Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book TV 20120714 :

CSPAN2 Book TV July 14, 2012

d into gre a every year at the school program for ph.d.s fromrod the world. he served on the board of advisersor the washington legal qualification. cicist t pl unoni othic the jewish action alliance, the christian film and television commission, project moses, catholics is in the middle of the original catholics at home, ittorad th cnide e is member of the order of the hibernia is, catholic war veterans and the catholic social workers national association. he serves as editorial adviser ener teaching awards from catholic community and television and radio shows speaking on civil liberties and social issues and to sit down and write a . tveu wi u i would like to mention a couple things about the book and i will when bill donohue takes over and t us know what he is thinking about. in recent years the catholic urchas ge thug terble encerf e abuse ten years ago, the abuse that could have been prevented by my in the church's own ranks. as a result of this many positive aspects of the cholic chchanpr a hek t the media but -- there's a change in this and the new 8 h s mandate gives us an opportunity to speak about things that have e ch tchnem uforti. thstido od living everett opted. we are a catholic moment in america. 20th century experience of living according to a principle flouriing the human atoushinthatomesrom thstioaiha thng the co lessons of that, become catholic social doctrine. these teachings the fire toy's categoriza is the ch cova mrsora anmpngib i social and economic affairs. it really is all things to all n. always willing to speak his mind and put u a good fight, bill donohue is president of the catholic leagu and reminds re ohibo ofit wi tex catholic tradition. he explores the cardinal virtue of justice and fortitude and temperance and the church's best attributeappld toan prlemsociety mt ro eood society lies in waiting but the right recipe has been around f 2,000 years. the more we learn about the inspiring record of catholic soci teaching and applications to pblemthmore likel ll see how the negative stereotypes and first need to be educated about the record of teachings. and the book says why pp with this.eally matrs [applause] >> thank you. appreciate the opportunity to speak to you about the book. a couple years ago iasorkithtorn the random house group and had an idea about a book -- very politely taught me we can think of another book. we get a lot of negative s somestaran a lomefa being the target these days and somebody needs to write a book about the good tngs that have been done. there have been a few things that were pretty good. the kind of book that i wanted to do bringsf e i ryo ok at this historically as well as today and wrapped aund the four cardinal virtues. my argument is quit simple. that is all t gre ieoociety? what constitutes the good society? the argument i am making is the answers we had for a long time. if you follow the teachings of the catholichch yououldve gooci eyt to clear. catholic church's teachings are very demanding. i happen to be of the opion it isetter for the high mper oeddring b down. in this country from the bed room to the boardroom and other examples we have seen inflation, we have se the dumbing down mmenappealing to thest thlic urhi de o suldemain. we should help to try to clear the bar and who are you to talk about this after -- u have problems in your own ranks. it htt ta tbohe o who said i can't answer the question. you had a scandal in your own church. every priest who failed us had followedis vows we wouldn'tavhad t pbl a a wchy the vote goes to confession and we have problems with the apostles. we know that people are failed dempon afogs and we understand .h crod? the teachings are excellent. if you can follow the teachings of the catholic church and dealing th the scandal, it doesn't need to be amended. what needs to be amended are the er. we aki v be you are talking about 149 priests out of 100,000 who are responsible for 27% of all the cas. then forget to factor ran all the cases of falseccusations i t te thro. i a simply saying the teachings are sound. if the teachings were the problem that i wouldn't be here today to tell you the idea that we he the right recipe for the good society atm ng if you look at this historically where do you think the idea of the university came from? didn't come from the greek for the romans. they gave us aristotle and cicero. what university did theyound? s wof caic ch a o irish. and the great works of the people who ce before them. where did the idea of freedom comerom? why did freedom originated west? ene rdedanoninate in the east. unthneenth century. we have to take a look at the rich tradition of architecture of music and the university's, the idea tt reason which is what the cholic church the at is you understand catholicism. reason and pursuit of truth will get you there. the ultimate purpose of catholicm is the focus on the other. the most