Transcripts For CSPAN2 Charles Love Race Crazy - BLM 1619 An

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Charles Love Race Crazy - BLM 1619 And The Progressive Racism Movement 20220831

excellence, i'm sorry. seeking educational alexcellence, a nonprofit that empowers disadvantage students to reach their full potential. he is most of the charles love shown on am 560 the answer most of the public bold podcast. charles is a scholar at the 1776 unites interpreting writer city journals and author of now three books, the latest race crazy comes on on tuesday. he has his work has been featured in new york post, real clear politics, newsweek and on therush limbaugh show . he has appeared on fox news, newsmax and various radio programs , podcasts and local tv shows. he writes frequently on race, politics, current events and cultural issues and is passionate about solutions rather thanpolitical partisan is my pleasure to introduce charles love . [applause] >> thank you, let me adjust this because i know some say i can be loud and i apologize in advance because i speak a little fast. i'm a quick talker, i'll try to be slower but i wanted to be able to allow you to ask questions and speak at the end so what i want to do here today is talk about the book why i wrote it, what it's about, who the target audiences and let you have some questions and talk about that at theend but before i talk about the book i wanted to talk about how i ended up here . so i like many of you and just a regular guy going about my life what was happening but not really so concerned with it. and i wrote my first book, stephanie mentioned i wrote three books for the first it off as a collection of notes and after obama had one and my friends were talking about politics and they had done that before but what they were saying and i kind of like the history but it didn't make sense so i wrote the book the truth about blacks in the republican party but it wasn't really an endorsement of the republican party. because i wasn't a republican at the time. then i was but now i'm not again but i wrote it because i said if f you are a liberal or you have liberal ideals or you want to book with a democrat because they align with your beliefs that you should do that because that's what this country is about but i didn't believe they were believing this bogeyman view of republicans so i wrote that to debunk myths that they were sharing amongst themselves about republicans but i just went back to my life and didn't do anything else and then i noted the culture was shifting in dramatic fashion and i said no one's talking about this the way i think it should be talked about so i said i got busy life and a wife and kids and a job like anyone else so if i'm going to do this i need to be saying the other people are saying so i wrote my last book, we want equality. how the asfight for equality gave way to preference and the way point was we used to have legitimate fights and the best proof that things are better now is thatt,people are manufacturing fights . so i take the things that they say and then i would say but is it true and a different approach that i i take to, i like many conservatives write about what the left does that i disagree with. so they say this and this is wrong and i do the same thing but i don't do it in attack mode but beyond that i have a second argument where i say let's them their arguments so let's assume you're right. now you can't debate me because i'm not saying you're wrong, we agree that where whatever they're doing, police are hunting down black people so let's assume that's true and simply asked is what you're doing going to lead to solutions s? it's that simple. even ifyou're right we're still in trouble because eryou're not focused on the solutions. that was the point of the book . i was fortunate after writing the book and meeting people at 560, i was the odd man out. i was talking about culture wars and everybody else was saying something in politics and is important, we all here politics is downstream from culture but were already talking about the downstream i kept going about my business, pushing on and it was fine until 2020. now george floyd is killed and it's an election year.r. everybody is even doubling down on the political stuff in here and i am talking about the culture and it came out in 18 and i was saying this culture is going to shift further to the left and it's going to be incredibly toxic and about race and about five or six years is what i thought and the george floyd thing just kind of accelerated it so i got an opportunity. i had moved to new york and i was like let's see what i do next and sean thompson who you all know how the opportunity to sit in for steve cordray because he went to work for trump so i took over his show the liberty hour. if you listen to his show, his sho'is all constitution and politics . cigar in one handand the constitution in the other . i was doing 13 weeks leading up to the election. i'm building my own approach, i don't want to shift, what do you want me to do and they said do the show the way you do the show so here i am having into sean's partisan political shoes. so people were calling me and why are you talking about this race thing, we already know what to do. we got the blueprints from the movement,martin luther king's words or from the bible . i love my neighbor as i love myself so what's the problem? my argument was that that makes sense and it's logical but you're not dealing with logic . if you're not talking about race and theyare talking about race , you lose the race conversation. eit's like