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Its the only place where republicans can win. Speeding out even though its phenomenal to be in orange Orange County and he loved being here the Nixon Library, a lot of conservatives shy away from president nixon because after all he was impeached for having the nsa spy on our citizenry. [laughter] for sticking the irs on his political opponents and for dan denning diplomats abroad. And for telling ad buy to the American People. If you like your health care insurance, you can keep your insurance. [applause] now, i know, its like the standards of treason. I am a lawyer and so you look at precedence and if you look at what people have been tried for treason for you now tokyo rose, gosh we have a lot of people i think you ma want to try for treason over the past few years but apparently we have just dropped for example jane fonda. Apparently with jane fonda we dropped any prosecutions for treason and the same thing for impeachment. One of the articles of impeachment for nixon who wasnt impeached unlike bill clinton who was impeached [applause] and this is covered in my first book drafted by the able seven staffer Hillary Rodham clinton was lying to the American People. What did they lie about . He provably did not know was a lie when he said it and he said the white house was not involved in the breakin of the democratic offices at the Watergate Hotel and then later it turned out he had known colloquially as the plumbers and they had done some other bad jobs for him to with broken into Daniel Ellsbergs Psychiatrist Office and lets just think about that but that was four. Daniel ellsberg had stolen classified documents from the pentagon and hence the pentagon papers. Something that very few people know. Perhaps his audience does now. The pentagon papers did not cover the nixon administration. He was protecting the democratic it ministers to the about kennedy. Their conduct of the vietnam war he was protecting the executive branch and the existence of classified materials so yeah they broken to Daniel Ellsbergs psychiatry office and it was some of the same guys that broken the watergate liberals utter excesses every weekend and the library of congress to listen to the nixon watergate tapes. They are so obsessed with Richard Nixon. You would think in listening to these tapes they would hear Richard Nixon pacing around his office saying what thanks me so angry is they think i would be stupid enough to breakin to the Watergate Hotel democratic office. So he didnt know about it beforehand. He thought it was stupid. He did not think his people had anything to do with it. That was considered an Impeachable Offense when it was Richard Nixon and now we have a president who told a lie but knew it was a lie and lied in order to get a heinous policy, heinous law through thats going to take aware away 94 million Americans Health insurance policies as we now know they knew in 2010 but apparently thats no longer impeachable. [applause] oh and one more thing. We wont talk about nixon all night though we are Nixon Library library but just one more point because again for nixon obsesses liberals seem to know little about his presidency. Nixon never had any of his enemies armed. He went around the oval office fuming and saying you know they audited me when i was running for president. The democrats audit said their enemies all the time. We should continue with clinton and now obama. So okay enemies to be audited but he surrounded himself with good people and decent people and honest people who said, i am not auditing people for political reasons. No one was ever audited. Nixon himself was audited as president. Now to the current president , famous romney donner suddenly find themselves not only being audited it visited by the cpa, visited by the ins. That one guy that was written up in the wall street journal. He has a big ranch in employed to guest workers and for that the ins comes in and examined him. We know from what has come out about the irs that denying taxexempt status to groups based on their politics. Now in previous books you have said that these tough love for liberals even though you dont love them, in this book. Yes. There is tough love for conservatives but you do love them. What is some of that tough love you just doubt on this book . The theme of this book is that life is a horror when democrats ran. [applause] it covers many many many aspects of that, the pension, the publicsector unions the crime rates oh new york city. Its about to find out what its like when a democrat wins. And as a right at the beginning of the book whenever democrats get huge majorities in congress and have a democratic president really bad things happen to the country. After Berry Goldwater loses in historic landslide and footnote why did Berry Goldwater when lose in historic because he was a libertarian purists that voted against the Civil Rights Act because it had restrictions on private business is. Berry goldwater and im almost tempted not to defend him, Goldwaters Department stores or integrated before federal buildings in washington. He integrated arizonas governor desegregated the Arizona National guard before harry truman fully desegregated. He wanted some provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to be tougher on contractors and unions that refused to stop discriminating on the basis of race but he was a purist libertarians so he voted against it because he had restrictions on what private business is could do. Thanks Barry Goldwater. Thats fantastic. The idea idm is described in my book. The idea that was the beginning of republicans is simply false as i go through now. The Southern States Barry Goldwater won in 1964 which states Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan either lost or did worse in. We finally start only when the old dixiecrat died out. Anyway 64 was an historic landslide. What do they get after that . Teddy kennedys immigration bill of 1965 which was specifically designed to change the demographics of this country. We have been taking in a Million Immigrants since then the majority of them colon well for for welfare. And democratdemocrat s start doing much better in elections now arent they . We have the Great Society programs and the last time the democrats have the house, the senate and the presidency was in 1993, 16 blessed years ago and was the first thing they did in 1993 . Date tried to pass hillarycare, National Health care. They waited and waited and waited 16 years and as soon as they headed again they rush in with obamacare. Like an alien landed instead why do we want obamacare when most americans hated and the answer is that democrats had 60 votes in the senate. That is why im attacking conservatives right now attacking republicans to attack other rebels republicans. Until we have a veto, a veto proof majority in the u. S. Senate. [applause] i dont care how bad the republican is not primary our own seats. Lets take wyoming, kentucky. Lets put these aside safe republican seats and spend millions of dollars taken out begich in alaska and Mary Landrieu in louisiana and mark pryor in arkansas. [applause] there are five big targets for republicans in the next 200014 Senate Elections and unless we win the elections we cant do anything republicans. [applause] is that about purity or is it about eco . Its about a lot of things. The ego in wyoming, im sorry to say because i love liz cheney. If only she had moved to South Carolina we could all be friends. [applause] you have as i described at the beginning of this book you have some show off sleeping ahead the Senate Elections to the next president ial election. All i ask of you republicans is only consider and i have made this mistake only consider senators and governors in a president ial election. I have supported duncan hunter. When i was in high school. [laughter] pete. Pont was technically governor from a very small state. I know he was a wonderful but you have to be a senator or a governor from at least a state that is the top 50 of the population. Pick out the best ones. So we have the ego and the last election. There were a lot of show voters. I was a huge supporter of herman cain. I just love that 999. No inspirational figures. I know you are all falling for ben carson. I love ben carson but hes not going to be the nominee and its just going to distract us and we dont have time for primary debates this time. Sometimes its ego and now a lot of the disparity like this idiot libertarians. I mean tomorrow there is a governors election in virginia with the magnificence of Ken Cuccinelli running against [applause] , iii bag Terry Mcauliffe and for the past month, i mean virginia is going blue for government workers in virginia. For the past month cuccinelli has been down by 10 points. Guest what the libertarian is polling at . Oh 10 points think libertarians. Interestingly cuccinelli has been closing the gap and i think that is because of obamacare. This is a big opportunity for us republicans to take that the senate with a nice veto proof majority in the senate and it doesnt matter what happens in a president ial election. [applause] one of the reasons that virginia is turning from red to purple is because immigration through the demographics in virginia have changed radically from where they were 10 years ago, 20 years ago and this crowd here in california, Southern California specifically see the demographics of california change to matter he because of ilLegal Immigration as well. Whats going to happen to the country as californias no longer reagan or nixon country and its now the overdose of country . Whats going to happen to the