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Cspan picture on the road to the white house, best access to the candidates, at town Hall Meetings, speeches, rallies and meet and greets. You are taking your comments on twitter, facebook and by phone, and always every Campaign Event we cover is available on our website cspan. Org. This week president ial candidate governor Chris Christie campaigned in New Hampshire. The new Jersey Republican spoke about National Security at this twohour event in new london. [inaudible conversations] [applause] [inaudible conversations] good evening and welcome. I used to be the executive council representing new london back when it used to be in the second district. Also the former merrimack county attorney for new london. Ive got the great pleasure of introducing to you a man who i truly believe is going to make a real difference for our nation and for all these people are in this room tonight. Until this is actually 55th town hall meeting. Im not sure if thats right. [applause] i keep telling the governor if you want to see New Hampshire after its first snowfall. Is beautiful. He keeps coming at the same wing is going to happen . I think you might see him here several more times. Really its truly an honor to have governor christie here. I believe weve got a great republican ticket, a lot of people run with good ideas. One person who departs from the one writer governor christie. The one that will make you promise us tonight, the one person that will be able to keep those on day one because of his experience, tenacity and his resume as a former prosecutor in government as well. We all love america. Thats one thing we have in common here tonight adequate introduced to sheriff hilliard sheriff hilliard it will leave us the latest in the pledge of allegiance. The flag is right there. Of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And an adequate introduced, probably no stranger to all of you, walter havenstein, ran for governor in the last cycle and, unfortunately, didnt quite make it to where we wanted but great man, a great veteran and a great Lieutenant Governor of governor christie, walter havenstein. [applause] its wonderful to be back in new london. Michel holden was the First Citizen in New Hampshire to support my campaign. Michel holden is right here. First and foremost, merry christmas. Im so glad i live in the country where i can say that to you freely. Leadership matters. About six weeks ago i was talking to several hundred of my former colleagues about leadership. And the four things that we always look for in leadership, whether in the military or as a business or in our families, character first. Experience second, temperament third, and fourth, consistency. Those are the four characteristics of good leaders. Governor christie exhibits those to a t. But most important to me when i think of the president of the United States, and candidates who would ask for our vote, is someone who i would entrust my son to or my granddaughters to providing for their safety and security in this troubled world. Ladies and gentlemen, the person running for president that i would entrust my family to is governor Chris Christie. Governor, welcome. [applause] thank you. Some of the most fun ive had here in New Hampshire lash or when i came up five different times to campaign with walt and judy, he would have been and should have been the governor that New Hampshire needs now and would need in the future. His integrity, his honesty, his forthrightness may be so enthusiastic as chairman of the Republican Governors Association to come up here and invest our time and energy in supporting his candidacy. And i tell you, New Hampshire would be in much better shape today if he were in concord. Thank you for your service to our country and to the state. [applause] our chairman of the New Hampshire campaign issue, wayne mcdonald. Wayne has been with us right from the beginning and i appreciate so much his leadership and the support that he is given to me and to mary pat and her family. I want to thank the sheriff. He also has become a great friend of ours over time. Dan, thank you. Remember the early meeting when we were in the summer. It was hot and we were trying to convince people that this campaign was going someplace . You believed that i appreciate it very, very much. Senator little, this is little, thank you for so your support under endorsement. All these things are Building Blocks, foundational Building Blocks to building a Successful Campaign for president of the United States in New Hampshire and around the country. But the biggest blocks come even these folks will admit, are what we are doing right now. Doing right now is to have a group of folks like you who are willing to come out here on a monday night and give me a listen, give me a chance to try to convince you that i am the right person at this time in our countries history. And i love doing this. Dan elevated my number of New Hampshire townhalls a little bit. I love that. He got confused because 55 as an important number to me because im the 50 50 governor of new jersey. I think thats what he got 55 from. This is our 43rd town hall meeting in New Hampshire tonight. We will blow past 55 by the time we come back in the next couple of weeks, and continue to do these things. Ifad 143 of these as governor of new jersey. And i love every minute of it because it will is what keeps in touch with the people i am representing. When you were governor you cant get very taxed. You have troopers with you all the time. They ride around in these suvs. They pull you up to the backdoor ever be placed. When youre governor you never go in the front place of anyone ever get to go always in the back door someplace and ive gone through every kitchen of every place in new jersey that has a tailoring hall. You go in those backdoors and you walk to the kitchen and all of a sudden you go through a pair of doors and this whole bunch of people in the room. You live and love that of a bubble if you allow yourself to. One of the things i did early on as governor was to say to my staff, you need the after meeting will people were real people can ask the questions. Not only that i can hear whats on their mind but i can feel the mood. Because that will tell me just as much about how my leadership is being received in the state and how they feel. About where they live. Its worked great for me in new jersey and it is a tradition here. So i am suited for doing these things because ive done them and thats kind of a thing for tonight. You know, you have to have done some of these things before to know how to do the right. For 13 years ive been making decisions. Everyday, seven years as the chief federal prosecutor in new jersey, United States attorney, dangerous or turn on september 10, 2001, by president george w. Bush. Things change significantly the very next day. Force seven years i worked investigating, arresting, prosecuting and convicting terrorists in the state the loss of the second most people on september 11, and any other state in america other than the state of new york. When youre a chief federal prosecutor all you have are decisions to make. Went to open an investigation or not, when to proceed with an investigation or not, when to bring charges to a grand jury or not, would ask for the grand jury returned an indictment or not. And then had to prosecute someone and what kind of sense to request is, in fact, the person is convicted by a jury of their peers. Decisions that have a real effect on real people every day, both those who are prosecuted and the victims whose rights are protected antiquated i those prosecutions. There is no one else you can blame it on. You are accountable. You are responsible for those decisions. You are not one of a hundred or you are responsible. And i went from that job right to the governorship of new jersey, which i lovingly call an unruly state to govern. Its my home and i love it. Its where i dragged my wife 30 years ago from pennsylvania, and where we have raised our children together, but it challenges you every day. Everyday. I have a democratic legislature, 2416, for every minute of every day that ive been governor. The late think they dont wake up every morning fight to say to themselves, how do we try to make the cover happy to take with what do we do to make his life full of joy and these . Its a contentious thing. Government has contentious at times, difficult. But when you the governor you are responsible. You are the adult in the room. Youve got to forge consensus and bring people together on both sides of the aisle and get to get things done for the people who elected you. You cant say i didnt get this done because the bill was never released from the subcommittee where i offered some significant amendments which were never voted on, but if they had been voted on, then we would have gotten it to the full committee and boy, what we really have made progress been. Your eyes are glazing over, and no one is taking responsibility. Not when youre governor. When youre governor people want to know tg do it or didnt you . Are you getting this done or not . I tell you this because of 13 years of being responsible for these decisions is what we need calm in my view, right now behind the desk in the oval office. For the last seven years weve had on the job training in the white house. I guy who the largest staff he ever managed before he took the most difficult and responsible executive position in the world was 30 people. 30 people. A handful of the people in this room was the most that barack obama was ever responsible for managing. And yet as a country we give the reins of the most complex, largest, most difficult to manage a government the world has ever seen in the hands of somebody who had never made a consequential executive decision in his life. And we wonder why we are so frustrated and angry with this government. We are because they are incompetent at the basic things we wanted to do. They are incompetent to protecting our borders. They are incompetent at providing safety and security for the American People in the homeland. They are incompetent in dealing with the daytoday challenges of management that all of us who have had strong executive positions had to deal with, who to hire into to fire, how to deal with the issues that come up across the desk every day. They dont execute. You heard this week, the department of Homeland Security said 120,000 people who have been given visas had their visas revoked. Okay, where are they . We dont know. Who are they . We dont know. You know, why did you revoke them quacks who they are or where they are, whats the use of revoking them . These are the basics, everybody. When Vince Lombardi wouldve called the blocking and tackling, the basics of what you need to do that a competent team. We need to start there. We need to get back to basics in this country from a governance perspective, and i know how to do that. But the reason why its so important is because the stakes are so high. Maybe three or four weeks ago with all wouldve thought the stakes are high but not that high. After paris, after San Bernardino this level of incompetence is no longer acceptable because lives are at risk. National schools are closed today. Should schools were closed earlier in the week. This is unacceptable. And let me tell you why the School Systems closed. You can sit and argue about the nature of the threat with each one faced by do you know why theyre closing . Out of an abundance of caution. Do you know why theyre taking those actions . Because they have no faith that the federal government will protect and you didnt see School Systems closed in on it recognizes when george w. Bush was president after nine 9 11 because people believed whether they agreed or not on a particular policy that they were doing everything they could to protect the safety and security of the American People. We dont have that feeling anymore. We have a president that wants to release more prisoners from guantanamo, even though 30 of oppressors he has released already have been verified to be back in terrorist activity by soap director of national intelligence. 