politics, schools and everything else. if you're a republican and tyou wonder why blacks agree with you on certain issues but they don't vote for you. you don't go to the black community and all they hear oo is the democrat in the community telling them what you believe and i'm telling you it's not and you're not there to ncdefend yourself so i kept going along with the culture and i said this is what'sgoing to happen . the other piece because seeking education excellence we work on education so i have a lot of talking about how we fix the problems in education and we talked about an issuewhether it's discipline, whether it's the curriculum .it's a country as a whole sliding behind the rest of the world they were all saying i think you get to the end what do we do and they all say it's pro-choice and i'd say wrong. and it's not because i'm not an advocate for school choice, i am written what i said was what you're missing and this iswhere i become president . what you're missing is that while you're in this life and the other side is opposing you like, fighting against choice. you have wind in other places, you're going to win over the country and say we won this thing and you're going to find out thatbecause you weren't paying attention to the culture ,you're going to laugh . what you're going to find is those vouchers you get to go to these better schools, you're going to be sending these disadvantaged kids to schools that are just as bad as the school they were in, their cleaner, their safer but they're teaching the same toxic ideology that you're trying to get an out of and look at what were doing today look at what the main argument is . and how i shouldn't say because it's cool but i told you so. rinow what? so i wrote, i was writing about what was going on when george floyd was killed. i wrote an article because i think i called it white wilderness about whites who felt theyshould speak for blacks and they were speaking in extreme matters and it doesn't mean there are not issues in the black community . and races out there who think whatever they think or some things in the system that need to be changed but they were all absolutes. all blacks are being hunted down, all blacks are ibeing shot in the streets, all blacks are in the criminal justice system and they're wrong, even if you think this is an issue so i wrote this article and i just started and this one just went viral and they picked it up andmade it and rush limbaugh already on the show . so then i said okay, what is missing. that's where race crazy came from. i wanted to talk about what i call in the book the progressive races movement eand i always say don't put adjectives in frontof the things . you can't t say social justice, if youwant justice you just want justice , why you need socialin front of it ? but this is kind of a play on that. i say progressive races when really it's racism but i call it progressive because in their mind they do the same thing racist of 1840 said i am whites, blacks are inferior so we must separate them. we say that's racist and the guys today say whites are inherently bad , their whiteness is being censored everywhere and we need to break that up and separates the country from that and we need whites to admit that they're guilty and on this guilt for from 50 yearsago. so saying they're genetically different is the same thing the other peopleare saying . it's different because our intent is different . we're doing it from a good place so it's not racist, and i say fine, it's progressive racism, that's what it is. and i figured the two best examples i can use would be blm in the 1619 project and re blm i wrote about four and i took the same approach. i said blm is wrong, i write about how it's a false premise and are there issues, are we being hunted down, no . are we indiscriminately shooting like men, number can you prove it, yes . you complain about mass incarceration by saying how did they get there. because if the police want to hunt down a black man the easiest ones to shoot would be the ones who break the law yet somehow they end up in jail. what are they shot before they get there western mark because no one's putting them, it's not true. this is why it's important for us how you go about fixing the problem is dependent upon how bad you fix the problem so we think that we have a problem, it's not taken over the whole country but it needs to be addressed. we can get into in the room and think about what works but if you think the country is holy racist tand its hunting down black people and killing them for no reason of course your solution is going to be toburn the whole system down so sthat's why i point out why their flawed . but beyond that i know my target audience is really conservatives because i may say i agree with you but i think you need to try a different approach and actually liberals and i know some conservatives don't agree but i think thereis a difference between liberals and the far left .pu so liberals don't like republicans, they don't like most of the people in this room. they disagreewith you . however, they love free speech. and they don't like the fact that they're being called racist right now but if you don't believe me: brett weinstein and bill marr and look at the things that they're saying. they're liberal, they their politics didn't change. they're just like i was on your side, left and now you're calling it today's left i'm a racist, it's silly though we need and because the media is not on our side, there's not enough of us physically. there's many ofthem so if they start to go out and speak about it , it makes it easier