We could have done so make cool, great things but all these ethical blogs, all these things keeping us from the, sort of like this attitude is, like this profit driven world and all these kinds of things have kept us from exploring incredible possibilities. Like if we could and views that curiosity precisely in this different way of approaching all this, which is like what new incredible societies could we get to if we harnessed our genius in a purposeful weight in that direction a . See what i mean . By turning it on its head. We really are out of time but if you have a last comment from the panel i would welcome the chance. Short sweet comment. Spill i totally get what your talking about because ive seen a. Ive seen it over and over again. The biggest opportunity for biocurious 2010 was getting equipment together, getting maybe 1 million worth of Lab Equipment that we bought for 20,000. That was the opportunity. That opened it up to lets say a couple thousand people, a couple thousand labs around the world. The biggest opportunity for biocurious now is its given permission to other people to come in. What weve established is people who are really curious and really driven can come into biocurious and to experiment and they make their way there. The opportunity is to add the ability to bring in more people, to say you have permission not to lead. You have permission to ask a lot of questions. You have permission to not have a project. I think thats the next up for biocurious is more about the basic, basic classes, basic education, bringing in different people who have different insights into biotech and opinions on things that might involve biotech but are not, you know, that top layer people are so driven that they will try to our to come to our microscope project. Its amazing to see and now the opportunity for 2016 is to go beyond that, to bring in people that otherwise you can like i dont know really where i fit in, but if he gives them a place and a wakeup conversations about that they start to ask really good questions. So i get what youre saying it is something that we use. Weve learned to our experience is that the biggest opportunity for us. Okay, im going to call it a night, tito genachowski, Elliot Hosman and peter shanks comp wonderful evening. Cspan, thanks for filling it. Comeback in two weeks and will have a discussion on keeping the oil in the soil with antonio and i forget who else but you will have a very good discussion that night. Leo salazar from amazon watch will be here as well. We look forward to basic living in these kind of conversations on an ongoing basis so any of you have ideas for future battles and discussions talk to me. We look forward to resuming this one again because its a discussion that is not going to end in our lifetimes obviously. So thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] recently our campaign 2016 bus made a visit to pennsylvania during its primary stopping at grove city college, Slippery Rock university, washington and jefferson college, and Harrisburg Area Community colleges where officials on about our road to the white house coverage and our online interactive resources covering the campaign trail. Our bus int ended the week at wr and in where it visited middle schools to august 7, 9th graders. A special place our Cable Partners comcast and armstrong cable for the help in coordinating these visits. You can view all the winning documentaries at studentcam. Org. Next a panel of i. T. And legal professionals discuss the future of smart Home Technologies and the potential risks they pose to security and privacy. The Atlantic Council posted the 90 minute event. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the land account of my name is barry pavel, the director of the Brent Scowcroft center here and a Vice President for the council. We are thrilled to welcome you to our event Smart Designs for smart phones for the launch of a new issue brief which we have out there. Smart phones and the internet of things, and discussion also on the opportunities here that networked homes will offer to society as well as the commensurate risks that they pose a security and privacy. So it was interesting top of it will be increasingly prevalent in our daily lives but also with the broader implications. It is a thursday and this afternoon conversatios converst of our monthly cyber risk wednesday sued i will go home he tonight and tried to get a. Thursday but it is wednesday. But its the series as many of you know if you come every month is designed to contain cyber experts from berries sectors to examine topics at the core of the councils cyber mission. Today is a special cyber thursday because it is my great pleasure to announce that one of todays panelists joshua corpsman will be starting tomorrow april 1 as a good new director of our cyber statecraft initiative. Even though it is april 1 that is a true statement. Josh is also the cofounder happier than me about that. [applause] josh is also the cofounder of i am the cavalry, Grassroots Organization that encourages new security approach is in cyber space and beyond in response to the world increasing dependence on Digital Infrastructure, so sort of watch this space. The program will be heading more in the direction of todays conversation but even much further. Josh has avoided their unique approach to security and policy by connecting human factors, adversary motivation, social impact to a position as one of the most trusted names in this space. Before joining the council he served as the chief Technology Officer for selling a type, an adjunct faculty member for the Carnegie Mellon heinz called and we are really