Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Our School 2014082

CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Our School August 26, 2014

Are wrong about what happens in college. Better alternatives, its good to have money in the bank. Your kid decides they dont want to go to college who want to start a business its nice to get the kids money and let them use it to start their business instead of paying for them to binge drink or something. In terms of how much, there are a lot of people in the audience with badges that say they are in Capital Management or Something Like that and they could probably advise you better. My own portfolio suggests im not a good source of Investment Advice and should not be listened to. The one piece of advice i would give is i would probably save money outside of the 529 account and the reason for that is the 529 account you get a bandage or soprano in taxes but it has to be spent on college. With the amount of change going on that might tie you up. Entirely possible that if lots of people wanted to do something other than college the law may may change in you will be able to user for Something Else that you are taking a chance on whether Congress Acts rationally to help people. Im not good with that good with Investment Advice but im good enough to say not to do that. You mentioned that helen smith is here, also blogs under the name dr. To say frantic psychologists and after you go to his blog you should go to hers. Yes, next. I teach at emory and one thing we are having more and more is asian students from as asia, and pay full rides. I dont know how common that is another schools but i wonder if thats going to be, to bail schools schools out for a while . My own sector of the academy which is Legal Education that bubble is bursting much more rapidly. It has hit us first for a number of reasons. One is there has been a general decay in the legal job market and another is that people still see a graduate degree as more discretionary than an undergraduate degree. There are just a lot of Horror Stories of people who have gone to law school and cant get jobs. You can read about them on law blogs. The response of law schools is to create new programs designed to attract foreigners with money to bail us out. My guess is that works to some degree. Onomic calculus for american staying in america. How that will be churned out no better promise you will see a lot of schools trying to attract foreigners with money to make up for the loss and my prediction is if you are stanford that works really well and if you are some school no one has heard of it does not work at all. How about somebody in the back. Yes. I am an academic lifer, spent 40 years in it. The iq test is readily available. Just take your s. A. T. Score and take off the zero and its an accurate estimation of your iq and i suspect a lot of employers know that but would not dare say it. My question is the Collateral Damage getting of getting rid of all of these parasites universities every academic knows of there. The deans about reach a multicultural studies and things like that. We are talking about thousands of people, massive unemployment. What do you do . What is the social cost of suddenly on employing hundreds of thousands of people who have these very cushy jobs that are essentially parasitic . I think it was eric hoffer to said theres nothing more dangerous for society than a multitude of scribes running the countryside seeking employment. You may be right. I think it will be gradual rather than sudden but i could be wrong about that. I sent the manuscript and jan and i started following the news in following the nicynta kept saying stuff i was predicting the book already happening. It was like slow down, slow down, wait until the book comes out. There are a lot of people in universities who are likely to be redundant as they say and let go as they cut back. They will have to find Something Else to do. I guess welcome to the world that everybody else in america lives in. I do have a passage in the conclusion of the book from arthur allen laughed as the greatest legal writer who ever lived. Read his memorandum and the stanford law review but what he said in this passage i quote which is the second best passage is that you now change can be pretty frightening especially for those of us doing all right as it is and a lot of wives get lashed to pieces as the distribution of curved flails around desperately seeking a new equilibrium. Thats absolutely true. Its called creative destruction. There is great stuff but theres also the structure and theres no question just like the changes in the auto answer the computer industry are pretty much any other industry can name particularly journalism have left a lot of people unemployed or worse employed in i used to be and with less. That is going to happen too that was going to happen as i said like most change probably would be worse for the producers people like me and better for consumers who will have lower costs and more choices in the end. That is how Airline Deregulation worked, bad for airline captains, good for Airline Passengers might think that is what we will see as well. Thank you very much for your comments. One of the areas that interest me a great deal is the whole question of what happens to the humanities . Obviously the orientation you see in Higher Education is toward when you talk about trinity colleges i think youre quite right. What happens to our civilization when we dont read plato or aristotle or dont have the foggiest idea who they are and did not read shakespeare and did not read the bible. What happens under those circumstances . The dumbing down of the academy, what happens when in fact there is