rest of the country if there is no stop to through the brakes on . Its horrifying and as always californias leading the rest of the country. You guys used to lead us on things like property tax limits. We want that trade you didnt those nixon and reagan and now a republican not be elected statewide in the state. That would be the entire country is not only amnesty hasnt stopped but if the current form of Legal Immigration isnt stopped. We are talking about this on the radio so anyone listening to us some of this will be a repeat. I dont understand why its considered unfair for america to skim the cream of the world and get the best we can get. Thats not very. That top model should be forced to short balding losers and not not thats not fair. The College Football teams. You cant take the star linebackers. You need to take the blind midgets. [laughter] that is our immigration policy and i know this that our immigration policy also seems to really help the very elite of the society. The wall street in the people with nannies and gardeners and pool boys and the ones who need lots of cheap labor. Its very bad for the weakest among us, for lowwage workers especially africanamericans and hispanic americans. Bluecollar white workers. Theyre the ones who get hurt the most. That is not the Republican Party chris christie. Wall street is the Democratic Party. Democrats are the party. Wall street plutocrats can have Mark Zuckerberg and george soros and george clooney. We are the party of the huge fast middle class and we care about all americans. Thats my first objection to our immigration policy and amnesty and i mean republicans believe in their own bed press that we are the party of wall streets . Pie promise in the end they are voting for hillary and second the point you raise. If the entire country becomes california and it will happen slowly at first. You will just start noticing thats where they lost that election. Much like the last election. Two crucial facts about the 2012 president ial election. One is mitt romney and the main reason i was such a strong supporter of his was in fact that he wasnt the other guys. Was that he was the best president ial candidate in my lifetime on immigration and amnesty. [applause] and given that, i happened to notice that pew research or whatever its called, pew determines that romney won 20 of the young black male vote, which is in recent history for republicans is mindboggling. Usually republicans it drives me crazy that usually republicans get 3 of the black vote and i think thats because young black males want jobs and they dont want to deal with people who just stepped foot in this country. The second fact about the last election is if this country at the same demographics that it had in 1980 romney would have won a bigger landslide than Ronald Reagan did against jimmy carter. We were all feeling like this is 1988 game. This is going to be reagan beating carter and then like gallup polling and many of us were quite surprised on november 6. When reagan ran, romney won a higher percentage of basically every demographic except asians and hispanics, the two largest immigrant groups we have had recently. Romney won a much larger percentage of the white vote in and reagan did but when reagan won in 1980 the country was 80 white and now its 63 white. Thank you teddy kennedy. Democrats looked out at the voters and so we can persuade them. We cant get them to vote for the democrats. Lets bring in new voters and that is what they did. When you talk about the immigration system thats not just ilLegal Immigration. You also have to look at all the people we are taking in from other countries as refugees like syria. Whenever there are refugees that are dished out from the United Nations half of them come to the United States. Of those that come to united the United States the majority go to california for another state in the country. That is how the tsarnaevs got here. That is how the blind sheikh out here and the egyptian that that [inaudible] they are being persecuted in their own country for a reason. [applause] our immigration policy instead of being used to help america we are solving all the other countries problems. Send us all your terrorists and losers and welfare recipients. I am thinking our immigration policy should be, we should be bringing in people who are better than us, not worse than us. We want to get the average up. [applause] you cant talk about amnesty without talking about john mccain. Or chris christie. Who is also an outspoken critic of waterboarding. Yes. What you talk about in the book. Yes i do. This is one of my favorite parts , the short section on waterboarding. Just in case any of you have heard the girls on msnbc or the girls in the Democratic Party claimed waterboarding was a war crime in world war ii when the japanese did it. They must have been playing with her barbies as kids and not reading the history of world war ii and that the japanese did to their prisoners. Waterboarding would be a reward. You have been good today. We are just going to waterboard you. Lets get you out of those electrodes and get you into a nice waterboard. Waterboarding is practiced by the japanese would be Something Like as i describe in this book. They filled the prisoner stomach up with water, so much water and smashed down on it with his stick to make the prisoner. They would pour saltwater down the prisoners mouth until he vomited. These are three different versions of waterboarding. Filled the prisoners stomach up and force them to drink water until their stomachs exploded. The one case they kept citing, but saw no i think he was convicted of a waterboarding crime for one thing. Again it was like waterboarding plus amputating a healthy arm. It was a civilian. You cant do anything to a civilian. The prisoners we have wanton amao arent even legitimate prisoners of war. They could be shot on sight. Theyre not wearing uniforms. They are not declaring themselves but i go through all of this in the book. The democrats i saw the hearing this year, think it was the hearing for the new fbi and you have these democrats announcing on cspan that waterboarding was a war crime back in world war ii. No it wasnt. Read this book and find out the truth so you can call them girls when they say it. Put down the barbies and read about world war ii. Speech is to clarify when youre talking about the girls on msnbc were talking about chris hayes and ed schultz and chris matthews, right . Yes, i am. Just a clarification. [applause] its funny when they talk about how we are treating the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and they fail to mention the biggest problem they are having there right now is the epidemic of obesity. Its true. Its called the get mach 20. All gaining weight. And i mean another part of the book talking about the media, how was it that Michael Isikoff writing for newsweek same reporters same magazine has the biggest story, the biggest scoop of our lifetime, president of the United States is perjuring himself about it under oath supporting the perjury of others. Michael isikoff has the whole story. Newsweek holds that one, allowing that to break introducing the drudge report to the world. [applause] thats right, one good thing about it and blow these many years later same reporter Michael Isikoff has a story about how prisoners at gitmo are flushing crams down the toilet. 100 people around the world died because of a false story in newsweek by the same reporter who when he had a true story newsweek killed it. Newsweek did you start killing the untrue stories that make america look bad . And not the true stories that are embarrassing to democrats. Before we get off the topic of msnbc i have to know how much youve missed not having Keith Olbermann on every night . It is a heartbreaking. There was Something Special about that screeching narcissists. [laughter] and i do cover Keith Olbermann in the book as well. I include the column in which, because i dont know if any of you watched it. I seriously could not miss it because its like watching a car crash every night. I went to cornell here in california. You probably dont know much about cornell. Its a large school, seven different schools. One of them is the Ivy League School the school of arts and sciences and theres also an Agriculture School if you want to be a farmer. Its one of the best Agriculture Schools in the country but those are not architecture of and engineering, those are not the Ivy League Schools. There was a school of hoh. They set that one up because it was really far away and it used to be an all mens school so they need to get the gals there. They taught them cooking and sewing. This is actually a school at cornell. The only reason i mention this is normally i wouldnt take joy in attacking someone elses educational achievements except every night Keith Olbermann would do it to someone else. If someone in the Bush Administration who i forget when to some Christian Law School and was always she sent in three box tops to get that law degree. If youre going to go around passing yourself off as Bertrand Russell you had better not be lying about having gone to an Ivy League School, which he was. And which you know i liberated him by explaining to the world that he did not go to the ivy league cornell. He wont to the old mcdonald cornell. [laughter] classes in milking. Fertilizer management. [applause] dont make fun of him too much. You should see his roses. They are prizewinning. I have seen his cornell diploma. Its technically called corneil corneil. The Ivy League School. I went to yale locksmithing school. [laughter] he actually pulled it out on tv. He