natal thing in e d nouel kofcecnd is not very helpful let me make sure i get this straight. you are saying all cultures are basically equal and we shouldn't prejudge anybody or make adjustments abouone against the othe ey ourha welieve e.d ic t guys that is not something i don't want to leave out of this discussion because i said to them directly i threin ini an ty oks liound put a man of anountry th pizza in the heavens. that is just different strokes for different lks? they got very nervous. that is notright. that is inclusive the concsiou ce tr whe e'g ru aulsal we put pizza in ovens and they put jews like you into ovens and that is different strokes for fferent folks because you have no moral basis upon which you can condemn thesepeople. turi d croal lawo peo. rnme. we have inalienable rights. that is a very catholic ideas that the rights given us as human beings come from god, not thgovernment. e editndolde t governmen w hahiha againsour conscience that we regard to the morally objectionable we will practice civil disobedience because that is what we are called to do. i was struck by the new york at hft dyo is not ancient concepts. many of these have catholic legs to them and that is where they come from. take a look at slavery. itn tst e catholic church did not initially condemn slavery even though prius xii were both waves and in the fourth century the pope conmned it. avd tathhe o of x had to be respected by the pastor. eating away at the foundation. we were the first to do that until the government collapsed. without the natural law gu.ohow yake eto t creature of god. he is a person who is -- has the same rights as everybody else and you cannot make that fiction that you are the master and he is the slave and has no life. oktu ft cchurch rejected out but i recount in the book, work in the sixteenth century undermining slavery in latin america. the donican priest who stood agnst ery incding peopitn e ic er audorin that regard. this question of prudence which is one of the virtues i talk about. cardinal virtues. credential the speaking we coul't -you on g erert. lot citn of the united states, basically get rid of slavery. you eat aw at it and that is why it is easy to say everybody knew this wasrong about st ouitodyanhi cali church had a probable leading the way in the fight against slavery. we have been figing today about this other fiction that some consider a right which is ere right to kill the baby in voud. th cights issue. i object to people who say it is a matter of religion. it is biology 101. the color of my skin and color twoon aermothm dna didn't come whe a wasn't a week later. those characteristics are there. that is biology 101. everybody knows this to be true. en people like hillary clinton at s a itions s andag. isor a tragedy? there is no other competing human life while the saying goes for it? somebody says i got to get a root canal you don't say that i ybunrtathiou don't want to go through. my point isverybody knows. look at the pictes. that is the baby. i am encouraged onhis. is dfornia lasteekc th-cd pro-choice segment is now down the lowest in american history at 41% of the population. identify with pro-choice. that is more to do with the sonogramhan anything else. on the right track withha caicuri talk about euthanasia and other things but we get to experts in justice and the work has been nan 17 irithout t wk the hoal the school and asylums and hospitals and hospices. so many mother teresas in history we don't discuss -- she wt s anor her for the to be known. we do need heroes and she has to be o of the great heroes of our age. i love when people like my d ex her to take it from the 4? did you expect her to take it from the middle class? uld it make sense to take money fr the rich to give it to the poor? d't understdhis. whre bac tthga are we going to play mr. clean? is everybody snow white at the table? she ew what she was doing. he found the first hospice i history. aids patients in n yorci ydi me wk t of the entire world's funding for aids comes for the catholic church. we do more than many institutions in the world to deal with people strien with aids. e olch. need y ures aut rendthki of money doing that kind of thing and the immigrants, look at the great work that has been done over the years. every th group, ish in t wab s that our country today to see some people making their anti latino comments. one thing to say we have a right to protect our borders but stopped dumping on the latinos. u nooihevery nonat priest that see whether you are here legally where's your card if you are in need? somebody in the street and a bad ask him for prove whetheor not he has a document. and tid oss and -- also the catholic church for its 42 in standing up against hitler. there has been so much visionism about this. look what the jewishommunity id autpi xiie antehe the war ended in 45 and he died in 58. why did the wor jewish congress gives of many millions to the catholic church? if we have never seen a greater person