[applause] >> thank you for that introduction. i know that i have two older children and six grandchildren and two younger sons 14 and eight for the four children and six grandchildren with certain they are my two oldest children and my wife of 28 years, my second wife do the math. [laughter] have heard me describe as even keel and smiling when and yelling at me. [laughter] never losing control everything smiling. and after i get that sort of introduction i am looking out at an audience for any might -- any of my children or my wife is sitting and all i see is rolling eyes. who are they talking about? [laughter] so thing keogh for noting my good humor on these television shows and i do want to speak to a serious issue the part of the good humor comes from what is my alternative? [laughter] when you are entering people shouting over you and interrupting you it is theater to some extent. i have respect for sean headed the who is a nice man , bill o'reilly, always treat me with respect. i am a fox news contributor and a partner of michael steele a republican conservative and number of msnbc team i am a fox liberal he is the conservative in there is something wrong with this pitcher. [laughter] but that isn't a bad segued to talk a little bit about the topic at hand. and that is our culture of political polarization in america where we substitute for political dialogue in many, many conversations that are not conversations but food fights a and there isn't debates or the ability to discern good is really important in a debate or in viewing history. but there is more detail. so let me first address president richard nixon and how moved by m to be here and to learn in 45 minutes to one hour to walk through the exhibits what a remarkable life is great man lead and i am a liberal democrat was raised and i was not a neutral observer in the 1960's and i supported senator humphrey and vice president humphrey in the 1968 presidential election say you're not looking at a neutral i was and and a liberal democrat. we all know that every great man in human history has flaws and weaknesses and makes mistakes but i know how moved i was and i and in the life of richard nixon the greatness of richard nixon and the presidency that i was reminded of just a little bit more when i walk through this museum. my one anecdote is to my mark -- remarkable surprise president bill clinton and i were talking politics coming unusual topic. [laughter] and presidential history and he said something that surprised me that i did not know and he said you know, who i turn to for advice and wisdom? this is before the big blowup that occurred to a tragic mistake of bill clinton. i said to? he said richard nixon. well. and then i listened to the words that became much more moving in this sad occasion of the passing of richard nixon when clinton gave the eulogy that brought tears to my eyes and most americans because in that you megaera those comments bill clinton moments ofs we all transcend division, partisanship and sometimes even in the word that my boys are not allowed to say but the hate to word and in the '60s it was used by a lot of people including me about people who disagreed and through the '70s and '80s and '90s it became a very common word. i hope to after the bloodletting from the clinton years that we would be over that. and a very good friend of mine that i was in college with between law school something about the new haven drinking water. one of my close friends before i went to yale law school and met somebody named hillary rodham when that was her last name i was close friends with somebody named george bush who i voted for for president not president but of might richard a. [laughter] i will -- my a fraternity. i will come back but not one person my wife says a redundancy is two words that is redundant so there were a lot of men who had egos and the women will say that is a redundancy. with all of these egos i did not know one person who had a bad thing to say about george bush. and the like ability, the character and good hardness of this man i did not vote for him for president on either occasion. i will say a majority of his policy positions but as to a good heart and character and strength, there is a man i would rely on in a crisis. richard nixon and devoted his life to public service and as we say in the world of politics, you can do the nixon to china moment that is a proper noun. it is more about richard nixon but what john kennedy wrote with "profiles in courage" and standing up to your base to make them larger than your narrowness. that a liberal democrat could not have gotten away with because it would have been seen as left verses rights and transcended those terms and brought us the 10-- that changed history and as i was told secretary of state clinton commented about the moment in history of was also reminded the conservative republican president richard nixon created the epa supported the clean air and clean water act, i worked for a presidential candidate because edmund muskie who partnered with richard nixon with environmental legislation. so i made my point* that through the years the h word we reached a point* i thought it would never be worse than the hate machine around bill and hillary clinton with the implosion which is the term of a nuclear device blows up and all the forces needed one concentrated energy level that detonates a nuclear bomb that in the '90s a combination of highly partisan environment 24/7 cable with the tail end of the '90s when bill clinton was president and the independent counsel statute a monstrosity that i always '' and to dan scalia as describing a prosecutor with unlimited money, and limited agents in search of a crime. and that constitutional convention which we democrats created, not republicans led to a secretary of labor under ronald reagan being driven out of washington in disgrace because of three independent counsel investigations and never a charge brought and finally the labor secretary raymond donovan was indicted from bronx new york and after going home to new jersey in disgrace being prosecuted prosecuted, and the jury came back in 40 minutes and ask what is your verdict the four men stood up and said do we have to say not guilty? the judge said you can say anything you want. you are the jury and free with each like to say to mr. donovan you are in the santa. they said a very dramatically and when he took the courthouse steps he had a very famous answers. word rego to get my good name back? so we did that with raymond donovan and republicans did a back. whenever it mistakes made but the complex of