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[inaudible] [inaudible] good evening everyone and welcome to book people. Thank you for coming out here tonight. We love putting on events such as this one and we cannot do it without your support. Thank you very much for being here. This evening where pleased to have with us author juan s thompson. He is here to discuss his new book, stories i tell myself. In which he shares a story of his father, largerthanlife literary figure and their relationship as they got to know one another at over the course of 41 years. Thompson is a conversation tonight with Douglas Brinkley whose latest book, rightful heritage, Franklin D Roosevelt and the land of americas on our shelves now. Please now. Please dryness in welcoming our guests. [applause]. We want to welcome one to austin. He is a long time friend. Where is robin . Robin and his family is here in town, he is kinfolk live here, but to begin one is going to do some reading of stories that i tell myself that i editor hunter thompsons letter called the proud highway and road of Rolling Stone cover story about him when he died and im constantly trying to promote hunter as one of the great novelists. We are going to get to talk about some of hunters book. I wanted to begin with asking if he would like to do and read a letter you suggested. If youd like to get us going. Short. I would add to your introduction that you are also very good friend of hunters for many years. So what i would like to do is read the preface which sums up what i was trying to do and sums up what i was not trying to do and then read it couple of letters. This is a memoir. Not a biography. A highly subjective and memoir of how my father and i got to know each other over 41 years years until his suicide in 2005 it is filled with exaggeration, his status, faulty regulations, omissions, and also contains a lot of truth about my father and me. More truth than falsehoods i think. If i am deceiving anyone im deceiving myself are small. It is just that all i have is memory. And memory is a treacherous thing, treacherous treacherous as an unfaithful and perfidious. Doublecrossing an underhanded memory is not objective. It is not an impartial recorder, but instead it is changeable and unreliable record being constantly revised and edited. To suit our needs and desires and yet i lives and identify identities are built upon our memories and we trust them implicitly so we can draw conclusion about our lives and the people in them so we do the best we can. Knowing we are fooling ourselves a good part of the time. We go forward in spite of it. I go forward in spite of it. These these are the stories i tell myself. Thompson was a complex man. For far too complex for me to know or understand. He was famous, almost worshiped in some circles, unknown and others, brilliant, a grand master of the written word and one in one of the great writers of the 20th century. He was an alcoholic and drug a while, angry, passionate, sometimes dangerous charismatic, unpredictable, irresponsible, idealistic, sensitive man with a deep and powerful sense of justice. Most important to me though, he was was my father and i was his son. And no sun can escape a claim of that relationship. Good or bad, bad, weak or strong, alive or dead, close or distant, our fathers are with us. This is a story of how my father and i went it very far away from each other. For over 25 years we managed to find our way back before it was too late. So when i was 18i spent a week with hunter, it was just he and for the first time really in my life, just tni. We are on the farm doing stuff. It went surprisingly well. As i was getting on the plane to fly to boston hunter gave me a letter. He told me me to read it once i was in flight. September 1, 1982. Dear juan, okay, you are off, and since you are in control and your end anyway i am still juggling madness on the send and i have never even heard her rumor that the end might be in sight. It is a queer life for sure. But at least it keeps me in shape, more or less. Here are three valid 50dollar checks which should keep you cell event at least long enough to do to fix on things. Use them to open your bank account in boston. Also, call me tonight to confirm your safe arrival, do do not forget to do this, tonight. The sheepskin jacket is a present from leila, boston is cold in the winter. I will call the can doors goodwin to say theyll be stopping by sometime soon to say hello. Call your advisor from the Denver Airport and say you will be late to dinner, you will try to make it and you will want to meet him tonight. Ask them the best way to get from the airport to asap and tell them you are concerned that your application for the School Newspaper did not get there on time. He can help you straighten out the confusion, he can but you have to get serious about it right away. It is a basic tool of journalism which is every business, at best. And so much for advice and logistics, im not worried about you, but i am interested. I interested. I want to know what is happening. Send your phone number and po address, lets talk on the phone as often as you feel like it, especially for the first few weeks which will almost certainly be nervous. Or maybe not, but if they are, dont worry, the grim reaper will be hanging around, but to hell with them. You have dealt with the blogger before, we know the one thing he cant know the one thing he cant handle is a sense of humor. So remember the 44 make it in the loan books. All you have to do is write the first two, i will handle it after that. We will both get obscenely rich. Take my word for it, why full around with tangents like all the others, your future is already assured, all