Every 10 minutes on their location and could not turn it off. It would be nice if that would have worked but it was very quickly settled. We dont go where the law stands on Something Like that but it will be a of a long time before that plays out a get to know what the law means in this area. People have places to go in and things to each we will stay around as long as you would like. And very generously to sponsor this event and thank you for coming to this event [applause] [applause] thank you. Is so lovely to be back at one of the best bookstores and the whole world was sinking i probably have not written a single book campus is numbers 16 that had left something to do with those. In the living up to heard name. So this but has had a funny history i wrote to the essay very a casually and to take refuge with me from a marital breakup and the first evening she was cheerful and a bottle of wine wasnt involved i started to review her half jokingly with a proposal and started to tell stories to say you need to write that down because people need to know the problem is not them but it happens to women all the time. And if that time diad as house your id my bedroom or the other room. And so she slap did and didnt explain sayings for breakfast and like most of the essays of the past dozen years. And in the five years at that point in there in the of bay area of Climate Change alert. I had gotten used to route of everything it ever put on line and nothing had the life that men explain things to me has said it reached some repeople it keeps circulating not a week has not gone by then i have not heard it. How many have you not heard the word . Is about 50 50 i cited was of fibrous debris betty caught. [laughter] but i was a bit ambivalent that seems more condemning the of male species that i ever wanted to be categorically but to explain a couple weeks ago this is important that until may have this work we have this experience. That you dont know what do you do about it to have a handy way to go about it added. And which academic woman pose a tribulation. It should be a commencement gaffed for people of all genders. In dealing with the minister and gender politics. You dont remove writes about feminism . Of the way everything i have ever written was feminist but did 1994 the photograph on the cover thankyou use the press. And not the things that could destroy the consequences of happens if you believe the stories that they tell you and you all know about of you the problems . I could go on forever but it would be much better if i read to you. I dont know why they bothered to go touche that party. With people were older than us in a distinguished way thats weve looked like young ladies that mitt four days. A relative luxury cabin and 9,000 feet with a wood burning stove. And stay a little longer so i can meet talk to you. He kept his way and drifting out to the night and then said to me and here you have written a couple of books . I said several. And the way you think youre richer seven yearold . There are of a couple of things by then but with an average ever of shadows. With time and space in industrialization. Heading you off and have you heard about the very important book . Have caught up was i. Do know how this sense . Here is again. So caught up i was there was perfectly willing to entertain the possibility of another book on the same subject kimmel simultaneously. Already telling me about the very important spock with the eyes fixed on the horizon of his own authority. Let me to us say it is sprinkled with lovely men to publish meet with the younger brother with the clerk of a the canterbury tales. Still there are other men. It is very important of what i should have known and interrupted him to say that is her book or tried to but he just continued on his way. That was her book threeyear four times and then every ninth century novel as a part of the very important book that just read in the book review so confused to which the road was speechless for a moment before he began to hold force and then out of earshot before we started laughing and never stopped. [laughter] now it is 11 years later. Normally they are so sneaky and it is obvious that people of both genders popup that both readings of berkeley have always been special. To hold forth on relative things with conspiracy theories that with confidence that experience is a and my experience is engendered. And to explain if they know what theyre talking about. Every bowman knows what i am talking about. The presumption that makes it hard that keeps women from speaking up and being heard to question young women into silence that this is not their world. With itself limitation and just as an exercise of over confidence. I wouldnt be surprised if part of the trajectory of american and politics was shaved by a the fbi will mean issuing those early warnings about al qaeda and shaped to which you could not tell anything are that the of war that they cannot penetrate the fortress of smuggling. But this syndrome is of war within herself with an invitation sent to silence with a lot of research correctly deplores it has not entirely free. After all there was a moment to pullover my certainty. Dont forget i had a lot more confirmation than most women in its bid is of good tool for progressing but to match is paralyzing to produce eric and idiots. There is a happy medium for those that the genders has been pushed. Or extreme versions of our situation those middle Eastern Countries so they cannot testify she was not raped without a real witness there rarely is. Credibility is the basic survival tool. Tests starting to figure out what feminism was about. Sakhalin neighbors wife in a community kmart running out in the middle of sniperscope how do know he was not trying to kill her . That they were respectable middleclass people there for her husband trying to kill her was not jehad incredible explanation yelling that her husband is trying to kill her that she was crazy. Even getting a restraining order requires acquiring of credibility to convince the courts then getting the cops to enforce it. The often dont work any way. But to deny their voice and credibility to assert their right to control over exists. Three women today are murdered by a spouses