Transcripts For CSPAN2 FCC Chair Ajit Pai News Conference 20

CSPAN2 FCC Chair Ajit Pai News Conference May 19, 2017

Will begin now, just because of the large number of people, we will need to keep it to one question so we can get to everyone. Also, after this press conference will be the bureau press conference and commissioner oreilly in clyburn will also have that, thank you. Good afternoon everyone. I know youre all dying to ask questions about these five items so i will promise to make this brief. Today the fcc proposed to return to the light touch regulatoryframework that govern the internet for two decades. This partisan approach was established by president clinton and the republican contest , they kill Telecommunications Act of 1986 and maintained by democratic and republican chairman of life. Title ii order in 2015, face a significant break from this regulatory consensus. The Us Service Providers to do depression era rules designed for the lobdell monopoly. Its important to stress that our vote today was the beginning of the rulemaking process. Not the end. And i like to say two things about the path ahead. First, this will be an open process. We want to hear from stakeholders on all sides of the debate and im sure we will. Our proposed rulemaking asked many important questions and i encourage all interested parties to offer detailed answers. We go forward, we will be guided by the facts and the law though it is critical to develop a robust record. And open it also means we will be transparent about our work. Unlike in 2015, we will not hide from the American People any rules that we might want to adopt. With this and prn, the public will be able to see what we are voting on before we vote. Second, we are committed to reaching a solution that preserves a free and open internet and provides a strong incentive for the private sector to invest in nextgeneration networks. We want the Regulatory Framework that will bring better, faster and cheaper broadband to all americans. And we want americans to be able to do that access to access the path to reach the contents of their choice. One last point before taking your questions, my opening joke was premised on the interest that are Internet Freedom and prn have generated but i am grateful that the commission took meaningful action on a number of fronts. For example and we action to stop rural fungal from going this summer and to launch a review of the socalled great score. A number of groups have told us including public knowledge, the National Consumer law center, center for media justice, common cause, center for rural strategy and Rural Broadband policy group and i quote them, that rates will harm access to service from some of the most vulnerable consumers in Rural America and will propose a disproportionate burden on Older Americans were more likely to be living. Blossoming this rate hike was a big win for Rural America and it represents the latest step that we had taken to put consumers first. And with that, i would welcome any questions you might have. Monte taylor, palm daily. Can you tell us how the and prn for the Net Neutrality has changed . We will get to see some of the changes that were made and i would imagine that draft will be made soon. You will get to see it soon, i promise. It seems like with the commenting systems in bluebird and dna, theres some simple things, even just like a captcha or closing api for comments would get rid of some of the box. Are you going to do anything to make the commenting system, to improve the commenting system . Generally im on matters pertaining to the efs system and the sec website. I will defer to the commissions it professionals and ill say today our top priority is to ensure the website remains accessible to the public and our it professionals are hard on the case ensure that is so mister chairman, whats your position on whether Foreign National Wireless Companies are in a competitive marketplace . As i said, i dont see in the abstract any particular number of competitors or markets play structure that is the sine qua non of a competitive marketplace. I you the facts as they exist and make the appropriate judgment based on those facts and so it depends on the fact that a written record, frankly. Thank you, david mckay from axion, you were pretty critical of your predecessor for what you saw as politicizing this agency. You said you dont see yourself as a political actor but im wondering how you balance that aspiration with what has been somepretty politically charged rhetoric around this Net Neutrality item. Both on the right and you chose to announce it coupled with paragraphs attacking a Advocacy Group so im wondering how you hit that balance. Theyre always going to be a few issues where people of different political affiliations will disagree, that is the nature of a policy debate and that principle applies here at the sec as well but by and large 95 percent or so of the issues we deal with have been unanimous and in particular if you know some of commissioner clyburn statements over the last couple months on high priority things, moving rule broadband adjustment to new york, making sure we inform our connect america fund deliver 4g to parts of america, getting more rules on wireline infrastructure and Wireless Infrastructure modernized to allow people to have more access to broadband, these are pretty significant actions the fcc has taken and there, i always had an open door to her including today, you heard she had some concerns about some of the proposals on studio and i said