Transcripts For CSPAN2 First 20240706 :

CSPAN2 First July 6, 2024

Five. I am janice i am alan price at the Library Museum we are delighted to welcome you to art virtual tour of first children caroline and jon junior in the white house. Welcome hope you enjoy it with us. Obvious that we are in an area showing a lot of different magazine covers. Can you tell us about what this part of the exhibitll is . This deals with how the media with the public fascination with the children. Public weree interested in has not been young kids of the white house since the early 20th century. The media played into that. We tookic a sampling magazine covers from the time. And wanted to run the gamut of newsweek. Which would be considered an informed periodical. Two more topical good news like a motion picture, how long can they hide the truth from caroline when in reality the article says something how long can they hide the truth from caroline that shes not with the girls next door in her family is not like your neighbors. They are in the white house. You had the media pointing out the equivalent of a royal family for this country. And the children were part of that. How hard was it for mrs. Kennedy to kind of control all of this, especially when you compared with the first family deals with today in terms of social media, in terms of theyo press . Was she allowed in did she have more control in terms of media . Sheet tribe is much as she could too have control. I was a time as you said the majority of americans were getting their news from printed sources. You had the element of television that was relatively new. By 1960 when kennedys writing for president i think 90 0 of American Household had tb by that time. Ten years before was a fraction of that. Aits that medium that kennedy played too. The kids ended up being recorded as well. They would be broadcasting living room. These were w the first childn who were more widely on television . Yes. They were the youngest kids to occupy the white house Teddy Roosevelt kids at the beginning of the 20 century. So there was an interest. When kennedy was t running for president is the Something Like 47 of americans who were eligible to vote were age 40 and under. They were the same age range as the president. Like him they were world war ii veterans who had family. So the kids were part of what helped people identify with kennedy. Kennedy recognize the value in that. His wife wanted to preserve the childrens privacy is much as possible. That memos were informal memos written by her that are part of our archives. Who is kennedys press secretary talk about we know there is nothing we can do about the tabloids and the children being in the a media. This article, the quotes were wrong the nanny would have never said that. We could sue them. Usually she was advised to just let it go. Because more attention would be created by trying to protest these things. In this memo she r references ts life it magazine cover. But she notes in this memo specifically jfk was responsible for letting life use the cover of macaroni here. If he approve anything else onch children, i could i be told about it first . When it comes to the media. I like the library here. This question but the children what does caroline want for christmas . They say they dont to give it away. Shes very sorry but she does not want to give any info this is october 1962. By that time she is saying major effort to be made this year to keep children out of papers and magazines. How long after they arrived in the white house did her efforts start . Very early. It did not take very long. Family was moved in 1960 when this was april 1961. And mrs. Kennedy was upset that photographers using zoom lenses and things were taking pictures of her kids when they are playing on the white house lawn. They requested a bay on on that type of activity. Didnt mean it did not continue to happen butut there was a certain level of respect. So did help curb things. The white house photographers would take these pictures. And mrs. Kennedy would have photo shoots. She would select and the white house would select which ones they would circulate. I would say the photo shoot, the pictures that were sent to the press and the magazine this to be the more modern day equivalent of putting it on your own instagram. Because ass a mom she wants to protect her children but she also understands there is a fascination with the first family. Practice is a way of dealing with it. Theres enough interest to pictures of the family or as much wanted by people as the official president ial portrait. How does she walk that line of giving the people what they want versus protecting her kids. As you can see from the memon sometimes it did not work to the level she wanted. She wanted tighter control than what she was able to t achieve. She sensed that in the memos and consent of the other things in her papers, her writings. She was going to try to put up a fight but a lot of times there are nothing much that could be done about certain things. She was as popular as a children. They wanted to remain on her good side i would say it. [laughter] if they wanted to be continue to be allowed to come in. There are only very limited photographers allowed to actually go into the white house and photograph the children. Whiteley stayed off the lawn and she t asked . I think they did but there are some references b later on o photographs been shot through the vents. I think depend upon the individual photographer and the type of publication maybe. Did she have any particular type of publication she was more geared towards . She hated the tabloids. But she realized there was nothing she could do about it. She did make statements to the effect its one thing if they put my husband or me on the cover. But my children are another thing. But it really became out of control. Next imon going to take you ino a section that dovetails with this d discussion on mrs. Kenney and wanting to protect herer children and their privacy. As part of how she did it. A call. We moved on to another exhibit. We are in the White House School area. This is