Transcripts For CSPAN2 CSIS Previews Presidents Middle East

Transcripts For CSPAN2 CSIS Previews Presidents Middle East Trip 20170516

with respect to the national security advisor have the explanation that he offered friday it has double-digit his press briefing, the strength of the us-led multilateral system and alliances around the world has been the willingness of the us to set its goals more broadly and make contributions to and overall western alliance good, leaders of different persuasions and different cultural social political contacts. >> one final question. >> thank you. to put up with terrorism and radicalism, there are some views of the trump administration thinking of sending us troops to afghanistan, and the us administration to increase us troops in syria to fight isis, for more boots on the ground regarding fighting isis and more important us involvement in the fight in yemen? >> yemen. if you look from 2003 on, as the state department, a lot of that expanded to the point we had two security advisory missions in saudi arabia, one dealt with the national guard and the other to with regular forces, we now have one for the ministry of interior which deals with counterterrorism. preserving the flow, if you want to look at the state department reporting, reflects the views of the national counterterrorism. the partnership that is not basically is not at issue even though there have been questions about the us commitment to the gulf and saudi arabia and even when there has been a strange retrospective debate over the missing passages and congressional staff reports on 9/11 dating back to 2012, something that is a legislative issue last year. it is important to understand what the role of us forces is in syria, iraq and afghanistan. we are not talking combat units, and additional forces and it would be in the train and assist mission, for counterterrorism forces that are afghan forces. you might see a significant increase in the amount of us air support. which is not by any standard boots on the ground. he is reasonably briefed by the administration and translated, and nothing more meaningless about any security situation, and if you don't ask what men and women do and only look at the total amount of people, that hasn't been relevant for the meaningful military metric for the last 4000 years and one might consider how often you want to complete reporting of the future. syria and iraq are a different story. but not materially. what we have done over the years is go from trying to train and assist with combat units. this is limited amount of fire support. and in addition to just fighters. there is no discussion providing combat units and part of the reason, at this point in time, you have iraqi units to the level of the trade and assist mission. resistance among factions, the units that support iran. it would be politically destabilizing in iraq, and where you would put them in syria, it would occupy the political and civil stability after, you can't do that with us troops. this out hes are as aware of this as we are. we have already learned the limits of the kind of intervention that works on the ground. yemen is an extraordinarily difficult case. the fact is, when this conflict started, the uae led coalition counted on more outside ground troops. relying on airpower and limited ground forces. the end result has been a stalemate. it is not the who the which is another common misnomer, the solid faction of the yemeni military. a great deal of the yemeni armed forces backed soller, it is also a very serious internal threat between al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. the us basically again to put ground troops into the middle of the most complex ethnic sectarian forms of asymmetric war possible, is not likely to be a demand, or even a request, in terms of arabia and the uae. more carefully than collateral damage or civilian, very clear, we would like to see that improved. as part of its operations in afghanistan, highly sophisticated structures, the mixture of coniston's, communications that allow them to deal with this. russia could do better, but it is not a country with its defense budget that develops air operations at the level the united states can. countries like saudi arabia and the uae have individual air combat, but the battle of management with our exits to that. and expectation about airpower, which is demanding the united states, how much to deal with the issue, is simply not clear. they will get under the plans that already exist more precision munitions. this basically meets one basic criteria. if you don't them those conditions they will find non-precision munitions. the end result will be higher collateral damage and a lot more civilian casualties. not every arms sale adds to the problem. some of them actually add to the solution. >> with that we will call it a day. thank you for starting your week here, we take a look later in the day and have the transcript by this afternoon. if you are not on our mailing list, i will make sure you are put on. thanks for joining us. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> a senate panel examines how to improve the quality of care for those living with chronic health conditions. watch live coverage from the senate finance committee at 10:00 eastern on c-span. on c-span 3, house minority leader nancy pelosi and senators chris murphy and amy clement are speak at the center for american progress conference on national security, the economy and civic engagement. that gets underway at 9:00 eastern. you can watch both events online at or listen on the c-span radio apps. next, us saudi efforts to combat terrorism with remarks from the saudi ambassador to the united nations, saudi counterterrorism official and former us ambassador to saudi arabia. the event was hosted by the middle east policy council. >> distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon and you for joining us today for this important and timely event. my name is richard shamir, i am chairman of the board of middle

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