in history to deawith e tact je? organization? albert einstein said he was shocked because he didn't think much of the catholic church compared to others who might be helping out but it was the catholic church that did more for the resistance. e g whoamupchuh- englishmen retracted it. that is not well reported. and rightfully so. how could he be hit their's quote when he had assassination plans against e pope and plans to kidnathe pope. tol pondlea caicrccait s as a resistance. i am proud of the record and the final vatican archives do come out, our side will be vindicated. those people who have been ies or g will --gainst us, embittered ex seminarians and priests trying to smear that voe of the catholic church if you look at what the jewish community says about prius xii rn spp t n think leord phrm f at of silee? according to one estimate, and israeli diplomat that the pope was credited for saving 860,000 jews. if you think tts an exra sneds to exaiy d th planned 800,000 trees in israel and not just israel in the 1940s for every jews saved by the catholic church. they didn't deny it. yohave to read through this stf antake aooalot h as x against fascism but gorbachev said you never would have brought down the soviet union without john paul ii. margaret thatcher and ronald reagan werke. people in the soviet union who is w . peoin st n weesnte joau we went to his native homeland in 1979 he set the reco strght. e soets ew ts waa re om pteg what to do. listened to the way they speak. prudential the he did what he could at the time until they mmm thch ono get ridf it t mh abt crusades and the spanish inquisition i take from head on. the catholic church had almost nothing to do with the inquisition. the inquisition was conducted moly by secular authorities, opleike e ki roy deesopay nooy te they were critical of the catholic church and the crusades were a defensive reaction against muslim of freshen. e muslm world didn't even use the word crusade until the eye irsh t ht against what they regarded as the infidels. i want to set the record straight on that as well. the sectionn temperance deals with marriage, family and sexually, the necessity of restraint. is is serio qstn bee ie in sociologists, this invest -- biggest moral social problem today is the runaway idea of defining freedom as our economy, radical autonomy. i amy mol bir. donenyra 40. i can make up my own ideas of right and wrong. i have my conscience. jeffrey dahmer had a conscience and he killed his victims and atthem. aladonindd a cocice anehu i hacoie not good enough to have a conscience. you need a well formed conscience. you have to be enmeshed and embedded in rich traditions of the catholic church. you can folw e ten hehour.ahech thilt free. this idea of libertarian is them is a false notion of freedom. it is not an easy sell. the catholic church teaches freedom is the right to do what we want to do. is harsel i a h chre ie t o to do. a very hard sell but it makes sense. the focus on the other. that is the point. the idea i should not bring my eyes inwd bushou be won th. theahoc om france who came to this country in the 1830s and one of the great olympic qualities of religion that you get your focus off of yourse on to others. if we continueo define frdom hencrelfe i t ell llfow being and need no moral directness and external authority will wind up -- i have a discussion in this book abo e french intellectual who ved le hie re h b aisod dheex he promiscuously had with young boys and from of unjustified rate, this was a man regarded in the 1980s not long ago as the most power intellectual of his day. cinsuc whatd idbeet was an idea of truth and moral absolute. he believed there were just interpretaons. no such thing as age. d osoconsuc. ita rl. there is such a thing as truth. when you abandon common-sense and treat the body like a vessel to be throw everything into it, he h sitybwa usisy dr a ee wereupseto re and looked to him? that is an example because he penalizes the distinction of what the catholic church teaches chngtror mhe istural -- human erody is center of his own ideas and his own morality. that has certain consequences. cuff solecism matters but it h consequences. if we could all follow it, not hold myself up as some begin. cior g society has been around for 2,000 years and we have to stop with this cacophony of catcalls and trying to shut it down. all we want aohnli ono po wtopo we have things to say. my job in the catholic league is to say -- time out. let the catholic voice be heard. want to disagree? fine. do so respectfully andcivilly. wngin o soy icig and left people are out there in an irresponsible way, shout you down. they know what is right and wl set you up. not a good situation in our society day whereutonomy s aith sma thckwhi eer inot good. i think the catholic church has the answers. i don't want to be triumphal and where and on your sleeve and walk around like -- a whole generation of young people growing up don't kw abouthe od tngr caolichch haone cn