an academy that does not emphasize the humanities at all . Well in some sense that is what we have now which is to say that i dont know what percentage of College Students read plato but its relatively small. One broader point, one direction and a discussion about Higher Education often takes is people who say you know everybody should just study engineering. Quit wasting your time with the humanities and be an engineer. They produce value. There are a few problems with that and i want to make very clear im not not somebody has a separate and im not somebody as opposed to traditional liberal Arts Education at all. As a matter of fact people who actually read and think and write are in surprisingly short supply. I have a friend who has a business and she heard a couple of people. Her job was to write catalog and amazon product descriptions. They came out with a distinguished Marketing Program and they could not write a coherent paragraph. She was like having to rewrite them. There is a lot of demand for people who can actually read and think and write. Its significantly unmet demand right now. Its not that there is no role for liberal arts. I think when people do get on their high horse about engineering but think the perception is engineering has remained a rigorous subject. If you go to school in Industrial Engineering or Mechanical Engineering you come out knowing a largely agreed upon body of stuff and its important stuff for when he do it works. I think there is not not the sense anymore that when you get a liberal Arts Education that you do something similar. I think thats because largely people are right. There has been a substantial reduction rigor in the academy and there are people in this room of written books about this very subject. I got to go into great length but if you want liberal arts to survive it nonetheless has to be a valued proposition. People have to believe that it has to be true that if a major in us and read plato when they get out they will have skills that will get the job. I think that would be true but one question is so high that you are investing even if its not in Student Loans even if you take it out of the trust fund is still something in the six figures for College Education expecting an 18yearold to do that with no payoff doesnt make any more sense than asking an 18 euro to buy a furry. While a furry improve your life . Guest , it would improve mine. [laughter] but its a big expensive item. If a dozen papers of the top expense item that an 18yearold ought to have and thats doubly or tripoli so if its on borrowed money. Right here, stanley. If your predictions have proven correct are we going to see large amounts of corporations Merrill Lynch citibank looking to hire Smart High School kids and training them and giving up College Degrees entirely . You know, you might. The reason dont see more of this and the economics of it if you hire someone to train them and they leave you dont recoup your investment. In the old days we had apprenticeships that made sure they didnt leave until they had the investment. Involuntary servitude or indentured servitude now but so thats an issue but i dont think its unbeatable. I think there is a growing interest. One of the places pushing certifications for example is the Manufacturing Industry which has a consortium of people pushing stackable certificates to show people have skills. I think you will see more of that. Whether rocha to the point where you have substantially displacing College Degrees i would like to see that because i think it would be good. Mcdonalds has hamburg university. If you go there you learn a lot. Thanks very much. [applause] this is a pattern of abuse come up pattern of behavior that and does not give us any confidence that this agency is being impartial. I dont believe you. This is incredible. I have a long career this is the first time anybody has said you dont believe me. I am willing to stand on our record and remind you of was not buried in 27 pages most of that when asked about the custodians. Being forthcoming is still a say in the you know, what. Let him answer the question. I did not answer asking my question is. I control the time. You are disrupting the hearing. I am not yielding the time i control the time. Here is forthcoming if we are investigating criminal wrongdoing targeting people based on political beliefs and the emails in question are lost because of a hard drive crash that is a recoverable that many question and you dont tell us about it until we ask it . That is not forthcoming. I yield back the balance of my time. That is not true. Did job tillman has yielded back chicago in may. We are going to go ahead and t were going to get started. I wanted to welcome you to frances parkers schoolhouse and also the Department Chair for the upper school if you are new to the building think you for coming to our finally event of this spring a series that welcomes anyone to some great defense to bring programs from poets to this school Shakespeare Team part of what makes this a special place the seed to breaking the outside in and i will mention my friend who has come to read from and talk with us about his new book. Sam is a good guide to in the least one case helped me do truce to light in his education writing. And to tell our story to our history teacher to set the record straight. But mr. Olson headed back an exam where we had to explain the of the dresden bombing worked. The fire attacks. The thing is i dont remember all lot about that class but i remember this. We sat next to each other in the second row. And i knew that i nailed the question about the dresden bombing. I got my paperback it was marked wrong the first question on the test. You know, how when the