dusted every night and puts it in the passenger seat of his car so he looks up and he goes oh how did that get there . One of the things you spend a lot of time writing about in this book and that you havent written about in previous books is crime. Crying. You spend a lot of time talking about crime. Why is it that you wrote a lot about crime in this book lacks. I realized other than politics the one thing i write about more than anything else is crying. I think its because that is the purpose of government. Keep us safe whether safe from external enemies or in new york city as they are about to realize, oh boy its going to be bad. I start off the book with that but thats part of life when the democrats win. They can change overnight. And liberals, i mean they have have also i am a lawyer so im interested in laws about Death Penalty and guns and crime so i begin that chapter going through the different ways liberals lie about Crime Statistics and its always one of those things like spot the difference cartoons. You have to examine exactly what they have said and what is the trick here . For example, a big one that you may be some other with. Dont buy a gun. A gun in the home is more likely to be used to kill the owner rather than the intruder and i knew that wasnt true. A little examination of this, it turns out owners killed by their own guns, Something Like 98 of the time or killed by their own guns because they committed suicide. That is a bad thing but thats not the image you have in your head. You have a hotshot homeowner who thinks hes a killer with a gun and the intruder comes in and grabs the gun. That never ever ever happens. That happens in hollywood movies and it doesnt happen in real life. The other thing about that statement is, why do you have to kill the intruder . Couldnt you just wing him . Couldnt you hold him until the police . In the error of his ways he grows up and goes to msnbc. You could go to harvard law school. Another one, always look for this and all kinds of Crime Statistics where they will combine things that are unalike to complete a come create a completely false impression your head. For example every six seconds and usually the numbers will change every time you hear it. Its every three seconds, every four seconds, every six minutes. A woman is murdered by her husband, intimate partner, boyfriend. Could we separate out the husbands because im thinking a lot of husbands arent killing their wives and of course they arent. Thats some tiny percentage. Its like every six seconds someone is killed in a car accident or by a cute little puppy. How many are the cute little puppies and how many are the Car Accidents . [laughter] every six seconds a woman is raped, spoken harshly to and ask to speak more quietly. [laughter] so always notice the string of things where they are trying to create one impression your head or another one along those lines, at different way they lie , which is always driving me crazy, is just things like false charges of racism. True charges of racism are very serious things and racism being generally practiced by democrats i particularly hate and how they flip the stories but this claim now that you are more likely to get the Death Penalty if you murder a white person then if you murder a black person. This is just another way of saying you are more likely to get the Death Penalty if you are white because the vast majority people who kill blacks are blacks. The vast majority people who kill whites are whites. And by the way where murders take place tend to be in neighborhoods where if its a white killing a white lots of white people in the black killing a black, lots of black people. Blacks are more likely to impose the Death Penalty on another black person. That is in the image being created when they say youre more likely to get the Death Penalty if you kill a white person. Racist juries, who cares if they kill blacks . Thats not it at all. You say the crime to meet product crime is a perfect example for wide Government Action matters. You look at a city like El Paso Texas which is one of the safest cities in the country and go across the border to war as mexico is one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. New york city where you lived her many years as one of these that is a perfect example of that. You what is that racket . Is there a criminal trying to break in here . I hear a door opening and shutting right and left. [laughter] the young kids dont know who he is. Look him up. I will set your hair on fire. But the new york years and youre David Dinkins were a night and day difference between what happened in those years and what happened when Rudy Giuliani was there and he wrote about that in your look. Can you explain that dynamic . First of all just on the general point, i mean what giuliani did in the city and this is something that should give us all hope because things do look kind of dark for america right now in so many ways. Whats happening to the military and whats happening abroad and obamacare is but remember, i mean i was a kid there but i remember the look on my fathers face when jimmy carter was president and i specifically remember what new york city was like when i was a little girl growing up outside of new york from john lindsay right up through David Dinkins were just got worse and worse. The city was bankrupt and it it was the ungovernable city. No one could do anything about it. Giuliani comes in and overnight, overnight he became one of the safest big cities. Giuliani is responsible for about 30 of the decline in crime under bill clinton while trying to stymie giuliani every step of the way. New yorkers are about to find out what its like under David Dinkins again. We will seek, but i dont think new yorkers are going to believe it. They know what its been like for the last 20 years and how safe it has been. You couldnt walk around your neighborhood in new york without some panhandler harassing you. Now it makes life possible and the parks are safe. Thats what we need in downtown l. A. Abe mayor giuliani. [applause] the New York Times, they will not give giuliani credit for this miraculous transformation and i quote them and you see every night on msnbc. Oh no the crime rate was starting to go down under dinkins and i have the statistics in my book that went down in dinkins third year of office it was like lets say 2500 murders per year to his last year in office, 2435 murders per year. Really ,com,com ma to say that oh no it started under dinkins. Instantly and dirt giuliani it starts falling 30 a year and by the time he left and im guessing these numbers but the accurate ones are in the book. It was astronomical. It is like saying no really, their rate of killing under hitler starting to go down his last year in office. Do not give all the credit to the british and the americans. It insults the good name of the furor. It was going down before he left office. I think its not going to work with de blazio. He pursues the policies and seems dead set on pursuing and stopandfrisk, the crime rate would go up. It can change overnight. There are predators out there and the consistent liberal approach to crime is if only we are nice to them and if we could elevate their selfesteem. It has nothing to do with their selfesteem. They are waiting for you to show weakness so that they can pounce. [applause] thats really also the case with the mentally ill. If you go to the big cities and to go to new york or San Francisco which has to be one of the worst in the country where there are people who are panhandling on the streets and cuckoo for coco pops in a room with mattresses on the walls that we allow them to roam the streets because they think its compassionate. Thats the same dynamic we see whenever there is a mass killing. When you have Something Like what happened in aurora california or lax last friday. People that are out of their mind and the left thinks its compassiocompassio nate to allow them to operate in society. Yes, absolutely right and i go through the recent Mass Shootings and what you might call a red flag. Everyone who encountered jared loughner. He was the tucson arizona mall shooter. He goes in to get a tattoo before the shooting and as he is walking out the owner of the tattoo shop says to everyone, thats another columbine waiting to happen. In one of Jared Loughners classes and this was docking a dashed document. The first day in class she sending emails to her friend saying theres a seriously disturbed individual and class and im worried hes going to bring a gun to class. Every time she goes to class she sends emails to her friends saying i have to drop this class. Im seriously afraid. This besser kept reporting jared loughner. Every time i would write on the blog word i would turn around and i was worried he would have a gun on me. Its not like oh whos to say . Everyone knew perfectly well but the left as you point out in this was another battle of mayor giuliani trying to get a homeless crazy woman off the street. Her family was begging to have to bellevue. This is not compassion for the people who have generally paranoid schizophrenia. If they take medication they would have perfectly normal lives. They dont know they are sick so they dont take their medication. Is written the insanity offense and has been screaming from the rooftops since the day the institutional Movement Began saying you were going to have mass murders and a Huge Population of Homeless People. Instead of putting the mentally ill in mental institutions they will be filling up the prisons and thats exactly what has happened. Its also a footnote to any republican officeholders. Its a fantastic