Something we dont know a whole lot about. They came over the vaccine that eliminated in this country. It is still prevalent. Infantile paralysis, as it was once known. A paralytic disease and affects the respiratory system. There are two major kinds. How do you get it . I got it in 1947. A tremendous flu epidemic that killed thousands. People thought polio was transmitted through the air. It is not. People did not know at the time. They were frightenedthey were frightened to death. They close the swimming pools, county fairs, parks, all of this after world war ii. For polio, you mean. Polio. What was the connection. They knew that it was airborne. Thus people assumed. How much of an epidemic was it . How and when did it begin . No one seems to know exactly when it began. It was on the east coast early in the 20s and 30s went on a rampage right after world war ii from 45 to 55. A tremendous epidemic. Just record up the valleys. There were thousands. Many deaths. It was a terrible disease. Where were you and what happened . Well, the oneroom Country School living a little farm in Central Wisconsin we had no electricity and coming home from the Country School. Not really. But on my way home i was tremendously tired. A little field west of the school, 1 acre of land. And gave us permission to slide down the long hill. Now my two brothers were dragging along behind me. I just cannot believe how tired i am. Youre going to have to go out to do the chores. The expectation was that i should bei should be out in the barn helping my dad with the chores. Was getting much worse. I was developing a tremendous senate. Did not go to the dr. My mother said, didnt bother coming down with a cold. The upstairs room. Sounds kind of interesting. The drink that. I cant stand the smell to this day. Terrible. Rubbed my chest with scott greece. That was posted draw out whatever problem you have. Sweating was the curator everything. In my case neither happen. I came downstairs the next morning. The right leg doesnt work today. It was bit like this. Frozen paralyzed. We ought to go to the dr. She loaded me up in our 1936 plymouth which we had all through the war. Took me down to the hospital which had been built in 1941 by a dr. Out of chicago. Cooperative hospital, only one in the world at the time. Holding his, farmer, longtime front. Look on his face was a looka look of someone who had just lost there best cow. New line the halls, helping them breathe. Keep them warm. The neighborhood had died just a little bit before that. Losing about oneaday in the hospital. That our state for a month trying to get over this thing. The headache finally did disappear. The paralysis did not leave. Leave. I cannot walk, cannot stand up. Lost weight. Ornery and miserable. I was active. A little late. Fourth of july we took off. And my dad said, lets go silverlake. We have a picnic. The swimming in the lake. A bunch of kids lining up. I went over there and joined them. Come on in. We will have a foot race. Doing all that kind of stuff. They have awarded me a can of asparagus. It mustve been a big deal in 1946. I came back to the table. My mother said you were in the foot race . Those kids are catholic. It was the knights of columbus, shecolumbus, she pointed out. The knights of columbus foot race for kids. We were lutheran, of course. Those kids are catholic. Well, iwell, i did not know the knights of columbus was the queen of england. You have to take that and give it back. That is the kind of contrast that i was facing. I can remember. There were no physical therapists in those days, and my dad said to me the snow is melting. We have to do something about this. Probably never walk again. And in those days unfortunately if you had a physical disability remediated immediately declared mentally incompetent. It was a terrible thing. All the way through world war ii. This brandnew international tractor. And we had gotten it just the year before. Well, you can drive the tractor. The drive the tractor he had to work two pedals in order to turn. He ought to go to the left it in the left. And of course i cannot work to break pedals at all. In the field, the old tractor. If you cannot work to break pedals they just were not turn. A beautiful day. The 1st time had been outdoors. New fence posts, cedar posts ii can see that coming closer and closer and closer. The next thing i knew they were fenceposts posted. And he says to me that he was going to love me up and that would be the end of it. Im okay but the fence sure isnt. I can see that. You get back on their. Figure out, shut the thing off. I was so angry with him. He would have this. Good for horses. Look at the cover of the book and see the and that summer trying to prepare for the county fair, trying to teach the finally. That became my 2nd physical therapist. I could walk well enough. I knew i could run call that there isbut there is a lot more to the story obviously. That is the beginning. Is that a rarity . It was. And then just the fact that i was working with this animal, both of us were terribly bullheaded. But i claimed get over your bullheaded miss. It was a tough time. Lots of people helping me. A schoolteacher came out to the farm. The following day she would sit down with me and go over the lessons. I had to pass a county examination in order to be admitted. I was scared to death was not going to make it. But i did. Thanks to my teacher who came out every day to help me. When i got to high school all of the freshman boys were expected to go out for baseball. Baseball was the big deal. My graduating class at 15. Standing at the plate. The junior, never forgotten. He had a fastball that you could not believe. And his claim to fame was when a freshman stood up there he could send the ball within 6 inches of your nose. The idea being the kid would jump back. I did not have enough of. There werent emts or anything like that. But he writes. Are you okay . Im not. Then he said words that were unbelievably true but harsh. I do not think your going to make the baseball team, pretty obvious i would say. But then he said Something Else which was terribly profound. They should take typewriting. Type writing . Thats for girls. I am 47. It was true. Girls took typewriting to get into business jobs. As it turned out what freshman has the opportunity and they had this long i scared her. Manual typewriters. We had manual typewriters. The whole line of them. Beautiful, long fingers. Milking cows by hand. And after the 1st couple of weeks they began the typing tests. They did not have any strength. They could not get it to work. No one knew what to do with the; anyway. I was feeling pretty good. The thing i did not realize was the type writing class was also the newspaper staff the wonderfully evocative rosebud, the name of our newspaper. The basketball team, wouldnt that just put fear and trepidation into . I am a reporter for the newspaper. Heck degraff machines. And so we type stories. The editor of a newspaper. All of the editorials. I did not know what plagiarism meant. Thats all my editor one day , you should write a book about this, so i did. Toughbook to write. I have lived a life. Once you cannot do what everyone else can do. Play basketball, baseball, run track. The fact that i was writing did not cut. He spend your life feeling worthless. I have now spoken to a lot of polio survivor groups that agree with me. That sense, the psychological impact was far more devastating. That just prevailed. How does one react . Can i do become a drug addict or alcoholic. I am not worthless. I am not worthless. I am the only kid my extended family not to go to college. He said where did you wrong. I got a masters degree. I do not know i could get out of any more work. Completely flustered. Did your family avoid you . My brothers especially. Which is a good thing. At that time we did not know. Everywhere. No one. In your family. Zero, yes. The neighbor kid died. What is an iron lung . A gruesome piece of equipment. You were put in to assist you in breathing. That is why it is called an iron lung. Most people did not make it. They died. And i was fortunate. I met a lot of polio survivors. It affects all kinds of things. 1955. They had been researching vaccines for some while. Came up with a vaccination that was so effective. Unbelievably effective. Go to my crusades is to make sure as i do this all the time, get your children vaccinated. Especially for polio. I would like to share with you what it is like. Okay should have to do that. There is no reason in the world. Are you still suffering . Yes, i am. The last ten years. People say why dont you get a knee replacement. It affects all the ligaments and muscles around. Are you suffering mentally today . No, i dont think so. When did you let it go . I have never gotten over it. As i mentioned earlier, once you have it you always have it. What about the sorrow part . People might