He will be in the lobby designed your books. Thank you, everyone for coming. Please come back for dick cheney next week and 9 11. Thank you very much. [inaudible conversations] booktv is on instagram. Follow was for publishing news, schedule updates and behind the scenes teachers and videos. Instagram. Com book underscore tv. Specters lucas the books are being published this week your so i was covering the serious crisis for more less the 70s, long before there was any isas presence or at least acknowledged their presence. And i got to know a lot of the opposition which in the beginning had been Peaceful Protesters and activists. When it became an armed regarding against the assad regime, i started do a lot of reporting from the syrianturkish border region with refugees, meeting with rebels. Southern turkey has become a kind of barracks for this revolution for this rebellion. In the summer of 2012 i went into aleppo with the free stream army convoy the free syrian army. Spent the night in the town about an hours drive north of aleppo city. Stayed with a family, the owner of the house was a syrian rebel. Spent the night there, so did a few other journalists and news extraordinary because ive seen firsthand, its one thing to open up the New York Times or turn on cnn and see images broadcast from thousands of miles away but you have to see it for yourself to understand whats the driving force behind this rebellion. It was amazing because at night these rebels put down their guns, picked up white gloves and garbage bags and reclaiming the rubble from the streets because the Assad Government was bombarding civilian infrastructure. They targeted a hospital in town so that any activist, civilians are rebels were injured or have rebooted could not be treated. These guys, it was extraordinary. They turned a mosque into a makeshift hospital. They were treating everybody, treating progovernment, militiamen and progovernment fighters equally with syrian rebels. I know that sound a little propagandistic but i saw that with my own eyes. About five to six months later account i stayed in had gone over to isis and was completely taken over. The house i stayed in is now controlled by isis. The family that i stayed with flood the country. They went into turkey your and so i watched in real time this degeneration of what it start out as a think a very noble movement. Like many revolutions, had become sort of almost unparalleled image of what it aimed to overthrow our budget aimed to project. Michael author is actually a syrian national. He comes to my town in the Eastern Province of syria. To put this in context, this is a gateway down between syria and about what for the better part of 10 years have been sort of a traffic point for alqaeda and iraq, the jihadists group that is now known as isis, alqaeda in iraq was the original incarnation but it has relationship of being juarez to el paso if you like, those of you, where in texas we know the mexican drug cartel. He comes from a syrian tribe, has an extended family network. Enos everybody. His family knows everybody basically in this region. Sold for the purposes of this book without we are not going to write a book about isis lsp could actually end of you guys and i suspect you have to understand the nature of your enemy. Flick out these entities with a lot of fighters at the lower ranking levels, but even more important than that their family members. How, i guy come a 16 year old boy who is studying Chemical Engineering or Electrical Engineering wanting to live in the west decides to cast his lot with a bunch of head lobbing barbarians . What is the driving mechanism behind this . The purpose of writing this book if you tried explain by no means justify but to give an explanation of an account for the rise of the terror army. By last geographical calculus now controlled a swath of drinking in the east roughly the size of great britain. The other purpose i should just add is i get a lot of media in june 2014, and audrey the socalled operation inherit resolve the question i kept getting asked on tv was where did they come from . How did these guys emerge from nowhere . It sound like the most absurd question ive ever heard. In the book we say to imagine its 1985 and the vietcong have conquered a third of Southeast Asia but they just dont call themselves that it conquered everybody is scratching head where did they come from . That are unknown to us. Isis was alqaeda in iraq from 2003, 2004 really up until well, now. They had been the primary target of the united states. And its allies in the region. They just change the branding and marketing and strategy has evolved in a very dire and sophisticated manner which makes them us all the equator to defeat. A lot of this book is the work of history. We go back to the early origins of the terrorist organization, the founder of the feast if you like, zarqawi went into iraq after the coalition of the campaign in afghanistan to hed been in afghanistan. He spent time in iran and syria. Went to iraq instead of this organization which didnt start as an alqaeda franchise but became one after a series of spectacular terror attacks targeting the united nations, the jordanian embassy. We wanted to give the average reader, people are interested in the subject matter because lets face it, we all have targets on our backs. These guys if they hav had the druthers they would bomb the book festival, fly planes into buildings, did i think they could possibly can to try and bleed and humiliate and the face of the united states, and, frankly, every civilized country in the world. So this is sort o of the broad history but it culminates i think with very sort of in depth reporting on profiles of essential duties guys are and what they want. You can watch this and other programs online at booktv. Org. Heres a look at some of the card does selig books according to the conservative book club. Current best selling books