30 . Back in the terrorism business because he decided to release them from guantanamo. We have a president who said the other night, i dont understand the anxiety that people feel about you risen because i dont watch enough cabletv. I didnt make that up, man, he said it. And then we had the woman who wants to succeed him, who said in a debate here in New Hampshire on saturday night that as to isis, we are finally exactly what we want to be. Heres what i suggest to secretary clinton. I suggest that she suspend campaigning, get on an airplane, fly to paris, and before christmas meet with the families of the murdered victims in paris and tell them, we are exactly where we want to be as to isis. As they endure, not celebrate, endure christmas this year, without their loved one. I want her to look them in the eye and say, we are exactly where we want to be as to isis. Fact is that she is secretary happy talk. Thats her new name. Thats all going to call her from now on, secretary happy talk. You know, the slogan for this administration should be, do you believe me or your lying eyes . Because the American People see. They see quite well. And she is standing there in this state two days ago trying to tell you thats exactly where we want to be. And then Martha Raddatz three times hard after, secretary clinton, you signed the policy to remove gadhafi from libya, and now libya is in turmoil and a breeding ground for isis. What measure of responsibility do you hold for what is happening in libya . Three times she asked her, every times she refused to take any responsibility for whats happening in libya. Heres what shes a hypocrite. Because if the libya policy at work out well, if we had a burgeoning, vibrant democracy that replaced ball mark about the in libya, she would be literally setting her hair on fire and running around the stage to get you to notice that her policy was a success. Yet when its a failure, she refuses to be accountable. See, shes never been a governor. Because when something goes bad, there is nowhere else to point. Theres no other finger to point with. Something goes bad, you have to be accountable. We cannot afford to put some United States senator, democrat or republican, in the white house for the next four years. We dont know how to take responsibility they dont have to be accountable because all they did is at once in a while vote. She is the worst example of it. See, i want to be president not for the power. I would be president for the responsibility. Because i believe if you give me the responsibility that every day i will a Quick Response to in a way that will make you proud of your vote. Doesnt mean you will agree with every decision, you wont because i tell people in new jersey all the time if youre looking for the politician who will agree with you wonder of the time, heres my advice. Go home and look in the mirror. You are a. Youre the only person you agree with 100 of the time. Thats not what we should demand of people. We should demand that theyre willing to be honest, have integrity, be clear and open and accountable for what they do as a leader. Thats what ive been taught for the last 13 years. Thats what ive learned each time ive had to make a decision, the decisions that were good and the decisions that didnt go so well. Anyone who is human is going to both. Look at your own life. You know youve got them. You all wish you could take some of those decisions back. Buddy truly responsible accountable person cant. Mistakes the stakes are too high. Because of the center for developmentally disabled in San Bernardino, california, can be a target for terrorist attack, that means that everywhere in america is a target for a terrorist attack. Different world everybody. This isnt alqaeda anymore. Alqaeda wanted to do the big thing, the uss cole, american embassies, the world trade center, the pentagon, the capitol building. They wanted to do big things. Isis has said all they want is what they call sweet taste of american blood. We are dealing with a different opponent now and weve got to act carefully. We need someone who knows what they are doing. Thats exactly who i am, and what i will be if you give me the chance to be president of the United States. And i in here tonight not to give you some big long speech. Im here tonight to hear whats on your mind and answer your questions. So let me tell you what the rules are. In New Hampshire theres only one will. In new jersey when i townHall Meetings are for rules. Because its new jersey. Youve got to affordable to New Hampshire ive only made one. Erasure hand, i call on you educate asking a question. This is not like those other townhall babies under other president ial candidates hold in New Hampshire. You have to write down your questions on the way in and hand them to stop at hand them to step in have staff region and to decide which ones they are best at entry and then give me those and ive read in an end to them and everybody thinks we have a town hall meeting. I have to say the truth it would not be fair of me to name the candidate who does townHall Meetings a bad way. It wouldnt, but her initials are Hillary Rodham clinton. So we are going to give you real New Hampshire the hall meeting. I appreciate you coming and being here and i look forward to answering your questions. So raise the up and lets see who has questions. Yes, sir. And they will bring a microphone to you so that everybody in the room can you do. Good evening. Good to see you again. Heres my question. Right now our Nuclear Weapons labs are run by private corporations. Among other things they were to earn as have some a profit as they can. My question is this, should profit guide our Nuclear Weapons policy in particular, and our defense policy in general . The answer is no. But also the answer should be, i dont believe that you necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. So its a Great Company is contracting with the government and can provide the appropriate service for the people of this country in the nuclear area or other defense areas, or other areas of the government, and to make a reasonable profit while providing a good service, i have no objection to that. Im a capitalist. No objection to the. If what youre saying by your question is what will drive their condit versus how much money they make, first is whether not the job is done the right way, then that is completely unacceptable. But let me just warn everybody that some of these examples, lets stick with the nuclear example, the immediate aftermath after 9 11 was a decision made by the government to change all private security guards at our National Airports to government employees, tsa. And the idea was welcome if a government employee, they would do the job better than the privatized who obviously failed by allowing people on the planes with box covers and Everything Else. We have now seen over and over again the last six or seven years spot checks and tests have been run at the nations airports with tsa employees what theyre missing a beat90 of the weapons that are being brought on to airplanes 8090 . So i would say to you that if the premise is that if profit is put ahead of competence and service to the government and the people who are paying the bill, thats unacceptable. If, in fact, we can find a way to folks in the private sector do the job extraordinarily well, and in the process they make a profit that is not gorging, reasonable profit, im a capitalist, i have no problem with People Providing Service to the government in the private sector for a reasonable profit. But thats where management comes in. Thats when it was responsible comes in. And you have to put responsible people in charge of those issues to make those kind of determinations. And if you dont the responsible people in charge you can wind up giving the postbubble, you can get gouged and did a lousy product on top of that which is the worst of the scenario that you lay out. Along those lines i have a Christmas Present for you. How great to be in new london . This is a summary of a report on Nuclear Risk Reduction are the primary author, and does a panel of military people from around the world, chief author is marine general james cartwright. So for you i hope you find it useful. Thank you. Something to read on the bus to im driving to portsmouth willie tonight. Maybe she can read and summarize it for me. Or you go, tiny. Take it. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Look forward to reading it. Yes, sir. Up there. Welcome to New Hampshire. As a former new jersey wherefrom . [inaudible] i think one of the biggest things, the biggest threat thats facing our nation right now other than terrorism is the size of our debt. What we are leaving for our children and our grandchildren is as former candidate barack obama says, unpatriotic. Although he has tripled what he started with. What are your plans to get the Government Spending not only under control but under, reduce it to the point where we can start chipping away at the National Debt . Good question. First off let me say that as to whats happened already, just so we are clear, this president has incurred more debt during his seven years then everyone of his 42 predecessors. Every one of them combined. Yes, sir. Combined. Everyone is doing the math right now. Barack obama is the 44th president , he said 42. I want you to remember that grover cleveland, born in new jersey, was both the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. So i dont want anybody after state he can be president , he doesnt even know how many president s we have had last night i just want you to know, 22nd and 24th, just just a we e clear on that was because i saw you. He was like, man, this guy is dumb. Obama is 44 and using 42. I got it. We are covered. Hes increased the debt more than all those president s combined. Its obscene. Its obscene. And it used to be before he became president that our gdp was, that our debt was a percentage of the gdp. Our debt now exceeds gdp. Thats a bad place to be. What do i propose to do . First i am the only candidate in this race to this day still, its amazing how i proposed this in april, who is put forward a detailed entitlement reform plan. Why do i lead without . 