Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Wake Up America 20

Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Wake Up America 20160821

lives and how they did things that perhaps make a difference. but current politics i just finished reading "alter egos" a story about the relationson between secretary clinton and president obama and particularly related to national security and state department kind of issues. two rivals in the prim mary who come together in the same administration, and so an opportunity to get a feel for what was going on in washington, dc, a place i work, but certainly dent have the insight behind the curtains in the white house and state department in this administration. another national security book, just read this summer, michael hayden, former national security director, talking about the space -- what we face with the terrorism and its threats and so this is called "playing to the edge," about his time at the cia. so, again, same kind of venue. mostly history. as i say sometimes current things, "lincoln's boys" caught any attentionment read it this summer. it's the story of john hey -- john hay and john nikolai two individuals president lincoln met, before he was president, met inible, and they came with him and the story of their lives as two young men working in the lincoln administration, particularly during the civil war ask then what happened in their lives afterwards. so, again -- i like to read history. less interested in the battlefield, but much more interested in the people that served in that capacity. then my favorite book of the summer has been "hamilton" and i defended ron cher now is a great author and i'm going to look for his books to continue to read and i have several of them i have not red and now interested in doing so. this caught my attention because of the musical. the musical, "hamilton" is based upon this book, and happened to see it sitting in a book store, and interested to see what caught in seasons, today's culture, today's audience, with a musical, based upon the life of alexander hamilton, our first treasury secretary. and so this is the one i enjoyed the most. unfortunately the longest and thickest and often turns out to by they way itch complain the thick books seem to be the best. >> booktv wants to know what you're reading. tweet us your answer,@booktv, or on our facebook page, facebook >> on june 17th, 2015, south carolinians, dylann roof, white, unemployed 21-year-old, high school dropout, was on a mission to take his country back. ever since george zimmerman walked out of the courthouse a free man after killing trayvon martin and the nation debated the verdict, roof looked to understand the history of america. trolling through the internet. he stumbled across the council of conservative citizens, ccc, the progeny of the 1950s white citizens council nat terrorized black people, closed schools, and worked hand in hand with state government to defy first civil rights laws. but the despite the group's avowed racist belief system and a quarter mid to late 1990's see the sovereign poverty law center reports the group posted of having 34 members in the mississippi legislature and had powerful republican party allies, including then senate majority leader trend lot of mississippi. by 22004, mississippi government hailey barber was chair of the republican national committee, and 37 other powerful politicians had all attended ccc events in the 21st century. earl hold, the chair of the dr. cc gave $56,000 to republican campaign funds in recent years, including donations to the 2016 presidential campaigns of rand paul, rick santorum, and ted cruz. the ccc then enjoyed precisely the cache of respectablity that racism required too achieve its own goals within american society. and its web site of hatred and lies provided the self-serving education dylann roof so desapparatusly craved. he drank in the poison of its message. got into his car, drove to charleston, entered emanuel ame church and lanked in a bible study, with a group of african-americans who were the very model of respectability, roof prayed with them. read the bible with them. thought they were so nice. then he shot them dead. leaving just one woman alive so that she could tell the world what he had done and why. you're taking over our country, he said, and he knew this to be true. not even a full month after dylann roof ducked down nine african-americans at immanuel amn charleston, south carolina, republican presidential front-runner, donald trump, fired up his silent majority audience of thousands into lie 2015, with a promise, don't worry, we'll take our country back. >> you can watch this event and others on >> all right. wear wedding to get started. again, thank you for coming. thank you for your patience. if you have not yesterday purchased a copy of the book there is still copies available at the front counselor. after the author is done speaking there will be time for a q & a and then move to the signing there is a camera crew from c-span here tonight. during the question and answer question, if you wouldn't mind just waiting until somebody gives you a microphone to ask your question. mr. bolling will call on you and then get you a mike throw tone tonight i have the pleasure of introducing eric bolling. bolling is a co-host on the high live rated show "the five" and his own weekend program "cashing in" i and appears on other fox programs including substituted host for bill oreilly. join in the