really fascinating. This is not the first White House School. But it likely was the last time the white house had a school inside. And Jacqueline Kennedy had an experience where caroline had classes outside of the white house which was no issue and until they became young her husband was president caroline is been followed by reporters. Soap mrs. Kennedy decided to create what was initially called a playgroup that evolved into a nursery and by the time caroline was school age to became a firstgrade classroom and then jon junior was part of the playgroupmp ultimately. It was comprised of children who are kids of their close friends. The parents all pooled their resources and funded the salaryh of the teachers, the resources for supplies,e books, there is a trampoline that was purchased for the school kids. It was her way of providing her kidshi and environment they were learning and Something Like a classroom setting with other children but again it was controlled. They were behind these four private walls. Are still in the white house. City the parent of the other students and they were not going to be blabbing to reporters. Was it her way, shes known for saying she wants her children to have a happy normal life. Obviously as normal as it can be when youre living in the white house. Was it her way to give that to them . Yes. It is interesting because in doing that it also brought the White House School into focus of Current Events of the t time. Im mrs. Kennedy and ashley process school was being developed from the first question where is it going toe e integrated . Because when kennedy took office, segregation had been rendered illegal from the Supreme Court but of course most schools were noncompliant, particularly in the south. From the time he was on the campaign trail that was part of his campaign he would fight for equal rights. He would fight to enforce desegregationwe laws he was slower at doing them that a lot of people wanted him to be. The correspondence he got reflected both sides. The question but integration of the White House School is coming from people who encourage that as a very visible way for kennedy and from whites a premise who said what business do you have telling us that our children have to go to school when you arent just not doing this with yourta children . Did his school start out being integrated . It did not start out integrated. They became integrated at the time they created the first grade classroom for the africanamerican boy who became part of the school was Avery Hatcher who was the son of Andrew Hatcher was kennedys assistant press secretary. Is a something and very mixed opinions. Having a class in the white house in and of itself, how is that receipt by the public . People are interested ind it. Some people wanted to know how it was funded. It was also something occasionally youd see an article caroline skipped school because she did not go to a class because of a family outing org something. The kids were a large presence within the white house. They would be outside doing the exercises or be playing out on the lawn. At the time to the public get to see any of these pictures . Or was it something they had heardhi of . Is something that heard evidencing articles about so they knew itd existed. And they knew caroline went to the school. O Avery Hatcher was the only one who is actually named because he was the child being integrated. What puts him in a different spot. Theyd consistently said thats a private matter we do not reveal the names of the children but they did reveal the name of Avery Hatcher. Quick tip interesting the contrast between these two of the exhibit for the first when the images are just so stage. This feels more intimate almost like a normal childhood. They are like family snapshots basically. Except it was at the white house. I think the example most people know and one that actually did get a lot of Media Coverage was the image of jon junior on the president s desk playing while kennedy is sitting at the desk. Iconic. So we are going to move on actually to that section of the exhibit now. Here we are in the next exhibit. Lets call this one behind the scenes. And obviously that is what we are seeinger here. These are portraits on from the official white house photographers really giving us an inside look at what life was like in the white house for the children a. It is like your family albums at home. Got pictures of your kids and their Halloween Costume or here we are walking outside the house. It just happens to be the white house. Then we do have a few official images that were taken specifically for the media. These were taken for one of the photojournalists and it just illustrates how the kids had free reign. This was a chute that happened while mrs. Kennedy was away. Not coincidentally. [laughter] this washi something she did knw her husband wanted to do this. This is actually the shoot she references in that memo in the first gallery. But even under t normal circumstances the kids were allowed this type of free reign. There are accounts of diplomats and heads of state visiting one on one with kennedy in the oval office and being interrupted by caroline wanted to come in and give her father a kiss. Jon junior coming in to show his father something. Andre got interrupted by jon junior. He noted we love the kids there really popular there. [laughter] and its just what kennedy knewe it. This was a meeting with his closest advisors. You look at the seriousness obviously what was being discussed. And there you have a little kid playing in the same space. Everyone is used in their presence are not really paying attention. It seems like these images help humanize the administration for americans. They humanize america for others overseas. Yes. The present exactly what he h was doing and allowing these pictures to be taken. He did understand and he enjoyed having his children. He really liked having his children barged in on him. He took ahe real delight in the. But he also recognized this helped humanize their image. He saw the benefits of putting out pictures like this for the public to see