because they can talk to an audience that we can't talk to so to them i say i get in the argument. all blacks arebeing hunted so we agree on hethat. let's not do that. what we can do though is say if that's the case how do we solve it ? so far left is saying all down. you don't agree with that. of course not. why don't you join us in solving this cultural side wand this racism and then and its radical left and youwe can argue about issues after that so that's what i do in the book . from the blm standpoint i explain what they really because after george floyd was killed we had people giving all this money, corporations signed on, were going to get new holidays and many people said this is t crazy, where is this money going? i explained in the book when it's going to be hard to do, kudos to rand paul if he can pull it off but i doubt it and i talk about why in the book but what i say is about where all the money is going. that's a hard fight but what we can do is go to the people giving them money and clearly explain what they m believe and say if you believe this after knowing what they believe and you still want to give them money by all means do it but i don't think they do. i don't think they know that for instance, the police. you heard the debate between the fund the police and it will be bad and lead to dangerous neighborhoods. it's a euphemism, it really just means reallocate resources and give them support and bring in some social workers to help them go to domestic. not true, in their own words. we are abolitionists. we want to abolish all ' prisons, jails, immigration, detention centers. we don't want surveillance, kind of hard to take those words out of context . but most people don't know that because it's not on the blm website. when i was doing this research originally it was going to be about debunking the blm movement but i couldn't findanything, this is weird . i found this article about a group having $100 millionover five years . the headline said blm but in the article it was disorganization gives it to this philanthropy which gives it to a black lead ngmovement fund which take that money and gives it to the movement for black lives and they look up all the organizations and you if you take nothing else, look up m 4 it's insane. they have asked that they've written yto give congress once they move far enough to the left. they have a preamble like in the constitution. a it's all the demands and its anti-capitalists, it's reparations for migrants . it's lgbt gender focused. i couldn't read it, hetero patriarchy. multiple times in the book. we pushed to the front of our movementgay, trans , lesbian, clear. gender precariously house, cash for, all this stuff but it's not about whether you agree with it or not, you just have to ask is that where we started. it's simple. you say that to a liberal and you have them read that and then there like the goal is really baby steps. stop read this, stop giving the money, will work on the rest later and the other piece is the 1619 project. and this really bothers me. you know that crt movementand i talk about the only thing i see in the book about crt is why i didn't write about crt . and the reason was the conversation surrounding that was really starting when i wrote the book. it still doesn't matter because and i'm not against that flight, but it's not that i say don't have that e' argument. there's different ways to attack the problem. but the issue is if you notice you watch the news what you hear?you hear crt is terrible for our children . we are not teaching the rt. yes you are. you don't even know what it is. we just want to be teach thblack history and then you go nowhere. you can't do that with the 1619 project so i take approaches as to why it's more important that crt one, no one's going to tellyou they're not teaching it in school . the project was written at the end of the summer of 2019 by the fall it was in 4500 schools. dc, baltimore and all of chicago had adopted. they're bragging about it, it's everywhere. so you lose that piece of the arguments, it falls away. two in my mind technically i'm kind of a little guy. it's worse than crt because crt says race is important and endemic to the country so we have to bring it into the schools and talk about it fairly and let the kids understand what it's about the country is centered around whiteness and whites control everything so we need to amplify the voices of blacks you disagree with it, agree with it, doesn't matter . i disagree because they s.say stuff like we want to teach culturally relevantpedagogy . we need to addhiculture and every class .ci there's black mass, blacks can do better, you want them to do better, teach it the way they learned. i'm not saying that. so so that in and contrasted to the 16th 19 project . the 18th 19 project was founded to reimagine e the founding of america. framing it around the first africans brought here as slaves. and what they say is slavery and anti-black racism is endemic to america but for it america could not have been found and it is in the dna of america. when i went to school and it's been a while but i thought dna could not be changed. that's your dna. so it kind of went to my logical argument is in the dna of america and i'm giving you your arguments, where we try to change it? well even fighting? what good would it will doif you tear down the system because it's in the dna, it's still there. if you rebuild the system going to be in it ? white racism, is still there. it makes no sense. the other thing they say is it's about 14 essays and everybody write an essay on all different topics