issue for republicans. Everyone knows this is a problem of mental elements. Its not a problem of the device used. Sometimes its a baseball bat. Sometimes a mass attack on a Public School in this country that causes more casualties than any other was in michigan and it wasnt a gun. It was a bomb and it was a mentally ill person. The problem of Mental Illness isnt the device being used in the beauty of republicans pushing this [applause] the most fun thing about pushing institutionalizing or the threat of institutionalization. Not all of them stayed institutionalized. Our patient care works but it doesnt work without the threat of institutionalization that democrats must defend the mentally ill and they will be denouncing the soccer moms we ring and demanding that we lock up the mentally ill. Its a beautiful issue for republicans because liberals cant help themselves. The aclu will be out there as they were with this poor crazy woman on her cell smoking and running into traffic trade the head of the new york aclu, i believe this is in the book, testified on her behalf. That was a fake name she gave herself after the local newscast. He said billy bob is as sane as any member of the new york aclu. Yes, i think so. [applause] its just crazy how they define when ed koch was the mayor of new york there was a cold snap coming through the city and he wanted to round up the Homeless People and put them in shelters because they would freeze to death in the aclu took him to court saying he had a right to the either in a the bunch of them froze to death. Its incredibly cruel and uncompassionate and republicans can take the high ground and take the position. The vast majority of americans degree agree with where they cant help themselves but to take an unpopular position. Yes dont know how to work the tivo so i havent watched a lot of nancy grace lately. Can you fill us in on the whole situation . You spend a lot of time on that in the book. I do spend a lot of time on amanda knox. The amanda knox case was this American Girl from seattle goes a year abroad in italy and was accused of killing, murdering her roommate for a game with her boyfriend and another man in the room. If you look at the actual trial testimony which was quite extensive and in italy when the judges or the jury, but the verdict they write a full explanation. It was like 300 pages long. The evidence was pretty overwhelming. Im end of knox, her dna was found on the shaft of the murder weapon. The roommate she was accused of killing, her dna was found on the blade and they murder weapon there were a few knives that were used. One of the nice was found in amanda knoxs boyfriends apartment. Start with that and add in lots of other the fact that she kept lying about where she was that night and didnt have an alibi. It was the strangest thing to watch. I think this was on my medias chapter, not Economic Crime chapter of the American Media is 100 in the tank for amanda knox. It really was. That is the case africanamericans should cite as you dont care about crime in less its a pretty white girl. The entire reason the American Media was completely in the tank for amanda knox was that she was pretty. Overwhelming evidence. Its amazing how that happens sometimes which ones pickup and which ones dont. The other one that its been getting a lot of play as the Michael Skakel killing who is the kennedy cousin who was murdered accused of murdering a poor girl with a golf club and was convicted and sentenced by a jury jury and the judge and now robert f. Kennedy is all over television saying it was not him. It was at lack by. A relative of kobe bryant. Yeah. Its weird that hasnt gotten more attention. If you want to commit a murder i recommend you do it in greenwich connecticut boulder colorado or aspen colorado or a few other small towns. I used to say you cant blame the police. They havent had a murder in this town in 20 years and then i think no, i watch tv. I know you are not supposed to trample all over the crime scene and have alibi is being formed. No, and if you are getting murdered do it in a place like new york city. Do you think a lot of rightwingers i guess you could say got there full of politics after the last election and they got tired of that . They thought mccain was going to do it in 2008 and that didnt happen. I didnt. They thought romney was going to do it. I did. That didnt happen. You think a lot of republicans burned out after that election on politics . Yes, i certainly did. Mccain, that was just like your plane is crashing in six months. I have to sit through this. That was the mccain campaign. Which you suggested inebriation. Thats right. I started the webpage get drunk and vote for mccain. Com. [laughter] and the highlight of our web site now defunct was on election day John Phillips got himself an absentee ballot. He had a breathalyzer and on kabc he kept drinking until he was legally drunk in voted for mccain. [laughter] i did. [applause] dont apply too much because its a Radio Station so most people are legally drunk. [laughter] but the last three years were pretty brutal. First you have the whole site over obamacare and that was pretea party. The old opposition to Obamacare Karen to have those huge protests. The lying false claims about the people protesting the vote on obamacare is using the n word. Remember that one . Breitbart offered 100,000 to anyone in a mall full of video cameras and cell phone cameras anyone who could produce video of that happening and dupes couldnt find anyone. And no apology. They will bring that one out again. First there was bad and then there was the stimulus bills that only went to Public Schoolteachers but not actually to build infrastructure. Then you have the creation of the tea party. The 2010 elections. Maybe a few too many candidates. The christine odonneodonne ll race doesnt look so good that when you start adding up the senate seats that we shouldnt have been risking. Just take the loser republican now. Three and a half years after no single republican voted for obama just take the republican you have and move on. Anyway it was like war which is one thing after another. And then the primaries. The primaries went on and on and whatever time it was, 10 00 p. M. When florida wasnt called immediately for romney on november 6, 2012 it was like we had been at war and suddenly the shelling stopped and it was totally quiet. That is when i stopped. It promised hannity i would come up the next night so i crawled and depressed and miserable. And then that was it. I started catching up on revenge and breaking bad. [laughter] [applause] lots of turner classic movies. I was so happy i didnt have a radio show then. You poor thing. I was seriously writing columns about my home appliances. [laughter] did you ever give honey booboo a dry . I did not but then they tried to grab our guns and that got me back in. Then they tried to get the democrats 30 million more voters with amnesty and that got me back in. Part of the idea of this book was to make it a fun book on lots of different subjects some of which we discussed here tonight are. I guess the obituary columns that i wrote that ive gotten a lot of comments on. I thought this was a fun book. Its not a heavy tone and you dont have to read it from beginning to end. You can jump around. In order to trick you all into being interested in politics again because we have a very important series of elections coming up next year and like i say, that could be more important in the president ial election. It could be look at the state legislatures and the governorship. We are doing pretty well with the states. [applause] if we could translate that to the house of representatives and the senate, we dont need the white house. I would love to take the white house, but you know it might be fun not to worry about the end of america in november every four years. All right, last question before you go to questions from the audience. At cpac i believe in 2011 you famously and correctly predicted that the republicans would nominate mitt romney and would lose the election. Who is going to win the nomination next time . And are they going to win . Que . Que x. That was two years out of him by the way the way it did support romney in 2008. Im often accused on msnbc of hypocrisy or just being physical because of that. That was at least 2010. It was two years before the election in my point was, the main point is that cpacs speech was there is the obama magic and it was almost impossible to take out an incumbent. I just thought you cant take out an incumbent. They couldnt take out george bush and they put everything they had into 2004. George soros and Michael Moore were so jammed up. You think we were depressed . We have lives. [laughter] so i never hated romney. I just thought that point chris christie, he was so mean. And i loved him so much back then. Chris christie, where have you gone . I was a chaser. Its like running off with a biker and i came back to the responsible choice. At first after seeing his speech at our Convention Last year it it did any of you see that . I flew to tampa specifically to see Chris Christies speech. It was the most warring state of the state of new jersey speech i have ever seen. And still i was willing to forgive him because hes about to win reelection tomorrow and admittedly a large blue state. Again he is mean to liberal so i like that. He had his temporary Senate Appointee vote for marco rubios immigration bill. I will forgive a republican for just about everything. Im not going to forgive you for wanting to get the rats 30 million more voters. [applause] ladies and gentlemen lets thank in john and ann