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Passed for strengthening manufacturing in this country because the wto hobby was violative of the wto. So we try to replace the pen that was also found to be wto violative. So then we passed the present action. At the last minute, oil and gas was placed in the air. It had nothing to do with manufacturing. It was done in the wee hours. We were stuck with days you want a replacement which will have manufactured this country, including oil and gas are you going to vote against the whole dang thing . Accepted a compromise. It has to be extracted talking about oil and gas. Not the last question. Im sorry, francine. [inaudible] everything you run out of tax reform process has been out with a has to measure to make them maybe not impossible, but much less likely to tax reform goes forward this year. Is that basically what you believe . If you could say a word about why tax reform should go forward. What do you see as the upside of that . Im not saying that. What im saying is they think we took seems that do not package they have some ramifications tax reform. But i am not saying that we shouldnt sit down and talk about how we look at our tax structure and how we reform it. Its a fact that by what we thought it, but it isnt anything close to the whole package. I think what it does is to force people to be more concrete about what they mean when they took about tax reform. Let me just give you an example. Some of the provisions that we have been training and retraining, some of them are in appropriation and some of them are in the tax structure. I think we can take a hard look at all of our training programs. Some of them arent about to taxation. I think we can do that in many respects. So in a sense i think the opposite, as i see it, is what should have been. I think we should extend, if not and the debt ceiling issue. We should set it aside for a considerable period of time. We should tackle sequestration and we have to do that in the next six weeks. So im hopeful that we dont drag this out as some people are saying and then move on to the serious discussion of tax reform and environment issues. So i see it in a sense the opposite way. I say lets get this done, the sequestration part in the debt ceiling in the next six weeks and then move on. Those who are saying lets do it dribble by turbo, they are the ones who would be undermining the effort to sit down and have a serious discussion of tax reform. Weve got about two minutes left. Francine. The question about itemize deductions. What ssierra thought of having a cab, that people can use it for whatever they want for mark h. , whatever. I think the problem with the cap is that it has to seriously consequence, especially for charitable contributions. Because a substantial portion of the charitable contributions come from the very wealthy. Ii think the figure may be Something Like well over half comes from people with income over a million. It may be more than not. So the problem with the cap is do it have anything significant consequences for charitable contributions and perhaps for state and local taxes. So i think a battery to look at places to look at the administrations proposal, but to do with caution and if possible to do it on a bipartisan basis. Maybe i close with a somewhat hope of no hopeful note. It has some bipartisan roots in the last year. Everyones been talking about it and we had to be with you sit and discuss on a bipartisan basis if the republicans are willing to look at additional revenues, in putting taxation. Maybe i should close with this. I dont see the alternative. You cannot address sequestration simply through cuts because if you reduce the amount for a defense to say 100 million, which some people, including somebody i know quite well says is feasible. But the 510. So if you reduce it substantially, wheres the rest going to come from . They would have to come in substantial part, i think, from the domestic side and i think if you look at whats happened and what is going to happen if we continue on this path to health research, nih, and i say this in a personal way because of Family Involvement in health research. When my wife started working, running it peerreviewed group on Child Development and Child Mental Health, if there were 100 applications for the Peer Review Group that she ran, they would set aside 50. The staff, my wife would set aside 50 is not very strong. They would take the other 50 and peer review would come out with 15 or 20 highly ranked. And i bet tony, maybe half would be funded. Today, it is lucky if two or three are funded. And whats true for Child Mental Health and development is true for medical research is true across the board in most areas of nih. This is not a question of starving the beast. This is a question of starving, whether we are going to starve not to beast, but necessary programs in this country. And we shouldnt start them. And so, we need to face up to sequestration. We need, in my judgment, to see if we can set a target dionne to 1. 4 trillion over the next 10 years and we need to do it in a balanced way. And if not, we are going to threaten violence in this country, including the full faith and credit of the United States. The president was, in my judgment, absolutely correct to essentially throw down the powerpoint and say, this must not happen. Thank you retaken all this time at this. The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. This honor now against america the chance to help lead the world at last out of the valley of turmoil and on to that high ground of peace that man has streamed since the dawn of civilization. We must embark on a bold new Program Benefits a very specific advances in industrial progress available for the improvement and growth of underdeveloped areas. Thursday, Vice President joe biden laid out details of a plan announced yesterday by president obama to reduce gun violence. Speaking for the u. S. Conference of mayors, the Vice President describe thinking behind the plant from which calls for expanded background checks, bans on assault weapons and highcapacity magazines come increased funding for local police said more research on gun violence. This is about an hour. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Vice President of the United States, joe biden and mayor michael nutter. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] pockmarked mayors and ladies and gentlemen, it is of course my distinct honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to introduce our good friend, my good friend, Vice President joe biden. Throughout his career as a public servant, Vice President biden has championed issues that are critical to prosperity and growth of American Cities and he has engage directly with the u. S. Conference of mayors on a regular basis. During our candlemaking this past june in orlando, Vice President biden pledged the Obama Administration would make sure that future Infrastructure Investments are more targeted to local areas. In november of last year, the Vice President hosted our leadership in the white house to discuss the fiscal cliff and concerns of mayors regarding both investment programs in taxexempt financing. Whenever theres a major issue that demands attention, again and again and again, Vice President joe biden has shown the leadership and courage needed to help move our nation in the right direction. That is why it is certainly very hard when president obama asked Vice President biden to the special task force to develop responses to the tragedy that not only sandy hook elementary school, the daily tragedies all across america. The nations mayors and Vice President biden have stood together for many, many years in support of Public Safety. After all, who has been senator joe biden who champions the crime bill, which established the cops program and included the ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines as congress unfortunately allowed to expire. Yesterday was personally very proud to be in the white house as president obama and Vice President biden unveiled a strong, comprehensive package of legislative and regulatory reforms needed to respond to the ongoing gun violence than americans did these and suburbs. Every day americas mayors see the carnage caused by illegal guns on assault weapons that have no place on our nations streets. Working with president obama, Vice President wright and the congress, we will make sure changes needed to protect our children are made. These and gentlemen of the u. S. Conference of mayors, please join me in welcoming back our great friend, Vice President joe biden. [applause] thank you are a match. Please be seated. [applause] thank you all very, very much. An honor to be back with you. Id like to begin by acknowledging to delaware anterior that are very engaged in the subject as well. While ive known for years and years. He is now our new mayor, Dennis William. I dont know where you are a very, but welcome to the conference, old buddy. Great to have you. Denis and i go back to the days writing the crime bill when dennis was a Police Officer in the city of wilmington. Also the chief Law Enforcement whove ive known even longer share the same last name. The attorney general and i found when i do whatever he says because he is the power power to indict. [laughter] all kidding aside, im proud of my home state has ceased to stay in the senate come a point of personal privilege the progress they make in the leadership of jack markel, our governor on the very subject you talked about. I say dennis, youll forgive me if occasionally im so used to referring to the mayor of philadelphia as my mayor because i spent about half my life in philadelphia and other mccray and other resides in the city limits, went to be particularly good. My daughter is also a very very slow, since thats been particularly good behavior. Ladies and gentlemen, its a pleasure to be back. I look forward to the opportunity every chance i get from the time i was a young fellow new to the United States senate, its one of the groups from whom ive had a relationship for a long, long time and its always nice to be with a group of people who you agree with that 80 of the issues 90 of the time. So its nice to be with you. I know youve come to talk about a broad range of very important and challenging issues facing each new city and town. Energy, infrastructure, budgets, finance, crime. And i want you to know that we, the president and i come in the important part of that is the president , continues to be absolutely committed to do all we can to help the city steel with the immense problems take it rests upon them as a consequence of diminished tax bases and the consequence of housing significant portion of the public and states in the most need. We are committed to having a third phase of the socalled big deal and the budget. We are of the view but just as it took during the clinton administration, it didnt happen in one fell through to get our economy in great shape and move towards a balanced budget. It started out for three phases. Started off with president bushs actions. First president bush in terms of taxation before president clinton took office in the action the president took in 94 and 97. Well, we think there is a third phase here they consider country on a path that will allow us to get our debt to gdp, deficit to gdp down around 3 , which is all economists are Training Center greer that areas we can begin to cruise the country and as my grandfather used to say that the grace of god and goodwill of the neighbors, between now and the time we deal with the debt ceiling, we may very well be able to meet the goal we set out to do, which is to have roughly 4 trillion cut over 10 years in the longterm deficit and put us on that past. I didnt come here to talk about any of this important subjects today because as important as they all are today we have a mortgage and indie media call and that is how to do with the epidemic of gun violence in america. The one of the statistics better than anyone, so im not going to repeat it. On that score i might add ale in a credible threat of gratitude to many of you at the table as well as those of you in the room. I know we dont have unanimity and this ballroom, nor do we have any ballroom, but we all know, it wanted knowledges we have to do some gain. We have to act and i hope we all agree theres a need to respond to the carnage on our streets and in our schools. I hope we all agree that Mass Shootings like the one we witnessed in your newton cannot be tolerated. That tragedy in public life has affected the Public Safety in a way that ive never seen before. The image of first graders, not only shot, but riddled with bullets. Parents in the streets panicking, trying to find out if the child to put on the bus in the morning had any prospects of getting on the bus and going home that afternoon. For 20 of those parents, the answer is no and i believe, same sure you do, we have an obligation to respond intelligently to back races. I know many of you feel the same way. Ive had the occasion to talk to remember of you and i want to start by thanking all of you, including mayor bloomberg who i spoke to on the phone. Thank you for your input and insight. Again, not all agree on what should be done, do you have obviously probably more than any group of elected officials thought about this issue more intently and longer. You get a great deal of work. All of you deal with the issue every day. Im not going to ask for a show of hands, but i benefited off a lot of people who put their hands up in this room. If i were to say how many of you plan to attend a funeral of a Police Officer or innocent child in a driveby shooting or shop owner in your city, many of you come in many of you have had to attend and some of you, too many such funerals. Some of you that communities have experienced my shootings not just in schools, but movie theaters and temples and its not big cities or urban areas as we now