These technological systems enable officers to examine cargo, commercial trucks, railcars, privately owned vehicles for the presence of contraband without physically opening or unloading them. It is a force multiplier which allows cdbs work smarter and faster in detecting contraband while expediting legitimate trade and travel. Its a critical contributor for Enforcement Actions at ports of entry and in 2016 largescale systems were used to extract more than 6. 5 million examinations resulting in more than 2600 seizures and over 459 pounds of narcotics. In partnership with the dhs cdp has also deployed nuclear and radiological detection equipment such as radiological monitors, radiation isotope identification devices and personal radiation devices nationwide. Using radiation portal monitors we are able to scan 100 of mail and assessment particles and trucks and personally owned vehicles running from canada and mexico and nearly 100 of all arriving maritime cargo for the presence of radiological or nuclear materials. Induction was cdbs many initiatives advancements in cargo vans and for me increases cdbs ability to attract radiological weapons and other dangerous materials and continues to be a cornerstone of cdps multilayer security strategy. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today and im happy to answer your questions. Thank you. We recommend mr. Locke five minutes. Please make sure your microphone is a. Chairwoman mc sally, mr. Correa and members of the subcommittee thank you for the opportunity to testify today on behalf of the men and women in the us Border Patrol to discuss our use of technology to secure the border. The Border Patrol operations on the southwest border are continuously challenged by evolving tactics and Transnational Criminal Organizations and individuals. The Border Patrol uses Sophisticated Technology a critical element in her layer of orders to enhance Situational Awareness and detect changes in levels and criminal flows across the border. Thanks to the support of the subcommittee cdp continues to deploy capable of Technology Resources to increase our ability to detect illegal activity along the southwest border and our ability to more efficiently, effectively and safely response as appropriate to potential threats. With enhanced detection surveillance we can improve the Situational Awareness remotely and direct our agents to the best location and warned of additional danger otherwise unknown along the way. As a result these investments increase on the border and our operational capabilities and the safety of our Frontline Law personnel. As many on the committee know the terrain along the border of the United States of mexico is diverse and consists of deserts, mountains and urban areas. Tailored to address environmental challenges we employ 600 fixed, mobile and relocatable assets with shorts, medium capabilities to maintain Situational Awareness of border environments. For example, integrated fixed towers deployed along the border in arizona provide a longrange surveillance in these Power Systems automatically detect and attract items of interest and provide centralized operators with video and geospatial location of suspected items of interest for identification and appropriate action. Remote Video Surveillance systems are another fixed Technology Used by the Border Patrol to provide persistent surveillance in select areas along the southwest in northern borders. These systems which use cameras, radio and microwave transmitters to send video to a control room enabled the Border Control to detect identify and classify targets effectively. Mobile technology mounted on vehicles were carried by agents is used in interaction with fixed assets and provides Border Patrol flexibility and agility to adapt to the conditions. Tactical arrow status and relocatable towers are part of the program have proven to be a vital asset and increasing Situational Awareness and our ability to detect, identify and track illegal crossborder activity. Mobile Surveillance Technology systems enable Border Patrol agents where it is needed at a specific moment, extend our operational capabilities increase the accuracy and speed of our response. In addition to Surveillance Technology, collaboration and information sharing with our Law Enforcement partners is a key component of building Situational Awareness and response capabilities along the southwest border. We work closely with our cbp partners especially air and Marine Operations as well as dhs, federal, international, state, tribal and local lawenforcement agencies. Technology is critical to the Border Patrol Security Operations and a tailored blend of fixed mobile and portable systems that complement one another and work in induction with other elements of our operation putting intelligence and technical infrastructure increases the Border Patrols effectiveness in addressing high risk and seasonal traffic patterns to maximize limited manpower. Chairwoman mc sally, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today and in closing i would like to thank the men and women of the arises Border Patrol for their hard work and dedication to duty, to unselfishly protect our n

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