for a great conversation. Thank you. [applause] you nice work, john. They have agreed to answer a few questions so if anybody if you will raise your hand we will bring the microphone to you and you have to raise it so i can see it. If you would come on over here to the island while you are getting ready we are going to go to the screens. We have questions from all over, from all over the country. They have emailed these questions then, some of them during their calmer station and we are going to start with one. They cant see the screen but you can bet i will read it to them. The first question is, conservatives are accused of a war on women, which you talk about in your book. How has this idea gained so much ground . From nancy baker in st. Louis, missouri. Thats a great question. Its so great that we now have the internet, something that 10 of americans were on the 1995. Vox raid fox news and radio is so much bigger but the Mainstream Media or as i call the nonfox media are extremely powerful and i will give you one example of that. I have friends and i accused him of being very suggestible. They are very angry with mitt romney for using the phrase self deportation as if its like go f yourself. I think the media could turn motherhood and apple pie into some sort of epitaph. I think its kind of direct and to the point. Self deportation is an answer to this idiotic argument about what you going to do, round them up . Nobody rounded them up and put them on buses to get them here. We wont round them up and put them on buses to take them home. We they will go home the same way they came. Is that a terrifying thought . I do think answering the question is the same thing with the war on women. Manifestly its democrats with the war on women. Look at how obama has treated women in his administration that keeps coming out. Democrats seem to think as long as they allow women to kill their unborn children, their job is done. Bob filner, he had a lot of respect for women and bill clinton, anthony weiner, eliot spitzer. They have so much respect for women. In particular example i used in the book is their attack on gun ownership. And you often hear people say oh its okay if other people have guns at my one again too. Would you prefer a World Without weapons . Now, i would prefer a world in which women were stronger than men. Hows that . Until that happens i want a world with guns. [laughter] now i know liberals will side with the sixfoot seveninch swedish model versus the brazilian fourfoot tall jockey but by and large men are bigger and stronger than women. Without a gun claim what is known as. [inaudible] and for example this is what i talk about in the book when i talk about how we need to take the guns away from people who have for straining orders against them. It never occurs to anyone at the New York Times that the domestic abusing male could well be smart enough to get a restraining order against his wife and disarm his prey. A guy who wants to kill his wife doesnt need a gun. Their attack on gun ownership is just one of the ways that i think liberals have very little respect for allowing a woman to protect her own life. Thank you ann. [applause] the next question is from a Labor Relations executive from newport beach. Good evening ms. Coulter pay the elephant in the room is obamacare is. Yes. Where is it going . What are we doing to prevent its trajectory of singlepayer which is voice than the objective . What is going on and how can we defeat it, to fund it and make it go away . Other than amnesty this is the most important issue. As with amnesty and the American People are and sighed. The smart harvard educated people who know so much better than we do what kind of insurance we should have our on the other side. Democrats have not a pacifist if they didnt have the maturity and house and senate. They pass it on purely a partyline vote even than having to use procedural maneuvers. The house and senate never voted on the same bill. The Supreme Court thank you john roberts saved it. My column attacking john roberts when he was nominated by the ways in this book, not that i want to brag. [laughter] im going into too much strategy. Let me just say i really do think the Supreme Court ruling by john roberts is unconstitutional and a violation of the separation of powers and we have different branches of government. They are elected in different ways. They are supposed to have different strengths and weaknesses. The weakness of the Supreme Court is they dont have to stand for an election so for the body that has to stand for election on a pure partyline vote they could never have passed obamacare is i dont want that. [applause] so and quickly to answer a strategy. Smelling like a rose right now. Did exactly right. There was no reason to carry it on any longer, but those three weeks with ted crews acting like a general branded the Republican Party as the entire Obamacare Party and has assured us something that republicans never seem to do, and that is, we are revisiting this issue. Californians will remember jimmy carter created the department of education. Even pro rate in Connecticut River in east jackass advanced. Were not saying he won a one. This time were going back. Thank you all. I dont think we need to shut the government down again. That was the great thing ted agrees to it. Were not giving out. A question from facebook, from santa fe, new mexico, from jim stacy. The question is, how can republicans regain their legacy on civil rights . Thank you for all that you said about Richard Nixons vision and initiatives on desegregation and civil rights in your book. Thank you. It is about time that story was told. It is about time republicans learned it. Richard nixon was without question the best president on civil rights. He was the one pushing the Civil Rights Act of 1956. Opposed by, oh, thats right. You would not have needed that if lbj and his democrats had not fought nixon and eisenhower on the original civil rights or not the original. The republican said in passing and says the civil war, always blocked by democrats, is passed by republicans. The on the Civil Rights Act most young people today have even heard of is the 1964 Civil Rights Act because is the first one ever pushed by a democratic president ever. And, as i quoted in my second to last look, this nonsense about lbj. Pushing the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That was invented by bill moyers. If he said he must be true. In a more inclined to believe overhearing him explain to a couple of Democratic Senators and sank after that tax we will have them voting democrat for the next 200 years. Of it if you need to know the truth. Something to be proud of, something that should have the democrats hiding there heads in shame. It was not the republicans did not pick up the goldwater states, as i was saying before. They did. They said it is simply not true. As explained in my book. Lay your history, republicans. [applause] retired Business Executive from rancho palos verdes. My question is i see california as having to head toward total disaster. What do you think it would take turnaround. Besides you running for the u. S. Senate. I could not win out here. You guys cant even a light car leave the arena were made woodmen, wealthy, attractive, it is incredibly depressing. California has the most beautiful say the union. Democrats have corrected dislike their wrecked michigan before. For the whole country. Change our Legal Immigration policy. Fewer of the boston bombers. And more of those lovely did you read about we have a family of german christian home schoolers. And eric holder deports them. Wait. Is there a pushcart operator from pakistan deliver it in his own language, never mind cars who wants to come in . Sorry, days surgeon, we have no room for you. Again, i am thinking Legal Immigration. And then things are looking rosy for all americans, not just the ones who need maids and nannies. We will see workingclass wages go up to more African Americans employed. More hispanic americans employed. Better wages. When the advantage we have over liberals, which is why they need to import government dependents, viejo immigration. My own case accepted. Christians are having lots of children. We are totally winning the demographic war. That is why they have to a import. Thank you. We will take one more from facebook, which i will read from the screen. It is from john miller in scranton, pennsylvania. With the Republican Party fare better with 80 partys standard bearer like senator ted crews were rand paul or someone with more moderate appeal by governor christie if we are going to be hillary in 2016 . I am trying to get conservatives out of this one fight between liberal republican conservative republican. I preferred christie until he came out for amnesty. I do not think romney was a rhino. He was better on the amnesty. Taxes. Obamacare. He was a conservative candidate. So using the facebook example idea, like us said, i love him. Im not coming out for anyone out, but he has suddenly put himself in good stead with the Republican Party. He is the smartest United States senator. I will put him. What do you think about the socalled republicans, the majority of the lifers planning to figure out how to stop the tea party in the real conservatives when they are doing what they promised their constituents that they would do. The rest of them are just there for themselves. How did we beat that . Get around that . When you run to party, make sure it is someone who can win. I wrote a column recently, and one to encourage the others. The one exception i would make is in South Carolina, a very, very red state. Hard