know. It was for your comments and insight happen to be literally probably turn out to be a quarter of a mile back in 2006 at an outing when i heard gunshots in the words that we didnt know we thought they were hunters. We got back to the clubhouse and saw helicopters. It was issued in better had just taken place excuse me, a small amish school outside pennsylvania. So its not just big cities for new suburbs. It can happen anywhere. But i also know that its not just about mass shooting. As my friend michael knows nsa mayor, Dennis William does and the murder rates are well beyond in some of yours well beyond what is remotely tolerable for a similar circumstance. It isnt just about Mass Shootings. Its going to have all kinds. Think of it this way. Over the last several years, about 25 people of gun related homicide in this country every single day. The equivalent of the third most deadly mass shooting in history. Every 24 hours in this country. As much as we intend on making schools that focus as the mayor of chicago says comest reducible schools are safe. It is going to and from schools when young people are in the greatest danger. We dont see that on the news very much anymore. We hear about Mass Shootings, but not everyday gun violence is ravaging our cities. I remember my friend and he was my friend. I was like that too when it was considerably senior to him committing a Patrick Moynihan, one of the finest greatest guys ive ever known. What were trying to get through to send biden crime bill and became the clinton bill that youve all taken great advantage of over the years, we run the floor debating this issue indeed a Patrick Moynihan and said how only he could come of the story of the valentines day massacre in 1929 and how shocked the world when sending gangsters were gunned down in cold blood. He made the front page according to daniel Patrick Moynihan of every major paper in the nation and many around the world. But then he said, 1992, when a woman saved her three monthold tv from execution by hiding not be not be the end of the bed, she was shot and killed along with her husband and teenage son. That story turned up on the second section buried in the back of the knee or times. It wasnt frontpage news. It is barely news at all. He said i caught that defining deviancy down, hot wasnt even news. That happened in 1929 would have been astonishing. Folks, we can no longer continue to define deviancy. We cannot wait any longer. The time has come. As you know this week i delivered a set of recommendations to president obama on how we can better protect americans from gun violence. Theyve been getting both credit and blame for that is if these were original ideas of mine. I want to make it clear what every deputy mayor knows. The only power influence is reflective power. None of it matters no matter what somebody tries to give credit for. If her were not for the leadership of the president of the United States, this is the president of the United States. I am his agent. He asked me to go back because of my years of experience in the Judiciary Committee in dealing with these issues, he asked me to go back and do a quick a survey if they could, as thorough as they could in a short timeframe and present him with a set of recommendations. I had the Incredible Health Assembly First reached cabinet members starting with our attorney general come as secretary of education, secretary of Homeland Security, secretary of health and Human Services, kathleen sebelius. And we met with a range of 2200 229 groups, representing a wide range of his crewmembers including many from new york, cities and states to gun safety advocates, victims of the shootings both down in virginia as well as in colorado. Sportsmens organization, hunters, gunowners. Educators, retailers and Public Health officials. I spoke to many of the u. S. On as the governors and the county executive and no group is more consequential or incidental in shaping the document was put together for the president in this room. For those of you and other stakeholders after hundreds of hours of work and Research Done by experts in the Justice Department and department of Homeland Security and elsewhere come after every idea what that will make to gather dust on the shelves of some agency of government. A set of principles emerged that there is not universal agreement on, but overwhelming consensus and they were the foundation of the recommendations. If youll permit and another 10 to 12 minutes, i want to lay out what they are from the perspective of the president. The first foundational principle is there is a Second Amendment. The president and i support the Second Amendment that comes with the right of lawabiding responsible citizen to own guns, gives a further protection as well as recreation. The second foundational principle, certain people in society should not and legally can be disqualified from being able to own a gun because they are unstable or they are dangerous. They are not the citizens that in fact the vast majority of gun owners comprise. Three, we should make common sense judgment about keeping dangerous weapons off our streets. Clearly within the purview of the government at the same time recognizing, honoring them being compliant with the Second Amendment. And for, this isnt just about guns. It is about the coursing of our culture. The coursing of our culture, whether its video games or movies or behavior. Its about the ability to access Mental Health services in the safety of our schools. Its a very complex problem and requires a complex solution based on these principles and a vast array of experts he put together a comprehensive plan based on a common sense approach, where i believe from heading up this group, that really is overwhelming consensus. These disagreements but the consensus on the principles ive laid out. We asked a number of questions. Either way, we recognize how different our states and cities are, how different the gun culture is, in Rural America and urban america. How different a gun culture is in states which are overwhelming. Most of you probably dont realize we have one of the highest per capita gun ownership of hunters in america because of duckhunting, because while the magnificent tributaries that go from the delaware bay, chesapeake bay, Delaware River at various rivers that flow into the day. Its a paradise. It its a big business as well as an institutional, culture. I remember a woman in canton, delaware, saying, i want to show you something my daddy gave me. This is a woman who is 78 years old. Shoebox in the backyard and says he now, it is duck season right now. So dont get mad. This all over the fireplace. He won a lot. Now if you did that in the Upper East Side of manhattan, youve got a problem. [laughter] its important because some of you who share very strong feelings, its a part of the essay at that a lot of this comes from. But it is not the sculpture, recognition of differences in the cultural behavior and attitudes to new jersey, on the south jersey is a big deal, too. I generic pointer is recognizing doesnt in any way negate the rational prospect of coming up with common sense approaches and how to do with the merit of problems that relate to gun ownership. So we asked a number of questions. The first question we asked is who should be prohibited and who can legally be prohibited from owning a gun. Current law has evolved over time and considered the question. My senior year in 1968 graduating with an incredible year. The only political career, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated two dr. King who got engaged in politics was assassinated earlier in that year. Even had the assassination attempt as george wallace. When ive looked back, its a wonder things help together quite frankly. Well, the Congress Passed what was then called the gun control act. Among other things, felons, fugitives, drug users, those adjudicated but his ramallah. Those that have been adjudicated mentally defect is could not lawfully on a gun. Then in 1994 as the world changed in the country changed, along with the things we had a new category of people who are prohibited from purchasing again. Bake on facts, not fiction and prejudice and that is those who had a restraining order issued them. That was a fight to get that. Then two years later we expanded the list again to include anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime because there was history of the most likely people to do something would be contoured. Time and experience has demonstrated we should continue to take a close look at the list to see if it fits the needs of society at the moment. As part of our recommendations, and he suggested the president directed the attorney general to study a question should any other people beatitude prohibitive category, for example, right now certain stockers can still purchase guns to people about standing as long as it outcrossing delaware conducted a gun. Then its a fugitive warrant outside the jurisdiction. People convicted of misdemeanors are now prohibited, but as always you know, and you do it every day. There is parental abuse or elderly parents should they be prohibited. Im not making a judgment, but i aint convinced we have to look at whether or not the prohibitive category should be expanded. The most delicate area is the Mental Health area, which requires a great deal of study and ironically is where you find the progun guys and antigun guys to say no, no, no. But we have to look at it. We have to address it. This is if you have the potential categories and the president as the attorney general to look at. Is the second issue involved in all of you know we have a thing called mix that is the system is in place in washington d. C. There is a background checks on people before they can make sense if they are not prohibited class. And its a little bit like a peabody gun, i have two shotguns, a 20 gauge and 12 gauge shotgun. You go and get a background check. Its a little bit like swiping your credit card. It takes about that long. Just like when you check your credit card comes the bank doesnt have a record which you have in that account for an automatic out, hes got a problem. Well, its only as good as the information available. Right now, the information being put in that system is woefully incomplete. States are supposed to make them to Health Records available for people who cant have guns. For example, today theyre 17 states that have made feeler and 10, 10 mentalHealth Records available on the background check system. There are tens of thousands of felons, the estimate as, who are convicted in your city center state that information never transmitted to the next system. So we recommend to the president that he redirect because no one knows for sure whether or not its in ideological judgment governments are making a domain material or is it an economic issue. So we asked the president to redirect 20 million to the states still up and update records in the them available. He decided the Justice Department should do that. The money only goes so far. A lot has to do with leadership. Again, i guess ill always be a senate guy, but im very proud of my homes they because of the leadership of our governor, jeb workout with hope as the attorney general of delaware has moved from one of the worst performing states to one of the best performing states as a consequence, at least rated by the mayor against gun law. Its about making the decision to make it available. I know you have influence in your states. Thats not quite true. Thats a bad habit of being straightforward, so the truth is is not nearly such influence, not because of you, but the receipts were. All kidding aside, i ask you to can do need to push the governors to make these records available. Again, im not suggesting this in a nefarious reason why its not being done, but its not done. I ask you to think about whether we should think about making the record sharing mandatory as a matter of law, or do you think the ideas that incentivizing state since information is enough . Debates here from you on that. I will say one of the things weve learned is that the federal government hasnt been doing a very good job in the last 10 years either, but sharing information available. So recommendation by the executive orders everybody got up in arms about the kid is going to rewrite the constitution. He directed every federal agent to make sure when the federal government live up to our end of the bargain to share relevant information within the lawful possession of the federal government to assist in if it contained people who should be disqualified as a matter of law. Once you figure out these pieces, theres another broader point, that a system that identifies people who should not, should not possess guns only works if it actually prohibits those people from purchasing those guns. And so thats why we need and recommend universal background checks. [applause] studies show that the 40 of the people, and to be honest with you again, because that the lack of the ability of federal agencies, we cant say with absolute certainty what im about to say is correct, but the consensus is about 40 of the people who buy guns today do so outside the background check system. Right now, if someone purchases a gun from a licensed dealer, hes required to undergo a background check, which takes a matter of minutes. But he can buy the exact same god from a private seller with no background check at all. That has to change. Dig about it. Imagine you get to the airport in these two lines for security. One of them you have to go through the muddled sector, empty your pockets come and take off your shoes and the other you can go straight through to the plane. Where are you going to go . Especially if youre carrying something you are not supposed to. Which line do you think the terrorist pics . Well, same thing about gun sales. What a criminal by a gun at a store or hes required to go through a background check or at a gun show from a licensed