in mcing eric bolling. [applause] >> how is everyone doing tonight? everyone good? can you hear me? yes? one, two, one, two, got it? boy, you guys are die hard. came out on a friday of a holiday weekend. good job. appreciate that. so, a little historied of the book. nine years ago i came over from cnbc and had a conservative viewpoint and a lot of people started enjoying the version of conservativism i was bringing and they always asked me, can you -- what you do on these shows -- i have a show called "wake up america," and they said we like that. can you write those don't and make a newsletter, do something with those? and can you make a -- put them together, compile them into a book. i said i'll write a book when the time is right, and for year is put it off. until the publisher came to me a year ago and said this is the time. look what's going on in the political climate, and looked like there would be a bunch of people running for president on re republican side and on the democrat side. thought maybe this is about the right time. in the middle of it i realized that president obama had been so aggressively bringing the country to the left that someone had to step up, someone had to do something to make sure we stopped the slide and brought us back to center and maybe to right. so i believe in my deep down heart of hearts, that the conservative viewpoint, the values and viewpoint's conservatism brought to us this place 240 years of success, power, economic might, and we needed to not vary from that and stay on track help said famously issue want to fundamentally transform america and then three weeks later we elected him anyway, which is amazing to me. so put the -- i start writing the book and just flowed. it was amazing. sat down, started writing virtue. i started with the -- trying to figure out the core principles of conservativism. i got through what i felt were comfort my what the -- the basis of the core agenda that we -- conservative agenda we needed to get back to and thin -- then realized it was so frankly easy to write is because of president obama. he has brought us so far left, there's into many things to write about. start the book with -- how many times you can fall down and pick yourself back up and make sure you keep going. over the last seven ore eight years, or ten years, you're taught if you fall down, don't worry, government will take care of you. if you lose your job, don't worry wimp'll provide more and more up employment insurance. if you can't afford obamacare we'll get you health care. if you can't afford your apartment, we rep help you i with your residenter. food stamps, 50% increase under president obama alone. so these things kept -- i kept writing them, so, at the end of writing, the publisher said who few want to dedicate the book to? i had already written my acknowledge. s, my beautiful wife is under one and then inwent through family and people in my life, roger ailes, mark fisher, who grew up somewhere around here, in the area. so i said, i'm going to dedicate this book to president obama because he is the reason it was so easy to write, and he is the -- i honestly think he's the reason why it's doing so well. [applause] >> on the back of the book you can see names. sent this book to some of the most important people, the most influence people in the life who taught me about republicanism, conservativism, americanism. bill o'reilly, had to be first. i like hosting his show. sean hannity. a great show. tonight there's a big special about the clinton scandals. going to be fantastic. real expose say. i sent the book to donald trump and i've known him for men years. you in the watch fox, you know i'm fan of donnell nadal. and i sent the book to him and he sent me back a quote and i was like thrilled to put it up on the back of the book. mash cuban, now a lot of people think he may not be conservative. in fact hillary clinton said she actually talked to mark cuban about a potential vice-presidency, nominates him said no, not going to happen. the is a great guy, of the. what a get success israel. and mark levin, a great man. one of my most influential influences in my spire life. so those are the people who wrote book quotes for me. dedication was to president obama. so i'm almost done now and i'm reading this and say i have to start and end with something itch want something impactful to start with so we can grab some attention, and a couple friends of mine and i got together and we came up with this idea of let's portrait -- happened to be finishing watching an end receive of "the walking dead." i said start with an apock liptive beginning so we start with hillary clinton raising her hand as president clinton, president 45. al gore is there, the second of energy, al sharpton, secretary of education, and bernie sanders, the socialist, the communist, i the senior economic adviser to hillary so i had this doom and gloom ending and intending if -- i don't want to spoil it but done have to be this way. i think it really grips you. and then i thought, is this too ridiculous and then i looked back where we were then and now and how far left we have gone, and hates not that ridiculous. so it's a warning, and it's also a road map to bringing what believe is success and conservatism back to the country, right now, because if you have hillary clinton presidency, you're not going to get the supreme court back the federal judges back, not going to be obamacare back, not going to get if from affirmative action