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I see the senator here. [applause] i want to thank our sponsors to night the Constitution Center they have put a premium our friend has foot on their premium to bring in all speakers and one of the things he said to me as head of the Constitution Center i want conservatives to know they have a home at the Constitution Center and he has work charged to make that happen also our sponsor of the show and introduced me personally last year to senator demint and listening to talk radio 1210. The first pocket constitution was from heritage this is founded 1973 research and educational institution, a think tank Whose Mission is to promote conservative policy based on the principles of Free Enterprise and limited government and individual freedom traditional American Values and a Strong National defense. In other words, the Heritage Foundation does in washington d. C. What i believe one block away our founders intended all of washington. That is why we are there. [applause] you have a great voice you should consider being in a radio. [laughter] my microphone must not be as loud as yours. Irritates has been around 40 years. It is a mental to get me running for Public Office in the first place at 47 i had never run for anything but third i was beating on the Television Set of friend of mine was a professor and i started to see the connection between Public Policy and i found out i was a conservative or that i was an american. And once i was in that house by the time they could make the phones ring when ive was trying to stop the legislation. The only organization and i would have left the senate. I count myself as one. You were a warrior ant when i heard you were leaving the United States senate i thought how can we lose him . How could he go . Nationwide you were a voice. Was it purely that heritage was that big of the draw . Or politically i am done . I was not burned out but i was encouraged 2010 to go outside the party structure. You might recall of certain 2010 election. I thank you endorse the guy over a specter . Pfiffner of the. Can i was lectured he could not win pennsylvania if they want to moderate their will generally go to democrat for those the understand they make life better but i went out on the limb but from rand paul and i had been in the senate long enough you could not change the senate until we change the people who are there. But after 2010 i saw all the pressures of washington cutting the legs out from the good guys and i had seen if you went outside of washington to engage people directly with good people you could do what everyone said was impossible. But i realize we could not win the debate. I could make a little bit of the difference that we have to be in a position to pass good legislation. Heritage was the centerpiece they had the intellectual integrity they started the Grassroots Network to keep washington more accountable. There is so much pretense they have a scorecard to help people to see what is going on so people hate to them that is the good case in washington in. To your credit political has identified you as the most hated man in washington [applause] senate i hope you dont feel that way yourself to night. If they like you in washington in you are probably part of the problem because everyone there is cozy with the status quo. Not everyone but the system is holding on. When you try to change it with the remarks i found not have the lobbyists in washington there were not happy when we ballot banned them. The very concept power to the individual the concept of earmarks perverted that in a huge way . Ltd. Did we were supposed to lookout invaded parochial as people came to washington to get money for their states it was coming from the federal government and it exacerbated the of mentality to keep spending and spending and both parties use it to stay elected that brought you the 5 million for a bridge or for the museum. That is what congress was about. So people hate congress will love that congressman. They do the average been cutting and they slapped their name on a placard to. We got away from the concept very little debate how to remake the country better and stronger to change the mindset to represent people that the idea was to take federal money to take it back home . That was not the concept. Congress has the power of the purse strings. They do but with it and enumerated powers and mentioned federalism. With the constitutional ideas of the federal government it was not compact between the states to leave the states free to operate and compete with each other was never envisioned it would be centrally controlling most aspects. That brings us to todays news. The deadline for obamacare where they celebrated and wit to though web site. It is april fools joke. [laughter] for those of us is in this part of the country talk about Chris Christie to the governors one has wavered but still firm on the expansion of medicaid. This goes back to the concept that the conservatives are cruel and heartless but when you open the door to except the matching funds you are tied to use the federal government and you lost control of the state. In order to lockean the states on Education Programs with various types of health care and food stamps is free money is Economic Development but but all the states know theyve got pushed back the sea that with the rejection of the of medicaid with common color where they were dangling with saliva of flexibility that teachers would not allow it if it had flexibility at all. I am encouraged states are realizing the only way to save the country is to push back. They have the power if they come together with School Choice is flourishing than other states began to