teachers flashes through and it is incorrect with the red felt tips but i had a right and i showed it to sam and he said it was right and i should tell mr. Olson. So i did and it was hard i remember my voice was shaking. But i was essentially telling him that he, the teacher, had gotten something wrong. It help to me because telling my story to mr. Olson started a conversation revealed my understanding and a deeper way them what i had written on the task. That is learning sometimes complicated clouded by a misconception maybe he was just tired of reading papers was conversation clarity beat clarity can be reached. And with his works the great strength is to see where there is something wrong is the power to make a right. And heralding what is already right in American Schools more than anybody else and then the parents to entrust their kids to them they believed how they shape the democracy itself. And his new book masterfully tells the story of washington d. C. To raise an important question about power and peril of School Choice. Our school is an important work because in it sam writes about ways the review essentials truths about learning and choice. But our schools shows his passion and precision about real people with realize. The matter what they say. Indeed in san so onwards his project is compelling. We must experience modern schooling as todays teachers and students and families do. Andrew must Pay Attention to democracy and joyce. Nothing could hit closer to the meyer kahane and what is missing abet the faces and experiences to spend there in the classrooms of all communities. He hopes to see the landscape to the gorgeously written study. And he is here to read this so please welcome to the podium my friend and classmate and colleague. Salmon . [applause] thanks teresa. High everybody. High everybody. I. The first of might have been introduced by a former highschool classmates. Some not surprisingly is safe to say that the nicest and most interesting introduction i have never had. Thank you so much for setting the stage and to all of you for coming. You obviously know i went to high school here for i am not from here i grew up in New Hampshire is not fully coming home but it is a home to me because it is exciting as the boat goes and a visit different parts of the country to be in a room to be introduced by a former classmate or former student from brooklyn is year teaching in chicago where there is friends and family on the front lines and those that are still is schoolhouse seneca alert school is of story in the life of touche schools and how they intersect one is a Charter School opening the doors for the first a Charter School opening the doors for the first time and the Neighborhood School that opened doors in 1924 in the nations capital. Is about more than that most of the issues are really the most pressing issues of the day nationally and with passionately felt quite hot local context. So it is a book about School Choice and testing and teacher evaluation and gentrification and the changing notion of community. Needless to say that is a lot to talk about in one book. Especially in a onehour. But we will try. So here is what i want to do , i want to share three sure readings from the book and to provide some specific context and give us a sense of what i think about those things win let your questions determine the rest of our time together. First adjustable context of d. C. To have an appeal because this issue of School Choice is the brave new world of modern American School reform. Just about every major American City there is some level of experimentation with this idea parker for started to think about this book three years ago when not coincidentally when real the sun so they have universal preschool. One thing that we noticed that smart motivated parents had absolutely no idea how to choose a school for their kids. And i thought that is interesting and a major problem if you try to unleash trying to make us decision in the best interest of their kids and therefore driving decisions if people understand why they choose a school of what they should be looking for then the house of cards come stumbling down. Socalled is a movement is actually only two cities since the country that have more schools enrolled in Charter Schools it is new orleans and detroit. You could probably understand so 44 percent of the kids are enrolled in Charter Schools but even in traditional Neighborhood Schools even those attend Neighborhood Schools. So what is happening at the time i set out to write the book is the great interest city migration all these family is ignorantly with great anxiety and hope in search of the community for their kids and i thought this is something we really need to understand more. With his Teacher Appreciation rate. So the First Reading is in short descriptions of to of educators in this the story about for teachers in the two principals in to a lesser extent some parents on the outside and without giving a more cautious tech context i want to introduce you to to the people i follow and see what you think. First is one of the teachers at the Neighborhood School. The title of the chapter is the first day. Wed the alarm clock went off in the morning without beeping sound because nothing else would rouse her, Rebecca Hofstadter a bet into the 70 minute routine she had honed after her previous two years bathroom teeth face and make up seven minutes. Six minutes to get dressed for minutes to find her keys and tear her lunch or as it has banal locally for political demonstrations malcolm x park. Four years earlier for bechtel is a seniors student at brown and michelle was the chancellor of the d.

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