become. ... >> conservativism is, it's an unheard voice of the last probably decade. it's time, and the book came out at the right time, and i'm thrilled you guys came out to celebrate the book with me. so at that, let's bring -- open up some questions. everyone's got to have a question. yes, sir, mr. polo. [laughter] >> [inaudible] >> oh, yeah. we'll wait for the mic. give these guys a chance to get the mic to you. >> [inaudible] >> you can have as many as you want. >> young, the first thick -- you know, the first thing i'd like to ask you about is what's your opinion regarding the far right and the ultra-conservatives and how they're really just not getting behind the republican agenda as in donald trump? they're just not getting it that if they don't, we're looking at the doomsday scenario that you address in the first half a dozen pages of your book? >> right, right. so let me agree with you and disagree with you. i think you're absolutely spot on saying unless you ignite the republican party, it's hillary clinton. so you can't have paul ryan, mitt romney, even people like george will and bill kristol saying i can't get behind mitt romney -- behind donald trump. i will disagree with you in calling them the far right. i think they're almost liberal, those people. they're rinos. i get in trouble on tv sometimes when i call people rinos, because i get e-mails, hey, he's a republican. you're right though. we need to absolutely get them on board, either it will be potus 45, ms. clinton. yeah. anyone else? we gotta -- everyone has to ask a question. it's the rule. sir. this guy, sir. >> [inaudible] i was shocked when i saw you here. >> that was taped. on wednesday. i thought she was going to air it wednesday. she said, oh, by the way, i'm airing this friday, and i'm on the train on the way here, oh, you're on greta right now. i am? [laughter] >> i love george bush, but he was wrong when he said certain things about a certain religion and that he didn't veto any spending bills. if trump gets elected, the republicans can't stand up against obama when it's so right to stand against him. my concern is i think either president will be fine, trump better, but the real problem is getting good republicans who will stand up for the principles that you're talking about and do -- when they say something, do something. like a ted cruz. i'm going to be voting for ted cruz in november. and i hope trump beats hillary. >> in new york state you're going to vote for ted cruz? >> well, because -- >> i'm just curious. >> my vote never counts, so -- >> see, i don't buy that. your vote has to count. >> well, my vote is going to tell republicans after four years, after four years -- >> help me out here. that's the mentality that i think is scaring, it's scaring me -- >> [inaudible] >> i still thinkif you believe -- so, what, you're an independent? >> [inaudible] against the party. i really, i cast my vote as to, for the delegates to go in december to vote for them. so if hillary clinton is indicted after the delegates are elected, in december the delegates are going to have to make a decision do they want to vote for hillary clinton who's indicted -- >> so you really want another democrat, is what you're -- you're going to hold out -- i'm trying to figure out -- >> well, i hope trump wins over hillary clinton. >> help me out here. who do you want to be the president? >> well, i wanted ted cruz to be the president -- [laughter] >> barring a ted cruz presidency -- >> i would want trump to beat hillary. >> so vote for him. vote for him. we can add the total vote to the trump column even though in new york state doesn't go red. you know, at least get a popular vote to the guy you want to be president. >> [inaudible] >> i hear it, you could. we'll do the delegate math for you, okay? mitt romney got destroyed, he got smoked in 2012. i would say that almost all if not every single state that mitt romney won, put it in the red column right now, because it would take a lot for hem to move, i think. -- for them to move, i think. i personally think. all you need now if you have mitt romney's wins, you have to have florida and ohio, have to, and then either pennsylvania or michigan. pennsylvania is right now tied, 42-41, it's a statistical tie there. michigan is very well, trump's doing very well in michigan. trump needs to shore up florida. he went to rhode island -- no offense to rhode island, but you've got a day, go to florida. go to florida, ohio, pennsylvania. florida, ohio, pennsylvania, back to florida, back to ohio, pennsylvania for the next five months. that's the path to winning. but trump does his thing. [laughter] so i don't know who -- trump answers to just donald, that's about it. sir. can we get a microphone? there you go. >> one of the things that really distressed me was the last presidential election when mitt romney was debating obama, especially the third debate when they didn't attack the obama administration and their incompetence about benghazi -- >> well, if you remember, if you remember what happened, candy crowley sided with barack obama, and they were both wrong. and mitt didn't have it in his back pocket to stand up and say, no, you're wrong, this is the way it happened, and he failed. and that was a red flag to a lot of people. if, if you're not ready, if you don't know the basics, that was one of the big ones. barack obama went to a fundraiser the day, on september 12th. if you don't know what was going on and you didn't have it in your