dealer where hes required to go through the background check when he can buy a gun from the guy the next over he sometimes had to sign say no background check required. Its the definition that constitutes a gun seller not only for profit, how frequently you engage. So why would we do everything in their power to stop that . Whose right is being infringed on . The lawful citizen, the guy who has nothing to hide goes through the system. Virtually no complaints. Even with an incomplete system, almost 2 million convicted felons she indicated mentally incompetent and the rest of the categories to buy guns. So it makes no sense to me, especially since whenever the original assault weapons ban and a sixday waiting period and the nra said something i agreed with. They said look, we would object if you can do this quickly. So invested a lot of time, money and effort in setting up the system. By the way, i want to sell you my 12 gauge shotgun and, which hasnt been used much lately. Its not a big deal for you. I say we have to take another 20 minutes im on a check for us. We pay them 10 to 12. It is an inconvenience, but not an inconvenience relative to the potential hole at me plug in the system. And we can make exceptions if i want to leave my guns to my son, both, who knows how to use them better than i do. Well, we may be able to write exceptions into handing down gun or giving tansey family wears. But theres no reason why we cant significantly broadness should try to pick up the pool of roughly 40 of the people who buy a gun without any background check. The third question we ask is the kind gun should be kept of her street . Some say wait a minute, you can take anyone off the street, not true in my view under the Second Amendment. And others say you have no right to take anything off the street because as jefferson said, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of peachtree its. Either it all the time. Odessa, the windows are able to tell someone, even if youre a billionaire, you cant buy income went think this ordinance. He cant have a flamethrower. So its been established, there is the ability to have legitimate limitations on the type of weapon that can be purchased. Towards that end, we look at two issues. The definition of assault weapon and highcapacity magazines. The president believes the president believes that there should be, ni great, newer and stronger assault weapons banned by knows everyone habit but the first assault weapons ban that it can do whatever it wants to get around it in the figurative way. We can define the start, scope of the do a lot of things to get around. I believe we had to try, but what i also know its assault riperrifles arent the only kind that can hide a magazine. Im not being facetious, im being liberal or. Most of the weapons used kente clips that can accommodate 40, 50. You dont, but they can accommodate them. So we recognize the weapon of choice in your town also is not a rifle. The weapon of choice in the vast majority People Killed were the handguns. But an awful lot of ground than the clock and a lot of other handgun weapons. So were calling for the prohibition of highcapacity magazines altogether. We can argue whether or not we are right it tends for 12 or seven or nine or 15. Do we know it makes no sense, like weve learned since columbine, police searched the scene in no time. You often incredible jobs. I mean this sincerely. Im not being solicitous. Incredible jobs and reducing the Response Time by your Police Officers to crises. The highcapacity magazines leave it as if no chance at all to often these police outgunned as well. And i were at the assailant a 100foot magazine. That is why cannot gm, god knows how many more people wouldve been killed. I met with Gabby Jeffords has been, and natural hero in his own right and he was pointing out to me. You know this doesnt make, when gabby was shot, but for the fact putting the new clip in and the women reached out and jumped out and grabbed him, prevented him from putting a new clip than, a new congressman who was injured and chat with gabby probably would not have been around to tell the story. So injured, some of those children were whittled with as many its hard to even say, a loving bulletholes in a first grader. Highcapacity magazines in our view are not worth the risk. [applause] and the notion of highcapacity magazines dont have a practical sporting purpose or hunting purposes when hunter told me if youve got 12 rounds, it means you party missed the dear 11 times. You should pack the and at that point. You dont deserve to have a gun. This seriously, think about it. Now youre here, those of you be prepared to say, for sporting a gun ranges to make sense, i dont know why we cant say that those who have been should be kept at the range if thats what theyre for. I mean besides, not passive, that make that judgment without in any way impact Team Sporting enjoyment. The next question we ask is that we make our streets and schools safer . With regard to our streets, i believe in the president believes that cops make a difference. I remember when i first read the cops bill, i was told we tried that. We never tried that before. And i should be clapping for you while because it passed and you made it work. He made Community Policing work. Crime and Violent Crime went down because of you, the way you employed this additional Police Officers. Thats why it went down. Thats why it happened. And we still think, particularly in these economically difficult times for you out and municipalities, we want to provide state of local governments and the resources they need to keep cops on the street, even during hard economic times. [applause] either way, some of you smiled at me when mike said and joe is going to make sure these programs go directly to cds and i went like that. You know, i tried that with her recovery act that didnt work, but cops that works. Heres the deal, if you dont think you should find yourself in cutting nonenforcement to pay for the essential services, we think you would agree with as there were going to come back again and weve gone through lmb. Were going to push again for another 4 billion in grants in the cops program. [applause] its important. [applause] i dont want anybody confusing that with the argument that every school in america should have armed guards unarmed teachers and principals and the like. In the original cops bill as they wrote it, as we wrote it, there is a provision for School Resource officers. I admit to you when i wrote at the first time, i was thinking of Mass Shootings. What i was thinking about was the same principle as to any policing. The reason that work is because you get local Law Enforcement officers acquainted with and accommodated the neighborhood with a build trust. Watching the drug joke adenosine shootings, shes not going to pick up the phone and call city hall. Shes afraid. But issues got in a relationship with a local cop, shell say charlie, let me tell you whats happening in my corner. The same thing happened to School Resource officers because what happens is they stand in a school armed or unarmed, uniformed and guess what, do kids get to know them and they think its cool talking to them. Its like talking to your coach. What we found out, kids say things like john, when i opened my locker this morning, three doors down was a handle of the gun sticking down. There is a drug deal going to go down in the back of the gym. John, theres going to be a rumble. Well, heres a were going to do. Were going to propose. We think we believe School Resource officers plan important role, but do you should have significantly more flexibility in how to use that. Thats why we are proposing a new School Safety program that funds officers, but also gives communities the flexibility to apply further support. Through School Resource officer will cost you accessing the dollars a year but the money the federal government is putting out. You can say wed rather have a School Psychologists we went to School Resource officer who was unarmed. What we dont want the president and i, we dont want rent a cops in schools arent. We dont want people to schools who are trained to please officers. When ive insisted schools whose Police Officers, but if the concluding the a psychiatrists in School Resource officer, you can apply it for the funding that would otherwise come for that purpose. We also make sure every school has reliable Emergency Response plan. I know im preaching to the choir when i say we have no idea how Many School Districts across the country and your state have picked up the phone and called my office and said, can you tell us what the best plan is Something Like this happens . The department of education has been inundated, so one of the few things the federal government historically can do well since we have the resources to figure out what best practices are you going all around the country taking information they have from you all, deciding what best practices are and then going out and saying look, congress has funded creation of these plans. School districts who want to take advantage, here they are. We found work in rural areas, urban areas, whatever. Who were asking the congress to find safety implementation programs. The next question that we asked was how can we improve access to Mental Health services that people get the help they need before its too late. We look to circumstances and people at age out of medicaid. Youve got these cities with Mental Health services. All of a sudden the age out of me is that the mayor, nothing do. The social worker like my daughter when she worked restate, now she works for a Nonprofit Group that all of a sudden, what are we going to do . This kid still need so. Were calling on congress to help those who do his children every day to look for the warning signs that referred kids to treatment. Turns out three quarters of all Mental Illness appears by age 24, the less than half the children ever receive any treatment. We need to change that. Im proud to say proposition better than any country can make great progress because of the Affordable Care at. [applause] and because of the leadership of republican senator domenici and ted kennedy and Mental Health parity. Weve got to get this nation to the point, where well speak to this in a second, where in fact a mental a Mental Health problem receives the same credibility and congress should a physician or a psychiatrists if somebody breaks there are. Either way, parenthetically [applause] is my son who is in iraq veteran can tell you, he had to do with this, we got a lot of women and men coming home with invisible injuries. You know, theres a lot of veterans coming home. And the suicide rate has been astounding. Almost one we will we are doing everything that we can to help out these people. But when the point is that we have to deal with it. And so the question is the question we ask is how. How to do that and that will take more time. We have concrete answers that will make available to you the next question is how do we prevent gun trafficking, the bane of existence in america. Creating a federal drug excuse become a federal statute for guns. We have one or other things, but there is not one for guns. As you all pointed out, we are committed with weapons purchased outside the state or city and in illinois, for example, 47 of the guns recovered at crime scenes were purchased outside the state. In new york, it is 60 . The only way to stop this, we recommend to the president we call on congress to pass a statute people who pass the required background checks but there isnt an explicit law against this stop purchasing. Stop purchasing are often out of the tax would end paperwork. You know as well as i do how many guns are unaccounted for. We need strong federal laws to help us with the entire trafficking network. Finally, and i know that i have taken a long time, but this is something so many of you spending a lot of time talking to me about. We ask what can we do better about understanding them violence. When the crime bill expired in 1990 for from going to 2004, one of the things we could do back in 1994 was the cdc, who was able to do research on gun violence. We can figure out basic causes and not only did the congress not resolve this gun ban, but it inflicted significant impediments on federal agencies were doing basic research. It explicitly prohibited it. There is a whole set of amendments that further constrain the ability to gather data. We need answers to a lot of questions. We need understanding of the causes. We need longerterm independent studies to determine not only the impact of guns and how people die and what type of guns and so on and so forth. But we need studies, and thats where the Entertainment Industry doesnt like me at all. We need studies on what are the impacts on young minds of witnessing competitive fire and ask on movies or television or video games. [applause] that is not an indictment of the industry. It is a recognition that we have no extensive modern study. It is worth pointing out how my conversation in the industry, they seem intent on doing what they can do to help. They have a ratings system the vast majority of americans live in now. You can go on if your grandchild or child watches the Early Morning cartoons with excessive violence in him, and its just cartoons. You can actually program in television to take on extreme violence, moderate violence or violence. You can do it now. 90 of the parents dont have any idea of that. The only thing is they should be going on a major Advertising Campaign to let people know. But quite frankly, we dont have efficiency in this. As an informed society ,com,com ma we need data. The president signed a directive that allows the cdc to begin gathering information. And i think that that is a very important step. Let me conclude by saying once again, thank you. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to come and be as explicit and long and hopefully not exceptionally boring and laying out tv elements of what we believe we need. Let me acknowledge the truth. Too many in this country have been silenced too long. [applause] we cannot we cannot be silent any longer. Those 20 beautiful children who lost their lives are no longer able to speak for themselves. We have to speak for them. 900 people who lost their lives in new york city. They are not able to speak for themselves and we have to speak for them. More than 9000 lives lost to gun violence each year are no longer able to speak for themselves and somebody has to speak for them. We need to fix this. This time, this time will not be like times have come before. Newtown, connecticut, has shocked the nation the carnage on our streets is no longer able to be ignored. We are going to take it beyond that. We are going to take it to the American People and make our case around the country and let the voices of the American People be heard. And we will be criticized because people will say that theyre spending that much energy, we are not spending enough energy on immigration and not spending enough on the fiscal problem. President s do not get to choose. They dont get to choose what they deal with. They deal with what before them and what they did to deal with. All these things i once asked former mayor daley of chicago, i said back in the 90s, best buy said mayor, what would you do . And he said he would get rid of the drug problem and it would transform the economy of my city overnight. Gun violence falls in the same category. We speak for those we lost, if we speak for our children and our families, but we have the courage to do the right right and we thing we know the deal, whole will have hope. I have no dissolutions about the support that will come from all sides. But i know the obstacles that will be going up against us, and they are not going to stop us. I know that we have no choice. We want to be able to look our kids and our grandkids in the eye we dont look every energy to try to keep them safe. We will not be worthy of the generation of those thousands of people that are party lost. We will not be able to stop every act of senseless gun violence or any other kind of violence. We know that in the future. But that is no excuse to do nothing. It is not an excuse to do nothing. If we can save even one life, it is worth it. I believe that together we can save a lot more lives than that, and i think that we can begin again, not because of guns alone, but i think we can begin an endeavor that stops the coursing of American Culture and society. I think we can begin to turn this around. It is not all because of guns. Its a lot of other things. It might be what happened that would have been in newtown, connecticut, is more than just gun violence. It is about civility in our society. I think you all. You are all on the front lines. May god bless you and bless the victims of newtown and those who have fallen as a consequence of senseless violence. Thank you for your time. [applause] thank you, thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] clamber. It is great to see you all, thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] in president obamaproposals, president obama used his president ial powers to enact 23 measures that do not require the backing of lawmakers. The president s executive actions include ordering federal agencies to make more Data Available for background checks. Appointing a director of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives. And the cdc to research on violence. Coming up next on cspan2, michigan governor Richard Snyder delivers his state of the state address. Then Duval Patrick delivers his state of the commonwealth address. That is followed by the wyoming state of the state address with governor matt need. And later on, a case dealing with suspected drunk driver to give a blood sample. Attorney general burkholder will speak on friday to discuss efforts to reduce gun violence in the new gun laws proposed by president obama. Starting at 11 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan. You are watching cspan2 with politics and Public Affairs featuring live coverage of the u. S. Senate. On weeknights, watch key Public Policy events and every weekend the latest nonfiction authors and books on booktv. You can see past programs and get our schedules at our website, and you can join in the conversation on social media websites. Michigan governor Richard Snyder called on state lawmakers to bring his states budget under control. This is about 15 minutes. [applause] [applause] [applause] [inaudible conversations] [cheers] [applause] [applause] members of the convention, the governor of the state of michigan, rick snyder. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Thank you. Please be seated. [applause] well, thank you for that very warm welcome. Its great to be with you tonight. Once a year we do the state of the state address. It is a moment to stop and pause. It is a moment to stop and reflect on how we can use relentless positive action to continue the reinvention of michigan. And i would hope to do is talk about the dashboard. Where we stand. Talk about 2012 and we talk about 2013. And we talk about our future. It is a great opportunity. I am happy we can share together. First, i would like to thank the people that made this possible. Speaker walter, thank you. [applause] my partner Lieutenant Governor brian kelly. [applause] Senate Majority leader richard [applause] there are three good looking guys that dont have to look at the back of me for one years. Also, welcome to the Senate Minority leader whitmer. [applause] the House Minority leader and the members of the Supreme Court of michigan. [applause] secretary of state luke johnson. [applause] as well as the attorney general of the state of michigan. [applause] all the members of my cabinet. [applause] thank you. I would like to thank all the ladies and gentlemen of the legislature. Thank you for your partnership. [applause] i want to thank the citizens of michigan this opportunity. It is an honor to be your governor. [applause] have a special thank you. I would request that every member that is in the military services or Armed Services we stand. [applause] thank you. [applause] they deserve a special thank you. I would like to share a couple moments with you any trip last april. One special thing happened that i would share with you. It was with the 125th infantry in afghanistan, a National Guard unit. When i arrived, they asked me to do a ceremony. I had the opportunity to swear people in to reenlist them in the michigan National Guard at an operating base in harms way. Those are special people. We need to say thank you to anyone serving. To give you some perspective, we had well over 1000 michiganders comeback concert last year. We currently have over 650 michigan guardsmen and air guard people serving our country around the world today. There is a cost, and we need to understand our that cost. Last year we lost nine servicepeople that were michiganders, including Sergeant Kyle mclain, a National Guards person. I think it is only fitting that we send our thoughts and prayers to anyone in the Armed Services in all their families. If you join me in a round of applause for all of those wonderful people serving us. [applause] [applause] thank you. The final group i want to thank is my family. Its a wonderful opportunity to get all the kids dressed up. Thank you, family, for putting up with me. [applause] now for my speech. Lets talk about the dashboard. Not just on how we are doing, but the numbers on how we are doing. I will give you documentation in terms of all of the dashboard that i have been using since the day i took office. In terms of this talk, i wanted to share five different items with you. In terms of different metrics to show you how michigan is doing. The first one is how is the economy. We are the sixth fastestgrowing state in the nation and we should be proud of that. [applause] just to talk about some of our major industries, everybody talks about the history of autos. I talk about it as our victory industries. Agriculture, automotive centrism. Im into the auto show just this week. Its a wonderful thing to see. The Automotive Industry is back in our country, 14 Million Units sold. Right here in michigan, as lester we produced over 2. 25 Million Units of those 14 Million Units that were assembled right here in michigan and we should be proud of that. [applause] also the winners of the cars of the year. If you want the best come you buy it from a michigan company. [applause] on agriculture, we continue to do well. We had a freeze early in the year, it devastated some of our fruit crops. And that was terrible. We had drought issues. But overall we had a strong year, we had record production and sugarbeet production and wheat. Back in 2011, i worked with the farm bureau and the Agricultural Community on setting goals. For the bulls was they were at 71 billion profit for the michigan economy. We set a 2015 goal is to get to 100 billion to 90 billion. We got to 91 billion. That number better be more than 100 billion. [applause] tourism did very well. Over a half billion dollar increase. We had great Hotel Occupancy and room rates. We are coming back in tourism in michigan as well. This is the place to be. The economy is doing well. Income levels will do well. We are the ninth state in the terms of per capita Income Growth and thats a great number. If you look at employment, private Sector Employment since 2005, we have added over 177,000 jobs and we are going to keep going. [applause] the home market is coming back. We saw a 10 increase in home sales, and a 5 increase in places where homes. I think it is important. When they did this and this in 2010, only one state in the United States went backwards, they lost population and im proud to say that as lester we did not grow by much, but michigan is a growing state again in population. [applause] that is just the starting point. Our goal is to continue that we keep our young people in the state and we will continue to work hard. Lets move forward. In respect of 2012, it was a busy year, as we all know. The three areas that im going to break down our jobs and people and the government. On the jobs front, what we do, in terms of really making things to make a difference, we have three major tax reforms that have made michigan a much more competitive place, and that is a great achievement and framework because weve done better, but one thing i want us to do is make sure that we support our local partners so i encourage everyone in august of 20 working to make sure that we have a yes vote up the proposition to keep that for our local jurisdictions. Good work on personal property tax reform. It will keep business coming in michigan. [applause] we have a dozen potential mining project in the tax exchange will encourage people to come to michigan, bring jobs to the upper peninsula, and the Rule Development fund that can help michiganders across the state. [applause] unemployment tax reform, we did that. We actually did a bond issue to get us out of debt with the federal government. It was actually recognized as the bond deal of the year for every bond deal in the United States. What well do is save our employers over a billion dollars over the next seven years, which will allow them to create more and better jobs for our citizens. Good work. [applause] regulatory reform, we did good work there. The office of regulatory reinvention, working together. If you look at this, we eliminated over a thousand wolves last year. That is how you create an environment that is conducive to business while still protecting our citizens that will generate jobs. Good work again. [applause] infrastructure. Huge projects are going on that are only beginning. We hope that because of their progress, we will be talking about the next two years. The first one is a bridge. [applause] we are moving forward with a new international permit. It is a great opportunity and i want to thank our partners in canada, i want to give a shout out to roy norton. Hes a tremendous person to the country are paying for this bridge. There are no taxpayer dollars involved. [applause] a huge accomplishment 40 years in the making, this was the Regional Transit authority for southeastern michigan and was a great effort of people working together and i want to thank you for all of that hard work. I do have one announcement on that front. Im announcing tonight that i get one appointment as the chair of the rpa, and for that great group i can think of anyone better to serve his paul. [applause] [applause] on the legislative side like to give a shout out for making this happen along with many other transportation projects. [applause] the very quotable line [inaudible] [laughter] one other thing that i would like to mention that wasnt done by this body, but was really important to her state that i would like to acknowledge is the great achievement they are just starting and it will be critically important and exciting. But that the Publicprivate Partnership that they will put the rapids back in grand rapids. I want to thank everyone for their great hard work. I want to mention a program that many citizens dont know about, and it is an idea that i view as common sense and be work hard to make it really happened. We started at a couple years ago and the progress has been two minutes. It happened on the lending side and to give you an update, since 2010, 2011 and 2012, there has been over 800 million purchasing them in the state of michigan that was done and otherwise was done in almost 2 billion of additional loans made. Because of these programs and it is going so well and its so exciting that ford and chrysler are also joining the program. What keeps us going is buying more from michiganders because that is more jobs. [applause] now, let me turn to the people front, which is critically important. We do not talk enough about that. We need to do more to reach out and give