Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Hemp Bound 2014080

CSPAN2 Book Discussion On Hemp Bound August 7, 2014

Said you know africa more than i do can we invest together. So some of you maybe having information and moving to the this or other african countries, we know our continent and we are there with you and meet ch challen challenges and opportunities together. Thank you for joining me in the panel. [applause] our special booktv programming continues over the next several hours with a focus on marijuana. Beginning with doug fine on his book hemp bound dispatches from the front lines of the next agricultural revolution. In a little more than an hour you will hear from angela hawkin on marijuana legalization. And then the last pirate. We want to hear from you. Tweet us your feedback at twitter. Com booktv. Doug fine is up next talking about the hemp and argues with the relaxation of marijuana, hemp will become a billion dollar industry soon. This is about an hour. Hello and thank you so much for coming. I first met doug last year on colorado day, which is august 1st, when we found each other in front of the capital with the hoisting of the hemp flag that went up above our capital. I dont know if you were aware of that but mike bowman made sure there was a hemp i was going to be in arizona and so was he and we had lunch and grew fond of each other. And since that time our journeys went to varied places like maui, hoisted the flag over the capital on july 4th and moved the needle on where we are taking this. And colorado claims the grund on being the state that put all of this in motion ground there was the straw that breaks the camels back and colorado is going to lead the full ending of this prohibition nationally in a very foreseeable future. So it is a great honor and pleasure to introduce my dear friend, doug, who made a dent and mark in my life and spends time on a new mexico ranch milking goats when he is not out on the road helping educate the public about the opportunities before us. He has played an Important Role in changing the narrative on what we are doing here. With that i would like doug to come to the podium and please welcome my good friend and author, doug fine. [applause]. Thank you mike and linda. To be mentioned, let alone praised, for people that have done as much for colorado and also humanity means a lot to me. Thank you to Tattered Cover book store and this is the third visit here and you have been tremendous supporters. Thank you for having me back. For me to be speaking about hemp when more than a half dozen of the people, the heroes making this happen, are here in the audience tonight, is like giving a talk about boxing with ali in the audience saying i have to get my facts right but also honor these people. The book wouldnt have been written and we would not be seeing the rebirth of this and phot putting farmers back to work. We have hemp seeds she hopes will go into the her coffee soon. She asked for a blessing. This is nondenomnation here. Blessings to colorado, hemp, and humanity. And thank you come coming here tonight. Julie brought an airloom of a 1771 book printed on hemp paper. Thank you for allowing us to be up here. And thank you for the hemp plants and i can feel the Carbon Dioxide being sucked from the atmosphere. The hardest part of talking about hemp is not sounding like you are roommate with the lava lamp because after two years of research i stand here tell you the roommate with the lava lamp was right about the hemp plant. The time is happening now. How do we get the message across . This year is hemps biggest year in the possible 10,000 or certainly 77. Skipping colorados achievements for a minute the farm bill allows for University Research of hemp. It is great first step for people who have been activist for a long time it could be frustrating that only university approved research for the varieties of hemp are approved on the federal level and lets hope the federal agencies any dea agencies . Welcome if you are here. Thank you for coming, guys and ladies. The canadians put their drug squad to work inspecting their crops so we dont have to an across the job firing of the dea agents but come on board and stop saying those silly things about not being able to tell the difference between hemp and cannabis. It isnt true. The farm bill our congress did something and legalized hemp for the first time in 77 years. It matters. Research is okay for a couple times. Canadians did it and their industry is approaching a billion and growing 24 per year. Mike who is one of the two hemp heroes that give the introduction tonight this is him last july 4th in conservative buyers, colorado replacing gmo corn with hemp. It has been a magical year. Linda, jason, lowl, and shout out to eric hunter as well people that were involved in the legislative side of making this happen in colorado. Colorado is ahead of federal law. We were there in bolder on the first day agriculture was accepting permits for commercial hemp. Colorado is saying lets do it lets go. Lets generate the revenue from 300 per acre that Canadian Farmers are making on their hemp and that is ten times what they make on gmo corn. And for a show of hands, how many people know about this guy . There is going to be a statue of ryan loftland some day. He said i am going to print 50 acres of industrial acres in springfield on family land that is getting federal subsidies for the old way of doing things. Big Farm Business no, we are going back to hemp. He found hemp takes half the water that the wheat he was growing in that land takes and some of his neighbors for whom the reservoir is drying up might be able to heal the soil and get back to the land. Remember ryan. He is a hero. So i had no idea when i started researching hemp that instead of being laughed out of committee whenever the iconic clash in the house would bring the hemp bill forward and this was two years ago and i get this saying we will do hemp and he got excited and it is like the committees are like, yeah, no. Then all of a sudden it happens right when i am back from two years of World Wide Research on hemp and have a book about hemp coming out. Much more importantly than that, they made