Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Party For Carl Cannon 20170820 :

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Party For Carl Cannon 20170820

a book release party for carl cannon of your chief for politics his book provides a history on the united states through 365 events for each day of the calendar year. [inaudible conversations] as soon as it went off [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] this is for booktv. i don't know if this helps sell books or not. [inaudible conversations] therthere's a movie coming out t this. [inaudible conversations] it was after the martin luther king assassination. >> i thought there would be a signing. >> there will be. it [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] this is great. but the empire. you can't possibly read everything. >> we know that is not true grandbaby alert. hello, michaela. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] you can't use these in your morning columns anymore? sometimes we need more of that in journalism [inaudible conversations] you are on c-span [inaudible conversations] is there anything you can do on your and? to cover the news and make the news. hello, michaela. this is michaela. [inaudible conversations] can i put you down for one minute? [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] she is the executive. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] say hello to this guy. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] i will speak with you. i will make it happen. all right, the. >> you okay there, kid? i'm si am so sorry i didn't seeu and i bonked you with the book. [inaudible conversations] .. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] her name is kelly, she's the middle child. may she meet him tonight. do you want to go find your mommy? i will go find her. i will be back you guys. let's find your mom, shall we? [inaudible conversations] >> it wasn't my advice, everybody's advice.they were wonderful, very literary. [inaudible conversations] >> where are you now what you doing?>> i was in chicago. >> when i met you you were that size. that is the lord's work. no bad language. >> i noticed there was a camera. are you doing a signing later? >> yes. i'm going to sign after. >> i know where to find you. >> dealers know each other? [inaudible conversations] >> are you not signing? >> i will sign this. >> thank you. [inaudible conversations] >> did you rewrite much of your stuff? >> i had to. >> that's too bad. >> it is better that way. >> stick around. [inaudible conversations] >> we first met in sacramento. how long, that was in the 70s, wasn't it? >> i think so. >> or early 80s. [inaudible conversations] >>. [inaudible conversations] are you doing all right? >> yes i'm good. [inaudible conversations] this is catherine. this is my cousin's daughter. >> how are you? [inaudible] >> there is nothing to investigate right now. >> at interamerican university the investigative reporters workshop.>> who runs it? [inaudible] >> you will enjoy this. some of them will remember but i do not remember a lot of it. >> i think you met our friend tom recently. >> where? >> i do know he just told me that he met you. maybe it was at an awards that they were doing. >> yes i like him very much. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >>. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> congratulations.>> thank you! >> a great party. [inaudible conversations] >> c-span buddy. this is james arkin, realclearpolitics. for now he is ours. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] >> thank you all for coming. really, really appreciate ever being here to support carl cannon in the book.i would like to thank the hoover institution for hosting the event. maria and her crew for letting us use the space. it is a gorgeous building and we are thrilled to be here. my name is tom i am the cofounder and publisher of realclearpolitics. and i want to say a few words about the author and a few words about the book and i will turn it over to the man himself. as most of you know, the book is based off of carl's morning note that he's been press for a number of years. and a couple of years ago carl was scheduled to take a vacation and he did not want the note to go dormant for the week. so he, we came up with this idea that we have guessed people write the note and i'm sure some of the people that wrote a guest note were in the room. i had when i think it was a wednesday. but i first had to figure out, spend a couple of hours researching what happened on my date. then i, was i decided what i wanted to write on i had to spend a couple of hours researching it and trying to figure out as much of good about it. then a couple of hours writing it. and i think it was okay nothing about about the gemini space program. i think it turned out fine although i do remember in preparing these remarks that carl never asked me to write another guest note so maybe - maybe wasn't as good as i thought it was! [laughter] but the point of the story is that the talent and effort that this guy puts into his morning note, it took a team of five people just to do if he does, and what he does by the way for most people get to work. it is astonishing! and i could not have written five days worth of notes, let alone every five days for the last five years as carl has done. and done with such passion and commitment at a really high level. most of you that our subscribers know what i'm talking about. the other thing i would say about carl is that before you all think that i am a terrible boss and a slave driver, that is really a labor of love for him. and there is nothing, probably once a week for the past five years i will hear carl in the office or in his house or on the phone. i had a great note today! did a great note, you have got to read it. i love that note! at least want to be. and there's nothing that puts him in a better mood in the morning and writing a great note. ashley one thing. feedback from his readers. which every day, at least once a day, often times more than that. he gets notes from people all of the country that read his note and say, it inspired me. it reminds me of a story. i learned something new. thanking him for his thoughtfulness and a subject study covered. now it will bit about the book itself. it is unlike anything that any of us have ever seen. if you have not delves into it yet, it is a collection of drinking 65, not even short stories, their micro stories. 