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As i said earlier today, i want to thank the Maryland Democratic party, the easter caucus of the dnc for hosting us. The honorable catherine pugh, the mayor of baltimore, for her hospitality, and i want to thank my colleagues on the dnc and our special guests in the audience once again, once again dnc members will be able to talk to the candidates, have a dialogue and those of you are special guests, we have is you know these forms, fill them out we have been bringing the questions to april, april ryan to interact with the candidate. Fill them out. We have some who will be walking around. Therell be many people who like to get into the auditorium. We would like them to commit as well. We are ready to get started. Its my honor to bring back to the stage of veteran journalist, White House Correspondent for the American Urban Radio Network and as i mentioned of a brandnew book at moms knee, april ryan, the author presidency in black and white and chris matthews, and given april a plug because this is a great great book, please see her when the storm is over with, i promise you she will autograph it. Thank you for doing a tremendous job today. Thank you whos going to go fishing after all this is over with. I see how the democrats do it now. This is an allday session. Have you gotten a lot of information thus far . Its very interesting. My first time now. Some people came up earlier asking for the public if they can ask questions. That is why theyre handing out those in the aisle handing out the question forms please raise your hand. That is where your question will be addressed. You get those forms and we will get them and answer your question. Those who are in the dnc will be able to ask questions and write questions out. At this time this is the moment you have been waiting for. There is a change coming. This is the chair candidates form for the dnc. There will be no opening statements. Candidates will have two minutes to answer questions which will be time to buy a clock in front of me. When that read like blows i will cut you off. All candidates will be given the opportunity to provide a one minute closing statement. With that, lets welcome to the stage Sally Boynton brown, jamie harassment, tom press, green, sam ronan, ray buckley, Robert Vincent pete peter and give them a round of applause. [applause] this is a rock and bunching here now. Welcome. You guys are the main act. We thank you for coming. I was started off with the question from patricia. If you dont win, are you committed to working with the winner . For the causes of the Democratic Party to harness all of the great ideas that have been brought forth today . I want to start with you sally. Absolutely. My blueprint that you can find my website, we, the dnc. Org highlights how i puts a how i put to work every democrat in our country. Anybody who stepped up to lead we need to lately. That is the very nature of the new power system that i advocate for. Id ask everyone in my colleagues to look at one of the workgroups i put together the blueprint pick the one they think they can be most passionate about get to work. We have amazing talent in our country. It is only when we bring Diverse Group of thinkers together to solve the problems into the work that is ahead of us that i really believe we will be able to move forward. We have a lot of work to do. It is so important that anybody that wants to take part in it and put their brain behind it and put the muscles behind it, has the chance to get to work. I made a commitment to myself on wednesday morning when i woke up after the election to take the ideas that anybody under the age of 35, and we have some of those folks here today and put those ideas into action. Help them with the support, services and resources they need. I was grateful that we had two teenage Young High School students that came hours after i made that oath to myself. I got to put into practice my words. I got to put them into action. Those two High School Students organized a womans march in our state. We had 5000 people in idaho show up in the snow to march on january 21. [applause] it was amazing how i could sit down with two young women who someone may have hit delete on the keyboard and not even responded to them. In just 30 minutes of my time i was able to help them get the resources they need it, the media list and email list to be able to do something amazing. I think its important to do that. Thank you so much. Thank yall for all for being here. This is a tremendous honor. The fourth of our forms. In short answer, yes. Im committed to this. I remember when i decided to when i decided to run for chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party. One of our prominent democrat said why would you want to do that . Its a thankless job. And i said, i am who i am who i am because of this party. It was because of all the people in this party who decided to give a round headed boy from South Carolina chance. An opportunity to be more than what he ever thought he could be. So the commitment to this party is one that does not wane because you dont get the position. It is one that is lifetime. It is one that is intertwined into who i am as a person. The day after the election when we woke up and realize that very soon, and a few months we would have a as a president. For me, i was said. Not only sad only said because Hillary Clinton lost, i was sad because of the world that my 2yearold would have to grow up in. This is more than just a position. It is more than just a job. This is about our country, about the fight to make sure there is opportunity for all despite how you grow up, despite what you look like, despite her you love, despite you praise as your lord and savior. This is about making sure that this is the land of freedom. So, am i committed to the Democratic Party . You damn right i am. We will fight every bit to make sure that we be that loyal resistance. That opposition to make sure that we get change in this country. Thank you. Good afternoon everyone. It it is great to be here in charm city. Its great to be here. The clock please. It is great to be here in charm city where have the privilege of working for the better part of a decade. Baltimore is a remarkable town. Its a resilient town like the town i grew up in buffalo. The answer the answer to your question is, of course. We are all in this together right now. We are only a few weeks removed. It feels like a few decades remove from barack obama. I miss him a lot, my friend. What we have seen in