copy. That means the federal government does not have to act. Pennsylvania will hopefully be the next place workplace freedom state that pushes back to get the gravy train off but good things are happening in this day and i write about those examples pennsylvania is benefiting. Why is it so radical . During the president ial debate . What three departments would you eliminate . It is strange but it almost seems jarring that dont Pay Attention when you talk about eliminating departments in the federal government some people bristle as though you have taken the lords name in vain. We have to convince people we year for education. And time after time the real strides are happening at the state level not the federal level and the Teachers Unions are not trying to help the students. You see that with the d. C. Scholarships helping hurting minority children to the evidence is beginning to unite around the country with the issues to bring more to is the spotlight as a conservative. Spinet that we do have to remind americans we wanted done right. You were in the senate with that devastating ruling where john roberts rules said attack says a lot of the land here we are too often wind the question and on our minds is kiev baby on weld . Even the president says the debate is over former white house chief of staff was on the Networks Today saying it is over. There even in sitting republicans in congress but still you will not open to end. So what do we do . I hope it is not true. It is giving up pledges american to accept socialized medicine that is the design of obamacare. Breed of it will fall apart in the private Health Insurance Market Canada to work. Over the next few months you will hear more calls for the single payer system. There is a Good Opportunity with this election and to use obamacare as said teachable moment. This fall or the president ial election . Both. It depends on what republicans can do if they take the majority to a delay to slow this down to allow the private Insurance Market to survive another two years to give states alternative. If we can buy some time cerro 2016 i think this can be unraveled. But if we dont you love the twotiered System People will buy Health Insurance and those who dont the doctors dont want to see you coming because they lose money. That is a major portion of the book to say let doctors be doctors love forever despite a gentleman who was said guest last night. Are dr. Carson. He has Ben Stiller Perry he is one of the guys with no warning the canary in the coal mine. Neurosurgeons like me this artist and the best what we are building repels. It will be hard to get people like him to go to school for over 30 with hundreds of thousands of dead to be something the bureaucrats will control how he practices medicine. It will be harder to attract the best and brightest. Unfortunately i had to speak after him. Everybody cheered but his story is a great story he grew up with the single mom in poverty you with a lot of racism and bad community but his neighbors, Church Groups and friends allowed him to grow up in a Good Environment to become fifth what he is today. The government cannot do that that helped dr. Ben carson is sexy. The phrase you used often little platoon. You went on the tv show. I will stick with the a platoons. John stuart picked up on that statement. The idea of the community solving problems they take the words and made use sound of community activism. Talk about churches and civic groups and to get something from Government Americans organize to do things themselves. So when americans all problems instead of telling the government they found a few friends and neighbors to solve the problem themselves. It is not only what works but that is what he calls affection for each other and that public affection for our country. You dont develop that glove from the top down but those that are closest to you for the country so as the main point of the book where the only country and world built from the ground up. That is why you cant have the most diverse population and live together in harmony most of the time because you and i care about each other so we dont have to believe but did dont like me and you dont like the government to the politics is dividing us. When it plays one against the other some succeed and some fail some resent it real forced into the same Health Care System if we allow a lot of choices people can live together to have that public affection that makes this country so vibrant. There is the instinctive desire for people to manage their own affairs locally. I dont know if some of left has created a sense of gloom they feel the only possible in answer cannot be me or my pastor or my city council and has to be big daddy still myth that is part of the pitch to convince people left on your own you can survive. The big special interest will take a vintage the rich people take advantage. We have to show a better way the examples all over the country is government does not help the little guy. He helps the rich. When the doors close and the bills are written the little guy is not in the room when Medicare Part d was written pharmaceutical companies were in the room with obamacare was written it was written by the Big Insurance Companies and hospitals he thought they would get a windfall with every american is forced to buy products they did not want to or need new york charters schools closing is a great example theyre not enough for the students. The Teachers Union and government working together not for the benefit of the students but themselves. Therein is a reason six out of 10 richest counties are in washington d. C. Not because they make a lot of stuff but Big Government fosters other bids and it concentrates