people great service. One program im excited about is at least two potential. The department of Human Services came forward with a great program. The concept is to get people out of the Government Office and what we are doing is giving social workers and asking them to leave the Government Office and go work in the local public elementary school. We are already doing that in 21 schools in our cities with the highest crime and challenges. In april excuse me, by february of this year, we will have over 135 we will have success coaches in them. That is what the government should be about. Its not about being in a Government Office waiting for your customer to come to you. Its about going to the customer, serving them an understanding their issues, showing success and i am happy to share one Success Story with you. There are few people ive asked him that. Yolanda foster and her son joshua. You could stand up. [applause] they are right over here. [applause] thank you for joining us. On the first day of school, one of her children came in. One of her daughters came in and flip flops and dana had a chance to talk to her and learn about yolanda and her family situation. They were living in a homeless shelter. We got them into rental housing and docile as having challenges in school. If you look at it, he needed some help on that front. Yolanda is currently working part time now and working towards her ged and hopefully a fulltime job, and joshua is doing well enough in school and what i understand is that he won the most improved award in math and also attends. [applause] they had come from the south, and whatever fate to them if thank you for coming to michigan and welcome to michigan, and thank you for sharing your story. [applause] enqueue. [applause] all a Great Success. Another Great Success was our summertime Youth Initiative in putting people to work in some of our most challenge communities. Lester we did over 750 kids and in terms of that, it has been wonderful and led by the dnr. Many Community Organizations participating in this, and i wanted to recognize one of the people. In terms of that person, i would ask mr. Williamson. Thank you. There he is. So he is a very shy person from what i was told. Is that right . I appreciate you standing up and being a part of the success way. He is currently going to Macomb Community college. By going through this program, he had a great exposure to many wonderful things and is not the language is actually applied for a position with the dnr and looking for other opportunities. This is the kind of Success Story that we love to hear. Congratulations for your hard work. It pays off. I look forward to seeing you being a Success Story in michigan. Thank you. [applause] one other area that we made progress with was autism. That is something that was very moving to me. We have at least 15,000 young People Better qualified to get assistance. To allow them to have a great family life and be successful at it is wonderful. There are no losers. It helps society in terms of being successful and i appreciate all the people who reach out to make that happen and i would like to recognize three people. Senator Rebekah Warren and Randy Richard bell took up his cause from the very first day in the legislature. And Lieutenant Governor brian kelly. Thank you for making this happen. Thank you. [applause] one other area that we are proud of is giving kids and teenagers better dental coverage. We have a long way to go. Im proud to say in this current budget we are adding another 90 some thousand dollars and this is a program we should just continue until we get all kids covered in some fashion. Thank you for adding this extra 90,000 kids. It will make a difference in their lives. [applause] good government. Thats a topic that you know i would focus on is an old cba. One thing i would say, one editorial comment, if we are able model, i wish that washington dc will follow the model we are creating slick you talk to someone in washington dc, tell them to look to michigan because we do things right. [applause] to give you a couple of illustrations of that, that 2000 and i took office, we looked at the Rainy Day Fund and what was the bounds of balance of the Rainy Day Fund . 2 million. The current balance is in excess of 500 million. [applause] another huge win was on retirement reform. The first way is we materially reduced liabilities of our citizens. By over 21 billion. That equates to 2200 for every man, woman and child in the state of michigan. Those are real savings that they otherwise wouldve had to pay. [applause] the second piece of it is it is important that people in those retirement programs and count on having those retirement dollars show up when they retire. We have not been responsible in terms of State Government. We are being responsible now. Stand up for future retirees and we are going to work hard and continue on that path and you will have a funded system where you can count on having that retirement check when you do retire. [laughter] a couple other items, we worked hard on really getting state employees were fired up and active in the process. I want to thank the Lieutenant Governor for coming up with bureaucracy busters. Basically creating an environment where they can go online and submit ideas. We had over 10,000 state employees participate putting in over a thousand ideas, 100,000 votes for different ideas, and we are implementing a number of those ideas in recognizing the winners and we are just going to keep that program going. Its really cool and its about getting excited. Its not about getting caught in a bureaucracy. This is not serving our customers. [applause] i would also like to recognize something that is often looked at some of the Largest Court reform potentially happening right here in michigan. It was large part due to your work and i want to thank the Supreme Court and the entire judiciary for their involvement in the process, which talked about Performance Measures and were consolidations and concurrent jurisdiction. I want to compliment the court and all your fine work and all your colleagues. Thank you. [applause] 2012 is is not your book are all listed at the end of year, we had a difficult time. It is unfortunate. I wish that wouldnt happen. Sometimes it does happen in this world. What i would say to all of you is i hope that we can Work Together. I hope we can work to avoid those kind of situations. The most important things that we do is we can have policy differences and different perspectives. Ultimately, we are hired by the citizens and the people of the state of michigan. And our responsibility is to give them Great Customer service and to give them the best customer service, its not dwelling on differences are different perspectives and those kinds of issues. It is really stepping up to say how we Work Together with respect make sure that we do the best job possible, and i appreciate that we are going to work hard to find Common Ground where we can Work Together and i hope all of you help me do the same thing. [applause] thank you. Thank you in 2013. Im going to go through a number of legislative actions are a im language start of the toughest thing first, im going to go through jobs and people in government again. Im going to start with the toughest single issue. Its not just roads, its bridges as well. Please dont misunderstand me. Is that famous event. I have done hundreds of town halls in michigan and ive i have asked if anyone likes our roads. I have not seen any hands go up after 100 plus town hall meetings. Time to do something, folks. We need to invest more in our roads. To put it in a simple sense, it is time. The talked about last year and i would like to move ahead in asking Good Partnership to say lets do something to put more resources into our roads. Both of the sources coming in and how we use dollars. The tough question is we need more dollars than what is actually being . Well, you know i am a cpa and i actually believe that this is a package of programs to save us money and its not about costing us money, but saving us money and building for the future. Let me walk you through the steps. If you look at it, we need to invest at the state level of 1. 2 billion per year. I also want to provide local options and additional funds for a couple hundred of additional revenue. These are user fees. You buy gas and you are using the roads. So its about your piece of paper that. If you stop and say it isnt annual month of roughly a billion dollars, we would be with or without a . For 10 years that would be 10 million. But what would our bill be if we didnt spend that per year . A bill in the range of 25 billion . So this is just like looking at the question if you wait for an engine rebuild or if you change the whale. If you invest, you will save you. Thats gigantic and its the first that. But it only gets better. Whats the next thing that would happen . Besides the additional dental bills from being bounced around, they have additional bills. What we did is look at the average car repair repair expenses in michigan. On average we spend 81 more per vehicle than the surrounding states do. Now, that billion dollars that we would need equates to about 120 per year per vehicle. It depends on how much you drive in the value of your vehicle. There is potentially 80 offset right there. But wait, theres more. We invest that billion dollars per year, it will create over 12,000 jobs in michigan. Thats a lot of jobs, folks, it helps the economy a lot. The last one is, and there is no price you can put on us, how many people here that someone who have have lost their lives in a car accident . Raise your hand . Think about it for a second. I bet most of us know someone who has lost their life in a car accident. We have done work to say that we would save nearly 100 lives per year. Each year. There is no price you can put on that. So if you step back and look at this, its an opportunity to say lets do the right thing and invest in our roads and keep our citizens safe for and create jobs and have a save a lot of money and not stick our kids with a big bill. I encourage people to work hard on us. I would like to give a shout out to the senator who stepped out to be the leader on us. I thank you for moving us forward. [applause] one piece of legislation i am also asking for is our Automated Vehicle registration. In terms of coming up with autonomous vehicles, google and other companies now are suggesting that california florida and nevada have are to pass legislation on autonomous vehicles. They are ahead of us. We are the automotive capital of the world. We should be stepping up and making sure that we are on the forefront and i encourage that legislation. [applause] im now going to talk about something about schools and kids. You can put it under jobs or people. The point is having a great career and being successful. To give you an illustration there, one of the things we have is the other situation where we are not getting enough performance out of our educational system. Only 20 of kids are College Ready and that is unacceptable. Over 60 of our kids have to take a remedial class when they go to Community College and that is absolutely unacceptable. The toughest that we have is to simply failing schools. About two years ago we came up with the concept of saying, why dont we come up with a innovative format to deal with failing schools that can be a forum and a place to talk about innovation and education and show student growth and what we did. It is the Educational Achievement authority and there are 15 schools in the detroit area. So we took 15 schools that were among the most consistently failing and put them into a system of schools, not the School Districts but a system of schools with the most resources possible in the classroom. They have a longer school day and school year. They have three meals a day. More importantly, they have a student centered model. The students are driving their own growth. There is no such thing as a failing grade. There is only a question about how long it takes you to master a level. I think that is a very important opportunity for people to look at. I am proud to say that the Gates Foundation gave it another breaker award for innovation in education. I ask you to do is pass legislation we talk about the latter part of last year. Tonight i am offering an open invitation to every legislator to come visit the eaa and go talk to the kids. And im happy to say that we have a couple of people from one of our elementary schools. Let me see if i can figure out which direction they gave me on my chart here. But we have the keys to it. Thank you for joining us. They are joining us up in the gallery. [applause] thank you. Now, in terms of this, i would like to share a little bit about this. One of them was a challenge event. He has gone very engaged and i asked what grade these kids are in and they say that we are not in great, we are in levels. I appreciate that. But you have done very well from having a challenge beginning in november. Then he was student of the month and is on the path to being a mentor for younger students in the school. Go for it. You have my support. [applause] we are looking for Great Success. [applause] on budget related items, im going to tell you that these are things that we will have in the budget that we think should be a priority. Verse one is a great start Early Childhood area. We have 29,000 students are eligible for programs to get them into preschool. I dont believe we can accomplish all of that, and i am hoping to come up with Creative Ideas to get there. But i think its important that we make a major budget commitment to get as many kids in as possible and get on a path to helping all those kids in great start in Early Childhood programs. And i asked for your support for that. The second thing is the skill based training site. There are opportunities for us to do much better. There are jobs in michigan that we are not selling. And i look forward