one of the main causes of death the leading cause of death for pregnant women in the united states. At the heart of the struggle to give marital draping and Workplace Sexual Harassment it is a necessity to9m1z knows what he is talking about and aha she doesnt perpetuates the ugliness to hold back the light. After my book wanderlust came out in 2000 i found it easier not to be bullied. Around that time i objected to the behavior of the man on the to be told it had not happened after all and subjected of dishonest and female. The pretty extreme happen in february and it never stops land in march a guy explained to me that they acquire the west coast with the louisiana purchase. [laughter] not exactly. [laughter] you would think this would court off evil but it is the need because i have not been attacked that much but stop explaining the of booking it will be obsolete. Killing off now. [laughter] most of my life a and i should say this is the first time i have ever read it out loud. Guys started to read it seemed very cheerful then it turned into this deadly part in that wedge whitens things up so it is hard core feminism so most of my life i would have backed down after i stopped accepting being bullied out of my own experiences. Most of my life i would have doubted myself van backdown having public standing help may teetwo stand my ground. Less than 7 billion person planet to be told theyre not reliable witnesses and the truth is not their property. It is part of the archipelago of berrigans. No man has never apologized for explaining wrongly but according to actuarial tables we have another 47 years to live so it could happen. A few years later i was in berlin at giving a talk that included a of mail predator in panda translator that was almost completely silent. Perhaps the transmitter was mad he had to be a modest rule when i said something the littleknown group founded in 1961 helped to bring down the communist committee on unamerican activities he sneered at me. It did not existed way noblemans plays such of role in his downfall. His confidence was so aggressive it was us carry exercise of futility. , had written nine books at that point from a key member but as the metaphor of vessel to be filled with of knowledge to know what they have and what i black even write one of frigid noble sentiments about the subjugation of women. Back to my hotel room i searched to find that eric bentley the House Committee on unamerican activities finds a womans strike for peace was of a crucial blow and in the early 1960s. So with this nation of the interchange of the shot off to explain things to me if you are reading this you are on the face of humanity and an obstacle to civilization. It is a shame. [laughter] to be trampling down many women of my generation the upandcoming generation that we need so bad not to speak of the countless women that came before me or the category called human. The was ended by women who were doing a the typing of a Nuclear Movements and those women fight wars on two fronts for whatever the punitive topic is in the right to have it is acknowledged to have value as a human being and things have gotten better but i instilled fighting it for all those women in the hopes that they get to say it. The essays are all about gender politics and the power struggle as complex as the samesex marriage but one that explains started off as the keynote talk at the Virginia Woolf association and a conference in in 2009. And if men explain things to me is the essay to explore to be in charge to demonstrate superior knowledge even if they dont know what theyre talking about then it is the celebration of Virginia Woolf and her ability to work in the embrace and understands and the things that you have to know. To remember your dreams. But to embrace this the best thing the future can be that Virginia Woolf wrote when she was almost 33 years old the First World War was turning into a catastrophic at sadr. The bill sam was occupied the of continent was that foreign and european nations for invading places around the burled the panama canal had just opened antieconomy was in terrible shape and southern england launched the aerial bombs against civilians and the germans for using poison gas. Possibly writing about her own future but with fresh depression that led to a Suicide Attempt and was still tended to from the nurses and following a similar challenge your but wolf recovered the downward plunge. The future is dark as an extraordinary declaration that we cannot be turned into the unknown with the projection of a logical there did the celebration of darkness senate is uncertain even with its own assertion. Most people are afraid of the darts literally when it comes to children the darkness that is of unknown and yet the night of distinctions cannot readily be named the same wave of his native thing mr. Exchange and impregnated as i began to write this as the book of survival the plan is a memory of the future that when they see incompatible they ignore the of warnings reality offers. Afraid of the darkness to actually chose that was added that people tend to take information a confirmation by the nature we are optimist that believes we see the world as it is it is easy to see what we want to see. The job of writers and explorers to travel light with preconception and go in with the eyes open. Not all aspire to do so none have crept closer in part because too many writers cannot come to terms. There is so much that we dont know. In the event of a crisis of another culture with patches of darkness those places of unknowing fe tell us of the limits of the central mysteries started with what someone thought or felt with the absence of the exact information. Often enough you dont know such things even when it comes to ourselves even the very textures and reflexes were not like ours. Filling in the blanks requires replacing the truth that we dont know entirely with what we do. And when we recognize that weve donts. Wis authoritative knowledge is of bold assertion in a language of nuance and ambiguity. Woolf was unparalleled. What is the value of the darkness into the unknown. The wanderlust history of walking a field guide to the uses of inside out and of book about storytelling and unexpected