well in the hands of a few. How many have been to washington d. C. Recently . In a blue my mind is that one of the only major cities where they are building . It looks like 1990s. It is like the gold rush. Bad government is growing bigger than it has ever been. But when power concentrates so does power over the dodd frank to protect the little guy eight written mostly by the big st. Banks that caused the problem in the american heart for Community Banks to succeed it happens all the time though lobbyist working with regulators creating a the Regulatory Regime that make hard for competitors to compete with. What i hope the book will do is convince americans to stop electing people regardless of party who say they will go to washington and fixings the only way they can fix things is to flesh out of washington where it to the longs. We have an opportunity to do that because the successes in our country are all around us that promote more choice in education and the states are developing their own energy. Even with some merit in Health Services so you dont need to bring things to washington we can see an honest debate youd be hardpressed to find any that was as promised in. Today i may a big deal about this but former chief of us have said something unbelievable how on Live Television if it did what we all know but if you played what he said on College Campuses on us time millenials would turn and i am paraphrasing although i know the economy is tough and money is tight behalf to buy the Health Insurance policies so Older Americans like we can reap the benefits. Those are his exact words. If you told the twentysomething on of a College Campus and i know you dont how of the bunch of money by giving it to me that is the story. On the side of conservatism. Millenials are the most rip off a generation in history. If we could just of communicate that i just want to tease them a little better. All the debts over the lifetime to pay a back with a lower quality of life. Social security and medicare be spent everything. Thank you you will work all your life the save with obamacare. It is all based on getting Healthy People to buy insurance they dont need to help people that are in firm. People say that is a good thing and pay their fair share but if you talk to people what they want with the freedom to choose they dont need to be given money they need a better education, creating their own opportunities and successes and to benefit. We cannot let everything played on them but so far they vote for the cool guy in and they are a ripoff. To the daily show we talk a lot about comedy and pop culture is noone the trouble conservatives have had a and some success solely to permeate the pop cultures senior year vidicon just decision to go with john stuart them that is almost impossible with the former senator from South Carolina but you sat there in the lot of people would not. Of why did you go . Is important for conservatives to go do battle . I owe it to his audience to talk about ideas that make their life better. I am sick of the failed promises of the left who trap people with dependency and steel self esteem duke lock the schoolhouse doors to give minorities and opportunity. I am tired of the lives and of misdirection of issues. Frankly john store has been reasonably good to ask his audience to be respectful. I dont expect to win the debate the audience will get on reify Say Something to good but it is funny. If you saw the first part he said later senator demint is with us and left the senate because it was so bad he went to a tank to think. [laughter] it went downhill from there. [laughter] but it was just to have a discussion that i could be reasonable that young people need to see the alternative to the terrible disaster they get from the left. To make america look like the detroit and so many people are disagreeing with almost what the left is doing but they still look of love for the other guy because they dont believe he cares. Not by opening the argument by showing up to speak to the Hispanic Chamber of commerce and i know they dont necessarily think they agree with the issues but they appreciate show ring of. See you feel day air of this side of caution to not even show up but 50 percent is just walking into the room . Vicos shows are designed to make you look bad. Forgive me but when i think about you to walk into a set with a host says dont beat him up too badly. [laughter] i dont know if i could. I thought it was worth the try and i did not have a lot to lose and it went reasonably well. I want to try to do more of its. We had meetings of all over the country with people that dont normally for iras. At what excites me is to talk to people but they agree with almost everything the importance of the good strong economy. Most people agree there should be no guarantees for outcome but equal opportunity. Host both from paul andrew rand paul was the rapid use following. I think theyre different but any other that i have seen there seems to be a core excitement with the last name paul. Any establishment common not following the status quo or not delivering the party line in to show their willingness to be independent. Theres a lot of libertarian thought some conservatives are afraid that i think frankly the foundation of libertarian conservative ideas is very much the same. Host to use red that needle at heritage . I know you dont identify by party. We dont. But the idea of individualism, less government, less debt, some of reasonable controls of the a federal reserve, there is a lot of commonality you will find libertarians like ron paul that billion life with a strong culture are key. But to be antisocial issues but there is a reasonable debate on Foreign Policy because