the wish in the books second paragraph come true. My plan the day hemp becomes legal is to begin cultivating ten acres of my land so my sweetheart doesnt have to import the material she does to make the shirts i wear. I would like to be buying colorado grown hemp for my girlfriend to make for hemp clothes. It is coming one step closer to reality. If we leave everybody here with one thought, what i am trying to implant in the Colorado University and then the u. S. Industly, you know north dakota, kentucky, california farmers are chomping at the bit and they read the agriculture journals and know the prices. It is a profitable crop. In farming there is a term dual cropping and it means you use one crop for more than one purpose. So what i would like to see it hemp is tricropping and that is main thing that i set out in hemp found. I got to ride in a limo that was powered by hemp. It was very comfortable. Bill altus, thanks for that. But the three, so i want to see tricropping with hemps. In every colorado processor i deally communityowned processor, farmers will bring their feed in, which is where the money is today we will talk about, it isnt a comp llicated thing pressing the oil. The gook coming down is an omega super food. I went to a university where they fed the laying hens hemp versus corn feed and the resulting eggs were market hot. The nutritional analysis was way higher content of good things in the hemp fed chickens. Seed oil, boom. It comes out and you market it regionally. The seed cake in the press makes fantastic animal feed. I know people that feed their pigs on nothing but that and compost all winter. Before tonights event, mike bowman and i talked about pigs that are hempfed in washington states and they are growing fatter and heathier in a study going on there. And that jives with a woman who said she remembered her dad planting hemp along the irrigation ditches as erosion control. So not just the terrible dust bowl in the heart land, but mali and subsaharan african. And then when planting irrigation was done in the fall they sent the cattle out and the cattle loved it and that jives with the study we see in the universities. There is your seed oil. I visited the biggest hemp mogul in canada. Sean crew. They are undergoing their fourth expansion in ten years. It wasnt that big of a factory. It doesnt take much to process oil. That is one section. There is your oil in one section. Second section we have this fiber obviously. Stronger than steel and they are in benze and bmws. There is a fiber application which is construction. Chop up the hemp fibers, mix with lime, and it makes a pink insulation that is better than the chemicalbased products. We are going to revamp the shelves of home depot. But the third element i want i want to leave you with is energy. In europe today, entire communities in germany and austria are becoming Energy Independent through an anaerobic compbustion product. The units are small and the army is investing in them and that could be in the corner of the factory connect today a grid or maybe a Community Electric cooperative getting rid of grids and making better and saver distributed grids. You can youtube austria and see this or look up the story of the german town that became fossilfuel free and are in control of their own energy. I would love to see American Communities do that and i would support and advertise it f. Fiber, seed oil and energy. We need the energy to happen. How many people have ready collapse . It is a scary story that in great civilizations he documents what went wrong and they sound eerily familiar. This is the modern day cambodia culture. For our purposes as neighbors i am your neighbor to the south and we new mexicans shared that area of the four corners. Talk about globalization. They were trading from seattle to costa rica. It looked good. Cities and trade routes and then it collapse. See if it sounds familiar to you. It is like poisoning the water supply, overdevelopment and followed by nutty right ring leaders at the end. Seriously. There is an idea the monuments get bigger and they say keep believing, sorry there is no clean water. We need to tackle this. And as a father i am more c confidant about this. I feel as though the carbon mitigation blue print is in place. Make sure you include energy this is what we call the upside of prohibition. The canadians have the varieties dialled in and ready for us. Americas Kentucky Hemp seed was the sort of beacon of the world. It led the world. Kentucky alone the first millionaire was a hemp mogul. Hemp was a big business in wisconsin, missouri, ohio not so much colorado but it will be now. There was approval for a hemp study in hawaii and we went to visit place that was a warehouse inside a warehouse and opened up a box and there was rotted beef. So we had to start from scratch with research. And people in the room, veronica is one of them, are starting that research now. But we can take the seed industry from canada. The fiber knowledge of china and europe. This is a european dutch factory that makes the fiber that goes into the bmws and mercedesbenz today. And make them all part of the first generation. This is fun. Mercedes doesnt put hemp fiber in its door panels because they are wearing tie die and throwing peace signs. It is because it is an inexpensive, strong force for their vehicles. The company, hemp flax, that provide the hemp have been at it for 20 years. And they have to jerry rig the process even. There is a learning curve, but you colorado residents out there know how to do it. They know how to do big agriculture and they know how to interact with the land around here. It isnt Rocket Scientist especially when it comes to seeds and that is where you should be starting; with seat cultivers. The federal agencies have to thorn feder allow the federal law and allow you to import seeds here. And University Research has been approved by the feds and you trying to bring the tax base back and put farmers to work, Colorado State, sorry to be calling you out, boulder and other areas you should be signing on with the farmers and conducting research. The canadians want to buy all of the oil and i love you canada and they have a ban on gmo