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Those protestants of 19th century were important in the formation of the Republican Party then ended the 20thcentury they were the important constituencies of the reagan and bush presidency. Said there is the affinity with that background with the Republican Party. The people of dutch or german descent may at one time may have been part soso that has worn away as americanized as they were. There is the strong with some was between evangelicals and ethnics. Ethnicity or scottish but you can look at it that way to see that politically as well. Who were the leading evangelicals and American Society today . Like rick warren at Saddleback Church or cholos dean who is popular i dont follow him. But they would be people who are not very political. With the democratic nominee. At the obama inauguration 2008 he has not bed joel has had no political footprint as far as i have followed by Jerry Falwell senior was very important event to make it onto the cover of time magazine. And the president of liberty university. Swallows of the most outspoken and evangelicals. That he raises an interesting set of questions but i dont know how much people knew him as the evangelical. Tutsis to inherit the mantle and the present after a watergate to come back with prison reform. Of the first thing is magazine. And that was the basis for the evangelicals and Roman Catholics to for a coalition. There is a vacuum for the evangelical leadership. Hes seems to have inherited his fathers position but he is in the evangelist. Why you use the word betrayal if your subtitle . To be provocative but also to raise questions of different kinds of conservatism. And this may get into the weeds of politics the specially the politics on the right for those that care to follow but you can trace the beginnings of the conservative Moment Movement like william f. Buckley, jr. National review magazine and the initial success of backing goldwater as the president ial campaign of 64 per. One but then people say that tradition continued in some way with Ronald Reagans you concede that conservative movement takeoff with reagan and others. And they were the l. Ayers for much of that political history. Would you look at evangelical politics even though ethnically there are ties the political instincts so i know something of the background is more moralistic than constitutional the conservatives were concerned about of constitution and the limits on government although they would want talented mistral evangelicalism l. Looked through moral lessons. And whether that the tracks from that. And those batteries does the Reference Point that recognize america to allow those differences to play out. To work through constitutional measures and oftentimes those who want to go for the right thing to do. As of daybed a hindrance to the electoral success . Yes in the most recent three or four elections. President bush was an odd kind of evangelical. Gannett of compassionate conservatism. And they were much more ambitious of Foreign Policy of the United Methodist church which in the protestant and baseball those are part of the mainline churches evangelicals are part of the groups generally coming out of the mainline church. Again this is way more than people want to know. But i think with the iraq war and Foreign Policy that the evangelicals are identifying with one party of Foreign Policy that has been a liability for the republicans and that has been borne out with afghanistan and donald trump and. Have they made a strong play class. Not really. They tried to talk face. Hillary clinton comes from United Methodist background as well. The ldc new stories of her faith but italy seems not to play well for democrats because they have other parts of the constituency for whom some of those evangelicals on certain moral issues does not play well. It can only go so far. It can be more of a personal matter. Professor who are some of the evangelical politicians who are heroes to the movement . Can you call it a movement quick. Yes. I think you can. It is best called a movement that defies that nomination category because it transcends the nomination. It is linked to the institution like billy graham but there used to be an important gynecologist and seven universities that identified those markers. But politicians, aside from people like mayor Ronald Reagan but William Jennings bryan. With those moralistic concerns. With a common touch. With a large swath of evangelical. With a syndicated column and with the leading prosecutor which would also gave him some credibility because the distance for the bible his stance on of bible that shows my early categorization. Did in may have some problems. Not trying to make things harder or faster than they should be backed senator Mark Hatfield a figure that many dont know but he was left leaning republican walking across the aisle with democrats with the antiwar reforms as well and that is prominent over the last two decades. But that seems to me not to offend anybody who is a free and of anybody from oregon to say imf hatfield republican that would not know who hatfield was. And who they may think of. So with dave politician like ted cruz . Margo rubio and ted cruise appeal to both in different ways but obviously enough to help them through the primaries. Here is someone who emerged and 2012 which was Rick Santorum Roman Catholic senator, he did really well and the southern primaries. To show the chance to ration american politics. When jfk would god of his way that he would lobby the Roman Catholic president with the separation of church and state. And Rick Santorum who was outspoken. And those that were alarmed of separation of american life. And show them coming to gather what those policies of the federal government undermine those religious institutions. But to get anywhere near the victory. But sarah palin the was in the subtitle reenergize them little bit that is why mckean pictor. But then again it is more of a liability. You come from evangelical background but. My parents were independent as the fundamentalist so i was not allowed to go movies, even though i did. I did all sorts of about bad things but that was a background. Someone else to win is in the next makes it is a revolutionary to switzerland and the Roman Catholics and protestants. And the study center the Little Village that became a place where the baby boomers went to figure out the lies to think about the meaning of christianity and he had at big appeal. Like a book called religion and american politics in 1992 and schaefer inspired some of the antiabortion protest with c. Everett coop was the Surgeon General under Ronald Reagan. That i went over there as a sophomore in college to figure out life and that is when i left fundamentalism to become presbyterian. You consider yourself the evangelical today . I do not a lot of people who would classify me that way. And that is one of my own objections they are not as often as malleable or subtle as they might be in to be more precise and it just doesnt lead to that type of clarity even though it is a complicated matter and what that might mean for American Public life. What was your goal with your book . In some ways it was personal to put into print perceptions that i had one working for the Intercollegiate Studies Institute the academic nonprofits of wilmington and delaware and rose in the 1950s as part of the conservative movement and theyre originally called the intercollegiate society of the individuals. And Russell Clark said individual is some was that bad word so they kept the initial san change their name. By trying to figure out why they did not necessarily fit into the programs that we sponsored or what we had in the Educational Programming that included all kinds of students from the United States and colleges and universities. There is a narrative of the United States of a very prominent part in some ways through the lens of deposit protestant reformation and it doesnt make sense but in the 30s or 50s different people making this case arguing americas roots were with the puritans understanding the individual freedom. There is another reason to write the book is to figure out the relationship of political conservatism. Now you have another new book . Who was h. L. Mencken . One of the most wonderful americans to ever live. And the reputation to be a naysayer, correction, he was not politically correct but having spent five years with him by would have liked as the person because i the ink he had a lot of fun. He made fun of lot of people , most of the time it was generally could natured about three days after the trial he died. And one of the most vicious that he ever wrote. I can understand in some ways but even while making fun. So he takes that humor he said he would read Huckleberry Finn everyday of his life. But i cannot imagine having his work ethic i have been reading him often non at Johns Hopkins and his was no way to work on my personal experience. He was active in the 20s and 30s corrects to make gas. He started as a newspaper reporter and gradually he started to edit and co added the magazine and eventually he founded but he was quite critical of the new deal and fdr and made americans but at the end of his career he wrote a trilogy of memoirs want budget recently to mount an library but his book the life and religious times of h. L. Mencken. Were talking with professor hart about his books on evangelicals. Thank you. It is hard for the media in ways that they will find convincing. Usage chile this is a reaction to nationalism focusing on the use of reason and at the most happy where it is based on evidence and facts to. A reaction but when we talk what matters most is some id dash and it is very keep that the authentic and i use the word authentic but i think in the eyes of the of the holder. But people do strow tool to appear to want to feel like him look the leverage. This begins 19th century and famously in the 30s the european fascist with germany and italy but in though quake so they focused much more on these stories. I am like you i speak like you but together we can of water off the french that would be. [laughter] but the today maybe for the elite that were the only harvard hearing but then those contributions are not properly rewarded or excepted and whose values that have been undermined by eight year have to. In the context so does the story ring true does what the speaker is saying . But the problem is in the initial list and. But then they think that it is the elite media trying to shut up or damage to make us he is telling the truth

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