so i tried to explain their problem and the process and why it's a problem and they're all based around slavery, not racism and what it says is every problem we face in america today can be directly linked to slavery. if lacks black wealth is lower slavery. if education is bad, slavery. more blacks are in jail, slavery. so i think that is worse than what crt is pushing. and it's in the schools and nobody's saying it's not. so what do we do? in the book i write a chapter on every essay in the 1619e. project and i say this is what they say . i forgot totell you the third reason. it's because it's mostly true . they do, i have to be honest. it's well-written. i'd throw out about 90 percent true. so you can't really instantly just dismiss it and say that's not true. it wonderful pictures of slavery. they paint individual stories because people love and learn from the stories . out of the story of a black man who through all the racism founda way to make money and the racist whites in this s neighborhood killed him because he was making too much money. look it up, it's going to be true . the problem is they master the lie of omission and they leave a lot so if you're teaching this in school and you go to 11th graders who don't know much and theyteach than this and there like let me check and see ifthis right, that part is true but they don't know what you left out , they think this is all of america and what will they do ? it's going to make for every disgruntled citizens who just hate thecountry. but what they don't say so princeton's they talk about the founders and they say the founders owned slaves . is that true? and now nicole anna jones has a book coming out, my book comes out the following tuesday and i saw a printout of her interview she did and in the book she correctedsome of these inaccuracies and she admits, you can't sayi'm wrong, she did it that she should have been betterwith her words and she said should have said , but not all . that's true . but what she talks about the founders and what i write in , the founders owned slaves but she never said some. she never said some of them not only didn't own slaves but twere abolitionists. she never talked about abolitionists. she talked about reconstruction but they mention rutherford b hayes, the one term president and never mentioned grants, the one who won the war, anti-kkk of 1871. don't mention that. there can't be any positives in the project. there are no positives, nothing, not one. nothing positive about whites te and the only white positive is blacks make money, then they killed them. blacks did this and they hung them from trees but you know, they talk about a couple of stories hoof blacks who had struggles and they don't mention bookert. washington or any of those people . forget about what they did about whites, can you give me something good about blacks ? lastly like crt, my blm are no solutions, this is bad so what should we do? you have 14 essays and attorneys who argued cases at the supreme court. the editor of the new york times magazine, all these people write these wonderful essays and nobody even offered a solution, not one western mark nobody talks about how many blacks are in elected office and what they could do to help this supposed racist system? nothing? and we think we should be teaching this to kids? this is the problem with the progressive racism movement and what i tried to approach in the book. it's to say that things aren't as bad as your painting them and if theyare, you're not doing anything to make them better . so i think it's a great tool to give to your liberal friends because i'm sure those of you who have stronger hands and moved away you get in these debates, don't debate. in fact, if you think they're really on the cost and they won't listen, do this but don't hog them for you. don't even reach out to rebuttals for what they say, by excavation of why they shouldn't believe what they're saying, just read he their quotes and to be fair as much as we talk about the media and they are biased, there's another piece. on tv especially you want only get a small financial amount of time so people are going to be like to be fair i think everybody's treated unfairlyin the media . more so on the right but even nancy pelosi because what happens if nancy says something shall speak for 11 minutes and then raise a 32nd question. ted click ted cruz will say something but what i want to do is make sure that i give you enough to just say i'm not taking itout of context . you might get two paragraphs. you might get what they said, the research they use in the quote and their right. so let me tell you some of the things that are linked to slavery. sugar, you ever been caught in a traffic jam. that's segregation and racism and slavery. no really, here's what i always look at,how many of you have read the project ? often, that's the thing. so it's in the kids school, your grandkids school. you're arguing crt on the tv. this is actually in the school. and nobody's read it. i'm oonot making this up. if you don't have time to go andfind it and get behind the new york times pay wall the onbook , turn to the chapter on whatever essay . who the person is, i give their bona fides and i'll think they are right about this but they didn't mention capitalism is racist so they'll say american capitalism is brutal and racist . the apslavers are fs now? so other capitalism is good but american capitalism is bad . but they claim, here's a funny thing. these people claim they love the country. if you see them in interviews or that you lookthem up there like i love the country. there's no