these few short weeks is nothing less than carnage and chaos. Every single day. The rates on immigrants are things that tear my hair part. The decisions in the court of appeals was said to the president , you know it, what, mr. President you need to read the constitution before you start doing things. We see it every single day. The assault on our democracy. Were in this were in this together. This is a remarkably committed group of folks. If people are looking here for chair throwing her whose anatomy parts are bigger, you will not find it here today. You will find a discussion about how to rebuild a Democratic Party that works for everyone. Thats were talking about. Heres what i think about. We have to focus her energies on the basics. Organizing, organizing, organizing. We have to build strong parties and all of the 50 states in the southern territories and district of columbia. We have to be fighting for d. C. Statehood. We have to be making sure everybody has a seat at the table in this process. And we do so by making sure that we are out there listening to people, making house calls like i did in northern wisconsin and kansas. We learned that willie organize, engage, partner with our friends in the movement, the labor movement, planned parenthood parenthood anothers, we are stronger when we are partners. When we change the culture of the dnc to make sure were not electing just a president but people from the school board to the senate everywhere, thats how we went. [applause] the answer is yes. I think that answer will be the say on this table. I dont have the luxury to sit out of this unique moment that were facing as the democratic a Democratic Party. No one in this room has the luxury to sit out of this unique moment. This moment is our time to look at her strength and weaknesses as a democratic family. And and to assess how we innovate, organize an experiment on how we engage in new and exciting race. I think this moment is bigger then just what happens in the 2016 election. Theres a lot of conversation about transformation. Transformation doesnt come easy. Its not not going to happen if every Single Person on this table does not remain engaged in this process. Transformation is not going to happen if everyone in this room does not remain engaged in this process. Transformation requires willingness, radical candor, and strong change management. My position in this race and rightly continue no matter what the outcome is that we have this opportunity, this unique moment to transform our party and make sure that we ask ourselves some tough questions. How do we strengthen our home to be a welcoming place for the resistance . How do we reimagine and restructure our processes . How do we rebuild and rebrand and how do we reengage . That the conversation on that cant and today and its a conversation that we all have to participate in the matter what side youre on. Thank you. [applause] i believe the question was, what i be willing to work with these great men and women if they became the chair, the short answer is yes. I dont remember being released my old, i intend to continue serving my country. Thank you. Do i get to use remaining of his time . Now, you can do two minutes, thank you sir. Thank you. I dont think is a person in this room are watching this are going to be reading this that tells for one minute that ray buckley is going to be standing next to the next chair of the dnc because i spent my entire life. I started volunteering when i was eight years old. I have never missed an election. I believe in the Democratic Party. Where the only hope for the working people of this country. For not united not united to my dont think the question for me really is where im going to be, what i have already set is immediately upon my election analyses people to join me backstage along with the officers and well sit down and sit together and divide up the work. Thats a problem weve had in this party. Its been the chair in a few staff. It has not been the screw. I know, ive been a vice chair and i dont know what the hell is going on in this party anymore than you. Let me tell you, when im elected chair, every officer of the parties going to be involved. Every member of the executive committees going to be involved. Every Single Member of the dnc is going to be finally involved. Every state Committee Member and every county and local and allied activists and volunteer an elected official. If we dont do this together working to keep repeating the same thing over and over, thats called losing. When i grew up in New Hampshire it was a republican state. The last ten years weve won 11 out of last 13 races. Races. If you look at the turnout results in New Hampshire and across the country in 2014, New Hampshire number one increase in turnout. 2016, same damn thing. You want to win elections, youll like the guy that can win elections. I that can win elections. I love these people, they are terrific, nobody can match my record. Thank you, sir. Sir. Ray buckley. Good evening democrats. My name is Robert Benson into the question, yes. I am from d. C. And im proud of it. I am for statehood and we needed. It will help the Democratic Party. There is one thing that all of you should know who want an outsider. Im your man. Im from d. C. , but i am the outsider on this panel. So, yes i will work work with whoever is elected and hopefully we will walk out of here together as democrats to go the party. Thank you. Thank you. Robert. [inaudible] my name is pete thats your campaign slogan. These people are tripping over my name so around how people just call me mayor pete. And thank you for moderating. Thank you for the opportunity to be here. Short answer of answer of course is yes. The longer answer is, we have got to emerge from this process is a unified Democratic Party. We know what what were up against and it is not each other. [applause] the truth is, even had we won the white house in 2016 our party would be in trouble. Look at where we are in the state houses, and the state by constitutional offices and in congress, our party has a lot of work to do. There is no way we can do it in for not unified. If we dont have the humility to recognize everyone appear bring Something Different to the table and everyone of us has something to offer. I dont just mean those competing for chair. I mean everyone of the millions of members of the Democratic Party. We have to engage. [applause] of course i think the best chair would be me. Ill tell you why. Among all of the good democrats we are seen similar things. The question is can