pocket, then you don't really deserve to be president. but go ahead, i'm sorry. >> well, he didn't deserve to be president because i labeled him after that debate as a loser. now it aggravates me that he's compounding it -- >> yeah. >> -- by not supporting the party because the alternative is unbelievably bad. >> yeah. >> and so where are the bushs and the romneys? these people who should be supporting the party because there's more than just this election. it's the after effects that are going to occur. >> of course to. i just outlined them with the supreme court and the federal judges. >> right. >> the country will be vastly different for decades, decades if she wins. >> right. >> where are they? someone told me inside, a washington insider if donald trump wins, within 100 days, he'll have to switch out, move out 5,000 people. 100 days, a third of the year, 5,000 people have to leave d.c., and he has to bring in 5,000. by the end of the year, 35,000 people will have to be replaced. so there's -- you understand now why these people who have been career politicians, have never done anything but collected a paycheck from the government, they would rather lose, keep their careers, jobs, money lines intact and try and win another day than win. and winning -- if they truly cared about the country and conservative values, virtues, they would vote for trump. they would get behind trump. they would support trump. and they would be speaking at the convention, but they're not. a as of now they're not -- as of now they're not. hopefully, they come around. >> but why not? >> they're rinos, republican in name only. i say that, and i have someone who used to work for the bush administration sitting next to me -- >> [inaudible] >> they, like i said, their infrastructure of money and power and influence will go away if -- it won't go away if hillary clinton wins. it'll stay intact. it'll go away be donald trump wins -- if donald trump wins. so they would rather the country suffer, our kids have a liberal upbringing, their kids will have liberal courts than lose influence. k street, the lobbying, there's gazillions of dollars around the world that goes through k street and into politicians' pockets. they'll be removed from that. it's their money line. why do you think a congressman can spend 60 years in congress at probably -- now they make $174,000. they made a lot less years back. probably average somewhere around if you're there 50 years, you maybe average $75,000 a year. you can leave congress with $10 million net worth. how does that happen? they're not doing it from salary, they're doing it from influence peddling. it's the biggest business on the planet. it's bigger than drugs, influence peddling in d.c., and no one knows a about it. we should have a war on influence peddling. >> they should be term limited. >> yes. great, great idea. all for that. can we -- can i get her? yeah. >> thank you so much. we watch, my husband and i watch all the time -- >> what are your names? i should be asking -- >> elizabeth and peter. >> nice to meet you guys. where are you from? >> huntington right here -- >> gotcha. >> we're tuned in as much as we can to fox news and, obviously, time is of the essence as to what we can do to keep the train from going off the track. we love this country as we all do, and we see that it's being diluted by, you know, craziness; open border ors and just a lot of -- borders and just a lot of unrest. we want to know other than vote toking for mr. trump, which from the get go we were onboard, what we can do to prevent hillary clinton from becoming president. we're willing to volunteer or do whatever it takes. i have just one suggestion. if there are creative people out there who could actually show this country, what it will look like in five, ten years if she gets in, i mean, i see closed stores all over the place, i see the migrants in huntington station. i have a heart for people, but they're taking over our town. our beautiful town is filled with these people on sidewalks hoping to get a job for the day. and like i said, i'm a christian person. i love human life, but there has to be common sense, and donald trump speaks our language with border security and just that concern. >> sure. >> so anything we can do. [applause] >> good. you outlined, you outlined the introduction, you know? can someone paint picture, the dire picture, and that's what introduction of the book talks about, what life would look like under hillary clinton. what can you do? you can volunteer. you're going to be called upon by the local republican party, by the trump organization, whomever. they're going to call 0u7 on you and say, hey, can you volunteer? more importantly, are you on social media? twitter, facebook, anything like that? no? >> [inaudible] >> all right. so you can talk about it. you just did something. you just affected the 50 or so people here. 50 people heard your point of view. maybe you're going to spark something in somebody else who has a twitter account or facebook account who can say i don't like this. barack obama was elected based on social media. he figured that out early, and it was a powerful thing. so has donald trump. people make fun of him tweeting -- president obama was speaking, he was tweeting while it was going on. more people heard donald trump's tweets than heard obama speak. it's a powerful tool. so if anyone else has it, and what this family expressed also resonates with you, get it out there. put it out. people retweet, and