Transcripts For CSPAN2 Capital News Today 20130717 : compare

CSPAN2 Capital News Today July 17, 2013

Specifically incorporated into those. For section 861 we have designated someone who is not part of the office of Inspector General or the acquisition. This includes one who works only on these matters. The successful programs that have dedicated resources and policies and the referral process are important. We have all three and we have gone from this to date in fiscal year 2013. Several sections of the bill promote government wind changes in incorporation into the federal acquisition regulations. We are working on these matters as detailed in my written statement which is detailed in the record. Without objection, it will be. Under section 862, we are working with the office of federal procurement policy. In conflict areas that contractors oversee and managed by a direct higher of state personnel. Currently we have comanaged contract that protects our people and in conclusion raleigh recognize that Contracting Organization is organized effectively of the routine contracts we know we must try to learn to better align contacting especially with the guidance of the 2013 provisions. These procedures and strategies to ensure adequate resources and oversight are in place for future contingencies and i will answer any questions that you might have madam chair. The queue for the opportunity to discuss the action of the eyes States Agency for development that is taken to the contract seeing reform provision passed into law fiscal year 2013 the National Defense authorization act. I will ask my full statement be entered into the record. We welcome the subcommittees interest in these matters we have thousands of personnel working in more than a global health, environment health, environment, a food securities and development of these nations in support of foreign policy. Were often operating in areas of conflict and contingency. So we as an agency and i personally, recognize and support the emphasis of greater accountability, a sustainable results, and compliance of the provisions bright came to my current position of interagency contrasting experience of 25 years. I started my career with the department of defense and since joining the Foreign Service in 1998 i have served in ghana, jordan ghana, jordan, peru and recently spent two years in pakistan as the contracting officer. If now facing issues today with the legislation. Over the last several years under reforms i am proud and honored to say movie for religious station provides solutions to the most important issues that we continue under afghanistan and iraq under contingency contract in the future. In under the last few years we told the subcommittee we could strengthen the independent authority of the agency efficiency. While the current structure meets the requirements of this provision we transfer the duties out of the Procurement Office to the bureau of management. In 2011 we issued the sustainable guidance to make sure they are sustainable with Afghan National priorities. Were conducting regular reviews of our projects to cancel projects where necessary including infrastructure programs from afghanistan. We also have projects modified midway to increase sustainable results while preserving the existence of the taxpayer dollars. The bottom line is we leverage lessons from iraq and afghanistan to build a Stronger Foundation for contract seeing practices. During a time of four or contact with a core belief it is imperative for all of our operations. Is a focus area for the of the Senior Management accountability review process of those of the 25 million level will be assured it meets accountability criteria ince is for sustainable results. Additionally the administrators himself will provide the final authorization to make the award at or above 75 million. Also for the First Time Ever a corporate level acquisition that allows us for all procurements across the agency world wide. And contributed significantly to implementing a the mechanism. Agencies probably taking action. And i am happy to address. I want to thank you for this opportunity to discuss these actions for input on your staff. For sustainable results across the spectrum for all government contract doing. Thank you again and i look forward to our discussions. Thank you very much. Before we begin asking questions and went to a knowledge everybody is making progress. European fully aware about holding your feet to the fire to make a point so some questions will be tough but i do want to read knowledge we are making progress. It is much better than it was in 2007 in every single one of your agencys but i have to start with obvious the awkward situation that i find myself having been reassured by the Defense Department over and over again that sustainability that when we argued with them about the sustainability analysis we always do. Will clearly we have a brandnew building the right hand did not know what the left than was doing or the right hand ignored in the lefthand door the commanders to to on the grants to let me give you the opportunity to explain how this got built with the people on the ground said stop. We dont need this. We dont want this. I dont have an explanation it is difficult to sit here to say at least as it is reported and clearly we now have a building that is not needed and i dont know how it will be disposed of. I do know the army has initiated an investigation to go through all of the analysis and until those facts are reported for the investigation is done at of think the department is in a position in two states what actually occurred and why and who was accountable but certainly in being told we dont need this and then to proceed does not make sense. Especially if you look at the time period before the contract was given. If you get the headset may 2010 it is not needed and the contracts are not executed until the following year, it really shows a system in kyushu and it is what i said. With the Infrastructure Fund and frankly we look at the audit. I think they probably know without me saying it i will not stop on this and tell who was that failed to read the file or said to the contract without Due Diligence and the sad thing is 34 million sounds like a lot of money but i am worried about the people who make these decisions. Cares it is only 34 million. What i do know is there has been four separate reviews and have canceled 1. 