i come down to who is best positioned to deliver what were say needs to be done. My argument is, if are going to reach for a new generation of organizers whenever its for new generation of leaders. [applause] when i put in the candidate that was at the womens march whose volunteers have been out walking the walk in delaware and the election thats going to decide the balance in the center. Who is in a product of a faction but someone whos here to deliver the fresh starter party needs. If we recognize the answers come for local communities, put in a local organizer, local mayors local mayors been running and winning elections. Thank you. Peter, your next. Yes, my name is peter, my website is peter for dnc. Com. I plan to. I plan to continue to support the goal of the Democratic Party regardless of who wins the election for chair. Im doing my best to make sure that person is me. I think we have to agree that we have to get together and organize this party locally, theres changes which need to be made both in the organization and the way that the dnc functions. Weathers more openness to be an impartial and evenhanded as the charter requires requires an conduct in the nomination process for president 2020. , whether its informing the members of the dnc of the past prophet and loss statements in the future of the dnc which i think should happen. I expect members when they get the documents will keep them secure. Whether its protecting the data we have at the dncs or large donors and all of our donors are not subjected to Identity Theft because the dnc do not properly handle their data. There are many things that have to happen. We have to to listen to whats going on in the states. The states and localities know whats going on in the country. For example next week and i plan to be in miami speaking for the wyoming state party. In discussing with them what their goals are. For the coming year. They have to off road ahead and hopefully the dnc will be able to help them meet those goals. With the d. Answer is clearly yes i would be happy to serve if you go to the state parties across the state ive been to 28 of them to last ten years, nebraska, new jersey, georgia. I will do whatever you need me to do. I helped raise a Million Dollars if you wont need me. I will help do that because theyvivegiven millions upon ms ticket. I would be happy to do that because i am here today some young people brought up 750,000 signatures on a petition supporting me for the chair but if you need me to get ive led hundreds of rallies all ov over. Its everybodys job to make the American People know deep in their hearts that the Democratic Party is here to fight for them every single day. The Democratic Party is here to make sure they have prosperity for their families and that is the reason the steelworkers support me [inaudible] [cheering] i have an offer like every other member in the room. Thank you very much. [applause] if anyone has a question there is a microphone right there. Stand up and we will be going to you soon. There is some disease that we are facing right now like the aca. Supreme court coming Immigration Reform and the travel ban. I want to ask how you will engage in all citizens turned activist that are moving across the country in any movement. Theres the courage of their convictions and humility. We do have to make sure the party is there, shoulder to shoulder with the activists and the organizers who are telling the stories at the local level. They rely on the local nationals in afghanistan who were among us. Given the way they are treating the refugees. Whether it is tearing a mother out of her family farms in the middle of the night we have to tap into that and yet we have to ddo it with a certain character or certain tone that makes people want to do it. Because of the hypocrisy you can smell it. You can smell it from all the way in washington. I will be damned we are going to have a draft dodging president iof the United States that thins that he is too ordering the people back [inaudible] i will pose the same questi question. As i understood the question, people are feeling the pain and anxiety how can the Democratic Party engage to make sure that we convert all this Excellent Energy out there to the electoral gain. The way to do it if you want a friend, youve got to be one in solidarity in the peoples movement. When freddy gray was killed, people were hurting in the streets. To talk about how it is we can bring dignity to people whove not been getting it from the people who started it. We have to say the word. Thats what we have to do. We have to be there for whoever becomes the president to stand in solidarity with our sisters and fight back and fort young people that are worried about the repeal, let me tell you they worry about the escalation we have to be in solidarity and be with them. There are so many grassroots folks working on that line and we will be together standing up to convert the protest and First Amendment rights into the electoral gains and ballot box. [applause] [cheering] i dont know if you in the back can see this little girl that has been running to and from, but she is amazing and its such an incredible and powerful reminder that this energy that has sprung up in the country while it may be that we have powerful fear that we need to attack and push back on is a reminder that we are a democracy and we have the ability to do that and we dont need to push it down and construct it into anything. We need to let it continue to be organic flow freely. The Democratic Party can do this by having a conversation with people about what they need for us. A lot of people answered the question and i dont know that that has been answered but they know that they need from us and we need a conversation with the millions of people watching. I imagine at the end of the day its going to be is information. They want to know when the marches are and what the issues are. We have the infrastructure to be able to do that. 150 new organizations have sprung up at least in the last two months. And that is incredible. This isnt just about the Democratic Party. We all have a place the Democratic Party is in the Electoral Organization that is designed to elect democrats and we need to do that really well. We need to become a Service Organization for the 21st century electorate and that means we need to serve the needs of the members and we need to serve the needs of the candidates and serve the needs of the activists. The millions of people showing up to march have needs and we get to take the opportunity to ask