we know that without american strength the whole world becomes destabilizing because of the perception of weakness it destabilizes and people will continue to test us. At the same time americans are tired of unnecessary intervention that we could transplant as our way of life. It does not work. We have to protect ourselves the best way to have peace is to have strength. I find when i talk with rand paul there is a Common Ground on defense but there is some concern the best way to stay out of favor or is to be so strong that no one will test you and so committed no one will test you. Event with Ronald Reagan basically he convinced the soviets and was determined to have of Missile Defense system was so strong it could destroy e. M. This president thinks human nature has changed and i think mr. Putin shows him otherwise. Host i will ask you about the political apparatus that i will get to audience questions and you will sign your booking and then catch the trayvon backs back to washington d. C. Your wife never moved in all of your political career she refused to move to washington d. C. She stayed in South Carolina where she stays today. [applause] i love it. That thing. That bubbled up we talk about that is Real Progress seen it happen. They leave the home setting then they go there and and move their then they run for reelection every six years after they buy some land not evening creatures of their own state or environment. Fisa i will limit my term. Six years. I did not want to become a part of it. You know, which is not a career you already counted yourself house a you can see the finish line to give it everything you have got you dont think intel after the next election when they said the Republican Congress i said paid to do it now. What is the heritage position and or your position . I dont condemn folks you dont limit their own terms. For me its was important for my own peace of mind to decide will not become a permanent fixture in washington. But i still think it is the best reform that could happen. The past to happen at the state level and i can tell you from visiting legislatures where they have term limits while it is not a perfect scenario it is much better than those who are tied in with so bobby community. You dont get marco rubio pushing their way to the senate. He was the the term limit out and wanted to continue to serve. It pushes the bright people in to federal officers and inmates at a harder for the old guys to defend themselves use steve brand paul, in the like they knocked them out. The ted cruz filibuster fight i think that was personification of the institution loathing anyone dared to show up to challenge they hated him because he was upset the cocktail party. I have to it meant i do not miss the senate that when i saw him there i wanted to be there with him. [laughter] there were some colleagues they just watch him and cannot stand him. There are. There is the reference to the status quo everybody builds the power base you shake it up and take away earmarks and we cannot raise the debt limit if he cannot land anywhere to read cheering crowds they would cut his legs but these guys take a lot of grief when you take on both parties my wife said she read the paper and said it republicans disagree and the democrats disagree had ever considered hugh you might be wrong . [laughter] but i dont think so conventional wisdom says you ellis have to govern and its get things done it is not just enough to fight but doing things if you just throw a Monkey Wrench to cause a big scene what have you accomplished . Do something. We have to govern. I have not seen a bipartisan compromise in many years that moves the country in the right direction. It does not exist anymore. Talking to one of my supporters no longer a compromise for the good of the country but making deals, closing the doors, in secrets, a big players you get something from me i get something from you the American People get ripped off. Every deal spends more money and experienced government and the only option and the republicans have is to say no more money. It is the only option when they controlled the house. People say you can do that but if you watch the polls they start climbing for republicans after the shutdown despite everything phase said. Host is there a justifiable anger to Party Leadership in washington . I will not name names but you know, who they are. Of lots of us dont feel they are effective. Are they part of the problem . And are they right to to launch primary challenges . I am disappointed. Primaries are good. I did not like them when i was in office and in South Carolina sometimes i was called a moderate people would try to get to my right. I made a harder for them. [laughter] but i think we owe it to to aerosols one of the reasons i and my heritage is to stop complaining about republicans. Goal lead and wins a debater solves. That is what you do every day on the radio. We have to convince americans our economy better, and once we do that to understand how to communicate that is a new priority to make sure be interesting and not only the right policies bahau to communicate to people. But those to float the other way. I am convinced just like 2010 republicans had nothing to do with said tea party. They did not even like get but the only blanc day blanc plus because of the tea party. A Grassroots Group of people that those the but pale blond tutu is start another parade i am working with other groups like let freedom ring. [applause] the conservative movement is to star at the parade knowing that politicians will jump in front. We have to convince them they can win elections with the right ideas. Know the consultant says pass this to wind. Pass this to win. You clinic