you need is a typewriter and a few reams of paper. Im glad you came home for a while and i wish you could have been longer. I had a good time, as, as always i am proud of you. Very few seekers go out into the world as well armed as you are. I will keep after ruben for the 1000 he he owes you for your work. He says that he has a job for you next summer, but so i so do i but mine is a lot fatter, 44 books, rich books, rich and famous by 21, no problem. Anyway figure and seen you for christmas if not before that. We had a wonderful time with davis and his family last year and hopefully we can do it again. So lets keep this in mind and plan for it. We still have a ways to go before we connect like good friends and yell at each other without worrying about what it all means, but we are doing pretty well considering the small amount of time that we actually put into it. You are good person and i love you for that as much as because you are my son. Or, because youre about to be rich and pay my expenses. With my tell your tail and were going to have a good start. But 1984 will be making 44,000 dollars per month and even Jimmy Buffett will be standing in line to get your autograph. Lets stop looking at this college gig as a foolish expense and start seeing it as an avenue to big money. A fine investment with huge returns in the offering, right . Yes. Lets do it. Love, h. Sometimes ordinary events and objects encapsulate best realities in this letter is one. What is perhaps most remarkable is that i had completely forgotten about this article until i rediscovered it during my research of this book. It is a letter i had been waiting for my whole life. A promise of an engaged father who gives advice, gives encouragement, promises adventure, firms good times the talks of getting together soon. All of a sudden i had a father again. How could i have forgotten this letter. However, we moved too fast for the kind of intimacy that we both wish for but did not exist. I took matts work, punched and it sent a letter sent a letter expressing my loneliness, sadness, home sickness and depression. Hunter, yes, naked and alone in boston. How boston. How baffling is this. Im not like the others. The grim reaper is devious this time he hides outside the window and is barely visible. Thankfully he does not show his miserable despairing form but i know he is there. Other times hes not so subtle. He and i walk sidebyside, completely alone so close that i can smell the tears, the utter hopelessness of this endeavor. He shows me memories, vivid vivid nostalgia, better times, its a deadly and very painful. And then in the treats im reprieved, he never never lets me forget im there though. Devious, insidious. I feel the best i felt since ive been here. As i write this, i its true, im not like the others. I am quiet, weird, solitary. What can i say, im sure there are 5000 students, at least 100 people with whom i could make friends, but they are as invisible as i am. The social colds are different, distinctly proper, fraternity, sorority, hip, fast and cute, i have no doubt that the majority of these people are interesting, likable and intelligent people, unfortunately ive been taught not to show it. The problem lies in socializing. When people socialize they donna, and mass, they act a certain way, do certain things, all of things, all of which have been defined as socially acceptable. By acting in such a way one makes friends. With time friends use their mass less and less and the true friendship evolves. But the mask is so cheap and repulsive i do not want to use it so i take the alternative and retreat, becoming quiet and unsociable. Waiting to meet someone like me. I tried calling you tonight, no answer. We write about your sense of humor, the ultimate weapon, unfortunatelys, unfortunatelys humor seems so far away when i most needed. I made a sigh, naked and alone and i put it on the wall. , perhaps its not the place for me and perhaps the east is no place for me. Nevertheless ill definitely plan to spend a year here to make a fair judgment. When i found this letter in the archive i also found his notes that he had scrawled on my letter. Yeah, dont be like me, why wont they admitted. Jesus, what has sandy sandy road, no college will cure this problem. Ill pay the mortgage, ive already already paid 5000, another 1002 october 1. Can sandy take me back to court if i dont pay . So what, will be in the village by them. A few weeks later he applied with a rambling and confuse letter which he recounted a story about the last time he receives such a letter in which a friend of his informed him that he was gay and going to new york city to be with his people. He wrote that their friendship peter got after a few gettogethers not because of his hostility but because now they have different interest in social circles. He finished with this. There is a not a kind of interesting your message message that has exceeded only by security. So i figured i would strike out in the fog and see what came of it. One of my doctorates gave me with sums in areas like this, but i sent something heavier than just college on your mind and i think i i should know what it is. Tell me. I had written them to long letters explaining how lonely and unhappy i was in his reaction was to tell me i was not being clear and to state the real problem. Id asked my father who in his previous letter have been so supportive and welcoming of communication for helper understanding and now he is of no help at all. In fact, his letter brought up an uncomfortable question, did my father think i was gay . Was he he trying to think that we drift apart if we were what was he trying to say . Did . Did he understand me at all . Clearly he cannot