71 of all federal spending as of today is bent on entitlements and debt service. 71 . Just give you some measure of comparison, when jack kennedy was elected president 55 years ago, it was 26 . So 55 years ago we spent 74 cents of every federal dollar on tomorrow. 55 years later we spent 71 cents of every dollar on yesterday. What we borrowed, what we need to pay folks who will no longer working. Now, people ask me why dealing with entitlement reform and a Campaign Come its the third round of american politics the anyone who touches it does. I decided im not going to touch it. Im going to get commenters why. Its like what Willie Sutton said. About why did he rob banks. He said, because thats where the money is. If you want to do with a National Debt you better do with entitlement. Remember this, debt service at a time when Interest Rates are near zero. Wait till those Interest Rates start to go back up and wait till they really start to go back a. That debt service will climb significantly. So heres the good news and the bad news. The bad news is that i have a 12point detailed entitlement plan. The good news is im not going to go over all 12point right now. You can go to Chris Christie. Com if youre having trouble sleeping, go to my website, read the plan. Its been scored by the Congressional Budget Office that it scores out saving over 1 trillion over a trillion dollars over the next industry allocated to for big points most people care about. That involves also security and medicare. Those are the two entitlement programs that are the most expensive and people care about the most. Social security,. 1 is weve got to do something that we should do in response to a blessing. A blessing is we are living longer. The average Life Expectancy of a woman to do in americas 83. The average Life Expectancy of a man is 79. She started to laugh. This lady started to laugh because they will live for years longer than us. Those. 10 years ago we were six years behind you. Now we are four. We are gaining on you. That for your vacation you hoping for at the end of her life away from us, you may not get it. You may be stuck with us the entire time. But these programs were created at the time when people died in the mid 60s. Social security is able to retire at 62, Life Expectancy was between 62 and 65. Great deal for the government. You paid the money whole life and you collected anywhere from zero to three years on the deal and they kept the rest of the money. Thats why so this could works well for a long time but because it increases in medical science and the pharmaceutical industry, just happily we are living longer lives and a better quality of lifes we need to change. We need to raise the retirement age in Social Security. I said it. I did not get struck by lightning. I say raise it to years and face it in over 25 years. That makes it will go up one month a year for 25 years. So for anybody whos on Social Security right now it doesnt affect you. For those who are close to me effective for a few months but thats all. Com my children, your children, it would be a big change. They will take the whole to your change but by the time they get there, the Life Expectancy will be longer than that. In the short term what we do is extend the absolute solvency of the program. Secondly, we have to mean that we have to mean for Social Security. What do i mean by that . If you make over 2000 a year in retirement income, you have stopped working, and from the money you have invested which would you have to at least 5 million liquid to grow 200 million to 200,000 of income can do you really need a Security Check . Think about it. I know you paid for it but heres the thing. If you are four or 5 billion in the bank when you retire, the first essays god bless you come could work. He raised his own, he worked hard, he said all that money, congratulations. The second thing i would say to you is god bless america. Its the only place in the world you could have done. Heres the problem. Our books are unbalanced. The only way you balance the books, Everybody Knows this, from a business to your own personal checkbook is even more money in our less money out. Theres no magic trick gets more money in our less money out. Heres the choice were presented with. As you heard on the democratic debate saturday night, they say take the cap off the Social Security payroll tax. You all remember that. Remember al gore saying that or the guy that played him on saturday night live. It doesnt matter for purposes of the conversation. There is nothing in the lockbox. The government has already spent all the money. They spend it. They stole that from you. So here is my question. If you had a choice between giving more money or not a government that has already lied to you and stolen from you by what you give them more because this time they really mean it . Because i swear if you give me more this time, i wont steal it . You know they will. You know the first time you have a choice between raising taxes, cutting spending or taking the pi of the money over there that nobody needs right away and nobody will notice is missing, im telling you they will do the same thing so this isnt a question i had someone stand up and say to me its entitlement, i paid. Okay. Agreed. Its gone. I didnt steal it im just the one reporting a stolen and now we have to fix it. I wont want to give this guy another nickel after how irresponsibly they stole money to begin with. The Social Security program that has grown exponentially under barack obama and was going to be bankrupt in 2015 committees to 150 billion from Social Security retirement to get Social Security disability. This isnt speculation on my part. They are doing it right now. So thats what we need to do on Social Security. On medicare we need to do the same thing. Raising it over 25 and four folks who have over 200,000 in compensation they only get a 10 subsidy on the medicare premiums, not 75 subsidies you gets no so if you are pulling in 200,000 a year, you can afford to pay a little more especially if you are getting a good program like medicare has been for most americans and providing them with healthcare. Those ideas plus a few others that are listed will save over a trillion dollars. Thats where we need to start. Second, we need to grow our economy much faster. And my answer is already getting long and i have my children with me. My youngest son is still here but my daughter is 19 and my son whos 15 and my daughter is 12 were with us for part of the weekend. I would say we are leaving to go back to school and hockey in all the and all the other things. What did you think about the town hall . They are good. I said no but do you really think and ssierra said to me your answers could be shorter. [laughter] im not going to go through the whole tax plan and Regulatory Reform pushes on the website, but we need to do those things to grow the economy more because we will never get our way out of the deficit we are in. We need to grow our way out of it. You cant just cut exclusivity. The last thing i want to you when i came in on the cutting side when they came into office we had him enough in billiondollar deficit only 29 billiondollar budget. Think about that. Thats 40 some deficit by percentage was the largest deficit for any state. 11 million out of 29. I spent six weeks, three days a week going through the budget line by line. It was a painful process and we cut 800 programs from the state budget. 800 to balance the budget. Now let me tell you i probably cut a program that you like, maybe more than one. Once. Believe me, i got the email to the phone calls. Every one of those programs was either started by a governor or a member of the legislature and they had a constituency and every time you cut somebody would say to me i understand you have to balance the budget but this program is too important to cut. What you have to do is be absolutely immune to that argument. We are selling our children with the most monumental that the world has ever seen. We have to cut spending in the federal budget. There will be programs im going to cut that you will like it if you you cannot come out of here tonight and say youre going to vote for me and then i can become president youre going to write a letter to to me or send him an email or something and say i can believe it i voted for you and them in the New Hampshire primary sent you on a rocket ship on your way to the presidency in the United States get there and you cut my program which means so much to me and my family, your terrible. Im telling you theyve already got a form letter figured out. I send it back to you, i told you i was going to do it. [laughter] very truly yours, Chris Christie, president of the United States. So. [applause] thats the way we will deal with it and i hope i get to send you that letter because if i do that means its been a pretty good year for me. How about this young lady in the back. She has a superman shirt on which attracted the immediately to her. How old are you . Lfn. What is your name . Courtney. What are you going to do if you become president what are you going to do for schools and for kids education . [applause] the most important person in your education is you. When you work hard and listen to her teacher, when you do your homework, you have the best chance to be as successful as you can be that youre not the only important person in your education. The next most important people are your parents in as president would like to do is empower your parents to make sure that they get to choose what the best education is for you. Whether it is a Public School or parochial or private school whatever they think is best i wanted to be able to choose because there is no one who loves you more or is more concerned about your future than your mom or dad. Third most important person is your teacher. I want you to have a great teacher in your classroom who has read a motivated by two things. And thats teacher knows that will be rewarded based upon how well you do so if the teacher is in the classroom and his or her students were doing really well they will be rewarded more. Thats the way it should be. Everything else in the Society Better the better you do with a better product turnout the better that you get paid. The other thing i want your teacher to know is your parents are part of the game and they are going to help the best they can to encourage you to read, to encourage you not to live your home leave your home until the last minute. [laughter] to turn off the tv every once in a while but to turn off