Transcripts For CSPAN2 Bill Clinton 20170206 : comparemela.c

CSPAN2 Bill Clinton February 6, 2017

Another day or so. Im one of the coowners of politics and prose. We both welcome all of you and also on behalf of our great staff. A few housekeeping announcements before we get going. Most of you have been here so you know the drill, but if anybody doesnt, michael will speak about his book the first half of the program that he will be happy to take questions. We only have one microphone and its right here so hopefully you can make it appear and this is being recorded so it is helpful to become helpful to if you want to ask him something. If you have a cell phone or other noisemaking device. We have plenty of copies of the book and its a pretty cool looking book. Plenty of copies up front so you can go get one and have him sign it appeared at the table. And if you wouldnt mind also folding up your chairs at the end and putting them to th to de that wilthe sidethat will expedg and in easier exit and it will also make the staff very happy. We appreciate that. I just want to make two announcements. One, we have been posting some teachings starting this month we have one on Civil Liberties in the next one will be in february. We are mailing out the dates and it will be on Immigration Reform followed by trying for one a month so if you are interested please check the website. I dont know how many of you have been to them. Theyve been very well attended and quite spirited. Its been a really interesting project that we are happy about and encourage you to attend. On a lighter note we want to call your attention to some new items downstairs at the coffeehouse. The recipe of the month is excellent and we continue to have the changing literary so please check out the menu items. Im going to try to resist making a comment about my intake as of the last week. But moving on it is a pleasure to host michael here at politics and prose. Even in the month that featur fd a president ial inauguration backtoback with one of the biggest social protest marches we seem we cant get enough politics and politicians around here and michael will be amplifying the discussion. Many of you know him as a special correspondent or you have read his excellent work in the new york review of books and in addition to writing extensively on the Current Affairs hes the editorinchief and that democracy and was the executive editor of prospect and the guardian and is the author talking about bill clinton. Im introducing him in the book for the president ial speechwriter but i assure you i am very unbiased and objective. The book is the latest installment in the series published and edited by the eminent american historians arthur sloss ensured junior. We think that weve counted correctly and this brings the total to 43 of the now 45. Barack obama for obvious reasons so congratulations on filling the big hole with bill clinton. I just want to say that he is in very esteemed company. They are distinguished academics and journalists but it is without a doubt true he drew the shortest straw and its been commented on wisely. There is an enormous amount is quite voluminous for the challenge to anyone trying to write the story in brief. Its in the 150 pages. So we congratulate you again. Please welcome michael. [applause] good evening everyone. Thank you for those kind words and thank you for doing this. Its very nice to know that its in such good hands. Its nice to see this turn out to talk about a politician. [laughter] being called about 11,000 times after the election because i predict a different outcome i have had a lot of company in predicting that so i dont feel too bad about it but the point was driven home on my twitter feed consistently and regularly. [inaudible] he was a very consequential president put his stock is at a low point right now. I think in some ways it makes it interesting to examine bill clinton from that perspective through that lens to talk about where his legacy stands today and where it stood then and where it stood over the course of the past 15. Instant finally where it stands today. And we are here under different circumstances. When they asked me to write this installment i was flattered and i was happy to be asked to join. Yes but for that reason i was thinking this could work out pretty well. There might be quite a lot of renewed interest. It didnt work out that well. Before i get into talking about the book i will do a short reading selection. We must acknowledge the current reality and i assume some of you are interested in asking about bill clinton that some of you are interested in asking about other things going on that we are either obsessed with or panicked about right now. If you want to do that, thats fine we can us could use the q. A session however you want to use it. The thing i learned as i was researching this book but i had known but had forgotten, he had a reputation and thats all the pundits said he puts his finger in the wind and he does what the polls tell him to do. If you dig a little deeper, no. He followed his compass. Sometimes i agree with that and sometimes not. He followed his own belief system more than he was given credit for at the time and he did some unpopular things that were hard to do. His intervention in 1994, which im sure many of you remember that was a hard thing to do. Do you remember that circumstance he was a man of the left and a land reform or. The people of haiti where desperate for someone to do something to help them restore their rightful president and the only person that could do anything along those lines was the United States of america so the cold war had just ended and here was a president using the power of the American Military not to install a dictator in guatemala and iran but to install someone the United States had no such vested interest and was a person of the left, not the kind of person we supported during the cold war. It didnt necessarily end while a buddy was a brave thing to do. It was the veto of the partial birth abortion 1999 to set the stage a little bit, congress then in republican hands passed a bill outlawing the partialbirth abortion that the elite