help me. The first letter from hunter was pupil, which will thinking. He wanted to believe that we had that kind of relationship, as did i. We wanted to believe that we could start over from that moment and he could be the father that he and i both wanted him to be. My letters to him exploded and now i see he had no idea how to handle this kind of appeal for me. He could get practical advice, if i had asked him for help getting the job, getting the car, getting an interview, doing an interview, doing an article in the student paper, that he couldve handled. But a cloud of loneliness and darkness, that he cannot handle. [applause]. Will how did it end up working out a tough saw that. One year and then i came back to the west where i belong. And you live in denver now. Yes but i thought we would start by the word gonzo, timing because now its ambiguous and everybody talks about gonzo this in the gun so that. And hunters and being the person that really made that work popular trends of journalism. What does it mean to you gonzo, what gonzo, what you think hunter means by . Well i think, what i dont think of or what i preferred not to think of this the caricature, of the crazy man drinking too much, too many drugs, out of control. I think what he meant was an approach and approach a journalism where he was trying to get at any essential truth in a nonconventional way. Through exaggeration, through these engaging stories, as well as some of the rage and hyperbole, but what hes trying to do, he was not writing for entertainment. Ultimately he was trying to make a point. And i think that is what, i i think thats the not of it. Is there a piece of gonzo journalism or hunters it gonzo style that you would recommend people read or that you still find humorous and insightful . One is his obituary on which if you have not read it it its on the internet you can see it. It is a scathing, vicious, wonderful piece of writing. [laughter] i dont know if ive ever told you this about it, hunter started writing that in new orleans, he had came down and visited me. I was at the university of new Orleans Young history professor and Stephen Ambrose who had written three volume biography of nixon was there and so i thought what an amazing thing to get ambrose and thompson together and talk next and. I had to introduce hunter and the university of new orleans and he spoke and was hanging around for four days. The next and suddenly died and hunter felt a lot of pressure writing that. He went back to hl macon and had written an obituary of William Jennings bryan. And it was just hunter felt the pressure of that, he had gone after next and all of these times but he also felt kind of sad because he lost his enemy. And it was an odd feeling, it wasnt wasnt just like we always knew who the creek was, the guy and now my foils is sort of disappearing. He was going around the bar on the white pope by bar say nixon died, you want some acid . Lets celebrate. But he truly had a lot of pressure writing that and he delivered. It is a piece that i think circulates a lot and it may be the most funny and humorous and insightful obituary of someone you dont like, including dumping his a body into the canal. You should all read this, its a very funny but vicious piece of writing. Lets just ask you about hunter is from louisville kentucky, what is his connection to that city and what does it mean to hunter to be a kentuckian. I was just in louisville a few weeks ago, the city has really starting to embrace him as one of their city heroes, but i dont think. I dont think hunter felt the same way. I think he was glad to leave. It was a very conservative, very oppressive environment where he was not welcome. He was thrown out of town. I think he appreciated the recognition he got in the mid 90s when a fellow organized attribute but i dont think, i dont think he felt a longing from home. He left kentucky and he went to new york, california, ended up in colorado because he wanted freedom. He wanted to be free of those social constraints. I do not think he felt a real connection to kentucky. I remember we had an event with johnny depp and warns sewall and many others and hunter was coming back home and they gave him the key to the city and he couldnt believe it because people are saying you should never give hunter the key to anything. But the mayor of louisville who is a friend of hunters, he did end up writing a great piece about louisville which is the Kentucky Derby, what about hunter and the derby . What you think about that piece and its role in hunters literary work . I think, when i think of hunters writing i think his most underappreciated book is held angels which was written, it was pregonzo, it was it was extremely well written book but it is definitely a more conventional style of writing. And then theres the derby article and i think it was before and after, i think what happened there was that he discovered his voice. That there is this raw, this rawness, this raw power that he didnt know he had. And from what i understand it was in desperation and he poured it out. He realized, wow this is something totally new. And he decided to come instead of rejecting it as a weird admiration he said this is there something here, im going to go with this. It is a sporting event, the Kentucky Derby and he wrote if youre loading in the super bowl and went to cover the fitness craze marathon running that was going on. He constantly cared about sports and wanted to be a sportswriter. Any thoughts about what hunter and sports in general . As you said, he love sports. Well, some sports. Basketball, football, he despised baseball. But that was a big part of his life. And growing up and be in an was really important