them what their needs are and figure out a plan. That is what i hope all the leaders will do is start having a conversation with them and figure out what their needs are. Another question from traci it is an outgrowth of the last president ial election cycle she says should we keep the delegates. Let me tell you all something you cant win a game that youre not playing it for many years, democrats and republicans have been very comfortable at the table playing monopoly for whatever game you want and then this last cycle not only did donald trump but the American People flipped the table and as democrats, we have a choice, we have an opportunity in the leadership not just as the chair but acrosstheboard. We can choose to get on the floor and pick those pieces up to and get back to the table where we could chart a new path and we have to reimagine the structure and process. It is time to retire the concept of superdelegates. [applause] [cheering] dot does not mean i look at the members that are all superdelegates, and we have to find a way to honor the veterans of the party. We have to stand shoulder to shoulder and understand this innovation and transformation is powerful and possible if we do it together. If we are electing a nominee to the system that different franchises and the disabled and seniors into communities that make up this great party of ours, then we are not the Democratic Party. The superdelegates is how they vote and the conventions of lets get to what the real issue is that the vote of the delegation represents the vote of the people. So this brookings then in. The issue is about neutrality. As cochair of the party in 2008 and in 2016 there is nobody that is going to suck just i put myself on the scales. Sorry supporter of hillary, im the one that is neutral throughout this entire nominating process. I went in when the secretary said you are not a democrat you cannot file. Being neutral we can never get in the joint fundraising agreement with the candidate in the primary that never should happen again. [cheering] no longer should the chair be able to decide when and how and whom. That should go to the executive committee of the dnc from all walks of life and all over the country. Let us discuss this and make sure. And i agree in that issue we need to make sure everybody that wants to participate can and do the rules are the same across the country. The transparency, fairness and inclusion into that as the main purpose of this commission because we need to address a wide range of issues i had the privilege of being the chair one of the things i would recommend is that we set a primary debate schedule long in advance of when we know who the candidates are so that there can be no doubt that anyone is trying to put us off the scale of justice. Anything we do must be transparent and it must be the product of a process that involves everybody. That is what the culture change is about. And its been too secretive. They dont do anything until they get to a meeting and that isnt right because of involvement in the study. We need to change that culture. You have to win in order to be able to vote in the nevada caucus. They could vote and still get paid. Thats why we need a robust commission, to make sure we that every voice and because there are a lot of folks who have the viewpoint diversity. I happen to agree on the issue of the application of superdelegates and how that should go. Theres a lot of people i respect who have a different point of view and one of the things ive heard is that the dnc chair all too frequently unilaterally decides how that should go so i want to make sure every Single Person whether you are a member or not is engaged in the process. This is about cultural change. Lets move the microphone around. Please ask your question. Thank you. I will not ask about why republicans seem to frame the message is much more simple. Im not going to mention why we could go to the constituency and raise millions of dollars did not have money for that constituency that i well represented in the eastern caucus in tandem with my brother across the river in new york ask the candidates what you expect from the executive Committee Members many of whom travel from across the country for a two or a three hour meeting which is a strictly controlled and often at their own expense as we have a lot of talented people that want to do things for the party and be constructive. Im going to throw that question over to sam. Thank you for the question. What would i do for the members so not just when they have meetings but in general. How do you play a part in the party that im in charge . You do need to be involved but its time to start looking forward to the future. There is a lot of talent we have been discussing at length. One thing we always hit on its millennials anhismillennialistr people. There is a way to do that you have the experience youve done this for decades and for years so its time to adopt a mentorship role, show me how i can be in the chair at this table. I have to take quick shout out. Jamie was the reason i get to be at the table. He signed the petition and that is the leadership taking a stand showing you care about the little people. [applause] ive been a member of the committee now i spend the chair for four years and member for about two and a half to three years and i can tell you every meeting ive gone to, particularly in the past few years you get an agenda that says pledge of allegiance, new business, or business, adjournment. Maybe there is a resolution there. I want to give a shout out to cause the last Committee Meeting we had was a little more substantive and engaging where they got a chance to talk and be engaged. But we need to change how we do meetings. How many of you have an had an orientation for first time that you became a member and attended a meeting . I know that chairs and vice chairs. If you dont know what your job is, how can you do with . [applause] if you sit on the executive committee which is the governing body of the dnc and you dont know the details in terms of how the money is spent and where and what contracts are given, how can you govern and orchestrate what we are doing in this party . Transparency and accountability have to be the way that we move forward and the way that we grow the party and rebuild the trust in this party. We also lost the trust of the members in the dnc and we have to regain that. So what i would do is make sure that we do everything we can to engage and have them participate so that we rebuild trust. [applause] the question