the video games, to put down your iphone, all those things. You dont have one, do you . Thats so good. [laughter] we have a rule in our house no smartphones until you are 14. Now whats your rule, do you have one . [laughter] so i want you to get as few distractions as you can and be focused on your work. The last thing i will tell you we spent lots of money on education in this country that we are not spending it in the right way. You have a big backpack you carry every day with lots of books . Not very many books . Okay and is it heavy . Sometimes i dont think you should have to carry that back and forth every day. But i think we should do if we are going to spend this money is get you and of course this is a contradiction to what i said about smartphones that we should get you in ipad and every one of your books should be on your ipad. You can take your notes on american read your books, do everything on there and you carry it back and forth and you understand how to work it better than i do. Kids your age and my kids age, they understand stuff in this technological world so much better than we do and thats the way they learned now. We cant keep teaching kids the same way that we were taught and we are. Chairs, facing forward, a black or white board with one person standing in front and paper and pen taking notes. We were doing that back in the 18 hundreds. Technology is different now and your brain works differently than mine does. Youve been exposed to Different Things that i was never exposed to. If you need an example wait until tonight after the town meeting is over lots of people will come up and ask me for pictures and then they will have their spouse and the camera to them and he most of the time will fumble with the camera and not know how to put it on and off though though if they really took a picture or not and then hand it to courtney and courtney will say okay youre done, next. You will know how to do it instinctively. Lets use technology more it would be a great way to spend education money rather than fighting unions and applauding the contracts involve his stuff that gets in the way of teaching you. Those are the things we need to do for education in this country and if we do those things, all of us, me, your parents coming your teachers commander principles and that the government come if we do all those things together you will have the best chance to beat whatever it is you want to be. The last thing is with my mother used to tell me all the time. I can still hear it ringing in my ears if i close my eyes and lay in bed at night my mother would say to me christopher, because if you name your kid Chris Christie would want to say christopher, you wouldnt want to own up to that. [laughter] she would say christopher, you can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough. She would say to me over and over again and she was right because i worked really hard in my life and look at me im getting a run for president of the United States. Thats pretty cool. You can be whatever it is you want to be if you want to run for president or be a doctor or lawyer or you want to be an engineer if you want to go to outer space come if you want to be a teacher come if you want to be a soccer player, whatever it is you want to be if you do the work that way and work really hard but i want for you is to look in the mirror and believe what i believe when my mother told me that that you can be whatever you want to be and i believe you can be so thats what i would do for education and is a really good question. And always wear that superman shirt because it gets peoples attention. Thanks for the governor for being here in new london. My wife and i took a recent trip to Yosemite National park and i have to say that tripp has changed my viewpoint. I see them possibly leaning more to the democratic side and it seems to be mostly around Environmental Issues so i was wondering if you would be able to pledge to keep the National Parks from commercial activities such as the arctic or even New Hampshire. I would like to get your thoughts and your environmental stance. I dont think there is anybody who has a family and raise his children and loves this country that wants anything other than clean air and clean water and open spaces to people to explore and enjoy our families. I will protect the environment and i will tell you more about that so you will know what ive done. With Everything Else in life there has to be some balance. I cant be extreme, shouldnt be extremely organized or. So come in new jersey, weve done enormous things to help expand our state parks in the state to grow and thrive and given some more funding and give similar rules to protect the. We also have set up an Energy Policy where 53 of all the electricity generated in new jersey is generated by nuclear and this is a lock to keep the air cleaner. We also now are the thirdhighest solar producing state in the country. You go out tonight after this you will win a lot of drinks at the bar if you ask anybody who are the top three solar producing states in the United States you will get arizona and california come easy. See how many states get one drink for every state to the next until they get to new jersey. Now, but that has what that has done is weve partnered with the private sector to make it affordable, not what the government thinks that to partner with the private sector so that for businesses, manufacturing plans, shopping malls and homes people are using solar energy because it makes sense back to the grid and that helps them to bring some of their energy costs some of the low zero. I would build new natural gas fired plants because natural gas is a cleaner fossil fuel and its become abundantly available to us from the shale in pennsylvania. We had to build pipelines to bring that and that can be controversial at times but the alternative is to build more coal which is worse for the footprint for the quality of the air. So what do i mean by balance . People who will pose a pipeline. Okay then i say to them what is the alternative . I had this discussion today at the post and a woman wanted me to oppose a certain pipeline. I dont know enough about this to take a position one way or another but what i will tell you is i believe the states should make these decisions by the federal government commits your space coming your environment and you should make these decisions to be appreciative for the states to do it enough that the regulatory commissions are some other alphabet soup thing. You should decide what i said to her is i will give you the authority but then you better decide to do something because the Energy Crisis in New Hampshire is too high. You are exponentially higher than the rest of the country. That affects your ability to Grow Business in the state and your ability to seniors people to stay here and forth to stay here on a fixed income when the heating and electricity prices continue to go up so thats what i mean by balance. I dont want to tell New Hampshire whether they should build a northern pass. I dont want to talk them about whether or not he should about a particular pipeline but i do want to say is if i give you the authority to do something with it and make sure you do it anyway that is in a way that is responsible and balanced for the people that live here. You only need is not to have the cleanest environment is also to provide for the economic wellbeing of the people in the state as well and that continuing increasing Energy Prices i think is something that will drive people out of the state and certainly drive seniors out and businesses out and so thats the kind of approach im talking about and thats what ive done with specific examples in new jersey. Weve moved out of the reach of Greenhouse Gas initiative with was the northeastern compact because of the tax scheme that made the bills higher. We already reached the goal for 2020 by 2014 for taking this approach is not increasing taxes on you in order to do it. This toomey is a commonsense approach to protecting the environment and respecting the needs of the citizens both for their own livelihoods and the businesses they want to build in the end, im not sure thats what i would do and do and my two favorite state parks in new jersey which if you ever come through our state at different times of the year in the winter now you should come to Washingtons Crossing state park. Washington crossing state park is a beautiful state park that is right on the site of where washington crosses delaware and helps create all this. We would all be speaking with a british accent i would suspect. [laughter] and curtsy to the queen and benefits the summer i want you to come to the Island Beach State Park right on the jersey shore. It is a place where it is 12, 10, 10 a car load you can only imagine what some teenagers are in when they come down here. Its dollars a car load to get into the Island Beach State Park. It is a long 11mile Barrier Island on the jersey shore where you can drive on, fish, camp or go sit on the beach and enjoy the Atlantic Ocean for 10 a car load. Come and see that. Its one of the most beautiful beaches in the letter c. You will think that you are in nantucket or on cape cod to give you some comparison except youre in the middle of the most densely populated state in america and europe may the world we have a five minute drive away from smokey and the situation. [laughter] and it has that kind of beach. Im protecting those parks because thats part of the character of new jersey and yosemite is part of the character of this country and we have to protect those things because its part of who we are and that is one of the great things a great republican did the great republican did in our country, Teddy Roosevelt so thanks for raising the question. Ive never been asked that in 43 town Hall Meetings comes to things for asking. Im going to give you my microphone. What can you as president do to reduce the cost of an Education Beyond High School for students so they are not graduate with 80 or 100,000 of debt . Gimmick that question has been asked and 41 of the 43 town Hall Meetings. [applause] okay. Four planes, two on paying back your debt debt and two on lowering your costs, paying back your debt. It is unconscionable unconscionable now that students take out Student Loans and cannot refinance them if lower rates are available they must continue to pay the higher rate so the government can make money off your kids. Its wrong. Its unconscionable if you can find the banks to refinance your loan we should let you believe you refinance your mortgage or car loan or personal to a lower interest rate. Second we should set up a National Service option. Beyond military service, National Service industry and say to the kids as they are coming out of college if you want to serve three years in National Service to help make the community and state and country a better place, we will give you credit every year for the work you do to reduce the amount of your loans so when you then get out of toko to the private or the Public Sector workforce you dont have to make a decision about where to work. Its purely based on how much you are going to get paid. I think people are much better when they follow their passion and figured out how to make money from that not just pick a job purely based on the paycheck. It can work out but i would rather have these people after theyve been able to get educated and serve to be able to choose where they want to go to work based upon a vibrant economy and what is in their hearts about what they wanted with their lives. On the cost side, heres the problem. Remember my daughter bringing my years of shorter answers. This story is usually longer and i will truncate it as best as i cant our can our daughter sarah that we can have the shorter answers shes a 19yearold sophomore at notre dame. We got a daughter from the president of notre dame, do your parents of the first paragraph, hes a priest, father. First paragraph is basically to your parents basically dear parents, thank you for the blessing. Youve bestowed upon us by entrusting the soles of your children to have a care for their education over the next number of years. You can hear rudy playing in the background. You close your eyes you can see the golden dome, you can see touchdown jesus, your heart is pounding. How many catholics we have in the audience . Raise your hands. You know what the next paragraph is. Its the money paragraph. As soon as they get your heart pounding the moving for the money. The next thats why were so pleased to tell you to wish in this year is only going to increase 3. 