hemp. But i would rather be Boulder County and wells county have regional processors of oil i can buy at my food coop. Chinese president s visits the hemp factories instead of using money to get rid of them. Why would chinas president do that . Cotton provides 30 of the worlds pesticides. So they are poisoning their soil and loosing productivity. They know what is going on. Because of the textiles because they girlfriend is interested in it, in the textile world the softness of a shirt you would buy at the mall, some poor bangladesh put it together probably, they call that hand. It is going to be soft. The soft hand. Reminds me of a sign field episode with george had the upper hand in the relationship once and he complains to the girl breaking up with him and said i had hand and she said you are going to need it. China is going into hemp fire because they have to. Cotton is toxic. The seed oil industry, lets hope one day that will just be the oil industry. It isnt Rocket Science rendering seed oil. You can do it. I have a list of some and there are more coming online soon. Great ones tonight. Chitchatting afterwards but we will have to step it outside as the bookstore closes after the q and a. So the oil is this super food. We cannot eat enough of the stuff. We buy 90 of the canadian crops. I am a smalltime rancher. So when i interviewed sean crew i said what about people like me, i have 40 acres and will plant 2030 when it is legal. And he said talk to the hand. If you are under a thousand acres you a hobby farmer. And you know, spoke it like a manitoba guy. A winnipeg jet fan. That is how you do it up there. And that is fantastic and fine. I am doing the math here. This isnt anything other than what people are declaring on their tax refounds. Canadians are getting 300 profit per acre so minimum 10,000 acres that is more than i made in book sales in my entire career after four books that farmers are making on oneyears crop in canada. I dont think you need to do that many acres. A man who was doing everything he could to get hemp to people told me dont let people say it has to be a mega crop, billion dollar industry, you have a network of farms going 1520 acres of hemp you can have a profitable industry. You all Work Together and own the processor and are joint investors. I am in the middle ground on this. I am fine with people having a mchemp sandwich at mcdonalds. That is fine with me as long as it isnt hmo. I am going to chose a local source. My goats cant wait to be fed hemp. They told me that during our morning meditation. It is really true. I start every day meditating with goats. It was one of the reasons i was thanking the politicals. I would like to thank the people that do the leg work in the colorado legislator and got the hemp industry going that is going to show the world what the plant has to offer humanity. They are dealing with human beings feeling all kind of energy and bookroom deals and i am milking goats and listen to mating calls. So thank you people in the trenches who made it happen. On the fiber side, things i look like hemp textiles like hemp paper. Bless you my publisher printing hemp bound on hundred percent recycled paper and they are going for it. They tried to make hemp happen on the First Edition of hemp bound and it isnt there anymore. It cannot happen on a mass market paperback. So they are talking about through grow hemp colorado sponsoring a colorado farmer and there is going to be a contest to grow the fiber that can go into the future edition of hemp bou bound. That might seem wild, but in winnipeg, canada, a government joined private industry isnt that wonderful . They are burning the fiber and they have a car and tractor build of hemp and it is out performing petro by every step of the way. They are not hipsters. They are scientist trying to figure out would work. Can you see this at your john deer factory . It is built from the hemp you colorado residents are going to manufacture vite manufacture. The first fiber killer app plant it for the seed oil, first generation, that is where the money is. Your fiber app, if you dont have the skills to do the sophisticated stuff like the textiles, Nano Technology and body armor how many people knew george bush seniors parachute twine was made of hemp that saved his life in world war ii . Construction is an easy low maintenance app. The test that are going on in universities in canada especially are showing hemp, crete and mixing with lime and they create carbon negative homes and out performing pink insulation and starting to be developed in load bearing application. I called up a company that is all over england and now they are selling it in in the United States. Chop up your fiber and sell it to the construction industry. What hemp creed is done right it creates a light and airy easy to pack. Concrete has to be heated up to thousands of degrees. It is intensely energy demanding. So i ask in the book, is this a nobrainer . You are building hemp houses and stores out of hemp. And entire subdivisions. Is it a no brainer . And he said it is nobrainer for anyone maintaining the structure they are developing. If you are just trying to do, you know, flipping stuff with whatever is cheapest god knows what toxcity and particle board and dry wall and flip it. Today in europe it is toss up on cost but the Energy Efficiency, durability and maintenance with hemp if you are thinking five years ahead is a nobrainer. But i went on sight in canada, ma manitoba, to a house they want to provide it as low income. And they are finding it is extremly mold and mildew and in hawaii they found termite resistant. I asked the real guys, not the pr people and the housing minister giving me the tour, i idea the guys with the construction hats what it was like to build with hemp insulation on the sight. And they said once we got the mixture figured out it was the best job we did. It is quick, you can paint or plaster over it and the Energy Efficiency is clear even in the middle of building the house. It took a couple days of experimenting with the mixture of hemp mixed with lime to find the consistency. It took a couple days of experimenting to

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