let me hear your concerns and lets figure out what questions we can incorporate in that notice of rulemaking so the record reflects not just what the four questions of the lead proposal but some of the concerns you have, we want to tease out the facts as well so there are always going to be issues where we disagree but i know who i am at this point and ive worked with her and with others to disagree and thats all were going to continue to pursue. Jim with the l. A. Times, former commissioner gloria to study has said a few minutes ago that she and other title ii supporters were prevented from pulling the seat back there and they empty during the Commission Meeting and im wondering how that fits with the open transparency you talked about earlier in the Net Neutrality proceeding . Ive been focused on the items today, i had no chance to take a look at the administrative issues regarding the room. In terms of the access for people into the building and overflow room and all of. Ive been focused on the substantive work weve been doing. Its been a busy meeting as you can tell and i dont have any information on to share with you. How would you respond to commissioner clyburns suggestion that the lack of a proposed other legal basis that youre not going to do title ii or any kind of open internet rules, how that sort of implies that you dont really intend for there to be any rules that theres not going to be a legal basis for having rules. The entire purpose of this public conversation is to identify what the appropriate Legal Framework should be and thats why we you see comments on the bright line rules in particular and generally speaking, there were some who wanted the fcc to issue a declaratory ruling saying as a matter of law, there are sweeping away the entire framework and in one fell through and that was not the process that i wanted to engage in again. We wanted the upper number ofdifferent ideas , from the american public, all the range of issues that are prevented and you give us the fact that we need to make the appropriate judgment. Youll see, ive seen in the item but were working out all these questions. Margaret magill of politico, there been reports on both sides of people firing comments under names of people who maybe didnt consent to have those files, theres been a lot of as weve seen, maybe not substantive comments file. How do you weigh keeping the proceeding open with dealing with i got fake comments and some of the other stuff that comes through . , i encourage broad participation in this rulemaking as in any sec rulemaking and what matters most are the quality of the comments, not the quantity and we will make our decision as i said earlier based on the facts that are in the record. On the relevant law and that is presented. And obviously fake comments such as the ones submitted last week by the flash, batman, wonder woman, aquaman and superman are not going to dramatically impact our deliberations on this issue. This is an issue that impacted me personally has hundreds of comments as ive seen have been submitted under my own name. Theres obviously tension as you suggested in your question between an open process where it easy, preventing comments from the file that generally speaking this agency has aired on the side of openness. We want to encourage people to participate in as easy and accessible away as possible. Of course this is fake comments filed in the 2014 15 proceedings under names like donald duck and mickey mouse and hitler, stalin, these nuts and the like. Just to name a few. This time around, i think the bottom line is we were urging everyone interested in this issue to participate in the process in an honest and forthright way and that i think is the best way to make sure your voices heard. Mister chairman, brendan from national journal. Theres a broad narrative on both sides of the hill that a big goal in the fcc here is to bring democrats to the table comprehensive Net Neutrality legislation in congress. Given a lot of the rhetoric that we are hearing from democrats right now and just the general function, are there any drawbacks if it does rollback title ii,is that some of the things you are looking at in this npr and . There are two hypotheticals, one is what the agency might do and one is what different political actors might do as a response to that hypothetical so i cant speculate. I would refer to the elected officials you might be speaking with to figure out what they think is the appropriate way forward but as i said were going to stay focused on the facts and make the appropriate decision that is in the public interest. Emily schaefer, Telecommunication Companies like at t, comcast, charter has cited broadband investment in the structure publicly in contrast with the arguments you made and what they told you. It seems like the comments theyve made are in diametric opposition to one another and their misleading investors which is illegal or their misleading you, which one of those do you think it is . If you look at the studies presented among the top 12 isps in investments in infrastructure have gone down 5. 