9 , 1 inflation world from, 3. 9 and then he tells us thats the lowest annual increase in tuition at notre dame in 40 years. 3. 9 the lowest annual increase in tuition in 40 years and the total cost of 62,500. So, in any other normal circumstance if you have a situation where you were deciding whether something was valuable or not he make an evaluation and say okay. Its the year of a notre dame education. If you think it is today and if it isnt, you dont. Lets say i called her downstairs. The one who sent me pictures of the golden dome and she sends me pictures from the stands at Notre Dame Stadium on saturday is. She has drink the koolaid. She loves notre dame. I call her downstairs and we look at her and we say look we need an economic evaluation and we are just going to send you someplace cheaper. After the the signing of the door and that you are ruining my life, we would sit there and say okay we will figure out how to make it work. Heres the problem, the colleges know that, too they know that youre not making this decision based upon hardheaded numbers. They know that it is beaten and if there is nothing more precious to you and your life and your son or daughter and then being happy and getting the best education they can because you believe there will be between creator future for them and we were put on this earth as parents to believe that we need to give our children not only whats good better than what he had the best we can give them, colleges play on this here is what we need to do, first we need them to tell us everything they are spending this money on. The collegeville is the most opaque in the world, tuition, room and board and fees. Thats it. If you go out tonight in new london or some restaurant if you eat and have drinks and a hint of a check at the end if you flip it over and assisting the, 125 you call the waiter over and ask will you detail out what everyone had and what it cost to be the to be the college will use a where do i sign, three lines. You need to tell us and the reason is not only because we need to know that because they will be embarrassed to tell you. They are wasting money at colleges and universities all across this country of things that are monumental to them and there he goes and have nothing to do with making our kids education better. We start forcing them to tell us what they are spending it on and believe me they will start spending it differently. Second, we need to give you the chance to unbundle that bill. You pick what you pay for. Heres the things your child is going to use, things im not paying for. Its the only way to the market test on this with 98 of the people say we are not paying for the Rock Climbing Wall, and by the way youll have a Rock Climbing Wall are you kidding me. You have rocks. After a u. R. The granite state. [applause] if you have a Rock Climbing Wall. [laughter] come on, man, help me out. Iowa state, they have no rocks if they want a Rock Climbing Wall thats fine. But its like iowa putting in an artificial cornfield for you to walk through. Just go to my old in one direction or another and you will find a cornfield area to be the thing i spend a lot of time. Its like saying you cant find rocks in New Hampshire. When i said this i needed this joke and one of the newspapers today headline that said Chris Christys assault on college business. [laughter] i want to tell you something, look at the the ice the eye of a salted fitness in many ways. [laughter] this wasnt one of them okay. So we need to put you in on the bill. Now you say to yourself how are we going to get them to do it . Heres how we are going to get them to do it if you dont do those two things you do not get to participate in the federal Student Loan Program were to grant program. You want our money you tell us how you are spending it and give us a choice on how we spend hours. And the government can do that, we can and should require that because the colleges and universities are ripping us off and our kids is because they dont provide a good education but because they spend money on things they have no business spending money on it you know why . Because they know there is no bottom to what we are willing to give or borrow to help our children they are playing on our emotions and we need to put a market test on that said thats what i would do. Im just an average worker and i know a lot of our conversations have to do when we are talking about whos running for president and when we talk about you and this is no disrespect one of the things i hear all the time is how do you convince me my vote is open, and love everything youre talking about tonight how do you convince me you are not shady and that you are actually here to help us . What makes me shady . Because im from new jersey . [laughter] though i cant change that. [laughter] but its hard for me to answer that because i dont think i shady. Its almost like how do you answer a negative like why arent you, well i dont know, because im a good father and im a good husband, i was a good son and still am to my dad because anytime i could any time i could have been out making a fortune in a lot of other ways ive decided to keep the last 13 years of my life to public service. Having my wife out to earn me every year and i mean every year of our marriage she has made more than me. But that is a sacrifice that we have made together. I tell things as i see them and sometimes people like that and sometimes they dont. Like when i told people get the hell off the beach when the hurricane was coming, some people like it into some people dont. When a protester after i told him for different kinds he could have a private meeting with me to talk about whatever it is he was yelling at me about what ensued down and shut up i told him to sit down and shut up. Some people like that, some people dont. I get that. But in the end, id never been accused ever abusing the public trust to put money in my own pocket. Ive never been accused of doing anything criminal. Ive never been accused of doing anything that was in my own personal interest rather than the public interest. You can disagree with my decisions about what i think its in the public interest, but it didnt benefit me personally, its just my opinion. When you get elected you have the right to make those decisions on your behalf if you dont like my decisions, vote me off. Thats what democracy is all about. But its hard beyond that for me to answer for you why i am not shady. Its like we have to get over in some respects because someone yelled out because im from new jersey. We have to get over these regional things. This country has got to respect each and every place that is part of america for its differences with. Lets talk about new jersey for a second. If all you do is watch tv i understand why you might think that new jersey is shady. Tony soprano, snooky into at the situation from jersey shore. New jersey in Popular Culture is exaggerated. The weekly. Tony soprano is out wandering around new jersey. I cant tell you how many times i have people tell me you know tony soprano and i tell them you know hes a fictional character, right. I knew james before he passed away but he was a nice italian guy from new jersey that went to rutgers and became an actor and played tony soprano. Snooky and the situation are from new york. Yes, staten island. They parachuted those people into new jersey to our beach and make you all think they are from new jersey. I still ask him take you all the time because the six take them back. She wrote a book and one of the first chapters is why governor Chris Christy hates me during a snooky. I said to her i dont eat you i just dont want you here because you make people think bad things about our state. Our state is a tough working class state. We are also by the way the second wealthiest per capita in america. We were the most densely populated america. 8. 