to working with separate representatives on that. Thank you for signing up to be part of the team to help get things done or. [applause] thank you. In terms of that, the department of military and Veterans Affairs deserves more attention. The Veterans Affairs agency to really step forward and consolidate work and do better work for veterans. We are staying focused on this. [applause] we need to do better with Mental Health. [applause] weve done some good work that the issue is that we should be doing more to help people before they show up before a judge. We need to Work Together in partnership with additional Budget Resources and to partner on coming up with great products and how to engage mentalhealth issues more effectively, to communities more involved, more public and private partnerships and take care of people who deserve better attention that will benefit all of us. Lets work on Mental Health. [applause] strengthening neighborhoods and communities. This is an area that i think we can show good bipartisan teamwork on and we should be working together on. Abandoned properties is one of the focus points. People that are buying properties and not taking care of people renting these properties in the right way. The second area is in terms of taking valuable metals and doing something in that field, because that is going to be not as taking place in neighborhoods that statewide in terms of stepping forward. We need work even more on the Public Safety front. We need a major initiative. It will take multiple years working consistently to do that. So i think there is a need for even more troopers and resources and i want to offer legislation for the next generation 9 11 systems we can do a better job on Public Safety. In terms of these efforts i really look forward to working with senator smith in terms of being partners in stepping up to get some stuff done. We work on this issue together, how about that . [applause] one of the things i am calling for it is we do a good job with fiscal notes and bills, but its not good enough. I want to ask if the concept of taking dollars into account. Actually putting them to go forward that figures out how to pay for them and where that money is coming from. Also doing that with respect to capital items and not operating items. Lets not just leave the indefinite future. [applause] in terms of transparency and openness, im looking to partner with the secretary of state Work Together in that area. There is number of things we can do in that area. There are great ideas on online Voter Registration and we should be looking at inperson absentee voting when you have photo ids. We should be looking at reporting requirements for campaigns and campaign limits and we should be looking at local elections on the administration. Im looking forward to working with the secretary on a number of things. [applause] [applause] on ethics we need to do state and local government. In terms of lobbying and in terms of the procurement are kissing process and help you deal with it. I also want to give a shout out to our attorney general who has been very vigilant. One of the achievements was the mortgage industry and we thank him for his efforts in that area. [applause] there are about a dozen and a half Different Things that are out there that i think are important. The roadmap for next year, because i thought this was very helpful in the past in terms of different activities. This is a year that is a little bit different. Bringing people together to talk about issues in a serious way, making plans and getting things done. Schedule looks like this. In february, the very seven, we will be back with a budget much as we have done in the past. In march, i plan on giving an Economic Development summit to focus on talent. Again, also on how we can work better together. In april we will do an education summit. We will take that in april and have a great discussion about how we need to do a better job on recruiting the talent and getting a system that is creating even better systems than we have today. We own over 4 million acres. We need to have one. We need to get that done. In june i was proud to be elected as part of the governors council, and what we are going to be doing, and i have art he invited the other governors, is holding a conference on Mackinac Island to talk about how we can enhance the great state of michigan which we all love. I knew i could get a laugh out of that to start. But i think inzaghi criticized for is doing to make things are taken into many big problems. Problems that have been a problem for 20 years or 30 years. Why are you doing that . As you know, typically a take on several year. And why does that happen . Simple. We need to reinvent ourselves. Who be ourselves in 2009 . Do you know if anyone would like to be in the michigan of 2009 again . Is the last decade. 750,000 job. Our state shrink. Now its just not about that nice that i get so passionate about doing a. Its about 44 years, that makes me really passionate. I only have two charts on my wall in my office had one of those cherries is a chart that shows michigans percentage of the National Economy from the 1964. The high point was 1965, but a comment for five and a quarter of the entire u. S. Economy. That chart, that line has been ups and downs, because downhill for 44 years until 2009. That and said just a above 2. 5 . Our role of the National Economy reduced by more than half in those years. We started to come up again. We been coming up the last two or three years. I dont intend to see us go back down again it was another good. Thats why at this. Thats why we have dog years. Thats why we have positive action. Its a commitment to say cant we have 44 years going out now and that requires hard work and that is not an easy thing to do and the greatest challenge to make that happen is not any piece of legislation that mentioned. Its not any great reforms regarding god. The greatest challenge in doing that is really simple. We just need to look in the mirror. His eyes. I got out of school in 1982. Unemployment is over 15 in michigan at the time. Ive heard talk from people talking about a lot the very same things we are doing now. What happened . Back in those days the ottawa industry came back. 84, 85 were some good years. Everybody forgot about the ugly times and talk about reinventing things. Another reset. This is our opportunity, folks. This is a special privilege to be an elected office, to be a servant of her citizens, to say we had the opportunity to make the greimel keep going up. Ill have one tangible illustration of how we acted your help decide that we got it or not and thats the issue by asking for the billion dollars in user fees for there is. I tell you in a traditional political world if i talk to political people, if i tactic other people comment in the mindset of cash and cash out. Where the politics politics of this . The road funding will go nowhere. I still broken on the Public Sector government. Thats playing politics. If we step back for a minute if it were a family. Where family of 10 Million People were sitting around the Kitchen Table saying whats right for future and we sit there and say weve got a chance to make payments over the next 10 years that would save us 1. 5 times that we otherwise have to pay if we can stabilize and we cannot stick a case at the big bill. This is a nobrainer. This is common sense. Every family in michigan would decide to do the road project. Thats something we need to think hard about. So they can decide how long we want to argue about it, how political we want to make it or we can use some common sense and get it done because it can, at least at that, we are not here for a period its an monopril h. To be elected and we are here to serve 10 Million People counting on us. So this is our opportunity. Klotzbach [applause] ssierra to love this job in terms of passion because it is a special chance. This is our chance to say were doing the right and today and i get passionate. All i have to do is click here, three case. So lets Work Together. Plus hes relentless positive action. No blame, no credit, commonsense, solve the problem, step forward, reinvent michigan and be proud to say we have a better place for all of us today, but for her kids and their kids. So enough talk for tonight. Lets go to work tomorrow. Lets reinvent michigan and god bless michigan and all of this. Thank you so much. [cheers and applause] s Deval Patrick delivers this commonwealth address. And as direct attacks that invest in education, innovation and infrastructure. He lays out his budget plan to cut sales tax and increase income tax to pay for his Transportation Plan and education improvements. This is 35 minute. [applause] be my thank you during lunch. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Thank you area match. Thank you area match. [applause] thank you. My friends, thank you so much. To Lieutenant Governor murray, fellow constitutional officers and members of the governors counsel, madam president and members of the senate, mr. Speaker, members of the house to members of the Honorable Court and congressional delegation county municipal and other elected officials, members of the cabinet and administration, reverend clergy and most especially, fellow citizens of massachusetts. Good evening and happy new year. Please join me in welcoming our extraordinary first lady, diane patrick. [applause] i thank you for your Unsung Service and for putting up with me. Before it began, i want to ask us all to pause and reflect quietly on the necessary sacrifice of our men and women in uniform here and abroad and the unnecessary sacrifice of those poor firstgraders in you, connecticut and all those lost to gun violence in our own neighborhoods here at home. Thank you. I spent some times yesterday at the Orchard Gardens school in roxbury. Whenever i visit Orchard Gardens or any of the many other extraordinary schools in the column was, i wonder where the people in the school of service should make such visits a daily requirement here the energy, op msn, hopefulness in feel and focus for her work. Yesterday i listened to kindergartners come as second graders in middle read essays on what i want to be when i grew up. They want to be engineers and firefighters, to work and cleaned to go to law school. H. Rhianna, an unimaginably poorly secondgrader told me her dream is to be a teacher. Everyone of them them is thinking about college. I was the first person in my family to go to college, which i know is true of many of you here. I agree with grandparents educated only as far as the third grade in the motherhood job out of high school. My big break came her a scholarship to Milton Academy when i was 14 while thankfully no one ever told me college is not for me, milton was the first environment epicenter in where college was a normal x dictation. I applied to five colleges back then when a letter arrived seiners said in a to the one i really wanted. I called him but then is the name of their country and grandmother answered the phone. Grandma said im going to college. Im going to harvard. She started yelling, screaming, so excited, so proud. And then she paused, where is that anyway . [laughter] i was totally deflated. But gradually i came to realize it is not the prestige may grandmother was excited about, it was the opportunity, and the chance thats what mattered. That is always that matters. Maybe especially here for pilgrims seeking freedom, for immigrants seeking a better way, where mothers and fathers and grandmothers and grandfathers seeking a halt in the middle, massachusetts has specint seekers as a land of opportunity everybody in this chamber case that. In many, many encounters ive had over the last six years as members of the legislature, whatever your politics, you are your most joyful when you bring a thirdgrade class or High School Championship team in for a meeting or a picture. Because you respond to seekers just as i do. You see their craving for opportunity and you know that opportunity is at the core of the American Dreams itself. From good jobs to good schools to good communities, creating opportunity is at the center of our best work. Opportunity is too important to leave to chance. Opportunity requires growth and growth requires investment. Its just as true of government as in any business. The economy is not like the weather. Not rtas beyond our control, something where we rate for others to predict or explain to us. What we choose to do and not do shapes our future. As one friend of mine likes to say, the future belongs to those who prepare for it. That is why we invest in education and innovation and infrastructure. We invest in education because wellprepared young mind and make career talent is there global calling card and economic edge. We invest in innovation because of their workforce like ours, enabling and encouraging new ideas is the best way to take advantage of the knowledge explosion happening in the World Economy today. We invest in infrastructure because well begin our roads, rails, bridges and expanding broadband to every community, building new classrooms of months and more Affordable Housing gives, private initiatives and personal edition the platform of growth, education and innovation, infrastructure, a strategy proven through history working for us today. Thats why we lead the nation in economic competitiveness, punch but you really send from a student achievement, health care coverage, life science and dietetics, veteran services and energy efficiency. Thats a structural deficit is gone and why weve achieved the highest Credit Rating in history. Best buy with further to go to be sure, we have a very short recession faster than most other states and stronger than before to prepare for the future we invest in ourselves and had done so during the worst economic downturn in the big memory, lurch the, barry fermi transportation bureaucracy and shutting down the turnpike authority, Controlling Health care costs in introducing