to him. The bedding, constantly bedding, ive often had a responsibly large of money. Its interesting reading about the early letters when he was saying he was going to be a sportswriter and then those later letters, when he was ridiculing the style of sportswriting as this repetitive formulaic stuff. Is regret len rice, the great sportswriter that hunter worshiped as a boy. Also growing up in louisville was virginia and tell us about virginia thompson, hunters mother and what was virginia like, what did she do, how did she raise the thompson boys . So hunters dad died when he was about 17 i think. He grew up in a middleclass his middleclass a family his dad was an Insurance Agent and his mom was a stayathome mom with two younger brothers. His dad dying suddenly and his whole world change. His mom had to go back to work. She began drinking heavily for some years, and that was a very difficult time. He ended up, and then as a result of arrested he was driven out of town. His mom was always very proud of him. She was tough and she was a survivor, she became a librarian hunters mother is the librarians i think books were around him a lot. And anyway he owes her a lot for , he she would babysit him sitting in the reading room of the Public Library in louisville. Now i tell yourself theres a dad with a cigarette and the glasses, there is is one as a little boy, what was, you mention alcohol and drugs, did it have an adverse effect on you . Did it make you not care . Tell us about what living with somebody what that was like. As a kid and even now it is hard to sort out what was just hunter and how much did drugs and alcohol to do with it. Even now i am not sure i can say. What i do know is that hunter was a really difficult person to live with. I did not want to be like him. Especially, there are some tough times when i was 11, 12, 13 when, 13 when my parents were going through the divorce. He was a pastored and i did i want to be like him. He was smoking and drinking by the time he was 14. It was not quite a straight edge but, you know, control. Drink a little bit, but not too much. Drugs, drugs, it was kind of funny, i got through my drug experimentation. By the time i was 17. I was like okay, ive done that, i can i can move on now. So in the book. There are a lot of vignettes of people that hunter interacted with. I will throw couple names at you and you can give me your recollection. Jimmy buffett. What was your relationship like with him and hunters relationship . I dunno how they they met but they became friends before Jimmy Buffett became really popular. One night jimmy just released in album and he was going to go to the bahamas for a month or so and either junior astro my dad said why dont you take one with you. I was 13 at the time. I learned okay, youre going sailing with buffett for a month okay. I had been listening to his music for a year. It was a wonderful thing. He was so laidback. He was so different than hunter in so many ways that to be with someone who was calm. Calm and friendly and attentive. He was somewhat of a father figure for a while. I later realized that that was something he and hunter worked out and hunter wanted me to have that break, especially because they were going through the divorce. He lived in key west for a while and i thought he was just playing at little outdoor bars then hunter likes to think he helped recognize and discover him. He did with others and that comes to hunter in music and Rolling Stones. Whats his relationship with leonard, the founder of Rolling Stone . What was their relationship like . Id say two opposing things. One is really a deep and abiding love. They really cared very much for each other. The other part of that, it was the worlds worst employee working for the worlds worst boss. [laughter] i think it was an extremely difficult relationship. Hunter was not going to be an employee. He wasnt going to do it. But i think it was very fruitful when i think about hunters success, he was really very fortunate that they met up at that time because there is actually an opening for someone, for this wild style of writing which i dont know if there is an for that now. Rolling stone was a magazine and they said yeah, were ready for this. I think it turned out to be a Great Partnership for them both. Did you ever think right now, i wish dad was around to write about donald trump . Absolutely. I think it turned out to be a Great Partnership for them both. Did you ever think right now, i wish dad was around to write about donald trump . Absolutely. I dont know if he couldve handled it. I think he would have been enraged and appalled by the whole election process. What about johnny depp . What was hunters relationship with with him and your take on it . So when he was cast in las vegas, johnny decided to basically live with hunter for four months. He lived in the basement and became his double. They went everywhere together and they shaved his head. I think they had a lot of fun and johnny really respected hunter a lot and i think he kind of looked at him as a father figure. When hunter died it came through you. What can i do, what can i do do. He ended up paying for the entire funeral which was a lot of money, quite spectacular. I think hunter would have been extremely pleased with how it came out. What was so remarkable is that he didnt want any credit. He wanted to be in the background. This was about hunter. This was not about him. I was just so impressed by that. That sincerity and generosity. Do you think depp called his characteristics and manners . Yes, very well. I could close my eyes and the voice, the mannerisms, he just nailed it. It was creepy. Bill murray played hunter and a movie. Do you have any