9 Million People in a little thin this big. We are also the most ethnically diverse state in the country. More different ethnicities live together in new jersey than any state in america. We have the second most Muslim Americans than any state in america other than michigan. If the watch tv you think theres a bunch of italian people hanging out eating pizza. Not the case. So in the end, the best advice i can give you beyond telling you that is you have to use your gut. It tells you im not your cup of tea, dont vote for me because im not going to change. This is who i am and its where im from and its how i was raised and there should be some comfort in that for you because im not going to change what i believe to try to get your vote and im not going to change by him to try to get your vote but i will tell you is that if im not your guy for the good news is theres 12 others to pick from this year. I would never want you to vote for me if you didnt trust me because in the end, the boat gets me to the white house but if i dont have your trust and confidence i got to be a successful president in any time i make a decision you will wonder if you made the right decision. When you go to the voting booth on february 9, you or anybody else here, i want you to vote for me because he be leaving your heart as best as you can bet ie and the best person to be president of the United States. If over the next six weeks i bring you over i will be thrilled. Its not if not, you better vote anyway because it is your responsibility and if it means you are going to vote for one of the others come i can list the ones i would like you to vote for. [laughter] but i appreciate you asking the question. I appreciate you being honest enough. That is the best way i can answer it and if it gives you any light into who into im, great and who i am, great and if it doesnt come it was my best shot. I took my best shot and thanks for asking the question. [applause] governor, my wife and i just came from brookside, she told me to stand. I always do with my wife tells me. [laughter] we came from brookside, lived there for 45 years, you know where that is. New jersey is probably pretty close to the bluest state and view came from probably one of the most republican counties in the country, number one or number two and are very successful in telling the stories and people in new jersey followed you. How do you do that in a lot of these other states that obviously are larger than we are . So you all know, brookside is a community in our hometown, it is a post office address, brookside but its in our town in new jersey where we all live so we are neighbors before you stole him. [laughter] people say i used to live in new jersey. Thank you. [laughter] heres how. We were there and you know. How anyone in new jersey as we just said to folks heres the truth as we see it and we said it in a very direct way. We didnt ask words of anybody coming into the didnt for a second, not for a second try to change our views to adjust to what we thought people in the blue states wanted to hear. He just said listen, here are the problems and the solutions i think we need to do to try to make the state a better place. And people listen. Part of it is because im one of them. They kind of looked at me and said he understands this place and we are going to trust him to be a part of it was the heated the last guy. Sometimes you benefit from your opponent, and i did. I benefited from my opponent, too. And i think the rest of it was hard work. I got to meet a lot of people who maybe had preconceived notions that you could dispel if they got to see you or hear from you. How do we do that in a country . Its harder. But lets remember something. Right now 31 of the 50 states are governed by republican governors. 31 of 50. We have more republican state legislators today than we have had in over 40 years. We have a republican majority in the House Republican majority in the senate. Its the idea that the Republican National party is meticulous. We have to nominate their candidates and we have to work harder and campaign in places where we are uncomfortable. I dont think republican candidate for president should go to any chambers, lunches or dinners. Dont go. It boosts their ego. You go in a standing ovation on the way in. A couple of times, standing ovation. On the way out from a standing ovation. You feel great. It didnt pick up any new vote must likely. When i got elected and remember i got elected the first time in a threeway race on four and a half points, 49. 5 to 49. I knew if i did nothing different next time i would be the former governor. Theyve agreed to give me a threeway base the next month and i would be oneonone against a democrat and i was going to have to do better. So what did we do . We spent a lot of time in African American churches in our state. You know why . Because those have been the most reliable democratic vote in america for the last 50 years. And every time the democrats coming to an africanamerican church they say we are going to give you safer streets and better schools. How is it working. Thats all i said when i went there. Most of the time i just sat and listened but when i spoke thats what i said. The Democratic Party promised better streets and safer schools. Have they delivered . Into the heavens delivered what makes you think they will deliver this year . Why dont you give somebody else a chance . We went into hispanic neighborhoods come into their churches and Small Businesses and sat and listened. Or they didnt want to talk to me because they had a republican come there for a long time. We have to campaign in places we are uncomfortable and we better have our listening ears on. Whether its your vote or anybody elses, listened then you can talk about what you dream and that your aspirations are for you or your country. Last i would say to you that we have to be smart about opening up our hearts. Republicans can be seen as hardhearted numbers people. We dont care as much as the democrats do. Thats baloney. I bet plenty of care just as much as democrats. We have to open our hearts and show people. I used to tell mitt romney all the time i wish he would just crack open your chest and show america your heart because if you did youd be president of the United States. He was uncomfortable doing it. People will see my heart and know what i feel and people in America Today need to see that. They dont only want to know what you know but what you feel and if they feel the president feels the same thing. They have a better chance of voting for somebody who they think deals as well as things and republicans have gotten a bad rap on that for a while. He have to be willing to do that, and when you do that you might lose and then it really hurts because if you lose and people dont click with you think but if you lose because they think you are shady or because they dont believe whats in here, thats more personal. But then you have no business running for president of the United States comes with its the way that we do it. And i like my odds if im on that stage next september. 49. 5 in 2009 and 2013 after the governing as conservative in new jersey and doing the things for four years, 61 of the vote in the state barack obama got 59 the year before he got 59 and i got 61 for next year. I won the hispanic vote 51 in new jersey. A 22 of the africanamerican vote up from 9 four years earlier. And 57 of the female vote against an 18 year female state senator. In the end if you walk away from today nothing else can just remember this, i know how to win. And if we dont find this we wont recognize the country in four years. There are no silver medals in this business. You either win or you go home. And i am out to win because our election cannot afford to have another two years of a democratic president. Thats all i will say. [applause] my staff is telling me i can take one more question which means i can take to. [laughter] heres why, first because i want them to know im still the loss. Second, has anybody in here run for president . You did. You are a little young. Let me tell you what running for president is like. The running for president is being surrounded every day by people that are younger than you and they tell you where to go and what to do every minute of the day. The only place that i am free from the tierney of the young is right here when i stand in the middle of the room i see as the tierney of the young. They cant tell me. They dont have a big hook to pull me off. I get to keep going if i want to keep going. My wife can tell me to stop but none of the rest of them can tell me to stop. So we are going to take two questions. This gentleman over here. Thank you. Governor, as president , what would you do to pressure the countries in the middle east to put a significant roots on the ground against isis . I would ask in the first 100 days King Abdullah of jordan, the leaders of the saudi family, the head of the emirates and of the leaders of egypt individually to come to the United States and meet with me and i would ask them, i would give them the opportunity to vent, they have a lot to do because the president has lied to them consistently. He got in bed with their mortal enemy iran and had given them 150 billion in sanctions relief which these countries are convinced iran is going to use to sponsor or terrorism against their nations so they need to vent a little bit first. They need to take the measure of the end node they can count now they can count on my word. When i give them a word i will stand by it regardless of where the polls are. Regardless of where im from if it is popular or unpopular in my own country i had to stick by a word. The best example of that is where he promised that if they used chemical weapons on his people, he would attack coming and he did not. And those other countries now are looking at the mess for the president refused to act and didnt keep his word couldnt keep his word and there are millions of refugees running to europe and isis all throughout and saying to themselves how can we count on the United States anymore and i have to earn their trust. Then my third job will be to convince them that this threat is just as great if not greater for them than it is to us. And that if they dont do it that im not doing it on my own. They need to know im willing to be their partner but i am not willing to be so low front man. The need to know this is a solo partnership and i have to work to get into trust me that is going to take a little time, everybody, because they have been lied to by this president for seven years. And they need to hear the truth. I dont think they are as reluctant as one might suspect. King abdullah watched his pilot burned alive in a cage by isis. He wants to take action against these people. The royal family has been present all the time by radical Islamic Jihad is like those in isis. So are the leaders in egypt into the martial law has already taken out the Muslim Brotherhood and they continue to fight with him today. They know what a radical Islamic Jihad is some looks like. It isnt going to take what you think that it will take some trust and right now they dont have it. They are entitled not to have it. What are we doing in bed with iran that this is a country that chances to america and still does. This is a country that stones women in the street at the order of their husbands. This is a country that hangs homosexuals from cranes in the center of tehran because of their sexual orientation. This is a country that is the largest sponsor of state terrorism in the world and that is developing Nuclear Weapons. This is a country that is testing longrange missiles and they dont need them to shoot at israel. This is a country that says israel will be wiped off the map in 25 years. The president is doing business with this country is beyond me. I dont understand it. Its contrary to contrary to every value that the white house americans. But if youre in the sunni arab world who are saying to yourself be made a deal with them and if this money he wants to be friends with them more than i was thats whats going on right now. Its more complex and difficult to unwind but its not difficult to understand. And i think as president and what i will be able to do is have them sit across from the learned something that most people in new jersey learned over the time they know me. You can see Different Things about me and things you havent said about the