big. They had a sandbox on the lawn. They had a swing set. The kids swam and the fountain. Heres the trampoline that was bought for the White House Schoolou kids. They are cooking hotdogs and hamburgersut outside. This was not meant for public consumption this was just documenting Family Gathering with friends invited. These are real intimate family photos. In any other family these to be typical family photos for a first family at this time. I love this one of jon junior was playing with that recording room appointment. There are images of him playing around the helicopter that would be used by the president sitting at the controls and things like that. This image is one that was taken by one of the preferred photographers kennedys used comment outside photographer this is an image that was done actually this one predates the white house. This is in georgetown. A represent something that was a daily activity for caroline and her father that continued into the whiteou house. She would sit with him when he would have breakfast every morning. That was a time they had together. There waste interestingly it wod have been in their private quarters as opposed to these types of images taken by the white house photographers and what you could think up is not public spaces but not the strictly private spaces. These were the spaces open to other white house staff to dignitaries in some cases to the press. And a lot of the photos we have seen the children clearly had free run of the white house. Now, did they ever come into contact with the press with any reporters . Ra because they are also in the white house. They have any interactions with them . They didnt run intoen them. [laughter] i do not know how frequently but i do think it was something tht is not necessarily anticipated when they first got into the white house. The first interaction caroline went into the White House Communications room. That is where it was. There were some reporters there and someone casually asked her where sure father and he said Something Like hes not doing anything hes sitting around his shoes off. And not doing anything. And it ended up ith makes the washington post. [laughter] brexit interesting you try as parents to create as normal a childhood as possible in the strangest of circumstances where it may be impossible. That is a tight line to walk. Images that emphasize the normalcy of childhood behavior but in a setting where you are not used to seeing that. Who really are just kids being kids for. The offshoot of popularity of the kids start getting into the area of theil commercializationf the children which was something mrs. Kennedy understandably had a problem with. We are going to be going into that section next. Okay from behs here. We are in the area of pop from behind the scenes here we are in the area of pop culture. This is the part of the exhibit where we really get to learn about the country, really the whole world fascination of the kennedy family. This is actually a record album. Is first family was very popular. Sold millions of copies. But it was somewhat controversial for the time. Bond meter was this fellow who started gain some attention he was able to mimic kennedys voice and accent quite well. Our archives are Jacqueline Kennedy didnt want to try to suppress it. And then was dissuaded from making a big deal about it would only create more interest in it. But she drew a line with bond meters Live Performances. You can see from the cover, dress up like a little kid and you have a baby carriage there. The children did feature on the album which by todays standard would be very gentle. But standup comedians had never used a president as a subject really. Let alone the children. Political cartoons have a long history. But Live Performance did not. After bond meter appeared on the ed sullivan show, Jacqueline Kennedy drafted this memo to her personal secretary she saw it, she had a serious problem with that because he had a child in the sketch in the childs name is caroline. Its a wonderful internal memo it really gives you a sense of how angry this type of commercialization of her children made her. She said we did not interfere with the a album. As she puts it, i dont care what he does with the album. But it is an appalling taste that he should make money out of a 5yearold child. I would just like him to know i consider him a rat as far as the children are concerned. But then she leaves it up to her secretary, if you think this should be communicated to him do it otherwise forget about it. He was concerned and distressed himself because he never meant to offend the present and the first lady. Kennedy had no problem with the actually kind of like that. [laughter] exit thing that may or may not have offended mrs. Kennedy. Lets move on. These are some the other popculture items. We have paper dolls, plates, charm bracelets. Of bubblegum cards, activity books and cartoon books. And really, the images were not licensed in the weight celebrates will license or images. Also were unauthorized . Yes as you see we have adult made by madame alexander. And they called it caroline theres also an adult doll that came with it called jacqueline. The two dolls were sent to t the white house from madame alexander was hoping for some type of official approval. She did not get it. So then, unlike some other manufacturers who would have just gone on to promote the dog, i did go uprt for sale. There were advertisements in the papers for the Holiday Season in 1962. One of the articles said some new kennedys are in town. Madame alexander came out and tried to say they have nothing to do with the kennedys they are just dolls name jaclyn and caroline. She was really hoping mrs. Kennedy would say i think these dolls are wonderful and she didnt. She tried to claim they did not represent the candidates but obviously they did. That even had wardrobe ensemble that coincided or dovetailed with family interests. We had little writing outputs and things like that for the horses. As a some of the paper dolls and other dolls theres a lot of

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