it really goes a lot of places. let me get -- sir, can we -- oh, look at that. tony. [laughter] this is -- can i out you? can i out you. >> >> i was going to ask you a question. >> go ahead. >> i know you do multiple shots on fox, the five and cashin in. i was wondering which one you liked better and why. >> that wouldn't come from my executive producer of cashin in, would it? hey, by the way, where were you this week? >> on vacation. >> see, see how it works? he comes in on vacation to lob a grenade. no, tony jarrett's the producer of the cashin in show which, by the way, is where the brand "wake up america" was born. four, four and a half years ago we were together, and towards the end of the show i felt like we needed some way to close it out and give it a nice punch. a lot of hosts, greg gutfeld, even bill o'reilly with his talking points, they'll throw up a monologue up front, and you know where, kind of what the ideas are going to be for the show. we only have 30 minutes on cashin in which ends up being about 22 minutes of actual show time. and rather than doing it up top, i wanted to do it at the end, give it a nice sendoff before you move on to the rest of your day. and so we started "wake up america," and it was a rant on pushing -- most of them are pushing back on the liberal left and political culture that's, like, i believe is infecting the country. and it just grew and grew and grew. and tony tell you -- will tell you the social media aspect of it exploded. it just went viral. people were hashtagging wake up america all over the place. adored the brand. and then it made sense for me to write the book "wake up america." i've been begging tony to change the cashin in show name to wake up america. he's on vacation this week. he'll get to it when he gets back from vacation. [laughter] sir. >> thank you, eric. bob is the name. >> hey, bob. >> if the republican party is considered conservative -- and i'm not a member of the republican party, i'm a conservative -- i must be the far right conservative. as the gentleman in front of me referred to. i think the problem is getting the republican party over to the conservative movement. so many of them have been talking against trump which really troubles me -- >> right. >> so i think the republican party as a party, the establishment concern. >> there you go. >> -- that everybody -- >> bingo. there's the word. the establishment republican. that would be the rinos that i call the rino tos, and i get in a lot of trouble. boehner's office has called fox a hundred times, can you tell bolling to tone down the establishment rino? you can push back, i've literally been told by producers, hey, every time you say that, you tick off half the audience. you sure you want to do that? yeah, i gotta be there. gotta do it. yeah. >> if you watch some of the interviews of donald trump when he was in the '80s, he was very thoughtful, he was calm. the principles he laid out back in the '80s are the same today, and he's a real patriot because he really had to step up. and i admire him for that. why i was saying i would vote for ted cruz because i want my voice heard as a tea party person, as a ted cruz fan, i want trump to earn, you know, 50, 60, 70 million votes by being that thoughtful person he was in the '80s, by being calmer and not calling someone a liar or tiny hands person or something, i don't know. maybe that was the other guy. the insults are a turnoff, and that's really not -- unbecoming even now. >> sure, sure. and they are unbecoming to a vast, a huge portion of the population. they also are what imbues him to a huge portion of the population. we talk a lot in the book about pushing back against.c. culture. one -- against p.c. culture. i talk about saying, screw it, say what you want, say what you feel. be aggressive about it. don't be embarrassed of what you say. now there are safe spaces on college campuses so that you don't offend people you call someone he or she. it's insane, what's going on. adrienne and i have a son who's going away to college in a couple weeks. i'm afraid that he doesn't come back the way we left him. he -- did i i say this yet? [laughter] two days ago, two or three days ago whenever hillary clinton and elizabeth warren were on tv in the same blue, you know, twins in the same blue pantsuit -- [laughter] there was a clip that i think hannity was playing, and he's in the kitchen, and he goes, dad, what are we going to do if hillary clinton wins? i've never, ever -- adrienne will attest to -- i've never pushed politicking on him ever. -- politics on him ever. and he was just picking it up. he's liking conservativism for what it is and what he sees. and so when i hear this about the college campuses, i'm afraid that he comes back a different person than when he leaves. by the way, ted cruz? i love ted cruz. ted cruz was solicitor general in texas, i was the first human being to put ted cruz on fox tv. he was on some local stations, i had him regularly on one of my first shows, follow money, years ago. great guy. saw that coming, and i think he's fantastic. a lot of cruz people didn't like me because i was backing -- not backing, but i was talking about trump more and more in a light that was more aggressive, and they got really mad with me. >> the dream ticket, i thought the dream ticket was trump as president and cruz as vice president would have made an unbelievable ticket. >> why wouldn't you, you know -- if i'm donald trump -- >> calling them liar, liar, it's