thrilled to have him do before the josh take the stage, i would also like to thank our media partner passcode from the Christian Science monitor for joining us and welcome those of you who are following the conversation online. I encourage all of you to join the conversation on twitter using the hashtag at ac cyber as well as at csm passcode. Josh will give you another account to also tweak from there and not josh, over to you. Thanks very much. All right. Thank you for all coming to my name is joshua corpsman im very excited at least for the next hour i was to be the chief Technology Officer but it was exciting start more. I think a key point in history, about three years ago we decided to try to do this i am the cavalry thing and if so was it a terrible name and in other ways its a wonderfully. But will be found as we are growingrowing more concerned abe depends on connected the dots was going much, much faster than our ability to secure. While many of the best and the brightest were going to protect credit cards in highly replaceable assets, we saw this dependence was no permeating our automobiles, medical devices, the internet of everything. We are putting software and connectivity into every aspect of our life. What we know is how richard is one just love you make something hackable. What you connected to Something Else he may get exposed. So to me the unit of things its not that software is eating the world cup its that software was infecting the world. If we want to place are depends upon we need to make sure it wasnt dependable and worthy. The name came from the recognition that cavalry isnt coming and it was a call to action to the voice of reason and technical literacy and the Research Community to say stop waiting for someone to come solve this for you. Look to your left, youre right. It is not sitting in your chair. They are not coming. I will be part of the solution and the idea was to get outside our comfort zone and go talk to Public Policy makers, the general public and affected industries were bits and bytes meet flesh and blood. We wanted to focus on the intersection of technology and human condition but more specifically where the consequences of failure include Public Safety and human life. Without much of a plan other than boldly going in that direction, we started the chain of influence and meeting with people in washington and going to places we didnt only go and speaking with people we didnt only speak with, but really with empathy at its core and the heart of an advisor we tried to bridge the divide between the Technical Community as a policy community. And just in the last three years of extreme edition weve seen the fruits of that labor. In fact, writer on the stage last march i met Susan Schwartz from the food and Drug Administration which really catalyzed a very high trust high collaboration relationship. And if any of you saw this januarys post market guidance for connected medical devices theyve done a complete 180 in their attitude towards researchers, almost requiring that medical Device Manufacturers have a positive relationship with Research Community i encouraging the adoption of coordinated Disclosure Program for vulnerability research. Weve seen the extended work and what has become clear in the meantime is if you look at the headlines, this has gone from a concern that we are worried about on the rise and one that is happening in realtime. Just a week before the security conference we saw the hack of a nissan leaf. We saw the first selfdriving car have an accident. It may have been at two miles an hour but google did hit a bus. More recently we saw it somewhere be so debilitating to hospital in hollywood, california, that they had to move patients. Potentially medical care patients. And now we are seeing yet another one which is now actively probing other hospitals. Whether they are targeted attacks are indiscriminate collateral damage, this dependence in areas affecting Public Safety and human life are coming to the forefront. I was just in munich for the sake of the comments discussing how maybe this isnt about norms and treaties between nationstates but maybe we should look at our cyber safety seat exposure, activist, people may be with less resources and less talking skills. But with more willpower to use any certain will on others. And as using recent we saw the unsealed documents confirming some iranian hackers many believing controls and a facility. So if not now, then when . What im really excited about coming here and todays topic is somewhat has to go before and we have to act quickly to know what the right thoughtful and plan full response will be to cyber safety. Im really honored to be picking up where jason healy left off with the initiative and bring a heavy focus into cyber safety. Because this is not only going to be measured, the impact will not be michigan Public Safety and human lives but also key markets like automotive, medical. If we like to avail ourselves of the safety dance as we can get them connected vehicles or if we would like to improve the state of safety care to modern technology, a critical held as the public trusts these technology. Its up to us in this room to try that conversation and make sure we dont wait for a really serious failure that scares people away from trusting these technologies that we preserve and these are the trust weve already placed upon them. In todays installment we would like to talk about a paper that was a collaboration between members of i am the cavalry and the Atlantic Council and greg lindsay on smartphones. What are some reasons you look at safety and privacy in the home with the other connected, Consumer Electronics