4 billion of other projects and also the group that does the procurements for afghanistan has taken 2. 5 billion out of that project. Excuse me. And again we are just making sure so this o went through, i cannot sit here to give you the explanation. I am on the edge of my seat to get this information. Please to explain to everyone the more quickly we can do this i think it is important we come up with an answer of how this happened sooner rather than later because it makes me very nervous it happens in other places. I am told the expected to date is between 30 and 60 days with the complete analysis. Let me move over to mr. Djahnbani i have read the audit. Have you read it . Day think all the people that work for you have read it . Yes. I am pretty sure. I wonder if they dont get red. That is something that blood to me when i did audits we work very hard and one of the goals when i was an auditor is how to get people to read them. When i read this audit, first of all, what actions have been taken against a contractor for the failure to cooperate with the audit . Were taking the concerns very seriously and we have recently received this audits and we are repealing a very carefully because it is an odd situation fat who we do business with would not want to cooperate with the auditor. So madam chair if i could get back to your office to understand the case to read it and discuss it and understand the situation because we are very concerned about this. It does not pass the common sense at this point. I want to make sure we spend more time on this in the second round of what we try to put in place. That failure to cooperate in an audit is a bad performance in taken into consideration future possibility for failure to receive contracts and with this wind but how much money have we spent to get the afghanistan people to grow poppy over the last 20 years . How many billions of dollars have we spent . And what are the performance metrics of that regard . , and success have we really had . I am not sure how Building Public parks gets them going off copy which was part of the contract. I get distributing we seed, fertilizer, the Agricultural Center toots teaches them ways to make money off the economy. But at what point do we throw in the towel . I bet if we take a look at the amount many we have spent to get them off of copy i think if we would get the numbers i hope i will be surprised that we have had a success but this make a wonder the headline of how long will we hit our head on the brick wall much to the detriment of the american taxpayer . Will give you the right numbers and if i may get those to you for the record i would like to do that. We will followup. Madam chair you did realize he would be asking about that 34 milliondollar building, correct . Day do make any phone calls prior to this hearing to get some answers . What did you learn that youll take another 30 or 60 days . I did learn there was an investigation ongoing that the findings of what that was in that i do not have. Why does it take so long to get to the bottom of something. Tres marias somebody built a 34 milliondollar building and i told them not to build and is still got built i would know who made that decision very quickly within a day. Wises some possible to get those questions answered from the government . I will step way back having been a part of a navy jag investigation for the 400,000 embezzlement it took us about 30 year 60 days to go through to find the individuals many of whom had left the ship to get that so many of the people i am sure theyre now trying to figure out where are they. There is a chain of command . Correct . We have the basic lack of accountability that is why it is so out of control. It is too fast and that is the problem. Talk about mccann ability september 11, a 2012 the terrorist attacks of benghazi did you review the march 282012 for july july 9, 2012, from the investor in to request additional security . And did you review those cables . You read those. Did you discuss those request with anyone . Did you discuss those with the secretary clinton or the deputy secretary . Those cables and that informations stopped with you . Yes. It went no further . We reviewed them senator. Ive always had extensive discussions of the colleagues in the Security Service if they rise to the point where we feel we cannot mitigate the risk based on intelligence available we react. You to that responsibility upon yourself to deny the request although we knew it was deteriorating . The request of several of those cases if that cable if my recollection is correct was talking about security in tripoli, not benghazi. We reviewed the situation very carefully and as i said if we cannot mitigate the risk just as we did in damascus we will close and move on. I will be glad to pull those cables as soon as i get back to my office. We have them and will submit them for the record april 19, 2012 the state department responded and it said it would continue to withdraw security despite the request by the way that cable borer secretary contends signature. That is my a cable regards tripoli not the temporary Mission Facility in benghazi. In addition to the september 11 memo that said the state department did want to maintain a presence did you review or authorize for redeployments the Diplomatic Security agency prior to the september 11 terrorist attack . Nosair. I did not withdraw of eddied Diplomatic Security agents. Did you confirm that the state department would not need it after august 2012 . I did. It was a tripoli based detachments that had been sent into tripoli. It consisted of eight shooters explosive ordinance detection people, aviation Experts Telecommunications experts in medical experts. Over the course of the standing of tripoli