to imagine how they could be an upset and a democrat could win. And particularly egregious republican, jack. Now the question is, can the republicans find a Strong Enough candidate to be the longterm senator . And think it has to be a member of the United States congress. One of those and running against lindsey grand yet. One step forward. Every place i go and get a lot of speeches around the country. Candid its to get a lot of money and would win. Whoever sits back right now could end up losing bats hennessey forever because senators tend to hold their seats forever. I said before. I might kristine of donnell, too. Delaware is a very liberal state. Republicans should not, and especially looking back on and now it is easy to say. Indiana is not a liberal state. I cannot even really blame anyone for rupert murdoch, another one who started talking about the abortion we need to have a series of unfortunate hunting accidents and some of these places. Well, my gosh. What are you doing . You are too stupid to feed yourself and you are running for the senate. This same thing. Then we have the Republican Campaign consultants to deal with him are just trying to line their own pockets, not from the strongest and it. Speaking of two people who party partyers, the main thing i would say is one run a good candidate and try not to make mistakes and avoid primary on until we have a nice big fat vetoproof majority. I seriously would not primary john mccain these days. He voted against obamacare. And there is no republican i dislike more. None. You may recall, was for hillary in 2008. [laughter] we are going to we have a lot of bucks to sign. We will end this with a question from a 20yearold Journalism College student from cal state. He is holding your book never trust a liberal over 3 in his hands. Thats a good one. I go to cal state long beach. Just wondering, since youre in the neighborhood, could you come to my college and get some of my liberal professors of talking to . [applause] de Young American foundation, but it is kind of late night. This just go to a paper their houses. [laughter] banks. You have been a great audience. Thanks. Your great. Great job. Thank you. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] book tv attended a book party for author ann coulter, that the offices of the daily caller in washington d. C. [inaudible conversations] and is there somebody to mingle with out . Oh, sure. Sure. Hey. Good to see you. What did you do recently . It was something and really loved. Yesterday . I interviewed bill errors. What did you do for that . I mean, that sounds fantastic. Obamacare. It may have been that. But for it. He wants me to define every turn. I right about that and slander. The liberal scorchedearth policy of argumentation. What do you mean communism, went to union liberal. I write about those things. This is an old leftwing trick. You can never talk. Of, yes. I have seen your stuff. Thank you. It is nice to meet you. What do you do . I have been defending ted crews a lot. Excellent. That is why i love you, and i am and you for that. You know i am reading you. Down here. This is a big place. This is fantastic. [inaudible conversations] hello. It comes to hello. Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming. Hello. My name is amy. Nice to meet you. I am going to mean bill, and then i will start signing some bark. Hello. Good to see you. Good to see. His up in boston doing great. They have not signed. Congratulations. What number but is this . Ten. That is amazing. Yes. Nice to meet you. It is still good. They were nice to me. It is nice to meet you. That is a great name. No, okay. No, have i met you in person . We have. Oh my gosh. So wonderful. Have not told you. You have to start having a lot. It working. We have to account populate them. And falling down on the demographic revolution. Nice to meet you. In will do it in there. That means just being built. Have i met you before . Probably. That need keep going to. Very far. Yes. In his office is there right next to . And kneele. Right next to him. I am with the emergency department. Think you. Yes. I want to mingle and get to the book signing. Great. Hello. Nice to see you. In the book. If it is, patty murray,. [inaudible conversations] you will get the book and find them. We have given it all if you want. Right there. Okay. Im going to get to my book signing. I am going to the book signing. Hi. How are you. Nice to meet you. Oh, you do . That is great. Exactly. I have to go by air again. Well, next month. What is the day . Of in the 14th. This is why i never go. The restoration. That is in palm beach. A little more tempting. I hope like it trouble you. Lynen. You are going to take it, great. Absent now. I want to get a copy. It. Take it with that. Right here. Thank you. Thank you. Is that an iphone . That is big. The new one. Its 7camera. That is beautiful. That is a good photo. A very clear. Say hello. I well. I will. Eyesight him in my acknowledgment. Part of my circle of the signers. He always emails and he is telling me, in print this. And i know it will be a great line. Oh, yes. Hello. Hello again. Where do you work . On the help. You guys have a lot. I use of ones . I dont know. Why dont they issue a legal subpoena. They dont think it will be enforced . They dont really know how they decide awareness. And of little subpoena. It must be enforced by the sheriff. I think it is not ready. Lets get in there. Thank you. Thank you. Nice to meet you, dont do it that often. That is about it. It is so fun. You have to come this year. I know. Thank you very much. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] you are my groupie. Youre going to have to tell me your name again. [inaudible conversations] where you live . Here in new york . [inaudible conversations] okay. Good to see you again. Hi, there. The house of representatives. First of protection detail in maryland. Oh, thats great. How to talk to a liberal. A chapter about arming everybody. You are going to like this one. Clinton, bush, and obama. Thank you. It is an honor to meet you. I hope you will have cartels in your office on capitol hill. You have to advertise. Thank you. Thank you. You sent me that email. I got this email and ended up with to cafe lattes. Got one because i had been chattering. It is temporary. You crazy kid. How are you . I have not even read your review. Tomorrow when i am working on my column, that is when i will be allowed to read it and treated and posted. I would love that. You know you can get your food bill with me any time. I will see you. Lynen here. You can get a good photo leading in. Okay. Youre going to do it yourself. Nice person. [inaudible conversations] oh, yes. Yes. Is that the same one . I have it in red and pink. You are styling, baby cakes. Yes. See you tomorrow. Thank you. What happens to these things . Well, it is not that big. It is only like 30 people. You can just keep that one handy. I will be there. Maybe i can start a fight with them. The little things. Somebody was asking me about it is all one is now. What i thought, log cabin republicans, and that it was in california. I just got too complicated. That was about to viciously attacked them. Some of the question. I got an email. Somebody who saw online. Fantastic. Yes. I see it. That is fantastic. And then mentioned you guys yesterday. Added nancy that part. It was someone had the audacity to ask me my position on game marriage. I said, unlike sean hand the i did not have the knack of repeating myself. You may read my 4,000 columns on the subject, when i talk about the marriage. See you tomorrow. Hello. When he said that i laughed so hard. It means security can. It obviously does not mean. I did not take it personally. Everyone likes the handheld stuff. That you so much. Or you in the audience that night. Yes. You hide your motions better. Nice to meet you. I love you. This is it. Thank you. Sorry. Did you want it for you . Religion. Completely on my guard. Bless you. Oh, my gosh. Youre my favorite person. You have four of my books. I cannot wait to see with the other ones say. Mccarthy. Should be in here. Yeah. Ya. Yen. Right. Killing a speech. I dont recall that, but i think will bring an idea back. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. It really would lead to it. Youre right. Telling the truth about the civil rights. The 50 years. Okay. I appreciate that. Thank you. I was just thinking about you. I looked you up. Is there another i think i wonder what hes doing. I cooled you like to weeks ago. How are you . It is so great to see you. Argue a consultant . I know. I know. I know. The right idea. Yen. I have a case coming up. Say, do you know or seriously just want their name. It was those people who were in it. Camping is next year. I want to know who did that. What you will see in chapter one. I want their name. I know. Write down your email for me. I am hiding my nicker right in here. Can i get another. The guy who works. My compliments. He does what . It represents. Al, that is fantastic. He is a very good buddy of mine. I think the last time i saw you was in the hamptons, right . How good was that . That was great. [inaudible conversations]. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] okay. Were going get together and gossip. We have to. Okay. I can read that. Man, you have bad handwriting but thank you. Im so happy to see you thank you for coming. Yeah hello. [inaudible conversations] its been since we hung out at my house. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] that sounds vaguely familiar. [inaudible conversations] there we go fantastic [inaudible conversations] this is for your sister . Yeah. Thats so nice of you. [inaudible conversations] obligations [laughter] thank you. This is a fun one. Oh, good this one isnt like work. I said have you ever ran an ann cowl coulter. Thank you. I appreciate that. Youre my favorite person here now. [inaudible conversations] ann, how are you doing . Tell me when youre ready to go in let me sign the one in here. I want them to buy books and come here. Hello. We have a fun segment. Lets do it again this weekend i have youre not doing it . Im here next weekend and every weekend through new years. Oh. No, no, no but, i mean, fox friends. Ill do it for l. A. From you guys. Can you do the first weekend in november . I actually like getting up at 4 00 a. M. If you get there and back i never knew how close the l. A. Fox studio was until i did fox friends on the weekend. Its ten minutes. Usually its an hour during the day. Ten minutes there, ten minutes back. Its still dark in l. A. , i go right back to bed. Its a weird name. [inaudible] where do you live . Its toward santa monica from west hollywood. Its a funny name. I cant believe im ive gotten no sleep for the last few weeks. They are brutal. They are mean, they are torturing me. Let me sign this book and then well go there. Hi, there nice to meet you. [applause] [cheering and applause] i have an announcement to make. [inaudible conversations] im going we are we are honored to have the great ann coulter in our midst. Its the shortest introduction in booktv. Ann is the only famous person i have ever met who writes her own books. [laughter] no, im sewer. Serious. How many book parties have you been to where the person doesnt even read the book where he stands up saying what a fantastic book it was. That doesnt happen with ann. Her books are funny. They are a middle finger aimed at most of the world. Were honored to have her here. The second thing i would say, im quoting ann directly. This room sucks said ann coulte. The real action is in the book next deer. Door. I welcome you to grab a couple of and with that. I dont have much to say. I want you in in. I would like to move the alcohol in to the other room. I think that would really help things. [laughter] im so happy to be here. Its, of course, my favorite web page. Because im honest. [laughter] but no, its really fun. Every time i have come here and everyone remarks on this. You dmoant, because you work here. You think look at all the beautiful young people. Im so happy youre all rightwingers. Think how sad they are. [laughter] im going to be back with a beer in the book signing room. Thank you for having me. Thank you for coming. [cheering and applause] youre watching cspan2 with politics and public affairs. The importance of confidence in being a United States senator, but being a woman and how important it is to foster that in future Women Leaders or Business Owners or law. Guest absolutely. I encourage young women to be involved and step up front, frankly. And to, you know, and i always say to graduating classes. I can never imagine that i would have been running for the United States senate when i was in your position either. But leave open the possibility of doing that. Because it is critical to have those examples in a governing institutions and all places in our society that are important to have womens voices and reflective, you know, of women in our population. And the second part of it is that they bring a different experience. And thats also important to have that voice at the table. And so i encourage them to think about it as a possibility in the future. And, you know, when those choices present itself. Even for me as much as i was passionate about politics and thought about running for office. I was going to have to come to washington. You have to go against the grain. Whatever you do in life, thats what it is. I always did that. I went against the grain and felt so strongly about the things i believed in. So that voice is important to fight for. It made change in policy. It was a direct correlation. I love the fact that, you know, that even today the Womens Health initiative we spahn by the disclosure that the nih was excluded women in Clinical Study trial. To this day for women is still revealing relates and lifesaving discoveries for women. Thats so important for cause and effect to having women participate in the political process in what evolves from it. I think about title ix, for example, i mean, in fact, i was talking about it the other day with donna brazil, as a matter of fact. And, you know, she was beneficiary, she was saying i dont know i love the fact you have young women who no Second Thought about it. Active in sports because the law make sure they treated to those sports for women were treated equally. Host its sofas nate its so fascinating how protections came all during your many during your four decades of service. That you were there at the form of a period that, you know, people women younger than if you may take for granted. You were a witness to the changes. And its worth women especially really should read about the fights you had to wage on behalf of women. I loved, also, an antedote about your much revered senator Margaret Smith of maine who gave a speech called declaration of conscious directed at mccarthyism but not senatorring senator joe mccarthy. In june of 1950. You pull a financier and political consult assistant called bernard who said if a manmade the declaration of you mentioned in the book when youre talking about hillary clinton, who is an old friend. You said an an extraordinary role model. Your husbands served together. Did they sit next to each other . In order of the state came to the union. Host right. It was sir you are old friends and obviously colleagues. You said the that United States is ready for a women president. I have to ask you, shes obviously the great hope of the Democratic Party, the great hope of many women whether or not you want her to run, whether or not you support her. Any feelings you have. You said you have enduring respect for her service as secretary of state. She, you know, barring whatever is wrapping her up in any benghazi excitement on capitol hill. When you look at the future and think that country is ready, would you, as a republican, sit it out if she ran . Guest well, thats so far down the road to speculate about all of that. But i think that, you know, if hillary wanted to run, she should run. She did sit, i think, extraordinary example of how a woman, you know, can run for public office. So thats what is important. I think she broke down that barrier single handlely. And highly talented and capable and smart. It it she chooses to do that, i think, you know, many women will embrace her candidacy. I think the country is prepared to have a woman president , and i think that by virtue of the fact what she was able to accomplish that the point in time in her own candidacy has dispelled any notion that a women could not be prepared. Even though she didnt win the primary. Those were different reasons. Differences on the party. By virtue of her candidacy and how she conducted herself. I think she basically eradicated any fears about how a woman would handle herself. Host well, theres many delightful antedotes i keep mentioning in the book and little nuggets for congress watchers like myself to enjoy. One of my favorites is that you divulge how frequently and regularly women senators get together. How privately they nurture and mentor each other. I thought it was impressive. You dine with female justices. Something i had never known before. Which i thought was wonderful and what an honor. Guest yeah. Host also, and i thought that was thats, you know, really another reason to sort of delve in here is to learn not only about the way things used to be, but how much women look out for each other in positions of power, and how its really bipartisan it is and guest right host and the way you talk about clinton and obviously your friendship that formed years ago before she was in the senate is just a unique connection, i think. Its very interesting. So you have you want to tell them there is a way out. And that even if its not nearterm. Theres a path to unity and production productive future for the congress diminished polarization in the future if some steps are taken in time. And you list them in the book. You have recommendations for a fiveday workweek, an annual budget biannual budgeting. Guest yeah. Host restoring the process of getting to a budget, a bipartisan leadership committee. Which is so interesting. It means they have to lead the congress and get out of their own partisan leadership. No budget no pain. Pay. Which means they wont collect their paycheck. Filibuster reform, no more secret hole on legislation, and return, i think, this is so critical to regular order in the committee. You cant throw up an emergency supercommittee sequester bill at the last minute. Everything would have to go back. And abolish leadership pacs. You made me chuckle. You were only five one of five without it. Semi open primary im a believer of that myself. And commissions instead of state legislature deciding on redistricting. I think its important for americans to read your book especially on the chapter on all of these political in on the system. It they dont know about redistricting and dont know about how few districts swing every election cycle and 79 of 6 us shouldnt get the vote because it was already decided. So this is really i think you have all the right ideas and i want to if you can share a little bit of that. How, you know, the great antidote that congressman rick dolan who left the house and is back 30 years later. He has to spend 