accountability and flexibility of our schools, ending the peace in the pension system, refer need immiscible health care, eliminating 6000 positions, and overcome its unions to gain concessions, constantly seeking better ways to deliver services. We have together saved the commonwealth over 11 billion so far, which in turn has enabled us to invest in education, innovation and infrastructure and to grow opportunity. Theres always more to do. Only this past week we propose to reform the Retiree Health benefits plan and consolidate 240 local housing authorities into just six regional ones without the business and advocacy groups, we are systematically common to state regulations, discarded or we can and should in. We propose to eliminate unnecessary duplicate it sees some business, to close loopholes and Unemployment Insurance system and strengthen the oversight of the Compounding Pharmacy industry. Only this morning we refile several Safety Measures to help stop tragedies like newton nor the recent shooting of a 13yearold boy in roxbury on its way to this. So yes, there is work to do. The truth is in any successful organization, public or private, the work of selfgovernment, selfimprovement is never finished and i am proud of the fact that working with the house and the senate, no administration is ever delivered more sweeping reform of State Government than ours has. [applause] we have our new proposals. Lets continue this Work Together. But as important as reforms are and will continue to be, they are not in a period if we want to accelerate growth and expand opportunity through the commonwealth, we have to invest more. Now hear me clearly. Government is no substitute for the dirt. Nothing can replace private initiatives and personal edition, business. The government create jobs. Government has a role to play in helping citizens help themselves. Thats why we invest. And why investing in education and infrastructure, together through government is so important to generating private sector growth. But in our schools and transportation, there is unfinished work. After 20 years of education reform, our students are at the top of the nation in student achievement and top of the world in math and science. Teachers have more support in flex ability and respond to students individual needs and accountability is high. Achievement gaps persist and they will until we go deeper. Every educator knows reading proficiency by the third grade determines future academic because achieved the cab format yesterday in massachusetts, only 61 of all thirdgraders are proficient in english language are. For africanamericans, the numbers 38 . For hispanics, 36 . Top players, and fans, other preschoolers, 30,000 of them on the wait list for Early Education opportunity. Lets ensure that every child has access to highquality Early Education. [applause] we know from educators, from Academic Research could be years of Public Policy and are an experienced his parents, that investing in our children at a young age pays huge dividends. For them in for a community as a whole. Lets once again fund k12 education higher than we did last year. Our lead in education is too important to lose. Our competitor states and countries are not slowing down, neither should we. And as we do, lets focus resources where poverty is too often concentrated in ensure that every middleschool child in every gateway city has a longer school day filled with richard program, service learning, art, exercising music. As to where to make a College Education affordable. Looking at the students at the Orchard Garden schools about where they want to go to potential in that room. Somewhere in that room for a room like it will cure cancer and take us to mars and invent the next typepad. The nurse whos going to care for us, the craftsman whos going to rebuild this kind of our cities, the musician who will draw thousands, the teachers that little feature on a wants to be, who is going to another child. We have made great, Great Strides in Higher Education that im especially proud of our Community College performance share. Take the next step by raising public colleges and universities can reinvigorate the scholarship program. [applause] we have unmet needs in our Transportation System and Everybody Knows it. Lets give our citizens a 21st century transportation network, just for a minute, imagine if you could depend on a bus or subway that or subway that came in time, was safe and comfortable in red chile student at umass boston or worker finished up to 1 00 or 2 00 in the morning. Imagine if a young innovator in the district to an Affordable Apartment in new bedford at the end of the day for the family in new bedford have access to the work and social opportunities here in boston. Imagine if the green line monopoly to medford in the Commuter Rail all the way to springfield in housatonic line was reopened between pittsfield and new york. Imagine if you could drive at highway speeds to hold things and let technology collector tools. Imagine the interchanges on 128 and cantin were smoothed out so you didnt have to add 45 minutes here rushhour commute. Our citizens do not want less transportation. They want more. They do not want us to spend more on the theme of being or just move money around from one idea to the next. They want us to invest in a disciplined and strategic way to do things that in proof quality of their life and further opportunities. This past monday, department of transportation showed us how, what we need to properly operate the system we have and add those few additional projects that unlocks growth and opportunity that long to click departs of our commonwealth, just as an education to Transportation Plan choose a specific need we all knew where i met. And just as in education, meeting those needs demands new revenue. Now there is no good time to raise taxes. This is the point they knew in this speech and silence would follow for the hall. I know just as clearly as possible how tough the times have been on the people and families of our commonwealth and though the worst of the recession is over, many, many families face tough decisions and have deep anxiety about the future. I would not ask if i did not believe in my heart that investing meaningfully today in education and transportation will significantly improve our economic tomorrows. Because we all have a stake in that future. We should all contribute to paying for it. [applause] for me, and a new revenue must meet three key principles. They must be comprehensive. We have to pay for those who have occurred already over a decade. 56 and modernize its broken and all of them may have to invest in ways that unlock our economic attention of an transportation we can no longer tell regions of the state like westernize too weak to share in the states prosperity. [applause] and in education, we can no longer keep choosing some fourth graders have rather fourthgraders to get their chance to succeed. [applause] so first comprehensive. Second, transportation in particular, new funding must be dedicated. We need discipline sustained investments in projects over time without the risk that funds will be diverted to the next good idea. We need to deal to show the people of massachusetts that their money is targeting specific results. Third, the sources of new revenue must remain competitive. Right now our overall tax rates are comparable to her neighbor states in the states with which we compete. We need to sustain the balance can also assure a sharing of the load within the commonwealth. With those principles in mind, i propose to restructure our tax system by placing a greater reliance on the income tax and less reliance the sales tax. [applause] in my budget in my budget, i propose to cut the sales tax in the current rate of 6. 25 to 4. 5 and dedicate all the proceeds to public works fund. That fund will support the Transportation Plan i have laid out for both existing responsibilities and the necessary and should project as well as the School Building fund and other public infrastructure. Under my plan, sales tax proceeds would be offlimits for any other purpose to support her education initiatives, my budget will propose that we increase income tax by one percentage point, 6. 25 to make that increase fair to all according to their ability to pay will propose that we double the personal exemptions for every taxpayer and eliminate a number of itemized deductions. Making those changes gives us a tax code that is sent. Fair. Let me add that these changes are sales income and business tax will be comparable to an competitive with other states in the region and beyond with which we compete. This is what i will propose. There will be debates. I encourage it. Everyone of us here has to think twice before asking people who already feel strapped to contribute a little more. But this time instead of sinking into the same old slogans, lets have a serious, respectful and factbased debate. The people we work for one of the schools i have described. They want to rail and Road Services laid out and above all, the opportunity of growth these investments will bring us. We, on their behalf, have choices to make. I choose growth. Theres a custom custom that every governor hangs a portrait over the fireplace and the governors office. I chose the poor should have governor john andrew before the outbreak of the civil war and among other things free black men their first opportunity to serve this country. It was not a popular thing for governor andrew to do or for legislators to support, but it showed political courage that encouragement sent same to those men, to future generations and this nation as a whole. I rounded a turn on the last two years i will sit in that office. I will trouble you only once more what this annual call to action as i consider our work over the last six years, i think most governors must wonder when they round this turn, will the last . I submit to you if we asked in this bold way, if we we commit to support schools and highways and byways to do for every corner of our commonwealth, not only will be offensive to a meaningful today, but we will have affirmed their commitment to opportunity of cells. I look forward to working with you. Thank you all. God bless you and god bless the commonwealth of massachusetts. Next, wyoming Governor Matt Mead delivers his state of the state address. This is 35 minutes. [applause] [applause] [applause] i would like to invite reverend to please give the indication. Please remain standing for the indication. I offer a prayer as we begin this legislative session for 2013. Let us pray. Almighty god, we come into your gracious care in keeping all the men and women of this 2013 legislative session. We especially with our governor, matthew mead as he discerned in the sights of legislation and speaks today, bless his words. Plus also the worst of our chief justice, honorable marilyn kite. Be with our senators and be with our senators and representatives as they decide on legislation. Defend all of them day by day with her heavenly grace. Strengthen them and try to temptations. Give them courage to face the challenges, which beset them. And finally, grant and they sent to their abiding presence as they continue with the business before them, all for the benefit of the state of wyoming, the United States of america and for the world, ford is in your holy name we pray amen. Members said the 62nd legislature, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, i present his excellency, the governor of the great state of wyoming, matthew h. Mead. [cheers and applause] good morning. Thank you very much. Thank you. Please be seated. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Thank you. Very nice, thank you. Im honored. I know that was to help short in a speech, but it will not work. Mr. President , mr. Speaker, members of the 62nd i am a legislature, secretary maxfield, superintendent hill, chief justice kite and members of the state and federal judiciary, citizens of wyoming, all military members, all but a common good morning. A great special good morning and welcome to our new treasurer, mark gordon. You take the place of joe meyer, who is a dear friend to all of us and all of wyoming. We miss you. And we look forward to your good work. On a personal note, good point to my wife, carol and my kids. We have basic to 50 chance they actually have been excused absence today. [laughter] we begin 2013 with optimism. But the state legislature, our 62nd, we never opportunity to work on the 2013, 14 budget and other issues we face. We have the opportunity to take steps to position our state well for boomer or nonboom times. We should build savings, reduce the standard budget, cut the size of government and streamline state regulations, decide on the funding mechanism for highways, change fiscal policies and provide funding for major items such as wildfire expenses, landfills, assistance to local government, the Gillette Madison project, the uw school of engineering and recognition of employee performance to name a few. Unlike the federal government, we will continue to live within our means. Well keep our budget is flat as possible, not doubling every 10 years as it did the past decade. We will have the position wyoming both of the future, but also draw the line and overspending. Therell be difficult decisions to be sure. But what we do this session is all about progress or estate, personal property or d. They make in a difficult decisions, we have a chance to leave a better legacy for wyoming. Whatever decisions they make this session, we are the best place to make them. Ladies and gentlemen, that is because i am pleased to report the state to the state is strong. That is a simple, but significant observation. The state of our state is strong. We are fortunate to say that because i can assure you as a tech to governors the country, not everyone can. We are thankful for energy resources, tourism, agriculture, national treasures, businesses and our