and home alarm systems and appliances, et cetera and whether promises we want to make sure and our desire to adopt these technologies we can maintain the trust and confidence in them so we dont have a nightmare scenario. The report came out today and if you havent looked at it, if you read one and only one thing please look at the snare from 2025 with a haunted house. But we are going to get into that a little bit on the panel, so without further ado im very excited to get my first coherent at the Atlantic Council. In a different role. And lets invite our panelists up to the stage, please. We can clap for them while i do so. [applause] all right. And i will go down the line. Please wait her hand, greg lindsay. And andrea matwyshyn, and beau in internet of things and smart home devices. So if youre a special a kickstarter size project and you think youve got a 10 million potential pipeline, that is the only thing 1 million you go out of business. Your Business Model will not sustain a 90 degradation of your market. Same thing for larger players only with less severe consequences to the Business Model for some of those things may go offline. You may not have the products and Services Associate with the smart home that you thought you would when you bought it. Because of the financial impacts if we dont recognize and realize the market potential that exists for these are the projected market potential. I think thats one of the kind of hidden things that could come up in two or three years is we start to see some significant investments that have been made by corporations, i cities and connecting everything. Functionality. Thinking about those hidden costs and whether market is Rewarding Companies that are investing in security and taking care of the consumers, trusting those products with access and information. On Consumer Protection side, there is a bigger conversation playing up on some of the other comments about the question of what i Call Technology suitability, or more better problem. Sometimes fancier technology is not necessarily the Better Technology for getting a particular task accomplished. I say better with bacon, as some troops overzealous chefs think if they sprinkle bacon on everything it is that much better but if your diner is vegetarian you stealthily destroyed the diners meal. What task are we trying to accomplish when bringing a device into our home or our enterprise and how those connections facilitate or add risk to the Bigger Picture of our lives. So, lets just quickly take an example. Say im a state Department Employee. I live in d. C. And im out shopping and i see this really neat connected oven with an app and i can operate my oven from my phone. Gee whiz. Thats kind of cool and but, thinking through how the oven connects to my wifi network, what kinds of information i access from home with respect to my professional life, whether there is Sensitive Information that could potentially be compromised if the security on my internetconnected oven is not necessarily up to par and whether vulnerabilities are getting patched. Weve seen first internet ovens exist and first vulnerabilities on internet ovens. Wholly apart from the data control aspect, if you have a small child in the home for example, and the child likes to play with ire phone maybe internet connected oven with easily accessible app for your home is not necessarily the best choice at that point in your life. Thinking through the totality of circumstances and how Technology Capabilities of devices you bring into your home connect with those tasks and risks that are the realities of your existence. That is the Consumer Protection side of this puzzle. On one hand we want to reward companies in the marketplace that are doing great job and thinking about security and protecting consumers. On the other hand we want train consumers help themselves be informed and make good purchasing decisions on those Higher Quality i. T. Products. So thank you. Speaking of that, when we had lunch originally we talked about the four different products because they had four different markets and four different set of regulators, four different set of dynamicses. One was automotive safety and medical safety and infrastructure and large and difficult grab bag youve been probably researching and the last was consumer and iot in the home. We put iot in the home on the backburner with focus on Public Safety and human life. We love our privacy. We would like to be alive and enjoy it and mortal him and consequences were found in the others. It was exciting opportunity to work with the Atlantic Council and greg because we solved some. Problems with the ate motive devices. We published it on our first birthday in august of 2014. While it has fancy names the way i would describe casually to my neighbor, all systems fail. Tell your customers how you avoid failure. How you take help avoiding failure without suiting helper. How do you capture and study failure. Awe who you respond to failure and how do you contain and isolate failure. They recently published hippocratic oath for internet connected devices. We try to apply to smartphones, we have a question, this is your warning, those controls are useful but there were Additional Market enableers and service for customers that were required. What you would do to help the consuming public avoid that may endanger their familys safety and privacy. Well pose the same question to our panelists which im going to join them. All right. First question, if we got smartphones right, this is jump ball, if we got it right, i know youre are skeptical we get a smart home right or it has been a big letdown. What is the case you wa