about what to do in the executive committee . It should serve as a super bored. Its easier i think to discuss matters with the members of the executive committee. The executive committee will be in regular contact. I think using the talent with the members in various areas where they have to focus on organizing, theres a whole host of other things developing the platform and selecting the candidates. Theres a whole bundle of issues and i think that to the extent i could get advice using that particular characteristics and traits and professional background and Training Experience if im the chairman, that is the way that i inten ind to use the executive committee. When they come to the meeting they should be able to report back what they have done, first where they live in the states in the Democratic Party where they are located and then what else have they done. Have they reached out to democrats abroad, have they reached out to their local democrats that maybe running . Have they brought issues to the table that is pertinent to get involved in . I feel like this kind of conversation has to be two ways we have to engage the democrats. How many neighborhood meetings have gone to to recruit and register and reach out and have a conversation with . We need to be seen as the community on issues people dont normally feel are democratic or republican issues. Housing, healthcare. Those kind of playground events. He needs to be part of the communities of people know we really care to come into travel around the country. Lets go back to questions from the dnc. In the interest of time into making the job easier this question is only for the folks that are not on the administrative side of the leadership. Everyone talked about the parties and what i want to know is what have you done in your examples to back that up . Let me tell you what weve done in indiana. Waiting for democrats first we have to recognize you have to show up everywhere. I went to 89 counties for the most chicken assembled in one place in Franklin County to set a world record you have to show up and go everywhere. Since becoming the mayor ive been able to raise money for the state party, ive been able to support candidates like helping joe taylor for example for state representative, first africanamerican in a long time to represent indianapolis and we are proud of the president , the kind of guy we need to be standing up for. We have to do more for the state parties. As the mayor you already have that trust in your own fundraising networks and yet very little is asked of me so we have an opportunity to wire that up. What we have to do is simply showing up in the strategy its controversial in its time when it was introduced that were not just because money and resources were going to the party that is critical and necessary but not sufficient. The structure wev weve gotteny from in more recent years is because the resources were distributed according to a plan in the pattern of respectful and close working partnership formulated by the state party chairs in partnership with the dnc not simply pushed down from washington and certainly not the distribution of resources. [applause] i walk, campaign, get democrats elected in the district of columbia. I campaigned for her and worked for her and she was successful. I have been working for getting him elected since jimmy carter and now a part of the state committee im also a retired military executive and i defended the push for the Democratic Party. People that want to criticize the Democratic Party, i defend the Democratic Party into the issue is that we support. I am not afraid to lean in and tell people why it is beneficial to be a democrat, that their livelihood and their status has improved because of the principal and thprinciple and ty afforded from the Democratic Party. We have democrats that are not republican. [applause] [cheering]. I am doing it. Many that you may have been watching who is this guy wearing a sweater asking the questions . Have been asking every single one of few that i came across today you do a few with the democratic chair for one day. That is leadership and listening and gauging this is what we have not been doing for 30 years. That is what we need to be talking about. [applause]. I am from the great state of minnesota with the highest turnout is low whole country because i work with my state party to work on turn out all the time. We had the lowest and now we have the highest. [cheers and applause] i have raised over 1 million for my state. And one very strong supporter of mine not just friends but partners. Would you mind going to nevada to help work out issues of unity . I got on the phone and reset in a room for five hours working out unity issues because we state party chair asked me to for his state party chair. [applause] in the second Congressional District and then the other state parties. And then at the nebraska state party. If you look at the good dnc chair i am the guy. With the reason is very simple. You are where the votes are. Is the 51 stay strategy will we want to be where the voters are. Is there anybody else . And specifically with this date parties. It is 97 degrees and there is one square mile with door hangers on every door. It is all electronic these days if you take a piece of literature you paying it on every door. I did it in the next day so 10 or 20 locations and then i got the numbers in. Ag into big money to candidates i made interesting suggestion one day. That the ballots are not properly printed the vote does not register properly. So i mention this in a beating. And then somebody said check that. But i had to check each of those boards for the city of milwaukee and i did it. They were properly printed. Ended number of other things to make sure that the voters are not surprised that the polls. [applause] was baptized in the Democratic Party of the young Texas Democrat. [applause] focusing on the 50 state strategy that was developed over one decade ago. And we need a new strategy. Someone who is a strategist in this unprecedented moment we dont need another politician. I started off as a young Texas Democrat doing grassroots fundraising with the office of women in the have worked outside of the Party Building institutions. I am sorry it is naughty enough is a dishonor to say turn out to elect a millenials. Look at the person to resolve the stage was an operating and increasing turn out by 11 . Look to the person on this stage who has helped change the conversation around immigration as founder find americans. Summer u. S. Succeeded