he stood firm and made a veto. There were things he didnt get credit for because he had a reputation that went all the way back. Looking at the Vantage Point today, the obvious thing would be he took a hit dog from the right but from the left and subjected the record by Hillary Clinton herself. The black lives Matter Movement challenged her and him, bill clinton and Bernie Sanders and the populist weighing. But for many other things as well. So the complex efforts and decisions that constituted the legacy that were thought of as positive and Going Forward to the bush years suddenly were anathema in that they were things that Democratic Party should never have done. We havent seen a president ial reputation forth like that. And i was struck often and i wrote a lot of columns on these lines trying to remind people of the context. I became a bigger supporter as it became clear to me how insane he drove the rightwing there must be something about him i am missing. I used to joke with friends im part of the few proud during the scandal. [laughter] at the beginning i was not a great fan but i recognized all the things he was doing the Democratic Party had to do some of these things. So the last three president ial elections in a row and i dont think that happened ever, it happened to the party going back 50 years before then so that was a crisis to lose three in a row. If you lose two of them you think you can write it off to the charisma and personality. Ronald reagan had something special. But when you lose the third one, it is time to take a look in the mirror and do something about all different. So they founded the council in 1984, 85 and had seen bill clinton gave a speech. He said there is this guy. He said it to him and recounted it and said i want you to become the Leadership Council will travel and meet a lot of people and you will give a lot of speeches and run for president and when and we will both be important people. He said that sounds good to me and thats what happened. He had a lot of talent of course but to return to the decisions, the Democratic Party did have a sorry reputation with respect to issues like crime. This was 25 years ago new york city was topping 22 homicides a year and its back down to around 400. Welfare was an issue and you all know of a story you dont need me to tell you this. There is a reason to take the positions he did and its worth remembering that whether you agree or disagree it is worth remembering that he did take those positions and when and he did probably save the Democratic Party. They probably would have lost again. They dont have any appreciati appreciation. It was necessary to become a Majority Party again. I had fun writing this section of the book. Over the course of a couple of chapters. It was something that was never confronted and i talked about this in the book. We live in an age of polarization and that started at the level that we understand n now. First of all, the media changed. They started before it became a thing in the 1990s. Another new thing in 1990s was the media again for the first time in history this went back which told people you have to represent both sides. Everybody in the media is a bunch of liberals. Then came his imitators. So you had a conservative media apparatus that happened for the first time and came together and hillary didnt know how to handle it and she botched the response to the whitewater thi thing. Under other influences it became intensely partisan than the Republican Party have ever been. Another thing that happened is the rise of Grover Norquist never to raise income tax goes after george h. W. Bush raised income taxes. To this day, not a single housee republican or senator voted for a tax increase. Think about how much the changed politics. Up until that point and 83, 84 when it came time to raise taxes we would raise them and thats what happened. They pushed through jfks tax cuts. My point is before 1992 they were not against the tax increase. That changed politics. Clinton walks into these areas that no president ever faced. My telling of the story discusses how on the one hand, it happened because of the government shutdown. Do you remember that he met her in a shutdown so if there had been no partisan effort to two of them would have never met so lets start with that. Then, there was a group of people and it probably wasnt fast bu that there was a rightg conspiracy trying to catch bill clinton in a perjury trial around the issue of some woman that he had slept with so there were all of these lawyers detailed in the book that i have it in a short version so there was a group of lawyers that called themselves the elves so that Kenneth Starr could interview bill clinton and get him to lie about it but they were only grasping at straws and they didnt have anything solid. I dont want to do all of that too much. We should talk about other aspects of his presidency and legacy. I wanted to talk about it to set up a short reading im going to do. Which is from a day in August August 1998. When bill clinton finally had to tell the truth to us about the nature of his relationship with monica lewinsky. Im sure you remember that night it was the same day that he had been by with his attorneys and asked point blank about monica. And he told the truth, more or less. And he knew was going to be leaked out so he decided he better go on tv. So this starts a couple of days before actually. On saturday morning, august 15, 1998, bill clinton woke up his wife and told her the truth. He said he was ashamed and sorry but he cannot tell anyone, even her at the time because he didnt want to be ran out of office with the flood tide that was his deposition in january. Then he told his daughter. The fights mightve decided to hand him an easier day work was that there is a terrorist attack in long island. On the fateful day of the deposition the speechwriter wrote, the west wing was ghostly note on. [inaudible] when asked whether he was physically intimate with monocle galinsky, he read a statement acknowledging conduct that was wrong but stop short of intercourse and thus do not constitute sexual relations as he had understood the meaning of the