scandal machinery between the media in the internet which came into play in the late 90's 24/7 and the independent counsel statute that criminalize political differences of the machinery but on the way back you could save between thomas jefferson and alexander hamilton who accused each other of having an affair and there were both right. [laughter] and they play gotcha back when hamilton had to fess up when agents of jefferson leaked the affair and of course, in the early 1800's allegedly according to alexander hamilton with his gotcha moment that was well known among the small circle of people about sally cummings. it did not start with president nixon or clinton or any other bogged down in this machinery to made serious mistakes and held accountable but it did get worse. it in our time when human beings were created with weaknesses and other human beings to take advantage to exploit those people but where we are today when my friend, george bush, became the object of the democratic eight machine where i began my shift and orientation and that is why i decided to say yes to fox news i would be the democratic voice if everybody thought i smiled all the time. i thought it was important that led me to the book scandal how gotcha politics is destroying america. voices umbel sides between smear and innuendo. and the ability to lew disagree agreeably is the way this country can get back and what is going on in washington today is so dysfunctional, so impossible to comprehend that i have friends who are members of congress who are afraid to be seen socially talking to members of the other party. so let me conclude by telling you a good story for a momentous inspirational moment occurred between bill clinton and george w. bush know how experienced i have been to walk through and revisiting the great life of president nixon. i change my ending to these remarks by wanting to tell you the true story. it is the spring of 2004 and the hatred, the horrible word toward george w. bush for going into iraq for his tax cuts and other policies that offended democrats and that i did not agree with that was in such a fever that it reminded me of the zero worst days of the gate machine against bill clinton except this time it was my side against george bush and having great affection in high regard i was very uncomfortable with the level of pay at dinner parties among democrats. and so there came a moment when president clinton was invited to the bush white house for the unveiling of the unofficial portrait of the president and the first lady. i was as lucky as i was standing here today i consider myself to be privileged to be invited here to speak to this audience. i was privileged to be invited in that room but for a little while sun drenched i was very nervous. because all i heard among all the of clinton says and democratic officials from the congress to be here for this great event to unveil the official portrait of the president of the united states and the first lady was the h word. i will not sit here when he walks in the room. i can stand him. i hate him and i think this will not be good it will embarrass the clintons if there is any hissing were booming and/or anything that constitutes disrespect and i said this is not good. how do we get the word to president and mrs. clinton? they have to call things down. we could not get them. they were upstairs in the mansion in the residence with georgann laura and we all sat down in the east room and in walks president bush and laura bush and hillary and bill clinton and they sit in the front row right in front of me.my friend t me and i waved back and wanted to whisper to her but i couldn't. president bush took the podium and you could feel the tension in the room and he started out by looking down at the clintons and it did not surprise me, a welcome home president clinton and mrs. clinton. , senator clinton. you brought light and energy to this house and he went on to describe the clinton presidency and all of its achievements. and bill clinton was moved. i could see him right in front of me and the entire audience when president bush was done stood up and gave president bush a standing ovation. old my god, i thought to. george bush has proven what i have always known about him and politics that when you transcend the haiti and polarization there is humanity there that people will recognize the graciousness of president bush. now bill clinton takes the stage and naturally he rose to the occasion as he always does and spoke about how moved tea was about the graciousness of the bushes in what he had said and then he said these words which is the way i would like to leave you to think about why we don't have this today. bill clinton said, figgie for the way you have talked to me this morning president bush. wouldn't it be wonderful instead of people using words about good evil they could use words about right or wrong or agree or disagree? you have proven it is possible for two people who led this country to disagree on many issues to have a common purpose and common civility. it was the electric the whole room stood up and cheered. and there is a guy thing here that i will describe you as some of the women nodded your hands when i said the redundancy now it is the guy's turn. president clinton looked down at president bush when the ovation was occurring and of course, they were seated and he pointed like that to president bush and he pointed like that back is a guy thing. [laughter] let me say to you in conclusion i feel hopeful if i could be here after all my heritage with my dad made his old west in have been coming he is smiling down at me from have been allowing me to say wonderful things about richard nixon. that only because i think he would agree with the spirit of my work, but my mother is next to him giving him the elbow in the ribs. [laughter] i think that is true. i am honored. thank you for inviting me in allowing me to share my thoughts about president clinton and my friend hillary clinton. thank you very much. [applause] >> mr. davis has graciously agreed to answer a few questions so if i see any hands i will come to you to ask you to take the microphone. of well your thinking of those i have one. and you mentioned it at the end coming is she or isn't she running for president? [laughter] and two follow-ups. >> i am very proud i am on fox as the person who answers every question directly and in my book has the mantra tell it all, tell the early and tell it yourself about crisis management so the answer is i won't answer your question [laughter] i will tell you that hillary clinton is the