in the corporate sector the yet puts pressure on our party to better itself. If we do not recognize it is business as usual in politics as usual will not cut it. And then to do those things we have done in the past. I have built progressive institutions that is the leadership that we need. And did is a remarkable organization said in the basement of richard. And to be the next latino in the council in maryland. The element of culture change for the dnc. And those who helped to elect a president. And as the culture change to make sure we are coordinating like the labor union. Making sure we are standing up for them. With the Union Movement coliform workers them of bricklayers. We need to change the agriculture. And make sure were doing all of this. In the and that is how we change coulter and i have turnaround. The department of labor and moving up to the top third they listen to this state party partners. In the most important question you can ask. [applause] just bring us back to the structure and want to applaud you for your excitement and enthusiasm. With the party chair how many of the rest of view for the state committee. Not a fundraiser but the meeting. I see theyre doing this. I wonder why . Have review have read the chart and then ask the questions . Raise your hand. On that line would to we will speak about what we are for. But we dont put a face of a people or the policy. By nature i am optimistic news for what i believe it and. In the last two months to say that is still flu i am by nature and also to have this narcissus at the head of our country. With that soulsearching am having a conversation so where do we fit into this conversation . That people who fight against that do that well and they are very vocal. So in the last year we of seen that in the last few months. We need to give them the information that they need and empowering them to do that. The Democratic Party has not been providing me in the state of idaho the bad National Brand to deliver our values to the people of america. [applause] and then to embrace it to me are. I heard were having an identity crisis. And then to talk about who we are. And then to tell those stories. And then to find the city council person. But my question is raised. So while many of you know that i came from the lowest of the white workingclass. Running hundreds of millions of dollars worth of commercials telling the voters they were worried about your paycheck and if your kids will ever go to school they dont give a crap if the president. But the reality is we did not offer of message to the people of what we did was say how offensive. That is our reality for most of america. [applause] that was a great drop the microphone moment. [laughter] and living out our values and not to show that to them. Was the ninth grade social studies teacher and the most powerful way is when you show and not tell. And that we are fighting for them. And then based on the concept is based on the l. Whole idea you dont have to be empowered to empower people. So to go into the community to change peoples lives. This is between every two or four years. We have a Community Organization to face those issues a barefaced with. [applause] there are tens of working families that can provide School Supplies for their kids. Did you distill begin School Supplies for the kids. That is how you change a party. Reacted go from just telling people to join. And welcome to my state i am very proud of olive view and the couple of questions back that out of compassion how do we get past that where we come to gather . Would do shoe or formula . If we continue to swim in the quicksand of baker . But not of anybody on this stage. [applause] [cheers and applause] and since that passion from that statement asked him. And a Party Without passion is not a party. And then there reminds me of things giving dinner at my house. Because the reality is if you look and appear ready, we have those progressive values and our children and those in the twilight of life. That has been the story of our public service. Eighty been the insurer from arizona. And now across the country whether wall street or police reform, i approach of all those fights that i fought in those battles that i fought to ensure that people with disabilities have a fair shake in this country. But the reality is that are have a monopoly on most lawyers. we need to do moving forward is to understand with the most destructive and dangerous person ever to hold up presidency of the did states and that is donald trump. And the Republican Party for the most part. They will not help. [cheers and applause] were all friends appear. We respect each other we inspire each other i can assure you when he was secretary of labor and had no better french u. S. The tireless advocate. He is my friend. So yes he is really articulate. I was telling people how dog giddy is. That this is a family meeting and to understand this Democrat Party is for the American People. Not the democrats. [applause] were all agents of the American People and we must never be confused for a permit to and donald trump absolutely but dont forget schneider or these bad guys to deny People Health care or the right to choose i am just telling you right now we have nobody to lose in the fight. In we are for a lot of stuff. I am for Immigration Reform client for algae bt rights and i am for the muslim group bruce said and to stand up strong and the will tell you. Ism of. I think that each have us so back to the first question we all in this together. We dont have the luxury of complaining. I know you were asking satisfied but because this is a play at not that i just put it word for word. This is what i have spent my life working on. This plan and to make sure it is accessible so take henkel hong those in your it is. I dont care. We know one thing. We better start winning again. Trump, republican of governors and legislators and we can win per from and weakness and and virginia. [applause] if we dont have our act together and then we can have an amazing 2018. We need to start the day after the election. [applause] i agree with everything everyone said and it falls out to trust, respect, the denver city of our party. If you dont come from the same place. And the one moment in this party of but even to save them democrat in South Carolina minded one. [inaudible] yes. I should but it is about diversity. The use of Fourth Dimension democrat greg. I will go for part and all his third known has been a democrat but it with facts that nucleus position with the American People. Ibms serious. My