6 percent. You can make it appear otherwise if you want to count at ts investment in mexico or sprints accountings procedure to change handsets from operational expenses to capital expenses but at the end of the day i think most americans would consider investment in the United States in the network to be what matters and if you do that, i dont think you can count for investments or just accounting changes in the life and thats just among the top 12 service providers. Remember what i mentioned earlier with respect to the meeting, with respect to the hundred 50 different biases of different technologies, six wireless, cable, you name it. Even municipal broadband providers. They are the ones providing more competition in the marketplace. They are the ones telling us title ii is standing in the way of them connecting americans with additional opportunities we need to kiss of course on the macro level, the top 12 marketplace overall and focus on the smaller providers who are critical for the canary in the coalmine system , the title ii regulation. Chairman David Shepard from reuters, i was going to follow up on aqua man but ill try to stick to you. You made comments about Stephen Colbert and these complaints hes gotten. By most experts to talk say theres no way that comment given that it was there could violate the threepart test under the obscenity laws that are in effect after 10 00 so can you more specifically describe what youre doing and at times the sec does not ever officially acknowledged what ends a review of compliance . Is the Standard Practice for the fcc to review all complaints filed by customers and i dont have an update to provide on the review of the complaints in question. But that is the basic framework that is applicable here. Were wondering why is the amount of Capital Investment the metric we keep hearing and are there other big metrics of broadband we would expect the fcc to examine in the Net Neutrality proceeding . Its critical because Broadband Networks cant exist in the abstract, it requires a lot of capital to deploy these networks and to expand them so if Consumers Want better, faster, cheaper Internet Access or Internet Access at all, those networks cant be the audit into being. It takes money to build those networks and thats why were focused in particular in the numbers on Infrastructure Investment because when i travel and i had the chance to go to town big and small in the north, west, east and south that is the common refrain that Internet Access is a fervent divider of millions of American Consumers so we want to make sure we have a Regulatory Framework that promotes investment as much as possible especially for rural and low income consumers who often are as i said before, typically redlined out of that part of the economy. Thats where the other factor is, we talked earlier about 5g networks and how we need to encourage that innovation to make sure that tomorrows networks which might not be here today have Regulatory Framework that encourages their growth and in addition i quoted as you might remember in terms of Network Investment and the importance of that. Mister chairman, brian fund from washington post. Critics of the npr and have taken legal action to challenge it if it succeeds. What gives you confidence that a court will uphold your interpretation of the law when the dcj set up . Im not going to hypothesize about what action the sec might take that could generate a petition for review. I have no doubt obviously given the history of this issue that litigation remains a possibility. Ill say at the bottom of page 4 of judge renee bostons opinion, they make clear that in the wake of the supreme courts decision in brand x, the sec retains the discretion to classify it from Internet Access as an Information Service so i think that the substantive law here as enunciated by those judges in particular is clear. Hi, lisa with politico. I had a question around broadband access, i was wondering why the sec didnt do his own research on the Economic Impact of the rules prior to the npr m and rely on outside research and if you could provide more detail on what you guys have planned for the future. Sure, i cant recite every word of mprm bird it verbatim but we have a section related to costbenefit analysis and one for the components of that analysis and its the type to regulations on internet adjustment and the goal is to start the public conversation, to make sure we develop the facts in the record that can give us a sense, a quantitative sense or a qualitative one only about the state of Infrastructure Investment in the last two years but that will be publicly available, that was three weeks ago and the sec i made publicly mprm itself but that part of the mprm is in the study but thats what were focused on, that part of economic analysis. Hi mister pie, time sealed with bloomberg. In the npr m was released one of the questions was whether to retain a ban on degrading traffic work, does that language dont persist in the mprm similar through todays book . You will be able to see it soon, we these questions about you will see common on the bright line rules and with the appropriate Legal Framework should be going forward. Im sorry . I believe, yes, questions were in the interim. From the hill newspaper, i was wondering if you could talk more about what the sec is doing in the wake of the dd os attack a couple weeks ago,have there been more Cyber Attacks , what steps are you taking to combat that in the future and what are you doing to crack down on possible propriety. I appreciate the question again on any issues relating to the secs website or efs, i would refer you to our it professionals, they been hard at work on this issue and they understand the technical nuances. You can work through also media relationson that. Thats it for now so thank you very much. Now we will go to the bureau of accountability. How are we doing today . You look very

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