connections and also with popular power out change unfolds. As a touchstone author with George Orwell and throw a anothers, even her name has a wildness to its. Calling between the dog tambo woolf and she was trapped trying to go to step out of her class in time but with wondering with the uncertainty and unknown and didnt that sentence about darkness but it drove hope into the dark in that in my 2004 box written to counter despair in the aftermath of the Bush Administration and the invasion of iraq. Rabil skip and read a couple more sections then the questions it and explanations of course. To meet we dont know what will happen in next and it will not transpire quite regularly and as an official history of the world shows the dedicated individuals can shape history in half for how we might to when or how long it takes is not predictable. Despair is a form of certainty that the future will be like the present despair that, but it never a. Optimism is similar confidence. But hope as the creative abilities from what the public calls negative capability on ended winters night over a century before the poet john keats walked around talking to friends and as he wrote in a celebrated letter, and several things in my mind once it struck me which especially literature, i mean negative capability is when a man is incapable of after fact andriessen. To have several things dovetailed into mont subway of wondering of imagination and the understanding the activity that makes introspection ac pursuit. Then one day Walking Around to the of lighthouse with the involuntary fresh. One burst into another blowing bubbles out of a pipe with which blew out of my mind so why blow the bubbles then . I have no notion. Some portion of the genius to have no notion of that negative capability. Was once told about of botanist to find to be lost in the joe call going beyond what he knew to be larger than the of knowledge. Wolfe novel legalized the unpredictable of wind and foot but her great essay the adventure from 1930 has many of the early essays set yet for aging deep into the dark excuse spinet the enormous a venture that transpires. A the hour to give us e responsibility where weirdo long bourkewhites ourselves. To step out and we become part of the fast Republican Army that is still agreeable and here she describes a society that liberates it. Experience to be anonymous and free. The introspection is portrayed has indoor solitary thing. But woolf disagrees. To be surrounded by objects she describes the objects but when the door shots on us all that vanishes and those that are excluded to make it distinct from others and is it central to the norm is i. How beautiful in winter . To find its way of wanderlust it the minded notion with a prison of some routes the casing of a familiarity that can vanish. Walking the streets even if Political Action with demonstrations and revolutions but also the means subjectivity and imagination between the outside world and images and desires. And at times speaking from the outdoor activity. That moves the imagination for word not day uninterrupted concentration to saunter in a roundabout way that could not reach directly. Woolf is calling for a more introspective version of the walt whitman the more part of the version but with of limitation or a repression it is also noted she does this less often with the investigative critical voice the demands on the multiplicity of the mystery of the capacity to go beyond circumscribe couple. Will says citizen of manifesto about the undefined consciousness. Also models of the counter criticism were rethink the purpose is to nail things down. And museums love artist in something of that to render certain the open ended nebulous for those who were in a confinement. And a similar aggression of the ambiguity of the artist is a literary criticism of academic scholarship a desire to make certain what is done searches and to turn the flight across the sky to classify. That escapes category can escape altogether. There is the counter criticism that sustains the work of art but opening meetings to refight the possibilities of a greater worker of criticism can liberate a work of art to remain alive and engage in a conversation to keep feeding the imagination not against the interpretation but the killing of the spirit. Such criticism itself is a great art. And woolf liberates the text of a fictional character then demands liberty for a woman this gets to the up crooks that she is always celebrating of liberation but has going on into the broader world per demands for liberation so they could do institutional things and then to have full freedom to roam geographically Commission Recognizes this requires various practical forms of freedom and power and recognizes in of rome to often for intercom. So with universities and so whole world with the miserable experience that the playwrights do. She could get no trading in her craft or to get her dinner in a tavern at midnight . It is crucial elements of freedom. There is a secret person back there. [laughter] and the crucial elements that may be to find your work that to live for centuries. To embodies the absolute freedom to roam the question appears another way the professions for women the business of killing in the exhortations were her own. But to be in a court of law attracted selfdefense killed and the angel in the house the teacher was dead. And what remained was a common object. In other words, now the she had freed herself of falsehood but what is the woman . It did not believe that you know,. And i dont know a lot. In thin it shes said to tell the truth about my own experience with the body i do not take with has solved it is yet. In this it is very difficult to define. The most gracious noncompliance. It is almost unimaginable. The embodiment seems much more than james joyce but the way she looks that power may be gained that it could notice what Healthy People to and to to be transformed to. And it constitutes the mortises with the freedom arturs continue to explore and go beyond. She was an escape artist. But my own test these past 20 years has been to find it or describe for pleasures and meanings and possible to categorize. But to speak to the of quantifiable of the way of what can be measu