overtime. Misunderstood is not one of them and i think all of you have experienced tonight. You can agree with what i say or disagree but you wont come out i wonder what hes thought about that. I wonder if he was willing to answer the question when he was dodging that one. He might say i dont like them but they are not going to say that hes misunderstood. The leaders of the world will not see me as misunderstood. They will know what im willing to do and not and i will be good to my word because ive always been. But you are right we cannot defeat isis without the help of sunni arab nations if they dont have the help it will be impossible for us to be able to do that credibly on our own. And with our european allies, too note that folks of france recognized in minnesotas Great Britain and others. Does the job of the president is to lead, persuade, cajole. Use every tool at your disposal as the commanderinchief of the largest army in the world and is the president of the greatest most generous people that have ever walked the earth those are powerful tools. I grew up here in new london. I was a sophomore in High High School when a man entered the town office in newberry the next town over and opened fire with a semi automatic weapon told the mother of two friends of mine my wife and i now live in southern california. It may score points to mention isis and the threats to america and all this, but when the Washington Post and the New York Times released studies that say more people buy homegrown extremists banned by International Terrorists and what can you do based on the record gun control isnt everything. What can you do to win the hearts and minds of people to loosen the grip of the deadly weapons. What i learned as a prosecutor coming about me start off by agreeing that violence is a threat. First question is how do you address it. Violence handguns is as a friend. Heres what i learned as a prosecutor it comes almost all the time from criminals who get their guns through the black market who are intent on other crimes to be perpetrated along with the crime of violence they are perpetrating and one of the things needed for the Bush Administration was to crack down hard on felons who commit crimes with guns. There were significant laws on the books already in possession of a weapon that get a mandatory getting mandatory fiveyear prison sentence with no parole and as you commit other crimes is stacks on top of it. We need to get these sociopaths off the street and start with that so if you look at the crime of new york city right now in the murder rate a team present murder rate increase in chicago doubledigit increase of the murder rate in los angeles what you know is that the predominance of gun violence is being done by hardened criminals now what gets the most publicity in spurts are the Mass Shootings. I would separate things like buying and sandy hook from San Bernardino. San bernardino was influenced and inspired by kicker missed activities terrorist activities. I dont think those People Killed at the folks at San Bernardino because they are mentally ill. I think it is what theyre perverse interpretation of what the religion drove them to do. Thats when just need to intervene before it happens. And for that we need greater intelligence commit rate or lawenforcement activity in that regard. Places like columbine and sandy hook, we could go through a whole list of them and the one that you mentioned here as well is almost exclusively occurs by someone who is mentally ill and who is either noncompliant with their medication or not even treated at all for their Mental Illness. Sandy hook for instance, they were owned legally created another had gone through background checks and she had bought them and kept them in the house. She had a mentally disturbed son which a lot of people knew she had Mental Health issues. No one said anything about it. Not physicians, not neighbors, friends with another. Another was the first victim of the Mental Illness as you will remember. The first thing he did to stoke those guns and killed his own mother and convince poor children at sandy hook and then himself. We have to get real about Mental Illness in this country as it relates to violence. All other things as well well but certainly as it relates to violence. We put forward walls of new jersey that you referenced some of which now say doctors could have a greater ability to involuntarily commit people who are noncompliant with their medication or are speaking out violently at the history of Mental Health issues. We need to give doctors the ability to do that. Because often times, families are shamed, they are full of shame because of Mental Health issues. They dont want to talk about it or seek advice for it from physicians or friends and they let it go. Whether it is the kids in columbine or the kids and sandy hook unit of the interviews afterwards like yeah we knew there was a problem. While we need to do something about it. The thing im worried about with more gun control laws is that we have so many on the books now. They are kind of like cotton candy after a while. You get a little sugar high after it happens at it in half an hour later you dont even remember that you ate it because its done nothing for you. We are concerned with more gun control laws that we are treating not the cause of the illness but we are just reacting to the result. The folks from San Bernardino but those guns illegally. Part of the problem on the terrorism side is that we are not using all of the intelligence that we have when the government says they wont look as a matter of policy on peoples facebook pages. Lets get real everybody. We have to start doing that stuff and get a Broad Authority to the Intelligence Community and intervened but for the daytoday violence against the random shootings, connected to crime or completely unconnected from the streets of the cities whether it is the Mass Shootings almost always have in the suburbs, we need to deal with those problems directly and get an attorney general who will make a priori prosecuting the crime in this country. President bush and John Ashcroft are altogether as attorneys in the first four months of 2002 when you were one year into the administration has said he will make a priori your office and we want to see statistics to back that up as we move forward. When you look at the record they got what he they asked for and helped make america safer. Most burdened and inconvenienced by conditional gun control laws are lawabiding people who want ithese are selfdefense or for hunting or for collection who have no into a music in a way towards violence towards another human being. It is a constitutional right. It is the second a minute. I dont think the founders like pick the order of the minutes out of a hat. Like the First Amendment is pretty important, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, no establishment of religion. The big east. The Second Amendment was the Second Amendment for a reason. Because theyre concerned about a strong centralized government, National Government that would commit tyranny over the people. They wanted to give people the right to bear so that if the government ever got completely out of control people could take ththeir government back. Its an important amendment. It does to me it is absolute. You cant yell fire in a crowded theater. And no one who has an extensive criminal record should have a right to buy a gun. But just putting another set of gun control laws on the books is not going to make a safer. We have to do with the Mental Health issues that underlie these problems. Because every one of these Mass Shootings, the kid in colorado who shot up the theater, put the orange wig on and the crazy eyes, like you new. The minute you saw, oh, man, this poor kid. But nobody paid attention to and nobody got help for. The only people in worse shape than him with the people he murdered. So we need to do with it. Thats my view on the. Its a more complicated nuance to answer yes, lets ban guns but its one that will actually work and thats what we should be focused on. I have to tell you its an important question. The issues you raised tonight, in new london yo you raise issus deny that it cannot raise except for the student that stuff, interesting to be a gennaker up to a lot of different questions that i got before. Thats what make these things so great is that you all spend the time to figure out what you want to ask me beforehand and they are really, really good questions. I want to first thank you for coming tonight. Really important. I talk to people all the time. To ask you what its like to run for president in New Hampshire. I tell them if youve gotten a cynical about politics, if youve gotten cynical about politics and you think our system can work any more, come to New Hampshire. Because they wouldnt believe all the people here tonight on a monday night before christmas to take the time to listen to the candidate for president , thoughtfully inconsiderately and honestly. That gives me great faith and hope in our democracy. You folks are going to get the job done the right way. The last thing i wanted to is this because i want to further address your question. And you know, you can go on my website. I hope you do. I was only teasing about the falling asleep thing. You might a little bit is not right away. They are selects pictures and other stuff on the mit be going you going for a little while, a just a list of proposals, a bunch of white papers, are not going to kill you exclusively who you should vote for for president. That list of proposals is important. Its a roadmap for what kind of a president ill try to be. But its not the only thing because i suspect that many of you were in a town hall meeting in 1999, in 2000 when george w. Bush was running for the republican nomination for president. And i suspect that if you asked him this question. Governor, if 19 people were two hijacked four commercial airliners on the same morning, take them over and fly them, to into the world trade center, one into the pentagon and one crushing the to field in shanksville, pennsylvania, killing nearly 3000 americans, what would you do . I suspect none of you had the foresight to ask that question, right . So if we agree that i cant predict everything thats going to happen, and, therefore, i cant address it on a website, then what do we do . How do we make that selection . I will tell you in my heart when that happens i believe that george w. Bush has the character and strength to deal with the attack and to protect our country. Why did i think that . Because i got to do all of that during that campaign who he was. Not just what he believed that who he was. This gentlemans question gives me the opportunity to do that. Heres who i am. I am the product of an irish father and a sicilian mother. For those of you chuckling, you understand what that means. That means that the oldest child in the family, i became expert at dispute resolution at a