recollection of murray at all . Sort of. I was a lot younger than. I remember him as this odd fellow. [laughter] he was strange, but he was very friendly and he had time for me, you know. Youre kind of interesting, lets lets talk were some other people might of been, youre just a kid, i dont have time for that. He was interesting. I dont know how to describe it, just an an interesting, unusual person. What about Jack Nicholson who never played hunter but they were quite a duo, great friends. Do you remember him at all . I only met him a couple times but he and hunter were quite close for a long time. Jack spent a lot of time in aspen. Remember when, after hunter committed suicide, they did drawings of hunter like he actually drew and then signed the art piece. So last one, what about ralph stedman, the illustrator who teamed up in las vegas, what is he like . Ralph, i think i must have first met him when he came to visit in the early 70s. Probably right after las vegas. He was the most delightful and kind and really brilliant, as an artist he is just incredible, but the thing about him is he has such a big heart. He is, in spite of, he is 80 years old now, he had a long and interesting life. He still has this childlike sense of generosity of heart. He had a very bumpy friendship, a deep respect but also this constant bickering. I dont know what that was about. If it was jealousy or what it was, but i think hunter had that with a lot of people. Sometimes, he drew him as a cartoon character and then he didnt like being a cartoon character. Hunter hated that. Did you ever have a feel about that . He just hated it. He tried to sue him. He wanted to find out where he was getting the information. [laughter] it was creepy because, they used my name and sandy, his wifes name and someone was getting information about him. I think what was the worst part was he felt powerless to do anything about it. Before we open it up for questions to the audience, we mentioned the nixon obituary. We mentioned Kentucky Derby and you rightfully pointed out hells angels as a classic book of journalism and now history in the Modern Library with whats considered to be an american classic. It will be the 50th anniversary next year, 2017. Then he did fear and loathing in las vegas and then fear and loathing in the campaign trail of 72. Those three books are considered classics now. When did you become aware that your dad was a writing classic books that were not just books of the moment or Rolling Stone pieces but works that would be celebrated in red this many decades later . A slow revelation and very much a part of doing these readings, first of all, hunters death, the outpouring of sympathy and the fact that so many people talked about how hunter had changed their lives in some ways. It wasnt his craziness or the drugs and alcohol that touched people. It was his writing. As ive been doing these readings, i hear the same thing. Whats so amazing is how he continues to be inspiring to not only his generation or my generation but the next generation. His influence continues to pass down and its a wonderful thing to see. It wasnt just a. Writer. , finally, you have a son will and hes getting ready to go to st. Johns in santa fe, the greats program there is incredible. Did you learn, what is that like, you being a father now . Has it given given you a little bit more sympathy for hunter in a sense of the difficulties of being a good father . Yes, yes. To see that the difficulty that i had in trying to connect with hunter and trying to find some way to communicate or connect is something, i can see the same kind of issue with my son and he and i are more alike than hunter and i. It still, i think it must be something that all fathers and sons deal with. All right, once you move beyond being a parent and youre focused on childcare, the feeding and the child care and the bedtime and homework. Now its just two people, you are tied by this tremendous amount of experience and you have so much in common yet your very different people. It has been helpful to think that this might just be part of being a father. It wasnt something that was unique to just hunter and i. I would like to open it up for questions from the audience. Lets start serve, right here in the front. There was a sports caster that talks about monica when she came back from her stabbing and he said about her that she only can give what she has to get. Thats a quote that has already resonated about me with my father. I wondered, does that resonate with you about your father that you can only give what he needs . Is that something that, it sort of resonates with me. He could only give what he actually needed himself and thats the question. Its not its not resonating, but what comes to mind is that hunter was really trying to connect with me. He was born in 1936 and he was a very different, being a father was very different than it is now. There was no expectation that he was going to be a handson dad. But, it was very important to him he wanted to make a connection with me and i wanted to make a connection with him and two thoughts. One is that it was very important that we each kept trying even though we kept missing. Thats what it eventually came down to for me was that its not going to be the way i would like it to be. So we found another way and that was good. But it was really important to realize hes not going to be the new age dad. He doesnt have to be and we found a connection, a different kind of connection. Are you aware of the concept of love and dedicating tear father . Its an eclectic blog. No, i would like to check that out. He is very popular in great britain. He is beloved there. Yes, back back there in the way back. They are