way you can love the country and write the things you write. slavery and racism is in the dna, i hate that country . what do you mean you love the country that country is horrible. right, it makes no sense. so they talk about people will say blm is a marxist group or whatever, i think that's too high and the average person is not knowledgeable of that but to leave you before elton with some hope, the best thing we have going forward is people arestarting to wake up . they need to read more essays but the last left has control of the media, not even the liberals.the left controls the media and that's true. but it's kind of a bad and good thing. the problem is and i talked to my friends now that i get it and i don't know if how, we all get called and what we're working on whether it's abortion or education or criminal justice. we focus on that same thing and you don't hear the noise of what's going on. so what is important for you to understand is this. the country is 330 million people. look it up. i know how many people, what's the most popular show on fox news? who's the most popular show on msnbc, don't look up how many viewers they have. right? find your most famous new york times writer or liberal writer, whoever. once the guys name, the economist. friedman. see how many subscriptions to the new york times. my point is we're so focused on speech and were concerned. sometimes you got to take a step back. 330 million people, my guest and i think i'm conservative, 200 millionowpeople don't know what's going on, no idea . don't know, i used to say they're keeping up with the kardashians. they just watching the real housewives. and it goes across socioeconomic levels. i always talk about my brother. my brothers in his 50s, he's a blue-collar worker, has no kids in school. if i tell him some of this stuff is like what are you talking about western mark i go to work,get something to eat , you never heard this? thesethe people we have to reach but how do we reach them ? some of the churches are will so we can do that. they're not watching the media so i can do as much as i can i do because i think it's an important message but i get on tucker people like you're on tucker, 2 million people. i'm trying to reach 330 million people so you have to keep doing it but the real key is you. you all have cousins and coworkers and you get in hoover's and you go to starbucks. you go get coffee. so i always tell people whenever i talk to people, talks to everyone. but that's why i use my guy. i don't write anything political, i don't think i'm missing mentioning democrats at all. i mentioned once in an ancillary way . so use that message, do whatever you do when you're talking to liberals or just random people just ask questions. be like i read in the book. be like columbus. just one more question. let me ask you a question here. you're sayingwhites are racist, you mean all of them ? ?ou mean me so you're a racist. if that's the case how do you get to speak about racism . i'm just trying to understand. not saying you're wrong, just trying to understand so what i do is i remember getting some had the tv on, this is local news from chicago and i don't know what the topic was. trunk came on and it was about whatever the topic was. the guy looks at me and he says crazy, hot? what do you think western mark you think is crazy or the topic of people attacking trump this crazy. let's say he says something against trunk or whatever and i say trump is doing this for doing that. that's true. but yeah, trump hates black people. boyet he does. but what do you think about the racism in schools, do you think that's okay or do you what do you think about whites being the reason, that it's a robbery, do you think trump had anything to do with that and it's hard. we're creating this tiny brand so i don't talk about politics so i get on a lot of media and a lot of it is exclusive to talking about whatever my topic is. i'll go on anybody who invites me on so they'll say come on but we can just talk about your book. we want to talk about whatever happened so i went on and they were like we want to talk about thevirginia elections . i'll do it but it was me and my panel, i'm not going to be yourrepublican strategists . so i just say what i believe and the way i believe it, not that i don't have an opinion but i think it helps to get intoall that because it's a cultural problem, not a political problem . this was after the police officer was shot and killed in chicago and we were talking about that and i was going with who was president and he talks to me and so charles, laurie lightfoot. this progress is made or she's just crazy. what do you think about her being mayor and because i'm so good i said look, there's a lot ofproblems going on . they were shooting when ronald was mayor and shooting before. this is a cultural problem. we want to stop shooting, we can focus on laurie lightfoot . b i wasn't getting it because that's not why i was there. so that's all you talk to liberals because all your friends and family who don't w want you to talk to you em because it's trump, talk, why are you talking to them about bo trump? argument is over. nobody won the argument . move on to other stuff. so oiyou talk about the issues because we don't talk about issues. ask your friends and family what do you think, don't say crt. say do you think that because , do you think that a 12-year-old should be asked his sexual preference? and they're like number okay. do you think an eight-year-old should have a form that fills out, what do you want to be called and there's a box to be checked do your parents