job was to count the votes. Bettis to launder 18 votes. I didnt care where they came from as long as we passed the legislation. [applause] i of california i hope you can discuss discuss briefly but you have mirror interested in. Some mistakes i do think people do this with the best of intentions and how do we have this one but just generally to start. One of the and things is making sure be in a vast menu find out in our communities and there is a lot more the dnc can do specifically to support democratic Small Businesses then with of economic platform which is important for Rural Communities like idaho. I am really excited about the opportunity that we have in front of us. And we bush be remiss with all of the fear of what is out there if we did that reminder selves out powerful we are to hit the reset on the Democratic Party. And is said to look back at what mistakes have been made but the world has moved on in the party has not we are disconnected from the American People. And each other and is vital we take this opportunity to assess our purpose with partnerships in the way we do business. Its not working if you look at the numbers talking to the people or americans in general. Nobody feels they are a Party Insider and they have access to weigh more people but they dont feel that they are so to figure out how to operate with innovative and resilient ways. Though world moves so fast. If you take a look, look at your history. The last time we were in the wilderness . 2004. I remember because i worked of the senate race barack obama is field one that one. There was complete and republicans control. That is when howard dean came in with a strategy. We want a house in the senate and things we never thought we would with like kansas. And what do we do . Then we also win the white house. With this 50 state strategy am putting barack obama as great operation on top fin we shifted. 300,000 people still dont have health care because we took their eye off the ball. I cannot leave anybody behind. But to build that capacity in every state party in this nation. States of new jersey, maryland, maine, ver mont, massachusetts what do they had in common quicks blue states with their republican and governor. [applause] and i am a big believer of data analytics. To look at the church every fourth of october is not organizing that is why we lost wisconsin because underperforming in milwaukee and the story goes on. We did not communicate our values. When he said the people understand because he is crazy. That is not a message. We have to move forward that we have to get back to that strategy. Here are some of the things that i have seen for scale we have to do more candidate training is part of the core mission where they have the program and is going very well. We have to look at Voter Protection and environment. This is why i have called for a dedicated unit where we place were they have fed dedicated Voter Protection. We succeed. But how did you do that without any help from the dnc . We will change that. [cheers and applause] those who dont make it into a room like this they hear promises but not the answer is theres a number of questions there were just not specific answers. Platitudes and promises will not address the passion that we spoke about. We have to have a leader who is willing to speak truth to power to say specifically or a knowledge of the wound of the Bernie Sanders supporters also knowledge the wound of the clinton supporters and what was to rampant and our party. [cheers and applause] we have to have a of leader who will speak truth to power to say we have sexism and racism and bigotry with it too much complexity. Those obama years for agree to lift us up out of the recession. The Clinton Campaign treated this institution with disrespect. We need a leader who will speak truth to power with specific plans in place. So will katmai plans to rebuild and be brand and read it engaged so we can win is democrats it is way past time of platitudes and promises we have to start answering questions. We have raised our hand about the charter if youre in this session for the vice chair in an even have real jobs are real resources. Think leo thank you. [applause] i will take the gloves off a little bit talking truth to power i started back in houston. The dnc are the only ones that decide but each of you said carry the weight and burden of 150,000 lives that is an awesome responsibility and one that goes to the super delegates. Look at that word is greater than a regular daily get. That is the same weight as 25 of the entire voting base that is undemocratic. Talk about truth to power im the only candidate at this table does not take corporate lobbyist money. This is not how we do business in the Democratic Party. [applause] we need open primaries and open debates get rid of exclusivity. Every time somebody who has borrowed in my interviews i think, has adopted by policy. Talk about leadership that his leadership by leading by example. Now to retract the clause. Clan have minnesota insensitive and i have 30 seconds left i will bring it home. We have been diverting as a country progress says millenials conservatives. Conservative spirit we have been at war with each other and hurting for decades waiting for person to step up to say enough is enough. Americans first berger talk with each other, a compromise. That is politics. Before we do that nothing else will work. [applause] i will be very clear receipt word uttered i agree with and i will skip forward. [laughter] so what will they do about smallbusiness and how will be Better Connect . Here is a solution adjust bottom of. [laughter] earlier today you heard from the senator from New Hampshire the only democrat to defeat a republican senator in the purple state 75 million was spent on her campaign. And nearly 95 went to the international or National Corporate media. 