400 or 500 words they'll have a beginning, a middle and an end. you can read the book, open up on today's date start today and follow for the next year. you can open up to your birthday or your anniversary. you can read one note, 10 notes were 100 notes. as many as you want. and you can do it at any time. so it is a really special book in that regard. but the other thing comes through in this book is carl's passion for america. he had to make a lot of decisions. on any given day there were 50 or 100 things he could have written about.he had to choose what he wanted, what he thought should be included in the book. and so through the choices you learn a lot about carl. his passion for sports, presidents, history. his passion for cowboys and cabdrivers and athletes and astronauts. and of course baseball players. songwriters and scientists, the list goes on and on. but above all, this is a man with a gift for telling a story and this is the story of america. and his love for this country really comes through in what he has chosen to write about and how he writes about it. so with that, i would like to offer a toast. to mr. carl cannon on the publication of his new book on this day. this is to you! >> i think you need this so people in the room can hear you. >> i am not going to talk very long. i think what we did - pardon? [laughter] the heckler in the room is george - i'm going to speak to david bradley about him. he timed my toast at my daughter kelly's wedding. he came out on five or six minutes but - >> it was way longer! >> 19 minutes. but i will only try to speak for four or five. but when you came in most of you put a date in this box there that shelby is holding. this is the gimmick but we didn't know how to do it. they're actually drinking 68 essays in this book. i left here and two days i did twice. i don't know why. i just did. i just want to tell you one brief thing. sean is here the publisher of 12 books. he is a distinguished gentleman back there. raise your hand. he came to washington and he said he was looking for me to give him names for other people to us. i took the meeting but i wasn't going to do that. and i was thinking in terms of my morning notes in his thought about it a few minutes and said i think we can do that. and we shook hands on it. that's the way things used to work. maybe it was better than. i've known sean since he was an intern at icm for an agency and then he wrote the novel in the think i must have reviewed it. if positive review. no? i knew him when he was an editor and we wrote an e-book for him and now he is at publishing. the reason i am bringing that up is that i thought i would just turn my morning most into a book. it turned out not to be the case. it was more work than i thought it was. the reason i am telling you that is because the one thing i did, i ran out of time and i push the deadline but i did not get any acknowledgments. so i would like to take a moment just to acknowledge a few people. i have already acknowledged sean. and 12 books, time that you heard from and his business partner john mcintyre. john is here to be able to work for a company like that, the culture that we have. you can probably already get a sense from the comments, it is nurturing, supportive and i could not have done this without them. you know - not having an acknowledgment of the problem. i will do that again. i would say half the people in this room helped me with that book actually. sharon cannon who is here, our daughter is here. you little girls are our granddaughters.sharon is the one who gave me an introduction if you got that far. something she found in an autobiography about six or seven decades ago about people thought that these were the end of times in politics and nothing was ever as terrible as it is today. and that is one of the themes that comes through my notes. one of the themes in the book, there are three or four. things seem bad right now. in politics in the country. but whatever we are facing, we usually face did in the past and worse. and we sort of, we come through it as a country and usually stronger. not always. every once in a while but that is one of the themes of the book and another theme of the book is, it is dedicated to immigrants. i got this idea and again, this is something i just discovered as i was writing it. in the course of american history when we needed something, an idea or invention or just something that happened it was often an immigrant that was there to provide it. and so that is something that comes through.and another thing that comes there are the stories that we do not know right. george washington probably did cut that cherry tree. [laughter] and the moral of the story is that he could tell a lie. and mark twain once said he could tell it like but -- the first presidential biographer, the first investigative reporter writing about presidents because the cherry tree story, he courted an anonymous source. he implied it was - so he had a source. the point of the story is really not the george washington couldn't tell a lie but he was saying that you lived in a house where if you told a lie did not have the fear of getting west. as you get into american history find these things. and we do not know everything that we think we know. and some of the things we think we know is wrong. and i did my part to try and set the record straight. their individual stories, 450 but