know and if your parents don't know they don't tell the parents, do ryou agree with that ? hundred percent of liberal friends say that's crazy. this is the last thing i'll say. to athe black community, they're not leftists andthey get it, what you need to understand is most black people are on your side . but they're just like, i disagree with it but on the race thing, don't call me racist but we had to go through some unfair crap and it's no big deal so they agree with you then they'll try to fight with you but the gender thing not fight for for one thing and from the race standpoint the one thing though side with you on is you think all whites are racist, number why didn't you say anything? let's talk about that culturally relevant pedagogy. do you agree with the fact that they say blacks can only learn math the way they learn math or i talked to my friends fromhigh school and he says that's ridiculous and i told him about the music thing and they were saying get rid of shakespeare, all this kind ofstuff. no classical music and they want to take thatdown because whites can't learn culture and the less they can relate to it . that's crazy. only is it crazy , it's notgoing to help their vocabulary . it's also racist because you all still get to learn if your white, you still get to read shakespeare . my kids don't get to read it so you're putting us at the deficit. you get to learn stuff i don't get to learn, they don't want quality anymore. ayeah. then what does equity mean for equality? if you look at it that way i think that you will get more people on your side. our audience will get bigger and then we can fight about issues later so that is all i have and you all have any questions let me know. [applause] >> i will answer that question, any other question. >> okay. >> what about the ones in the front? he said the mike so they can e actually hear the question. he had been like for you. you've just got to go step on the table. >> there you go. you can all get in line. kind sir, question asking server. >> hello. >> call back here. i'm not sure the name, wasn't there a 1620 project that tried to come up and review some of the 6019 >> there's a lot of things 1776 . glenn lowry and will riley and all them. we do that but there was an nas. think about it. i've got a friend who's writing a book next year about it's a starting to push back but i'm trying to bring it back up again. nobody's talking about it but they're arguing crt. it will be interesting to see what nicole hannah jones says in this book that shesays fixes things. does she fix racism because if not then it doesn't matter . >> i just wanted to tell you, i do agree with you. i think there's a big difference between the left and liberals and i think actually that we , i wrote the united states congress against the white supremacist so you know who i am. my point is i think we need to unite actually liberals and pro-life liberals especially. we need to get the undecided and independence. and also libertarians. and i think we need to, that's possible. the left is america's deadliest virus and the left kill our freedom. >> thank you but the question. you say you ran against a white, i'm assuming junior bhigh or high school. it's. >> that's right. anyway, number you know what i'm talking about. but anyway thank youvery much for what you're doing . >> how are you doing? good to see you. i'm going to ask you when you took up that question about laurie lightfoot and urban community, you don't believe that her policies and kim fox policies contribute to the violence happening in our community and with those policies in place like the police not being able to do a foot chase or stop people for minor infractions that may lead to a bigger infection but they had to pull them over for it, they can't do that don't believe that those policies contribute to the violence and if you don't, how do we help these urban communities ? >> if you don't, what's wrong with you right? i'm notsaying i don't believe , i'm sure there are issues that she has and if that's the case but a lot of that is more fox but beyond that , i'm speaking to a national audience and i'm thinking about everywhere. every state and every city sdoesn't have the same policies. some of them are pushing like in new york i wrote an article about the problem with eliminating qualified immunity so i wrote about it openly . i don't thinkattacking people , i don't have to say, i can say letting people out of bad day was bad because i don't want the focus to be that big . when lori's gone and isomebody else's there is anything going to be different? we said the same thing about rob. rob is back leand change is not always the solution. >> but this is an abject failure. she put in policies that we follow and the police follow and protect if they can't stop criminals. >> but that's a separate thing. you're arguing is it part of the problem because it makes it easier for criminals, that way they don't get arrested. i have a personal story about that too. but beyond that i'm saying if you want to solve the problem you can't solve it at the policing level. you still need to react to violent criminals but you need to figure out why it's happeningthat's not laurie lightfoot .white people are out in the culture has devolved into a place in the black community where we don't necessarily condoneit but we don't speak out against it . we talk about essnitches getting stitches or i don't trust the police or support them or say things like it's not really their fault. at farmers than any policy because we think it's okayand we're allowing it to happen . >> fi'm not