to be a genuine and make life better and not divide people like the other side. [applause] host last question. You and i were talking about the makeup of the senate how many legitimate seats and there would be pretty seismic to not. Were not advocating for republicans we are nonpartisan hoping they will carry the conservative message and send me whatever in a candidate to an but despite the leadership that all of them are running on ideas and contrasting that with where theft purpose because of what the movement is doing people see but it looks like depending on the head to and there could be said huge Foreign Policy disasters. You could see america wake up. Part of the reason is to get america to look get things differently. If they could only remember what made this country great to in the first place were not like other countries santa the left tries to make us like other countries where everything is centrally managed that is not what makes us work if america avoid just think it is not about party about what works what made the country great what could make the future brighter and i think americans are starting to wake up. If they do it could be a dramatic election for conservatives to set the stage for a change of course, in 2016. Is harry reid clinically insane . The. [laughter] [applause] i have to know because you were there. Drop republican or heritage sure a thing just you and best you worked with him. Close the door perhaps of a drink or is he that certifiable . Actually we are friends. I dont like that. Good night. [laughter] we disagree on everything i read his book he read my book. Did he Pay Attention . He did but he has said different utopian philosophy we have to take the little guy with the Big Government. He is smart in to those the report media does the hold him accountable. If the republicans said nobody is hurt. I mean this. He seems like a nasty man personally nasty. He is tough and will fight for what he believes. What conservatives should expect and deserve is people in the house and senate who fight for what we believe. Host i will leave you alone. Dont get me started on chuck schumer. [laughter] were not as close. [laughter] that is almost as masondixon line as it gets. Is pretty clear that bluecollar conservatives stayed home on election day and but the real obsession is talking with workingclass conservative this. What must be said and done to bring them back . Consultants have of learn to fat said could kinds we dont want them to be involved as the back off with the activism of says she party. Of that as far as i am concerned cried kivas of wonderful garden called United States of america in we cannot take a pass. Our constitution says we the people are in charge in did you stay home then you are abrogating your responsibility. We can do that. We have to invite good people back into the process with sometimes as politics but hopefully we can make the idea is so persuasive will put more good people into the arena if they are supported then they will stay but if all day here is some limited is mostly what you wanted. They did not support the boondoggle i was so frustrated in washington is to do everything they could to marginalize me because i took a strong stand but every time i went around the country people would say thank you for fighting. What can i do . It kit it kept me going for the people in washington are wrong. America passed even the wrong people will do the right thing. If we have not created that yet meet and not need the names but i just parted my talk radio career in and to it was during the Bank Bailouts bush was leading in the obama coming i kicked him up to a republican and i was very critical. Summoned to dinner with him to get my head right to. [laughter] i have been told but with those people that you talk to faye know how the world works. They really do. They think of you that way. En to members. Of course, i oppose it and i still believe that was the wrong thing to do but that is the way you are treated for doing the right thing we have to change that culture to get enough people active civic they should be intimidated by us. Exactly. They are to a degree why we stop so we have bottled up the bad and duration bill but they know that if the id hidden of the basics and dash so remote talk about things that are going to unite does. You have used in mixed rooms you could see the bristling when you call them the Public Servant you work for me. We have gotten so out of whack. Lets get the elected god you work for me. You serve us it is almost offensive. It is stunning. Even worse the only oath of office is not to represent people thought that, or give them money but to protect and defend the constitution that limits what the government can do. [applause] host this is the great question. Why have there not been a legitimate Court Challenges . To of the executive orders event the work around congress with this president . Isnt susus the president. Different states challenged different aspects. And with two or three but congress cannot reverse a legislation put to be from means executive orders but to undermine our system is very dangerous. Some folks make the case know obamacare is not a law the way it has been implemented. We just have to keep the fight to an folks say we need to compromise common core. I experienced this at the house i have never seen the third grade math problem looks like algebra in college. I am not kidding. I cannot help my third grader with a mass. It is insanity but can anything be done to stop it . And what is it for those that dont know . Common core is another example of the federal government putting a cover sheet on a proposal that misleads what it is. There were ideas of standards at the