of universities and contributions to the scientific revolution and contributions to the poor, fighting communism and fascism and althe other good things we have done. we should be proud of whate ths bheleand if wsh the society is going to lose. i sincerely believe that. are kind of like -- i can write these books unss i believe in th. that doesn'tn -- nyntan thank you for this opportunity to discuss the book and i am open to any q&a you may have. trme secd esent amave hi t going on with kathleen sibelius i don't really -- i disagree with their positions obviously but i tend to be the kind of guy that likes the other voice in their room. what do you in woyot t as caicinstitution? >> i debated -- i won't mention his name but a priest who worked in washington -- are like him. he was wrong on the issue but i ll tell you why. s0 years edio tthsn that president obama has every right to speak at the university of notre dame and any university in the country. the president could speak anywhere. i was strongly opposed to him getting the award. wh wldatli awao who in the illinois state senate took the position and led the fight that once the baby is born as a result of a botched abortion, out of the woman's body there's no medical necsity- heou ivl the. bwalled to die. never in my life have i seen a president more of an enthusiast for abortion rights and president obama. in 2007 he told planned parenthood the first thing he ittawagd t ofhe threom ce act. the most radical sweeping pro-abortion legislation ever proposed by anybody because of our bishops and others the legislation never got to his desk. theiv?- should be abte he tawd? no a priest friend of mine -- i said to this priest on tv and could give me an answer. what could he say? you would be opposed to and anti-semite ttin an fr theatuner. ttanrd from a catholic university. the difference between you and me is you don't have a problem with a guy who is an enthusiast for abortion rights getting a award from a catholic cine'a us ershs edto thas tre consecutive archbishops of kansas city and was asked point ank by one of them name for me a single law that would create any strictions on abortion. she i wa jrid eo dirde ial birth abortion test but raised money for him. it is hard to understand how you can get any further out there in left field andathleen cbs on th iss. leyot gi biden credit and give credit to bill daley. they warned him catholics won't put up with this. telling catholic non-profits what to do. unfortunately they would vo. the ara ofkekathleen sibelius clueless. don't have the pulse of the catholic community in your giving advice to the president of the united states. in the past might ha found a lot of bureaucratic bishops very ivd d hun voaky scl the scandal occurred between the 60s and 80s. these old cases are out there. we have a new crop of bishops today. when you he n cardina bo aarl li t backyard and the archbishop of philadelphia and cardinal world who i love and be involved in the catholiceague for their brilliant, eyon'terstd ths auton ths t f amendment to the constitution. was about contraception. they get it free for planned parenthood and walk down the d ot ants rates continue to climb. in any event that is how it is. yes? ile parochialism among secular peoplto not think about their values. they expect catholics through -- criticized and critique what we believe, why won't they do to tlindinec ghetto. i have never seen more insular community. you got to look at college professors. who did they associate with? what do thethinabout? is it hard toeb a ra t tare esopn thrl in a what they're going to sa so utterly predictable. remember what pauline kael said in 1972? the literary critic for the new rk magazine sd i cadend h nonec pdent. everybody i know voted for george mcgovern. everyone she knows voted for george mcgovern. work for the new yorker. who else would they have voted for? they d't -- theroit thftay a t speaking about honest liberals. i am speaking about the left. a minority but they run the show. liberals basically are afraid to confront them on the caus. thonely vewoabemca thonavey about rationality or truth. you look at that. i look at that. they just know that they are right. they know they areght. e tyoten ulism idea contrary to there's, i just look at this and wondered if people have -- we reallyid away with the full beargs or what? erybodknwhgn n sotle or aeal or a bag of popcorn. when you look at the picture on the sonogram everybody knows that abortion is the taking of an nocent human li. er tweo t o 'tavchlden. they and love each other but can't get married in a real sense because marriage is never about individuals who are involved. it is always about children. the only way you get children is through a man and woman. opitstnite.t it is all about or jndoned but societies have always understood throughout all of history. throughout all of human history. of the statement. a big statement. threw out

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