going to spend the rest of my time talking about laurie lightfoot . >> hello, good morning. >> he's going to help you out . >> okay, i'm not a parent. >> you know people with kids, you can talk to them. >> i know i missed out on a lot of good stuff with laurie. i want to know what are they teaching because they were tearing down or defacing a statue of abraham lincoln because hewas a slave owner . and thenthey're not teaching cursive . that's fine. but i heard and i don't know if this is true, maybe some parents can see you are not teaching ethics. when i was in eighth grade i couldn't graduate. now i'm seven years old. when i was in eighth grade i couldn'tgraduate unless i passed civics . when i was in high school i took government in summer school because then i would have to chances to pass it because i wanted to graduate and if i went to summer school i have another chance. what i'm making available to some people now, it's not required reading but there are books in the library, pornography. pornography. and the last thing i want to say is i'm not criticizing people that are transgender. i don't understand it and you know what, i don't think of them understand it either but there's a guy on the radio one day that is a proponent of transgender and let's make sure these people get their rights. after all, i got transgender three-year-old and i'm likeoh my gosh . >> that's important. >> it will take me a minute and a half to do that. i like that you brought that up because i didn't get a chance to mention that one, i'm not somebody. they are still teaching government though but the civics piece, i partnered with slaves at the cooling foundation and redoing a idcivics initiative and next year i'll be in dc wherever the kids to dc where will give them a contest so that the best ones get flown out to dc. the kind incentivize people because we got to do it outside the schools. we have to fix the schools so they bring back but untilthat happens we need to get dennis, you're right about that . what was the second one? >> what are they teaching? >> like cursive and all that kind of stuff. the problem with what they're teaching is that like we spoke about earlier. they're teaching math, english, all the same bthings we have to teach science in a certain way and teach all this stuff a certain way but we know certain people are learning great great anyway so were not focused on bringing them up to grade level which is the problem . but the trans thing, that's funny too because we mentioned abraham lincoln. it's funny because remember a year and a half ago, about a year ago they started removing books. there like we can't teach them because of words that were in there that are divisive. we can't teach to kill a r mockingbird. but they replaced them with this. we can't say certain words and this is like the crt argument. they'll say that's not in the me a curriculum thatsays this trans thing, it's not what you put in a library and you put it in class and the book is open and it's on a certain page and you're promoting it . loan out anybook you want. gender, clear for free. it's kind of like they're pushing it . i don't t know, we have a whole correct curriculum argument but it's there. they're asking kids so you've all heard the story about the women in nevada, she's suing the federal government because her she was told her son was told to pick the name of theoppressed . she's talking about race and they said he has to identify as an oppressor or on the oppressed and he's like whatever. and then they asked him what his sexual preference was and i said stop. you're burying the lead. you're making national news about this story of race and nobody's talking about why have you asked a 17-year-old who he likes west and mark it makes no sense. and you can go back and i interviewed a trans woman about the movement and one of the things i asked was do whatever you want what are we moving hell and are to change the legislation for less than one percent of the population ? can we protect their rights without forcing thison everybody ? without having all these checking things. without putting it in the schools so the fact that people are saying this trans, gay , even gino was saying whatever you're doing i don't think you should be telling kids at three or four or 56 years old that there trans. we call them babies now and they have to pick their ugender. think about it, you think liberals agreement that western mark know. this is another reasonyou need to talk to . >> you said something about not taking things out of context or make sure you listen to everything that the person said. i'm sorry . but david and nancy pelosi held up obamacare and said we passed it. now we can read it. that's the end of it, i don't want to hear anything from thatwoman . i didn't have tohear the rest of her speech .