with nothing to benghazi that regarding tripoli the state department we had said tyrone medical personnel. We will talk about that. But remained maxwell civic do we know there next assignments . Nosair. We do not. I read the material senator but there was no intelligence by any of their partners of the u. S. Government agencies. Deal dere the intelligence committee. There was a rocket attack and a car bomb. Why would we primp down the security of bang gauzy when the people for asking for additional security . Why would we do that . We did not ramp down. The examples he were referring to were personnel assigned to the embassy in tripoli, not the temporary Mission Facility in benghazi. We did not remove people from benghazi. What about using u. S. Military . It depends on the host nation approval and the Fund Availability and the mission insets required. When we were questioning secretary clinton there was accusations that one of the problems of benghazi the funds were not available. Is a true the state department requested security it does not cost . Correct . Switch to the support is given on a reimbursable basis in some of it is not reimbursable depending on the situation. Sometimes we pay and sometimes we dont. What is the case of bang gauzy . I dont know there is not a request for military personnel. Thank you mr. Secretary. What to think the chair and Ranking Member for holding this meeting and the witnesses for being here today. Mr. Ginman let me start with contacting in afghanistan in section 8 to 41, a provision senator brown and i i know they worked on this issue very closely. To get the new contract in with the enemy provisions one of the issues we had in afghanistan as i understand it, some of the money was flowing into the hands of the insurgents. Is that right . Can you describe how he hundred 41 has been used effectively to cut off the funds to the insurgents and then again senator blumenthal and died after meeting with a Major General in afghanistan in july have provisions that will extend these authorities to the department of state and usc ids will be asking both of you about that. To make sure we can drop the amount from one hejira thousand down at 20,000 did you talk to me about this issue . This is an important issue to me i hope we pass this legislation to enhance the authority. Getting the legislation to years ago was important to. It has been used 11 times. 10 times with sub contractors when time with a total of 31 million. We have looked at the legislation your bills submitted in the senate bill put out that provided statements with the legislation. We have to work with your staff to improve a bit and would say the current provision into again from my personal perspective as i am in agreement of what it says the web site to continue to work with your staff there is one phraseology that limits our ability to deal with head of contracting activity. But other than that we put in legislation asking for the 841 and also the hundred 42 for access to the records. The task force 2010 to do the analysis and the forensic work has got to be able to get to this sub contractor records and 842 gives us the authority. We also need 842 extended as well. Let me ask secretary kennedy as well as mr. Djahnbani, with these provisions that senator blumenthal and i have introduced essentially flow from the understanding that many, a taxpayer dollars flow to the insurgents of our enemies than the traditional contract to rules that may work well in washington they need greater authorities to cut off the fund sooner particularly in areas where there are obviously wartime situations but also other contingencies situations around the world. I would like to ask you what your position is to extend these authorities to the state department because it seems to me when i look at what they have said they said it is important as well as the commission on wartime contracting has identified this for you also should have this authority to cut off funds sooner what is the state Department Position . I have not seen the exact nature of the legislation i know my colleagues are reading it but i dont want 1 penny of u. S. Government money to go to any terrorist. So the independent grant of authority to the secretary of state to cut off a contract of hours if it is determined 70 is going to a terrorist i completely support that. I can add since one year ago because the parallel legislation coming from the appropriations bills, we have been running programs of this nature in five countries and a separate program in afghanistan. But as you say the ability to cut off a contract immediately if you gave me that authority i would gladly take it. But to be presented the usaid i apologize for not having his navy said it is just as much of an issue of usaid to major taxpayer dollars did not get in the wrong hands. He agrees of preventing the funds of the highest priority. And that is the reason we have such a robust system in afghanistan. The administration is still reviewing the legislation. We believe we do have Strong Authority in place currently and we would like to examine that more to be able to understand the differences of the authorities that we currently have. However were looking forward to working with your staff. Do you vet existing subcontractors . We do in afghanistan. Do you compare it to the known intelligence with the insurgents . There is a rigorous process. If it is so rigorous if you thank you have the authority now then lied to the commissioner of wartime say those usaid province for attaining 20 of the Contract Value to the insurgents for protection and the usaid general said they were average to fall into the insurgency and one of the recommendations that comes from the wartime commission is that there be Greater Authority is given not only to the deity but also applies to usaid side by the harvard to believe you have the authority you need to address this problem to look at the impact of what were currently doing and if it is an additional tool that we can use the and we do not have tho

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