all over. >> i'm donald trump right now, and i know there's a huge it'd cruz fan base, why wouldn't you approach ted cruz and say if i win, you're just -- you get justice scalia's seat? now you have the most constitutional conservative i've ever known as the ninth supreme court justice, and you'll probably get a lot of votes from cruz people. >> [inaudible] >> sure, see, i should be advising trump. can we go way in the back? do you mind if we go way in the back? let me get the guy in the back first, sir. what's your name? >> hi, i'm paul. i was wondering about in view of the brexit vote last friday, to me, that seemed like a pushback on immigration. some of countries in europe like poland and hungary, they're pushing back on the immigration that's gone on there. they've said enough is enough, even though they're in the e.u., what is your view of this and where can we go in this country to deal with this problem? >> so i think the brexit vote was a brilliant vote. the u.k. said it was primarily immigration, i agree with you. bill o'reilly said it was 100% immigration. i also think there's some money involved. so the u.k. is the second biggest provider of funds into the european union after germany. u.k. and france are about tied. and they, if they're a net contributor by billions and billions of euros, tens of billions of dollars, so at some point you go i'm tired of going to this bar and picking up the bar tab every time. i do think they've talked about this vote and talked about this vote and until they had enough votes to actually do it, they weren't going to do it, and i think the immigration idea resonates. it's a nationalistic view of things around your country, it's resonating because i'll say it again, donald trump came down the escalator with melania, and the first thing he said when he came to the podium was i'm to going to build a wall on the southern border and make mexico pay for it. everyone said, he's what? but he's going to do it. he will do it, and that's a nationalism, anti-immigration, anti-illegal immigration, nationalistic view of the world, and it's spreading. everyone's saying, well, it's spreading from the u.k. to here. i think it started here, it went over there to the europeans, and it may come back in november. sir. >> [inaudible] just to add to that, like the brexit, people were afraid to say they were for separating because they were afraid of being called racist and anti-immigrant, and i hope there's an underground swell more trump. we're a -- we do not have a sign on our front lawn because we're afraid of what our neighbors would do to our house and cars. we are huge trump fan, we're too afraid to put sign in front of our house. >> put the sign up. >> i wish you live where i did. [laughter] >> i spend 80% of my time in new york city. it's probably 80% liberal. i'd put the sign up. [laughter] how's this? i wear the flag every day. that doesn't go over well in a lot of circles where i go. i hear you, i understand it, it's hard. but put the sign up. >> [inaudible] >> yeah. all right. listen, i can't -- i shouldn't tell you what to do, who hasn't gone yet, anyone? yes, ma'am, right here in the green. i'll get to you guys. just wanted to get everyone in here once. >> me? oh, in the green. just had a comment. i think -- i've been a republican all my life, been supportive, been involved with the party, and i'm just kind of breaking away from that because i'm just so annoyed with them. i listen to the comments all the time from the bill kristols and, you know, all of them, and nothing that they say makes sense to me, you know? i listen to their arguments why they hate trump so much, and nothing really makes sense to me. and my only thought is that they're just the self-serving wing of the republican party. it's all about them, it's not about country, it's not about us. and even mark levin who, he was here years ago, i was a big fan, got my husband to be a big fan, and now he just drives me crazy. i can't even listen to him anymore. [laughter] anyway, that's just my comment. >> i agree with you. i think mark eventually will come around. mark -- [inaudible] >> but he's done a lot of damage -- >> yeah. >> and i just can't, he just rapts. he just doesn't say anything worth listening to anymore. >> i agree. i hear you. he -- like i said, he's one of the most influential people in my life for conservativism. he may not talk to me for a while. it may take a few months after the election, but, look, we'll all be -- we're all coming from the same place. bill kristol, horrible. just horrible. i hope i never, i hope i never am on, hosting o'reilly or one of these shows and they book him as a guest. it will get ugly. or george will, for that matter. they're terrible. they're ruining it. even more despicable than what politicians do. you expect them to be like that, but someone like a bill kristol and george will? i think they're doing more damage than a politician. not a fan. not a fan. >> thank you very much for coming out. my name is shane, and i just finished my freshman year at the university, and my question is what can people like me do, people my age -- same thing with your son who's starting his first year at college -- to ignite a conservative republican movement on predominantly liberal college campuses where our new president sent an e-mail right after the orlando shooting saying we should be appeasing all muslims, you know, you should be befriending them, there was no such thing as radical islamic terrorism. what