greatest friend anyone could ever have. she is funny, warm funny, warm, loyal, there when you need her through thick and thin and if you ever heard her laughing would be laughing without knowing why you are laughing. she is one of the great people i have known since law school when i said her name was rodham. if she decides to run for president she will make a great president like she made a great secretary of state because as a law school should work harder than anybody i knew and what she was working harder she said were dry go to volunteer for legal services for the pork? that is my answer she will be a great president. >> i said i have a follow-up the follow-up question is who will be her vice president candidate? >> constitutional it cannot be bill clinton. [laughter] and bars not only running again that we might become president and that is the interpretation. it is so far in the future i want hillary clinton to be happy, healthy and get a lot of sleep and then we will see what happens. [laughter] >> who would she like to run against? >> i am glad you are sean handed a. that is all i have to say. >> is a very superficial but what fraternity? >> delta kappa epsilon is a ritual for president bush and i share the secret and the drug bush once asked me is it true that you have this surgeon and a little scar on your back and george bush looked at me like if you say a word. [laughter] river in delta kappa epsilon it was a social fraternity i was a reporter for the daily news where i graduated but all my friends were in greek and he was the president and also a member of the same residential college i was in common davenport a small community college from yale and george and a number of my friends who have great times on saturday night when i was not at that party is convinced me i should get over there to get to know some of the girls. now it is boys and girls. [laughter] >> menu were talking about at a social gathering and you hear the hate for the aside gave you ever confront these people let's not talk that way or did you just stand there and cringed and go away? >> is that a great question? the answer is i confronted in a respectful way as if to somebody would say the n word in front of me i have been taught by my dad from the movie called gentlemen's agreement with gregory peck that for the academy award the lesson was anti-semitism or bigotry is the gentlemen's agreement to be silent in the face of bigotry because you dylan to be in a confrontational moment and my father said don't you ever remained silent when bigotry or hate it is expressed in your silence. that is what the movie teaches and i have taught my children and so when i heard these words used about george bush i would say if you want to speak that way i will not be present and i would draw a line. so i hope all sides of the fence we can do that for those whose substitute hate words for a dialogue. thank you for the question. >> this is southern california with not a lot of hockey players but winning a national championship. [laughter] sixteen seed. [laughter] [applause] >> i donated to the sports. >> and useful my question about hillary but if she doesn't run for president what will she do? >> she is a dedicated public servant she cannot avoid doing public service. then whispered thank you for coming a few weeks ago to get some rest and read a good book and watch tv and relax and i won't tell you what she whispered back at me that was typical hillary and it is key good humored and will do something in public service and politics is very hard for her to resist but that when she ran four years ago she was nominated and elected before the first primary and the media has a great desire to make contest to tear people down an adult think she is not misunderstood how challenging it would be but she is the best so i am biased but i think she fast-food decide one way or the other that friends of hers just want her to be happy. >> we have three special guests i would like to introduce and one of those is bob who helped write to write a lot of the exhibit text here at the richard nixon presidential library and also the assistant to president nixon imposed presidency. frank began in the white house speech writer for the president and came with him to help fight them memoirs and the special assistant to the president traveled with him throughout his campaign and arranged his schedule in the white house and we're delighted to have this three of you here and he has a question. >> can i just say can i ask for the autograph? [laughter] legends in my mind for many years. [laughter] >> and i offered an autograph and he refused. [laughter] >> no offense. >> you have identified with great clarity the problem at the heart of american politics how do we fix it? >> besides changing human nature? we will have thomas jefferson out there with a truly great people being really bad. i think there is the institutional problem until we do something about one party districts that are gerrymandered so people don't have to worry about going to the middle to get the votes where most people are and they are more worried about losing primaries for the far extreme of their own party the republican party today thank you very much they lost the senate because they ran primaries and did not do something that was truly a out of mainstream extremist candidates. that happens in the congressional district so that rather than socializing with democrats if you do have to worry about a general election in your only worried about being outflanked by the extreme there will not be an end to the vicious cycle that is the institutional answer we need a president who was willing to stand up to his own base whether republican or democrat and right now brocken, has shown a willingness to run for history rather than reelection he disappointed me in his first term is sometimes pleased me greatly but did not stand up to the base of the party of which i am of allele member on the issue of the national debt and i am not taking his own deficit reduction commission and the productions and endorsing it. for the first time he has gone to the republicans and said let's fix the debt because our children are paying the credit card and that is wrong. i am hoping that a president can bring the country together the way that richard nixon looked at that time to see that young girl in the closing days of the campaign bring us together and i think only the president is the person every betty votes for at the end of the day it has got to be the president that ends the poison in washington and rise above it and i hope obama will do that and run