taping this so if you could speak into it. So, if you were to say in a sentence or so what you believe was your fathers mantra and personal philosophy, can the idea of being gonzo or is it something separate . Mantra, gosh, i think when the going gets weird, the weird turns pro. I dont know that i could boil it down to one. These want his words, but i would say tell the truth was very important to him. But to do it in a way that he could find his own way to do that, not trying to follow anyone elses recipe. Could you tell us a couple authors that you particularly like . Jim harrison who just died a couple months ago, hes just fantastic. I was an english major so some of the classics, Joseph Conrad George Elliott they tend to be a little bit more classical for my taste but those are a few. First of all, i noticed that you spoke in a quiet 12yearold voice when you were attempting to mediate between hunter and sandy. What did you call your parents and did you inherit the quiet, gentle voice from your mother sandy or is that a result of watching them have their arguments . I called them hunter and sandy. A lot of people have asked about that. And they want to know why. I really think, if it was hunter, thats what he wanted to be called. You know how when youre a parent, you know when youre talking to your child, you know its daddy. You are the one who tells them what your name is. I think hunter decided he was just going to be hunter. I think part of that was partially him and partially the times that in the late 60s and 70s was a time of part of the culture that he was a part of, rejecting everything that his parents had raised them to believe, everything. That very much applied to parenting as well when i was in my 20s, i think i tried calling him dad once. It didnt feel right. Over here. So im interested in the writing of the book, were there any surprises about your dad and were there any surprises in yourself . Some of the surprising things were some of the letters that i found, like the red letter i read. I cant i had forgotten about that letter. There were other letters i found her he talks about how he is going to try to pay for my College Tuition but he didnt want me to know about it. He didnt want me to know about the stress he was under, and that was really surprising in touching. It seemed out of character, if hunter isnt happy, by god he lets everybody know about it. Surprises for myself, id say one of the surprises has been that writing is actually something that i want to continue to do. It has been a difficult thing to acknowledge because who wants to compete, who wants to be judged or compared to a parent in the same area. Its been something ive avoided, like i dont really want to do that, but, but it turns out i actually do. Will do a couple more. Im sorry theyre all kind of scattered around. My father was a best third and an alcoholic. Your father was. Yes. Having a pastured fathered, intimate situations were rare. I wondered if you had one particular moments as a child where he related something to you, perhaps it was a moment of clarity for him that resonates with you . What you say just rings so true, i think, unlike my relationship with my son where i wonder if ive been there the whole times, there are thousands of individual moments with my dad, but there just arent that many. There are dozens. That is what our relationship was built on. I really realized, i wrote the book, it wasnt like i have these vast trove of memories. There actually want that many. Youre right, they were very significant. What i craved for a long time, and never did get was one of those meaningful father to son sit down discussions. You know like son, let me tell you what to expect. That never happened. When i finally just excepted, this is not going to happen and so if im going to be, to have the connection that i want with my father its going to come from just spending time with him, even if we talk about politics or whatever. Its the time spent together that mattered. When you asked that question, a time that comes to mind is when i went to see him in january, after christmas, just before he killed himself and it was a rare thing for no one to be there. It was just he and i. We ended up watching the big sweep. It was just sharing that time together and appreciating a lot of the aspects of that movie. It was that, that was a very meaningful time and yet someone looking from the outside would say youre just watching a movie with your dad, whats the big deal. Okay, lets do one last question. Do we have any . Yes or as strange as it might be, based on what you told us about him, did he did he and he tried to impart any words of wisdom on parenting theories or parenting donts . No he did not. And i think he wisely kept his mouth shut. He was going to let me draw my own conclusions and he was not going to talk about something that i dont think he he did not feel that he had done a good job. He feared he had done not done a good job. I think he was relieved that i didnt turn out to be a criminal or a drug addict. Its been wonderful having you here in austin. Stories i tell myself makes a Great Fathers day gift. Also, we appreciate you, youre youre opening up your heart and sharing these stories and the kind of candor that you bring to it. Its been a wonderful experience doing this with you. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. If some of you have other questions, he is going to be doing the book signing so come on and get a copy. Thank you for hosting us. [applause] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] when i tune into it on weekends, usually at the authors sharing their new releases. 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