term engineer 17. There was a previous deposition. The question continued for four hours. Clinton said he never asked anyone to live. The whole thing whole thing wrapped up around 6 30 p. M. The white house staff agreed in advance that clinton would have to address the nation that night. Two speeches were prepared. One that would express only the act but the other who did that. Top top aides argued that clinton should just go full contrition. A stonefaced hillary said you got yourself into this mess and only you can decide what to say about it. Clinton. Clinton comes still be so speaking from the same room as what he was questioned he went from the angry. He said i did have a relationship that was not appropriate. Then he said this is going on too long, cost too much, and her too many innocent people. Now, this matters between me, the two people i love most, my people i love most, my wife and my daughter, and our god. I must put it right. It is private and i intend to reclaim my private life for my family. Snow anybodys business but ours. The poll suggested most people would agree but he was savaged by the pundits. The next day, the first remove the for their long Summer Vacation on marthas vineyard. The cameras lingered on the backs as they walked across the white house lawn toward marine one. Hillary on the left, bill on the right, and chelsea in between them. Holding both parents hands. With his other hand, the president held the leash of his new dog, the well named, buddy. Alisa was was observed he had one friend in the picture. So. That is that. But you know he came out of that pretty well, didnt he . I mean his Approval Rating through the whole thing never went below 60 . Usually was 65 or 66 or 68. Should he resign no, the huge majority, should he be impeached, absolutely not, the massive majority. Do you approve of the job hes doing the job is doing as president . Of course we do. 74 75 . Bombed iraq, the night the house voted the articles of impeachment, to remember that . People thought it was awake the dog thing. Everybody thought thought it was awake the dog thing. I think we all know know that the joint chiefs of staff are not going to order a bombing raid to get the president s chestnuts out of the fire. Its not going to happen. Bombing raid approval, 70 percent. Even Newt Gingrich said the president did absolutely the right thing today. So he was, by that time a really popular, really successful and really surefooted president. There is no question that he wouldve won the third term if he couldve stayed in. He left on what for him was a frustrating notes in that remember the last thing he was trying to do was the middle east peace deal. I do a pretty good job of discussing that in the book, although its very short. His own retelling of the in my life is quite riveting. There are some good versions out there too. But literally every second, down to the last second of his presidency as it was ticking away. As he was doing his duty by the way to ensure the peaceful transition of power, he privately found the decision absolutely appalling but he didnt say that. It wasnt his job. His job was to ensure the peaceful power but he was trying what he could to get middle east peace. He got the israelis to agree to the most remarkable set of concessions. That they they had never agreed to before. And he went back to arafat and he said yes, look at what they done, you have to go for that. He called them up and the saudis, and he called others and he said talked him into taking this their crazy they dont take this. And then he walked away. Arafat did not have the guts to do it. And arafat called him the day before he left office and said to him, i just want to thank you for all your efforts mr. President. You are a great man. Said im not a great man, im a failure failure and you have made me one. So, an interesting complex man. He got a lot done, did a lot of necessary things and did a lot of very good things in the face of the opposition that no president had ever faced before. If his legacy is a little bit down right now, i think there will come a point when it will come back up. That time, depending on how things go in the next four years may come sooner than we think. Thank you all for listening to me. ,. [inaudible] thank you for being here. To bill clinton cooperate . And if, how . Know. And i asked him to. I asked him for an interview. Its usually not been the case for these books that the authors receive any cooperation. How would they cooperate after all . But, i thought since hes alive and since i know a man ive interviewed him. I dont know well but ive interviewed him and i know plenty of people in that orbit who are in the white house. I thought its worth a shot. Maybe output and interviewing is in a blog or something. And then they considered it seriously, but then said no. They didnt really say why. So im just speculating here but i suspect it was because it was during his wifes president ial campaign and they did not want him to slip up and say anything that he wasnt supposed to say. I did get cooperation from some of the folks who were around greenberg and a few others. Inc. You for your talk. Im from the younger generation, bore 92, the year he was elected. I agree, i think my generation should be better informed about bill clinton, specially now that barack obama has completed now that barack obama has completed his presidency. Lester democratic president s both lasted two terms and with the rocky times. The comparisons notably going to rise. What would you say to inform people for my age of bill clinton, specially when barack obama with their more familiar with . Thats an important question. I hope you people are interested in reading this. If they want to get a good sense of the guy without having to read is 600 page hundred page door stopper this is where you come. As a set of my remarks. A lot of the things he did that young peoples would disagree with. You need you need to understand the context of the time. The Democratic Party was perceived in a different way and theres also there is no sense at that time that there is any public

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