hopefully come to the end and you get a sense of the country of who people are. so with that, should we - one other person since c-span is here, the -- fact checked the book for me. bob castillo, he is with - i may change after change after change. i was looking at the book today and there was something that wasn't in the advice that i wanted there. so we do a second printing i am going to put you guys do it again. [laughter] i can name everyone here but you will know what you've done for me. are we ready for the big drawing? should i do one? should i go in the bottom like this? i am going to get this one. april 27. i guess i need a book, i did not memorize the book. [laughter] >> robert draper. april 27. his neck here? is that your birthday or what is that? nick - by the way, all of you can stop emailing me when you want your column to appear in real clear politics because i don't do that. nick does that. his email is -- [laughter] >> april 27, 1956. going out on top. boxing fans were stunned on this date when rocky marciano retired as the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world. he was only 32. quote domains and say what he will do in the future marciano said, but barring poverty has seen the last of me. growing up in the 1930s in massachusetts he dreamed of becoming a baseball and football player. he was a solid athlete, good enough to earn date postwar trial with the chicago cubs. -- he had been successful but in 1946 amateur armed forces tournament at five feet 11 inches in 188 pounds, he left the classic size of a heavyweight. his short arms put them at a disadvantage. it was also considered old for a fledgling fighter. rocky was in his mid-20s when the trainer charlie goodman taught him the points of the sweet science paper had deceptively quick reflexes. in 1949 in 1950 he began getting victories all by knockouts. he acquired a base of hometown fans are piled into buses and cars to see them fight and dealt timber when his opponents were rubber lead. in 1950 when he climbs into the ring against joe lewis. he sported an impressive record as a professional fighter. 37 wins and 37 bells, 32 by knockout. but in joe lewis he was facing perhaps the greatest fighter of all time. lewis was 37 years old by then and well past his prime. marciano knocked him out in the eighth round. reactions were not there. directions when the theorists of the old chap retired after the fight. my age comes against me. afterward marciano was to his dressing room with victoria's younger father wept. the rock went on to get his title shot which he won. he defeated five times before retiring. a decision based partly on joe lewis's example for rocky did not want to go out like that and he didn't. he died on august 31, 1969. the day before his 46th birthday in a small plane crash outside of des moines iowa. joe lewis and mohammed ali attended the funeral. lewis kissed the confidence he passed it and said, god is giving himself a beautiful man. [applause] >> all right then. we still have liquor and food. not liquor, wine and beer and food. one second. my friend was to say this. this is not open night might but he's a good buddy. i want to leave you all with one other personal note which is this.while i was doing this book, my brother dave, got pancreatic cancer and died suddenly. it was a blow to everyone in the family as you might imagine. one of the last things we talked about was my brother. he was glad i was doing it but i, where getting to the age now it doesn't matter what age you are. i have friends fighting cancer now and one of them is - home recovering tonight, she is in angel fan. she is going to watch the game. another one is here, michael, are you still with us? michael and jen. michael is with us and so i just, i asked you all to keep them in your prayers tonight. all right. [applause] >> i promised i would try to say something that of which carl cannon me specific you do not speak as a democrat and i do not speak as a - i speak as shown for. [inaudible] >> i just want to say on behalf of all of us carl that you are a unique resource. your bipartisan, your fair, you're tough, you're one hard journalist to spin and i sure did try. i want to thank you for all you have done for everyone in the city and especially people who appreciate good journalists. thank you carl. [applause] >> you have been watching book release party for carl cannon of the realclearpolitics. every sunday night on c-span q&a interview program, we introduce you to people in politics, the media, education and science and technology in our long conversations about their lives in their work. this weekend q&a guess is carl cannon. tune into c-span right now to hear more about "on this day". you're watching booktv on c-span2. 48 hours of nonfiction authors and books every weekend. booktv, television for serious readers. >> booktv takes hundreds of author programs throughout the country all year long. here is a look at some of the events we will be covering this week. monday where i politics and prose bookstore in washington d.c. to hear journalist joe - talk about a drug cartel for the following day back in the nation's capital when historian john chandler will become the life of patrick henry at an event hosted by the smithsonian institution. thursday we will be at busboys and poets in washington for formal radio personality -- on his time in the music industry. and in baltimore photographer allen talks about the uprising following the death of freddie gray. those are some of the events will be covering this week. many of these are open to the public.look for them to aaron the new preacher on booktv on c-span2.

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Sacramento , California , United States , Chicago , Illinois , Washington , America , John Mcintyre , Bob Castillo , Joe Lewis , Robert Draper , James Arkin , George Washington , Jen Michael ,

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