1f we took 10 million of that and hired fulltime workers for two years. Let the Corporate Media where they reside, i dont care. I will show you democratic victories from every single community. And those 100 employees will buy a new car and will be investing making the economy grow. And then to invest in our own community. [cheers and applause] the it but hillary bottom clinton we protested but we did not bode. Vote we got mad but we did not turn them into passion for the democratic nominee. Some of us walked away in november and some of them are in this room. Of laugh if you want to talk about the truth bin that is the truth. [applause] in what is good for the Democratic Party. [applause] again the question of where we have gone wrong and the challenges we have to learn from the past i know why everyone to live through that primary is second time. Oh what motivates me to get into this race we cannot allow this to the struggle. If the outcome of this race if half the party feels to deal with the real opposition. Everybody has their theory but i will tell you what i know. With the industrial midwest in this kind of entertaining to suddenly find ourselves with that exotic fascination we are not even that complicated we just want people to talk to us we spent so much time. I was guilty of it. And donald trump said i was with her. That i am against him. But the people at home said who is talking to me . And everything that we say has to be explained. [inaudible] the question was about lessons learned. About was a forward looking response but earlier this afternoon i was on a proposal to those of the dnc and members of the press to protect our most precious and the nomination for president of the United States that proposal has been endorsed and to be the solicitor general of the United States from 1997 her 2001 put they also provide anybody if they recognized can with the office of president or Vice President that we will hit the nomination ahead of time so if after the pools close the chair of the Party Notifies the candidate in writing there are reasonable growls to leave an effort to challenge any state or any Congressional District mother the electoral votes are awarded one for each provided the necessary cooperation to the dnc to contesting the results of behalf of the nominee. That will continue throughout the process. This applies. Enter stay and. Did that come off of my time . Friends, the question was what about smallbusiness . I just want to say that that what needs to be wrong is stepped stop at the Democratic Party is all about them. But i will tell you 56 of less than 1,000 in the bank and you could have been former or Current Union members. Behalf to understand me cannot we have to be the corporate. Is this a share a pain and not a Small Business but then to organize the most Small Business people. Nl with satin dream to open a barber shop. We will be pair were and but the dnc did some law and of billions but we should do all people and we must do good for our constituents. This has been agreed day for me. I have never seen this before i ever White House Correspondent and have been there 20 years. It is great to see how democracy begins to work and is formulated. One of the 10 of the stage will be the next pick and the votes are in in later this month in atlanta. And were not done yet. [applause] this is not an easy task. They may be going up against the white house right now. So with that we are out of time for more questions but we will have a closing statement one minute each. [laughter] and with those oneonone connections we need to teach people how to talk. We simply disagree instead of focusing i spend over five classs per day and have had and those that i disagree with and democrats said have left the party and dont want to comeback. We all need to have this conversation by building relationships with each other we will find their way back in this country. I challenge you to reach out [applause] going through this process we forget this is the job with some responsibility and to me it is building a party. And we need someone who is the builder in the history putting systems together. Someone who was an organizer with the diversity of our party and is a visionary. Longterm who will be in our party . And and not just saying fighting against donald trump with the rubberstamp congress who can relate to the challenges the American People face on the day to day basis. I will be a great dnc chair. [applause] publicservice is the people business and and the atf raid to get so this is making scheerer we put values into action and then we win votes in elect democrats. Our values are of the majority and what we need is somebody to take the fight. Somebody with the proven track record of a turnaround agent that requires someone and had the so that we can put the values into action. [cheers and applause] the stakes are too high for business as usual. The chair needs to be a strategist, is seasoned and organizer in fierce message in a. So someone will understands the institution from the inside and out and someone is not afraid to tap into those longstanding challenges. If we think it is only focused on donald trump for 2016 than that is not telling the whole story. We do love the opportunity to transform the party in a move from politics to purpose. I want to be a champion to help us do that. To make sure that women are the backbone of this party do celebrated and trained and mentored and i want to be take this opportunity for transformation. [applause] weird legal from your . We talked about leadership and who really embodies leadership plexus does that say i m the hero . I can do all of these things and then to look to the past is not enough. To. There is so named one candidate begins as your addressing the needs of others. And is not the men the most qualified person on paper. Is something the you are it is something the you live and we need to. Thanks for coming today. Wire i encourage you to go to my website you will see specific plans and proposals but we dont understand so that has been record because but then opened the dnc. My record and we have won those races and we will do it again. I asked for your vote. [applause] sri lanka and cut is the city agenda baltimore before. When you go to church your pastor will say look to your neighbor to say were stronger together than we are fighting one another we are stronger together than to be opposed to what brought this year and will be stronger together. Thank you. [applause] thanks for the opportunity to be here and everything you do for the Democratic Party. Everybody in this room. In a reinforced mayor this city was on a list of 10 dying cities in america based on the idea that a fresh start could bring the city back now with the biggest population growth and a quarter of the century not because they shopped for the middle but we delivered results would. We with those results for the Democratic Party that needs that no more than ever [cheers and applause] we speak to everyone you cannot take one look and know who they are. Every betty needs to know they belong or the transgendered teenager. Is my privilege to participate on line january 21st. That was a forward looking group

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