state level in florida that worked but when you bring that to washington to say everybody does this suddenly you kill what made it work in the first place the competition competition, innovation once it is of one size fits all for all 50 states everyone teaches to the test like we saw was no child left behind and the innovation against to diminish. This was promised to be voluntary. But what happened as we have prodded to use their attention of what it does and people said what is on the cover is not what it is. That is why you see of very deliberate process have they are backing a note and you will see more and more states may need federalism 50 states competing and all over they copy in making a better but common core kills that. Host what are the chances a full repeal of obamacare . Will never be undone . You hear republicans hispanic kid defense sees it we will in dash but is this bill i model a Central Control so we need to go back to those ideas to give the individual a vice with the same tax treatment you give the country allow them to anchor gate employees to screaming with south island dash my icl policy in the savings account that has plenty of money to pay for my Office Visits but if i f6 that means trouble. Kick it is not for everyone but if we could just stop the implementation. If i was in congress by when never again support anything with 1 for obamacare and will hurt the Health Care System and its up for it and continue to fight for full repeal of obamacare. [cheers and applause] host it is funny i am told people will drive to do delaware for of flat screen television. [laughter] to save on the tax issue we do these things all the time. We go find the best deal. They go to best why we do that all the time but yet we have accepted the notion we cannot do that with our Health Insurance and washington has to solve that. You get a. Preaching to the choir. How do we convince citizens to sacrifice entitlements for the good of the country . How to convince somebody to sacrifice . He is thus sterling as they come and they even separated him. Kentuckians Social Security and medicare people are entitled because they paid for its. Veterans benefits they are entitled because they earn to them. Obamacare medicaid and food stamps welfare is not the entitlement because they did not pay for them. It is public charity. Can i am sure that will get me into trouble but you need to recognize what is paid for. We need to honor promises what they paid for but it does not jeopardize if we give younger workers better choices. In fact, it to make it more sustainable and a guarantee i get Social Security. Or medicare. So to check try to change a program for the younger people is ridiculous. What is suggested from the employer plan that pays for part of the policy and you pay part of it is the same concept for medicare with retirement it will pay part of the premium so you can keep getting and you pay the other part progressive savings the government money and to stay on their own plan in does not push granma over the cliff it doesnt affect anybody who was honest but young People Better returns is. But when paul ryan introduced Something Like that they would run for the hills. We need it boldly shampoo will let dave campaign in the house came about. We had some problems but we applauded the fact that some people said we have no way dia bubbly need to promote to show alternatives to defend them in the making feat other side the issue. Of made me spinet the left is exceptional in and become note with pie charts then the spreadsheets. We need to talk about the children by a name that got the washington d. C. Scholarship got out of the Failing School is a third grade ended down in a college. That book will talk about virginia ford who heard child got actually a neighbor pate to get her son in a school that succeeded now she goes all over the country to help start charter in an alternative schools. Just i had as i had to do in years of advertising does not explain the details of product to talk about the benefits of using it and how its going to make their life that her. Thats a challenge and the irony of heritage this year is to continue our intellectual integrity that comes from our research but to connect that intellectual integrity in reallife terms with people all over the country. Im reading from philly. Com march 30. I dont know if you caught him print or on line. You wrote i love the city philadelphia. The flood of history and the sheer number of great americans who work in philadelphia and the best governing document in the world. It gets me every time. It does us too and we are glad you were there to defend washington. Ladies and gentlemen jim demint. Thank you, folks. [applause] [applause] folks thanks for coming. The senators going to stick around and sign some books. Thanks very much for listening to talk radio. It means a great deal to all of us. Thanks for coming tonight and have a great weekend. [applause] [inaudible conversations] last week booktv attended the san antonio book festival in texas in partnership with the texas look festival held annually on the state state capl grounds in austin. The festival hosted more than 90 others who discussed a variety of topics. Booktv covered several events from the San Antonio Public Library on the federal debt, cesar chavez local san antonio history the nsa. We kicked off her coverage of the san antonio book festival with houston mayor bill white on the history of federal debt limits. And please introduce to leave his conversation with the honorable bill white whose new book americas fiscal constitution its triumph and collapse has just been pushed. Former three term

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