greatest strength, our citizens. Before i get further along, either to recognize the remarkable citizens have asked to be with us today. We have representatives of the northern arapahoe tribes. I very much appreciate the close working relationship i have with the tribes. We work with a shared recognition reservation faces many challenges and opportunities as the rest of wyoming. Our core term relationship will benefit both the reservation of the state. The tribal members here, please stand so we may recognize you. [applause] one of the great blessings for me is governors to get to work with men and women who serve in our card but we never want to forget these men and women are still being deployed overseas. I see them when they leave that i try to be there when they get back that i can tell you as ive traveled on a couple occasions to where they work overseas, they serve in a way that brings great honor to our state into our country and we remember also that the card does great work here at home. Two years ago they had to fight floods all over the state and by their work or they were able to prevent the lot of damage and even help in the saving of lives. After distinguished itself flashier in fighting fires. General reiner of the wyoming National Guard, please stand as he recognize you and all military members on all current members. [applause] because the states embody and i recognize that education is one of our highest priorities and the key to education and one teacher can make a positive difference in our societycome to its to see her as ive done in previous years to recognize their excellence. We have excellent teachers all over the state and today we have with those in third grade teacher in elementary in cheyenne. She started her career 23 years ago and has taught 11 years. Laura, please stand and let us congratulate you. [applause] outstanding students go hand in glove with outstanding teachers. Felix beat scummy student at High School Received first mesa mathematics at the 2012 wyoming state science fair. His winning project was titled frequency and distribution of permutation all primes. I was going to explain that to you but i cant even say it. Ill leave that to felix. Im sure you have mattered more in mathematics in the future. Thanks for doing a good job. Please stay let us recognize you. [applause] teachers and High School Students are not talk about a great university. And please are the president of the university with us today, tom buchanan. Thomas retiring at the london successful career at the university. During his tenure, was seen in the sunni strengthening of their garbage to Community Colleges. He has built areas of distinction and energy, arts and business. I have served very difficult job, but that tom with his wife, jackie, accomplish great dedication and skill for the benefit of students in wyoming. Tom, please stand as a thank you for your dedication to uw. [applause] tom, i would note that our pasco teams over there seemed to be giving you a wonderful sendoff and i made more aware of that has defied people in our office early this morning asking for tickets. We appreciate all uw has to offer as well as her great, great Community Colleges. We recognize the importance of Higher Education literacy for year or two year degree that we also recognize the value of career and technical education. I would like to recognize those with Technical Training who roll up their sleeves every day to do the hard work. We too often take the contribution for granted. Plumbers, letters, technicians, custodians, heavy equipment operators. These are the people who do not get the credit they deserve in building and maintaining wyoming. Plaster was fortunate to have the opportunity to tour a coal mine and i talked to several coal miners, including an incredible woman who drove in a chunk as big as a house, literally. She told me how proud she was to work in a coal mine, to provide for her family and to be able to tell your kids that her work helps build wyoming empowers the country providing jobs for many others. Her story is not unique. We are fortunate to have two people who represent coal mining with us today. Collectively they represent 45 years roughly mixed. Said my name and i understand that her mother was a minor and her daughter is as well. They represent with cold drinks to our country. They represent roughly a billion dollars he earned the fact by their work they help provide roughly 42 electricity to the country. They represent all the cool means to our country. Please join me in welcoming to people who keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. [applause] is why they do that hard work, they also take care of for kids into irish wolfhounds. I thought about that. Im not sure if the cool, kids or wolfhounds take more attention, but we thank you for being here. Over the last two years or exponential growth in Broadband Connectivity in keeping and recruiting data centers and other hightech hub cities. We have a supercomputer, a Microsoft Data Center under construction and we have small and mediumsized tech come to these popping up all over our state. You just dont have to look far to see that we have an emerging sector that will begin to diversify our economy and provide another option for young people. One such company is ptolemy data systems of been a 6000 squarefoot facility and shared in moscow. The company is the brainchild of frank. Tech is taking hold of wyoming and it stinks to entrepreneurs lakehead. My broadband conference this past year is packed is packed to the most amazing people like ryan. Ryan, please stand as we thank you and this in the company for what you do. [applause] wyoming. Wyoming has struggled with the issue of suicide. My office and the department of health have been working to further delay to plan on how we can make improvements and its not easy. The one such person whos been leading the way in this effort is bj heirs, creator and executive director of grace for two brothers foundation. Bj is a strong advocate for Suicide Prevention initiatives. She lost 2 cents to suicide, thus the creation of her foundation. Shes wicked and statewide is being an authority in Suicide Prevention. She does great things locally and across the state. We appreciate the courage youve shown, helping to prevent the tragedy of suicide. Please stand as we thank you for your work. [applause] so when i say the state of the state is strong, it is one of dollars cents. Its because tremendous people like ive introduced to this warning. We are small in population, but we are big and talent. We are big and potential and we know our people are wyomings very best resource. November 30 days that it may budget for 2014th, a balanced budget that reflects hard record to state and agencies and legislative committees. State agencies had to come up with Budget Reductions at 4 for the legislatures request. I doubled back and asked for a percent reductions based upon natural gas prices. Based upon the reduced revenue forecast in january 2012, we all hope for the past, the plan for the worst and our efforts paid off. While the revenue forecast about over 2012 short or revenue than previously forecasted Capital Gains and other investment income, are playing for Budget Reduction was timely and heres some of the reasons. One, we incurred unexpected a major wildfire expenses during last years severe fire season. We need to pay for the fires of 2012 and prepare for the next season. Two, we are the same 700 million in abandoned mine land money committed to wyoming. But the Supreme Court decision implementation of the Patient Protection Affordable Care act and associated costs are on the way. Additional reasons for cuts are timely, but the sooner budget has doubled over the last decade thats unsustainable trajectory. Theres uncertainty about the countrys debt and deficit and how it will affect businesses, states and individuals. Congress has failed to pass a budget in years. Uncertainty about if access. If revenue fluctuations in the last few years teach us anything, it is that revenue, especially metal prices fluctuate and we need to be ready. Caution is in order and budget cuts are in order. Overall, i recommend a reduction to the standard budget of 6 . This reduces spending by over 60 million a year and take a nation by agency, not acrosstheboard cut. But to lead by example, so my proposal is 10 reduction in governors residence. Not easy, but doable. Some state agencies said they reduction, some less. Trinity colleges and university, reduction is about 6 . Buy recommendations also reduce the size of government, eliminating 86 vacant positions. Regarding Budget Reductions, we know some feel they are too deep and listen to those people that say so that we also know some feel they are not deep enough. For those of you who feel more cuts are needed, and this is the session. This is the time to weigh and. Not with conceptual ideas, the specific cuts to agencies and programs. Ive made my recommendations and look forward to seeing your Budget Reductions as well as some amount of the 20 million ive left on the table is Still Available at the end of the session. Ive recommended funding for restoration project of reducing and simplifying nearly 18,000 rows we havent wyoming. We have far too many rules, too many regulations and continue to grow at an exponential rate. Too many rules are cumbersome and not business friendly. Some other highlights as i mentioned above, opportunity to reduce the standard budget and a delivered and consider ways at a time when revenue was flat but stable and our state continues to grow. In fact, you may have noted last year through the fourth Fastest Growing state in the country. We faced no immediate economic crisis, and therefore this is the opportunity we should take, not nice. Its not a time to make kites so well be prepared for what happens next, whatever it may be. My budget recommendation also includes a . 5 million for salary and creases and 2. 5 for onetime meritbased bonuses for state employees, which include gw and Community College personnel. We implemented a Performance Management system and for the executive branch if it is very good in sonys work. Weve invested in this day regarding compensation and everyone to keep expertise in our work for us and motivated achievers. Ive also included sites on its replenished Recruitment Fund who want to build on our success. I must refight and for the wildlife and Natural Resource trust. We want to recognize the importance of conservation work. We went to recognize the value of balance and we forever want to branch and framing debate partner for wyoming landscape. If our state is a team covered each community is an important player to give the state of iowa and the best future from each community should be strong, therefore recommend that 25 million for local governments. To live up to the legislative commitment, thats her money for completion of the chill of minus and water project. We want to encourage Infrastructure Development in communities planning for future. Have also included up to 20 million for landfills and Funds Available up to 30 million for Energy Projects in the transformational nature. A source for the majority of recommendations is 2013 Capital Gains income. This is onetime money and these are onetime expenses. They improve our future without growing our next budget. Last year because its a rather gloomy revenue forecast, the legislature had the foresight to reserve 150 million out of the Rainy Day Fund. I recommend 60 million out of cover last years fire expenses and prepare for this year. Taken together, budget recommendations leave the table available for legislatively german priorities. The Tier One School of engineering deserves special mention. The school offers a great opportunity for our state. It will include highlevel programs to be integrated with the stamp facility, supercomputer and school of energy resources. I appointed a task force, not Standing Task force to help me define what a Tier One School should look like. Youll see the report and note they recommend building the school from the inside out, not the outside in. In other words, before you purchase place, we must develop what happens inside the building to be able to compete with any university in this country or university in this world in certain specialty areas. I think the task force for their continued work in the same confident as ever, it has to build on in significant money for the school. Have also asked for fiscal policy changes. The legislature has done work building permanent trust fund. And now totals over 5 billion. Under state constitution, 1. 5 must go into that fund by what is relatively new statutes, and added one direct you to mineral trust fund. The legislature can change a statute and i proposed now is the time. My proposal is for the statutory went to be redirect it to the legislation legislative reserve account commonly called the rainy day account that can provide for emergency fastest and last year are for unanticipated tough economic times. Regarding schools, weve built many schools in the last decade. If my budget is accepted, it will provide roughly 600 million for new schools over the next five years. So i propose the new bonus money going to rainy day savings rather than automatically be spent on building new schools. Under my proposal, we continue to save more and by doing so will strengthen our ability to weather such times as set greatly needed transparency. Health care. Implementation and associated costs are living. Despite my strong objection, despite my asking the attorney general to fight the case in the Supreme Court, it is the law of the land. We now have to play the cards in her hand. We have to make decisions regarding Medicaid Expansion and an insurance exchanges. Last year there is discussion of statebased exchange suspended. Backbenchers to the federal government than the government will likely run exchange

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