can we do, my age, to push through to at least get a sense of the other side on a college campus? >> i think you're 100% right. like i said, i'm fearful that my son, eric chase, spends four years and comes back indoctrinated. really, that's really what it's like. i think what you can do as i suggested to someone else, continue with the social media campaign. i assume you're on twitter and facebook and what not. if you're not, get on it. and why not do a college republican group? >> [inaudible] >> fantastic. so do you have to meet off campus? >> [inaudible] >> no, but some colleges say you can't meet on campus. yeah, it's insane. >> [inaudible] >> yeah, yeah. some of them say it's offensive. so good job. just keep doing what you're doing. how's that? and if you get a book, bring it to school. leave it in the faculty lounge. [laughter] >> maybe they'll learn something. >> maybe they will. maybe they will. sir. what's your namesome. >> i'm jeff, and this is my wife robin. and we watch, you know, fox over dinner with my son who's also leaving for college in august -- >> congratulations. >> thank you. and we've discussed this with him regularly, you know, in terms of liberalism that he's, that he had gotten in high school and, you know, what's ahead of him. and what his frank political views are, that's for him to decide. but there is so much frustration with the censorship, the political correctness, you know, such a sense of helplessness. these kids are afraid to express conservative viewpoints or constitutional viewpoints for fear of horrendous grades. >> yep. >> you know? i mean, that's despicable. >> yeah. >> and, you know, it's just you feel helpless in this country because of the establishment. and the establishment isn't helping to lead us down the conservative path. they just want to save their job -- >> right. they want to save the gravy train. so the book came out a couple of weeks ago, and about a week after it came out wait county in north carolina decided valedictorians are no longer acceptable because being number 1 was offensive through 2-500. insane. but that's exactly what happened. so politics has become liberal thank toss the obama administration -- thanks to the obama administration and the like. it's infected the media which has always been leaning liberal. now they get what think want, they have all the fuel they need, and now it's trickled into academic life too. it's scary how fast the country's moving left. it's a freight train moving left, and all we're trying to say is take a minute. put the sign on the lawn and keep the twitter account going, keep it on campus, the republican group, and tell your kids, listen, i'm not suggesting you get in an argument with your professor about what's right, liberal and conservative. that's a death wish. just taupe it down in the classroom -- tone it down in the classroom and understand where he or she's coming from and call home once in a while. bring book. i haven't heard from you yet. hi. >> i want to know why you think so many educated finish. >> what's your name? >> oh, amy. hi. educated baby boomers, right, who aren't college kids, who haven't been indoctrinated all their lives still support someone like hillary or a democrat? >> it's amazing. i'm doing a special tonight on hannity, and through this whole special i have, i have a, i have tom fenton who runs judicial watch who keeps pulling out, exposing all these clinton corruption issues, jay sekulow who runs a high-profile law firm who exposes the clinton corruption. kimberly -- it goes on and on, this whole list. and there's so many clinton scandals there's not enough time to cover them all in an hour. and i'm wondering, what is it that makes everyone -- >> yeah. >> i have no clue. i cannot understand, i can't. i can tell you i think it's wrong, and i can tell you how i think you can fight it. but who knows? no idea. how -- why, what scares me is young people now think socialism is okay. bernie sanders got 40% of democrat vote. 40% of democrats voted for bernie sanders in the primaries. >> the baby boomers should know better. >> that's a horrible thing, but it's also a good thing because of the 40%, 25% of them -- right, venezuela. 25% of the 40%, a quarter of 40 is 10, that means 10% of all democrat votes will never vote for hillary. that's an opportunity for trump. a couple more? yeah? how about someone who hasn't asked yet. how about this gentleman right here. >> so you've been a big inspiration to millennials, and i try to reach out to as many as i can. i just wanted kind of a different side of it was, you know, what advice do you have for entrepreneurs? i was a teacher, and i'm kind of now starting, going to be starting my own business, educational company, and, you know, so starting your own business for the first time, i know you were talking about it the other night and, like, you know, what approaches do you have especially being a republican and a young person and really try to change the millennial frame of mind as well? >> i think within business, and this is literally the last two words, i was with my mother as she was moving on, and the last two words out of her mouth were never quit. she literally pulled me over and whispered in my ear, "never quit." i'll never forget those two words. never quit. if this business doesn't work out, try another one. keep trying. but always be passionate about what you do. i've been very, very fortunate. i played bal

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