[applause] >> hello charles. first of all i want to tell you that it's a great presentation and one of the things that you really struck me about was when you said cablacks can't learn shakespeare and can't learn classical music. and i just wanted to say about the corporation that i know where they're instituting racial equity programs and one of the officers said we need to give our black employees of box to stand on so that they can see over the fence like the rest of us. >> you all seen that picture? you know i said first time isaw that picture ? the first thing i saw instantly, what do you think of this? i want to know why there's so in the baseball game. really, the reality they're leaving out some of the people. three people, one on the ground to in the box but there's 10,000 people in the stadium, are the people to? let's focus on the street. i'm sorry. >> my only question is don't blacks find that insulting? they should be in a people. >> but the media is telling them. i openly say i don't like democrats i don't want to get shot in the face by racist so i gowith them. it is . and to be there, it sounds silly but allthey ever think about or the reverse. i'm a white kid . moving in a majority white town. my parents don't sayanything about race . and i tsaid on the tv all i see are not today. you got all the blacks on tv are gigantic sentence. watch the news there walking lacks in prison and then watching mthese and their slaves. why wouldn't i think that must be the condition of blacks on a normal basis? so the reverse is true. i don't know many white people and i grew up in a black neighborhood and everyone's telling me how bad the republicans are and you don't say no i'm not and let me show you what i'm doing n what do you do? i do the work unfortunately. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hello charles. i'm the republican precinct committeeman and i'm sorry you athought the republican party.i'm a precinct in wild township and it's got a lotof really pretty houses . and in front of some of these houses, there are black lives matter signs. and the reason i'm asking you this, how do i reach those people? >> you don't, they get assigned not to talk to me. i'm not asking you to talk to leftists, their crazy. you just wasted seven minutes talking to that guy. you should knock on the door andsay thank you, now i know i don't have to waste time with you . i'm telling you to talk to liberals and people who are politically agnostic . they're going to go over and yell at me , anybody else that's out here i'm here. >> so the question or maybe the issue i think maybe you should address and i don't know that it's addressed enough r. it seems like the attack is on the white culture. this white evil culture. i know when i was a kid there was this millionaire and my mom would say you would be a millionaire to if you would get off your behind and to me it's like hold on a second. so that guy is successful, don't i want to do what he's doing? don't i want to have a family and get married and get a job ? and build cultural wealth. my ancestors came over smelling diesel oil from the y hold of a ship or whatever, they came with nothing . they don't, past a little more to their family. to me that should be the issue. those guys are successful. >> when i was little me and my friends said boo, i wonder what he does. now i think we go to these guys, who didhe kill, what did he do ? capitalism and all that kind of stuff but it's bigger than that. it's not just should we learn from these rich guys. i said whatever, given that argument but are we going to fix the problem and there are over 60 percent of the population. it's the problem with the deep on the police movement. they want to be policed by people who will represent them so we're going to fix policing but no one gets to talk. but when you come up with a crazy idea, they say if we've never done it we talk say what about this. they say you can't do that and let me say why but they're not in the room to explain it because they don't have a problemthrowing marshmallows of people . they're starting to hit them with marshmallows because we didn't know marshmallows would stop crime. last one, go. >> i just have to comment. my name is dawn. 50 years coming to the freedom summit and these are our two youngest in the front. we went to home school o because we didn't like what was being taught in school but we sent some of our kids to public school . and it's really important. like, we would just have to time three or four days a week and talk about what we believe publicly and religiously. our kids have told us and their teachers are saying i'm so glad your kids are here in school they're the only one of 30 students that speak up for the other side. so i'm just here and i want to make a comment about how important it is to talk to your kids so that they can defend what they believe so that they're not bound by pure pressure. >> that's the best thing to leon. you have to teach them. thank you. [applause] >> live sunday on in-depth, uc berkeley studies scholar stephen hayward will be our guest to talk about leadership, ronald reagan's political career and the american conservativemovement . he's author of several books including two volumes on the age of reaganseries . reagan and patriotism is not enough about the scholars who changed the course of conservative politics in america. join in the conversation with your phone calls, facebook comments and tweets. in depth with stephen hayward live sunday at noon eastern on book tv on c-span2. >> weekends are an intellectual feast. every saturday american history tv documents america's stories and on sunday, book tv brings you the latest in nonfiction booksand authors . funding comes from these television companies and more includingcharter can medications . >> broadband is a force for empowerment. that's why carter has invested billions infrastructure, upgrading technology, empowering opportunity in communitiesbig and small . charter is connecting us. >> charter can medications along with these television companies supports c-span2 as a public service. >> executive director and i'm honored to welcome you to tonight's conversation between doctor thomas fisher and natalie moore. they present a high-quality speakers series offered free to the public on a wide variety of topics including

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