30 hours a week on fundraising. Guest i know. Host where do you get the establishment, the incumbent the crusty old system that might seem new new so set in where do you get them to throw away the leadership pac to change guest you know, they find a relief if everybody had to stand down on both sides of the aisle. Host right. Guest thats the key. Any changes on Campaign Finance reform has to be level Playing Field on both sides. And that is what we had to organize strait. It was my provision that struck down on the Supreme Court and citizens united. It was even handedness, so both sides had to do it. Its one less level of financing. Of raising money. Think about it, in the house of representatives, they had an overwhelming i think probably the majority at least have leadership pacs. Its another avenue to give money to candidates at a much higher level than a individual. The point being, its not only raising money for their own campaign, they also have to raise this money for the leadership pacs because its expected. You raise so much money. Especially if youre a chair of a committee. [inaudible conversations] then you are expected to deliver. Guest yeah. The it takes so much time. Its another huge distractions. It reminded me the honorary issue years ago when there was a congress would be paid for speeches and so the whole schedule would reinvolve around the days which they can give speeches on monday and fridays. But ultimately came to the conclusion that we should ban these. It had an impact. People back in town not host right. Guest right. What are they supposed do . It was one less level raising money. Because that is huge time consuming effort and not to mention a distractions. You can watch this and other programs online at booktv. Org. Former alaska governor, sarah palin, explains religion is being stripped away from christmas. Oonnd be any ran bus, which is parked down on the mall is jeff chu called does jesus really love me . A gay christians pilgrim sure. Im the grandson of a baptist preacher. Im the nephew of two other baptist preachers. My family has been devoutly evangelical. We didnt always go to baptist churches. I grew up in the even evangelical what was your familys reaction when you came out as gay . I think it is safe to say they werent excited about it. My mother cried and cried and cried. It was an extremely difficult period in our relationship. I dont think all of my relatives know yet. Its a funny thing in a chinese family the way information is passed around. So you have these layers of culture. You have the chinese layer, you have the christian layer. I think between the two theres sufficient chain that my parents havent exactly broadcast it to everyone. Mr. Chu, you have written a book about jesus loves you. What is your christianity today . So i attended reforms church in brooklyn, new york calledded first. Im an elder there. I think my faith, like that of many people goes through peaks and valleys. S. Theres upanddowns. I think i would say faith for me, was a consistent thing. Its a struggle. Its something you work on. You look for god wherever you can find evidence of god. You try to hang on to faith in you lo the hard times and rejoice when you find high points andto moments, for me, which tend to be in nature. Ice whenou find hi that feel try yum faint and fees like they pull me closer to something devine. E are you a Christian Today . Yeah, i would use the wordthh christian. I think sometimes im troubled by the basics of the language. When we see even jell call what do you mean . Have b when we say conservative what l when wu mean . I the ink christian is the righo term. Me i follow jesus as best as i its h on your travel and in your th search, what dide you find acros it comes to established religions, acss amerid christian religions, and gay and established religions, established christian religions and gay and whether or not thats acceptable . Guest if you look at America Today you find reactions across the entire spectrum. You find open hostility. You find great silent discomfort you find it really depends on where you look. The thing about all of this is though most of these people are trying their best to do what they think is right. I think the motive does matter when we are looking at the situation. Most people are trying to be loving even if it doesnt always feel like love or look like love to some of the rest of us. Host can you give an example . Guest the hardest example for people to accept ruby Westborough Baptist church. When i went there i very much wanted to dislike the church. They are so angry. It seems like they are so hateful and yet they tried to explain to me what they are doing is out of love because they believe they are instructed to love their neighbor and how can you love your neighbor more than to tell them that they are going to hell but they have a chance to turn around . Stably but they are doing is a loving thing. Thats really hard for the rest of us to accept and i dont expect everybody to accept that without skepticism but i think we have to consider where they say they are coming from. Host jeff chu did you interview members of the Phelps Family and where you guest i spent four days in topeka having dinner with the phelps warsh is being with them in church and going on protest with them because i wanted to understand what life was like in that, asian. They were very open with me and i was open with with them as much as they wanted to know. Its pretty obvious on social media that i am gay. I didnt tell them straight out. They never asked. I assume that they knew but it was never an issue. It never really came up and i realized it didnt matter because they believe everybody who is not a part of their church is going to hell anyway. What does it matter if i am gay . I going to hell for some reason. Host jeff chu what do you find in some of the mainstream christian religions . Guest i found a lot of diversity. Much mainline christianity has moved in a more progressive and inclusive direction but as you can see from the presbyterians over what to do with their denominations and other denominations are struggling with this issue. There is no one said of beliefs. The general trend of course as with Broader Society is that the church is moving in a more liberal direction but thats not going to happen without fights comcast fights within families fights within the the congregations and fights within denominations. Host did you visit with the Catholic Church as well . Guest i did not spend a lot of time focusing on the Catholic Church and heres what happens. As a reporter i can only write about the stories of people who are willing to talk to me and i spend a lot of time trying to find a gay priest who was willing to open up. I think the price of that because i was never able to find one was the catholics are underrepresented in my book. The really funny thing about this is my husband is catholic and i never thought to ask him for his story until after the book went to press so that was kind of a fail on my part. Host jeff chu there is a denomination called mcc or Metropolitan Community Church which is a socalled gay church. Did you visit with them and what did you find . Guest i visited to mcc congregations won in San Francisco and one in las vegas. The beautiful thing about the mcc is its a spiritual home for a lot of people who want still to hang onto church. But they dont feel comfortable in regular churches. It was founded by a guy who grew up pentecostal and became a preacher and needed some kind of environment like that himself. Its been a gift for an immense number of christians. It wasnt really the community that i felt was for me. I personally dont want to go to a church that is just gay people. I want a church that reflects my community and my church in brooklyn is old and young gay and straight black white asian and hispanic. We really are a crosssection. My neighborhood of her clan specific lamp probably with an overrepresented population of but that is the kind of church that i was looking for. I found it strong christians and a really warm welcome. They embrace the person to whom they are serving communion so i really enjoyed it. I was critical of some elements of it that i tried to be honest as a reporter and his fairs i could be with what i found. Host what is your day job . Guest im an editor and the religion writer for beacon which is a new startup that seeks to try a new model in journalism. Host the answer to the question that you asked on the cover of your book conquered does jesus really loves may . What is the answer . Guest the answer is it depends on who you ask. Every person you talked talk to has a slightly different image of jesus cobbled together from things you learned as a kid things you have read in newspapers and no person has the same view of cheeses of spirituality of sexuality so its so diverse and so fun to explore but also very difficult. The issue is so emotionally charged. Host what is your answer to that question for yourself . Guest the answer most days is that my jesus does love me and my gods grace is big enough to handle the mistakes that i have made. Host and on those other days . Guest on those other days i like to look forward to the day after. Host jeff chu is the author of does jesus really loves may . Visit booktv. Org to watch any of the programs you see here online. Type the author or book title in the search bar on the upper left side of the page, and click search. You can also share anything you see on booktv. Org easily by clicking share on the upper left side of the page and selecting the format. 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