very early age. This was an emotional household to grow up in. My dad is 82. He was here in New Hampshire. I did a bunch of town halls this weekend and make trips around the state riding on this great post i pulled up in here tonight. My father refused to come on the bus. He wanted to go door to door. He went door to door in exeter. I mean, my 82 euros public, this is the kind of guy he is. He is loving, outgoing, gregarious. If he were here he would hug you. He would begin to tell you embarrassing stories about me when i was going up and hes one of these outgoing, wonderful guys. Im really blessed to have been. We live stream these things over the internet signup he he is w back on. He went back on last night at the jersey shore and is watching this tonight. Hope your feet dont hurt too much for walking doortodoor. I always told my dad as much as a loving and automobile of life, my father is merely a passenger. My mother was the driver. Mom was judge, jury and executioner. She liked that last one the best pictures and all the rules in our house. My sister posted a picture today on facebook that we were looking at on the bus of the time when my mother really one of every time that my mother was soft and easy. Showed a picture of us in her home on Christmas Day when angela was probably no more than two years old. Indicate a great feeling, great memory to see the picture of my mum again. But mom said all the rules, all the rules. And the biggest will choose that was there is a suffered in silence in this house. Now, i believe she established the most Important Role because she used it the most. If my mother had a complaint or concern, a cry, and argument, she said it. She said loudly come directly repeatedly. At a time for god to become a teenager when had the gumption to push back a little bit i used aas imam, i did all didnt comel right, stop, i do want it anymore. She would say no, you will hear it now. I need to get this off my chest. The art chest. The are no doubt that confessions and his family. You are going to hear it right now. Thats the way she raised us. That you need to tell your loved ones except what youre thinking and feeling. I had a sicilian mother, 11 years ago my mom passed away. She was diagnosed on valentines day of 2004 with lung cancer. Chip in a lifetime smoker. Started smoking when she was 16. In 1940 before anyone knew it was bad for you. She got addicted and should lead to quicker i used to watch how frustrated she was. She tried the gum, the patches. Even tried hypnosis. Now, that was good for us because it took the edge offer for all of that for a while but it did anything for the smoking so she stopped taking the hypnosis. And, finallyhypnosis. And, finally, on valentines day up to the fortunes diagnosed with lung cancer. For any of you will go through this you know that kind of cant get it to be very aggressive or very slow. Unfortunately, my moms case it was very, very aggressive. I the end of april of 2004 she was very ill. I was off at the u. S. Attorneys National Conference in san diego and my younger brother called me and said listen, the doctors have put waupaca hospital, shes really bad and they said if you want to see urgent you need to come home now. So i got on the redeye flight that night from san diego, flew across the country overnight, landed in Newark Airport and drove the car over to the hospital where she was in livingston, new jersey, a town where i grew up. And i got there and they start to give her morphine. For those of you going through losing a loved one to cancel you know thats the last step. They are just kind of make her comfortable. She was in and out of sleep so i sat there for a little while and then finally she woke up, and he was so typical of my mom. She didnt see me for a week. No hello or how are you are whatever. She said what it is a . I said good morning, bob, good to see you, good to be home. Glad to see your a week. Its friday. She said what time is a . I think its 93038. She said go to work. I said, mom, i just flew across the whole cartridges you today. Im taking today off, spending the day with you. She said christopher, it is the work day. Go to work. Mom, what are you afraid, not getting your taxpayers monies worth . I will make up the time, dont worry about. She reached over and grabbed my hand and she said to me, though to work. Its where you belong. Theres nothing left unsaid between us. Other than the birth of our four children, it was the single most powerful moment of my life. My mother was giving permission to let her go. And as i sat there, i said to myself, shes right again. Again. Because she raised us i can tell you how many times she said that line there will be no deathbed confessions. You are going to hear it now. She turned out to be right. Every grievance was aired. Every joy we shared. There were no secrets. I knew everything i needed to know about her and she knew everything she needed to know about me. I know she loved me. And she knew that i loved her. And so i did as i was told. I got up and i kissed her on afford it and i said okay, mom, ill go to work. She looked up at me and she said, good boy. And a as older son in the stomah of the oldest child in a family, i got up and walked out of that hospital room. Three hours later she went into a coma. Three days later she died. I never spoke to her again. But i have no regrets. Because i lived my life the way she asked me, she taught me to be. And thats what you need to know. See, because now if you wonder what i say get the hell off the beach, or sit down and shut up, you know, with trump in the race im only the second most psychoanalyzed in the race. Which is still pretty good after 13. But you dont have to wonder anymore. You now know its for. Thats what i do it. Its her. Thats what she taught me to be. My mother taught me, you tell people what you think and what you do. You do not hold back. Add a note if my mother were still alive to see the circus but my life has become, she would have a lot to say, a lot to see. Out to you two things i know for sure the first thing she would say is, so, you are running for president of the United States, mr. Big shot. Dont get big with me. I changed her diaper. I know who you are. My mother would want me to keep my head, shoulders and my feet on the ground. It was important to her that her children be grounded. The second thing i know she would say is listen, if youre going to do this, if you could ask each people for the most trusting get taken did anyone, outside the family, you better tell them everything. You better tell the exact which are thinking and exactly how you feel because in a trusting relationship thats what we do. And so thats who i am. And thats who i will be. If you give me the chance to be president he will never have to wonder what i think the effect of sure there will be some days you just turn off the tv because you have heard enough. You will not have to wonder how im feeling because youll see. I dont hide my emotions well. I wasnt taught that way. So you will see how i feel. You will never have to wonder what im willing to fight for comment because you will see it right in front of your eyes. And in that you have never have to wonder how hard i am willing to fight for you because you are watching me do it right now. Theres nothing harder in politics and running for president of the United States. If you want to win the have to fight hard. You can be damn sure if i fight that hard to get there, im not going to stop fighting once i get there. Im going to keep fighting for a country that i believe deserves that fight i dont think you would be her tonight if he didnt think that this country did deserve that fight as well. So this is an entertaining campaign. Really entertaining. You know, governors, former governors, senators, businesspeople, a character, weve had it all. Very entertaining and to be a part of to watch. But you know what, showtime is over. Its game time. Its again time for this country. And you are amongst the most powerful people in the world because youre going to take this race from 13 candidates down to four or five in six weeks. Six weeks from tomorrow. New hampshire has got the power, authority and responsibility in your hands. You are going to pick for the other 48 states who they get to choose from for the next president of the United States. We are not picking an entertainer in chief. Where picking a commander in chief. You need to have somebody you know who can do that job. Thats who i am your thats who i want to be. If you give me the chance to do it i will work as hard as i can every day to make you proud of the uk they. So i ask her your vote. I ask for your trust and your confidence, and i thank you for coming tonight very, very much. Thank you all. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] cspan take you on the road to the white house. Best access to the candidates at town Hall Meetings, speeches, rallies and the increase. We are taking your comments on twitter, facebook and by phone. And always every Campaign Event we cover is available on our website cspan. Org. Three days of future programming this Holiday Weekend on cspan. Friday at seven eastern Congressional Republican leaders honoring former Vice President dick cheney at the capitol with the unveiling of a marble bust in the emancipation of the spirit when the Vice President had his critics going off the deep end as they often did he asked his wife, does it bug you when people refer to me as darth vader . And she said no, it humanizes you. [laughter] [applause] saturday at 8 30 p. M. Eastern an in depth look at policing in minority communities. Speakers include former st. Louis blues officer hudson, the olympics, and washington, d. C. Police chief. Most people get defensive if they feel like you are being offensive. So being very respectful, you know, encounters and requests because if its not a crisis, if its a dangerous situation request versus demand. Those things that change the dynamics a little bit. Sunday afternoon race and the criminal Justice System with white a Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and others. Then portions of this years washington ideas festival. We got to banish the word he is hoping that home. Right . Helping is not actually taking the burden off you. You are still figuring out what needs to be done and youre asking him to help. He is not the aging. Is the assistant. If were going to get to where we need to go, then to have to be lead parents are fully equal coparent. For a complete schedule go to cspan. Org. Next a townhall meeting with democratic president ial candidate Martin Omalley in madbury, New Hampshire. This event took place after the former Maryland Governor participate in the third democratic debate last saturday. Hello, everybody. At ease, at ease. How are you . Thank you. Hello, will. Hows it going . Where as our host and hostess . Right there. Jennifer wilhelm. Thanks a lot for

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